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Apparently, it's a known exploit in White Sands and Funcom is doing very little to stop it. There is a well known exploiter on the server I play who has had numerous reports about this, but his account still remains active.
Unless they do something to stop the hacking, I don't know how they can survive with any integrity.
Somehow I dont think integrity is a concern at funcom.
Sadly this doesn't surprise me, also Funcom is short staffed at the moment due to the month long holiday they get in July.
Not asking the steps to create the exploit, but could you explain what the exploit is? From the title of the post it sounds like the person is standing on water?
.. .... .- - . - .-. --- .-.. .-.. ... .-- .... --- .-. . .--. --- .-. - .-.-.-
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
It's the same reason APB won't fix their exploiter issues. As long as they are making money off of gamers, they don't care.
Apparently, the exploit allows a user to walk on water, thus continue attacking. So, if you are in a PVP area and run into the water for safety, the exploiter can literally walk on the water and continue to attack you (even though you can't attack back because you are swimming).
There are a lot of videos on the net showing are some:
The problem has been around for a while (these videos are all dated 2008) and it looks like FC doesn't really care.
Working as intended, as Sirillion would say.
Oh, btw, reporting exploits can make you banned, so be careful. And I'm willing to bet this thread will be deleted soon, FC has damage-control lackeys here, such as Famine and Avery.
Reporting exploits can get me banned? From where?
Funcom doesn't care about exploits. They have a combo cancel exploit in the game forever they've never fixed. people exploited the shrines and they didn't do anything. Many guilds exploited broken raid content, they did nothing. They know they make busted content so they don't care if it's exploited.
Steam: Neph
If you report exploiters on forums, you can get banned. Usually you get a warning and the thread gets deleted. Apparently, they have some brilliant policy where exploits are just one of those forbidden topics noone should know about. Don't really know how discouraging people to report about them helps the game overall, but hey ... working as intended!
Are you really that stupid?
-exploits aren't allowed to be reported because when you report an exploit publically you publish the strategy to use it
i hope they do nothing about pvp exploits on purpose - to get rid of the pvp rednecks, so they leave, so they can work towards the perfect pve game AoC will be soon. thats not meant ironically - pvp'ers got to realize that they won't get nothing no more in AoC. see: no pve'er (and they are far more than pvp'ers) cares about Bori, walking on water, ... I hope there will be a new blockbuster pvp game soon ...
It's too bad, actually. I had my doubts upon returning but with the (generally) good reviews the expansion was getting, I thought I'd give it another go. I did enjoy it for a few weeks...I'm not a big fan of the PVP grind, especially when there are existing exploits people are taking advantage of for the K/D ratio and PVP level.
But witnessing this blatant cheat/hack/exploit, suppyling NCSoft support of evidence of this (with screenshots and some fraps) and to have this completely ignored by GMs and support (the frosting on the cake being that these exploits have existed for well over two years and people have been thriving on them ever since despite numerous reports) just makes me so sick of this game. I left it three months after launch with a bad taste in my mouth. I, regrettably, thought with all the PR and expansion that they had cleaned up this mess of a game, but in the end, it's even worse than it was at launch.
I STRONGLY DISCOURAGE anyone to play/sub/resub to this game. It's nothing more than a cheater's haven.
This wouldn't be classified as a Jesus sighting would it?
You probably meant Funcom not NCSoft. I hope!
My mistake there...must have been the NCSoft ad in the corner of my browser screen. Sorry NCSOFT!
Read the update notes and 2.05.1 where they implemented fixes for exploits, and that's from only the past month.
Saying that they're not quick with fixing exploits or didn't fix the exploit you were concerned about is a reasonable opinion, saying that they don't care about exploits at all is childish and immature reasoning.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
It's not that they don't care, Funcom has a history of fixing exploits waaaay after the initial damage has been done, they have made it clear over the past two years and fixing exploits is not a top priority for them.
Funcom's handling of hacks, exploits and poor game mechanics is the main reason I can't go back to this game. I accept the fact that they will happen and it is part of almost any MMO. The problem I have is Funcom rewards the cheaters. Mean while all the players that either refuse to or don't know how don't gain any advantage and are punished by having to work for things the legit way. Funcom makes no correction. The cheaters get the spoils. It's hard to want to play a game that encourages you to cheat by allowing you to keep the benefits of doing so. I simply don't want to play a game that works that way.
What a fail logic. If everyone knows about them, Funcom should know about them too, right? And if the company knows about them, shouldn't they fix them immediately? This "strategy" can be nullified in a split-second. Just shut down, let's say, an instance, fix it, and open it again. The more people know about these strategies, it's actually the better - exploits get more noticeable, and even blind people cannot unnotice them.
And ffs, what a shitty approach this is anyway, keep quiet about exploits as much as you can? I'm sure it did them good in the past when people could walk through walls in sieges (I bet they still can) and trade epix.
Public announcement and recognition of exploits - best approach, and so far your beloved above-stated bulletpoint has proved fruitless and shitty, 'nuff said.
If my logic is shitty there is simply no logic in your logic. The thing about public announcements of exploits is that they can be done only after the exploit is fixed. Typically there are always 2 groups in MMO's:
-"elite" players who are up to date and most likely indeed know the exploit and some even use it
-"cassual" players who most likely doesn't know the exploit or at least doesn't know how to activate it
While your argument holds true for elite players it certainly doesn't for cassuals. Elite is always by definition a small portion of x base, which in effect means that only a small portion knows about y exploit until y is publically announced.
Even more, exploits are normally used in 2 ways:
-to overcome the obstacle to gain much needed advancements - that is what cassuals normally do ... "we can't beat this boss, fuck it I know an exploit"
-to grind gear fast - that is what elite normally do (a rather small portion - never saw yag exploited myself)
In conclusion: yes, small portion will always be aware of exploits and cheats available. But you want to minimise the effect not make it worse. The same argument you used above could be used in an analogy for cheats - "If cheats are publically available, they are more recognisable, therefore easier to catch". Well ... does it really work like that?
As for @ Tranca. I don't hate russians, why would I? They gave us world war 2 win and vodka for rainy days. For more rainy days they gave us the very definition of melancholy found in their books. And they are still giving us beatiful women and an exotic locations to travel. I don't hate russians, more likely I love them.
I am just stating facts that were true prior to RC domination. Around the time of server merge when Fury (e)merged. They (along with AD and Hamanx) used variety of exploits in order to achieve what some other guilds had. It is also only logical to think that the very code of the server was corrupted in the process since Crom players are not experiencing same kind of troubles with bigger server load.
The problem is that the 'fixes' they usually implement are hack jobs that usually impact the gameplay of people who are not even exploiting. Fixing a crouch exploit in one dungeon by taking crouch away from everyone in all raid zones for instance.
Now the latest to avoid terrain abuse by causing people to teleport back should they try to go up any incline.
They've been doing this since AO. I remember the player-created missions in that game. People were using them to duplicate no-trade items. Funcom's fix? - Remove player-created missions from the game entirely and punish everyone for the actions of a few.
Funcom is as Funcom does and that will never change.
They certainly need to change their principal, because obviously it hasn't helped much. The whole RotGS charade with over 9000 exploits again shows complete ineptitude of Funcom. Not only is the whole expansion catered for the minority of elite players who bothered to raid those horrible pre-expansion raid dungeons, but the whole exploit-fest is also in the domain of "free-masonry" guilds. If you ask any sane MMO player, he'll tell you that making an expansion for a dying game that caters to veteran players is a totally stupid move, and probably an unprecedented move in stupidity when it comes to mainstream MMOs. And if you ask anyone about exploits, I'm sure they'll opt for public ostracization and that the playing populace will demand to know what exploits there are, who is using them and when they will be fixed. But no, the policy of keeping everything secret and philosophize about it for months is surely better!
But enjoy defending their useless principals and incompetence, the expansion certainly convinced me I'm done with AoC. These guys are obviously beyond redemption, and like I said, this expansion is even an embarrassment for pve - TWO bugged tier 4 bosses, gimme a break.
I mean, even Ballsofsteel left the game, ffs. Yes, him! Do you realize, Callo, he's the biggest fanboy of AoC that ever lived, you and IK are nothing compared to him. And he's selling his account, 'nuff said.
People move on, that's what they do. Some people apparently lack that skill and have the urge to keep on trolling and spouting negativity over and over and over and over again of a game they haven't played anymore in a long time. Those are the ones that keep being stuck in the past.
I have far more respect for people IRL and regarding gaming that don't continuously whine but can enjoy things as the games they play for what they offer and move on to other fun things when they're done than for people that constantly whine and focus on only the negative stuff and feel the need to spout their negative view of life on forums of games they don't play anymore in some sort of bizarre satisfaction.
There's not one MMO of the many that I played that I felt the need to keep visiting its forums to troll and continuously post negative hate posts after I left that MMO. I simply moved on to other fun things and games.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
- exploit fest? Please do tell which trillions of exploits do you refer to? I wasn't playing at launch of ROTGS but to my understanding the biggest "exploit" wasn't an exploit at all - it was poor coding which allowed AA exp to be boosted by potions. Than there is enig of yag exploit which was not even that popularly used.
-I gave you an argument why exploits are hidden - to prevent mass use and later mass bans. It is only sensible thing to do. You can report an exploit ingame. (i have not played a single game that would allow reporting exploits on forums- it is because of the very nature of exploit : if you want to report it, you have to explain how it works as well ... therefore you make an exploit public)
-T4 bosses aren't bugged, I already told you that.
--> What is the problem here is apparent. You wanted to play 2 games - apart from your beloved shit stained WoW, you wanted to play AoC also cassualy. But you want elite reward for cassual play. That wouldn't be fair to hardcore players would it? You can obtain blues (khitan and vanilla) rather easy and with understanding of your class also play in non hardmode with them.
-- about Balls. He is/was pretty typical PVP player I described earlier. He is the type of player that does not care much for the environment, the pve side and the story. he just plays to kill ... A player like that is utterly dissapointed by the game. True that probably 1 more minigame would give balls another 12 months of fun but ... they went pve way and he is not the type to play pve. (or he wasn't at least)
@my favorite troll: I am not even playing the game. Might reroll on Crom when I get the time but Fury was fucked by funcom idiotic idea of Bori. I don't even like the server I am currently on. I just like to play with arguments and putting the truth out. I am not one of those players blindly inloved with the game, owning 4 accounts and playing all the time. I am not even sure if I like the game. I just like to explain to haters where there logic is wrong.
Comboskipping exploit, ranger oneshotting, Yag dungeon, AA exploits from Kang Pagoda or what it's called, the penultimate boss in tier 3 can only be killed by using some necro pet exploit aka stacking necros (reminds me of that Yakhmar exploit back in the days), etc. - those are just a few that have been an issue since RotGS and I bet there are dozens more only known to those top guilds. I don't know what kind of standards you have, but I call that pretty much an EXPLOIT-FEST, especially since this practice of including new and imaginative exploits has been around since launch. and especially since comboskipping and AA abuse are totally gamebreaking.
Even if somehow we should accept your Funcom's logic of secretly reporting exploits to the developers, it has so far been pretty much fruitless. This practice only bears some fruit after a couple of months pass, which is totally unacceptable in an MMO environment.
Tier 4 are bugged, no guild has managed to kill ONE, let alone TWO. Did they even reach a boss? Prove me that they are not bugged, show me a picture of ONE boss. You've played for a long time, haven't you and you seem to like this "TBC" approach to pve where elitist get to see everything, then surely you must have some concrete info about tier 4. Well, you won't find anything on the forum, that's for sure. In my opinion - unreachable bosses equals to bugged. That way they can simply fix stuff as they go along. Guess who used that practice before? WoW, that's right.
The "shit-stained" MMO that is WoW? Well, sure, but this is actually very ironic. Too bad you don't see the irony. To give you a little hint - so far, Funcom has managed to REPEAT every shitty mistake WoW made in the last 5 years, and then some. This RotGS expansion - it's basically vanilla WoW at its peak plus TBC (first expansion) pve mechanics, but of course, you know next to nothing about WoW, let alone its development history. Oh, and releasing TWO bugged raid bosses and calling this a pve expansion is pretty much an embarrassment.