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How could you not want to play Guild Wars 2?



  • SalmonManSalmonMan Member UncommonPosts: 192

    Originally posted by Ishoa

    Sorry if this is to lengthy, I just really want to get my thoughts I had down out to the public.

    So a year ago I took my first step into the world that is Guild Wars 2. Let’s be honest, I think it’s safe to say anyone who has researched on this game and is excited for it will agree with me and say, "This game sells itself!!" Instantly I was hooked on the game. Finally, this is the MMO I have been wanting, been waiting for. After playing so many MMOs this one could be the one to keep my interest for more than a few months. It was settled; I had to learn more, and as I learned more it turned into, ‘I have to get my wife and my friends and my co-workers to play this game!’ So I set out on my first dynamic event for GW2, my objective to get people to play this game alongside me.

    Many of my friends, colleagues, or other online people I socialize with on a regular basis are gamers. Most are experienced with multiple MMOs and some others not so much, if at all. I find myself asking ANYONE questions like ‘’Have you seen Guild Wars 2 game play at all?’ or "Do you plan to get Guild Wars 2 when it releases?" To my surprise 99% of the time I either get a resounding ‘No.' In fact, after asking these questions to what I can only estimate to be 100+ people (online chat as well), I have only run across one person who had actually looked into the game. Anyone want to take a stab at how that one person felt about the game? Just like me and many others he is very excited for this game to release.

    So why do most of these other say they don’t plan to get Guild Wars 2, nor even take some time to do research on the game? Also, why are people who have looked at the game in small chunks, did little research beyond the one or two videos they watched and immediately discredit the game as going to fail. Then they go post on a forum or YouTube and compare GW2 to one other MMO named XYZ that may not have done so well and state GW2 will be no different. All these people have one thing in common; they are not interested in GW2. Why? Most of the reasoning is because they either didn’t enjoy playing Guild Wars 1 or because they see a system that Arena Net is implementing in GW2 and they "know" for a fact the reason game XYZ failed was because that system was flawed and Arena Net will make the same mistake. I’m going to be brutally honest; whoever states the later is just ignorant. More on that subject in a minute. However, for those who just did not enjoy Guild Wars 1, I’ll be honest again; I can sympathize and agree with the people who just didn’t like the game. I own Guild Wars 1 and one expansion and the highest level I got was level (drum roll)… 8. I tried on four separate occasions to get into this game and for the life of me I couldn’t do it.

    I was introduced into WOW before GW1, so the first thing that turned me off was the world was not a progressive world like WOW. Other things bugged me as well like having to go around this rock instead of just jumping over it, but GW1 isn’t the point of my story. This is all about Guild Wars 2 and how it’s restored my faith in finally seeing a true next-gen MMO emerge.

    Now since you know my feelings on Guild Wars 1 you could be asking yourself, "So why aren’t you like the others who didn’t like GW1, and why are you writing this article, and why are you excited for GW2?" Well the answer is simple. I’ve kind of developed my own way of looking at media. For the majority of movies, never see the sequel unless the movie is based off a good book, or is an animated film from Pixar or DreamWorks. Why animated films from Pixar and DreamWorks? Well I am a 3D artist and animator at heart, and I know first-hand the work that goes into those types of films. Now for the majority of games, never discredit the sequel for a game because the mechanics can easily be improved on. Games can get better as time goes on and learn from there own mistakes as well as others. With that, I wasn’t beyond taking some time to do some research on the game and see what it had to deliver in spite of not liking GW1. Not only did GW2 deliver, it slapped me upside the head and made me question what kind of MMOs I’ve been playing for the last 9 years. Now don’t get me wrong, the MMOs I’ve enjoyed will always have a soft spot in my heart, but times are changing and my need for something more needs to be filled.

    Now I said this game sold itself, and while I think it does, it doesn’t hurt to give people a little nudge in the right direction. I’ve turned a fair share of ‘no, I’m not going to by the game’ responses into ‘Yes I’m excited to play this game now.’ I’ll just go over some key points of Guild Wars 2 and see if I can’t convince a few more.

    (Please be aware that anything stated below may not be 100% correct. My information is derived from content I have read and watched, and of course can be changed at anytime by Arena Net.)

    No Factions

    While some might see this as a downside I definitely see it as a positive. When you have many friends who play MMOs its hard for them all the agree on one faction in most cases. There have been many times over the course of MMOs where my wife and I would prefer a certain faction or side and most if not all of my friends would choose the 'wrong' faction as we call it :D. We choose horde, others choose alliance. We choose Elyos, others choose Asmodians. We choose Defiants, everyone else chooses Guardians. In the end we are left without playing with some or all of our friends or stuck picking the 'wrong' side or the side we don't want just so we can play with them. This makes the game less enjoyable for us which in turn leads us away from the game. Also, there have been many times when we purposely choose the faction we don’t want to play with our friends and then the friends end up quitting and we are left with characters we didn’t want to play in the first place. In Guild Wars 2 instead of having to choose a specific faction just so all your friends can play, everyone on the same server is working together and on the same side. Don't worry though there is plenty of PVP for those who crave that sort of action. Which leads me to my next topic:

    World vs. World PVP

    Though extremely large scale PVP battles have been seen before in previous games, they have not been seen for a while. So not only will GW2 be bringing a large scale PVP battle to the table, they are putting their own unique twist on it and trying to improve on flaws from previous games as well. Though named World vs. World PVP, in reality it’s a 3 way battle for control of the Mists. During a two week period 3 separate servers will pit against each other in fierce combat full of hundreds of player, with towers and castles to attack, and siege weaponry to help tackle the toughest of castle walls. There are currently 5 siege weapons that players can build, ranging from ballista’s to trebuchets to even an Asura War Golem. Each server will earn points and certain time intervals determined by the locations that server has under their control. At the end of the two week long battle the game ends and whoever has the most points accumulated wins! Now in order to try and make this system as balanced as possible and make for some pretty epic two week battles the servers will not be playing the same opposing servers every two weeks. The winners will move on to play other servers that won, while the losing servers will move on to play other servers that lost, or something similar to that. ANet has stated that calculating the points and setting up the next two week round will not take long at all which means for those PVP players at heart, there will always be a war to fight.

    Personal Story

    Now while GW1 was a very instance heavy game, GW2 is a fully persistent world that you would expect to see in an MMO being released in 2012. During your initial character creation you have many choices to make to define your character. Whether you choose to be cunning, or choose who your sparring partner is; each choice will have an effect on how your personal story plays out. From what I've seen this also appears to have an effect on the dialogue your character uses while playing. Do you talk like a noble? Or were you raised on the streets? From what I’ve watched in videos, choosing these different options could possibly lead you down a different story path, even if its slightly different, so that means even if you play the same race twice you could get a refreshing story that you didn’t receive the first time through. For all those people opposed to MMO games, this personal story could be just your thing that draws you into the game. You can enjoy this personal story in a single player sense, and get to the point where you might want to bring someone into your world to check out your accomplishments.

    Dynamic Events

    While dynamic events are not necessarily new to the MMO world, ANet is really taking the initiative to improved upon this concept and make it something truly enjoyable. Getting away from the traditional style of questing seen in the majority of MMOs, dynamic events are what GW2 is going to be utilizing to make Tyria feel like a living, breathing world and help the immersion of the game. If you are not familiar with dynamic events, they are quests for all points and purposes that happen in a seemingly random, dynamic manner. For example, one day you might be wandering around and stumble upon a farm. Well the farmer might ask for some help around the farm doing chores. Without having to talk to any NPCs you will get a dynamic event pop up on your UI stating the farmer needs help feeding the cows or watering the crops. Now everyone in the area will also have the same dynamic event, and instead of having to fight over who is doing what chores you work together to fill progress for that dynamic event. Then when the progress hits 100% everyone is rewarded for the amount of work they contributed to the event. Arena Net is taking this one step farther to help this world feel even more alive. Say the next day you go back to the same farm, but instead of having chores for you; some bandits have decided to attack the farm and burn down his buildings. Not only will you visually see that the bandits are attacking and setting things on fire, you will be able to quickly jump into the dynamic event without having to talk to any NPC and help the poor farmer out by either killing bandits or putting out the fires or both. If that wasn’t enough ANet is taking it even one step further! Some dynamic events will be activated by the time of day it is or what type of weather that specific area is having. So you may find a graveyard but there isn’t much going on during the day, but at night you might find ghosts lurking about and get a dynamic event to take care of them. Also, you might find a dynamic event that only occurs when it’s raining outside and you have to save some villagers from a flood. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of dynamic events throughout the world of Tyria, and not only will this provide players with a sense of immersion in the game it will also allow for replay-ability of the game for many years to come.

    Active Combat

    One of my favorite aspects that GW2 is bringing with it is active combat. Take a collision detection system, add dodging capabilities, and throw in weapon swapping on the fly and you get a combat system where positioning matters, distance matters, and quick reactions can change the outcome of a battle. Just imagine fighting a Minotaur who is about to deliver a finishing blow, you then use your quick reflexes to dodge backwards out of harm’s way and barely avoid his reach. You then use your self-heal to gain some lost health, switch to your rifle and finish off the foe from range. All this is fast paced and possible with the use of only 3 or 4 buttons. Also, with all this movement and positioning requirements, PVP is really going to be determined by skill and not so much gear. Combat in GW2 really appears to be the case of ‘easy to learn, difficult to master.’ Are you game to try? I know I am.

    Cross-Profession Combos

    So the active combat I’ve described still doesn’t sound like enough to you? Probably one of the most unique, and utterly amazing, things that GW2 is bringing to MMOs is there cross-profession combo system. Not only does this add diversity and tactics to combat, it also helps instill the sense of community when playing with others. What cross-profession combos are, are combinations of two abilities that provide a specific effect depending on the abilities used. Some abilities add a certain effect to do additional damage, some do extra buffs or debuffs or effects that you wouldn’t normally get without the combination. Some of the abilities can be done solo depending on the skills used and others will require you to have another individual of a separate profession to activate; and all of them require two skills to activate. One is the initiator and the other is the finisher. So the easiest example is an elementalist puts down a wall of fire on the ground, and then a ranger stands with the fire in-between the target and him or herself. The ranger then shoots there arrows through the wall of fire and the arrows catch on fire as they pass through and hit the mob for extra burning damage. Other combinations can be created to buff allies around you with things like Frost Resistance, while others can cause status effects to debuff your enemies like blinding all enemies around an area. This is something I’ve personally never seen in any other MMO I’ve played and I think it sounds amazing. More reasons to see how active the combat is really going to be for GW2. Don’t quote me on the number but I believe Arena Net stated there are more than 200 different combinations possible. That’s a huge number of possible combinations to play with and learn, so many that chances are you’ll stumble into new ones months after you’ve started playing.

    Underwater Combat

    More combat information? How can this be? Well because the combat system is so advanced and amazing in GW2 that they had to add underwater combat just to make sure you realized this is the game to be playing. Underwater combat is something I am SUPER excited for! ANet is taking underwater combat and adventuring to a level I have never even seen before in a game. Lush beautiful underwater environments to explore and the combat will even have a different feel and look to it that people will have to take into account. First off you will be adding in a 3rd dimension of movement. Second, ANet has implemented, and designed underwater specific weapons that are meant to help immerse you in this underwater fantasy. For example, if you’re an elementalist with a staff on land you will have a set of fire spells at your disposal. However, when you enter the water your character will automatically equip a Trident and you will receive a new set of skills for your fire attunement. Now I’m not sure how this works in your world, but in my world fire doesn’t hold up to well underwater. So what ANet did was they designed these skills you get with a Trident underwater to make you feel like they were fire skills but have different visual effects and actions. So instead of shooting a fire ball you might shoot a ball of hot magma towards your enemy, or instead of a wall of fire you might make a wall of hot steam that actually damages enemies using that 3rd dimension. With all the work ANet has put into the underwater combat you know that it’s going to take up a good portion of your game experience, and it will be something I’m extremely looking forward to. Especially considering how many MMOs I’ve played that won’t even allow you to swim.

    Changing the Holy Trinity

    Now not only has ANet added active combat into GW2 they have also changed the way that groups are going to play with each other. Now in traditional MMORPGs you have the tank that absorbs damage, the healer who heals damage, and the DPS who deal the damage. This is called the Holy Trinity and it is a good tried and true method which has been successful for many years. However, ANet is going about this in a slightly different way for many reasons. One reason is so they can completely discard the need for a group of four people to wait for that fifth member to join because they need a specific part of the Trinity. No more waiting for a healer or a tank, you can take any friend or guild mate or random general chat person with you and have a successful group. This leads to reason two. Taking who you want in the group means you get to play with who you want without the restrictions of the Holy Trinity. Have 4 other friends and want to go do a 5 man dungeon? Go for it, your free to grab those 4 friends, start a group, and play the game and not the waiting game. No more leaving a friend behind because you need a healer and this friend is a warrior. I mean who wouldn’t want this type of system in their game? I’d rather take one of my friends who I know and enjoy gaming with then some random player named FluffyPinkSlippers because he is the only healer responding and the group has been waiting for 30 minutes already. Sorry Fluffy, I’d seriously take you if my friend TotallyAwesome wasn’t on man I swear!

    No Monthly Fee

    Now I’ve paid my fair share of 15 dollars a month for a subscription fee, but now having my own house and a family and an 8 month old child in the home I’m gladly looking forward to having no monthly subscription fee to play. This is a good move by ANet, I still know people who utterly REFUSE to pay monthly for a game, and when the amazing reviews start rolling and word of mouth gets around I can see this game spreading like wildfire especially into the hands of those anti-subscription people. This also allows for people to have both GW2 and another MMO they want to play that they pay monthly for and not have to make the decision about which game to pay for. I mean come on though; if you have GW2 installed on your system do you really need another MMO any time soon? Seriously guys wake up.

    Now, I’ve also seen many haters of GW2 stating that the game will fail without a subscription because no new content will get released, or for some other bogus reason. This simply isn’t the case they proved that with Guild Wars 1 easily. I know this and I didn’t even play the game for more than 8 levels. They had one of their biggest FREE content releases only a few weeks ago to honor the end of GW1 and help the transition into GW2. Also, there is still a nice size fan base still playing GW1. That doesn’t sound like a flawed system since GW1 has no subscription fee either.

    So even though GW2 doesn’t have a subscription fee, they have incorporated an in-game transaction system or cash shop if you will. The developers have stated that all the in-game purchases will be purely cosmetic, so certain looks for your gear, maybe even special dye colors you can’t get in game. There will be nothing that will break the game by making you more powerful than another player. This means there will be no pay-to-win system. If you want to spend a little extra money to give your character a certain, more unique, look then by all means go for it. They have not fully released all they play to have in the cash shop, but rest assured you can 100% enjoy the awesome game without having to spend a dollar at the cash shop.

    World Events, Community, and Fun

    I really missed out on the world events during GW1 days. I’ve heard nothing but good things about these unique events, and I doubt it will be any different for GW2. Whether it’s during beta or the actual release of the game ANet always has something up there sleeve. In GW1 if you were to get a ban put on you for whatever reason, death himself would rise from the ground and with one quick slice of his scythe your character would die and your account would be locked out. People would get friends together and try to get a 72 hour ban put on their character just for the sheer fun of seeing the God strike them down.

    It also shows dedication with the amount of world events they spend time on to create a fun and social atmosphere. The press closed beta just finished a few days before I finished writing this, and even though it was a smaller closed beta they still had an event lined up to celebrate its successful beta weekend. The developers gathered all of the press inside the major human city of Divinity’s Reach. Then after a few minutes of the press spamming magic all over the place, the developers unleashed this giant in the middle of town which led to this huge fight. That just proves to me that ANet is all about providing fun to the community and will stop at nothing to accomplish this.


    I really get the sense of excitement from Arena Net about this game. Listening and seeing the sheer utter enjoyment the ANet team gets from just talking about Guild Wars 2. This isn’t something you see all the time from game developers and it just shows how much they love this game and the dedication they have towards it. I for one cannot wait to get my own access to beta because I can feel the excitement for this game and all the hard work the developers have put into it. Hopefully I turned some of you non-believers into excited for the game like myself and many others are. For all you people who still aren't convinced that Guild Wars 2 is for you, good luck with whatever game you do choose. For everyone else, I can't wait to see you all in Tyria!!

    Why? This and the elves they added. Opps, I mean Sylvari. ANet aren't fooling anyone. I dont want to play disney online thanks. It was bad enough when they added the asura to GW1. They have ruined it with this cartoony, cutesy rubbish. Pass.

  • ComafComaf Member UncommonPosts: 1,150

    I'm into mmorpgs.  This is an e-sport, not an in depth mmorpg.  For in depth mmorpgs, please see EQ1, Dark Age of Camelot, Asheron's Call, Vanguard Saga of Heroes, etc.

  • KellerKeller Member UncommonPosts: 602

    Big turn offs :

    No true world pvp, you cannot kill anyone from your own server.

    Instant teleportation


    Ladder ranking system (E-sports)

    No Healbots

    Cash shop if it's pay to win

  • sidhaethesidhaethe Member Posts: 861

    A) People like different things. Some hate fantasy settings. Some hate themeparks altogether (no matter how free-roaming this themepark is). Some will never forgive it for even allowing tab-targeting in combat. Some really, really like being healers/tanks/dps exclusively. Some will never play a game unless it specifically has massive instanced raids, or an exponential power curve, or full-loot FFA PvP. The list goes on and on.

    B) People have a lot of misconceptions and very little interest in correcting them. They think GW2 will be a Korean grinder, they think it'll be P2Win, they think it'll be anything like GW1 mechanics-wise, they don't know enough about WvWvW, they don't know it has a storyline, they think it's ONLY got a storyline, they think it's ONLY got arena-style PvP, they think it's been in development for 18 years, they think nobody's actually played the game and therefore nobody knows whether or not the features advertised exist, they think Paul Barnett is doing the marketing. The list goes on and on.

    C) People are happy with what they're already playing/doing. They like WoW, or CoH, or Rift, or Darkfall, or EVE, and don't feel a need to leave those games or play anything different on the side. Some of them really just like being unhappy cynics on forums, and we don't want to take that from them either!


    Group A will go on liking what they like and GW2 will just never appeal to them. Your list of features, OP, only serve to reinforce their lack of interest or active disliking of GW2's existence. It's no biggie. I don't like horror movies or chocolate, no matter how many of my friends or family try to turn me on to it. We'll all live!

    Group B don't care what you have to say in your feature list. They think you're lying, or that you've been brainwashed to believe a set of lies told you by the devs. They think that any video footage has been doctored, fans who have played the game can't be trusted to give an objective retelling of their experiences, and Paul Barnett is doing the marketing. Instead of being skeptical, they hold an actual position (that every bit of information we have about the game is a lie) and refuse to be swayed from it, so don't bother.

    Group C are just plain happy and are either not reading these forums (because they're happily playing their games of choice) or really enjoy being bitter and cynical on them. They really enjoy the forum PvP that results from being contrary and will argue with you just to make you post long responses like this one that attempt to be reasonable. Unless you enjoy being the source of their entertainment for a short time (and who doesn't?) it's just a waste of your time to reach out to them.

    Hope this helps!


  • RizelStarRizelStar Member UncommonPosts: 2,773

    Originally posted by Khealler

    Big turn offs :

    No true world pvp, you cannot kill anyone from your own server.

    Instant teleportation


    Ladder ranking system (E-sports)

    No Healbots

    Cash shop if it's pay to win

    Now this is something that's understandable even though the cash shop isn't p2w, I do wonder if there is any P2W E-sport game.


    But yea I could see someone not liking GW 2 because of what Khealler said.

    I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.

    I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.

    P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)

    Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.

  • ClobClob Member Posts: 130

    I really do hate reading threads on this forum for whatever game.  I just can't help myself much of the time.  As with all the topics on all the games this thread is filled with rediculously uninformed comments, statements made as truth that are nowhere near, future telling in fantastical fashion, ridicule of a game and it's developer with very little experience with either, trashing on elements of a game that honestly aren't being done better in other games out there, etc.  From reading all sorts of websites and forums it certainly becomes clear that most mmo players are looking for something to finally fill a void.  Reading through all these posts and seeing all this stuff to the contrary is baffling.  You've got a triple-A MMO on the horizon that you can play (at least the launch content) for as long as the game exists for about $60 and you're going to just pass on it??  Reasons being like, "I played a week of GW and I didn't like it," or the maddeningly incorrect belief that "GW was heavily instanced so GW2 is too," or "it's going to be a cash shop p2w game."  That last one is pretty much the most "humorous" comment that will ONLY come from people inexperienced with ANet.  You have to ignore those statements, which I'm not doing right now, because you'll never win a battle against someone's disbelief that ANet can run an mmo without a sub until they prove it...  which they will. 

    ANet is an excellent company - period.  If a person has several years experience with them along with experience with several others, I don't think most of those people would say differently.  NCSoft as the publisher will have as much to do with GW2 as they did GW <--- that is to say that without their stamp on the box and websites you probably wouldn't know they're even involved. 

    * and "WoW clone"???  really?  my gawd  

  • KellerKeller Member UncommonPosts: 602

    Originally posted by RizelStar

    Originally posted by Khealler

    Big turn offs :

    No true world pvp, you cannot kill anyone from your own server.

    Instant teleportation


    Ladder ranking system (E-sports)

    No Healbots

    Cash shop if it's pay to win

    Now this is something that's understandable even though the cash shop isn't p2w, I do wonder if there is any P2W E-sport game.


    But yea I could see someone not liking GW 2 because of what Khealler said.

    Well there are things I like about GW2. Plus a lot of guildies are going to pick it up. After AoC/Warhammer/Darkfall they went back to UO and that game is no option for me. Now I have a chance to hang out with them again. I always say; you cannot judge a game till you've played it.

  • ammoniteammonite Member Posts: 113

    Originally posted by Zylaxx

    I love threads like this because it allows me to pinpoint who to block that way I wont ever have to read their drivel again.  :)


    9 pages in and ive blocked 13 users already yay go me.

      Most useful post. I didn’t know I could clear out all the ill informed garbage. Thanks.


  • VirgoThreeVirgoThree Member UncommonPosts: 1,198

    Originally posted by cruzadoh

    easy, only 10 skills + high cooldowns = boring classes

    You know one of the great oldies of MMOs Everquest. Yeah the warrior class maybe had like 3 buttons they pressed during combat. Still made the game interesting, just saying :)

    You had Attack (started auto attack so only 1 press necessary)

    Kick (I think it was like 10 sec cooldown, could be more)

    Bash (only if you had a shield on and similar cooldown to kick, and what warrior used a shield pre raiding!?)

    Slam (only if you were a big race, so medium and small had 1 less option!)

    Oh and Taunt! (which sometimes you couldn't tell if it worked or not and was definitely on a cooldown more then 10 seconds)

    Okay looks like I lied 3-5 buttons depending on what you wear and how big you are :)

    Anyways I'm derailing this, Guild Wars 1 had what 8 skills and it was still fun and varied in terms of combat and classes. Way more variety then a lot of modern mmos that lock you into your skill sets.

  • KillHurtKillHurt Member Posts: 347

    Funny/ironic thing is, 70-80% of the people saying they want nothing to do with GW2 will end up playing it and probably loving it. :p


  • DannyGloverDannyGlover Member Posts: 1,277

    How could you not want to play Guild Wars 2?

    1. High fantasy setting (dragons... again? seriously?)
    2. esport pvp
    3. boring crafting
    4. barrel rolls
    5. downy state
    6. particle effects over 9000
    7. no actual warring factions

    everything else looks great, but the stuff listed above is killin it for me.

    I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.

  • Creslin321Creslin321 Member Posts: 5,359

    There are three resaons why someone would not want to play GW2.  They are:

    A.  They are simply ignorant.

    B.  They honestly dislike something about the game enough to make them not want to play.

    C.  They are hipsters.


    If you don't know much about this game and yet you don't want to play it...then you may fall into group A.  I would encourage you to not make any snap judgments about this game and watch some of the more popular videos.  I've seen a lot of ignorant reasons for writing GW2 off in this thread like the assumption that GW2 will be just like GW1, or the belief that the classes will be dull because you can only use 10 skills at once.  These reasons are born of ignorance, because if these people knew more about GW2...they wouldn't hold to those assumptions.

    If you fall into category B, then that's cool.  If you want to be a healer, GW2 can't provide to for you.  If you want to play FFA full loot PvP...can't find it in GW2.  It's not going to be everything to everybody, and if you genuinely dislike the kind of game it is, then that's totally fine.

    Finally, there are a large amount of people here that fall into category C unfortunately and it's annoying...

    "Ohhh I can't play GW2 because there's all this hype!"

    "Ohhh I can't play GW2 because the fans are just atrocious!"

    I'm sorry, but those are not valid reasons.  The fact that people are excited about a game is a really stupid reason not to like it as is the fact that you dislike some of its fans on a forum.

    Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?

  • RoinRoin Member RarePosts: 3,444

    It may make me an oddball, but the more of GW2 I see.  The less interested in it I am.  I just look at all these GW2 video's and frankly just usually end up turning them off before the end. It just really doesn't "wow" me. (No pun intended) Alot of the people I know are all salavating over it, me I'm just like "meh". Still plan to get it, because who knows playing it might be that shot in the dark. Not only that but seriously it's a one time purchase.  Even if I don't like it only out about 1 hour worth of work. Tera also makes me feel that I should try it first.  During the weekend tried Tera for first time.  Was a bit excited after watching video's for so long about it.  Then got in game and found it utterly boring as hell, at least till I played Lancer. (My 5th class choice oddly enough)  Then my whole perspective on the game changed.

    Part of the reason might also be I didn't find Guild Wars to be as fun or great as most people proclaim it to be.

    In War - Victory.
    In Peace - Vigilance.
    In Death - Sacrifice.

  • svannsvann Member RarePosts: 2,230

    The primary draw for me to mmorpg's is a world to explore.  I was disappointed in rift as it seemed more of a space to play in than a world to live in.  From vids it seems like this is like that but I have read interview that says otherwise.  We'll see.

  • slingblade25slingblade25 Member Posts: 33

    As big as this game is going to be the hater community will be a lonely place. 

  • sonoggisonoggi Member Posts: 1,119

    Originally posted by gainesvilleg

    Originally posted by Slampig

    I am on the fence about it because I absolutely hated the first one. With all the things that are promised to be in the sequel I am very interested but am keeping my expectations low. I prefer to be blown away instead of let down.

    This ^

    what does GW1 have to do with GW2? GW1 didnt even qualify as an MMO, whereas GW2 is THE next gen MMO.

  • slingblade25slingblade25 Member Posts: 33

    Originally posted by Clob

    I really do hate reading threads on this forum for whatever game.  I just can't help myself much of the time.  As with all the topics on all the games this thread is filled with rediculously uninformed comments, statements made as truth that are nowhere near, future telling in fantastical fashion, ridicule of a game and it's developer with very little experience with either, trashing on elements of a game that honestly aren't being done better in other games out there, etc.  From reading all sorts of websites and forums it certainly becomes clear that most mmo players are looking for something to finally fill a void.  Reading through all these posts and seeing all this stuff to the contrary is baffling.  You've got a triple-A MMO on the horizon that you can play (at least the launch content) for as long as the game exists for about $60 and you're going to just pass on it??  Reasons being like, "I played a week of GW and I didn't like it," or the maddeningly incorrect belief that "GW was heavily instanced so GW2 is too," or "it's going to be a cash shop p2w game."  That last one is pretty much the most "humorous" comment that will ONLY come from people inexperienced with ANet.  You have to ignore those statements, which I'm not doing right now, because you'll never win a battle against someone's disbelief that ANet can run an mmo without a sub until they prove it...  which they will. 

    ANet is an excellent company - period.  If a person has several years experience with them along with experience with several others, I don't think most of those people would say differently.  NCSoft as the publisher will have as much to do with GW2 as they did GW <--- that is to say that without their stamp on the box and websites you probably wouldn't know they're even involved. 

    * and "WoW clone"???  really?  my gawd  


    This post is worth repeating. I guess some are venting from their game being bashed into oblivion for being the suck and they feel  like they must DESTROY the next big thing.

    Ive done my homework and GW2 will be a mega hit weather we like it or not.

  • URMAKERURMAKER Member UncommonPosts: 671

    it just depends on if they can deliver what they promise. i can't remember the last time an mmo did that. we'll see. *fingers crossed*


  • sonoggisonoggi Member Posts: 1,119

    Originally posted by URMAKER

    it just depends on if they can deliver what they promise. i can't remember the last time an mmo did that. we'll see. *fingers crossed*

    theyve already delievered everything theyve promised, as per the beta testers' experience.

  • Randallt3mpRandallt3mp Member UncommonPosts: 168

    Originally posted by bigsmiff

    Here are my reasons in the form of a countdown:


    7. It's NCSOFT...I find NCSOFT games to be too grindy and boring

    6. I hate the artsy graphics

    5. I know it isn't the same game, but I loathed GW1. I tried GW1 about 10+ times hoping it would be better each time...but it was garbage everytime I tried it.

    4. Underwater combat (I completed 1 quest in WoW's underwater area and I never went back)

    3. No Holy trinity (why mess with it if people are liking it?)

    2. I am totally sick of fantasy games with the same old ranger/warrior junk


    1. And my number 1 reason for not wanting to play it is..........If people from this site are playing it, I don't want anything to do with it. The way that GW2 fanboys hijacked the ToR pre-launch threads was an embarassment to the real GW2 fans. If you weren't one of those people, this was not directed toward you. I sincerely hope that the respectful GW2 fans have a great time playing it.




    7.  NC Soft is the publisher not the developer so to assume that all games under them function the same way is a mistake

    6.  Personal preference- honestly I like the style, think it looks gritty (odd how someone in an earlier post said it wasnt very gritty and that the avatars look like pokemon wtf??)

    5.  I honestly have never played GW1, but apparently GW2 is vastly different on many levels despite having some similarities.  Although GW1 has been pretty successful and has been around for a long time.

    4.  I agree that this doesnt seem like as interesting a feature as they make it out be, but who knows (the Z-axis and underwater weapons could be kinda fun). 

    3.  I think you misunderstand, its probably more that people have been stuck with the holy trinity than it is them liking it.

    2.  I can understand this, but personally I am not burned out on fantasy....yet.

    1.  I wasnt aware of this. thats pretty disturbing if true.


    MMOs Played: FFXI,Age of Conan, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, TERA, TSW, GW2


    Waiting For: Wildstar, The Repopulation, Archeage, TESO, Warhammer 40K:EC, EQN

  • ZyonneZyonne Member Posts: 259

    After just reading about the game, I was almost certain I'd pick up a copy at launch, or at the first opportunity when I have time to play it, but after watching a couple of hours of recent gameplay footage, I'm not so sure anymore.

    I don't like the idea of having the majority of active skills tied to weapon sets. I realize it has the advantages of eliminating really bad builds and allows you to hotswap between roles in combat (effectively giving you 5 more skills to play with), but the skill deck system was what made the original GW for me. Without the option to create really bad unviable builds you also lose the ability to create weird builds/decks that actually work.

    None of the classes really appeal to me. I liked the Guardian and Mesmer from initial descriptions, but watching actual gameplay footage I don't think I'd enjoy playing them.

    I could list more reasons, but like the above they are all very subjective and mostly to do with aestethics that are irrelevant if I enjoy the base mechanics of the game. It's likely I'll pick the game up and try it at some point since just trying out all the classes and playing through the storylines will be worth the box price, but I'm a little discouraged by the "this looks boring" vibe I get by watching others play.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    How can anyone not like Mozart or Trent Reznor?

    It is really a matter of taste, not everyone enjoys the same things. I think most people agree that Mozard was brilliant at what he was doing but they might still not like his music, and most people would also think Reznor is a very technically skilled musician but still can´t stand his music. 

    I think some people that assume they wont like GW2 actually would if they gave it a chanse but I also think that some people hyping the game wont like it at all.

    Taste differs, and I think everyone should try to play a little of the game in the open beta/preview weekend before truly deciding what they think of the game.

  • WickedjellyWickedjelly Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 4,990

    As others have said, I never really thought much of the first one. Heh, apparently I didn't dislike it as much as some in this thread but overall I thought it was rather dull and couldn't get into it at all. So initially when I heard about a sequel I know my reaction was basically woopity do.

    It wasn't until I read about how many things were going to be different in this game such as dynamic events, WvWvW, open worled instead of lobby feel, etc. that I started changing my tune. I mean it is using the lore from the GW series and and some other similarities but overall it looks like a much different and more indepth game compared to the first one. In many ways it appears to be a completely different game from the original. Least in areas that pique my interest.

    Not to mention regardless what you or I may think there will always be those with different tastes. There will be those that do not like this game. For its fantasy theme, gameplay design, etc. Just the way it is.

    1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.

    2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.

    3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.

  • jondifooljondifool Member UncommonPosts: 1,143

    I had prefered that this thread stayed in the Pub, because it really isn't that informative to ask OP's question in the GW2 forum. I enjoyed following people that not hang out in the GW2 forum schime in and deliver their oppinion here.

  • VikingLegionVikingLegion Member Posts: 30

    hoping for epic castle, tower, keep wars.

    *crosses fingers*

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