Explain how SWTOR is more soloable than Rift. Dont even bother, because it isnt.
thats like trying to explain how 1 apple is more of an apple than the other when they are both apples. They are both single player games with multiplayer options.
By that logic, only sandbox games are true multiplayer games then. What a ridiculously inaccurate statement.
You seem to have forgotten the fisrt M in MMO. Sandbox games tend to be more massive. anything that has more than 1 player is multiplayer. Even if your playing by yourself with other people around technically its multiplayer but realistically might as well be single player.
TOR is no more MMO than White knight chronicals II, I could even make a strong argument that WKC is more of an MMO than rift or TOR.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore) Now Playing: N/A Worst MMO: FFXIV Favorite MMO: FFXI
So what's the whole guided pathe trails thing all about ??? No mmo's I've played have that and I've played in excess of 200 including free 2 play!!! Swtor might be new and shiny but new and shiny doesn't make a game great! The whole following pathes crap makes the mmo feel small and like your having your hand held! That's not an mmo at all.
I just moved from RIFT to SWTOR and I totally regret even buying this game now .
It feels worse than RIFT and WOW , they have taken a huge step backwards in game play .
Fallacy 1: Assuming that there is one line of "progression" for combat systems that all MMOs can be placed on, and that it's actually possible to take a "step backwards"
objection 1: just because MMO combat system belong in the same progression line does not dissprove that TOR's combat is indeed in the same style as the forementioned games. therefore it is possible that it indeed is a step backwards.
If the combat is in the same style as the forementioned games, it simply means the combat has remained the same, there was no better implemention between then and now. But then, better is an opinion, so others might think there were better mechanics.
Also note that OP was refering to the entire gameplay features, not just combat.
Sure the story cutscenes are great but the actual game is pure garbage .
I quit WOW years ago so I definately wouldnt want to play that game again with a new skin .
Fallacy 2: Saying the game is just WoW with a new skin without any evidence. And to top it off, saying that even though the sentence before you clearly indicated that you felt the game had a unique combat system
objection 2: he never expressed the combat design was unique, it is more appropriate to say he said "the combat is a cheap and lacking immitation". leaving his statement completely possible and valid
He just said story cutscenes are great, WoW did not have great story cutscenes, therefore he contradicted himself by saying SWTOR is WOW with a new skin. There was a lot of things that was in SWTOR that wasn't in WOW, and vice versa. Saying SWTOR is a replica with new skin is still unjustified, in western society, it is innocent until proven guilty, so unless OP can prove SWTOR is WOW with a new skin, it is under that status that it is not.
Nothing feels right , the animation feels jerky and broken .
Fallacy 3: Blaming the game for your archaic computer not being able to display the incredibly smooth animations properly
invalid argument: you are assuming he has a bad rig. when he could have a beast rig and a bad connection, or the game is as he mentioned.
Well no one knows what is 'jerky and broken' in the OP's view, so maybe he is expecting CGI trailer level of smoothness and variety in animation? Looking at youtube videos, most rigs that are able to run the game at 60fps shows a better than average set of animation in general opinion. At least compare to the aforemention games, RIFT have almost hte same animation for most attacks, just with different particle effect.
The quests are shallow and the entire world feels instanced ( probably because it is ) .
Fallacy 4: Using the word "instanced" even though you clearly do not understand what the term means (why else would you call the entire game instanced?)
objection 3: he is correct. the world has multiple instances of the same area. to deny that would be unreasonable.
Shards is different to instances, instance means only your party are able to enter than area, which only applies to the personal story areas of the game, or flashpoints and operations, not the entire world.
Also does a public toilet mean all areas in the toilet are public? No cublicles are still private to the individual user. The game never advertse 100% open world MMORPG, so having small instanced areas while the game remain largely open world will still classify it as open world.
I never connected to my character like I did back in EQ days when the thought of possibly dying bought excitement and fear of going into a new dungeon or area .
Fallacy 5: Giving way too much credit to a game that clearly impressed you simply because it was one of the first MMOs you encountered death penalties in rather than any innovative game features it had
objection 4: you are again making assumptions. his bonding with EQ could be either deeper or far more shallow than what you know.
OP stated "I never connected to my character like I did back in EQ" Well we can either say OP's general gaming experience have been pretty shallow with MMORPG, because never mean 'not once', which is a pretty bold statement to make for a MMORPG, considering most of their average length spans over a month if not more. So it is safe to assume that OP had a pretty deep bond with EQ to make that kind of statement.
next time you try to be smart.... consider the fact that you simply are not.
The guy never said he is smart? Aren't you making assumptions just like you were stating against Vryreid in your objections? If making a constructed argument equate to 'try to be smart' you and I falls into the same category, maybe we both should consider the fact that we simply are not as well.
Everyone makes assumptions, dunno why you have to restate that idea so many times, you make it, I make it, it is human nature to make assumptions. We don't know each other persoanlly, so we have to make assumptions of what others are.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Someone soloed to lvl 50 in 2 days already . What part of Massively Muliplayer Online was he involved in?
MMO should = Large Scale Battles / Trading / Raids etc etc
Probably the best for large scale battles was planetside.
Hopefully PlanetSide 2 will show us what MMO really is
This post is a classic 'This is how I personally define it, therefore it must be true'.
Last I checked, there were no definite 'number' associated with the word 'Massive'.
Nor should an MMO be anything like this poster has defined it as.
Well, IIRC, when the term mmorpg was first coined, it meant 500 connections. That's it. It's the massively multiplayer online all having to do with client-server communications. It's the idiots who tied it to other things such as size of the game world.
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
I just moved from RIFT to SWTOR and I totally regret even buying this game now .
It feels worse than RIFT and WOW , they have taken a huge step backwards in game play . Sure the story cutscenes are great but the actual game is pure garbage .
I quit WOW years ago so I definately wouldnt want to play that game again with a new skin .
Nothing feels right , the animation feels jerky and broken . The quests are shallow and the entire world feels instanced ( probably because it is ) .
I never connected to my character like I did back in EQ days when the thought of possibly dying bought excitement and fear of going into a new dungeon or area .
It's nearly 2012 and this is how far we have come ? We have gone backwards .
So now what? I guess I just have to wait for GW2 to come out or Diablo3 ?
I leveled up to 50 about two days ago, did every quest I could find including bonus series and flashpoints and only missed some of the heroics because they aren't heroic. In all that time the highest number of people I have seen physically in game is seven. The reason is that the phasing/sharding whatever you want to call it is so aggressive it has just killed the game before it even started.
The game is static and lifeless not what you expect from an MMO where you expect to see tens of people out and about questing and a few hundred maybe in the major quest hubs. This is a single player game where you pay a subscription and the "multiplayer" elements have been added as an after thought. Remember I Have been to every single planet and in that time the highest number of people I saw physically in game was seven people on tatooine after that I've not seen anyone apart from the same guy who was on a similar lvl progression to me on every planet I went to.
The crafting is a let down, it's just another mini game which was added with very little thought . Before any fans of the game start bashing me I have two characters with two harvesting skills at 400/400 and a crafting skill at 400/400 and another character with a similar setup; one is an armsortech one is a synthweaver after a while you realise the crafting is pish.
The game textures are simply awful again people may say " it is like that so people can run it on a variety of machines etc" that is a BS excuse for the quality of textures used in game that is why you have settings for low, medium and high. The UI is even worse.
The customer service is hurrendous, I have had three quests totally bug out on me to the point where reseting them doesn't work and I can't even abandon them. I sent in 8 customer service tickets as they kept closing each one without resolving any thing - this is not due to the christmas period I started playing on the 13th.
PVP in this game is ****, illium is an even bigger joke I don't need to go in to details as someone on the Swtor forums has saved me the trouble and has written a post detailing the issues quite well.
Unless Bioware do something quickly this game is going go the way of Warhammer in the next few months I fully expect people to come and bash me and they need a reality check this game is not as good as you think it is, it is less than average and needs a lot of work to retain their sub base.
Don't get me wrong it is a great game for a single play through either as Imperial or Republic but has absolutely nothing there to keep you playing for a sustained period of time. Considering how much this game cost I am left scratching my head as I can't see where the money has been spent apart from the voice acting.
Water cooled Intel Corei7 920 D0 Stepping OC'd 4.3GHz - 6GB Corsair Dominator GT RAM 2000Mhz - ASUS RAGE II EXTREME X58 Mobo - 2x HD 5870 in Crossfire X, OC'd 0.9Ghz core 1.3Ghz RAM - Dell 2407WFP Flat Panel LCD 24" 1920x1200
What previous posters have said is true, great MMO's are already out there, we are spoilt for choice as it is. You can argue that we need an updated old school game with super graphics, that’s about it.
These big MMO releases have turned the MMO community into a version of the FPS community: What's next? What MMO do I need to be in now to play with my mates? Better graphics and animations, f*** everything else!
So no new MMO is given a chance to develop a long term player base. I think gaming companies realise this is the situation and no long develop games for the long haul. Its wham, bang, thank you punters!
If there's an MMO here I can't find it. People say it's like WoW. No it's not. WoW was so much more open and mmo-like. I know when it came out people called it themepark (well actually that wasn't until a couple years in) and that it wasn't sandboxy enough. But this... this is somewhere between WoW and GW1, and it really doesn't justify the monthly fee imo.
It's nearly 2012 and this is how far we have come ? We have gone backwards .
So now what? I guess I just have to wait for GW2 to come out or Diablo3 ?
Ok so you are saying we're going backwords in the definition of MMOs in your opinion.
THEN you say that Diablo is an MMO.
I'm confused as to what your definition of an MMO is then...
You speak clearly against small group lobby type games then mention how you are looking forward to one?
Lets just all agree that games are games, some are multiplayer, some have the capabiltiy of BEING massively multiplayer (like SWTOR or DIABLO) and if they're fun they're fun. Why does it mater how you define the game? I mean really if Diablo is an MMO you can never doubt SWTOR or RIFT... really confuses me
I don't consider swtor a mmo, its bascally a single player adventure that your suckedinto paying 15/month for, which IMO is about 15/month more than its worth, they game isin't very... mmoish to me really. Bioware is going to have a real issue with player retention, the game lacks any replay value past playing 1 char to cap on each side, after that, other than class quests its the exact same ride. From what I heard people who like the game are already cancelling and the game has barely been released offically for about a week. SWToR is a very bioware like game, but thats a bad thing when your trying to make a mmorpg that will keep people playing. I was close to buying swtor anyway even though I knew it wasn't anything special, but I decided not to, got some games off steam instead during their ongoing sale, and i've already put about 50+ hours into said games, and I am still not bored, where as with swtor I was bored within the first hour or two due to how overly generic the game was, it just didn't have anything to it really, nothing special that grabbed me and kept me intersted.
Though your mileage may vary, Fanboys will most likely sub, which is probally what bioware is banking on. I am probally going to skip guild wars 2 as well, because it looks like more of the same generic stuff, Waiting for phantasy star online 2 myself, because at least I know its going to be something diffrent. Now I just hope sega does a better job at server security, so what happened to the ps2/pc server doesn't happen to the US pso2 server. For the uninformed, bascally there was some bad hacking done in phantasy star universe, to the point where they could take stuff out of your private shop/room even if its locked, without actually getting into your acct, and sega just was far to slow at doing anything about it, so people lost interest. On the US x360 and japanese servers phantasy star universe is still going very strongly, so it wasn't a problem with the game itself. Hopefulyl sega learned to have some better server security things active heh.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
This topic title doesn't even make sense. Feels just like baiting really. Just because you don't like a game doesn't mean it isn't an mmo. All I see is that you aren't happy with the game. What does that have to do with the game being an mmo or not?
The OPs opinion is valid because the gameplay mechanics of the game are not conducive towards an MMO, but rather towards a CORPG or SPRPG. Primarilly the heavy use of instancing and soloability.
Sorry, that's BS. This game has every single feature that any other themepark MMO has. Just because it's got some instanced class story areas makes misinformed people spew this garbage about it not being an mmorpg. If that's the case, then I guess we can't consider GW2 an mmorpg either since they entire personal story for a character is instanced, right? Or Lotro, since the epic storyline has frequent instancing and cut scenes. Or how about Rift, which is basically just a lobby game at this point that involves people just queueing up for dungeons, PvP, and now even quests, as well as being forced into raids and parties without ever having to talk to someone?
This debate gets more idiotic every time I hear it. This game has more...not less...MORE...features in it that require grouping and socialization.
Just because a game claims to be a MMO(RPG) doesn't mean it is. The terminology has gotten stretched to the point where any online game could be called an "MMO", but it doesn't mean they are what they claim to be.
I accept your premise, yes. If a game uses instancing I don't consider it an MMO(RPG), but that is my opinion, and I'm not stating it as a fact. I'm also not saying that it can't be fun, but it is not a MMO(RPG). GW2 is not an MMO(RPG) because it uses instancing for the character's personal story, yes. Their should be neither an instance, nor a scripted personal story. LOTRO is also not an MMO(RPG) because of it's use of an "epic storyline" and instancing. I've never played Rift, so I won't comment.
Also, the fact SWTOR creates an environment wherein the vast majority of the content can be completed without any assistance from other players is not conducive to a 'massively multiplayer' environment. I don't mean strictly in a combat sense in regards to grouping, but rather the player interdependencies that MMO(RPG)s once employed. The only situation within SWTOR where the 'multiplayer' aspect comes into play is during flashpoints, beyond that 'multiplayer' has no necessity in that world. Player interdependencies is the aspect that created great communities, it forced people to interact, but once removed from the equation, it produces bland and self-interested communities in my opinion.
My contention is that developers should provide a living world, give the player tools, and then give the players the freedom to create their own place in that living world. Anything else, at least in my opinion is not a MMO(RPG).
I just moved from RIFT to SWTOR and I totally regret even buying this game now .
It feels worse than RIFT and WOW , they have taken a huge step backwards in game play . Sure the story cutscenes are great but the actual game is pure garbage .
I quit WOW years ago so I definately wouldnt want to play that game again with a new skin .
Nothing feels right , the animation feels jerky and broken . The quests are shallow and the entire world feels instanced ( probably because it is ) .
I never connected to my character like I did back in EQ days when the thought of possibly dying bought excitement and fear of going into a new dungeon or area .
It's nearly 2012 and this is how far we have come ? We have gone backwards .
So now what? I guess I just have to wait for GW2 to come out or Diablo3 ?
^^THIS! I wish they would just remake EQ lmao. Here is hoping for "EQ Next" and SW
I just moved from RIFT to SWTOR and I totally regret even buying this game now .
You are not the only one kid.
Technically if you post that on TOR forums the response is "go back to WoW". My thinking is here that there are only two mmo's out right now in some peoples view ToR or WoW.
If you want a feature in TOR that is not there, then you must be from WoW.....If you want a feature from Rift, then you are quickly told to reference WoW's launch in 2005......I think the crazies are running the looney bin right now.
The Rift folks who switch who are confused why they are unhappy. You just came from a game where you could switch souls on the fly and had god knows how many soul combos to a game that approaches it from a different angle all together.
You seem to have forgotten the fisrt M in MMO. Sandbox games tend to be more massive. anything that has more than 1 player is multiplayer. Even if your playing by yourself with other people around technically its multiplayer but realistically might as well be single player.
TOR is no more MMO than White knight chronicals II, I could even make a strong argument that WKC is more of an MMO than rift or TOR.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
So from wow carebears we went to space carebears? ;P
Someone soloed to lvl 50 in 2 days already . What part of Massively Muliplayer Online was he involved in?
MMO should = Large Scale Battles / Trading / Raids etc etc
Probably the best for large scale battles was planetside.
Hopefully PlanetSide 2 will show us what MMO really is
This post is a classic 'This is how I personally define it, therefore it must be true'.
Last I checked, there were no definite 'number' associated with the word 'Massive'.
Nor should an MMO be anything like this poster has defined it as.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
People leveled fast in EQ 1 also... WoW... EQ2 ... heck you could level to 50 in DAoC in 2 days.
The guy never said he is smart? Aren't you making assumptions just like you were stating against Vryreid in your objections? If making a constructed argument equate to 'try to be smart' you and I falls into the same category, maybe we both should consider the fact that we simply are not as well.
Everyone makes assumptions, dunno why you have to restate that idea so many times, you make it, I make it, it is human nature to make assumptions. We don't know each other persoanlly, so we have to make assumptions of what others are.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Well, IIRC, when the term mmorpg was first coined, it meant 500 connections. That's it. It's the massively multiplayer online all having to do with client-server communications. It's the idiots who tied it to other things such as size of the game world.
Epic Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAigCvelkhQ&list=PLo9FRw1AkDuQLEz7Gvvaz3ideB2NpFtT1
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
I leveled up to 50 about two days ago, did every quest I could find including bonus series and flashpoints and only missed some of the heroics because they aren't heroic. In all that time the highest number of people I have seen physically in game is seven. The reason is that the phasing/sharding whatever you want to call it is so aggressive it has just killed the game before it even started.
The game is static and lifeless not what you expect from an MMO where you expect to see tens of people out and about questing and a few hundred maybe in the major quest hubs. This is a single player game where you pay a subscription and the "multiplayer" elements have been added as an after thought. Remember I Have been to every single planet and in that time the highest number of people I saw physically in game was seven people on tatooine after that I've not seen anyone apart from the same guy who was on a similar lvl progression to me on every planet I went to.
The crafting is a let down, it's just another mini game which was added with very little thought . Before any fans of the game start bashing me I have two characters with two harvesting skills at 400/400 and a crafting skill at 400/400 and another character with a similar setup; one is an armsortech one is a synthweaver after a while you realise the crafting is pish.
The game textures are simply awful again people may say " it is like that so people can run it on a variety of machines etc" that is a BS excuse for the quality of textures used in game that is why you have settings for low, medium and high. The UI is even worse.
The customer service is hurrendous, I have had three quests totally bug out on me to the point where reseting them doesn't work and I can't even abandon them. I sent in 8 customer service tickets as they kept closing each one without resolving any thing - this is not due to the christmas period I started playing on the 13th.
PVP in this game is ****, illium is an even bigger joke I don't need to go in to details as someone on the Swtor forums has saved me the trouble and has written a post detailing the issues quite well.
Unless Bioware do something quickly this game is going go the way of Warhammer in the next few months I fully expect people to come and bash me and they need a reality check this game is not as good as you think it is, it is less than average and needs a lot of work to retain their sub base.
Don't get me wrong it is a great game for a single play through either as Imperial or Republic but has absolutely nothing there to keep you playing for a sustained period of time. Considering how much this game cost I am left scratching my head as I can't see where the money has been spent apart from the voice acting.
Water cooled Intel Corei7 920 D0 Stepping OC'd 4.3GHz - 6GB Corsair Dominator GT RAM 2000Mhz - ASUS RAGE II EXTREME X58 Mobo - 2x HD 5870 in Crossfire X, OC'd 0.9Ghz core 1.3Ghz RAM - Dell 2407WFP Flat Panel LCD 24" 1920x1200
I think people expect that you need to reinvent the wheel ?
While the truth is all have already been done and tried.
In the past 15 years so many mmo has come out and about a hand full of those are good.
WoW SWTOR Rift Aion Darkfall Eve are all good mmo;s for the playstyle they deliver.
So many choices but people are waiting for something that will never ever come a perfect mmo
There will never ever be one.
Elderscrolls Online will be the one
What previous posters have said is true, great MMO's are already out there, we are spoilt for choice as it is. You can argue that we need an updated old school game with super graphics, that’s about it.
These big MMO releases have turned the MMO community into a version of the FPS community: What's next? What MMO do I need to be in now to play with my mates? Better graphics and animations, f*** everything else!
So no new MMO is given a chance to develop a long term player base. I think gaming companies realise this is the situation and no long develop games for the long haul. Its wham, bang, thank you punters!
this game is a corpg(like quildwars is!)
You are not the only one kid.
If there's an MMO here I can't find it. People say it's like WoW. No it's not. WoW was so much more open and mmo-like. I know when it came out people called it themepark (well actually that wasn't until a couple years in) and that it wasn't sandboxy enough. But this... this is somewhere between WoW and GW1, and it really doesn't justify the monthly fee imo.
Ok so you are saying we're going backwords in the definition of MMOs in your opinion.
THEN you say that Diablo is an MMO.
I'm confused as to what your definition of an MMO is then...
You speak clearly against small group lobby type games then mention how you are looking forward to one?
Lets just all agree that games are games, some are multiplayer, some have the capabiltiy of BEING massively multiplayer (like SWTOR or DIABLO) and if they're fun they're fun. Why does it mater how you define the game? I mean really if Diablo is an MMO you can never doubt SWTOR or RIFT... really confuses me
I don't consider swtor a mmo, its bascally a single player adventure that your suckedinto paying 15/month for, which IMO is about 15/month more than its worth, they game isin't very... mmoish to me really. Bioware is going to have a real issue with player retention, the game lacks any replay value past playing 1 char to cap on each side, after that, other than class quests its the exact same ride. From what I heard people who like the game are already cancelling and the game has barely been released offically for about a week. SWToR is a very bioware like game, but thats a bad thing when your trying to make a mmorpg that will keep people playing. I was close to buying swtor anyway even though I knew it wasn't anything special, but I decided not to, got some games off steam instead during their ongoing sale, and i've already put about 50+ hours into said games, and I am still not bored, where as with swtor I was bored within the first hour or two due to how overly generic the game was, it just didn't have anything to it really, nothing special that grabbed me and kept me intersted.
Though your mileage may vary, Fanboys will most likely sub, which is probally what bioware is banking on. I am probally going to skip guild wars 2 as well, because it looks like more of the same generic stuff, Waiting for phantasy star online 2 myself, because at least I know its going to be something diffrent. Now I just hope sega does a better job at server security, so what happened to the ps2/pc server doesn't happen to the US pso2 server. For the uninformed, bascally there was some bad hacking done in phantasy star universe, to the point where they could take stuff out of your private shop/room even if its locked, without actually getting into your acct, and sega just was far to slow at doing anything about it, so people lost interest. On the US x360 and japanese servers phantasy star universe is still going very strongly, so it wasn't a problem with the game itself. Hopefulyl sega learned to have some better server security things active heh.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
Just because a game claims to be a MMO(RPG) doesn't mean it is. The terminology has gotten stretched to the point where any online game could be called an "MMO", but it doesn't mean they are what they claim to be.
I accept your premise, yes. If a game uses instancing I don't consider it an MMO(RPG), but that is my opinion, and I'm not stating it as a fact. I'm also not saying that it can't be fun, but it is not a MMO(RPG). GW2 is not an MMO(RPG) because it uses instancing for the character's personal story, yes. Their should be neither an instance, nor a scripted personal story. LOTRO is also not an MMO(RPG) because of it's use of an "epic storyline" and instancing. I've never played Rift, so I won't comment.
Also, the fact SWTOR creates an environment wherein the vast majority of the content can be completed without any assistance from other players is not conducive to a 'massively multiplayer' environment. I don't mean strictly in a combat sense in regards to grouping, but rather the player interdependencies that MMO(RPG)s once employed. The only situation within SWTOR where the 'multiplayer' aspect comes into play is during flashpoints, beyond that 'multiplayer' has no necessity in that world. Player interdependencies is the aspect that created great communities, it forced people to interact, but once removed from the equation, it produces bland and self-interested communities in my opinion.
My contention is that developers should provide a living world, give the player tools, and then give the players the freedom to create their own place in that living world. Anything else, at least in my opinion is not a MMO(RPG).
Well the simple fact is , if this game was sold as a single player game , it would be quite playable from lvl 1 to 50 in its current form .
They might have to run NPC "bots" for some of the missions but that would be no major task.
Having to pay a monthly fee is almost fraud to play this game imo.
^^THIS! I wish they would just remake EQ lmao. Here is hoping for "EQ Next" and SW
Which version of EQ? Launch EQ? Kunark? Veliious? PoK book EQ? LDoN EQ with its instanced dungeons?
There have been a lot of different versions of EQ over the years.
LOL I should clarify I am a Pre Luclin player.
If SW:TOR isn't a MMO, than neither is WoW, RIFT, or any MMO that has instances.
Technically if you post that on TOR forums the response is "go back to WoW". My thinking is here that there are only two mmo's out right now in some peoples view ToR or WoW.
If you want a feature in TOR that is not there, then you must be from WoW.....If you want a feature from Rift, then you are quickly told to reference WoW's launch in 2005......I think the crazies are running the looney bin right now.
The Rift folks who switch who are confused why they are unhappy. You just came from a game where you could switch souls on the fly and had god knows how many soul combos to a game that approaches it from a different angle all together.