Just wanted to quote this paragraph from your post and say that many of us have given examples in the past of how unprofessional this company is, one example being that they went away for 2 weeks during Christmas after releasing a game breaking patch and leaving the server offline the entire time.
You left off the part about claiming they would be releasing it (again) 2 weeks after they were to return from said vacation....
Just PMed the OP to hopefully have him update the title of this thread to include that SV is trying to cover this exploit up when it was there for a month not "a few hours"
This is an example of the biggest reason I left MO, lack of faith in the folks behind the game. Half of those who bought the game are not renewing and the other half are so blind, deaf & dumb that they deserve what they get, although there clearly are a few that see through this and are having issues given they want to play the game but are welll aware of what's happening here.
My primary concern is for new players. All new players really need to understand what they are walking in to and this whole business of how poorly the exploits are handled, game mechanics changed, etc., are the tip of the iceburg. I've yet to see one player made video that shows MO as "a fun game" People are being duped (not necessarily intentionally) by the fanbois in to expecting some awesome experience. It's a very boring, buggy and empty game content-wise and for those that don't agree, I merely say go make a fraps of what fun you are having in MO and post a link.
It is not typical for me to frequent boards of games I don't enjoy. Having just moved on from MO and seeing & hearing what I am makes it very difficult to not speak out. Hopefully I move on soon because frankly, this entire game and its staff are a huge turn-off. It's a real shame because I love the concepts just like most. I'm an old school UO player so why wouldn't I? At this point in time it's the new potential buyers I'm most concerned for. Every one else knows the score and is free to make their own decisions.
They can delete what they please, as previously posted for the record I posted...........
I don't envy SV's position here but it's obvious they are taking the easy way out of this by sweepting it under the rug and pretending it was minor. This will most likely increase the percent of those leaving from 40% to who knows, but much much worse is SV made a choice that I feel will result in less people remaining at the expense of a far greater number of first time buyers not wanting to be part of this and who can blame them?
In that thread I asked how long it was in game for and Yutty posted this in response.
"Awhile, Can't remember when i did the bug report but guessing a week - 2 weeks ago is when i did the report n im guessin it was there b4 that. As u know sum keeps popped up pretty fast."
That's an eye witness unless you are calling him a liar.
Zealot responded with this.
"Apparently this bug has been around since launch. The secret was only let out a week or so ago."
"I spoke with a dev yesterday about this, they are still trying to figure out what to do. And yes they have logs of the duped items."
That was "yesterday" so all information shows the official response to be BS. Also in this thread.....
greyfoxzb says...
"I knew there was a dupe bug still in the game just didn't know where, and I agree a wipe would be nice, since launch was so fucked up with prices of books, items, spawn rates and looting."
This just goes from bad to worse. Even in tough economic conditions they should of sucked it up, wiped the server, gave another 30-days and not one fanboi would of left and a whole lot of new players would have admired them for it and bought the game. SV makes a lot of very bad decisions; I don't know why; no reason to believe they are bad people and don't, but they appear very amaturish.
your primary concern are people who cant think for themselfs you say? now thats nice of you. if this is really the case around world these days sheep being sheep smart ones move the fudge out of the herd away from the "weird ones" leaving the tenth best guy incharge. aww damn its bad.. man its baaad.
again with the exploit it is actually pretty minor, sicne they got the logs and theyll be deleting the items and punishing the wrongdoers. they have done this already giving out bans who exploit known issues.
they apear amateurish you say? could it be *gasp* they actually are amateurs? and you wont see game like this my bet is years from anyone else than amateurs just like DF, eve, DnL, horizons etc. all from more or less amateurs in this genre or sandbox style games. even with experience making games ultima series i heard there was problems with UO.
and once again you all knew this information was there, easily checked what games have this company released before did you do it? did you think this thru? did you log ingame thinkin this will be best ever polished diamond?
people seem to think there shouldnt be MO atall and everybody should just give up trying to bring us games we actually want to play, sure ive know to enjoy my themepark games, grinding games but this is what i always really wanted to play and its here now and it works!
This just goes from bad to worse. Even in tough economic conditions they should of sucked it up, wiped the server, gave another 30-days and not one fanboi would of left and a whole lot of new players would have admired them for it and bought the game. SV makes a lot of very bad decisions; I don't know why; no reason to believe they are bad people and don't, but they appear very amaturish.
Great post, thumbs up.
Just wanted to quote this paragraph from your post and say that many of us have given examples in the past of how unprofessional this company is, one example being that they went away for 2 weeks during Christmas after releasing a game breaking patch and leaving the server offline the entire time.
your evidence is flawed. i have yet to see any these lies from SV
Then I suggest you scroll up a few posts... even just read the one from ChinaCat which clearly shows they knew about the exploit way longer than "a few hours". Then you have all the subscribers who said they reported the bug a week ago.. days ago.. or knew it was around since launch...
But this isn't a court of law. You are free to believe anything you like. It doesn't invalidate what others have posted though.
it dosnt make any difference im saying it wasnt the same exploit. since there is any clear enough evidence for it.
if it dosnt invalid then it dosnt invalid mine either.
Just wanted to quote this paragraph from your post and say that many of us have given examples in the past of how unprofessional this company is, one example being that they went away for 2 weeks during Christmas after releasing a game breaking patch and leaving the server offline the entire time.
You left off the part about claiming they would be releasing it (again) 2 weeks after they were to return from said vacation....
yea your right its unheard that company pushed back release day. i mean comeon do you guys even try anymore?
it dosnt make any difference im saying it wasnt the same exploit. since there is any clear enough evidence for it.
if it dosnt invalid then it dosnt invalid mine either.
Then why did Maerlyn respond to all of those threads I posted earlier and close them and link to his announcement that it had only been up for an hour?
it dosnt make any difference im saying it wasnt the same exploit. since there is any clear enough evidence for it.
if it dosnt invalid then it dosnt invalid mine either.
Then why did Maerlyn respond to all of those threads I posted earlier and close them and link to his announcement that it had only been up for an hour?
Does it even matter? Seriously? Is the argument here that "It's not one BIG exploit bug for weeks... it's actually 5 different exploit bugs that have been used for weeks"?
Well.. thats NOT true.. but even if it WAS true that would be WORSE...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
It is an example of how unprofessional this company is
well yea i should have thinked that through, now im sad gave you change to post those damn bananas. let me reprhase it, it was in beta it is irrelevant.
and once again you knew that this wasnt the most professional company around. but stating the obvious works for something i guess.
well yea i should have thinked that through, now im sad gave you change to post those damn bananas. let me reprhase it, it was in beta it is irrelevant.
and once again you knew that this wasnt the most professional company around. but stating the obvious works for something i guess.
Many companies have PROFESSIONAL betas, did you know that?
your primary concern are people who cant think for themselfs you say? now thats nice of you. if this is really the case around world these days sheep being sheep smart ones move the fudge out of the herd away from the "weird ones" leaving the tenth best guy incharge. aww damn its bad.. man its baaad.
again with the exploit it is actually pretty minor, sicne they got the logs and theyll be deleting the items and punishing the wrongdoers. they have done this already giving out bans who exploit known issues.
they apear amateurish you say? could it be *gasp* they actually are amateurs? and you wont see game like this my bet is years from anyone else than amateurs just like DF, eve, DnL, horizons etc. all from more or less amateurs in this genre or sandbox style games. even with experience making games ultima series i heard there was problems with UO.
and once again you all knew this information was there, easily checked what games have this company released before did you do it? did you think this thru? did you log ingame thinkin this will be best ever polished diamond?
people seem to think there shouldnt be MO atall and everybody should just give up trying to bring us games we actually want to play, sure ive know to enjoy my themepark games, grinding games but this is what i always really wanted to play and its here now and it works!
Fortunately what I posted is there for any to read and obvious you are being defensive and twisting my words. I trust people can think for themselves, but also well aware of how alluring a new game can be especially when the illusions of some are espoused as fact.
I'm not even going to validate your redicuous excuse for the childish behavior of those producting this game.
Please take me up on my request for a fraps of what you are experiencing in the game that is fun.
Thanks -CC
"Lately it occurs to me, what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
Many companies have PROFESSIONAL betas, did you know that?
oh really? what kind of games they release?
One professional one I have been following is Xsyon...
Even though there is no content and I have not played it in a long time (months), I follow what the devs are posting (daily updates) and its pretty darn good... Communication is key...
Fortunately what I posted is there for any to read and obvious you are being defensive and twisting my words. I trust people can think for themselves, but also well aware of how alluring a new game can be especially when the illusions of some are espoused as fact.
Please take me up on my request for a fraps of what you are experiencing in the game that is fun.
Thanks -CC
The fans have to defend it, they either see 1) the game is dying and that SV needs money ASAP or 2) They are so delusional they will take anything that is not a themepark game even if its broken to hell.
***Mods, when I said "they are so delusional" I was not talking to a specific person, just general***
Fortunately what I posted is there for any to read and obvious you are being defensive and twisting my words. I trust people can think for themselves, but also well aware of how alluring a new game can be especially when the illusions of some are espoused as fact.
Please take me up on my request for a fraps of what you are experiencing in the game that is fun.
Thanks -CC
sadly i have to refuse frapsing anything, but i can tell i enjoy stabbin people with my dagger. challengin them to fights and helping out new players around town. if so happens someone asks about this game or any game in this matter first i tell whats wrong i do not want give people false picture that everythign is rosy and all is well, if they still interested i tell what i do ingame tell about all cool persons i meet also the not so cool. and give out information what they want to know as well as i can.
for me game like this is more than game its small world with people living and doing they thing in it and ican interact with them. some people just tend to play game and i can see this some problems might arise for instance PvP PK players ride around all day killing everyone they see not a word maybe ocasional "lol. noob l2p" for those kind of players id think you need very functional game, but you do need these kind players too for the community.
The two biggest posters in this thread is one who never subscribed to MO and one who got 2 charge backs and no longer subscribes...
And that gives StarVault an excuse to lie to their playerbase because me and slapshot are showing evidence of a coverup?
The world is full of people who lie and there are very few people who have never told a lie. Have you ever lied?
When people get caught in a lie, they can try to remove evidence of the lie. It's natural. I know you get very emotionally involved with games and gaming and all these little details, but the really don't matter that much. Will this matter to you in five years?
sadly i have to refuse frapsing anything, but i can tell i enjoy stabbin people with my dagger. challengin them to fights and helping out new players around town. if so happens someone asks about this game or any game in this matter first i tell whats wrong i do not want give people false picture that everythign is rosy and all is well, if they still interested i tell what i do ingame tell about all cool persons i meet also the not so cool. and give out information what they want to know as well as i can.
for me game like this is more than game its small world with people living and doing they thing in it and ican interact with them. some people just tend to play game and i can see this some problems might arise for instance PvP PK players ride around all day killing everyone they see not a word maybe ocasional "lol. noob l2p" for those kind of players id think you need very functional game, but you do need these kind players too for the community.
So your saying the game is bad and you refuse to fraps it?
Many companies have PROFESSIONAL betas, did you know that?
oh really? what kind of games they release?
One professional one I have been following is Xsyon...
Even though there is no content and I have not played it in a long time (months), I follow what the devs are posting (daily updates) and its pretty darn good... Communication is key...
umm.. as far i understood its in same shape as MO was some moons ago all the good for that game also, so they dont giveout daily updates instead they talk in IRC before the patch (atleast) answers question in forums and send out newsletter. could be other things too, also i could contact GM/counselor in game and hed help if theres some issues, ive had nice talks with them and they know stuff. feels this is far more than even bigger companys do for they players so in the end communication from devs is there and always was.
and maybe it could be indication that that xyon devs have to keep player base interested ? if you been following MO and xsyon then youd realise they are both in pretty much in same shape indeed both took preorder and gave beta access, right now i cant think any other reason for your crusade against MO than you are on xsyon payroll.
sadly i have to refuse frapsing anything, but i can tell i enjoy stabbin people with my dagger. challengin them to fights and helping out new players around town. if so happens someone asks about this game or any game in this matter first i tell whats wrong i do not want give people false picture that everythign is rosy and all is well, if they still interested i tell what i do ingame tell about all cool persons i meet also the not so cool. and give out information what they want to know as well as i can.
for me game like this is more than game its small world with people living and doing they thing in it and ican interact with them. some people just tend to play game and i can see this some problems might arise for instance PvP PK players ride around all day killing everyone they see not a word maybe ocasional "lol. noob l2p" for those kind of players id think you need very functional game, but you do need these kind players too for the community.
So your saying the game is bad and you refuse to fraps it?
i dont think so.. maybe its just you? and yea i refuse showing me fighting or talking theres people who do it way better than me.
right now i cant think any other reason for your crusade against MO than you are on xsyon payroll.
And here come the conspiracies again! Deflect the problems with MO towards another game, that surely will help MO to survive!
i just cant understand why would someone go this far against a video game, couple post i can comprehend but youve been doing this too long to be normal. and no deflecting here thats too petty In my opinion maybe it came out like that but surely wasnt my intention. it wouldnt help anything survive, problems must be solved not brushed aside.
Forgot about that, should have put that in there.
Just PMed the OP to hopefully have him update the title of this thread to include that SV is trying to cover this exploit up when it was there for a month not "a few hours"
your primary concern are people who cant think for themselfs you say? now thats nice of you. if this is really the case around world these days sheep being sheep smart ones move the fudge out of the herd away from the "weird ones" leaving the tenth best guy incharge. aww damn its bad.. man its baaad.
again with the exploit it is actually pretty minor, sicne they got the logs and theyll be deleting the items and punishing the wrongdoers. they have done this already giving out bans who exploit known issues.
they apear amateurish you say? could it be *gasp* they actually are amateurs? and you wont see game like this my bet is years from anyone else than amateurs just like DF, eve, DnL, horizons etc. all from more or less amateurs in this genre or sandbox style games. even with experience making games ultima series i heard there was problems with UO.
and once again you all knew this information was there, easily checked what games have this company released before did you do it? did you think this thru? did you log ingame thinkin this will be best ever polished diamond?
people seem to think there shouldnt be MO atall and everybody should just give up trying to bring us games we actually want to play, sure ive know to enjoy my themepark games, grinding games but this is what i always really wanted to play and its here now and it works!
your argument is invalid it was in beta.
it dosnt make any difference im saying it wasnt the same exploit. since there is any clear enough evidence for it.
if it dosnt invalid then it dosnt invalid mine either.
yea your right its unheard that company pushed back release day. i mean comeon do you guys even try anymore?
Then why did Maerlyn respond to all of those threads I posted earlier and close them and link to his announcement that it had only been up for an hour?
Does it even matter? Seriously? Is the argument here that "It's not one BIG exploit bug for weeks... it's actually 5 different exploit bugs that have been used for weeks"?
Well.. thats NOT true.. but even if it WAS true that would be WORSE...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
well yea i should have thinked that through, now im sad gave you change to post those damn bananas. let me reprhase it, it was in beta it is irrelevant.
and once again you knew that this wasnt the most professional company around. but stating the obvious works for something i guess.
Many companies have PROFESSIONAL betas, did you know that?
oh really? what kind of games they release?
Fortunately what I posted is there for any to read and obvious you are being defensive and twisting my words. I trust people can think for themselves, but also well aware of how alluring a new game can be especially when the illusions of some are espoused as fact.
I'm not even going to validate your redicuous excuse for the childish behavior of those producting this game.
Please take me up on my request for a fraps of what you are experiencing in the game that is fun.
Thanks -CC
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
One professional one I have been following is Xsyon...
Even though there is no content and I have not played it in a long time (months), I follow what the devs are posting (daily updates) and its pretty darn good... Communication is key...
The fans have to defend it, they either see 1) the game is dying and that SV needs money ASAP or 2) They are so delusional they will take anything that is not a themepark game even if its broken to hell.
***Mods, when I said "they are so delusional" I was not talking to a specific person, just general***
Good luck... I once posted a thread asking for the same thing about a month ago... no one took me up on it.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
They can't do it.
sadly i have to refuse frapsing anything, but i can tell i enjoy stabbin people with my dagger. challengin them to fights and helping out new players around town. if so happens someone asks about this game or any game in this matter first i tell whats wrong i do not want give people false picture that everythign is rosy and all is well, if they still interested i tell what i do ingame tell about all cool persons i meet also the not so cool. and give out information what they want to know as well as i can.
for me game like this is more than game its small world with people living and doing they thing in it and ican interact with them. some people just tend to play game and i can see this some problems might arise for instance PvP PK players ride around all day killing everyone they see not a word maybe ocasional "lol. noob l2p" for those kind of players id think you need very functional game, but you do need these kind players too for the community.
The world is full of people who lie and there are very few people who have never told a lie. Have you ever lied?
When people get caught in a lie, they can try to remove evidence of the lie. It's natural. I know you get very emotionally involved with games and gaming and all these little details, but the really don't matter that much. Will this matter to you in five years?
So your saying the game is bad and you refuse to fraps it?
umm.. as far i understood its in same shape as MO was some moons ago all the good for that game also, so they dont giveout daily updates instead they talk in IRC before the patch (atleast) answers question in forums and send out newsletter. could be other things too, also i could contact GM/counselor in game and hed help if theres some issues, ive had nice talks with them and they know stuff. feels this is far more than even bigger companys do for they players so in the end communication from devs is there and always was.
and maybe it could be indication that that xyon devs have to keep player base interested ? if you been following MO and xsyon then youd realise they are both in pretty much in same shape indeed both took preorder and gave beta access, right now i cant think any other reason for your crusade against MO than you are on xsyon payroll.
i dont think so.. maybe its just you? and yea i refuse showing me fighting or talking theres people who do it way better than me.
doesnt change the fact that its fun for me.
And here come the conspiracies again! Deflect the problems with MO towards another game, that surely will help MO to survive!
Here you go --> http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/274621/MO-fans-start-spreading-rumors-and-lies-say-I-work-for-Xsyon-getting-paid-to-bash-MO-and-say-that-MikeB-mmorpgcom-community-manager-is-helping-me-do-it.html
Just another person to take a screen shot of and post a link to...
i just cant understand why would someone go this far against a video game, couple post i can comprehend but youve been doing this too long to be normal. and no deflecting here thats too petty In my opinion maybe it came out like that but surely wasnt my intention. it wouldnt help anything survive, problems must be solved not brushed aside.
There was a poll recently on MO forums about if SV should wipe or not (later closed for no reason)
i havent seen this thread you probably wont believe me but it dosnt matter. in the end i will sleep my night well.