The only real argument against combomoulding is that is is immersion breaker. Do you understand the difference between a bad bug excused as a feature by few fanboys and a "bug" that deepens the gameplay and is welcomed by majority? Sure you will see some bad players hiding their own inability to play and understand the game behind such accusations. But they are not majority ...
Tell that to my female guardian char. I can't combo skip with her, on the other hand with a newly created MALE guardian (on testserver) skipping works just normal.
So if combo skipping is to stay and its a "feature" that good players embrace, let me have that option on my female char or let me change gender. Seriously...
Which guardian skill is comboskippable? And what is the benefit of it? Some chars are simply not worth comboskipping with
Well unfortunately guardian is one where it is really worth it. With a male character you can comboskipp FA and BV and trigger reckoning (which is huge), with female char your last hit won't apply in 90% of cases (timeframe is minimal), and if it DOES apply (if you skipped), you won't trigger reckoning at all. You need to wait the whole long animation and be rooted for 1.x seconds to get the reckoning trigger.
This applies to a lot of classes where different gender is involved. Seriously, have you even tried all the possibilities and same combos on different genders, or did you just stick to your random male bear shaman and you still have the nerves to come here to "educate all the noobs"?
Difference in combat is significant with comboskipping. I'm all for it staying, but make it equal and equal out animations. Unfortunately this is something that funcom won't do, because they have like 1 animation dev left (Sharum, if he's still alive), and redoing combo animations would mean recaluclating and testing thousands of finishers/animations. Month's work, and well... something that funcom is incapable to do.
-females can't comboskipp: this is simply a myth. Every character can comboskip either it is male or female. If you didn't learn how than I suggest you practice some more. (granted it is harder but it is doable. I agree though and that is valid argument ... they need to fix the speed for females to be equal - never understood why speed is not equal tbh. Is there anything female has that makes it up for being slower in combat?)
And my bear is as far from random as your guardian to something. Believe me when I say this to you - guardian skuipping is neglectable and simply not worth missing BV because you try do it. The only classes worth skipping are Barb, conq and BS. Noone else gains enough from it. You can do it but the gain is not worth it with other classes. Hell, even HoX can comboskip but not the stuff that matters. I constantly do it on all my chars but more because I am so used to it doing it with my bear
And my bear is as far from random as your guardian to something. Believe me when I say this to you - guardian skuipping is neglectable and simply not worth missing BV because you try do it. The only classes worth skipping are Barb, conq and BS. Noone else gains enough from it. You can do it but the gain is not worth it with other classes. Hell, even HoX can comboskip but not the stuff that matters. I constantly do it on all my chars but more because I am so used to it doing it with my bear
No, all great guardians combo skip, but obviously you don't know that since you never actually tried a guardian. I suggest you log to testlive, go to faith and make a lvl 80 male and a female guardian. Test FA 8 for example and BV. Notice the reckoning trigger and you'll see that the difference in damage is significant.
For a person explaining others about "myths" of aoc, you sure like to believe in your own myths. Test it and try it for yourself before making statements out of clear sky.
And my bear is as far from random as your guardian to something. Believe me when I say this to you - guardian skuipping is neglectable and simply not worth missing BV because you try do it. The only classes worth skipping are Barb, conq and BS. Noone else gains enough from it. You can do it but the gain is not worth it with other classes. Hell, even HoX can comboskip but not the stuff that matters. I constantly do it on all my chars but more because I am so used to it doing it with my bear
No, all great guardians combo skip, but obviously you don't know that since you never actually tried a guardian. I suggest you log to testlive, go to faith and make a lvl 80 male and a female guardian. Test FA 8 for example and BV. Notice the reckoning trigger and you'll see that the difference in damage is significant.
For a person explaining others about "myths" of aoc, you sure like to believe in your own myths. Test it and try it for yourself before making statements out of clear sky.
Why would guardian combo skip? Do you even know why combo skipping is useful?
(same "problem" you can find at avoiding knockback with double tapping backwards which started as an exploit but is one of the most brilliant features currently implemented in combo system IMO. A simple change in game rules that makes a difference between cassual john and hardcore player) - Nihce.
Agree 100% on that. It turned out to be an accidental feature that actually works and enhances the combat. Now if these amateurs could accidentally fix sieges that would be another quantum leap forward in their development cycle.
Yes combo skipping is doable with certain combos on female characters. It is NOT doable with all combos that males can do. For example butcher 3,5 and 7 are skippable. Butcher 7 however is extremely difficult for a female toon to do, and honestly not worth the effort in trying it. Male combo skipping is an absolute cakewalk in comparison. So they need to either fix it across the board or disable it completely.
Now that the big monkey himself has labelled skippers are cheats. It will be interesting to see what they do about it. Sweep it under the carpet, bury their head in the sand and implement a new 6 man pve dungeon. To keep their new paradigm intact.
Of course, what the 'Funcom can do no wrong crowd' failed to mention is that when the problems with female character damage were reported, FCs first response was to deny it, like they do with everything else until they are are forced to admit it by hard evidence provided by players(remember the shrinking breast fiasco? - they denied that as well). It's that attitude towards their own customers that turns a lot of people off, not the bugs themselves.
Of course, what the 'Funcom can do no wrong crowd' failed to mention is that when the problems with female character damage were reported, FCs first response was to deny it, like they do with everything else until they are are forced to admit it by hard evidence provided by players(remember the shrinking breast fiasco? - they denied that as well). It's that attitude towards their own customers that turns a lot of people off, not the bugs themselves.
Oh, please. 'that attitude'. You mean like a Blizzard first denying that real names on forum would affect anybody else but trolls or that you can get hacked even with an authenticator? Or like SOE first denying that EQ2 would go F2P, only a month before they announced that it would go F2P? Like most of the (MMO) game companies tend to deny stuff at first from time to time?
I'm not saying that FC people haven't been wrong or skipped around the truth from time to time, but they're far from unique in that aspect, and I'm also not blowing it all out of proportions like the 'Funcom can do nothing but wrong' crowd.
In fact, looking at this thread and some other recent ones, the AoC/FC proponents show more reason and ability to see the good as well as the bad stuff than the AoC/FC opponents and hater crowd. That last group can only see and talk about FC/AoC purely negative, completely onesided and biased - with an occasional exception, like Falfeir and - grudgingly admitted - Vepgenus (only some posts of his) .
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Of course, what the 'Funcom can do no wrong crowd' failed to mention is that when the problems with female character damage were reported, FCs first response was to deny it, like they do with everything else until they are are forced to admit it by hard evidence provided by players(remember the shrinking breast fiasco? - they denied that as well). It's that attitude towards their own customers that turns a lot of people off, not the bugs themselves.
Oh, please. 'that attitude'. You mean like a Blizzard first denying that real names on forum would affect anybody else but trolls or that you can get hacked even with an authenticator? Or like SOE first denying that EQ2 would go F2P, only a month before they announced that it would go F2P? Like most of the (MMO) game companies tend to deny stuff at first from time to time?
I'm not saying that FC people haven't been wrong or skipped around the truth from time to time, but they're far from unique in that aspect, and I'm also not blowing it all out of proportions like the 'Funcom can do nothing but wrong' crowd.
In fact, looking at this thread and some other recent ones, the AoC/FC proponents show more reason and ability to see the good as well as the bad stuff than the AoC/FC opponents and hater crowd. That last group can only see and talk about FC/AoC purely negative, completely onesided and biased - with an occasional exception, like Falfeir and - grudgingly admitted - Vepgenus (only some posts of his) .
Of course you would say that as you are firmly in the camp of the proponents. We get it already.
Skipping around from game forum to game forum bringing your own style of 'forum justice' as you see fit makes your own replies as stilted and predictable as those of whom you criticize. Offering examples of other game companies actions in an attempt to defend Funcom from specific and justified complaints doesn't excuse them from what they are doing in regards to their customers.
Not to defend Sony, but their claims about not going f2p were probably made before market forces and returns told them that another course of action was needed. As for Blizzard, I don't know anything about what you claim. But then I don't haunt their forums as I stopped playing four years ago and really have no business there.
I actually want to see AoC NOT go free to play and gather momentum as it remains potentially one of the best MMOs ever. I also want to see TSW launch and launch well. Then, I will be finally convinced that Funcom have really turned the corner, put its past lies, mistakes and bait/switch tactics well and truly behind it .
Until then, if I think their s**t stinks, I will call them on it. I won't be one of those eating it and complimenting them on the taste.
Of course you would say that as you are firmly in the camp of the proponents. We get it already.
Skipping around from game forum to game forum bringing your own style of 'forum justice' as you see fit makes your own replies as stilted and predictable as those of whom you criticize.
Oh, I never made a secret of my stance: I 'hate' haters, or better said haters AND extreme fanbois, but in the AoC section here the number of some persistent campaign haters was larger than the fanbois in the few months I visit the forums.
Or as I said in other posts, I've no problem at all with people's posts where their dislikes and likes of a game are presented sensibly. Like this last post of yours, I don't agree with everything but nothing wrong with it. It's when the typically onesided bullshit argumentation and sophism of haters (or fanbois) keep droning on that it gets above my tolerance level (which is admittedly low for bs exposure) and that annoyance kicks in.
Although I've usually more tolerance for people showing genuine enthusiasm and fan attitude than for persistent whining and flaming.
Thread's getting derailed though from the OP topic, so I'll leave it at that.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
And my bear is as far from random as your guardian to something. Believe me when I say this to you - guardian skuipping is neglectable and simply not worth missing BV because you try do it. The only classes worth skipping are Barb, conq and BS. Noone else gains enough from it. You can do it but the gain is not worth it with other classes. Hell, even HoX can comboskip but not the stuff that matters. I constantly do it on all my chars but more because I am so used to it doing it with my bear
No, all great guardians combo skip, but obviously you don't know that since you never actually tried a guardian. I suggest you log to testlive, go to faith and make a lvl 80 male and a female guardian. Test FA 8 for example and BV. Notice the reckoning trigger and you'll see that the difference in damage is significant.
For a person explaining others about "myths" of aoc, you sure like to believe in your own myths. Test it and try it for yourself before making statements out of clear sky.
Why would guardian combo skip? Do you even know why combo skipping is useful?
Yes I do, but it seems you don't on the other hand. I suggest you talk to some of top fury guardians if the skip, which combos are skippable and what it means. Or in short - best guardians on the server are all MALE characters.
But please do continue to argue and throw fictions out of thin air to continue this "discussion"
Of course you would say that as you are firmly in the camp of the proponents. We get it already.
Skipping around from game forum to game forum bringing your own style of 'forum justice' as you see fit makes your own replies as stilted and predictable as those of whom you criticize.
Oh, I never made a secret of my stance: I 'hate' haters, or better said haters AND extreme fanbois, but in the AoC section here the number of some persistent campaign haters was larger than the fanbois in the few months I visit the forums.
Or as I said in other posts, I've no problem at all with people's posts where their dislikes and likes of a game are presented sensibly. Like this last post of yours, I don't agree with everything but nothing wrong with it. It's when the typically onesided bullshit argumentation and sophism of haters (or fanbois) keep droning on that it gets above my tolerance level (which is admittedly low for bs exposure) and that annoyance kicks in.
Although I've usually more tolerance for people showing genuine enthusiasm and fan attitude than for persistent whining and flaming.
Thread's getting derailed though from the OP topic, so I'll leave it at that.
Cyphers you've turned into a closet fanboi really, look at your post history, you attack people who have even admitted in the past that AoC is a fair PvE game, but lacks in other area's especially it's broken PvP.
Cyphers you've turned into a closet fanboi really, look at your post history, you attack people who have even admitted in the past that AoC is a fair PvE game, but lacks in other area's especially it's broken PvP.
Lol! Naah, no worries, although it IS more fun to attack the haters and the flaws in their argumentation than to post balanced posts . But I'm certainly not gonna read through the post history of every poster, where I see reason and sense I'll respond accordingly, where I see heavy bias and ongoing focused negativity ignoring any positive or constructive arguments, I'll respond accordingly too.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Cyphers you've turned into a closet fanboi really, look at your post history, you attack people who have even admitted in the past that AoC is a fair PvE game, but lacks in other area's especially it's broken PvP.
Lol! Naah, no worries, although it IS more fun to attack the haters and the flaws in their argumentation than to post balanced posts . But I'm certainly not gonna read through the post history of every poster, where I see reason and sense I'll respond accordingly, where I see heavy bias and ongoing focused negativity ignoring any positive or constructive arguments, I'll respond accordingly too.
lol dude your just as biased as the haters, you just refuse to acknowledge that fact.
And my bear is as far from random as your guardian to something. Believe me when I say this to you - guardian skuipping is neglectable and simply not worth missing BV because you try do it. The only classes worth skipping are Barb, conq and BS. Noone else gains enough from it. You can do it but the gain is not worth it with other classes. Hell, even HoX can comboskip but not the stuff that matters. I constantly do it on all my chars but more because I am so used to it doing it with my bear
No, all great guardians combo skip, but obviously you don't know that since you never actually tried a guardian. I suggest you log to testlive, go to faith and make a lvl 80 male and a female guardian. Test FA 8 for example and BV. Notice the reckoning trigger and you'll see that the difference in damage is significant.
For a person explaining others about "myths" of aoc, you sure like to believe in your own myths. Test it and try it for yourself before making statements out of clear sky.
Why would guardian combo skip? Do you even know why combo skipping is useful?
Yes I do, but it seems you don't on the other hand. I suggest you talk to some of top fury guardians if the skip, which combos are skippable and what it means. Or in short - best guardians on the server are all MALE characters.
But please do continue to argue and throw fictions out of thin air to continue this "discussion"
Best PoMs are female and best everyhing else are males. Why?:
a.) PoM suits female playstyle
b,) AoC is quit low on females
(that was the type of argument johnie normally throws)
From a BS that practically invented combo skipping, it is used for:
-a.) constant moving around enemy without waiting for combo finishers which allows mobility that is extremely important in melee type of PVP AoC offers. Normally works best and is worth doing with BS and Barb + semi Conq because most animations for these 3 are very slow.
now, you said you use it with BV and FA. Not sure how long FA takes but BV takes wooping 0.4sec to perform which is not something worth skipping really. Apart from it being quite hard to skip it ofc. (never played bv guardian but I imagine tht with 0.4 cast time you miss skipping and end up with big fat 0 dmg)
-b.) Bigger dps through time. I can't remember how long CA takes to cast but I think it is somewhere around 1.5 sec ... you can skip lets say 3 sec ... not that much really. but multiply this by 20+ (BS fights take long) ... and it can be done on all combos - for eg. SB4 can be skipped even more effective and Internal bleed as well
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
No, he meant you're biased towards judging the overall status of the game, doh. And I somehow doubt you can even tell the difference.
And what type of argument I "normally" throw, nihce? That PoM female thingy is supposed to demonstrate something? Thou be mad, brah (or should I specifically say, inebriated?)
No, he meant you're biased towards judging the overall status of the game, doh. And I somehow doubt you can even tell the difference.
And what type of argument I "normally" throw, nihce? That PoM female thingy is supposed to demonstrate something? Thou be mad, brah (or should I specifically say, inebriated?)
Oh, I can tell the difference. Better than people like you, and less biased towards judging games than posters who can post nothing but negatively of a game they don't even play. I mean, how stupid, pathetic and a waste of time is that, keeping on posting trash on a game you don't even play anymore? What's so difficult about 'moving on'? It's like stalking and griefing your ex IRL just because you have a grudge. Just plain sad, moronic and creepy.
But as someone said, haters will hate, no matter what. It's a sorry way to view and go through life, but at least it's their life, not mine.
But GL with keeping on posting, mate, everybody needs a hobby
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
No, he meant you're biased towards judging the overall status of the game, doh. And I somehow doubt you can even tell the difference.
And what type of argument I "normally" throw, nihce? That PoM female thingy is supposed to demonstrate something? Thou be mad, brah (or should I specifically say, inebriated?)
You often make an argument where you discard other posibilities of xplanation - he did the same. (your recent was that funcom method of submitting exploits is the reason why they are so slow at fixing it. )
One example of such reasoning popular today is "we all drive cars and many use canned sprays therefore we made the climate warmer" Where many forget that climate changes due to numerous of reasons even those human cannot control.
To me it is beyond bizzare to suggest that it is surprising that on top of x class in AoC are males therefore females are somehow disadvantaged. IMO female guardian looks damn SILLY and if I made a guarding on live I would never play female ... guardian is a tank. have you ever imagine fiat 500 as a tank?
I never did really say that the reason they are so slow in fixing exploits is the fact that they censor posters on forums who talk about exploits. With Funcom the main reason is always incompetence, or should I say, lack of quality. Specifically, this materializes in actions, such as adding more and more content over a broken core, or even worse, creating more bugs with patches. When Gaute was in charge, it was, naturally, even worse - you literally got more bugs with each patch than fixes (those stealth "fixes" were amusing).
However, I dare say their rigorous policy is part of the problem here, and most importantly, their behaviour towards this exploiter vs exploited relationship here is hypocritical and insulting, even though they'll say it's "for the greater good". I don't think the majority of Furians appreciate their policy, and these guys have been dealing with FC and exploits since time immemorial.
Last two patches seemed to focused on exploits and some people abusing Yag dungeon were punished, so things are improving. But you never know, we might see some new and improved exploits next month in the form of rat pets giving you infinite amount of stamina ... Expect the unexpected!
I never did really say that the reason they are so slow in fixing exploits is the fact that they censor posters on forums who talk about exploits. With Funcom the main reason is always incompetence, or should I say, lack of quality. Specifically, this materializes in actions, such as adding more and more content over a broken core, or even worse, creating more bugs with patches. When Gaute was in charge, it was, naturally, even worse - you literally got more bugs with each patch than fixes (those stealth "fixes" were amusing).
However, I dare say their rigorous policy is part of the problem here, and most importantly, their behaviour towards this exploiter vs exploited relationship here is hypocritical and insulting, even though they'll say it's "for the greater good". I don't think the majority of Furians appreciate their policy, and these guys have been dealing with FC and exploits since time immemorial.
Last two patches seemed to focused on exploits and some people abusing Yag dungeon were punished, so things are improving. But you never know, we might see some new and improved exploits next month in the form of rat pets giving you infinite amount of stamina ... Expect the unexpected!
Which MMO actually allow discussing exploits on their forums?
I've played around a dozen and looked at their forums, and it's always been stricktly modded.
Don't know and it's beside the point. Most MMOs have terrible launches, doesn't mean AoC should somehow be excused of its own terrible launch, does it?
Don't know and it's beside the point. Most MMOs have terrible launches, doesn't mean AoC should somehow be excused of its own terrible launch, does it?
So no games allows discussion of exploits on their forums and no games have had a good launch. So what is it specifically with AoC, seeing as it isn't much different from any other game, that has gotten your panties in a bunch?
Read the update notes and 2.05.1 where they implemented fixes for exploits, and that's from only the past month.
Saying that they're not quick with fixing exploits or didn't fix the exploit you were concerned about is a reasonable opinion, saying that they don't care about exploits at all is childish and immature reasoning.
It's not that they don't care, Funcom has a history of fixing exploits waaaay after the initial damage has been done, they have made it clear over the past two years and fixing exploits is not a top priority for them.
Sadly it's not limited to Funcom. It's pretty much every other company out there that are slow with fixing exploits. Blizzard, SOE and Turbine included.
Don't know and it's beside the point. Most MMOs have terrible launches, doesn't mean AoC should somehow be excused of its own terrible launch, does it?
So no games allows discussion of exploits on their forums and no games have had a good launch. So what is it specifically with AoC, seeing as it isn't much different from any other game, that has gotten your panties in a bunch?
There is difference, AoC's launch was super-terrible and the exploits are super-terrible. Yes, the prefix says it all.
And my bear is as far from random as your guardian to something. Believe me when I say this to you - guardian skuipping is neglectable and simply not worth missing BV because you try do it. The only classes worth skipping are Barb, conq and BS. Noone else gains enough from it. You can do it but the gain is not worth it with other classes. Hell, even HoX can comboskip but not the stuff that matters. I constantly do it on all my chars but more because I am so used to it doing it with my bear
No, all great guardians combo skip, but obviously you don't know that since you never actually tried a guardian. I suggest you log to testlive, go to faith and make a lvl 80 male and a female guardian. Test FA 8 for example and BV. Notice the reckoning trigger and you'll see that the difference in damage is significant.
For a person explaining others about "myths" of aoc, you sure like to believe in your own myths. Test it and try it for yourself before making statements out of clear sky.
Why would guardian combo skip? Do you even know why combo skipping is useful?
Yes I do, but it seems you don't on the other hand. I suggest you talk to some of top fury guardians if the skip, which combos are skippable and what it means. Or in short - best guardians on the server are all MALE characters.
But please do continue to argue and throw fictions out of thin air to continue this "discussion"
Best PoMs are female and best everyhing else are males. Why?:
a.) PoM suits female playstyle
b,) AoC is quit low on females
(that was the type of argument johnie normally throws)
From a BS that practically invented combo skipping, it is used for:
-a.) constant moving around enemy without waiting for combo finishers which allows mobility that is extremely important in melee type of PVP AoC offers. Normally works best and is worth doing with BS and Barb + semi Conq because most animations for these 3 are very slow.
now, you said you use it with BV and FA. Not sure how long FA takes but BV takes wooping 0.4sec to perform which is not something worth skipping really. Apart from it being quite hard to skip it ofc. (never played bv guardian but I imagine tht with 0.4 cast time you miss skipping and end up with big fat 0 dmg)
-b.) Bigger dps through time. I can't remember how long CA takes to cast but I think it is somewhere around 1.5 sec ... you can skip lets say 3 sec ... not that much really. but multiply this by 20+ (BS fights take long) ... and it can be done on all combos - for eg. SB4 can be skipped even more effective and Internal bleed as well
Who was even talking about real life gender and their performance in aoc?
Male guardians as in male guardian characters! jeez. There are enough female guardian characters around, but best pvp'ers are male ones (guess why... cause of skipping even tough you won't acknowledge it). Btw, every single second counts, don't tell me 3 seconds is nothing in pvp, especially in duels.
Well unfortunately guardian is one where it is really worth it. With a male character you can comboskipp FA and BV and trigger reckoning (which is huge), with female char your last hit won't apply in 90% of cases (timeframe is minimal), and if it DOES apply (if you skipped), you won't trigger reckoning at all. You need to wait the whole long animation and be rooted for 1.x seconds to get the reckoning trigger.
This applies to a lot of classes where different gender is involved. Seriously, have you even tried all the possibilities and same combos on different genders, or did you just stick to your random male bear shaman and you still have the nerves to come here to "educate all the noobs"?
Difference in combat is significant with comboskipping. I'm all for it staying, but make it equal and equal out animations. Unfortunately this is something that funcom won't do, because they have like 1 animation dev left (Sharum, if he's still alive), and redoing combo animations would mean recaluclating and testing thousands of finishers/animations. Month's work, and well... something that funcom is incapable to do.
If I really have to quote myself:
-females can't comboskipp: this is simply a myth. Every character can comboskip either it is male or female. If you didn't learn how than I suggest you practice some more. (granted it is harder but it is doable. I agree though and that is valid argument ... they need to fix the speed for females to be equal - never understood why speed is not equal tbh. Is there anything female has that makes it up for being slower in combat?)
And my bear is as far from random as your guardian to something. Believe me when I say this to you - guardian skuipping is neglectable and simply not worth missing BV because you try do it. The only classes worth skipping are Barb, conq and BS. Noone else gains enough from it. You can do it but the gain is not worth it with other classes. Hell, even HoX can comboskip but not the stuff that matters. I constantly do it on all my chars but more because I am so used to it doing it with my bear
No, all great guardians combo skip, but obviously you don't know that since you never actually tried a guardian. I suggest you log to testlive, go to faith and make a lvl 80 male and a female guardian. Test FA 8 for example and BV. Notice the reckoning trigger and you'll see that the difference in damage is significant.
For a person explaining others about "myths" of aoc, you sure like to believe in your own myths. Test it and try it for yourself before making statements out of clear sky.
Why would guardian combo skip? Do you even know why combo skipping is useful?
(same "problem" you can find at avoiding knockback with double tapping backwards which started as an exploit but is one of the most brilliant features currently implemented in combo system IMO. A simple change in game rules that makes a difference between cassual john and hardcore player) - Nihce.
Agree 100% on that. It turned out to be an accidental feature that actually works and enhances the combat. Now if these amateurs could accidentally fix sieges that would be another quantum leap forward in their development cycle.
Yes combo skipping is doable with certain combos on female characters. It is NOT doable with all combos that males can do. For example butcher 3,5 and 7 are skippable. Butcher 7 however is extremely difficult for a female toon to do, and honestly not worth the effort in trying it. Male combo skipping is an absolute cakewalk in comparison. So they need to either fix it across the board or disable it completely.
Now that the big monkey himself has labelled skippers are cheats. It will be interesting to see what they do about it. Sweep it under the carpet, bury their head in the sand and implement a new 6 man pve dungeon. To keep their new paradigm intact.
Tranca [RUS corp]
Of course, what the 'Funcom can do no wrong crowd' failed to mention is that when the problems with female character damage were reported, FCs first response was to deny it, like they do with everything else until they are are forced to admit it by hard evidence provided by players(remember the shrinking breast fiasco? - they denied that as well). It's that attitude towards their own customers that turns a lot of people off, not the bugs themselves.
Oh, please. 'that attitude'. You mean like a Blizzard first denying that real names on forum would affect anybody else but trolls or that you can get hacked even with an authenticator? Or like SOE first denying that EQ2 would go F2P, only a month before they announced that it would go F2P? Like most of the (MMO) game companies tend to deny stuff at first from time to time?
I'm not saying that FC people haven't been wrong or skipped around the truth from time to time, but they're far from unique in that aspect, and I'm also not blowing it all out of proportions like the 'Funcom can do nothing but wrong' crowd.
In fact, looking at this thread and some other recent ones, the AoC/FC proponents show more reason and ability to see the good as well as the bad stuff than the AoC/FC opponents and hater crowd. That last group can only see and talk about FC/AoC purely negative, completely onesided and biased - with an occasional exception, like Falfeir and - grudgingly admitted - Vepgenus (only some posts of his) .
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Of course you would say that as you are firmly in the camp of the proponents. We get it already.
Skipping around from game forum to game forum bringing your own style of 'forum justice' as you see fit makes your own replies as stilted and predictable as those of whom you criticize. Offering examples of other game companies actions in an attempt to defend Funcom from specific and justified complaints doesn't excuse them from what they are doing in regards to their customers.
Not to defend Sony, but their claims about not going f2p were probably made before market forces and returns told them that another course of action was needed. As for Blizzard, I don't know anything about what you claim. But then I don't haunt their forums as I stopped playing four years ago and really have no business there.
I actually want to see AoC NOT go free to play and gather momentum as it remains potentially one of the best MMOs ever. I also want to see TSW launch and launch well. Then, I will be finally convinced that Funcom have really turned the corner, put its past lies, mistakes and bait/switch tactics well and truly behind it .
Until then, if I think their s**t stinks, I will call them on it. I won't be one of those eating it and complimenting them on the taste.
If that makes me hater then so be it.
Oh, I never made a secret of my stance: I 'hate' haters, or better said haters AND extreme fanbois, but in the AoC section here the number of some persistent campaign haters was larger than the fanbois in the few months I visit the forums.
Or as I said in other posts, I've no problem at all with people's posts where their dislikes and likes of a game are presented sensibly. Like this last post of yours, I don't agree with everything but nothing wrong with it. It's when the typically onesided bullshit argumentation and sophism of haters (or fanbois) keep droning on that it gets above my tolerance level (which is admittedly low for bs exposure) and that annoyance kicks in.
Although I've usually more tolerance for people showing genuine enthusiasm and fan attitude than for persistent whining and flaming.
Thread's getting derailed though from the OP topic, so I'll leave it at that.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Yes I do, but it seems you don't on the other hand. I suggest you talk to some of top fury guardians if the skip, which combos are skippable and what it means. Or in short - best guardians on the server are all MALE characters.
But please do continue to argue and throw fictions out of thin air to continue this "discussion"
Cyphers you've turned into a closet fanboi really, look at your post history, you attack people who have even admitted in the past that AoC is a fair PvE game, but lacks in other area's especially it's broken PvP.
Lol! Naah, no worries, although it IS more fun to attack the haters and the flaws in their argumentation than to post balanced posts . But I'm certainly not gonna read through the post history of every poster, where I see reason and sense I'll respond accordingly, where I see heavy bias and ongoing focused negativity ignoring any positive or constructive arguments, I'll respond accordingly too.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
lol dude your just as biased as the haters, you just refuse to acknowledge that fact.
Best PoMs are female and best everyhing else are males. Why?:
a.) PoM suits female playstyle
b,) AoC is quit low on females
(that was the type of argument johnie normally throws)
From a BS that practically invented combo skipping, it is used for:
-a.) constant moving around enemy without waiting for combo finishers which allows mobility that is extremely important in melee type of PVP AoC offers. Normally works best and is worth doing with BS and Barb + semi Conq because most animations for these 3 are very slow.
now, you said you use it with BV and FA. Not sure how long FA takes but BV takes wooping 0.4sec to perform which is not something worth skipping really. Apart from it being quite hard to skip it ofc. (never played bv guardian but I imagine tht with 0.4 cast time you miss skipping and end up with big fat 0 dmg)
-b.) Bigger dps through time. I can't remember how long CA takes to cast but I think it is somewhere around 1.5 sec ... you can skip lets say 3 sec ... not that much really. but multiply this by 20+ (BS fights take long) ... and it can be done on all combos - for eg. SB4 can be skipped even more effective and Internal bleed as well
Of course I'm biased: I hate haters.
What's so difficult to understand in that sentence?
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
No, he meant you're biased towards judging the overall status of the game, doh. And I somehow doubt you can even tell the difference.
And what type of argument I "normally" throw, nihce? That PoM female thingy is supposed to demonstrate something? Thou be mad, brah (or should I specifically say, inebriated?)
Oh, I can tell the difference. Better than people like you, and less biased towards judging games than posters who can post nothing but negatively of a game they don't even play. I mean, how stupid, pathetic and a waste of time is that, keeping on posting trash on a game you don't even play anymore? What's so difficult about 'moving on'? It's like stalking and griefing your ex IRL just because you have a grudge. Just plain sad, moronic and creepy.
But as someone said, haters will hate, no matter what. It's a sorry way to view and go through life, but at least it's their life, not mine.
But GL with keeping on posting, mate, everybody needs a hobby
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
You often make an argument where you discard other posibilities of xplanation - he did the same. (your recent was that funcom method of submitting exploits is the reason why they are so slow at fixing it. )
One example of such reasoning popular today is "we all drive cars and many use canned sprays therefore we made the climate warmer" Where many forget that climate changes due to numerous of reasons even those human cannot control.
To me it is beyond bizzare to suggest that it is surprising that on top of x class in AoC are males therefore females are somehow disadvantaged. IMO female guardian looks damn SILLY and if I made a guarding on live I would never play female ... guardian is a tank. have you ever imagine fiat 500 as a tank?
I never did really say that the reason they are so slow in fixing exploits is the fact that they censor posters on forums who talk about exploits. With Funcom the main reason is always incompetence, or should I say, lack of quality. Specifically, this materializes in actions, such as adding more and more content over a broken core, or even worse, creating more bugs with patches. When Gaute was in charge, it was, naturally, even worse - you literally got more bugs with each patch than fixes (those stealth "fixes" were amusing).
However, I dare say their rigorous policy is part of the problem here, and most importantly, their behaviour towards this exploiter vs exploited relationship here is hypocritical and insulting, even though they'll say it's "for the greater good". I don't think the majority of Furians appreciate their policy, and these guys have been dealing with FC and exploits since time immemorial.
Last two patches seemed to focused on exploits and some people abusing Yag dungeon were punished, so things are improving. But you never know, we might see some new and improved exploits next month in the form of rat pets giving you infinite amount of stamina ... Expect the unexpected!
Which MMO actually allow discussing exploits on their forums?
I've played around a dozen and looked at their forums, and it's always been stricktly modded.
Don't know and it's beside the point. Most MMOs have terrible launches, doesn't mean AoC should somehow be excused of its own terrible launch, does it?
So no games allows discussion of exploits on their forums and no games have had a good launch. So what is it specifically with AoC, seeing as it isn't much different from any other game, that has gotten your panties in a bunch?
Sadly it's not limited to Funcom. It's pretty much every other company out there that are slow with fixing exploits. Blizzard, SOE and Turbine included.
There is difference, AoC's launch was super-terrible and the exploits are super-terrible. Yes, the prefix says it all.
Who was even talking about real life gender and their performance in aoc?
Male guardians as in male guardian characters! jeez. There are enough female guardian characters around, but best pvp'ers are male ones (guess why... cause of skipping even tough you won't acknowledge it). Btw, every single second counts, don't tell me 3 seconds is nothing in pvp, especially in duels.