that's a really poor interview considering Diablo three is a much much much more in-depth version of that game. It's like trying to compare an SUV to a small truck. Obviously Diablo three is and have a lot more features and if anybody thinks torchlight to will end up being better than Diablo three they're incredibly delusional.
I liked the interview. TL2 will be fun, maybe not many players will be as 'obsessed' with it as they might be with D3, but none-the-less, I’d suspect a fun game. . .particularly with the potential in modding. However, I think that TL2 needs to come out before D3 or its’ traction potential will probably be lost.
So yea, TL2 will be smaller than D3 in terms of play, and market penetration but maybe not necessarily in terms of replayability. I’m sure it will still be a fun game for fans of the ARPG genre, and with a $20 price-tag, you really can’t go wrong with it.
that's a really poor interview considering Diablo three is a much much much more in-depth version of that game. It's like trying to compare an SUV to a small truck. Obviously Diablo three is and have a lot more features and if anybody thinks torchlight to will end up being better than Diablo three they're incredibly delusional.
that's a really poor interview considering Diablo three is a much much much more in-depth version of that game. It's like trying to compare an SUV to a small truck. Obviously Diablo three is and have a lot more features and if anybody thinks torchlight to will end up being better than Diablo three they're incredibly delusional.
What about Diablo 3 strikes you as in depth? The most depth that I've seen so far has been customizing your skills, which only allow for a single modification (with six modifiers to choose from) per skill but only 6 skills can be active at any given time anyway.
I'm not saying that Torchlight 2 is the bearer of fruits as far as playstyle customization and depth goes, but Diablo 3 really isn't bringing the heat, either.
Also, the game being better is absolutely subjective so it's not exactly fair for you to call someone who thinks otherwise delusional. Personally I think Torchlight 2 has a very good chance of being comparable considering many of the developers are veterans of the action RPG genre and some even coming from the defunct Blizzard North that made Diablo 1 and 2.
that's a really poor interview considering Diablo three is a much much much more in-depth version of that game. It's like trying to compare an SUV to a small truck. Obviously Diablo three is and have a lot more features and if anybody thinks torchlight to will end up being better than Diablo three they're incredibly delusional.
What depth?
I would really like to know what additional depth Diablo 3 has over... hell, even Diablo 2. The only thing I can see that Diablo 3 has an edge with is having an RMAH, and that's very arguably a liability more than an asset.
Torchlight 2 is mechanically and feature equivilant (plus a hell of a lot more features) to Diablo 2, and it's being made by many of the people who made Diablo 1 and 2. Diablo 3 is being made by entirely different and noname developers under the Blizzard corporate brand.
Torchlight 2 is arguably more of a successor to the Diablo franchise than Diablo 3 is.
I'm in agreement with uohaloran. D3 hasn't really provided anything that really shouts its depth over say TL2.
I'm actually looking forward more to TL2 then D3. I think D3 will sell more copies only because its a Diablo game though. I have a growing suspicion though that TL2 will have far more replaybility then D3 imo.
For me I think TL2 will be a better game but to each his own.
that's a really poor interview considering Diablo three is a much much much more in-depth version of that game. It's like trying to compare an SUV to a small truck. Obviously Diablo three is and have a lot more features and if anybody thinks torchlight to will end up being better than Diablo three they're incredibly delusional.
I dont understand how Diablo3 will have tons of depth and features like you claim. Can you please tell us all the in depth features that Diablo3 will have compared to Torchlight 2? And how can torchlight not end up being better than Diablo. I'm not saying it will certainly be in this generation but at the slow rate of speed that Blizzard is putting out D3 compared to the rate of speed that the TL is advancing one can easily see that TL is gaining ground.
So endulge me and tell me all the features D3 will have that TL doesnt (aside from a hype level of 50 compared to TL's hype level of 25, and ignoring the RMAH because thats not a valid feature but more a gimick).
that's a really poor interview considering Diablo three is a much much much more in-depth version of that game. It's like trying to compare an SUV to a small truck. Obviously Diablo three is and have a lot more features and if anybody thinks torchlight to will end up being better than Diablo three they're incredibly delusional.
What depth?
I would really like to know what additional depth Diablo 3 has over... hell, even Diablo 2. The only thing I can see that Diablo 3 has an edge with is having an RMAH, and that's very arguably a liability more than an asset.
Torchlight 2 is mechanically and feature equivilant to Diablo 2, and it's being made by many of the people who made Diablo 1 and 2. Diablo 3 is being made by entirely different and noname developers under the Blizzard corporate brand.
Torchlight 2 is arguably more of a successor to the Diablo franchise than Diablo 3 is.
shesh, unless it's roper who cares which part of the team is at which dev team now ^^
uh, and why again should i play a game "mechanically and feature equivilant to Diablo 2" again? i played it 11 years ago allready ^^
lets just wait and see how long TL2 is gonna survive, how long did TL1 hold again? :P
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
Personally, after having waited for D3 for years and years, I don't care how it looks and what kind of depth it has. Blizzard's bullshit antics regarding the game has ensured that I won't be playing it. TL2 looks good and I see it easily fulfilling my hack and slash fix, so D3 is irrelevant. And frankly, I'd rather be supporting a tiny developer who seems to care about giving their players as much as they possibly can for their budget, rather than the behemoth who seems to be trying to take it away.
I've been looking forward to D3 since D2, but it's a write off now. TL2 will be a decent, if not a stellar, replacement, for a fraction of the price. My money will happily be on the little guy.
that's a really poor interview considering Diablo three is a much much much more in-depth version of that game. It's like trying to compare an SUV to a small truck. Obviously Diablo three is and have a lot more features and if anybody thinks torchlight to will end up being better than Diablo three they're incredibly delusional.
What depth?
I would really like to know what additional depth Diablo 3 has over... hell, even Diablo 2. The only thing I can see that Diablo 3 has an edge with is having an RMAH, and that's very arguably a liability more than an asset.
Torchlight 2 is mechanically and feature equivilant to Diablo 2, and it's being made by many of the people who made Diablo 1 and 2. Diablo 3 is being made by entirely different and noname developers under the Blizzard corporate brand.
Torchlight 2 is arguably more of a successor to the Diablo franchise than Diablo 3 is.
shesh, unless it's roper who cares which part of the team is at which dev team now ^^
uh, and why again should i play a game "mechanically and feature equivilant to Diablo 2" again? i played it 11 years ago allready ^^
lets just wait and see how long TL2 is gonna survive, how long did TL1 hold again? :P
Again, what does Diablo 3 have over it's predecessor? Not much of anything. If you're going to criticize Torchlight 2 for being 'too similar to Diablo 2', then you should do the same for Diablo 3.
And Bill roper? If we're going to play the "throw names around" game, I can do that. Roper contributed to Diablo 1 and 2, but he's only one of the few people who had a lot of influence on DIablo 1 and 2, and he's not even working at Blizzard anymore. Max and Erich Schaefer on the other hand, were also heavily influential on Diablo 1 and 2s development, and they're the ones calling the shots at Runic Games.
D3 is straying from what made Diablo a classic. I think heading in the online constantly direction is a drawback. I don't want my gear sellable to people for real cash. In fact, I can just SEE the me-tards out there ("you ain't cool cause you don't have the semi-polished rod of woman smiting +3").
No thanks. I foresee Blizz continuing on with Ghostcrawlers influence... things are going in the wrong direction for Blizz. It was a creeping at first but the Vivendi/Activision acquisition has increased the push. From the company that killed Guitar Hero, King's Quest (remake), True Crime, MW2 not having Dedicated Servers/mods.
TL 2 is everything D3 is not, brilliant and spot on.
TL 2:
- modable
- custom stats
- talent tree
- LAN!!!
- multiplayer
- offline mode
- no online requirement
- death penalty
- only 20 $
D 3:
- p2w
- NO lan/mods/talent tree/custom stats and death penalty
- online requirement
so yes, Blizzard can shove this crappy World of Diablocraft upon their asses its not the game you'd expect after D2. Watched some beta videos and it looked boring as hell, there is no customization (don't start with the stupid runes and auto skills).
I'm sure we will think a lot of time into TL 2, D3 doesn't interest me at all.
We need a MMORPG Cataclysm asap, finish the dark age of MMORPGS now!
"Everything you're bitching about is wrong. People don't have the time to invest in corpse runs, impossible zones, or long winded quests. Sometimes, they just want to pop on and play." "Then maybe MMORPGs aren't for you."
I don't know why this is even an argument, neither comes with a subscription, so buy both. If you only can afford one, they buy the one you'll think you like better.
TL2 = D2 basically with better graphics
D3 is a new game on an existing IP.
Pick one.
Personally I'm going D3. I don't know if you've gone over to the new talent calculators on the D3 site, but you should before you question it's depth.
Once you open up all the skill slots and skills, you have 6 skill slots with roughly 21 to choose from (depends on toon). Each skill has 5 rune options, + the passive skills.. the amount of combinations is in the billions here.
Diablo 3 can suck it. No stat point allocation, no talent trees, must be online, RMAH (which WILL be taken over by the gold farming industry, mark my words), kiddie graphics that don't suit the setting, no LAN... there's really nothing left to be excited about. It's far more shallow than its predecessor, IMO, which is rather sad.
Torchlight 2 will have a hundred times more depth than D3, and is made by a team who treats their fans/players like something more than rubes to be exploited.
$20 for a true Diablo-style experience by the people actually responsible for Diablo, or $60 for a dumbed-down cash-in made by corporate stooges... hmmm, tough call eh?
Let me do a little late night math to show the amount of possibilities in D3's new skill system. We won't even talk about the 3 passives here.
It looks like roughly there are 21 different skills that you can put into your 6 slots. Once you pick one for your first slot, then you would only have 20 different skills for your second slot. Each skill, again with 5 different modifier runes.
Slot 1 = 21 x 5 = 105
Slot 2 = 20 x 5 = 100
Slot 3 = 19 x 5 = 95
Slot 4 = 18 x 5 = 90
Slot 5 = 17 x 5 = 85
Slot 6 = 16 x 5 = 80
105x100x95x90x85x80 = 610,470,000,000 different 'builds' for each character
and again.. this isn't talking about the 3 passives (which when adding them in will blow up my calculator) nor how you gear yourself.
Let me do a little late night math to show the amount of possibilities in D3's new skill system. We won't even talk about the 3 passives here.
It looks like roughly there are 21 different skills that you can put into your 6 slots. Once you pick one for your first slot, then you would only have 20 different skills for your second slot. Each skill, again with 5 different modifier runes.
Slot 1 = 21 x 5 = 105
Slot 2 = 20 x 5 = 100
Slot 3 = 19 x 5 = 95
Slot 4 = 18 x 5 = 90
Slot 5 = 17 x 5 = 85
Slot 6 = 16 x 5 = 80
105x100x95x90x85x80 = 610,470,000,000 different 'builds' for each character
and again.. this isn't talking about the 3 passives (which when adding them in will blow up my calculator) nor how you gear yourself.
I would say it's pretty deep.
Here are my calculations. 610,470,000,000 different builds = 10 builds or less that will be used.
Oh sure you can have that many "builds" but I bet you that within a month or two there will be 10 builds that are used or "required" to do runs with whatever players you play with. Exactly like WoW. If you don't run 1 or 2 builds you are out, no chance or anything.
Im not arguing for the defense or T2 just stating the facts. Another fact, I don't see you calculating Torchlight 2 skills, stats, and whatever else that game will offer. (If that info isnt released ignore this).
D3 will be one thing Torchlight 2 will not, wildly successful from a financial standpoint. No matter if Blizz decides to ship crap out the door (never have yet though) people will buy 2-3M copies of D3.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Path of Exile is everything Diablo 3 isn't. Torchlight is a cheap copy. Just saying.
Sure a game with last century gender locks in classes. I fail to see how technologicaly advance that is.
I fail to see how it's any less advanced than torchlight, but that's not the point. Exile is what Diablo 3 isn't and torchlight is very similar.
Plus, I may be wrong because I'm not following the game closely, but I don't think all of the classes have been released.
I really don’t have a strong investment in these titles because I have never been a big fan of Blizzard, but I do like indy startups and I think it’s really interesting the way Grinding Gear Games has chosen to compete with these two games. This is a hardcore and well received Diablo 2 clone. If any game is going to get the title "Everything Diablo 3 isn't", I think it belongs to them. Just pointing that out.
The only thing more technologicaly advanced about D3, is the ways it has, to take money from your pocket. Also the reason Blizzard wait's so long between release's is that the games are basically just reskin's of they're former self's with some more fluff thrown in, take SC2 as an example.
that's a really poor interview considering Diablo three is a much much much more in-depth version of that game. It's like trying to compare an SUV to a small truck. Obviously Diablo three is and have a lot more features and if anybody thinks torchlight to will end up being better than Diablo three they're incredibly delusional.
I liked the interview. TL2 will be fun, maybe not many players will be as 'obsessed' with it as they might be with D3, but none-the-less, I’d suspect a fun game. . .particularly with the potential in modding. However, I think that TL2 needs to come out before D3 or its’ traction potential will probably be lost.
So yea, TL2 will be smaller than D3 in terms of play, and market penetration but maybe not necessarily in terms of replayability. I’m sure it will still be a fun game for fans of the ARPG genre, and with a $20 price-tag, you really can’t go wrong with it.
What about Diablo 3 strikes you as in depth? The most depth that I've seen so far has been customizing your skills, which only allow for a single modification (with six modifiers to choose from) per skill but only 6 skills can be active at any given time anyway.
I'm not saying that Torchlight 2 is the bearer of fruits as far as playstyle customization and depth goes, but Diablo 3 really isn't bringing the heat, either.
Also, the game being better is absolutely subjective so it's not exactly fair for you to call someone who thinks otherwise delusional. Personally I think Torchlight 2 has a very good chance of being comparable considering many of the developers are veterans of the action RPG genre and some even coming from the defunct Blizzard North that made Diablo 1 and 2.
What depth?
I would really like to know what additional depth Diablo 3 has over... hell, even Diablo 2. The only thing I can see that Diablo 3 has an edge with is having an RMAH, and that's very arguably a liability more than an asset.
Torchlight 2 is mechanically and feature equivilant (plus a hell of a lot more features) to Diablo 2, and it's being made by many of the people who made Diablo 1 and 2. Diablo 3 is being made by entirely different and noname developers under the Blizzard corporate brand.
Torchlight 2 is arguably more of a successor to the Diablo franchise than Diablo 3 is.
I'm in agreement with uohaloran. D3 hasn't really provided anything that really shouts its depth over say TL2.
I'm actually looking forward more to TL2 then D3. I think D3 will sell more copies only because its a Diablo game though. I have a growing suspicion though that TL2 will have far more replaybility then D3 imo.
For me I think TL2 will be a better game but to each his own.
New for Diablo 3: You can choose sex of your character.
Yup its going to revolutionize this genre.
I dont understand how Diablo3 will have tons of depth and features like you claim. Can you please tell us all the in depth features that Diablo3 will have compared to Torchlight 2? And how can torchlight not end up being better than Diablo. I'm not saying it will certainly be in this generation but at the slow rate of speed that Blizzard is putting out D3 compared to the rate of speed that the TL is advancing one can easily see that TL is gaining ground.
So endulge me and tell me all the features D3 will have that TL doesnt (aside from a hype level of 50 compared to TL's hype level of 25, and ignoring the RMAH because thats not a valid feature but more a gimick).
shesh, unless it's roper who cares which part of the team is at which dev team now ^^
uh, and why again should i play a game "mechanically and feature equivilant to Diablo 2" again? i played it 11 years ago allready ^^
lets just wait and see how long TL2 is gonna survive, how long did TL1 hold again? :P
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
Personally, after having waited for D3 for years and years, I don't care how it looks and what kind of depth it has. Blizzard's bullshit antics regarding the game has ensured that I won't be playing it. TL2 looks good and I see it easily fulfilling my hack and slash fix, so D3 is irrelevant. And frankly, I'd rather be supporting a tiny developer who seems to care about giving their players as much as they possibly can for their budget, rather than the behemoth who seems to be trying to take it away.
I've been looking forward to D3 since D2, but it's a write off now. TL2 will be a decent, if not a stellar, replacement, for a fraction of the price. My money will happily be on the little guy.
Again, what does Diablo 3 have over it's predecessor? Not much of anything. If you're going to criticize Torchlight 2 for being 'too similar to Diablo 2', then you should do the same for Diablo 3.
And Bill roper? If we're going to play the "throw names around" game, I can do that. Roper contributed to Diablo 1 and 2, but he's only one of the few people who had a lot of influence on DIablo 1 and 2, and he's not even working at Blizzard anymore. Max and Erich Schaefer on the other hand, were also heavily influential on Diablo 1 and 2s development, and they're the ones calling the shots at Runic Games.
I'll be putting my money on TL2.
My reasoning:
D3 is straying from what made Diablo a classic. I think heading in the online constantly direction is a drawback. I don't want my gear sellable to people for real cash. In fact, I can just SEE the me-tards out there ("you ain't cool cause you don't have the semi-polished rod of woman smiting +3").
No thanks. I foresee Blizz continuing on with Ghostcrawlers influence... things are going in the wrong direction for Blizz. It was a creeping at first but the Vivendi/Activision acquisition has increased the push. From the company that killed Guitar Hero, King's Quest (remake), True Crime, MW2 not having Dedicated Servers/mods.
TL 2 is everything D3 is not, brilliant and spot on.
TL 2:
- modable
- custom stats
- talent tree
- LAN!!!
- multiplayer
- offline mode
- no online requirement
- death penalty
- only 20 $
D 3:
- p2w
- NO lan/mods/talent tree/custom stats and death penalty
- online requirement
so yes, Blizzard can shove this crappy World of Diablocraft upon their asses its not the game you'd expect after D2. Watched some beta videos and it looked boring as hell, there is no customization (don't start with the stupid runes and auto skills).
I'm sure we will think a lot of time into TL 2, D3 doesn't interest me at all.
We need a MMORPG Cataclysm asap, finish the dark age of MMORPGS now!
"Everything you're bitching about is wrong. People don't have the time to invest in corpse runs, impossible zones, or long winded quests. Sometimes, they just want to pop on and play."
"Then maybe MMORPGs aren't for you."
TL2 for me. I am tired of games companies nickle & diming us to death & the D3 cash shop is just another example of this.
That and Diablo 3 just looks bland, it just lacks the wow factor D1 and D2 had.
I don't know why this is even an argument, neither comes with a subscription, so buy both. If you only can afford one, they buy the one you'll think you like better.
TL2 = D2 basically with better graphics
D3 is a new game on an existing IP.
Pick one.
Personally I'm going D3. I don't know if you've gone over to the new talent calculators on the D3 site, but you should before you question it's depth.
Once you open up all the skill slots and skills, you have 6 skill slots with roughly 21 to choose from (depends on toon). Each skill has 5 rune options, + the passive skills.. the amount of combinations is in the billions here.
Try getting that out of D2
Diablo 3 can suck it. No stat point allocation, no talent trees, must be online, RMAH (which WILL be taken over by the gold farming industry, mark my words), kiddie graphics that don't suit the setting, no LAN... there's really nothing left to be excited about. It's far more shallow than its predecessor, IMO, which is rather sad.
Torchlight 2 will have a hundred times more depth than D3, and is made by a team who treats their fans/players like something more than rubes to be exploited.
$20 for a true Diablo-style experience by the people actually responsible for Diablo, or $60 for a dumbed-down cash-in made by corporate stooges... hmmm, tough call eh?
Let me do a little late night math to show the amount of possibilities in D3's new skill system. We won't even talk about the 3 passives here.
It looks like roughly there are 21 different skills that you can put into your 6 slots. Once you pick one for your first slot, then you would only have 20 different skills for your second slot. Each skill, again with 5 different modifier runes.
Slot 1 = 21 x 5 = 105
Slot 2 = 20 x 5 = 100
Slot 3 = 19 x 5 = 95
Slot 4 = 18 x 5 = 90
Slot 5 = 17 x 5 = 85
Slot 6 = 16 x 5 = 80
105x100x95x90x85x80 = 610,470,000,000 different 'builds' for each character
and again.. this isn't talking about the 3 passives (which when adding them in will blow up my calculator) nor how you gear yourself.
I would say it's pretty deep.
The RMAH isn't even and issue if you play Hardcore, which is the only way to play Diablo.
Here are my calculations. 610,470,000,000 different builds = 10 builds or less that will be used.
Oh sure you can have that many "builds" but I bet you that within a month or two there will be 10 builds that are used or "required" to do runs with whatever players you play with. Exactly like WoW. If you don't run 1 or 2 builds you are out, no chance or anything.
Im not arguing for the defense or T2 just stating the facts. Another fact, I don't see you calculating Torchlight 2 skills, stats, and whatever else that game will offer. (If that info isnt released ignore this).
D3 will be one thing Torchlight 2 will not, wildly successful from a financial standpoint. No matter if Blizz decides to ship crap out the door (never have yet though) people will buy 2-3M copies of D3.
T2 will be lucky to break 1M....
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Path of Exile is everything Diablo 3 isn't. Torchlight is a cheap copy. Just saying.
Sure a game with last century gender locks in classes. I fail to see how technologicaly advance that is.
I fail to see how it's any less advanced than torchlight, but that's not the point. Exile is what Diablo 3 isn't and torchlight is very similar.
Plus, I may be wrong because I'm not following the game closely, but I don't think all of the classes have been released.
I really don’t have a strong investment in these titles because I have never been a big fan of Blizzard, but I do like indy startups and I think it’s really interesting the way Grinding Gear Games has chosen to compete with these two games. This is a hardcore and well received Diablo 2 clone. If any game is going to get the title "Everything Diablo 3 isn't", I think it belongs to them. Just pointing that out.
The only thing more technologicaly advanced about D3, is the ways it has, to take money from your pocket. Also the reason Blizzard wait's so long between release's is that the games are basically just reskin's of they're former self's with some more fluff thrown in, take SC2 as an example.
will D3 be fun? I'm sure it will
will TL2 be fun? I'm sure it will
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Both will be fun, but........
I love my mods