RP servers do help in finding social, mature folks to play with (the kids don't usually go there and it's a less competitive atmosphere)
Well, they don't go there unless the PVP servers crash, anyway...but then it's like bees to honey >:P
And I agree, as a general trend people are more open to being social on RP servers--not universally, of course.
Never had any trouble finding a Guild That Did Not Suck, either.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Seems like you just want people to drop what they're doing when you ask for help. May as well tell them what they're doing is not important but helping you is. We all have goals in a game and guilds are usually just a way to help achieve these goals. If someone isn't standing next to me I won't waste my time running around helping them. No one will help you if what you're doing doesn't benefit them.
People don't have conversations in-game anymore when they have a mic. - "Hey what's up?, How ya doing?" from total strangers will usually be ignored or answered with a common response. These players in a video game are not your friends so don't expect a conversation to appear out of thin air.
No one will help you if what you're doing doesn't benefit them.
Sad. So sad.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Seems like you just want people to drop what they're doing when you ask for help. May as well tell them what they're doing is not important but helping you is. We all have goals in a game and guilds are usually just a way to help achieve these goals. If someone isn't standing next to me I won't waste my time running around helping them. No one will help you if what you're doing doesn't benefit them.
People don't have conversations in-game anymore when they have a mic. - "Hey what's up?, How ya doing?" from total strangers will usually be ignored or answered with a common response. These players in a video game are not your friends so don't expect a conversation to appear out of thin air.
That's what he's saying. Things have changed towards this.
I'll help people if I'm not doing anything important --> in a group already. Or I'll say if you haven't gotten help in XX time then I'll help.
It wasn't typical for people to be so selfish...because things weren't so easy. The games now are basically designed to progress by one's self very easily, so people tend to feel that needing help means that you suck.
I'm not antisocial so much, rather I'd say I'm nonsocial. The quality of most people that play MMOS -- at least the ones I've come into contact with -- is absurdly low. Filthy bigotted supernerds that make the South Park charicatures look like everyday normal people.
Yes there are of course decent folk out there, but at this point I don't bother looking.
It wasn't typical for people to be so selfish...because things weren't so easy. The games now are basically designed to progress by one's self very easily, so people tend to feel that needing help means that you suck.
The first game I ever seriously played online, we used to give old gear to newbies, and even a little cash or advice to help them get started. But then it was a microscopically small server by today's standards (1000 online at peak), and everybody pretty much knew everyone else. Newbies were really well-treated.
Not sure what happened. Might be a generational thing (but I doubt it). It strikes me as almost certainly a question of scale. Could Massive be what's slowly eroding MMO society? People in big cities are rude, people in small towns are not?
Or is it just that lack of interdependence in games designed to be so totally soloable?
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
I was in a guild in WoW a few years back that became very Clique'y, this was before the dungeon finder and certain long time guild members would group together to do dungeons or group quests leaving some of the newer members out in the cold. It seemed when anyone who wasn't in the "In Crowd" would ask in guild chat for help, there was either no responce or they would politely say they were busy.
I decided to say "Yes" to every request just to see what would happen. I figured I couldn't change anyone else but i could make sure I wasn't part of the problem.
I kinda agree with the OP though not about your aversion to TS, thats your issue and if you are excluded from groups because of it then you know what you need to do to stop that happening. Half the time I wonder why a lot of people even bother playing an MMO if they just want to solo and not talk to anyone else, why not play a solo or co-op CRPG with your friends ?
I assume its because these types of players like to show off when they hit cap or expect accolades from other players when they hit cap. Beyond that I have NFI why anyone would really want to play an MMO so they can solo and avoid interacting with other players...
The trend toward MMO's catering to solo players creates a void, there is no need to depend on others therefore why bother to interact socially seems to be the attitude.
Its funny, in Fallen Earth its easier to survive early on if you group up, however you can solo most things but its slow, tedious and kinda dangerous yet people pick the later path. Once you get a few levels under your belt life becomes easier and you can solo more. Then towards the last third of Zone 1 there are some fairly large quest chains that involve or end in areas designed for groups. Sadly a great many players simply skip the last part of the chains and drop the quests then go grind for the XP they missed (the rewards are good for this content) before moving on. SO it comes down to a lot of MMO players would rather Grind solo than team up briefly with other players to do the group quests and areas....... which is extremely sad and lame.
Beyond that I have NFI why anyone would really want to play an MMO so they can solo and avoid interacting with other players...
Simple. They merely play because the MMO's universe appeals to their taste. The community in the MMO is just an extra element of gameplay which a player can choose to put aside and do without.
Usually such other players are only seen as suppliers/sellers of equipment, or temporal instance party members in most MMOs, that's pretty much about it.
Whenever you are really bored and don't wanna play an MMO game, go to: http://librivox.org/
SO it comes down to a lot of MMO players would rather Grind solo than team up briefly with other players to do the group quests and areas....... which is extremely sad and lame.
Well, I solo a lot for the following reasons:
Don't really have time to be involved in "endgame guilds" that raid 24/7, and this reduces my perspectives seriously
Lots of people are jerks in MMORPGs, as they are anonymous. So when 30% or so of the population disappoints, I think that I will save myself the pain thank you and avoid grouping altogether rather than taking the risk of losing my cool (after all I play to relax),
Quests in themeparks are mainly solo, and you are always busy - you can't spend 10 minutes running around to help someone, and the same is true for the other people as well, so you just don't even try anymore (since you know they will be bothered if you ask, you try to find an alternative way - i.e. solo, longer way etc)
Now, usually, for me it boils down to finding a few good players I enjoy playing with (10-15 max), forming a small guild with them and enjoying the content in a closed circle.
Guild in a closed circle which, I should add, does not promote more communication with other players...
There's a reason why many people like myself prefer solo play and not be as sociable 100% of the time.
Raid loot drama queens who whine and cry when a roll doesnt go thier way or worse saying they'll join a group if no one rolls on a particular item in a raid. SOme of these buttwipes quit if an item doesnt drop.
Guild drama queens (vent and teamspeak) who have noting to do but bitch about how bad other people are in raids (healing, tanking etc), guilds etc but who never seem to do wrong themselves. Constant cursing or people in guild avoiding each other.
Dingleberry guild member who love to brag about how good they are and how bad everyone else is compared to them......ach!
Bossy assholes or anal retentive raid leaders/group leads, especially the buttzits who like to criticise an individuals for not "power gaming" properly.
People not playing thier classes correctly.
This is just a few reasons as there are many more but, im tired and have been up over 28 hours from work and playing World of Tanks.
***Fires plunger at Raid/group drama queens!***
All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care. Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes
I guess I am one of those rare guys that likes the challenge of killing a mob with no help at all. In fact, I want no help, even if I am going to die. MMO's are too easy as it is. Getting help is like trying to get the quest over as quick as possible so you can level up fast. I got one toon and I like to take it slow. That being said, when I see someone else fighting a mob right next to me, I usually watch and hope he puts up a good fight. If he dies, I hope he enjoyed his defeat and comes back to kick its butt.
Children and young adult gamers are all basically socially inept now. They are too busy asking eachother if they are Mad and calling eachother bro to enjoy any form of social interaction.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
You know one of the experiences today was, I failed against some powerful mobs in Isengart. So I asked my guild, hey can someone quick some 10 min and help? You see *I* help when I can.
And what did I get for answer: You can do it alone, just work better. With THAT sword you can't do it. Oh and kill 200,000 giants to raise skill X.
It would have taken 10 damn minutes to quickly help. I help all the time! For what is a guild good, when all are constantly soloing and "oh sorry I am busy with MY quests now"? I know a guild is a not a help me club, there I recall times where guild mates DID help each other. Today, when you say that, you get attacked like "you can't command me what I must do!" I dunno... but something went wrong in MMOs here. I often enjoyed just tagging along hunting stuff. We didn't have quests mostly in SWG for years! We just grouped and did "some stuff"!
Today, when you are in difficulties, you don't get help, you get advise.
EDIT: Thats why I dislike 100% themeparks. All is so streamlined into one particular order of things. "Oh sorry I am not on that particular step of the quest line. I can't help you." That is just so stupid.
I remember when one person asked for help in my alliance it took seconds to get a full team of people to help. Now you are lucky if anyone even bothers to reply to your call with advice.
Things have gone down hill very much in MMOs. What ever happened to the Multi-player part of the game? Why are so many companies bending over backwards to promote solo play? It just does not make sense to me, I bought an MMO (for example Guild Wars) to play with other people against the game, now I end up using henchmen & Heros because the other people are two busy to be bothered. I have seen in VSoH, STO, LoTRO, RoM and GW. Even WoW is having this kind of troubles.
A lot of it has to do with people just shifting from game to game today in MMO's. Most just play one for 2-3 months casually and then try another, which is becoming increasingly easier with everything F2p today. It's hard for communities to form when hardly anyone sticks around for long periods of time. Then again maybe that' part is backwards and it is the games that are forcing everyone to play that way, basically on content intervals.
I don't know what it is that causes it to be honest, but communities just don't form anymore. Most socialization is handled between guild members. I did see small groups in certain games I've tried, but they're few and far between.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
There's a reason why many people like myself prefer solo play and not be as sociable 100% of the time.
Constant cursing or people in guild avoiding each other.
Originally posted by askdaboss
Lots of people are jerks in MMORPGs, as they are anonymous. So when 30% or so of the population disappoints, I think that I will save myself the pain thank you and avoid grouping altogether rather than taking the risk of losing my cool (after all I play to relax),
My girlfriend whom I play with in an MMO, hardly speaks to me ever since she became the vice leader of a guild filled with "kids".
The only reason she hasn't left yet is because she doesn't want to "hurt the guild leader's feelings and cause feelings of resentment in the guild". As time passes I just find this more unbelievable and surreal. And she told me before that how she longs to disappear away from the guild because it is demanding and tiring.
Anyway, this issue of mine has really killed off my feelings for her and I'm just going to wait out and see what happens next just like a reality TV show.
Whenever you are really bored and don't wanna play an MMO game, go to: http://librivox.org/
I've played muds that require a group for everything from quests to just moving around. Other guilds attack your castle and as a guild you would defend it. We played the game as a group because the game couldn't be played alone.
Most games today can be played alone and groups are only required for special events, raids and group quests. People do not help because they're not doing the same event, raid or group quest. How it is sad that a stranger decides to invest time in their character instead of yours?
It has nothing to do with being rude, anti-social or how people act in cities vs towns. It has to do with how the games are made to be played.
So let me get this right: YOU don't want to be in voice communication, and everyone else is anti-social? Gotcha.
He just rather would use typing to talk. I'm the same way. I barely say anything on mic. I type everything most of the time. I don't join guilds that say "TS is must".
He's saying that while MMOS did have some amount of competition, that wasn't the reason for playing. The reason for playing was just to play. By that I mean, you didn't log on just to get to max level as quick as possible. You might want to do that, but you'd also enjoy just smack som rabbits...or dragons...or rabidragons what have you. If you saw someone behind you, you'd say, "need this? Hobdragon?" They'd /nod or "YeS!". You'd group up and end up grouped for the rest of the day.
How often do you group up for 1 quest or 2 and ungroup once you beat a boss or finish a quest, nowadays? Does anyone talk or just kill shtuff and leave?
I'm the same way. For me, it isn't relaxing to talk all day. That's what we do in school, at work, etc. I tune in to TS or vent or whatever and generally type my answers but I am not antisocial. I chat with people all the time the "old fashioned" way by sending them tells. I find that the people I have gamed with for a decade are similar and the younger folks seems to shy away from typing too much. Times are changing I guess. At the same time, if a group of people use voice chat and don't want to use texting, can you blame them? It's not so much antisocial as personal barriers. All we can do is change or find people who don't want to change alongside us.
You know, ever since I left EQ2 I haven't been in one really good guild. Guilds in these days fall completely in two categories: pro raiders with weekly schedules and chat channel-guild. The first sort I don't want to join, because I don't want into these pecking orders, where loot is given on rankings and schedules are mandatory like in a job! And the second, you know the sentece I get all the time? "Well sorry but I am busy doing my quests now."
I just played in a rather difficult and dangerous zone in LOTRO, Isengart. And lots of people all around doing the same quests. And do you think just ONE of them would react to a LFG call? No. Many even prefer apparently do die again and again over joining someone.
You see, I am usually a helpful guy in MMOs. When someone has some task yet I have not, I used to help and just run along. Or when someone was LFG and didn't get help for some time, I just help for the sake of. Or when someone is in danger, I run and help. I mean, I saw that as normal for many years. But the last 2+ years, this has totally vanished from games. Back when SWG and EQ2 were new that was common! When someone needed help, it was easy to get help, whether this person had the same quests or not! It was give and take! And people were actually TALKING. Now, it's hi and bye and IF you get a group, people fight alongside like silent robots!
And don't me even get started about the Teamspeak faschism! I am so sick and tired to get kicked from groups when I say I don't do TS. I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR YOU VOICE. Period. I mean, heck we did without TS in the old days against REALLY difficult mobs! In REALLY dangerous zones! People played UO and EQ years without any voiceover, just because they learned their class!
But what REALLY pisses me off like nothing else are these smartass "advisors"! People who will sent you tells about "how with THAT sword or THIS armour you totally suck!" Or how "this or that skills are TOTALLY bad", and sorry but that is the POX and BANE of WOW. No game forced this thrice be damned min-maxxing as much as WoW. Now you need to farm 2000 of these and 500 of them mobs, to get skill point X or faction gear Y. I am so tired of this bizarre sort of MMO design! Where have the times gone, when we just went off to adventure! When it was just we, some quested, looted or crafted gear and off you went!
Sigh. This entire genre and it's player so developed into something sick and anti-social. Its all no longer about exciting adventure, but stats and skills and grinding the right gear and demands and whatnot. This is just isn't they cooperative fun anymore, and all the wonder is replaced by the damn E-sports mentality.
/rant over
Hrm, I believe you need a sandbox MMORPG, not a theme park online game...
For every 1 person you find that is unwilling to accomodate even the most basic of social gatherings within MMO's there are 5 that are and do join in on social types of events in MMO's. The most vocal demographic just happens to be the trade-trollers.
Games really are what you make them and who you meet on them. You can make 5-10 good gaming buddies in an MMO with minimal effort.
That's because cellphone texting has destroyed their grasp on the english language and when they try to type they look like 1st grade dropouts.
I was unable to refrain from laughing as well.
Honestly, I am not really bothered about this.
I am more concerned about the lack of sincerity, truthfullness and humility in MMO communication.
Also, more importantly, I am now much more suspicious of other players in MMO communication as they may be more egoistic, narcisstic and one-sided than ever.
Whenever you are really bored and don't wanna play an MMO game, go to: http://librivox.org/
Well, they don't go there unless the PVP servers crash, anyway...but then it's like bees to honey >:P
And I agree, as a general trend people are more open to being social on RP servers--not universally, of course.
Never had any trouble finding a Guild That Did Not Suck, either.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Seems like you just want people to drop what they're doing when you ask for help. May as well tell them what they're doing is not important but helping you is. We all have goals in a game and guilds are usually just a way to help achieve these goals. If someone isn't standing next to me I won't waste my time running around helping them. No one will help you if what you're doing doesn't benefit them.
People don't have conversations in-game anymore when they have a mic. - "Hey what's up?, How ya doing?" from total strangers will usually be ignored or answered with a common response. These players in a video game are not your friends so don't expect a conversation to appear out of thin air.
Sad. So sad.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
That's what he's saying. Things have changed towards this.
I'll help people if I'm not doing anything important --> in a group already. Or I'll say if you haven't gotten help in XX time then I'll help.
It wasn't typical for people to be so selfish...because things weren't so easy. The games now are basically designed to progress by one's self very easily, so people tend to feel that needing help means that you suck.
I'm not antisocial so much, rather I'd say I'm nonsocial. The quality of most people that play MMOS -- at least the ones I've come into contact with -- is absurdly low. Filthy bigotted supernerds that make the South Park charicatures look like everyday normal people.
Yes there are of course decent folk out there, but at this point I don't bother looking.
The first game I ever seriously played online, we used to give old gear to newbies, and even a little cash or advice to help them get started. But then it was a microscopically small server by today's standards (1000 online at peak), and everybody pretty much knew everyone else. Newbies were really well-treated.
Not sure what happened. Might be a generational thing (but I doubt it). It strikes me as almost certainly a question of scale. Could Massive be what's slowly eroding MMO society? People in big cities are rude, people in small towns are not?
Or is it just that lack of interdependence in games designed to be so totally soloable?
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Judgemental maybe, but not all wrong.
I was in a guild in WoW a few years back that became very Clique'y, this was before the dungeon finder and certain long time guild members would group together to do dungeons or group quests leaving some of the newer members out in the cold. It seemed when anyone who wasn't in the "In Crowd" would ask in guild chat for help, there was either no responce or they would politely say they were busy.
I decided to say "Yes" to every request just to see what would happen. I figured I couldn't change anyone else but i could make sure I wasn't part of the problem.
Whenever you are really bored and don't wanna play an MMO game, go to: http://librivox.org/
Hey hey hey heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy.......
I kinda agree with the OP though not about your aversion to TS, thats your issue and if you are excluded from groups because of it then you know what you need to do to stop that happening. Half the time I wonder why a lot of people even bother playing an MMO if they just want to solo and not talk to anyone else, why not play a solo or co-op CRPG with your friends ?
I assume its because these types of players like to show off when they hit cap or expect accolades from other players when they hit cap. Beyond that I have NFI why anyone would really want to play an MMO so they can solo and avoid interacting with other players...
The trend toward MMO's catering to solo players creates a void, there is no need to depend on others therefore why bother to interact socially seems to be the attitude.
Its funny, in Fallen Earth its easier to survive early on if you group up, however you can solo most things but its slow, tedious and kinda dangerous yet people pick the later path. Once you get a few levels under your belt life becomes easier and you can solo more. Then towards the last third of Zone 1 there are some fairly large quest chains that involve or end in areas designed for groups. Sadly a great many players simply skip the last part of the chains and drop the quests then go grind for the XP they missed (the rewards are good for this content) before moving on. SO it comes down to a lot of MMO players would rather Grind solo than team up briefly with other players to do the group quests and areas....... which is extremely sad and lame.
Simple. They merely play because the MMO's universe appeals to their taste. The community in the MMO is just an extra element of gameplay which a player can choose to put aside and do without.
Usually such other players are only seen as suppliers/sellers of equipment, or temporal instance party members in most MMOs, that's pretty much about it.
Whenever you are really bored and don't wanna play an MMO game, go to: http://librivox.org/
Hey hey hey heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy.......
Well, I solo a lot for the following reasons:
Don't really have time to be involved in "endgame guilds" that raid 24/7, and this reduces my perspectives seriously
Lots of people are jerks in MMORPGs, as they are anonymous. So when 30% or so of the population disappoints, I think that I will save myself the pain thank you and avoid grouping altogether rather than taking the risk of losing my cool (after all I play to relax),
Quests in themeparks are mainly solo, and you are always busy - you can't spend 10 minutes running around to help someone, and the same is true for the other people as well, so you just don't even try anymore (since you know they will be bothered if you ask, you try to find an alternative way - i.e. solo, longer way etc)
Now, usually, for me it boils down to finding a few good players I enjoy playing with (10-15 max), forming a small guild with them and enjoying the content in a closed circle.
Guild in a closed circle which, I should add, does not promote more communication with other players...
There's a reason why many people like myself prefer solo play and not be as sociable 100% of the time.
Raid loot drama queens who whine and cry when a roll doesnt go thier way or worse saying they'll join a group if no one rolls on a particular item in a raid. SOme of these buttwipes quit if an item doesnt drop.
Guild drama queens (vent and teamspeak) who have noting to do but bitch about how bad other people are in raids (healing, tanking etc), guilds etc but who never seem to do wrong themselves. Constant cursing or people in guild avoiding each other.
Dingleberry guild member who love to brag about how good they are and how bad everyone else is compared to them......ach!
Bossy assholes or anal retentive raid leaders/group leads, especially the buttzits who like to criticise an individuals for not "power gaming" properly.
People not playing thier classes correctly.
This is just a few reasons as there are many more but, im tired and have been up over 28 hours from work and playing World of Tanks.
***Fires plunger at Raid/group drama queens!***
All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes
I guess I am one of those rare guys that likes the challenge of killing a mob with no help at all. In fact, I want no help, even if I am going to die. MMO's are too easy as it is. Getting help is like trying to get the quest over as quick as possible so you can level up fast. I got one toon and I like to take it slow. That being said, when I see someone else fighting a mob right next to me, I usually watch and hope he puts up a good fight. If he dies, I hope he enjoyed his defeat and comes back to kick its butt.
Sorry OP, I am definitely no help to you.
Children and young adult gamers are all basically socially inept now. They are too busy asking eachother if they are Mad and calling eachother bro to enjoy any form of social interaction.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
I remember when one person asked for help in my alliance it took seconds to get a full team of people to help. Now you are lucky if anyone even bothers to reply to your call with advice.
Things have gone down hill very much in MMOs. What ever happened to the Multi-player part of the game? Why are so many companies bending over backwards to promote solo play? It just does not make sense to me, I bought an MMO (for example Guild Wars) to play with other people against the game, now I end up using henchmen & Heros because the other people are two busy to be bothered. I have seen in VSoH, STO, LoTRO, RoM and GW. Even WoW is having this kind of troubles.
A lot of it has to do with people just shifting from game to game today in MMO's. Most just play one for 2-3 months casually and then try another, which is becoming increasingly easier with everything F2p today. It's hard for communities to form when hardly anyone sticks around for long periods of time. Then again maybe that' part is backwards and it is the games that are forcing everyone to play that way, basically on content intervals.
I don't know what it is that causes it to be honest, but communities just don't form anymore. Most socialization is handled between guild members. I did see small groups in certain games I've tried, but they're few and far between.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
My girlfriend whom I play with in an MMO, hardly speaks to me ever since she became the vice leader of a guild filled with "kids".
The only reason she hasn't left yet is because she doesn't want to "hurt the guild leader's feelings and cause feelings of resentment in the guild". As time passes I just find this more unbelievable and surreal. And she told me before that how she longs to disappear away from the guild because it is demanding and tiring.
Anyway, this issue of mine has really killed off my feelings for her and I'm just going to wait out and see what happens next just like a reality TV show.
Whenever you are really bored and don't wanna play an MMO game, go to: http://librivox.org/
Hey hey hey heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy.......
I've played muds that require a group for everything from quests to just moving around. Other guilds attack your castle and as a guild you would defend it. We played the game as a group because the game couldn't be played alone.
Most games today can be played alone and groups are only required for special events, raids and group quests. People do not help because they're not doing the same event, raid or group quest. How it is sad that a stranger decides to invest time in their character instead of yours?
It has nothing to do with being rude, anti-social or how people act in cities vs towns. It has to do with how the games are made to be played.
I'm the same way. For me, it isn't relaxing to talk all day. That's what we do in school, at work, etc. I tune in to TS or vent or whatever and generally type my answers but I am not antisocial. I chat with people all the time the "old fashioned" way by sending them tells. I find that the people I have gamed with for a decade are similar and the younger folks seems to shy away from typing too much. Times are changing I guess. At the same time, if a group of people use voice chat and don't want to use texting, can you blame them? It's not so much antisocial as personal barriers. All we can do is change or find people who don't want to change alongside us.
That's because cellphone texting has destroyed their grasp on the english language and when they try to type they look like 1st grade dropouts.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
Hrm, I believe you need a sandbox MMORPG, not a theme park online game...
I was unable to refrain from laughing as well.
For every 1 person you find that is unwilling to accomodate even the most basic of social gatherings within MMO's there are 5 that are and do join in on social types of events in MMO's. The most vocal demographic just happens to be the trade-trollers.
Games really are what you make them and who you meet on them. You can make 5-10 good gaming buddies in an MMO with minimal effort.
Honestly, I am not really bothered about this.
I am more concerned about the lack of sincerity, truthfullness and humility in MMO communication.
Also, more importantly, I am now much more suspicious of other players in MMO communication as they may be more egoistic, narcisstic and one-sided than ever.
Whenever you are really bored and don't wanna play an MMO game, go to: http://librivox.org/
Hey hey hey heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy.......