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Its a long video...I know. They didn't seem to excited about Tera after playing the beta, does anyone that has played Tera have the same concerns they talk about?
P.S. akaMikeb is part of the panel.
MikeB was the only one without a biased opinion and he tried to defend it as much as he could even while the rest were trashing the shit out of it. I respect him and him only.
He still had some pretty big concenrs about the game. He wasn't as harsh as the host, the other guy didn't really say anything. But the question is, do people who played Tera have the same opinions and and why or why not?
I do not share the same opinion, something Gary said and complained about was a total non-factor.
When he was complaining about not being able to shoot while jumping, what repercussions does that actually have, it makes no difference in any MMO if you shoot while jumping or not, so why do you need the ability to do so.
Also about the "animation locks", much of his biased opinion on this was because he only got to level 11 and he clearly likes WoW style smooth combat. I personally love the feel and power behind the attacks and the negative repercussions of using an ability that locks you in place in the wrong circumstances. It adds to the challenge, regardless, dodges and blocks can interrupt most animations and glyphs allow for customization of moves and attack speed increases which allows for the combat to flow much better as you get to a higher level.
So while he may have hated the combat, to me, it's almost perfect. Aside from the issues latency might create.
most peopel who bother to do some reseach on tera or went in tera with a open mind or at least unbias ones doesn't share his opinion at all. He play till lvl 11 and claim it bad and say its going f2p in 6 month. Lvl 11..... he never fought his first BAM or did the first dungeon at all, show how much bias he had toward the game before he even started playing.
Also this concern isn't even a real concern, this idea of the combat system is obviously wrong because the whole root and no jumpping while attacking is part of the game mechanic that makes the game fun. The point of it is every action you make has a consquence and you better think twice before doing them because there is no backing out. Its like playing chess, one you make your move and put down the piece you can't change your mind. What they seem to want is opps i made wrong move redo, that kills the entire strategy part of the game. So pretty much the guy went in aiming to bash the game and pretty much did just that -.-
Well I beg to differ than in an action combat game, doesn't matter if MMO or not, being able to shoot or do anything for that matter while jumping is quite pvp every half a second counts.
On your second point I do understand the "animation lock" is something certain people like, for example Dark Soul's combat is very harsh on making wrong decisions without being cheap. I don't know about Tera since I haven't played it. Now as far as it gets better in a higher level, me personally TOTALLY disagree. I hate having to wait till the end of the game to actually have fun....levels 1 through 11 should be as fun as n-11 to n....
Ahh and latency, in a combat system where you get penalized by limited movement or animation locks latency could be your worse enemy....
But again, to defend his point which I think is very valid. How are you going to tell me that if I play till level 11 and didn't like it I am going to love the rest of the game. A game should make an impression on you from the very beginning.
There is definately a big group of people who like mechanical battles, the likes of Dark Souls, and I admit they can be fun if you are into it. That guy was obviously not into it. But its good to know that the people who do seem to like it explain it a bit like Dark Souls combat, which keeps my hopes up for the game
Still, I am very worried about the grind part of the game. Seems like story is non existent and quest are the definition of filler....
Watched the show. Also had time to play only to lvl 11, as a lancer. Blocking with my shield preety much workled whenever I needed, even during attacks. About the rooting, the lancer at least, looked like he was doing a powerfull attack, by thrusting a very big lance so it makes sence to have a little delay before being able to run in a different direction. That's how it works in other games I've played when you do a strong attack, for example, the latest that comes to mind is playing as a warrior in Kingdoms of Amalur. As for attacking while jumping, maybe an archer or a mage would make sence to be able to do it, doesn't bother me too much tho. Again, this is only from my limited experience as a lancer, but the combat seemed good to me and didn't notice this rooting people are talking about, or I am used to it from other action RPGs I've played and don't see it as an issue.
If you are jumping in TERA and get hit you have a higher chance to be knocked down, also jumping while trying to aim will make it more difficult so in reality jumping while shooting in TERA really has no benefit and thus has no reason to be implemented.
Of course it does, you could be jumping to get over some enviromental object or jump of a platform and need to pop out a self heal or buff in mid air, or anty cc ability. And an argument that it is more difficult really goes nowhere in the realm of pvp where skill comes into place. And even with what you are saying then they should do what they are talking about and remove jumping alltogether rather than having a limiting jump...
Remove the ability to jump so that instead you are stuck running into an object and then being forced to run instead of jumping over around because jumping is useless if it doesn't allow you to shoot while doing so.
And people say they aren't influenced by others, a concept that stupid was just put in the mind of someone thanks to Gary from Gamebreaker.
Also, i'm not calling you stupid, just that whole concept of removing the jump is just retarded.
I guess well have to learn to disagree. I find it stupid having a jump that does not let me do anything else....
I guess so, but really, you want to remove a feature that has benefits because it doesn't provide as many benefits as you want. It just doesn't make sense to me.
Not to be rude but I care what these people say because ????
Honestly it's like some people don't have a mind of there own as to whether they like a game or not they gotta follow the IT crowd.....
If you want to nitpick on something, doesn't matter what it is, guaranteed that you'll find something to nitpick on.
Someone, somewhere made a comment about the combat and it has snowballed from there and everybody who wants to bash the game now has one more bandwagon to jump into.
Until this recent bandwagon it hadn't even crossed my mind! I'm used to action combat in which animations play a large role ever since I can remember and most recently for me the God of War series, Bayonetta and now Kingdoms of Amalur and they're all great fun!
What I want to know is, can someone link another action combat game (MMO) in which you can freely move about while doing (big) attacks? And how that looks in PvP?
Just curious. I'm thinking that it will look like people are Mexican jumping beans and that ranged is preferred and melee is the red headed stepchild.
"Goodbye, bathwater... hey! Where'd the baby go?"
TERA is tons of fun but lol@the whole shooting while jumping debate.
Sorry but you should be able to shoot (and magic) while jumping, if you're so coordinated that you can land the shoot where you want, more power to you. Isn't that what high end pve and pvp are about? Having the skills to get things done.. If you can run, jump over one mob, and tag another or kite your attacker in pvp and infuriate him as you evade most of his blows mixing jumping in just because a moving target is harder to hit
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
Another gamebreaker thread? Is this necessary? We get it. They don't like it, due to taste, their own agendas, or being scrubs.
I'm inclined to think it's a combination of three.
It was evident to me that Lore is a scrub from watching him die to the boss at the end of tutorial island which, in all fairness, is a joke difficulty-wise to anyone who has played the game to that point. He was playing the game like it's WoW. It's not WoW, EQ2, or whatever other tab-targeting game you've played before. You don't just run up to a mob and start firing off abilities until one of you falls over.
Doing what you do in every other game and then complaining that the game sucks because you die is scrub behavior. The response is, "No, you suck. Get better." There are different rules in this game, learn, adapt, win. That's it.
The same is true of the complaint that you can't shoot while jumping, or that jumping causes increased knockdowns. It's not like other MMOs? Cry me a river. It's that way in TERA. Every game has its rules. Those are the rules. Now when you have an obstacle in your way during PvP, you have a choice. Want to keep your movement going and jump it, or choose a different route and keep shooting? Heaven forbid players have to make tactical decisions during combat that aren't present in other MMOs. Just because you can jump and shoot in WoW does not make it a better game, Gary. L2P.
The funniest thing is that these same douchebags will go on their podcast next week and complain that MMO companies aren't innovating. Gimme a break.
If you honestly don't like the combat mechanic for what it is than you don't like the game thats your personal choice i have no problem what that. And also game changes a lot speically in Tera you don't fight any of the real fun stuff until lvl 20 where you fight your first BAM and do your first dungeon. If you got to 20 and done all those and still don't like the game than you probbly won't like end game. but its like just doing the tutorial and never touch the core game play and say you don't like the game, thats really shallow prosepctive to view anything. Like reading the cover and about 3 pages of a book and say this book is horrible, while if you bother read to maybe end of first chapter you might love the book.
However we all knew Gary went in to the game intending to bash it and clearly didn't even try to play it like Tera instead play it like WoW and SWTOR. That much was obvious from their appearly failure to grasp the key concept of the game mechanic whichs all your action are rooted so there is a consquence if you mess up. As for jump shooting, even if it was every put in to the game its useless, its plain useless because first of all jump isn't very high or far and its pretty slow animation. Second in pve all monster will still be able to hit your hit box even if you jump and thats basically auto knockdown. So adding jump attack in pvp just make all the noob try to do that and get shoot out of the sky and complain about the jump attack mechanic -.- The jump is there to help you move pass certain terrian and thats pretty much yet.
Also the game isn't grindy at all, your lvl at the same speed as most other western mmorpg which means cap in 1-2months tops. Even if the quest are pretty standared, h onestly your doing them for quest, sure better quest system is nice but total useless to you once you cap. And than you want end game, which this game definally has now.
I see the animation locks being a problem for the button mashing/facerolling crowd who just spam away.
God forbid we're actually asked to play intelligently once in a while.
Thinking!!! this is the internet sir, thats just blasphemy!
On topic if they play any action game that took real skill *cough* dark soul, monster hunter, god eater bursst *cough* they see where Tera is going toward.
I just replied to a similar thread on the eu forums so I will just quote myself:
Actually I grew up playing street fighter 2 and among many others diablo/mobas all these share the animation lock. And because people seem to deslike comparing dif genres why not mention diablo, was it not one of the first "action rpgs" if not the first? So my theory goes like this: maybe some of the people that do not like this combat or discard it did not grow playing some of these games and only know the walk and press skill mode. And for the 2d vs 3d argument, I have also played virtua fighter and alot, but more people know tekken which is the same for arguments sake.
The skilled part of this combat comes when choosing wisely and which next skill you will use, how you will use it an also the aim part, real positioning and dodge reflexes. If you do a mistake prepare to face the consequences, like losing balance in a sword fight etc. A boxer that goes "super power attack" might fail the attack and get punished just after whereas a kung fu poke punch is easier to land, leaves you less exposed and does less damage, but if the boxer does land the punch it is game over.
I was a quake 2 hardcore player at some point so i know how fps combat works, but I can still recognize 2 different systems that take skill in their own way, tera combat will become faster and faster with attack speed gear later game and that should make it even more interesting. If you are still unwilling to try it out and adapt to this system then it is not for you, but it does work and it can be fun and a challenge.
Nice way of putting it =D Although most of them refuse to listen so feel like all goes to deaf ear -.-
KInd of reminds me of why I lost interest in tera poor looking combat in a game that only has combat and graphics. I mean ranged combat starts at 5 feet away that bugs me.
I see your "I can't jump while range attacking" and raise you a "this game is so horribly imbalanced!"
Seriously, as others have mentioned, there is a reason for rooted attack. It's not an oversight, it's intended along with jump interruption. Heaven forbid melee classes have a chance to beat ranged on their own without gimmicks. The closer we get to player skill > class skill the better.
That said although it's irritating you can't hold it against GBTV... too much. They are a corporate site/show and if there was more advertising money for NA TERA then Gary would have spent more time on the game.
Just not worth my time anymore.