the qoutes to pay attention to is thesse from martin about this subjeckt
think "stay calm, don't panic" will become my new mantra.
We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically disect my post
---- AND AGAIN from martin
Let me re-post my previous statement (that is also in the first post of this thread):
We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically disect my post ).
It is amazing how the fact that we are dedicated to make the best PC game possible is completely ignored and unfounded Angst is running rampant.
The Points to remember is that this is
1) not something new - (they have stated this for years- so nothing that should surprise longterm fans)
2) its a small team. -(so nothing that should hurt the PC development)
3) there have not yet been a blogpost or anything else about the progression of this development (wich could mean anything but atleast points at the console part not being a big part since it havent made it to the blogpost and articles)
4) wheter its NCsoft or ArenaNet that is behind wanting the console option investigated- it makes sense to at least investigate it when you are also working on making part of the game availeble in mobil devices.
the qoutes to pay attention to is thesse from martin about this subjeckt
think "stay calm, don't panic" will become my new mantra.
We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically disect my post
---- AND AGAIN from martin
Let me re-post my previous statement (that is also in the first post of this thread):
We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically disect my post ).
It is amazing how the fact that we are dedicated to make the best PC game possible is completely ignored and unfounded Angst is running rampant.
The Points to remember is that this is
1) not something new - (they have stated this for years- so nothing that should surprise longterm fans)
2) its a small team. -(so nothing that should hurt the PC development)
3) there have not yet been a blogpost or anything else about the progression of this development (wich could mean anything but atleast points at the console part not being a big part since it havent made it to the blogpost and articles)
4) wheter its NCsoft or ArenaNet that is behind wanting the console option investigated- it makes sense to at least investigate it when you are also working on making part of the game availeble in mobil devices.
Anyway relax and lets move on!
Their tone did change though.
It went from 'investigating the possibility of consoles' - 2010 (?) to 'working on console version' - 2012.
Guess we'll have to wait and see but I just hope the PC-console stays seperate.
PC will have an advantage due to K+M if the two platforms are shared and that can't be good for both communities.
Gdemami - Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
as a PC gamer i despise console gaming and any MMO going to console
i feel mmo's should be pc only gaming
but i am a pc person and my hate for consoles are riseing every year with the pethetic amount of porting we are getting and company sell out just make a quick buck *cough activion CoD*
i'm just little tired of how console community diserve such a great game >.> it should be for elite people the pc community the orginal people that made what graphics we have to day possible
not for 13 yr old kids that think console has good graphics and is worthy gaming machine
theres lot more reason why i hate on consoles mainly due lot game company look at console as main plateform
even tho i belive anet wont port from console to pc but i feel console community do not diserve such a great game to be on such a bad genertion of gaming
the gen of quick buck bad product and low gameplay
I read on another MMO news site that GW 2 will support consoles... for me that is definetely bad news because we all know what happened when games like DCU also targetted consoles. It lead to dumbed down and crappy controls catered for those stupid console controllers rather than mouse and keyboard.
More over, consoles are targetted at a younger or atleast different audience than PC players which could lead to more action centered instant graficiation type of play and less depth and complexity.
The game was designed for PCs, not consoles. They have had a small group working on the possibility of an eventual Console version, but this hasn't dictated the PC game design, it hasn't been decided how closely it will mirror the PC version and they haven't even decided if Consoles and the PC would share the same servers. They haven't even announced which consoles might eventually get the game.
Issues have occured with many cross platform games that appear on the PC in recent years, as the PC is usually no longer the core platform these games are developed for and too many compromises in game design occur as a result of the developers wanting to port the game to three platforms simultaneously, with out giving each platform the individual attention it deserves.
This will not be the case with GW2.
Also realize that if GW2 does eventually transition to consoles, (NCSoft has only confirmed plans, while Arenanet has made clear that nothing has actually been done beyond exploratory work), it seems very likely that the platofroms they would be focusing on would be the next generation XBox and PlayStation. Both are likely to offer control schemes much more diverse and capable than the current controllers, so it is very possible that the future consoles will be able to support PC game ports with out compromising on ui and control complexity.
In a couple years, you can fret about whether or not a console version will be able to fully capture the game play from the PC version, but the theoretical approach to a console port has not effected the design of this game on the PC.
GW2 fans have been hoping and expecting a "near term" release of the game since at least early 2010. Unless NCSoft yanks a console version away from Arenanet and attempts a messy port with a different development team, I'm guessing it's going to be at least another two years before console players will have any realistic shot of a console release of the game.
Just to clarify another point, the game is not being developed for mobile devices. There is a group actually working on mobile apps that will enhance your connection with the PC version of the game. They have mentioned the possibility of chatting with in game friends and guildmates via smart phone apps, seeing where they are on the world map, as well as being able to manage your Trade Market (i.e. "Auction House"), from your mobile device.
Just to clarify another point, the game is not being developed for mobile devices. There is a group actually working on mobile apps that will enhance your connection with the PC version of the game. They have mentioned the possibility of chatting with in game friends and guildmates via smart phone apps, seeing where they are on the world map, as well as being able to manage your Trade Market (i.e. "Auction House"), from your mobile device.
thats new holy crap man thats epic as F*ck O.o
then i go work/study and be on gw2 at same time sorta , AWSOME
All I can say to the OP: Think of the Witcher 2, they are doing the same thing. Porting from PC to console. If anything ALL devs should do this. It is alot easier to code for PC and you just have to scale down to the limitations of the console. (Think BF3, they did this)
I read on another MMO news site that GW 2 will support consoles... for me that is definetely bad news because we all know what happened when games like DCU also targetted consoles. It lead to dumbed down and crappy controls catered for those stupid console controllers rather than mouse and keyboard.
More over, consoles are targetted at a younger or atleast different audience than PC players which could lead to more action centered instant graficiation type of play and less depth and complexity.
This has already been discussed here at length and in depth.
I personally doubt that this will be for this generation of console... It wouldn't surpise me to see it as a 720 launch title.
IF that is the case, and if they go with the Wii U style controller (with touchscreen, looking like a Vita somewhat apparently), then there is nothing really to worry about. Hell... with that type of controller I would probably play this game with one.
Thats a lot of 'IF' I admit, but even if none of this happened, considering it's being developed for the PC to be ported and nothing has changed with the UI since before you read about it.
If you liked what you saw yesterday, you will like what you see at launch. Nothing has changed.
as a PC gamer i despise console gaming and any MMO going to console
i feel mmo's should be pc only gaming
but i am a pc person and my hate for consoles are riseing every year with the pethetic amount of porting we are getting and company sell out just make a quick buck *cough activion CoD*
i'm just little tired of how console community diserve such a great game >.> it should be for elite people the pc community the orginal people that made what graphics we have to day possible
not for 13 yr old kids that think console has good graphics and is worthy gaming machine
theres lot more reason why i hate on consoles mainly due lot game company look at console as main plateform
even tho i belive anet wont port from console to pc but i feel console community do not diserve such a great game to be on such a bad genertion of gaming
the gen of quick buck bad product and low gameplay
Simpy astonishing.
I know we are only talking games platforms here but there is something quite dark about this level of hatred.
as a PC gamer i despise console gaming and any MMO going to console
i feel mmo's should be pc only gaming
but i am a pc person and my hate for consoles are riseing every year with the pethetic amount of porting we are getting and company sell out just make a quick buck *cough activion CoD*
i'm just little tired of how console community diserve such a great game >.> it should be for elite people the pc community the orginal people that made what graphics we have to day possible
not for 13 yr old kids that think console has good graphics and is worthy gaming machine
theres lot more reason why i hate on consoles mainly due lot game company look at console as main plateform
even tho i belive anet wont port from console to pc but i feel console community do not diserve such a great game to be on such a bad genertion of gaming
the gen of quick buck bad product and low gameplay
Simpy astonishing.
I know we are only talking games platforms here but there is something quite dark about this level of hatred.
Quite a disgusting post you quoted there. To FateFatality: have you got any idea how absolutely RIDICULOUS you sound?
the qoutes to pay attention to is thesse from martin about this subjeckt
think "stay calm, don't panic" will become my new mantra.
We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically disect my post
---- AND AGAIN from martin
Let me re-post my previous statement (that is also in the first post of this thread):
We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically disect my post ).
It is amazing how the fact that we are dedicated to make the best PC game possible is completely ignored and unfounded Angst is running rampant.
The Points to remember is that this is
1) not something new - (they have stated this for years- so nothing that should surprise longterm fans)
2) its a small team. -(so nothing that should hurt the PC development)
3) there have not yet been a blogpost or anything else about the progression of this development (wich could mean anything but atleast points at the console part not being a big part since it havent made it to the blogpost and articles)
4) wheter its NCsoft or ArenaNet that is behind wanting the console option investigated- it makes sense to at least investigate it when you are also working on making part of the game availeble in mobil devices.
Anyway relax and lets move on!
Also, to add to this, if you listen to the NCSoft conference call which started all this, the woman said something (I'm paraphrasing) like "You ask if the console version will be released at the same time as the PC Version, our answer is no it won't be."
That's what started this whole thing again and if you think about it, and keep in mind that anything NCSoft says here will be all about putting its company in the best possible light, then you realize what she said really doesn't say anything at all. As far as I'm concerned, it can totally be interpreted as. "It won't be being released at the same time, or ever, but we don't want to tell shareholders that because this way you'll be happy by assuming sometime in the future there's going to be console profits rolling in."
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it."-Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
Games made on consoles and ported to PC usually have ridiculous problems, regardless of who is making them (Skyrim, Alice Returns, etc.). But I don't think going the other way will have as many problems. Going from a less restrictive environment to the more restrictive one should mean the PC gets to be developed as they see fit, and the console team works on making it fit into the nonsense that consoles need.
Either way, I don't play consoles if I can help it, and they are making this game for PC first, so it shouldn't affect me.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
The biggest question I have is 'will console and pc share the same servers?'
With the amount of ground targetting abilities I've seen in GW1, I can't see how they can make it work on a gamepad without 'assistance'. And 'Assistance' normally means auto-aim or assist aim.
Auto-aiming AOE is just ridiculous but without it, how will console players compete?
Just opens up a slew of questions but I will still buy GW2, ANet has served me well so far. GW1 + 3 exp.
I'm pretty sure pc servers & console servers can't be shared. I don't know of any game that is pc & console that share the same servers.
PC players had a huge advantage in that game but there wasn't any real pvp.
Only course it comes out for consoles does not necessarily mean it will be played with a gamepad tho maybe you will need a mouse and keyboard to play the game on consoles i admit its unlikely but we cant know yet so its as much a possibility as the gamepad.
Even if it comes with a gamepad control i fail to see the problem in it.
In fact i believe the gameplay of GW2 (at least what i saw of it) is well suited for gamepad controls and i for one would like a gamepad control for the pc version very much
To FFXI i played it on all 4 platforms and i found the gamepad controls vast superior to the mouse keyboard control its all only a matter of getting used to in my opinion.
The game could be released only on the Wii U as thats the only console controller suited for MMO's..
Or they have to reduce the number of weapon skills and the number of general skills to fit the 4 buttons of the controller...which would mean that the console versions interface would be different from the PC interface... which would not be bad at all.... even better... which would be a very important thing to make both intefcaes as inutiive as possible.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
The biggest question I have is 'will console and pc share the same servers?'
With the amount of ground targetting abilities I've seen in GW1, I can't see how they can make it work on a gamepad without 'assistance'. And 'Assistance' normally means auto-aim or assist aim.
Auto-aiming AOE is just ridiculous but without it, how will console players compete?
Just opens up a slew of questions but I will still buy GW2, ANet has served me well so far. GW1 + 3 exp.
I'm pretty sure pc servers & console servers can't be shared. I don't know of any game that is pc & console that share the same servers.
PC players had a huge advantage in that game but there wasn't any real pvp.
Only course it comes out for consoles does not necessarily mean it will be played with a gamepad tho maybe you will need a mouse and keyboard to play the game on consoles i admit its unlikely but we cant know yet so its as much a possibility as the gamepad.
Even if it comes with a gamepad control i fail to see the problem in it.
In fact i believe the gameplay of GW2 (at least what i saw of it) is well suited for gamepad controls and i for one would like a gamepad control for the pc version very much
To FFXI i played it on all 4 platforms and i found the gamepad controls vast superior to the mouse keyboard control its all only a matter of getting used to in my opinion.
Well part of the reason is that the keyboard mouse controls on FFXI were aweful. It is why I quite playing it. It was better with a controller because that is what it was designed for. . which is exatly what people do not want to see.
Its been posted and confirmed here that it will be on consoles. But I highly doubt it will be here with launch. We have not even heard about this until just recently, and it isnt easy to port a game this big over to console. Not only that but the PC ui we see now is what we are going to get.
I wouldn't worry too much about this right now.
Never been confirmed, people are so easy to manipulate. Someone, somewhere has talked about this and BOOM its comfirmed...
I don't want to state the obvious but consoles is where the real money is. GW2 is already B2P so i have no problems if ANET wants to expand out more and reach to more players. After all its a business.
I don't see how this is bad news. It's getting easier and easier for developers to create a game across multiple platforms with less overall impact on the final product. One of the most obvious choices is PC/XBOX. As long as the final product is still solid, what's the problem?
Enter a whole new realm of challenge and adventure.
I don't want to state the obvious but consoles is where the real money is. GW2 is already B2P so i have no problems if ANET wants to expand out more and reach to more players. After all its a business.
Thats not entirely true.... MMO games are big money and currently the only games on the platform that do really well (financially)
The consoles can only be manufactered that cheep because of all the innovations comming from the Game PC world, if you kill PC gaming, there will be no hardware innovation left.
If you include the hardware, PC gaming is still bigger then console gaming on a yearly budget. Its very important to keep the PC gaming alive... and certain gametypes like FPS and MMO still play a lot better on my PC then on those stupid Playstation controllers.
But, yes, its time for everyone to realise that software piracy is killing the gaming PC market and everything that comes with it... but soon thats over, as all PC games will have an online requirement AND CONSIST OF ONLINE PLAY
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
the qoutes to pay attention to is thesse from martin about this subjeckt
think "stay calm, don't panic" will become my new mantra.
We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically disect my post
---- AND AGAIN from martin
Let me re-post my previous statement (that is also in the first post of this thread):
We stated multiple times in public that we have a small team working on a console version, but that we are fully dedicated to make the most kickass game for PC (I think the official statement did not use the word kickass, in case someone wants to semantically disect my post ).
It is amazing how the fact that we are dedicated to make the best PC game possible is completely ignored and unfounded Angst is running rampant.
The Points to remember is that this is
1) not something new - (they have stated this for years- so nothing that should surprise longterm fans)
2) its a small team. -(so nothing that should hurt the PC development)
3) there have not yet been a blogpost or anything else about the progression of this development (wich could mean anything but atleast points at the console part not being a big part since it havent made it to the blogpost and articles)
4) wheter its NCsoft or ArenaNet that is behind wanting the console option investigated- it makes sense to at least investigate it when you are also working on making part of the game availeble in mobil devices.
Anyway relax and lets move on!
Their tone did change though.
It went from 'investigating the possibility of consoles' - 2010 (?) to 'working on console version' - 2012.
Guess we'll have to wait and see but I just hope the PC-console stays seperate.
PC will have an advantage due to K+M if the two platforms are shared and that can't be good for both communities.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
i'm not sure what to think about this
as a PC gamer i despise console gaming and any MMO going to console
i feel mmo's should be pc only gaming
but i am a pc person and my hate for consoles are riseing every year with the pethetic amount of porting we are getting and company sell out just make a quick buck *cough activion CoD*
i'm just little tired of how console community diserve such a great game >.> it should be for elite people the pc community the orginal people that made what graphics we have to day possible
not for 13 yr old kids that think console has good graphics and is worthy gaming machine
theres lot more reason why i hate on consoles mainly due lot game company look at console as main plateform
even tho i belive anet wont port from console to pc but i feel console community do not diserve such a great game to be on such a bad genertion of gaming
the gen of quick buck bad product and low gameplay
The game was designed for PCs, not consoles. They have had a small group working on the possibility of an eventual Console version, but this hasn't dictated the PC game design, it hasn't been decided how closely it will mirror the PC version and they haven't even decided if Consoles and the PC would share the same servers. They haven't even announced which consoles might eventually get the game.
Issues have occured with many cross platform games that appear on the PC in recent years, as the PC is usually no longer the core platform these games are developed for and too many compromises in game design occur as a result of the developers wanting to port the game to three platforms simultaneously, with out giving each platform the individual attention it deserves.
This will not be the case with GW2.
Also realize that if GW2 does eventually transition to consoles, (NCSoft has only confirmed plans, while Arenanet has made clear that nothing has actually been done beyond exploratory work), it seems very likely that the platofroms they would be focusing on would be the next generation XBox and PlayStation. Both are likely to offer control schemes much more diverse and capable than the current controllers, so it is very possible that the future consoles will be able to support PC game ports with out compromising on ui and control complexity.
In a couple years, you can fret about whether or not a console version will be able to fully capture the game play from the PC version, but the theoretical approach to a console port has not effected the design of this game on the PC.
GW2 fans have been hoping and expecting a "near term" release of the game since at least early 2010. Unless NCSoft yanks a console version away from Arenanet and attempts a messy port with a different development team, I'm guessing it's going to be at least another two years before console players will have any realistic shot of a console release of the game.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
Just to clarify another point, the game is not being developed for mobile devices. There is a group actually working on mobile apps that will enhance your connection with the PC version of the game. They have mentioned the possibility of chatting with in game friends and guildmates via smart phone apps, seeing where they are on the world map, as well as being able to manage your Trade Market (i.e. "Auction House"), from your mobile device.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
thats new holy crap man thats epic as F*ck O.o
then i go work/study and be on gw2 at same time sorta , AWSOME
All I can say to the OP: Think of the Witcher 2, they are doing the same thing. Porting from PC to console. If anything ALL devs should do this. It is alot easier to code for PC and you just have to scale down to the limitations of the console. (Think BF3, they did this)
This has already been discussed here at length and in depth.
I personally doubt that this will be for this generation of console... It wouldn't surpise me to see it as a 720 launch title.
IF that is the case, and if they go with the Wii U style controller (with touchscreen, looking like a Vita somewhat apparently), then there is nothing really to worry about. Hell... with that type of controller I would probably play this game with one.
Thats a lot of 'IF' I admit, but even if none of this happened, considering it's being developed for the PC to be ported and nothing has changed with the UI since before you read about it.
If you liked what you saw yesterday, you will like what you see at launch. Nothing has changed.
Stop panicing and/or looking for drama.
Simpy astonishing.
I know we are only talking games platforms here but there is something quite dark about this level of hatred.
Quite a disgusting post you quoted there. To FateFatality: have you got any idea how absolutely RIDICULOUS you sound?
Also, to add to this, if you listen to the NCSoft conference call which started all this, the woman said something (I'm paraphrasing) like "You ask if the console version will be released at the same time as the PC Version, our answer is no it won't be."
That's what started this whole thing again and if you think about it, and keep in mind that anything NCSoft says here will be all about putting its company in the best possible light, then you realize what she said really doesn't say anything at all. As far as I'm concerned, it can totally be interpreted as. "It won't be being released at the same time, or ever, but we don't want to tell shareholders that because this way you'll be happy by assuming sometime in the future there's going to be console profits rolling in."
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." -Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
Games made on consoles and ported to PC usually have ridiculous problems, regardless of who is making them (Skyrim, Alice Returns, etc.). But I don't think going the other way will have as many problems. Going from a less restrictive environment to the more restrictive one should mean the PC gets to be developed as they see fit, and the console team works on making it fit into the nonsense that consoles need.
Either way, I don't play consoles if I can help it, and they are making this game for PC first, so it shouldn't affect me.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
They can do it as long as they have 2 control schemes. Or they can just make the console players use usb keyboard and mouse.
My theme song.
It was NEVER confirmed that there will be a console version.
The only thing they confirmed is that there is a small team looking into the possibility of having a console version.
GW2 will be a PC port to the consoles. so why should this worry us? it's not like it's DCUO.
I look forward to farming you in the Mists.
The question that nobody asked, would you be able to play the console and pc versions with one account/key?
The few games my son and I were able to have gamepad v Mouse and key, it wasn't even close.
Console player, the other other white meat.
Yep, AoC, WAR, Even SWG was supposed ot make it to console. It didn't happen.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
The game could be released only on the Wii U as thats the only console controller suited for MMO's..
Or they have to reduce the number of weapon skills and the number of general skills to fit the 4 buttons of the controller...which would mean that the console versions interface would be different from the PC interface... which would not be bad at all.... even better... which would be a very important thing to make both intefcaes as inutiive as possible.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
Well part of the reason is that the keyboard mouse controls on FFXI were aweful. It is why I quite playing it. It was better with a controller because that is what it was designed for. . which is exatly what people do not want to see.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
My gaming blog
I don't want to state the obvious but consoles is where the real money is. GW2 is already B2P so i have no problems if ANET wants to expand out more and reach to more players. After all its a business.
I don't see how this is bad news. It's getting easier and easier for developers to create a game across multiple platforms with less overall impact on the final product. One of the most obvious choices is PC/XBOX. As long as the final product is still solid, what's the problem?
Enter a whole new realm of challenge and adventure.
Thats not entirely true.... MMO games are big money and currently the only games on the platform that do really well (financially)
The consoles can only be manufactered that cheep because of all the innovations comming from the Game PC world, if you kill PC gaming, there will be no hardware innovation left.
If you include the hardware, PC gaming is still bigger then console gaming on a yearly budget. Its very important to keep the PC gaming alive... and certain gametypes like FPS and MMO still play a lot better on my PC then on those stupid Playstation controllers.
But, yes, its time for everyone to realise that software piracy is killing the gaming PC market and everything that comes with it... but soon thats over, as all PC games will have an online requirement AND CONSIST OF ONLINE PLAY
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)