No, there is one thing that scifi writers always ignore and physicist obviously not care about in physics. And thats the limits of the human physical body.
Oh travelling is long? Well, oh lets invent hybernate status. Just like that fairy tale you know.
Oh travelling is long? Well, hybernate makes up for a boring story, so lets just go through hyperspace! Whats that? No clue, but it has hyper in the name, so its awesome! How does it affect human bodies? Meh, they are in The Ship Of Awesomeness, so they are safe!
Oh years on board of a starship will change your muscles and bones into jelly? Well, there is of course artificial gravity, duh.
Oh years on board of a starship makes ppl want to kill each other? Oh np, not these ppl, they are very nice.
Valid fundamental problems left unsolved. This has been the same for decades now. There is no indication that exploration of space will be anything like in Sci Fi. Why? Because we can only look with our eyes which are limited with current knowledge. Assuming that there are no limits for what we can do, is just logically so incredibly ignorant.
The limits of a human is just one part that all scifi writers happily ignore.
Well, that's all well and good but there is a difference between "oh my anything is possible if we hope and think really hard" and "based on our knowledge, if something were to go down this is the way I can conceive of it".
Writeres like Jules Verne and H.G. Wells were writing about things that hinted at what was to come.
Heck, I find it extremely interesting that the Star Trek Communicator is very reminiscent of the cell phone.
I think writers will spur the imagination and then those that can take up the gauntlet and see what can be made.
It's important to note that "just because one can think it doesn't mean that it's possible. However, if we can think it we might be able to come up with a reasonable substitute at some point. of course we are still learning about this universe.
There was a point in time when we couldn't stop "light" and now we can stop that information and release it. Who would have thought?
It's a very slow process and we are alwasy revising what can and cannot be done. I think part of what makes human great is that we try. It might be folly but even if we fail we learn something that can then be used in another capacity.
I never claimed one way or the other. Others that quoted me failed to understand that. I just claimed that you cant tell if SWTOR's projected technology advancement is wrong from a realistic point of view.
But it starts to annoy me that many readers here see yes where there is a maybe.
yes we have 2 arms and a head and basic features (etc) but "pretty much the same" to me means that when faced with a beauty of today or a beauty of 2,000,000 years ago, either will do.
And I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
for most people.
But I'm not here to judge.
Lucky me that I put in that: on the larger scale of things.
Pretty much the same is not exactly the same. On the larger scale of things I think sharing most charasterics means pretty much the same. Besides beauty is extremely picky. If one thing is only slightly off then something no longer looks beautifull, but is still pretty much the same.
But then again, if you believe that beauty is the only defining factor of humanity then I'm not here to judge.
Well regardless, my point stands in that 3,500 years from now we will be different than now.
I never claimed we would have extra heads or redicsover the use of the tail. but if I took a being from 3,500 years from now and put it in a line up with contemporary man I think for a million dollars you would be able to pick the one that is "different".
So in 3,500 years from now we might have less hair or lose that pinky toe and maybe men will lose those nipples (though I'm not a biologist so I couldn't say if that' just happens when the sex is finally determined).
Or if Ray Kurzweil is even remotely correct we will find a way to merge with machines and in a sense take our evolution to a completely different place.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
No, there is one thing that scifi writers always ignore and physicist obviously not care about in physics. And thats the limits of the human physical body.
The limits of a human is just one part that all scifi writers happily ignore.
Considering the fact that you also wrote a response to each one of those proves that the issues have not been ignored...
{mod edit}
As for onehunerdper : The fact that those questions havent been ignored, is not even remotely close as having found a solution. They just made something up. A sci fi's writers research is basically summed up with :
You're whole statement was flaming writers for ignoring human limits, when they did no such thing. They simply wrote about possible answers to said questions LOL. You may want to be more careful with what you write if you're going to claim some superior intellect. You seem to be contradicting yourself all over the place.
I was simply stating that you statement that the limits have been ignored is incorrect, don't try to prove me wrong by editing your thoughts, and then claiming that my conclusions are inccorect after you've tried to change your original position on the subject. Honeslty the funniest part is that you contradict yourself in the very same statement LOL.
Well regardless, my point stands in that 3,500 years from now we will be different than now.
I never claimed we would have extra heads or redicsover the use of the tail. but if I took a being from 3,500 years from now and put it in a line up with contemporary man I think for a million dollars you would be able to pick the one that is "different".
So in 3,500 years from now we might have less hair or lose that pinky toe and maybe men will lose those nipples (though I'm not a biologist so I couldn't say if that' just happens when the sex is finally determined).
Or if Ray Kurzweil is even remotely correct we will find a way to merge with machines and in a sense take our evolution to a completely different place.
How do you know with absolute certainty that this will be the case?
I fully realise it's extremely likely that it will be the case but it's not certain.
Through some freak events we could be at almost the same place we are now in 3500 years. It's not likely. But it is possible.
Maybe we will merge with machines. Maybe there will be some revolution. Maybe eventually we'll go back to more or less where we are now.
Maybe we'll hit some unsolvable problem in science preventing us from advancing much more.
Not likely. But can you really say it's impossible?
We are the bunny. Resistance is futile. ''/\/\'''''/\/\''''''/\/\ ( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o) (")("),,(")("),(")(")
Thus explaining why termites who evolved 250 billion years ago and have barely evolved since are still here today.
We are tchnological being, a race dependent on tech... termites aren't.
You know what, I should follow my own advice here & stop debunking your flawed arguements. I have better thing to do with my time, but have a good day nonetheless sir.
Technological advancement is clearly an element of the star wars universe because, well, they aren't throwing rocks at each other. They're in big space ships, they weren't just given that technology.
Technological advancement, and the existence of technology are two different things.
Also who's demanding? We're trying to discuss why technology has stagnated and the best response most can come up with is "It just has, stop trolling".
Ever read a book and wanted to discuss it with your friends? Same thing here. This is something that has bothered the OP and he's looking to discuss it. Unfortunately so many simply dismiss the conversation as rediculous and go through the trouble of actually saying so. Seems obvious to me that if you didn't wish to discuss lore then you should steer clear of the thread, but I guess that's just me.
Well, while I'd normally agree, the TITLE of this thread does not denote a curiosity regarding tech advancement. No, rather a condemnation of the IPbecause technological advancement doesn't evolve at the rate ours currently does.
Also, the rabbits talk in watership down because they are communicating with themselves and other animals. Same as in animals of farthing wood. You don't see them communicate with humans. Don't know who the who are though, sorry.
So your response, if I'm understanding, is that they do because they do. We know animals don't communicate in the manner that they do in WD. If so, I agree. They talk because it is necessary for the story that they do so. For Star Wars, evolutions in technology aren't necessary to tell the story, so it's irrelevent.
Firstly no, whilst existance of technology is different to technological advancement in terms of their meanings. They are still mutually exclusive. You cannot have one without the other.
In a fictional universe you can. Existence of ANYTHING requires only that the author consider it. And in these stories, huge advancements in technology over time are not required for the story(s) to work.
Secondly I too agree, the title of the thread is more inflamatory than it need be, but the content of the post is not (least I didn't find it to be). Certainly my intention in this thread is due to curiousity.
Thirdly, it would be irrelevant if Star wars was a singular story, wrapped in a neat little bow. However it is more than that. It's a whole universe of lore with hundreds if not thousands of stories held within spanning maybe 20000 years of history (going by that other post). How can evolutions in technology not be important? Especially considering that Star Wars is Science fiction. It's very setting denotes an importance in technology.
There's truth to that. However, as I mentioned before, the lore of Middle Earth stretches back thousands of years, where in the 1st age there were swords and metal armor like we had in the 1200-1400's. Why isn't anyone complaining that Frodo didn't just hop into a jet and drop the ring from the bay doors? Or better yet, just house the thing in a smart cruise missile or spy drone and call it a day?
Off topic and back to the rabbits, they talk amongst themselves because it is completely feasible for a species to have interspecies communications is it not? Their talking could be considered a translation for our benefits to understand what they are saying. It's not of course, I'm just saying. Rabbits talking to other rabbits isn't exactly a lore gap.
If, by "interspecies communication" you mean, "I'm analyzing whether you're a threat and/or if I want to hump you", or "stay away from my kill", then sure. :P But if by interspecies communication you mean "here's my plan to rescue our pals from captivity:"I can't say I buy that. By the way, I DO think it's on topic, as in reality, this whole thread is REALLY about what details and imaginary devices an author does or doesn't use to tell a story.
Well regardless, my point stands in that 3,500 years from now we will be different than now.
I never claimed we would have extra heads or redicsover the use of the tail. but if I took a being from 3,500 years from now and put it in a line up with contemporary man I think for a million dollars you would be able to pick the one that is "different".
So in 3,500 years from now we might have less hair or lose that pinky toe and maybe men will lose those nipples (though I'm not a biologist so I couldn't say if that' just happens when the sex is finally determined).
Or if Ray Kurzweil is even remotely correct we will find a way to merge with machines and in a sense take our evolution to a completely different place.
How do you know with absolute certainty that this will be the case?
I fully realise it's extremely likely that it will be the case but it's not certain.
Through some freak events we could be at almost the same place we are now in 3500 years. It's not likely. But it is possible.
Maybe we will merge with machines. Maybe there will be some revolution. Maybe eventually we'll go back to more or less where we are now.
Maybe we'll hit some unsolvable problem in science preventing us from advancing much more.
Not likely. But can you really say it's impossible?
as my other post states, in a universe with Billions upon billions of possibilities, anything is possible but might not be probable.
So if that is your point then "sure" there is a possibility we will be exactly the same.
Still, I'm putting my money on losing the pinky toe and hopefully getting rid of these damn nipples.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
In the spirit of taking part, in all honestly, they really can do what they want, and its all approved by george lucas.....sooooooo, who cares? as long as its a great story that all I care about, im not going to nit pick the heck out of it.
"Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said…’I’m too drunk to taste this chicken." - Ricky Bobby
We are tchnological being, a race dependent on tech... termites aren't.
You know what, I should follow my own advice here & stop debunking your flawed arguements. I have better thing to do with my time, but good have a good day nonetheless sir.
Clearly dependant on tech. Must be why our ancient ancestors didn't initially live much like the larger apes.
Nope. As soon as the first human, already fully evolved, dropped out of a chimp mother he was equipped with cellphone, internet and a portable fridge. Ready to take on the world and build the first society!
Clearly if we were ever to stop thinking off new things and progressing science God would immediatly get mad and wipe us from the face of the planet! We're just lucky God was asleep during the Dark Ages when there wasn't any technological advancement going on and that he cut us some slack during the Stone Ages when we were just getting started.
I fall before your superior argumentation! Please teach me oh master of logic and reason!
We are the bunny. Resistance is futile. ''/\/\'''''/\/\''''''/\/\ ( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o) (")("),,(")("),(")(")
So in 3,500 years from now we might have less hair or lose that pinky toe and maybe men will lose those nipples (though I'm not a biologist so I couldn't say if that' just happens when the sex is finally determined).
While not a biologist, I'm fairly learned on such things...
It's unlikely we'll lose male nipples, because:
1. Humans currently are under little environmental pressure to evolve(example: being slow, small, or weak doesn't significantly raise your chances of being eaten by a lion in our current environment.
2. Nipples or a lack thereof do not help nor hinder a mans ability to survive, or reproduce. Matter of fact, a person who suddenly lacked them would probably be LESS likely to reproduce due to women getting a bit freaked out.
A good bit OT, sorry, but I thought it was an irresistable topic.
Read the Foundation Series by Asimov. George Lucas sure as hell did. Asimov goes into this exact debate ad nauseam over the span of about 7 novels. If you wanna read the story that gave Star Wars a good chunk of it's inception, check it out.
Is it likely that an universe would have a quite total technological stagnation over 3500 years? Nope.
Is it complete bogus an univerise could have a quite total technological stagnation over 3500 years? Nope.
I think the answer is pretty blatantly obvious though that Star Wars isn't that way because there's some clever reasoning behind why their technology and society works the way it does...
... it's just 'George Lucas thought it was cool, and everybody who does other Star Wars things avoids changing things too much because that's probably part of their contract.'
Though I do sort of miss the grand old days when Star Wars licensing was fresh, and you could have fun random things like official Leia/Luke incest, because nobody saw the twist coming...
I think part of what's weird about Star Wars is that they DO show technological advancement... in the short term. There are mentions of new weapons, new developments, new ships... but 3500 years apart, they appear to be much the same (Yet still theoretically advancing.)
... but then you look at things like the technology of movies 1-3 vs. movies 4-6, where there's more advanced looking things before... why? Because movie making technology allowed it.
It's why it's best to just shuffle Star Wars under the 'It's that way because it's Star Wars' heading.
Oh, and then there's lots of different aliens at different levels of advancement, which doesn't make a WHOLE lot of sense, after hanging out together for 3500 years...
... but I digress. It's all justified by 'It's Star Wars', and any reasons above and beyond that are just making things up to try and make ourselves feel better about the oddness.
We are tchnological being, a race dependent on tech... termites aren't.
You know what, I should follow my own advice here & stop debunking your flawed arguements. I have better thing to do with my time, but good have a good day nonetheless sir.
Clearly dependant on tech. Must be why our ancient ancestors didn't initially live much like the larger apes.
Nope. As soon as the first human, already fully evolved, dropped out of a chimp mother he was equipped with cellphone, internet and a portable fridge. Ready to take on the world and build the first society!
Clearly if we were ever to stop thinking off new things and progressing science God would immediatly get mad and wipe us from the face of the planet! We're just lucky God was asleep during the Dark Ages when there wasn't any technological advancement going on and that he cut us some slack during the Stone Ages when we were just getting started.
I fall before your superior argumentation! Please teach me oh master of logic and reason!
{mod edit}
I'm just rather interested on how you believe that there is no technological ceiling. That technology will just keep going and going with no stagnation for any extended periods of time. That in itself is a rather flawed argument. Even in Civ IV and V you reach a cap on how far your technological growth goes.
Are you saying to yourself right now that Civilization V is a game? Oh the similarities.
I'm just rather interested on how you believe that there is no technological ceiling. That technology will just keep going and going with no stagnation for any extended periods of time. That in itself is a rather flawed argument. Even in Civ IV and V you reach a cap on how far your technological growth goes.
Are you saying to yourself right now that Civilization V is a game? Oh the similarities.
Right on!
And who's to say that technological improvements would manifest themselves in ways that are noticable in the context in which we interact?
Could it not be that "transparisteel" is now 300x more durable than it was 3500 years ago, but that lasers are 300x more powerful? Or that they were still using glass 3500 years ago?
Technology doesn't even need a ceiling, because necessity already DOES have a ceiling. How much smaller does an MP3 player NEED to be than what it is, now? Not much smaller at all. It maybe could use to sound better, be more energy efficient, and have more space for data.
Does a blaster pistol REALLY need to be much more powerful than to be able to kill a guy in one shot? Nope... it just needs to be able to fire more shots, charge faster and maybe pierce newer armor/force fields. In the movies, I NEVER hear the word "reload"...
In both of those examples, those advancements would never be noticable given the context in which we view and interact in the SW universe. And yet would indicate a great deal of advancement.
When does Star Wars: The Old Republic take place in relation to the movies?
Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place more than 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader
So, with that in mind, please explain why this entire universe has been basically stagnant for 3500 years? Star Destroyer like ships, Jedi with Lightsabers, The Sith, The Jedi and so on.
What was the Earth like 3500 years ago for comparison?
Well you want credibility and suspense and make belief , consider the romans created aquaducts Bathing houses and hygiene , why did we have such poor living conditions in the middle ages?
Consider inventions of rifles or modern precision rifles , Why did First Half of American Civil war still used meat shield wall tactics .
Not to mention the horror of WW1... and WW2 how come we still haven´t eliminated War ?
Why are we still using Cars made 150 years + ago ?
I was imagining my own hover craft or something else by now .
But enough critisising decisions , here is the real deal !
set 3500 year before the original Trilogy , Gives BIOWARE free reign on creativity , so nothing have to conflicts current IP and story line .
Infact they cannot make it set 3500 year after the original trilogy , cause Goerge Lucas will object .
So it is a Star Wars MMO that has been given free reign to do whatever they want , as long it stays Iconic StarWars.
hmm how comes I always get angry on MMORPG no other forums does that :P
When does Star Wars: The Old Republic take place in relation to the movies?
Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place more than 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader
So, with that in mind, please explain why this entire universe has been basically stagnant for 3500 years? Star Destroyer like ships, Jedi with Lightsabers, The Sith, The Jedi and so on.
What was the Earth like 3500 years ago for comparison?
hmm how comes I always get angry on MMORPG no other forums does that :P
Because what happened on earth and humans really sets the standard for everything in the universe, especially made up IPs.... trolls are idd out in force....
When does Star Wars: The Old Republic take place in relation to the movies?
Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place more than 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader
So, with that in mind, please explain why this entire universe has been basically stagnant for 3500 years? Star Destroyer like ships, Jedi with Lightsabers, The Sith, The Jedi and so on.
What was the Earth like 3500 years ago for comparison?
hmm how comes I always get angry on MMORPG no other forums does that :P
Do you ever visit official forums?
Yes I do and I know why they made that story line . it is translated from Kotor
But basically it is a free reign on creativity not bounded with current conflict of interest .
They have the same creative freedom to muck up like WoW did with the warcraft universe .
oh my yes! I forgot about that!
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I never claimed one way or the other. Others that quoted me failed to understand that. I just claimed that you cant tell if SWTOR's projected technology advancement is wrong from a realistic point of view.
But it starts to annoy me that many readers here see yes where there is a maybe.
Well regardless, my point stands in that 3,500 years from now we will be different than now.
I never claimed we would have extra heads or redicsover the use of the tail. but if I took a being from 3,500 years from now and put it in a line up with contemporary man I think for a million dollars you would be able to pick the one that is "different".
So in 3,500 years from now we might have less hair or lose that pinky toe and maybe men will lose those nipples (though I'm not a biologist so I couldn't say if that' just happens when the sex is finally determined).
Or if Ray Kurzweil is even remotely correct we will find a way to merge with machines and in a sense take our evolution to a completely different place.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Thus explaining why termites who evolved 250 billion years ago and have barely evolved since are still here today.
We are the bunny.
Resistance is futile.
( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o)
well that I can completley understandable.
There are no "yes's" only "maybe's".
Time will tell.
Hey look, there are still people who believe that Aliens created the pyramids.
Is it possible? Sure, why not. In a universe with billions upon billions of possibilities "possible" can be used. Probably?
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
You're whole statement was flaming writers for ignoring human limits, when they did no such thing. They simply wrote about possible answers to said questions LOL. You may want to be more careful with what you write if you're going to claim some superior intellect. You seem to be contradicting yourself all over the place.
I was simply stating that you statement that the limits have been ignored is incorrect, don't try to prove me wrong by editing your thoughts, and then claiming that my conclusions are inccorect after you've tried to change your original position on the subject. Honeslty the funniest part is that you contradict yourself in the very same statement LOL.
How do you know with absolute certainty that this will be the case?
I fully realise it's extremely likely that it will be the case but it's not certain.
Through some freak events we could be at almost the same place we are now in 3500 years. It's not likely. But it is possible.
Maybe we will merge with machines. Maybe there will be some revolution. Maybe eventually we'll go back to more or less where we are now.
Maybe we'll hit some unsolvable problem in science preventing us from advancing much more.
Not likely. But can you really say it's impossible?
We are the bunny.
Resistance is futile.
( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o)
We are tchnological being, a race dependent on tech... termites aren't.
You know what, I should follow my own advice here & stop debunking your flawed arguements. I have better thing to do with my time, but have a good day nonetheless sir.
as my other post states, in a universe with Billions upon billions of possibilities, anything is possible but might not be probable.
So if that is your point then "sure" there is a possibility we will be exactly the same.
Still, I'm putting my money on losing the pinky toe and hopefully getting rid of these damn nipples.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
WOW what a pointless post.
In the spirit of taking part, in all honestly, they really can do what they want, and its all approved by george lucas.....sooooooo, who cares? as long as its a great story that all I care about, im not going to nit pick the heck out of it.
Clearly dependant on tech. Must be why our ancient ancestors didn't initially live much like the larger apes.
Nope. As soon as the first human, already fully evolved, dropped out of a chimp mother he was equipped with cellphone, internet and a portable fridge. Ready to take on the world and build the first society!
Clearly if we were ever to stop thinking off new things and progressing science God would immediatly get mad and wipe us from the face of the planet! We're just lucky God was asleep during the Dark Ages when there wasn't any technological advancement going on and that he cut us some slack during the Stone Ages when we were just getting started.
I fall before your superior argumentation! Please teach me oh master of logic and reason!
We are the bunny.
Resistance is futile.
( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o)
Blasphemy! I love nipples. I vote for them to stay where they are, especialy the tender womenly ones.
While not a biologist, I'm fairly learned on such things...
It's unlikely we'll lose male nipples, because:
1. Humans currently are under little environmental pressure to evolve(example: being slow, small, or weak doesn't significantly raise your chances of being eaten by a lion in our current environment.
2. Nipples or a lack thereof do not help nor hinder a mans ability to survive, or reproduce. Matter of fact, a person who suddenly lacked them would probably be LESS likely to reproduce due to women getting a bit freaked out.
A good bit OT, sorry, but I thought it was an irresistable topic.
That's all I'm saying.
Is it likely that an universe would have a quite total technological stagnation over 3500 years? Nope.
Is it complete bogus an univerise could have a quite total technological stagnation over 3500 years? Nope.
We are the bunny.
Resistance is futile.
( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o)
Read the Foundation Series by Asimov. George Lucas sure as hell did. Asimov goes into this exact debate ad nauseam over the span of about 7 novels. If you wanna read the story that gave Star Wars a good chunk of it's inception, check it out.
I think the answer is pretty blatantly obvious though that Star Wars isn't that way because there's some clever reasoning behind why their technology and society works the way it does...
... it's just 'George Lucas thought it was cool, and everybody who does other Star Wars things avoids changing things too much because that's probably part of their contract.'
Though I do sort of miss the grand old days when Star Wars licensing was fresh, and you could have fun random things like official Leia/Luke incest, because nobody saw the twist coming...
I think part of what's weird about Star Wars is that they DO show technological advancement... in the short term. There are mentions of new weapons, new developments, new ships... but 3500 years apart, they appear to be much the same (Yet still theoretically advancing.)
... but then you look at things like the technology of movies 1-3 vs. movies 4-6, where there's more advanced looking things before... why? Because movie making technology allowed it.
It's why it's best to just shuffle Star Wars under the 'It's that way because it's Star Wars' heading.
Oh, and then there's lots of different aliens at different levels of advancement, which doesn't make a WHOLE lot of sense, after hanging out together for 3500 years...
... but I digress. It's all justified by 'It's Star Wars', and any reasons above and beyond that are just making things up to try and make ourselves feel better about the oddness.
I'm just rather interested on how you believe that there is no technological ceiling. That technology will just keep going and going with no stagnation for any extended periods of time. That in itself is a rather flawed argument. Even in Civ IV and V you reach a cap on how far your technological growth goes.
Are you saying to yourself right now that Civilization V is a game? Oh the similarities.
After reading the OP, I realized something... Sometimes people think a little too much about stuff that just should be.
Right on!
And who's to say that technological improvements would manifest themselves in ways that are noticable in the context in which we interact?
Could it not be that "transparisteel" is now 300x more durable than it was 3500 years ago, but that lasers are 300x more powerful? Or that they were still using glass 3500 years ago?
Technology doesn't even need a ceiling, because necessity already DOES have a ceiling. How much smaller does an MP3 player NEED to be than what it is, now? Not much smaller at all. It maybe could use to sound better, be more energy efficient, and have more space for data.
Does a blaster pistol REALLY need to be much more powerful than to be able to kill a guy in one shot? Nope... it just needs to be able to fire more shots, charge faster and maybe pierce newer armor/force fields. In the movies, I NEVER hear the word "reload"...
In both of those examples, those advancements would never be noticable given the context in which we view and interact in the SW universe. And yet would indicate a great deal of advancement.
Well you want credibility and suspense and make belief , consider the romans created aquaducts Bathing houses and hygiene , why did we have such poor living conditions in the middle ages?
Consider inventions of rifles or modern precision rifles , Why did First Half of American Civil war still used meat shield wall tactics .
Not to mention the horror of WW1... and WW2 how come we still haven´t eliminated War ?
Why are we still using Cars made 150 years + ago ?
I was imagining my own hover craft or something else by now .
But enough critisising decisions , here is the real deal !
set 3500 year before the original Trilogy , Gives BIOWARE free reign on creativity , so nothing have to conflicts current IP and story line .
Infact they cannot make it set 3500 year after the original trilogy , cause Goerge Lucas will object .
So it is a Star Wars MMO that has been given free reign to do whatever they want , as long it stays Iconic StarWars.
hmm how comes I always get angry on MMORPG no other forums does that :P
Do you ever visit official forums?
Because what happened on earth and humans really sets the standard for everything in the universe, especially made up IPs.... trolls are idd out in force....
Yes I do and I know why they made that story line . it is translated from Kotor
But basically it is a free reign on creativity not bounded with current conflict of interest .
They have the same creative freedom to muck up like WoW did with the warcraft universe .