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It's supposed to be launched sometime after the PC release. But seriously, what the heck?
i saw earlier today that TSW is coming out on xbox. surprised me too.
I've got the straight edge.
i think that's awesome. more exposure.
While that does at first strike me as odd, after some thought I could totally see it. If it's well designed for consoles and PC separately, it could actually work.
Think about it.. you go out and adventure in the land - you don't even need to form groups for the most part. The combat is twitch based so controllers could totally take advantage of that. Yeah, considering everything I know about the game's design, I could totally see it happening and even working.
I'll stick to PC though...
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
Forums: The best real-time interactive MMORPG you'll ever be in.
Relax. It is made for PC in the first place= the UI will only suck on consoles.
I've always thought that GW2 was the kind of MMORPG that could be ported to consoles, with it's more action oriented combat, minimalist UI and lack of a subscription fee. As long as it doesn't effect the quality of the PC title then I could care less. It's kinda what CDProjekt did with The Witcher 2, by releasing the PC title first then porting it to consoles, once the PC version works fine.
I think it's kind of a dead giveaway a game is headed to consoles when you can only have like 6 active abilities at a time.
Doesn't GW2 have something like that? Not real hip on the GW2 info but thought I read that somewhere.
with modifiers, holding down the top left or right would modify x or a or whatever.
I've got the straight edge.
I don't mind as far they're gonna develop UI separately, because one only shared among the different hardwares input devices is gonna sux bad as DCUO UI undisputedly does.
Who says the game will be cross-platform? They could quite easily just have seperate servers for PC and Console users.
It has to be designed DIFFERETNLY than it is for the keyboard. How they do it? *shrug* Personally, I couldn't care less as long as my PC version is awesome.
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
No, you've got at least 10 different active skills (depends on your profession) at a time. Not to mention dodging and weapon-swapping.
I would like to know how this would work server wise.
Will the console-players have their own separate server, or will it be integrated with PC players ones?
How does it usually work with console MMO's that also has a PC version? I have no experience regarding this.
How would skill casting work, considering that it utilizes the full [ten] numbers on the keyboard?
with modifiers, holding down the top left or right would modify x or a or whatever.
That would put console players at a second or two of disadvantage compared to keyboard users, but it'd work, I guess.
Forums: The best real-time interactive MMORPG you'll ever be in.
GW1 only had 8 at one time, I think GW2 has 10.
I wouldn't have console players and pc players on the same servers...
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
Actually it has upto a 14 skill hotbar (for Elementalists & Engineers) and upwards of 18 active abilities for each profession. Watch this vid and keep your eyes glued to the hotbar. Sure, with some tweaks they could port it to consoles, but the PC game won't lose any of it's complexity whilst doing so.
You can have more active abilities than you could in GW.
i always hear the debate of controller and keyboard and mouse. if we were all on the same server i guess we would find out. i kind of think using a controller would be an advantage, i used to play a lot of madden football and the combinations of button you have to press at times can be intense.
I've got the straight edge.
I'm guessing then that they will put them in separate servers?
It makes the most sense to me.
You know, compatibility wise and all.
The question is which console? which console can manage all this.
In my opinion I think the WII U could possibly be the console that can manage GW 2, since WII U has been stated to be released this year and that the control has a touchscreen feature, I could say this could work now again this is from my opinion but looking at this I do think this could work.
We'll have to see
Course they can downgrade it to let all console manage and tweak up the settings and UI system.
SONY tried to do cross-platform with DCUO and it didn't work out well for them. I would hope ArenaNet leared from that. Honestly, let consoles and pc's have their own servers and communities.
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
e: formatting again
Forums: The best real-time interactive MMORPG you'll ever be in.
With Only 10 skills active at a time it would be easy on a controller.
4 abilities mapped to X-Y-A-B, then L & R bumper modifiers for X-Y-B-A would give you 12 right there. Double Tap L / R to dodge on analog stick or pad, Right trigger target, Left trigger jump. ( Just an idea off the top of my head)
Or something like that. In Tera you have more abilites and it does well with a controller. Fully mappable keys, can access menu's, drag and drop, ect.
I could easily see it being modified a bit and put on console. In todays day with console sales many many times the number of PC sales for games its almost a no brainer.
And with the B2P model they would be crazy not to tap into that market.
I personally will play on PC because that is my preferred platform, but for several of my friends a PS3 version would be an instant buy for them.
If they can get the console version(s) working out fine with their own communities, that's great.
More GW2 for everybody.