GW2s beta is not open yet. Either Sorrow has played it at GamesCon or Comiccon. The alternative would be if he either works at ANET or have a close friend who does and had the chance to try the Alpha.
Or he could be trolling... But it is most likely he got 30 minutes of demo.
I don't really feel the GW 2 falls into the same catgory as Rift. I will buy GW 2 no matter how good rift is because they are trying something completely new. On top of that its buy to play, not having a sub goes along way towards its appeal. I am sick of WoW clones, and I am one of those people that fall into the area of not impressed with Rift's overall design. When I saw the first ( ! ) over the first NPC I sorta cringed. The rift and tears are nice but after I did about 15-20 of them I admit I was feeling a little "been here done that." That said, I will probably still end up getting rift because there really isn't anything else out and I am hungry for anything new. I really am sick though of go kill 10 of these and come back, go kill 8 of that come back quest bull crap. I sorta hope they up the amount of exp you get for killing mobs so I can have the choice of not doing quests if I dont feel like it. How they had it set in beta though that isn't a reality. It would just take way to long to level killing mobs. I would have been happier if I wasn't forced to quest. This just makes the game feel like a job for me. After doing it so much in GW1, WoW, Warhammer, LotR, and just about every other MMO out.
The only ones that seem to be at least trying to make a break from that is GW2, and maybe even SWTOR (don't really know what there plan is yet, other than full voice.) And I am sure when SWTOR comes out if I still feel like I felt during beta I will drop Rift for it. And definetly will drop Rift when GW2 comes out. I see myself in the future play free GW2 and subbing SWTOR. I am not about to have 2 subbs running at once so I just don't see Rift making the cut. Also I don't know if it was just me but the characters in Rift don't seem to stand out by themselves well enough. It seemed like every cleric/rogue/warrior/mage all looked the same to me. Only difference being the hair style. I even made a female cleric and tried to take the most wildest features and still thought my toon look just like every other cleric that was female. Same goes for the males. I know the graphic are good but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Everone just sorta looked blah.
Now im not saying Rift is bad, it will definetly be a time filler for me for a while. However radical claims of this being the best mmo of 2011? I just ain't feelin it.
I am not just making this statement wildly as hype.
Everyone who makes this statement before 2011 is actually over, is making it wildly as hype.
Because it doesn't matter how much you played RIFT, if you didn't play the other stuff that's coming in 2011 you can't compare.
But I have, and due to NDA thats more than I can really say.
First off Sorrow, if you were in the Rift Alpha, then you would know that revealing that you are in alpha will get you banned. I really don't think you would risk that to win an argument.
Second, as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm for Rift I really don't think that it's expressed well... Making a declaration that it will be the best game of 2011 is impossible to actually prove. Moreover, everyone has their own tastes the "best of" title is incredibly subjective.... You're giving one subjective opinion and proclaiming it as fact. It would be different if you put the words "I think" in the title, but you didn't.
If you really want to get everyone in here to believe you, then show us some proof. Since you are probably going to be kicked from beta anyway, for saying that you were in beta, there really is not much more damage you can do by at least giving us some basis from Alpha to support your declaration.
Finally, you should know how volatile of a topic this is right now... I suspect that you know this already. On top of that, I suspect that you're loving this. I think you are just trolling all the Rift haters out there... While I must admit, I did laugh at a few of the posts on this page it's really not worth it... You're just adding fuel to the fire.
Yeah... Sorry to drop a bomb on you guys but due to GW2 releasing in 2012..Rift will be the best mmo released this year. I can't discuss games under NDA but it's basically a guarantee that rift will kick another highly anticipated mmorpgs ass later this year. Again I can't reveal anymore than that due to mods deleting and warning me about giving out NDA info.
Funny. You're the only "beta tester" ive seen that doesnt like SWTOR
Everyone else says they cant play another MMO after they tried SWTOR because SWTOR brings the next step in quality to MMOs
Probably because you're not really a beta tester
"Can't reveal more than that"
Yeah, cause you're not in the friggin beta
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
I've been on these forums for like 2 days and have already seen like 20 people say
"That games gonna SUCK but i can't say more cause of NDA, etc"
This website is a joke
Worst community I've ever seen
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
The forum took a nose dive when they sent out loads of beta keys for beta 5. It'll probably sort itself out at release when the trolls and haters dont buy the game and move on.
Yeah... Sorry to drop a bomb on you guys but due to GW2 releasing in 2012..Rift will be the best mmo released this year. I can't discuss games under NDA but it's basically a guarantee that rift will kick another highly anticipated mmorpgs ass later this year. Again I can't reveal anymore than that due to mods deleting and warning me about giving out NDA info.
Funny. You're the only "beta tester" ive seen that doesnt like SWTOR
Everyone else says they cant play another MMO after they tried SWTOR because SWTOR brings the next step in quality to MMOs
Probably because you're not really a beta tester
"Can't reveal more than that"
Yeah, cause you're not in the friggin beta
Different people have different tastes. I could not care less about Bioware's story telling and voice overs but many like those features. If SW:TOR was developed by Trion I'd prolly be more interested
If it was developed by Trion it would be the exact same game without personal story, voice over, and cinematic quest dialog with choices
And you think that's a good thing?
I guess you like mindless quests you can can just grind for the next level
Which is fine. I mean hell, some people somehow ENJOY monotony
I just don't get it
Fact of the matter is, once people play SWTOR and get the games story without having to read a novel worth of quest text, people won't settle for less
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
Trust me, SW:TOR will crush this game like no tomorrow, and people will barely remember it ever existed.
You shouldn't lie like that. People are already crushed that this game offered nothing new. When they finally get too play TOR they will be suicidal... Chill with instilling false hope into these guys. After what I've seen GW2 is their only hope.
TOR will win in my book simply because it's scifi Rift so far seems like the umpteenth fantasy mmorpg with a different name than the rest of them. But we shall see after the year is over since I know for a fact that none of you are so proficient with shamanism that you can actually predict the future accurately!
Yeah... Sorry to drop a bomb on you guys but due to GW2 releasing in 2012..Rift will be the best mmo released this year. I can't discuss games under NDA but it's basically a guarantee that rift will kick another highly anticipated mmorpgs ass later this year. Again I can't reveal anymore than that due to mods deleting and warning me about giving out NDA info.
Funny. You're the only "beta tester" ive seen that doesnt like SWTOR
I guess you're not looking, coz I see em all over the place.
I hope TOR turns out as a solid MMO. I don't like monotonous game play but at the same time I don't like cut scenes either. I don't like to watch a cut scene with NPC blabbering well met, now go there and meet that every time I take or give in a quest. I played pen and paper for years and still find BW games to be snore fests. It's me, probably only me and I just explained why I'm not so much interested in BW made TOR. If it turns out good I'll most definitely play this but I just won't pre-order it.
Cut sceens are an intregal part of game today
Do you only play MMOs?
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
Yeah... Sorry to drop a bomb on you guys but due to GW2 releasing in 2012..Rift will be the best mmo released this year. I can't discuss games under NDA but it's basically a guarantee that rift will kick another highly anticipated mmorpgs ass later this year. Again I can't reveal anymore than that due to mods deleting and warning me about giving out NDA info.
Funny. You're the only "beta tester" ive seen that doesnt like SWTOR
I guess you're not looking, coz I see em all over the place.
I suppose you're gonna point me to some? OF COURSE NOT!!
I can point you to MANY go have vastly positive feedback for TOR
Torocast being one of them
All i ever hear about from and 1up and beta testers and demo players is how solid SWTOR is
And yet the only people i've seen who think it's bad are beta testers who thinks it's bad but "can't talk about it cause NDE so don't ask me exactly WHAT is bad about it" or what-ever-the-f***
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
Yeah... Sorry to drop a bomb on you guys but due to GW2 releasing in 2012..Rift will be the best mmo released this year. I can't discuss games under NDA but it's basically a guarantee that rift will kick another highly anticipated mmorpgs ass later this year. Again I can't reveal anymore than that due to mods deleting and warning me about giving out NDA info.
Funny. You're the only "beta tester" ive seen that doesnt like SWTOR
I guess you're not looking, coz I see em all over the place.
I suppose you're gonna point me to some? OF COURSE NOT!!
I can point you to MANY go have vastly positive feedback for TOR
torocast being one of them
If you want to wear roze tinted glasses, you're welcome to it. But don't pretend it's all nice and dandy in SWTOR land.
Yeah... Sorry to drop a bomb on you guys but due to GW2 releasing in 2012..Rift will be the best mmo released this year. I can't discuss games under NDA but it's basically a guarantee that rift will kick another highly anticipated mmorpgs ass later this year. Again I can't reveal anymore than that due to mods deleting and warning me about giving out NDA info.
Funny. You're the only "beta tester" ive seen that doesnt like SWTOR
I guess you're not looking, coz I see em all over the place.
I suppose you're gonna point me to some? OF COURSE NOT!!
I can point you to MANY go have vastly positive feedback for TOR
torocast being one of them
If you want to wear roze tinted glasses, you're welcome to it. But don't pretend it's all nice and dandy in SWTOR land.
If you want to point me to some negative reveiws from beta testers, you're welcome to it. But don't pretend like you actually have sources to back up your claim
I can be witty to!
I'm gonna save us both a headache and just say that this exchange is over. Since I'm not going to convince you to quit BSing me, and you're not going to convince me that a game is bad before i even tried it
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
Yeah... Sorry to drop a bomb on you guys but due to GW2 releasing in 2012..Rift will be the best mmo released this year. I can't discuss games under NDA but it's basically a guarantee that rift will kick another highly anticipated mmorpgs ass later this year. Again I can't reveal anymore than that due to mods deleting and warning me about giving out NDA info.
Funny. You're the only "beta tester" ive seen that doesnt like SWTOR
I guess you're not looking, coz I see em all over the place.
I suppose you're gonna point me to some? OF COURSE NOT!!
I can point you to MANY go have vastly positive feedback for TOR
torocast being one of them
If you want to wear roze tinted glasses, you're welcome to it. But don't pretend it's all nice and dandy in SWTOR land.
If you want to point me to some negative reveiws from beta testers, you're welcome to it. But don't pretend like you actually have sources to back up your claim
I can be witty to!
Not being witty ... being realistic.
You're a fan, that's obvious. You see only the good things. Me, I have my doubts and somehow I also manage to see negative stuff floating around.
I am a huge rift fan... and I do think it will be a massive success, but to already proclaim it as the best mmo of 2011 is a little premature
Do I think it has a chance to be the best mmo of 2011? Definatly, but alot can happen with 11 months of the year still left
Since you're a fan, enlighten us on what makes you love it? And please be specific.
GW2s beta is not open yet. Either Sorrow has played it at GamesCon or Comiccon. The alternative would be if he either works at ANET or have a close friend who does and had the chance to try the Alpha.
Or he could be trolling... But it is most likely he got 30 minutes of demo.
I second your prediction OP!!!!!
Yeah DCUO is fun but in a different way. Certainly more content in Rift but it blows the other two super hero mmos away.
I don't really feel the GW 2 falls into the same catgory as Rift. I will buy GW 2 no matter how good rift is because they are trying something completely new. On top of that its buy to play, not having a sub goes along way towards its appeal. I am sick of WoW clones, and I am one of those people that fall into the area of not impressed with Rift's overall design. When I saw the first ( ! ) over the first NPC I sorta cringed. The rift and tears are nice but after I did about 15-20 of them I admit I was feeling a little "been here done that." That said, I will probably still end up getting rift because there really isn't anything else out and I am hungry for anything new. I really am sick though of go kill 10 of these and come back, go kill 8 of that come back quest bull crap. I sorta hope they up the amount of exp you get for killing mobs so I can have the choice of not doing quests if I dont feel like it. How they had it set in beta though that isn't a reality. It would just take way to long to level killing mobs. I would have been happier if I wasn't forced to quest. This just makes the game feel like a job for me. After doing it so much in GW1, WoW, Warhammer, LotR, and just about every other MMO out.
The only ones that seem to be at least trying to make a break from that is GW2, and maybe even SWTOR (don't really know what there plan is yet, other than full voice.) And I am sure when SWTOR comes out if I still feel like I felt during beta I will drop Rift for it. And definetly will drop Rift when GW2 comes out. I see myself in the future play free GW2 and subbing SWTOR. I am not about to have 2 subbs running at once so I just don't see Rift making the cut. Also I don't know if it was just me but the characters in Rift don't seem to stand out by themselves well enough. It seemed like every cleric/rogue/warrior/mage all looked the same to me. Only difference being the hair style. I even made a female cleric and tried to take the most wildest features and still thought my toon look just like every other cleric that was female. Same goes for the males. I know the graphic are good but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Everone just sorta looked blah.
Now im not saying Rift is bad, it will definetly be a time filler for me for a while. However radical claims of this being the best mmo of 2011? I just ain't feelin it.
It's definitely good enough to win Best MMO 2011 but I hope SWTOR takes that award. I'm already pre-ordered and will be playing it until SWTOR
it's only begining of Feb now and you claimed this is the best mmo of the year? what a typical fanboy.... this game is so overheped
Which FF Character Are You?
First off Sorrow, if you were in the Rift Alpha, then you would know that revealing that you are in alpha will get you banned. I really don't think you would risk that to win an argument.
Second, as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm for Rift I really don't think that it's expressed well... Making a declaration that it will be the best game of 2011 is impossible to actually prove. Moreover, everyone has their own tastes the "best of" title is incredibly subjective.... You're giving one subjective opinion and proclaiming it as fact. It would be different if you put the words "I think" in the title, but you didn't.
If you really want to get everyone in here to believe you, then show us some proof. Since you are probably going to be kicked from beta anyway, for saying that you were in beta, there really is not much more damage you can do by at least giving us some basis from Alpha to support your declaration.
Finally, you should know how volatile of a topic this is right now... I suspect that you know this already. On top of that, I suspect that you're loving this. I think you are just trolling all the Rift haters out there... While I must admit, I did laugh at a few of the posts on this page it's really not worth it... You're just adding fuel to the fire.
Funny. You're the only "beta tester" ive seen that doesnt like SWTOR
Everyone else says they cant play another MMO after they tried SWTOR because SWTOR brings the next step in quality to MMOs
Probably because you're not really a beta tester
"Can't reveal more than that"
Yeah, cause you're not in the friggin beta
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB
Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP
Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
I've been on these forums for like 2 days and have already seen like 20 people say
"That games gonna SUCK but i can't say more cause of NDA, etc"
This website is a joke
Worst community I've ever seen
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB
Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP
Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
The forum took a nose dive when they sent out loads of beta keys for beta 5. It'll probably sort itself out at release when the trolls and haters dont buy the game and move on.
If it was developed by Trion it would be the exact same game without personal story, voice over, and cinematic quest dialog with choices
And you think that's a good thing?
I guess you like mindless quests you can can just grind for the next level
Which is fine. I mean hell, some people somehow ENJOY monotony
I just don't get it
Fact of the matter is, once people play SWTOR and get the games story without having to read a novel worth of quest text, people won't settle for less
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB
Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP
Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
TOR will win in my book simply because it's scifi Rift so far seems like the umpteenth fantasy mmorpg with a different name than the rest of them. But we shall see after the year is over since I know for a fact that none of you are so proficient with shamanism that you can actually predict the future accurately!
Edit: *in my book
Now you surely are in a state of frency like sharks? Its a nice game and new etc but NO on mmo for 2011!!
Originally posted by Jason2444
Funny. You're the only "beta tester" ive seen that doesnt like SWTOR
I guess you're not looking, coz I see em all over the place.
Cut sceens are an intregal part of game today
Do you only play MMOs?
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB
Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP
Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
I suppose you're gonna point me to some? OF COURSE NOT!!
I can point you to MANY go have vastly positive feedback for TOR
Torocast being one of them
All i ever hear about from and 1up and beta testers and demo players is how solid SWTOR is
And yet the only people i've seen who think it's bad are beta testers who thinks it's bad but "can't talk about it cause NDE so don't ask me exactly WHAT is bad about it" or what-ever-the-f***
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB
Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP
Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
This thread is so premature, it's not even funny.
If you want to wear roze tinted glasses, you're welcome to it. But don't pretend it's all nice and dandy in SWTOR land.
If you want to point me to some negative reveiws from beta testers, you're welcome to it. But don't pretend like you actually have sources to back up your claim
I can be witty to!
I'm gonna save us both a headache and just say that this exchange is over. Since I'm not going to convince you to quit BSing me, and you're not going to convince me that a game is bad before i even tried it
MMOs played: WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Planetside, Global Agenda, Star Trek Online, RIFT, Everquest 2, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, EvE online, APB
Best MMO Companies: Trion Worlds, ArenaNet, CCP
Worst MMO Companies: Electronic Arts
Not being witty ... being realistic.
You're a fan, that's obvious. You see only the good things. Me, I have my doubts and somehow I also manage to see negative stuff floating around.