Too be very honest... I'm playing it right now and the only thing I've liked about it is the voice acting portion of quests. And while, it can be annoying, it doesn't coverup the fact that quests are standard issue. IMO the only thing the little cinematic quest intros do for you is immerse you in the story. Everything else is just meh...
Too be very honest... I'm playing it right now and the only thing I've liked about it is the voice acting portion of quests. And while, it can be annoying, it doesn't coverup the fact that quests are standard issue. IMO the only thing the little cinematic quest intros do for you is immerse you in the story. Everything else is just meh...
Mate, if you are playing it you signed an NDA. You're not supposed to talk about it.
Play - Don't play! Why isn't this just another thread on the general discussions list? I read the article and a few posts then just skipped down to this posting spot. Pro and anti, again and again. Don't care - I am pro Swtor - bye.
Im in agreement with the author and many of the replies here. I will be far more blunt and/or direct about it though. The game WREAKS of wow. Wait, I should begin by saying I have watched every trailer. I have read more forum posts, blogs, tweats, etc about this game than I can even name. I have seen live streams of beta play. I still want my chance to take a hands on look at the game. Despite all of this I still cling to the idea that this game wreaks of wow in many ways.
First off the game should not be target and swing/fire till the target drops. How many times should a trooper be shot in the face with a blaster before he goes down? How many slashes of the light saber through the body should it take to bring a creature to the ground? Now I don't expect the game to necessarily merge the mechanics of the Jedi Knight series with the physics of The Force Unleashed but I certainly don't think that a targeting system belongs in a sudo-realistic combat game. It should be somewhere in between. Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy took some skill to play. You had to know lots of movement combinations to execute combos and take down an apponent. Blasters and heavy weapons could kill "Jedi" just as well as "Jedi" could take down other weapons.
Next, the play along story sequences are little more than option A B or C events. Much like KOTOR I doubt we will really feel much effect from our choices in the game. In the end the results will be the same. The players will not have any real effect on the game. This is evident in the official video releases and other clips that can be found if you look hard enough. I have not seen end game yet but I can tell you that if it continues to mirror the WoW formula and make you hunt for gear I will certainly not play this game. Palpatine did not go over to the Jedi Academy every week and raid the place looking for that rare +10% dex +15 dmg sabaer Yoda hid in his "other cloak". Skills, abilities and other attributes should be affected by your accomplishments rather than the next lightsaber or blaster you find.
Finally I do not see much room in this incarnation of the Star Wars Galaxy for true exploration and adventure. Honestly I have not seen much of it since the days of Asherons Call and SWG. Though I do not think that this game should be another SWG or the next installment I do think that this kind of game is required to have a sandbox element to it. We should be able to shape areas of the game around the interests of the community. WoW really hurt the industry when it turned the playable world into "Zones" and it may not have been the first game to do this but it is the first game to really standardize the concept into a cookie cutter design. It simply feels fake. There is no emmersion in a world with such small static boundries. If any game should have massive borderless playing areas, it is Star Wars.
Now as I stated before I still want to get my hands on it and give it a chance but everything in me screams to wait for a free opportunity (open beta, trial, etc). I will not indulge in Preorders and other extras. I have simply been screwed too many times. It was said very well earlier in the post that every failed game hurts the entire industry and I am an example of someone who has wasted too much money on over hyped flops.
Keep in mind that I am not saying that this game will be a failure in any way. I think this game is aimed at the WoW generation of gamers and will offer a streamlined "take you by the hand and lead you to the loot at the end of the rainbow" concept. I am of the old generation that likes freedom in the game, space to explore and true adventure in an emmersive world. The kind of game that makes you check the clock and say "WTF happened to my saturday afternoon" rather than "holy F I still have to spend another hour and a half just to finish the dailies!" Opinions vary and I don't expect you to share all of mine. I am simply sharing my thoughts so that you have something to think about. My spelling and grammar probably suck. Deal with it!
This is an MMO and KotORs spiritual sequel, both of which have their style of combat that works for the technology they will be running on. I don't see action combat style light saber combos working in an MMORPG... really... To be honest even Age of Conans combat style turned off some of my friends because it wasn't something they could easily relate to.
You make choices that rely on "options A B C" sound trivial. If they are branching choices where option C leads to more "options D E F" that weren't available in "options A or B" then that has significant complexity. If you look at Bioware franchises like Dragon Age or Mass Effect it's clear that these choices will effect the world of your character. The endgame, true to Bioware, will likely be more about story then it will be about attaining better gear. For example, one option they've already stated is that many players enjoy rerolling a new class once they reach endgame to try out the separate storylines. To me that's an comfirmation that Bioware is looking at story and world building moreso than gear as part of the endgame.
It sounds like what you want is a sandbox element here. Where what one player does in a quest effects other players and has a lasting impanct on the world for other players. That's a fun and interesting mechanic but the disadvantage with that is the designer lacks the control to tell a focused immersive complex NPC and player acted story if each player can hugely effect the collective world environment. Although players can effect each others story by making choices during interactive quests.
For exploration SWtOR already looks like a large game. Reviewers have said that you aren't limited on which planets you can visit. But I think honestly most of the exploration of the story through quests. In terms of what information you can find out and what outcomes can be experienced. Similar to The Secret World where the investigative quests are a kind of story exploration instead of a physical environment exploration.
While this game is not probably not offering you brain puzzling quests that require time and dedication to solve, it is giving immersive storyline and quest exploration. And in today's world I don't know anyone who has the time for the former, and if it would even sell many copies. How can this game be aimed at WoW generation when it's not just "Whack mobs with stick. Rinse and repeat to top level" ?
Too be very honest... I'm playing it right now and the only thing I've liked about it is the voice acting portion of quests. And while, it can be annoying, it doesn't coverup the fact that quests are standard issue. IMO the only thing the little cinematic quest intros do for you is immerse you in the story. Everything else is just meh...
Mate, if you are playing it you signed an NDA. You're not supposed to talk about it.
I'm not releasing any information that isn't already known.
i preordered this game so damn hard, my credit card company called me and asked me if everything was ok and if it was actually me that had made the purchase. I bitch slapped that CS agent and said, foo dont you know this is the SWTOR preorder. You better recognize mother f$cker and then hung up the phone on their bitch ass.
Self centered article, who cares what excites one partiular individual.
We all care what each other thinks about a game. If we weren't, there would be no such things forums
I'm not sold on the game myself. I will wait for release and see what the players in game think of it all. If I like what I read/see on youtube, I will jump in...
Dang Dang and Dang now we have a winner! See the reason I am labeling Tor as a "story driven solo game with others players" is I am labeling games like World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, War...GW 2 the same way.
I think this is a good example, one that says it all.
I suspect a lot of people who keep bashing SWTOR with odd arguments are people who actually have grown sick or burnt out on traditional themepark MMO gameplay in general. They don't care about SWTOR because they have stopped caring about themepark MMO's in general, in fact I suspect that for some people that jadedness runs even deeper and they'll find themselves be bored pretty quickly in other types of MMO's as well, still unable to enjoy MMO's as much as they used to, but only time will tell.
Well, I suspect you are wrong in large part as far as people being unable to enjoy a non-themepark MMO in the context of the above. If that were true then I don't think you would have the "Isabelle's" out there writing opinion pieces which gives a voice to those of us who are sick of hearing that themepark is the way to go and that games like TOR are what "everyone" wants. I think that's why you see folks like myself chiming in and backing up said pieces.
Some people are content with eatingtheir same old bowl of gruel day in and day out, with maybe an occaisional random piece of fruit thrown in. The rest of us would like to have a buffet of various foods from which to choose from. Maybe if the MMO genre had produced as many sandbox games as they have themepark games you wouldn't have such a number of people who are tired of themeparks.
I would like you to be able to test your theory, though, for the short point that it would mean the industry was making something other than themeparks in "mass quantities".
? i have no idea to whom you were replying but it sure as hell wasn't to my post. If it was, then you completely misinterpreted what I was saying, which makes responding kinda difficult, first try to read what I'm actually saying
Oh, I understood exactly what you were saying. If you read my response it's easy to see that.
The only clarification needed is are you lumping everyone who isn't excited about TOR into your assumption or are you only talking about a specific subset that you believe are just burned out on MMOs in general. Either way I maintain that the majority of those not interested in TOR or any other themepark aren't burned out on MMOs, just themeparks.
Now, if we want to specifically address your highlight of Wotan's view that TOR is a "solo game"...well, objectively speaking can you complete all content in the game solo? If so then it is. If there is content that requires multiple people, then it isn't. Just because there is the option to group, in my view, doesn't exempt a game from the "solo game" moniker.
Now, Wotan's other games listed I wouldn't call solo games. I know factually WoW, AoC and WAR (if I recall correctly) have content that requires a group.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
This week i'll attend Gamescom for the third time and will have my third hands-on with TOR.
The first two experiences were indeed very Meh.
As my mates will all play it, i pre-ordered it though ... but i really hope it will become a lot more appealing and hold me longer then till level cap.
I'm also unexcited about SWTOR. Which is a shame because I was soo pumped when it was first announced. It is being marketed to the wow masses and that wont appeal to a lot of people, but could make them a lot more money.
Dang Dang and Dang now we have a winner! See the reason I am labeling Tor as a "story driven solo game with others players" is I am labeling games like World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, War...GW 2 the same way.
I think this is a good example, one that says it all.
I suspect a lot of people who keep bashing SWTOR with odd arguments are people who actually have grown sick or burnt out on traditional themepark MMO gameplay in general. They don't care about SWTOR because they have stopped caring about themepark MMO's in general, in fact I suspect that for some people that jadedness runs even deeper and they'll find themselves be bored pretty quickly in other types of MMO's as well, still unable to enjoy MMO's as much as they used to, but only time will tell.
Well, I suspect you are wrong in large part as far as people being unable to enjoy a non-themepark MMO in the context of the above. If that were true then I don't think you would have the "Isabelle's" out there writing opinion pieces which gives a voice to those of us who are sick of hearing that themepark is the way to go and that games like TOR are what "everyone" wants. I think that's why you see folks like myself chiming in and backing up said pieces.
Some people are content with eatingtheir same old bowl of gruel day in and day out, with maybe an occaisional random piece of fruit thrown in. The rest of us would like to have a buffet of various foods from which to choose from. Maybe if the MMO genre had produced as many sandbox games as they have themepark games you wouldn't have such a number of people who are tired of themeparks.
I would like you to be able to test your theory, though, for the short point that it would mean the industry was making something other than themeparks in "mass quantities".
? i have no idea to whom you were replying but it sure as hell wasn't to my post. If it was, then you completely misinterpreted what I was saying, which makes responding kinda difficult, first try to read what I'm actually saying
Oh, I understood exactly what you were saying. If you read my response it's easy to see that.
Naah, not really. I was talking about how a number of the people who bash SWTOR are actually bashing the whole themepark MMO concept and gameplay, which DerWotan confirmed (in his post he originally had a quoted post of mine where I said something sortlike and he confirmed that for him that was indeed the case), while you went off onto a completely different tangent about how ppl can enjoy a non-themepark MMO, which I never denied or said they wouldn't.
The only clarification needed is are you lumping everyone who isn't excited about TOR into your assumption or are you only talking about a specific subset that you believe are just burned out on MMOs in general. Either way I maintain that the majority of those not interested in TOR or any other themepark aren't burned out on MMOs, just themeparks.
I use the word 'some' and 'a lot of' for a reason, that usually means not everyone. Also, I referred specifically to the group that was bashing SWTOR and who were using odd arguments to do it. That should've been clear when reading it for the first time.
Besides that, I hardly think that all MMO gamers who are chronically bored now or who can't enjoy MMO's are all purely sandbox MMO gamers. For a number of the jaded, burnt out vets, again mind the use of 'a number of' which doesn't mean 'all' and also note that I don't mean just sandbox fans here, I wonder if some different mechanics or innovations will really alleviate their boredom longterm. After all, there were whole hordes of people who got bored too in sandbox MMO's, being a sandbox MMO isn't some magic formula to never be bored and always be entertained for all MMO gamers. People got bored or didn't have fun anymore and left sandbox MMO's when those MMO's were around, so why wouldn't a number of the people who are bored of MMO's now not find themselves bored quickly in a non-themepark/sandbox MMO as well?
Now, if we want to specifically address your highlight of Wotan's view that TOR is a "solo game"...well, objectively speaking can you complete all content in the game solo? If so then it is. If there is content that requires multiple people, then it isn't. Just because there is the option to group, in my view, doesn't exempt a game from the "solo game" moniker.
Now, Wotan's other games listed I wouldn't call solo games. I know factually WoW, AoC and WAR (if I recall correctly) have content that requires a group.
Same for SWTOR, it'll have group content that you won't be able to do solo, Flashpoints, Heroic Group Quests, Operations, just like other themepark MMO's, everyone paying attention and with some knowledge of SWTOR and themepark MMO's in general really should know that.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
This article was "meh". I can just look at anyforum and find better reasons to not like the game than was given here. I know-it was an opinion, but kind of a waste as an article. Either play it or don't. If an article isn't giving any new info or perspective it's just feeding the hype machine you complain of.
i love the hypocrisy of the site and GW2 fans. (I am planning on buying both so i couldnt care less if you label me a fanboi of either game).
You lock the other "Why i am not excited for GW2" thread but this one remains a site authorized opinion column. And GW2 fans are eager to jump in this thread and agree with the OP of this thread, but god forbid you try to criticize GW2, they attack you like a pack of ravenous hyenas.
Personally i think this fued is folly and stupid, both sides take it way to far.
Dang Dang and Dang now we have a winner! See the reason I am labeling Tor as a "story driven solo game with others players" is I am labeling games like World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, War...GW 2 the same way.
I think this is a good example, one that says it all.
I suspect a lot of people who keep bashing SWTOR with odd arguments are people who actually have grown sick or burnt out on traditional themepark MMO gameplay in general. They don't care about SWTOR because they have stopped caring about themepark MMO's in general, in fact I suspect that for some people that jadedness runs even deeper and they'll find themselves be bored pretty quickly in other types of MMO's as well, still unable to enjoy MMO's as much as they used to, but only time will tell.
Well, I suspect you are wrong in large part as far as people being unable to enjoy a non-themepark MMO in the context of the above. If that were true then I don't think you would have the "Isabelle's" out there writing opinion pieces which gives a voice to those of us who are sick of hearing that themepark is the way to go and that games like TOR are what "everyone" wants. I think that's why you see folks like myself chiming in and backing up said pieces.
Some people are content with eatingtheir same old bowl of gruel day in and day out, with maybe an occaisional random piece of fruit thrown in. The rest of us would like to have a buffet of various foods from which to choose from. Maybe if the MMO genre had produced as many sandbox games as they have themepark games you wouldn't have such a number of people who are tired of themeparks.
I would like you to be able to test your theory, though, for the short point that it would mean the industry was making something other than themeparks in "mass quantities".
? i have no idea to whom you were replying but it sure as hell wasn't to my post. If it was, then you completely misinterpreted what I was saying, which makes responding kinda difficult, first try to read what I'm actually saying
Oh, I understood exactly what you were saying. If you read my response it's easy to see that.
Naah, not really. I was talking about how a number of the people who bash SWTOR are actually bashing the whole themepark MMO concept and gameplay, which DerWotan confirmed (in his post he originally had a quoted post of mine where I said something sortlike and he confirmed that for him that was indeed the case), while you went off onto a completely different tangent about how ppl can enjoy a non-themepark MMO, which I never denied or said they wouldn't.
These are your words:
They don't care about SWTOR because they have stopped caring about themepark MMO's in general, in fact I suspect that for some people that jadedness runs even deeper and they'll find themselves be bored pretty quickly in other types of MMO's as well, still unable to enjoy MMO's as much as they used to, but only time will tell.
It is to these words of your to which that part of my reply was directed. So, you indeed did insinuate that those people you have labeled as "jaded" because they don't care for themepark play would not be happy in other types of MMOs. It is this I was disagreeing with you in that I think they would be very happy to have some kind of choice of equal production calibre.
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they "misunderstand" what you are saying.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Pretty much agree with your article. I don't believe it's a problem of the game itself so much, but that,for me, as I've grown older upcoming games excite me less and less. There are a few reasons for this.
One reason is simply the shear amount of time I've devoted to games over the decades. After a certain point no matter how shiny the games may look or sound, invariably I've seen the basic mechanic before making the new game in question as a whole a "meh" experience.
Another reason would be also a factor of time spent gaming. Sooner or later you'll play that game that set the standard for you, be it Homeworld, DOOM, QUake, Warcraft(not the mmo) C&C, Diablo, Civ, Warhammer(again not the mmo) UO EQ or a newer kid on the block, whatever. Shortly thereafter you will get flooded by other games that blatantly attempt to capture your $ by rehashing/repackaging it with a different gimmick. Sometimes this reshaping makes a better game, often it makes a good drink coaster.
Finally the thing that often turns me away from a game is market blitzes. We live in a consumer world. Spend enough time in it & you either develop an internal mute button to tune out marketing, or become a slave to your credit card. For me personally the more commercials, blink (non-game-play) video's, add banners I'm exposed too, the less I pay attention to them.
A few thoughts from me about why old codgers like me game less and why I'll do a looksee at SWTOR a few months after realese but till then no real interest.
I am a older gamer and I am looking forward to the game with much anticipation. For me Bioware is putting the soul back into MMORPGs because it will be about the story and your character that you are playing. Thats what RPG stands for Role Playing Game.
I think she takes a bit of a unfair shot in the end of her artical and looks rather snarky when she said that the game looked like a Single Player game. But without breaking a NDA all I can say is that she is very very wrong in her assesment. I am not going to hype the game I am more looking forwad to watching people flip over the game once it does launch. They will because there is nothing else like what Bioware has manged to create.
I think it's natural to feel the way you do. A large number of games are developed and released, leaving interested consumers to find the diamond in the rough. When we find something shiny and promising, we want it to be the answer to our hopes. But after all the experiences we accumulate as MMO consumers, we find ourselves putting up a wall against the hype and promises.
To me, the features alone justify the CE pre-order cost.
As for ingame chatter, players now are not what they were 10 years ago. PCs are far less expensive, and anyone can play these games; no knowledge of PC hardware/software required. As a result, people babble and troll ingame 24/7. You have to filter it our or read it at your own peril. Maybe you're just tired of the genre and you don't want to admit it. Maybe you're not the only one.
Simply put, you're wrong.
I agree with her 100%.
The amount of hater-rage and emo screams in this thread is truely delicious.
I do too and I'm a huge Star Wars nerd. The type of Star Wars nerd who reads Wookieepedia then realizes three hours just went by.
Too be very honest... I'm playing it right now and the only thing I've liked about it is the voice acting portion of quests. And while, it can be annoying, it doesn't coverup the fact that quests are standard issue. IMO the only thing the little cinematic quest intros do for you is immerse you in the story. Everything else is just meh...
Don't worry, I'm laughing at them just as much as you fanboiz.
I can't wait! Either it will bomb and all the fanbois will cry or it will be amazing and all the haters will. I win either way!
Forum pvp is the best pvp.
Mate, if you are playing it you signed an NDA. You're not supposed to talk about it.
Play - Don't play! Why isn't this just another thread on the general discussions list? I read the article and a few posts then just skipped down to this posting spot. Pro and anti, again and again. Don't care - I am pro Swtor - bye.
This is an MMO and KotORs spiritual sequel, both of which have their style of combat that works for the technology they will be running on. I don't see action combat style light saber combos working in an MMORPG... really... To be honest even Age of Conans combat style turned off some of my friends because it wasn't something they could easily relate to.
You make choices that rely on "options A B C" sound trivial. If they are branching choices where option C leads to more "options D E F" that weren't available in "options A or B" then that has significant complexity. If you look at Bioware franchises like Dragon Age or Mass Effect it's clear that these choices will effect the world of your character. The endgame, true to Bioware, will likely be more about story then it will be about attaining better gear. For example, one option they've already stated is that many players enjoy rerolling a new class once they reach endgame to try out the separate storylines. To me that's an comfirmation that Bioware is looking at story and world building moreso than gear as part of the endgame.
It sounds like what you want is a sandbox element here. Where what one player does in a quest effects other players and has a lasting impanct on the world for other players. That's a fun and interesting mechanic but the disadvantage with that is the designer lacks the control to tell a focused immersive complex NPC and player acted story if each player can hugely effect the collective world environment. Although players can effect each others story by making choices during interactive quests.
For exploration SWtOR already looks like a large game. Reviewers have said that you aren't limited on which planets you can visit. But I think honestly most of the exploration of the story through quests. In terms of what information you can find out and what outcomes can be experienced. Similar to The Secret World where the investigative quests are a kind of story exploration instead of a physical environment exploration.
While this game is not probably not offering you brain puzzling quests that require time and dedication to solve, it is giving immersive storyline and quest exploration. And in today's world I don't know anyone who has the time for the former, and if it would even sell many copies. How can this game be aimed at WoW generation when it's not just "Whack mobs with stick. Rinse and repeat to top level" ?
I'm not releasing any information that isn't already known.
i preordered this game so damn hard, my credit card company called me and asked me if everything was ok and if it was actually me that had made the purchase. I bitch slapped that CS agent and said, foo dont you know this is the SWTOR preorder. You better recognize mother f$cker and then hung up the phone on their bitch ass.
Guess you all should try EvE if you want something "endless" with "open feeling" and no "end game" in sight.
Definetly still excited, pre-ordered two CE editions for myself and wife.
We all care what each other thinks about a game. If we weren't, there would be no such things forums
I'm not sold on the game myself. I will wait for release and see what the players in game think of it all. If I like what I read/see on youtube, I will jump in...
Oh, I understood exactly what you were saying. If you read my response it's easy to see that.
The only clarification needed is are you lumping everyone who isn't excited about TOR into your assumption or are you only talking about a specific subset that you believe are just burned out on MMOs in general. Either way I maintain that the majority of those not interested in TOR or any other themepark aren't burned out on MMOs, just themeparks.
Now, if we want to specifically address your highlight of Wotan's view that TOR is a "solo game"...well, objectively speaking can you complete all content in the game solo? If so then it is. If there is content that requires multiple people, then it isn't. Just because there is the option to group, in my view, doesn't exempt a game from the "solo game" moniker.
Now, Wotan's other games listed I wouldn't call solo games. I know factually WoW, AoC and WAR (if I recall correctly) have content that requires a group.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
This week i'll attend Gamescom for the third time and will have my third hands-on with TOR.
The first two experiences were indeed very Meh.
As my mates will all play it, i pre-ordered it though ... but i really hope it will become a lot more appealing and hold me longer then till level cap.
I'm also unexcited about SWTOR. Which is a shame because I was soo pumped when it was first announced. It is being marketed to the wow masses and that wont appeal to a lot of people, but could make them a lot more money.
Same for SWTOR, it'll have group content that you won't be able to do solo, Flashpoints, Heroic Group Quests, Operations, just like other themepark MMO's, everyone paying attention and with some knowledge of SWTOR and themepark MMO's in general really should know that.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
This article was "meh". I can just look at anyforum and find better reasons to not like the game than was given here. I know-it was an opinion, but kind of a waste as an article. Either play it or don't. If an article isn't giving any new info or perspective it's just feeding the hype machine you complain of.
i love the hypocrisy of the site and GW2 fans. (I am planning on buying both so i couldnt care less if you label me a fanboi of either game).
You lock the other "Why i am not excited for GW2" thread but this one remains a site authorized opinion column. And GW2 fans are eager to jump in this thread and agree with the OP of this thread, but god forbid you try to criticize GW2, they attack you like a pack of ravenous hyenas.
Personally i think this fued is folly and stupid, both sides take it way to far.
These are your words:
They don't care about SWTOR because they have stopped caring about themepark MMO's in general, in fact I suspect that for some people that jadedness runs even deeper and they'll find themselves be bored pretty quickly in other types of MMO's as well, still unable to enjoy MMO's as much as they used to, but only time will tell.
It is to these words of your to which that part of my reply was directed. So, you indeed did insinuate that those people you have labeled as "jaded" because they don't care for themepark play would not be happy in other types of MMOs. It is this I was disagreeing with you in that I think they would be very happy to have some kind of choice of equal production calibre.
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they "misunderstand" what you are saying.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
This is my response to this article writer.
What creative writing...
Pretty much agree with your article. I don't believe it's a problem of the game itself so much, but that,for me, as I've grown older upcoming games excite me less and less. There are a few reasons for this.
One reason is simply the shear amount of time I've devoted to games over the decades. After a certain point no matter how shiny the games may look or sound, invariably I've seen the basic mechanic before making the new game in question as a whole a "meh" experience.
Another reason would be also a factor of time spent gaming. Sooner or later you'll play that game that set the standard for you, be it Homeworld, DOOM, QUake, Warcraft(not the mmo) C&C, Diablo, Civ, Warhammer(again not the mmo) UO EQ or a newer kid on the block, whatever. Shortly thereafter you will get flooded by other games that blatantly attempt to capture your $ by rehashing/repackaging it with a different gimmick. Sometimes this reshaping makes a better game, often it makes a good drink coaster.
Finally the thing that often turns me away from a game is market blitzes. We live in a consumer world. Spend enough time in it & you either develop an internal mute button to tune out marketing, or become a slave to your credit card. For me personally the more commercials, blink (non-game-play) video's, add banners I'm exposed too, the less I pay attention to them.
A few thoughts from me about why old codgers like me game less and why I'll do a looksee at SWTOR a few months after realese but till then no real interest.
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EDIT Spelling
I am a older gamer and I am looking forward to the game with much anticipation. For me Bioware is putting the soul back into MMORPGs because it will be about the story and your character that you are playing. Thats what RPG stands for Role Playing Game.
I think she takes a bit of a unfair shot in the end of her artical and looks rather snarky when she said that the game looked like a Single Player game. But without breaking a NDA all I can say is that she is very very wrong in her assesment. I am not going to hype the game I am more looking forwad to watching people flip over the game once it does launch. They will because there is nothing else like what Bioware has manged to create.
I think it's natural to feel the way you do. A large number of games are developed and released, leaving interested consumers to find the diamond in the rough. When we find something shiny and promising, we want it to be the answer to our hopes. But after all the experiences we accumulate as MMO consumers, we find ourselves putting up a wall against the hype and promises.
To me, the features alone justify the CE pre-order cost.
As for ingame chatter, players now are not what they were 10 years ago. PCs are far less expensive, and anyone can play these games; no knowledge of PC hardware/software required. As a result, people babble and troll ingame 24/7. You have to filter it our or read it at your own peril. Maybe you're just tired of the genre and you don't want to admit it. Maybe you're not the only one.
See you in SW:TOR.