I think TOR is going to be a great game, but I get an overwhelming "meh" feeling when thinking about playing it. Honestly, I just can't stand raiding and PVP being the only form of character progression once you hit level cap. The industry will continue to make these games because they remain profitable, but after nearly a decade of them, I've had my fill of "themepark" MMOs.
They have an entire planet dedicated to soloing...
In an MMO?...
don't see why not, Anarchy Online had solo missions, basically randomized 1 person dungeons. That was one of my favorite features.
If i had a nickle everytime someone says 'WOW clone' i would be a millionaire by now. People even call GW2 and Tera WOW clones because players are so narrow minded these days that they pick up 2 or 3 features out of long list which resemble the most like traditional MMOS (not particularly WOW) and scream 'WOW CLONE'. All these MMOS including SWTOR have enough features to set it apart from WOW but who cares right? we will continue to use our tunnel vision.
Like what?
Outside of the speech options with NPCs, I didnt' really notice anything too interesting.
And it really does look like a WoW clone.
so what about WoW and it also cloned from other games aswell.
Wow really? I thought the mmo-champ was a little bad that the GW2 fans were coming in the thread trolling but that was in the Off-topic forum Video Game section where every1 can see Rift, Tera, GW2, SWTOR threads etc. but my word lol.... This is a forum dedicated to SWTOR alone. Wow it just amazes me really. I am also very much looking forward to GW2 but god damn man some of the trolling might just put me off of the game. why oh why?!?! All of this trolling is uncalled for, for fans of both games.....
I think TOR is going to be a great game, but I get an overwhelming "meh" feeling when thinking about playing it. Honestly, I just can't stand raiding and PVP being the only form of character progression once you hit level cap. The industry will continue to make these games because they remain profitable, but after nearly a decade of them, I've had my fill of "themepark" MMOs.
They have an entire planet dedicated to soloing...
Wow - now that video is a converter. I am officially excited to play this.
Do you aim your arrows? Can you do a roll dodge and create a miss, or is it still a dice roll?
Im not sure if you're sarcastic;).. but Yes, you can dodge/outrun arrows/spells/bullets or stand in the front of hurt friend to be hit instead oh fim
U dont aim tho (except AoE/Cone spells etc)
Its kinda offtopic so visit GW2 sticky for info
The "GW2 is nothing like I thought it would be, so I am going back to WoW" thread will be epic.
Marking up everything that people say is in Guild Wars 2 up to this point as nothing but hype and empty promises makes you look a bit foolish, because we already know what it looks like.
It's ALL in the demo being shown at gamescon. Arena Net isn't building this hype up with promises, they're building this hype up with delivery. Before last year's gamescon following the MMO Manifesto, the general feelings towards Arena Net were "But can you pull it off? Can you make it work?". Guild Wars 2 took home Best Online Game @ Gamescon 2010 because they made it work. Arena Net employs a policy of not saying anything about a feature they plan on putting into Guild Wars 2 until it is already inside the game, and it is working how they want it to work.
The only concievable way for your hypothesis to come to fruition is if his expectations for the game FAR EXCEEDS fact and spawns from baseless speculation that sets himself up for disappointment. (Which I'm not observing at the moment).
Arena Net makes a concerted effort to sabotage all the progress they've made so far in Guild Wars 2, effectively crushing the hopes and dreams of a lot of would-be Tyrians.
I think TOR is going to be a great game, but I get an overwhelming "meh" feeling when thinking about playing it. Honestly, I just can't stand raiding and PVP being the only form of character progression once you hit level cap. The industry will continue to make these games because they remain profitable, but after nearly a decade of them, I've had my fill of "themepark" MMOs.
They have an entire planet dedicated to soloing...
In an MMO?...
don't see why not, Anarchy Online had solo missions, basically randomized 1 person dungeons. That was one of my favorite features.
I haven't played Anarchy Online, but doesn't that really defeat the purpose? I don't mean for this to devolve into an instance vs persistence thread, but, it's massively multiplayer online... having content that predominantly focuses on an experience away from other players isn't something I'd call intuitive in regards to massively multiplayer online games.
Heavy instancing is why the developers at Arena Net never considered the original Guild Wars an MMO, so much as a Co-RPG.
I think TOR is going to be a great game, but I get an overwhelming "meh" feeling when thinking about playing it. Honestly, I just can't stand raiding and PVP being the only form of character progression once you hit level cap. The industry will continue to make these games because they remain profitable, but after nearly a decade of them, I've had my fill of "themepark" MMOs.
They have an entire planet dedicated to soloing...
In an MMO?...
don't see why not, Anarchy Online had solo missions, basically randomized 1 person dungeons. That was one of my favorite features.
DAoC has dungeons that a player can run solo no problem.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
The solo planet is just there for people who are like those types that like to play in a world with other people but like to have something to do at end game that doesn't require you getting a group of 4 together just to do something and get some monies worth out of it.
It's just one aspect of end-game the other aspects are PvP, Flashpoints, operations, crafting, and exploring. All of which require other people at some point or other to do or complete. In addition to world bosses, and some of the higher level world arcs.
This solo planet is for those who want to log on, talk to their friends, do some challenging encounter without having to always engage the community in a group oriented setting. Sometimes people just want to craft, kill some monster, chat with friends and do things at their own pace, it's about giving options to people, you had the option to solo in every game but it was slowly taken away form you then you were forced to either PvP or raid. Here you can PvP, raid, solo, craft or get some exploring in. More options equal more stuff to do. which i think means better retention.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
couldn't get through the entire thread (got to mid page 9). I watched the entire video, and thought, my god, the combat looks dull. I also thought how annoying it is going to be to sit through all that voice-over dialogue just to get on to the next bit of action. However, as I got to page 9 I couldn't help but want the game to come out sooner than later. I want to try this game more now that I've read part of this thread. I honestly can't wait. Odd....
It's a proven historical fact that beer saved humankind.
I just finished reading through the whole 261 comments...
It was kinda funny to read how the the point of the thread was lost so often. There was even a discusion about music i didn't even understood most of the words they were using. Oh, and the people insulting each other was funny too.
Everything I could possible say about this topic and all it's side comments has already been said more than once somewhere in those 261 replies. But I'm gonna call in the most important to me:
This is a level 1 character / zone. Right now I can't recall any mmorpg where you have 20 different special kills in your character, and a massive army marching at your command, as you lay siege and take down the Capital City of your deadly archenemy AT LEVEL 1! But that might just be my memory. I'm pretty sure there are tons of people who have played a dozen games like that.
I just finished reading through the whole 261 comments...
It was kinda funny to read how the the point of the thread was lost so often. There was even a discusion about music i didn't even understood most of the words they were using. Oh, and the people insulting each other was funny too.
Everything I could possible say about this topic and all it's side comments has already been said more than once somewhere in those 261 replies. But I'm gonna call in the most important to me:
This is a level 1 character / zone. Right now I can't recall any mmorpg where you have 20 different special kills in your character, and a massive army marching at your command, as you lay siege and take down the Capital City of your deadly archenemy AT LEVEL 1! But that might just be my memory. I'm pretty sure there are tons of people who have played a dozen games like that.
+1. Enough said.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Good, thats what I want. I loved playing world of warcraft back in 2004, and I'm looking forward to the same experience in SWTOR. New, revolutionary, genre defining. These are all just buzzwords. Dont care. I want to roll my night elf rogue... I mean sith pureblood marauder, and kill mobs with ten of my closest friends, and get sweet new shiny items. Nothing has changed since the dawn of the 3d fantasy mmo in 1999 with everquest.(Yeah yeah, meridian 59, dont need to pull out your old school cred) Heck, the only innovation was adding hotbar abilities to give warriors something to do other than auto attack. The interface gets slicker, but its all the same stuff.
I just finished reading through the whole 261 comments...
It was kinda funny to read how the the point of the thread was lost so often. There was even a discusion about music i didn't even understood most of the words they were using. Oh, and the people insulting each other was funny too.
Everything I could possible say about this topic and all it's side comments has already been said more than once somewhere in those 261 replies. But I'm gonna call in the most important to me:
This is a level 1 character / zone. Right now I can't recall any mmorpg where you have 20 different special kills in your character, and a massive army marching at your command, as you lay siege and take down the Capital City of your deadly archenemy AT LEVEL 1! But that might just be my memory. I'm pretty sure there are tons of people who have played a dozen games like that.
+1. Enough said.
My thoughts exactly, and I'd like to add, I found the video interesting, the voice acting is cool, the quests were engaging, he had a few skills on his bar even though he was level 1, learnt a 3rd skill at lvl 2, and even died because he took on to many or didn't use the skills right. Pretty cool from a starter area and looked very promising. The animations looked slick too, loved that the swords actually hit off each other like a proper fight not going through each other as if they don't actually excist in the 3d world.
And tbh, GW2 looks equally or more boring when killing mobs (link), although their boss fights look like a lot of fun.
That's not even a very good video and it looks more involving than the TOR combat; the Charr model animations look much more fluid, and the dodging looks like great fun. TOR just looked like a lot of standing around. /shrug
That video is basically a bunch of standing around. They dodged what maybe 3 times And what level is that video compared to the level 1 video shown above, where you basically have little skills available.
Since I couldn't be bothered quoting this post last time and it earned me an infraction for 'topic hijacking'... /facepalm
Here is a video of the combat system from GW2 being used more in the way that is intended rather than having a level one sitting still spamming their first and only skill.
We can sit here all night and day debating what combat is like and pulling up videos of low level characters to try prove our point. Instead lets try compare something that could be pictured as representive of what combat could be like as a higher level character. Was there anything from Gamescom that demonstrated the combat system a bit more fully for SWTOR like the above video? It doesn't need to be pvp, it would be nice if it was but i understand that pvp isn't/wasn't the focus for them at the convention. I know they had the 'live' raid thing but did anyone grab anything like the video I linked above from people who were playing SWTOR this year?
Like I said, i only linked the above video to demonstrate the combat on GW2 at a 'higher' level, both in terms of skill of player and character development as well.
This thread is hilarious x30. Why is it even still going?
I have this theory. That people who really dislike TOR are bothered by the fact that it had so much money put into development, more bothered that it's Star Wars, and even more bothered that it had $150 collectors edition preorder that sold out, and even more bothered that the game broke EA's preorder record.
It's ok if other people enjoy a game that you personally don't enjoy. It's ok, trust me.
This thread is hilarious x30. Why is it even still going?
I have this theory. That people who really dislike TOR are bothered by the fact that it had so much money put into development, more bothered that it's Star Wars, and even more bothered that it had $150 collectors edition preorder that sold out, and even more bothered that the game broke EA's preorder record.
It's ok if other people enjoy a game that you personally don't enjoy. It's ok, trust me.
Someone is channeling my grandfather here (my he rest in peace). Thank you, I really did need that.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
It was kinda funny to read how the the point of the thread was lost so often. There was even a discusion about music i didn't even understood most of the words they were using.
Granted, that on the surface brought the discussoin a bit out of whack, and I somewhat apologize for that. However, there's a reason.
Everyrtime I come to these forums and see people complaining about how the mmo genre has gone "x" or that games have evolved "y" and people start lamenting the fact it becomes very apparent that what is going on in games has gone on in other creative genres.
looking at games in a vacuum isn't necessarily going to get you any more answers. But looking at games as an art form and seeing how other art forms have evolved over the years, and in some ways have become "dumbed down" while a smaller part of that art form has become something that the majority of the populace wouldnt' find interesting seems all too familiar no?
The small contingent of hardcore sandbox pvp/full loot perma death players are angry that a genre has become dumbed down to their eyes and that the things they love can only be found in small doses here and there.
That has gone on in other genres as well. It's not an exact parallel nor have games had the same span of time that other genres have percolated in, but everytime I see an "mmo's have become dumbed down with no consequences thread" or a no challenge to the player thread" I can't help but think of the hardcore contemporary music concerts that were attended by a massive 10 to 15 people and hearing people trained in music complaining about how dumbed down music has become, how boring it is and how the money goes toward projects that "the masses" will enjoy.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
And tbh, GW2 looks equally or more boring when killing mobs (link), although their boss fights look like a lot of fun.
That's not even a very good video and it looks more involving than the TOR combat; the Charr model animations look much more fluid, and the dodging looks like great fun. TOR just looked like a lot of standing around. /shrug
That video is basically a bunch of standing around. They dodged what maybe 3 times And what level is that video compared to the level 1 video shown above, where you basically have little skills available.
That video of GW2 combat is the Charr starting area, so level 1 combat. The very first combat at level 1 too as he's still opening up his second skill with his weapon. I do not agree that GW2 combat looks more boring than TOR combat. Even with the one skill it looks more interesting at that level. It might be equally boring at certain levels, though I really doubt that, but that link isn't going to prove much in terms of ToR combat being less boring than GW2 combat.
Waiting for Guild Wars 2, and maybe SWTOR until that time...
yea.. i like kotor and i love star wars but after following this game for a while... its pretty obvious its just another over hyped release. its going to be just another wow with light sabers. the game will release, and the standard rants and disappointment threads will flood. same ole crap year after year, this game will be no different. fan bois can deny it to themselves all they want, they can flame, blah blah blah. in the end, it doesnt make a difference because this game will be exactly the same as the rest.
Exactly! I tried to help my fellow gamers save some money but nope, fanboi's swoop in and counter any sort of negative thoughts which in itself gets tiresome. So enjoy dumping a couple hundred dollars only to be disappointed.
I've been invited back 3 months after launch to then discus this game with the fanbois, you know when they can show me how wrong we all are in our summation of the game, I'll be back in three months after launch but the problem with this is they wont as they'll be off fanboi'n some other game that's going to be the "ONE" because they are bored with this one!
You seem to hate fanbois (i spelled it right?) a lot. Did they punch your babies?
Don't feed him, you only make it worse.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
umm am I the only one that noticed the lightsaber the sith was using was not a lightsaber?
A Lightsaber is just the handle until you engage the saber part then when you are done it goes back to being a handle. I mean how lazy are the developers they cannot even make the lightsabers look real. That alone has me worried about the rest of the game.
The Video? maybe it was because he was lvl 1/2 during the video but why did the NPC just stand around until they were attacked? Do they not agro you? Are players not kill on side to NPCs? That seems so wrong to me but I can write it off to "newbie" are.
Other then those 2 issues, the game looks like your standard MMO on rails. Follow the yellow line to finish your quest, run around solo most of the time unless you do the group instances. boring. sorry my opinion. I have played enought theme park games to know I do not need to play another one.
Last point. Anyone else notice it took almost 3 minutes to get the quest because of the choices it gives the player? I think that is a good thing at first but after your 1000th quest I think it is going to get old waiting to get your quests.
umm am I the only one that noticed the lightsaber the sith was using was not a lightsaber?
A Lightsaber is just the handle until you engage the saber part then when you are done it goes back to being a handle. I mean how lazy are the developers they cannot even make the lightsabers look real. That alone has me worried about the rest of the game.
The Video? maybe it was because he was lvl 1/2 during the video but why did the NPC just stand around until they were attacked? Do they not agro you? Are players not kill on side to NPCs? That seems so wrong to me but I can write it off to "newbie" are.
Other then those 2 issues, the game looks like your standard MMO on rails. Follow the yellow line to finish your quest, run around solo most of the time unless you do the group instances. boring. sorry my opinion. I have played enought theme park games to know I do not need to play another one.
Last point. Anyone else notice it took almost 3 minutes to get the quest because of the choices it gives the player? I think that is a good thing at first but after your 1000th quest I think it is going to get old waiting to get your quests.
You do not get your actual "Lightsaber" until around level 10 when you make your own (it was even mentioned in the video). It is a reward for becoming a full Jedi/Sith. Up until then you get a training blade of sorts. As for aggro, what MMO exactly has HUGE aggro ranges at the lowest levels? In case you didn't notice though, the first battle inside the tomb you pulled 3 enemies from about a 20 - 30 foot radius after attacking a fourth one. Lasly, this game is being built with the story in mind and therefore you will be seeing a lot of it. I admit I am looking forward to it, but I also realize it could be problamatic for some. I guess it is good that they give you options to skip parts of the "dialogue" to speed things up.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
I must say, I am so dissappointed in the direction of this game. Bioware has openly said it was going to be all about a story, etc, but I just hoped since it was star wars that they'd take some chances, in the end they won't. Going to be an rpg more than anything, just with friends able to get involved...very dissappointing for me.
Incognito www.incognito-gaming.us "You're either with us or against us"
You do not get your actual "Lightsaber" until around level 10 when you make your own. It is a reward for becoming a full Jedi/Sith. Up until then you get a training blade of sorts. As for aggro, what MMO exactly has HUGE aggro ranges at the lowest levels? Lasly, this game is being built with the story in mind and therefore you will be seeing a lot of it. I admit I am looking forward to it, but I also realize it could be problamatic for some. I guess it is good that they give you options to skip parts of the "dialogue" to speed things up.
Okay I kind of figured about the lightsaber but I was worried a bit. Thanks for the info.
Everquest 1 mobs had aggro ranges at all levels. Level 1 was not different but yes I know the "Next" gen MMOs are all on easy mode in the beginning.
I understand the story is very important to TOR but like I said, once you have gotten to your 1000th quest you are going to get sick of the getting quest when it takes you a few minutes to get each one. Plus yes you will have a story but I am willing to bet that most of your "quest" are going to be non story related and just their to help you level up like most theme park games.
I am glad you are looking forward to it. Some of the people in my Fellowship in EQ are looking forward to it so I watch any video's that get released to see if I could give it a go and so far nothing is standing out that will make this game any different then the other quest hub games.
You do not get your actual "Lightsaber" until around level 10 when you make your own. It is a reward for becoming a full Jedi/Sith. Up until then you get a training blade of sorts. As for aggro, what MMO exactly has HUGE aggro ranges at the lowest levels? Lasly, this game is being built with the story in mind and therefore you will be seeing a lot of it. I admit I am looking forward to it, but I also realize it could be problamatic for some. I guess it is good that they give you options to skip parts of the "dialogue" to speed things up.
Okay I kind of figured about the lightsaber but I was worried a bit. Thanks for the info.
Everquest 1 mobs had aggro ranges at all levels. Level 1 was not different but yes I know the "Next" gen MMOs are all on easy mode in the beginning.
I understand the story is very important to TOR but like I said, once you have gotten to your 1000th quest you are going to get sick of the getting quest when it takes you a few minutes to get each one. Plus yes you will have a story but I am willing to bet that most of your "quest" are going to be non story related and just their to help you level up like most theme park games.
I am glad you are looking forward to it. Some of the people in my Fellowship in EQ are looking forward to it so I watch any video's that get released to see if I could give it a go and so far nothing is standing out that will make this game any different then the other quest hub games.
Hey that is cool. Not every game is meant for ever person. If it was I would love WoW and yet . . . I would suggest going to one of the feature lists created, Whilan has a good one, if you really want to learn about this game. At least then you get more than just one article at a time. Whilan is great at listing his sources too so, in my opinion, he tends to be much more reliable than most.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
don't see why not, Anarchy Online had solo missions, basically randomized 1 person dungeons. That was one of my favorite features.
Wow really? I thought the mmo-champ was a little bad that the GW2 fans were coming in the thread trolling but that was in the Off-topic forum Video Game section where every1 can see Rift, Tera, GW2, SWTOR threads etc. but my word lol.... This is a forum dedicated to SWTOR alone. Wow it just amazes me really. I am also very much looking forward to GW2 but god damn man some of the trolling might just put me off of the game. why oh why?!?! All of this trolling is uncalled for, for fans of both games.....
How exciting.
Marking up everything that people say is in Guild Wars 2 up to this point as nothing but hype and empty promises makes you look a bit foolish, because we already know what it looks like.
It's ALL in the demo being shown at gamescon. Arena Net isn't building this hype up with promises, they're building this hype up with delivery. Before last year's gamescon following the MMO Manifesto, the general feelings towards Arena Net were "But can you pull it off? Can you make it work?". Guild Wars 2 took home Best Online Game @ Gamescon 2010 because they made it work. Arena Net employs a policy of not saying anything about a feature they plan on putting into Guild Wars 2 until it is already inside the game, and it is working how they want it to work.
The only concievable way for your hypothesis to come to fruition is if his expectations for the game FAR EXCEEDS fact and spawns from baseless speculation that sets himself up for disappointment. (Which I'm not observing at the moment).
Arena Net makes a concerted effort to sabotage all the progress they've made so far in Guild Wars 2, effectively crushing the hopes and dreams of a lot of would-be Tyrians.
I haven't played Anarchy Online, but doesn't that really defeat the purpose? I don't mean for this to devolve into an instance vs persistence thread, but, it's massively multiplayer online... having content that predominantly focuses on an experience away from other players isn't something I'd call intuitive in regards to massively multiplayer online games.
Heavy instancing is why the developers at Arena Net never considered the original Guild Wars an MMO, so much as a Co-RPG.
also dont forget HUTT BALL, a pvp warzone that i believe WoW doesnt have.
which the first 12 seconds is hilarious lol
DAoC has dungeons that a player can run solo no problem.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
The solo planet is just there for people who are like those types that like to play in a world with other people but like to have something to do at end game that doesn't require you getting a group of 4 together just to do something and get some monies worth out of it.
It's just one aspect of end-game the other aspects are PvP, Flashpoints, operations, crafting, and exploring. All of which require other people at some point or other to do or complete. In addition to world bosses, and some of the higher level world arcs.
This solo planet is for those who want to log on, talk to their friends, do some challenging encounter without having to always engage the community in a group oriented setting. Sometimes people just want to craft, kill some monster, chat with friends and do things at their own pace, it's about giving options to people, you had the option to solo in every game but it was slowly taken away form you then you were forced to either PvP or raid. Here you can PvP, raid, solo, craft or get some exploring in. More options equal more stuff to do. which i think means better retention.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
couldn't get through the entire thread (got to mid page 9). I watched the entire video, and thought, my god, the combat looks dull. I also thought how annoying it is going to be to sit through all that voice-over dialogue just to get on to the next bit of action. However, as I got to page 9 I couldn't help but want the game to come out sooner than later. I want to try this game more now that I've read part of this thread. I honestly can't wait. Odd....
It's a proven historical fact that beer saved humankind.
I just finished reading through the whole 261 comments...
It was kinda funny to read how the the point of the thread was lost so often. There was even a discusion about music i didn't even understood most of the words they were using. Oh, and the people insulting each other was funny too.
Everything I could possible say about this topic and all it's side comments has already been said more than once somewhere in those 261 replies. But I'm gonna call in the most important to me:
This is a level 1 character / zone. Right now I can't recall any mmorpg where you have 20 different special kills in your character, and a massive army marching at your command, as you lay siege and take down the Capital City of your deadly archenemy AT LEVEL 1! But that might just be my memory. I'm pretty sure there are tons of people who have played a dozen games like that.
+1. Enough said.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Good, thats what I want. I loved playing world of warcraft back in 2004, and I'm looking forward to the same experience in SWTOR. New, revolutionary, genre defining. These are all just buzzwords. Dont care. I want to roll my night elf rogue... I mean sith pureblood marauder, and kill mobs with ten of my closest friends, and get sweet new shiny items. Nothing has changed since the dawn of the 3d fantasy mmo in 1999 with everquest.(Yeah yeah, meridian 59, dont need to pull out your old school cred) Heck, the only innovation was adding hotbar abilities to give warriors something to do other than auto attack. The interface gets slicker, but its all the same stuff.
My thoughts exactly, and I'd like to add, I found the video interesting, the voice acting is cool, the quests were engaging, he had a few skills on his bar even though he was level 1, learnt a 3rd skill at lvl 2, and even died because he took on to many or didn't use the skills right. Pretty cool from a starter area and looked very promising. The animations looked slick too, loved that the swords actually hit off each other like a proper fight not going through each other as if they don't actually excist in the 3d world.
Since I couldn't be bothered quoting this post last time and it earned me an infraction for 'topic hijacking'... /facepalm
Here is a video of the combat system from GW2 being used more in the way that is intended rather than having a level one sitting still spamming their first and only skill.
We can sit here all night and day debating what combat is like and pulling up videos of low level characters to try prove our point. Instead lets try compare something that could be pictured as representive of what combat could be like as a higher level character. Was there anything from Gamescom that demonstrated the combat system a bit more fully for SWTOR like the above video? It doesn't need to be pvp, it would be nice if it was but i understand that pvp isn't/wasn't the focus for them at the convention. I know they had the 'live' raid thing but did anyone grab anything like the video I linked above from people who were playing SWTOR this year?
Like I said, i only linked the above video to demonstrate the combat on GW2 at a 'higher' level, both in terms of skill of player and character development as well.
This thread is hilarious x30. Why is it even still going?
I have this theory. That people who really dislike TOR are bothered by the fact that it had so much money put into development, more bothered that it's Star Wars, and even more bothered that it had $150 collectors edition preorder that sold out, and even more bothered that the game broke EA's preorder record.
It's ok if other people enjoy a game that you personally don't enjoy. It's ok, trust me.
Someone is channeling my grandfather here (my he rest in peace). Thank you, I really did need that.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Granted, that on the surface brought the discussoin a bit out of whack, and I somewhat apologize for that. However, there's a reason.
Everyrtime I come to these forums and see people complaining about how the mmo genre has gone "x" or that games have evolved "y" and people start lamenting the fact it becomes very apparent that what is going on in games has gone on in other creative genres.
looking at games in a vacuum isn't necessarily going to get you any more answers. But looking at games as an art form and seeing how other art forms have evolved over the years, and in some ways have become "dumbed down" while a smaller part of that art form has become something that the majority of the populace wouldnt' find interesting seems all too familiar no?
The small contingent of hardcore sandbox pvp/full loot perma death players are angry that a genre has become dumbed down to their eyes and that the things they love can only be found in small doses here and there.
That has gone on in other genres as well. It's not an exact parallel nor have games had the same span of time that other genres have percolated in, but everytime I see an "mmo's have become dumbed down with no consequences thread" or a no challenge to the player thread" I can't help but think of the hardcore contemporary music concerts that were attended by a massive 10 to 15 people and hearing people trained in music complaining about how dumbed down music has become, how boring it is and how the money goes toward projects that "the masses" will enjoy.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
Waiting for Guild Wars 2, and maybe SWTOR until that time...
Don't feed him, you only make it worse.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
umm am I the only one that noticed the lightsaber the sith was using was not a lightsaber?
A Lightsaber is just the handle until you engage the saber part then when you are done it goes back to being a handle. I mean how lazy are the developers they cannot even make the lightsabers look real. That alone has me worried about the rest of the game.
The Video? maybe it was because he was lvl 1/2 during the video but why did the NPC just stand around until they were attacked? Do they not agro you? Are players not kill on side to NPCs? That seems so wrong to me but I can write it off to "newbie" are.
Other then those 2 issues, the game looks like your standard MMO on rails. Follow the yellow line to finish your quest, run around solo most of the time unless you do the group instances. boring. sorry my opinion. I have played enought theme park games to know I do not need to play another one.
Last point. Anyone else notice it took almost 3 minutes to get the quest because of the choices it gives the player? I think that is a good thing at first but after your 1000th quest I think it is going to get old waiting to get your quests.
Sooner or Later
You do not get your actual "Lightsaber" until around level 10 when you make your own (it was even mentioned in the video). It is a reward for becoming a full Jedi/Sith. Up until then you get a training blade of sorts. As for aggro, what MMO exactly has HUGE aggro ranges at the lowest levels? In case you didn't notice though, the first battle inside the tomb you pulled 3 enemies from about a 20 - 30 foot radius after attacking a fourth one. Lasly, this game is being built with the story in mind and therefore you will be seeing a lot of it. I admit I am looking forward to it, but I also realize it could be problamatic for some. I guess it is good that they give you options to skip parts of the "dialogue" to speed things up.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
I must say, I am so dissappointed in the direction of this game. Bioware has openly said it was going to be all about a story, etc, but I just hoped since it was star wars that they'd take some chances, in the end they won't. Going to be an rpg more than anything, just with friends able to get involved...very dissappointing for me.
"You're either with us or against us"
Okay I kind of figured about the lightsaber but I was worried a bit. Thanks for the info.
Everquest 1 mobs had aggro ranges at all levels. Level 1 was not different but yes I know the "Next" gen MMOs are all on easy mode in the beginning.
I understand the story is very important to TOR but like I said, once you have gotten to your 1000th quest you are going to get sick of the getting quest when it takes you a few minutes to get each one. Plus yes you will have a story but I am willing to bet that most of your "quest" are going to be non story related and just their to help you level up like most theme park games.
I am glad you are looking forward to it. Some of the people in my Fellowship in EQ are looking forward to it so I watch any video's that get released to see if I could give it a go and so far nothing is standing out that will make this game any different then the other quest hub games.
Sooner or Later
Hey that is cool. Not every game is meant for ever person. If it was I would love WoW and yet . . . I would suggest going to one of the feature lists created, Whilan has a good one, if you really want to learn about this game. At least then you get more than just one article at a time. Whilan is great at listing his sources too so, in my opinion, he tends to be much more reliable than most.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"