Don't get me into your dispute with the editor, The OP / Article is all he could do with the time he had. Though I will suggest to the person who wrote the OP to avoid getting into these situations and not post such articles if indeed he gets paid to make them. Write about something you know more of so you earn the money you're paid.
For the record, this article was a part of our PAX East coverage. He was covering the event, at which he was able to get 15 minutes of gameplay so that was what he wrote about. In future, now that he is in the beta, I would expect to see a more detailed preview in the future.
Thanks for the update on what most of us appreciate will be a massive hit and another chalked up by Blizzard. Was it really 10 years ago brings back some great memories. Again thanks for the update.
And to the pedant that lurk on this site Trolling, what a class example of what being a douche can do for you. Just had to laugh at the thought police.
________________________________________________________ Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
"We did the same thing with Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age."
Get ready for the Starcraft 2 adverts on
You guys are so transparent...
*rolls eyes*
Yes, you're right. The only reason we ever run articles here is because someone bribes us with ads. You've cracked the code.
Or, the actual truth of the matter is that we don't have any trouble attracting advertisers to the site and that the Dragon Age ads that were run, had nothing to do whatsoever with any editorial content we may have produced and only one of the three games you accuse us here of taking ad money for coverage of was in actuality advertise here.
So, you have the choice: Crackpot consipracy theory or rational explanation. Believe whatever you want.
people are so upset about this being on this website, but it comes down to one thing money if anyone knows anything about advertising they make more money on that then all there subscriptions of WoW so this site just natually has to do it cause for same reason it's just good buisness no matter if this is an mmo site this game will be huge so the top MMO site has to put it on a article cause more people will see that article on this site then most sites and that makes more money, i also bet other sites like ten ton and others and more MMO sites have the same thing. Just comes down to the mighty $$$$$$ nothing more then that so if you want to display ur disgust don't buy it simple as pie.
I would like to comment here on game I have been playing. Star Wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition, I feel this game is quite awesome for a pc release. I am having a blast with this game and fell like a real badass jedi. The cinematic scenes are really neat and the story seems to move well and follow the Star Wars universe. I looking forward to the force unleashed 2 when it is released. I hope you enjoy my thoughts on this game and hope you will find time to play it. If I put this review in the wrong place then I'm sorry, it just seem appropiate to post it here.
Smarter than the average bear? That is assuming bears are smart.
Don't get me into your dispute with the editor, The OP / Article is all he could do with the time he had. Though I will suggest to the person who wrote the OP to avoid getting into these situations and not post such articles if indeed he gets paid to make them. Write about something you know more of so you earn the money you're paid.
For the record, this article was a part of our PAX East coverage. He was covering the event, at which he was able to get 15 minutes of gameplay so that was what he wrote about. In future, now that he is in the beta, I would expect to see a more detailed preview in the future.
I know Stradden, I'm not the one arguing it's a bad article... it's merely from our point of view not enough to merit getting paid to do it. At least that's the way I see it. I still suggest in the future waiting to write an article about something until there is sufficient knowledge to merit writing something.
A quick mention to the fact a SC2 Beta Preview is coming at the bottom of some other article / blog would have prevented all this trouble.
If anyone wants to play with me in the Beta my ID is Kevin.lee
P.S. I'd stop arguing with the people making a big deal out of this... feeding the fire doesn't help from my experience.
I actually appreciate the fact the article was on this site. I read it and while it didnt contain a whole lot of info...not suprising since you cant get a whole of of info in a setting like that...what the article did not contain is as constructive as what it did contain. The game exists and its not a pile of crap...sometimes thats all we really need to know at this stage.
And yes I think over half the people on this site are simply gamers. We just happen to play MMO's as one of the styles of gameplay that is currently enjoyable at this point in time. So having articles on other games that are highly anticipated and expected to be major hits is in my opinion reasonable. Its not like they tricked anyone into believing they were reviewing an MMO and didnt reveal the single player/multiplayer aspect untill after the fact.
This kinda crap has got to stop. Blizzard is just a company that provides high quality video games. They've earned a lot of respect in software development circles.
It almost seems like you guys ( writers) feel the need to apologize for speaking positively about Blizzard.
No apology necessary. They're a damn good company that releases damn good games and has for a long, long time.
I was thinking the same exact thing. If anything, people should be thanking Blizz for making such high quality games.
I think the only people who may hate Blizzard are "other" game developers trying to compete with them because they don't have as much talent as Blizzard does, so they feel the need to bash them in order to make themselves feel better.
"We did the same thing with Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age."
Get ready for the Starcraft 2 adverts on
You guys are so transparent...
*rolls eyes*
Yes, you're right. The only reason we ever run articles here is because someone bribes us with ads. You've cracked the code.
Or, the actual truth of the matter is that we don't have any trouble attracting advertisers to the site and that the Dragon Age ads that were run, had nothing to do whatsoever with any editorial content we may have produced and only one of the three games you accuse us here of taking ad money for coverage of was in actuality advertise here.
So, you have the choice: Crackpot consipracy theory or rational explanation. Believe whatever you want.
I never claimed it was the only reason.
But it IS a reason.
Having content on a website that is called, and said content has no relavance on said genre.. coupled with the fact that you frequently run adverts for those games....
I mean it seems like an identity crisis.
Your either an mmo site, which is what your web address says.
Or.. your a video game site, and everything is fair game.
which is it? cause I don't think you guys seem to know the difference.
You run articles for games that are not mmo's, on a site called ""... and either at the same time, before, or later.. run adverts for the same game.
Hey I got no problem with you coming up with revenue for advertising for games, just wish you guys would be a little more transparent, cause its pretty obvious for anyone to see.
"We did the same thing with Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age."
Get ready for the Starcraft 2 adverts on
You guys are so transparent...
*rolls eyes*
Yes, you're right. The only reason we ever run articles here is because someone bribes us with ads. You've cracked the code.
Or, the actual truth of the matter is that we don't have any trouble attracting advertisers to the site and that the Dragon Age ads that were run, had nothing to do whatsoever with any editorial content we may have produced and only one of the three games you accuse us here of taking ad money for coverage of was in actuality advertise here.
So, you have the choice: Crackpot consipracy theory or rational explanation. Believe whatever you want.
If you refused to accept advertiding dollars from companies on who's products you report on, then you wouldn't get these kind of accusations.
You may dismiss them as "crackpot conspiracy theories" but as long as those ads are there, they do hold a grain of truth to them. What's important isn't how you view this site, but how the sites readers and outsiders view the site.
To get back to the actual topic. I'm in the Starcraft 2 beta, i played the heck out of Starcraft for years and honestly, playing SCII, i see no reason its taken blizzard this long to make a game thats this incredibly similar to the old one. Now i'm not saying they should have reinvented the wheel or anything, Starcraft was a fantastic RTS, but what i am saying is, seriously? Hasn't this game been in development for 6 years or so now, and THIS is all they could come up with? Graphically its nice sure, i like the new music, but in a lot of cases, the game plays just like the original, and people on definately seem to think so too with some minor exceptions(Terran mauraders come to mind.)
I'm glad i got into the beta, cause now i can see i don't want to give blizzard 60$ or 100% for either version of this game when it comes out. I don't even play the beta anymore because it just feels like im playing a graphically updated version of a game from 10 years ago.
"We did the same thing with Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age."
Get ready for the Starcraft 2 adverts on
You guys are so transparent...
*rolls eyes*
Yes, you're right. The only reason we ever run articles here is because someone bribes us with ads. You've cracked the code.
Or, the actual truth of the matter is that we don't have any trouble attracting advertisers to the site and that the Dragon Age ads that were run, had nothing to do whatsoever with any editorial content we may have produced and only one of the three games you accuse us here of taking ad money for coverage of was in actuality advertise here.
So, you have the choice: Crackpot consipracy theory or rational explanation. Believe whatever you want.
I never claimed it was the only reason.
But it IS a reason.
Having content on a website that is called, and said content has no relavance on said genre.. coupled with the fact that you frequently run adverts for those games....
I mean it seems like an identity crisis.
Your either an mmo site, which is what your web address says.
Or.. your a video game site, and everything is fair game.
which is it? cause I don't think you guys seem to know the difference.
You run articles for games that are not mmo's, on a site called ""... and either at the same time, before, or later.. run adverts for the same game.
Hey I got no problem with you coming up with revenue for advertising for games, just wish you guys would be a little more transparent, cause its pretty obvious for anyone to see.
This was a post about a game "demo" review and then it turned into a post about the right that the game had to be on this site and now it has turned into a post of conspiracies and conjectures.
This is a gaming site, be it MMO or other, it is still a gaming information site. Who cares if this article does not pertain to an MMO? Big deal! Get over it, move on, and stop crying over spilled milk!
This site has a GENERAL section and what could be the discription of that section you might ask? Well it is this:
A place to discuss non-MMORPG gaming.
Where was this article posted you may ask? in the GENERAL section!
All sites have a general section of some kind so that other topics can be discussed that may not pertain to the main topic of the site. I come to this site to read articles, reviews, gamer reactions, and so forth, but there are times when I have to pick too much crap from today's generation of gammers to actually get to the posts that matter.
"We did the same thing with Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age."
Get ready for the Starcraft 2 adverts on
You guys are so transparent...
*rolls eyes*
Yes, you're right. The only reason we ever run articles here is because someone bribes us with ads. You've cracked the code.
Or, the actual truth of the matter is that we don't have any trouble attracting advertisers to the site and that the Dragon Age ads that were run, had nothing to do whatsoever with any editorial content we may have produced and only one of the three games you accuse us here of taking ad money for coverage of was in actuality advertise here.
So, you have the choice: Crackpot consipracy theory or rational explanation. Believe whatever you want.
I never claimed it was the only reason.
But it IS a reason.
Having content on a website that is called, and said content has no relavance on said genre.. coupled with the fact that you frequently run adverts for those games....
I mean it seems like an identity crisis.
Your either an mmo site, which is what your web address says.
Or.. your a video game site, and everything is fair game.
which is it? cause I don't think you guys seem to know the difference.
You run articles for games that are not mmo's, on a site called ""... and either at the same time, before, or later.. run adverts for the same game.
Hey I got no problem with you coming up with revenue for advertising for games, just wish you guys would be a little more transparent, cause its pretty obvious for anyone to see.
This was a post about a game "demo" review and then it turned into a post about the right that the game had to be on this site and now it has turned into a post of conspiracies and conjectures.
This is a gaming site, be it MMO or other, it is still a gaming information site. Who cares if this article does not pertain to an MMO? Big deal! Get over it, move on, and stop crying over spilled milk!
This site has a GENERAL section and what could be the discription of that section you might ask? Well it is this:
A place to discuss non-MMORPG gaming.
Where was this article posted you may ask? in the GENERAL section!
All sites have a general section of some kind so that other topics can be discussed that may not pertain to the main topic of the site. I come to this site to read articles, reviews, gamer reactions, and so forth, but there are times when I have to pick too much crap from today's generation of gammers to actually get to the posts that matter.
I am disgusted.
did you read the address bar in your browser? it says sure its Non RPG section, but not for front page articles.
Guys, we're not listing the game, we're just doing an article on it. If you think a ton of MMO gamers aren't also looking toward Blizzard's RTS, you're wrong. We do our best to bring stories that are going to be of interest to our readers and we think that this is. We did the same thing with Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age.
If you're not interested in reading about non-MMOs, then don't click on it.
Personally I don't mind, as I agree with your point. There are most likely quite a few people here who are interested in this game. I don't see a big deal really at all, whether it be for the purposes stated above or even another more ominous reason you're not telling us. It's just a game and this is just a gaming website, the two go hand in hand. Whether the game is an MMO or not, there's going to be an interest in it.
I still would like to see what you guys think of Red Dead's multiplayer functions if you get around to it:).
Flawed logic.
I am interested in girls and fast cars as well (so I guess alot of other people who visit this site). So should it start reviewing cars and show pictures of hot chicks that are not MMOG related?
I visit this page to read about MMOGs, please keep it that way.
After reading all of the other replies first, this made me laugh.
I personally have no problem with info about non-MMO games being posted in the articles section. I just don't think the info was even worth an article in this case.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
Guys, we're not listing the game, we're just doing an article on it. If you think a ton of MMO gamers aren't also looking toward Blizzard's RTS, you're wrong. We do our best to bring stories that are going to be of interest to our readers and we think that this is. We did the same thing with Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age.
If you're not interested in reading about non-MMOs, then don't click on it.
Guys, we're not listing the game, we're just doing an article on it. If you think a ton of MMO gamers aren't also looking toward Blizzard's RTS, you're wrong. We do our best to bring stories that are going to be of interest to our readers and we think that this is. We did the same thing with Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age.
If you're not interested in reading about non-MMOs, then don't click on it.
Personally I don't mind, as I agree with your point. There are most likely quite a few people here who are interested in this game. I don't see a big deal really at all, whether it be for the purposes stated above or even another more ominous reason you're not telling us. It's just a game and this is just a gaming website, the two go hand in hand. Whether the game is an MMO or not, there's going to be an interest in it.
I still would like to see what you guys think of Red Dead's multiplayer functions if you get around to it:).
Flawed logic.
I am interested in girls and fast cars as well (so I guess alot of other people who visit this site). So should it start reviewing cars and show pictures of hot chicks that are not MMOG related?
I visit this page to read about MMOGs, please keep it that way.
I am interested in girls and fast cars as well (so I guess alot of other people who visit this site). So should it start reviewing cars and show pictures of hot chicks that are not MMOG related?
I visit this page to read about MMOGs, please keep it that way.
I acutally HAVE to agree here.... this site is MMORPG right? meaning massive multiplayer online role-playing game... Not single player.. not hot chicks.. not cars.. not UNIX.. not houses, or even gardening.. So ..
PLEASE.. keep the single player games off the MMO site. .. If not.. Please put up articles about how to grow roses in a planter and how to change oil in my road king.
what i actually see here is another desperate attempt of filing up the coffers. Blizzard paid for this interview as a shameless promotion of a dying genre. staff is really becoming watered down, just like WoW.
For the record, this article was a part of our PAX East coverage. He was covering the event, at which he was able to get 15 minutes of gameplay so that was what he wrote about. In future, now that he is in the beta, I would expect to see a more detailed preview in the future.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Thanks for the update on what most of us appreciate will be a massive hit and another chalked up by Blizzard. Was it really 10 years ago brings back some great memories. Again thanks for the update.
And to the pedant that lurk on this site Trolling, what a class example of what being a douche can do for you. Just had to laugh at the thought police.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
*rolls eyes*
Yes, you're right. The only reason we ever run articles here is because someone bribes us with ads. You've cracked the code.
Or, the actual truth of the matter is that we don't have any trouble attracting advertisers to the site and that the Dragon Age ads that were run, had nothing to do whatsoever with any editorial content we may have produced and only one of the three games you accuse us here of taking ad money for coverage of was in actuality advertise here.
So, you have the choice: Crackpot consipracy theory or rational explanation. Believe whatever you want.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
people are so upset about this being on this website, but it comes down to one thing money if anyone knows anything about advertising they make more money on that then all there subscriptions of WoW so this site just natually has to do it cause for same reason it's just good buisness no matter if this is an mmo site this game will be huge so the top MMO site has to put it on a article cause more people will see that article on this site then most sites and that makes more money, i also bet other sites like ten ton and others and more MMO sites have the same thing. Just comes down to the mighty $$$$$$ nothing more then that so if you want to display ur disgust don't buy it simple as pie.
I would like to comment here on game I have been playing. Star Wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition, I feel this game is quite awesome for a pc release. I am having a blast with this game and fell like a real badass jedi. The cinematic scenes are really neat and the story seems to move well and follow the Star Wars universe. I looking forward to the force unleashed 2 when it is released. I hope you enjoy my thoughts on this game and hope you will find time to play it. If I put this review in the wrong place then I'm sorry, it just seem appropiate to post it here.
Smarter than the average bear? That is assuming bears are smart.
I know Stradden, I'm not the one arguing it's a bad article... it's merely from our point of view not enough to merit getting paid to do it. At least that's the way I see it. I still suggest in the future waiting to write an article about something until there is sufficient knowledge to merit writing something.
A quick mention to the fact a SC2 Beta Preview is coming at the bottom of some other article / blog would have prevented all this trouble.
If anyone wants to play with me in the Beta my ID is Kevin.lee
P.S. I'd stop arguing with the people making a big deal out of this... feeding the fire doesn't help from my experience.
Full Sail University - Game Design
I actually appreciate the fact the article was on this site. I read it and while it didnt contain a whole lot of info...not suprising since you cant get a whole of of info in a setting like that...what the article did not contain is as constructive as what it did contain. The game exists and its not a pile of crap...sometimes thats all we really need to know at this stage.
And yes I think over half the people on this site are simply gamers. We just happen to play MMO's as one of the styles of gameplay that is currently enjoyable at this point in time. So having articles on other games that are highly anticipated and expected to be major hits is in my opinion reasonable. Its not like they tricked anyone into believing they were reviewing an MMO and didnt reveal the single player/multiplayer aspect untill after the fact.
I was thinking the same exact thing. If anything, people should be thanking Blizz for making such high quality games.
I think the only people who may hate Blizzard are "other" game developers trying to compete with them because they don't have as much talent as Blizzard does, so they feel the need to bash them in order to make themselves feel better.
A new article on it should be worth the read....
I never claimed it was the only reason.
But it IS a reason.
Having content on a website that is called, and said content has no relavance on said genre.. coupled with the fact that you frequently run adverts for those games....
I mean it seems like an identity crisis.
Your either an mmo site, which is what your web address says.
Or.. your a video game site, and everything is fair game.
which is it? cause I don't think you guys seem to know the difference.
You run articles for games that are not mmo's, on a site called ""... and either at the same time, before, or later.. run adverts for the same game.
Hey I got no problem with you coming up with revenue for advertising for games, just wish you guys would be a little more transparent, cause its pretty obvious for anyone to see.
If you refused to accept advertiding dollars from companies on who's products you report on, then you wouldn't get these kind of accusations.
You may dismiss them as "crackpot conspiracy theories" but as long as those ads are there, they do hold a grain of truth to them. What's important isn't how you view this site, but how the sites readers and outsiders view the site.
To get back to the actual topic. I'm in the Starcraft 2 beta, i played the heck out of Starcraft for years and honestly, playing SCII, i see no reason its taken blizzard this long to make a game thats this incredibly similar to the old one. Now i'm not saying they should have reinvented the wheel or anything, Starcraft was a fantastic RTS, but what i am saying is, seriously? Hasn't this game been in development for 6 years or so now, and THIS is all they could come up with? Graphically its nice sure, i like the new music, but in a lot of cases, the game plays just like the original, and people on definately seem to think so too with some minor exceptions(Terran mauraders come to mind.)
I'm glad i got into the beta, cause now i can see i don't want to give blizzard 60$ or 100% for either version of this game when it comes out. I don't even play the beta anymore because it just feels like im playing a graphically updated version of a game from 10 years ago.
This was a post about a game "demo" review and then it turned into a post about the right that the game had to be on this site and now it has turned into a post of conspiracies and conjectures.
This is a gaming site, be it MMO or other, it is still a gaming information site. Who cares if this article does not pertain to an MMO? Big deal! Get over it, move on, and stop crying over spilled milk!
This site has a GENERAL section and what could be the discription of that section you might ask? Well it is this:
A place to discuss non-MMORPG gaming.
Where was this article posted you may ask? in the GENERAL section!
All sites have a general section of some kind so that other topics can be discussed that may not pertain to the main topic of the site. I come to this site to read articles, reviews, gamer reactions, and so forth, but there are times when I have to pick too much crap from today's generation of gammers to actually get to the posts that matter.
I am disgusted.
SC2 an mmorpg? wtf is it doing here?
did you read the address bar in your browser? it says sure its Non RPG section, but not for front page articles.
Have I missed something? What has Starcraft II got to do with MMOGs?
My gaming blog
This thread makes me /facepalm...
What is wrong with you anal retentive people?
Flawed logic.
I am interested in girls and fast cars as well (so I guess alot of other people who visit this site). So should it start reviewing cars and show pictures of hot chicks that are not MMOG related?
I visit this page to read about MMOGs, please keep it that way.
My gaming blog
After reading all of the other replies first, this made me laugh.
I personally have no problem with info about non-MMO games being posted in the articles section. I just don't think the info was even worth an article in this case.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
Exactly hahaha your the man Stradden
and maybe if atleast there was a video, but just an article? what kinda crap is that?
[Self Deleted]
My gaming blog
what i actually see here is another desperate attempt of filing up the coffers. Blizzard paid for this interview as a shameless promotion of a dying genre. staff is really becoming watered down, just like WoW.