I don't know how people are saying this game is boring? Compared to what? Rift? SW:TOR? WoW?
I can understand if you are a fan of click based combat, and don't mind games that look like they were made 5 years ago, then Tera would probably not inspire you.
The whole rooting animation is only really a nuisance to the Archer class, and I can see it being annoying. But please don't try to pass if off that playing a Ranger in the click target based MMOs is anymore skillful. clicking on your target and spamming one macro and hitting every arrow perfectly from 30m away is not skill. Tera's combat is fun because the combat requires more skill to play it. But of course the majority of the complainers here didn't bother to play it past the starting Area. Try fighting that level 20 Spider BAM and telling me this game's action combat is boring.
I'm not really concerned about the opinions of players that only invested 4 hours into the game and found it boring, and neither should any of you.
Did everything you said, and yes it s still boring. Combat alone doesn t make a game and , in this game thats all it really has. It gets boring fast. This is of course my opinion, but I find the game completely boring.
if you found Tera boring, i assure you that you will find boring every single MMO period. perhaps the whole Genre is getting too stale for you and that should give you a hint. stick to single player games cause MMO are not for you anymore.
i have played almost every single MMO since EQ1 untill Swtor i too was starting to feel bored playing MMO, they are all exactly the same, and even GW2 TSW, Archage etc etc won't be any different, they all have different features, diferent ways to do things, but deep down they are all exactly the same. stop day dreaming and don't expect to find the miracle of the holy grail in MMO genre to happen anytime soon. every single MMO will get boring at one point or another.
the most revolutionary MMO i've played this year was Swtor, i felt pulled in the story from minute one, but sadly that first impression was nothing but a very deceptive illusion, and shortly after i reached end game content faded away.
yes Tera has many of the Traditional, typical features, found in so many MMO. but it has something else, that many other games fail to do right. and that is to keep you entertained and having fun.
Tera world is huge, so lush and varied. that really encourages exploration, you will be finding new things and places most of the time.
the combat is nice and all. but to me is not all Tera has to offer, it really captures amazingly well the grouping spirit of the old School MMO. every class has a role in the group, and it is really up to you to become a good player or a crappy one.
for instance, my hubby wanted to play as a lancer, and he thought he really was good at tanking. we went to SM instance, and he wasen't able to keep agro off me (the healer) we got wiped at the final boss due to his poor crappy skills as a tank.
after our first instance fiasco, my hubby thought there was something wrong with the class, and was even considering rerolling a different class. he recently found out what went wrong, and why he was failing big time to play the tank role well in this game. in this game you will be a mediocre player or a good one. most of the modern so called Western AA MMO offer very little, when it comes to that. every class, every player just uses the same skills, you can literally go take a nap, while you fight a monster. is this what some people find fun? it certaintly is not to me.
Tera is the kind of game, that you iether gonna Love it, or you gonna Hate it. there is nothing in between. if what you want is a miracle MMO , i'm afraid you gonna be waiting for a very long time, because that won't happen in our lifetime. perhaps your grandchildren will get to play a truly revolutionary MMO,, but not us.
if you find Tera boring, i assure you, you will find boring every single MMO, so stop finding excuses.
I completely understand why a lot of people are struggling with Tera, and it has nothing to do with the combat, or the graphics, and definitely not the dungeons or PvP. A lot of people are struggling with the answers to why this game doesn't jump out and bite you, and that's because the game has no hype at all, but they expect people to pay. That's a bad combination. In the west, we are CONDITIONED to only pay for the best products. Tera is a very good game, very polished, a lot of class variety, for an action combat mmo. It's not the greatest game ever made, and nobody claimed it was, and that's the problem.
SW:TOR is obviously the greatest game ever made? Why? Because it makes you stand there for 5mins listening to every single NPC talk to you about how great you are, before it makes you kill ten rats with it's boring WoW combat mechanics? No! Because it's Star Wars dude! Did you not see that Cinema of the Sith crashing their ship into the Jedi's homeland and pwn all those light side chumps! That's what I wanna do (even though I can't)! Take my MONEY NOAW!
Hey guys look! Rift is Revolutionary! Why? Because it only has 4 classes and a tons of arbitrary soul choices, even though only one dps FotM spec is viable every month before Trion nerfs it? No! Because the game is DYNAMIC combat, w000. Look at this awesome Rift! Why is it awesome? Because we payed about $50,000 in advertising telling you it's awesome, that's why.
Did you know that Tera has Rifts too? All you have to do is search through the front page of this forum, but forget that. En Masse needs to shell our thousands of dollars instead to explain it to you that it has Rifts, and pretty much every other feature you could want from a AAA MMO. That's why they are asking people to pay AAA MMO money. Except they forgot to hype Tera as the greatest MMO ever!!!!1! Even though it's not, not a single MMO released in the last 8 years has lived up to the hype, and En Masse is being stupid to assume that people would pay money now for a quality but flawed game, even though that's what we've been doing for almost a decade anyway.
Tera has to be free! Why pay $15 a month for a quality MMO when I can play Aion, GW2, Vindictus, D3 for free? Except that these games are NOT Free, they have cash shops, and Vindictus and D3 aren't even MMOs! So maybe it's free for you, because you're so uber l33t, but a lot of the people that are conned with the illusion of F2P will find out that they are spending as much if not more money on these games then the would have if they just took an honest P2P sub. And did you know you could also play Tera for free? I bet you didn't know that Chrono-scrolls existed in the game, because Tera is boring there's no hype so you didn't bother to search any of the threads on the front page.
Yes En Masse messed up big time. They shouldn't have asked anybody to pay up front to play Tera without spending thousands of dollars in advertising first hyping Tera as the greatest MMO ever, just like every other AAA MMO, right? This is America, where we need to be told why a game is good. Instead of doing any research at all, we'll just judge the game on our vastly uninformed first impressions, and/or make a thread asking if "Anybody played Tera and think it's pants?".
I apologize to those of you were are legitimately interested in Tera, and this post came off as offensive. This post is not directed towards you. For those people that prefer to have informed opinions of the games you buy, feel free to ask any questions here or just look stuff up on the front page.
I don't know how people are saying this game is boring? Compared to what? Rift? SW:TOR? WoW?
I can understand if you are a fan of click based combat, and don't mind games that look like they were made 5 years ago, then Tera would probably not inspire you.
The whole rooting animation is only really a nuisance to the Archer class, and I can see it being annoying. But please don't try to pass if off that playing a Ranger in the click target based MMOs is anymore skillful. clicking on your target and spamming one macro and hitting every arrow perfectly from 30m away is not skill. Tera's combat is fun because the combat requires more skill to play it. But of course the majority of the complainers here didn't bother to play it past the starting Area. Try fighting that level 20 Spider BAM and telling me this game's action combat is boring.
I'm not really concerned about the opinions of players that only invested 4 hours into the game and found it boring, and neither should any of you.
Did everything you said, and yes it s still boring. Combat alone doesn t make a game and , in this game thats all it really has. It gets boring fast. This is of course my opinion, but I find the game completely boring.
if you found Tera boring, i assure you that you will find boring every single MMO period. perhaps the whole Genre is getting too stale for you and that should give you a hint. stick to single player games cause MMO are not for you anymore.
i have played almost every single MMO since EQ1 untill Swtor i too was starting to feel bored playing MMO, they are all exactly the same, and even GW2 TSW, Archage etc etc won't be any different, they all have different features, diferent ways to do things, but deep down they are all exactly the same. stop day dreaming and don't expect to find the miracle of the holy grail in MMO genre to happen anytime soon. every single MMO will get boring at one point or another.
the most revolutionary MMO i've played this year was Swtor, i felt pulled in the story from minute one, but sadly that first impression was nothing but a very deceptive illusion, and shortly after i reached end game content faded away.
yes Tera has many of the Traditional, typical features, found in so many MMO. but it has something else, that many other games fail to do right. and that is to keep you entertained and having fun.
Tera world is huge, so lush and varied. that really encourages exploration, you will be finding new things and places most of the time.
the combat is nice and all. but to me is not all Tera has to offer, it really captures amazingly well the grouping spirit of the old School MMO. every class has a role in the group, and it is really up to you to become a good player or a crappy one.
for instance, my hubby wanted to play as a lancer, and he thought he really was good at tanking. we went to SM instance, and he wasen't able to keep agro off me (the healer) we got wiped at the final boss due to his poor crappy skills as a tank.
after our first instance fiasco, my hubby thought there was something wrong with the class, and was even considering rerolling a different class. he recently found out what went wrong, and why he was failing big time to play the tank role well in this game. in this game you will be a mediocre player or a good one. most of the modern so called Western AA MMO offer very little, when it comes to that. every class, every player just uses the same skills, you can literally go take a nap, while you fight a monster. is this what some people find fun? it certaintly is not to me.
Tera is the kind of game, that you iether gonna Love it, or you gonna Hate it. there is nothing in between. if what you want is a miracle MMO , i'm afraid you gonna be waiting for a very long time, because that won't happen in our lifetime. perhaps your grandchildren will get to play a truly revolutionary MMO,, but not us.
if you find Tera boring, i assure you, you will find boring every single MMO, so stop finding excuses.
That is one long winded opinion. I find many games fun, so no I don t find every MMO boring. Sorry to burst your bubble, but alot of people find Tera boring.
I completely understand why a lot of people are struggling with Tera, and it has nothing to do with the combat, or the graphics, and definitely not the dungeons or PvP. A lot of people are struggling with the answers to why this game doesn't jump out and bite you, and that's because the game has no hype at all, but they expect people to pay. That's a bad combination. In the west, we are CONDITIONED to only pay for the best products. Tera is a very good game, very polished, a lot of class variety, for an action combat mmo. It's not the greatest game ever made, and nobody claimed it was, and that's the problem.
SW:TOR is obviously the greatest game ever made? Why? Because it makes you stand there for 5mins listening to every single NPC talk to you about how great you are, before it makes you kill ten rats with it's boring WoW combat mechanics? No! Because it's Star Wars dude! Did you not see that Cinema of the Sith crashing their ship into the Jedi's homeland and pwn all those light side chumps! That's what I wanna do (even though I can't)! Take my MONEY NOAW!
Hey guys look! Rift is Revolutionary! Why? Because it only has 4 classes and a tons of arbitrary soul choices, even though only one dps FotM spec is viable every month before Trion nerfs it? No! Because the game is DYNAMIC combat, w000. Look at this awesome Rift! Why is it awesome? Because we payed about $50,000 in advertising telling you it's awesome, that's why.
Did you know that Tera has Rifts too? All you have to do is search through the front page of this forum, but forget that. En Masse needs to shell our thousands of dollars instead to explain it to you that it has Rifts, and pretty much every other feature you could want from a AAA MMO. That's why they are asking people to pay AAA MMO money. Except they forgot to hype Tera as the greatest MMO ever!!!!1! Even though it's not, not a single MMO released in the last 8 years has lived up to the hype, and En Masse is being stupid to assume that people would pay money now for a quality but flawed game, even though that's what we've been doing for almost a decade anyway.
Tera has to be free! Why pay $15 a month for a quality MMO when I can play Aion, GW2, Vindictus, D3 for free? Except that these games are NOT Free, they have cash shops, and Vindictus and D3 aren't even MMOs! So maybe it's free for you, because you're so uber l33t, but a lot of the people that are conned with the illusion of F2P will find out that they are spending as much if not more money on these games then the would have if they just took an honest P2P sub. And did you know you could also play Tera for free? I bet you didn't know that Chrono-scrolls existed in the game, because Tera is boring there's no hype so you didn't bother to search any of the threads on the front page.
Yes En Masse messed up big time. They shouldn't have asked anybody to pay up front to play Tera without spending thousands of dollars in advertising first hyping Tera as the greatest MMO ever, just like every other AAA MMO, right? This is America, where we need to be told why a game is good. Instead of doing any research at all, we'll just judge the game on our vastly uninformed first impressions, and/or make a thread asking if "Anybody played Tera and think it's pants?".
I apologize to those of you were are legitimately interested in Tera, and this post came off as offensive. This post is not directed towards you. For those people that prefer to have informed opinions of the games you buy, feel free to ask any questions here or just look stuff up on the front page.
if you find Tera boring, i assure you, you will find boring every single MMO, so stop finding excuses.
I find TERA boring, and have played many MMOs which I do not find to be boring. The problem is that it is too similar to WoW for my taste, which I also find to be boring, aside from a slightly novel combat targetting system.
In fact, the only thing that piqued my interest in TERA was the Popori race, they are very well done. But the classes are far too generic for my liking.
I think it's pants. When they first announced TERA I was excited. As it took longer and longer and failed in the east, less so. For me, either TERA or GW2 were my last MMO hopes. One of these has been crushed now that I played the beta. My first impression was pretty positive. The opening cutscene showed good voice acting, the character creation is great, the graphics look absolutely stunning and the game runs very smooth. But almost from the second the game actually started, nothing was really all that different. It's "Another one of those" mmos. Pick up quest, kill X things, turn in quest. The quest text was completely uninspired and looked like it had been written by an intern. The combat doesn't do anything for me. Yeah it's more action oriented than a traditional MMO, but when you're attacking, you're rooted in place. No attacking while moving here or quickly dodging out of the way. My main complaint though is that it's just dull. The combination of the poor questwriting, incredibly easy mobs and low number of skils at your disposal creates such a boring experience. They created this beautiful game that just completely sucks ass.
Maybe it gets better in the later levels but I care not. If your game fails to impress in its opening stages, I'm done with it. Most MMOs show the best the game has to offer in its starting areas. If this is the best they can do, then meh. I can see why people like it, but launching in may in between several juggernauts, at full price and with a monthly subscription fee, this game is bound for failure. This thing just has to launch F2P with a cash shop in place. They'll realize it a month or two after launch, but they'll be too late.
Tera should be f2p, if the begining is any type of representation of what the game will be it is terrible. Some how they made the 'action combat' a lot more boring and less unique than your average tab-target 1-0 style mmorpg. No directional attacks, only certain classes can dodge or block but never both, there is no collision so you just jump through monsters, the world is very uninspired and generic feeling, quests are outright awful, every single one is a generic kill quest, i just stopped reading the mission text after level 3 becaue it was all garbage writing. I really lost interest after 10 levels of killing chipmunks and other woodland creatures though. Just about everything about this game screams f2p and anyone who buys it is just wasting money. Id suggest waiting for free trials, im sure it wont be long after launch before they offer them and/or the price drops.
I focus on the center of the action, with my action bar tucked underneath the quest logs (meaning I don't look at it at all).
Gameplay mechanic (after level 15 when mobs start hurting you for real) is like an action console game (DMC, God of War), and requires thinking steps ahead to plan your moves and readjust, maneuver, relocate.
Tera should be f2p, if the begining is any type of representation of what the game will be it is terrible. Some how they made the 'action combat' a lot more boring and less unique than your average tab-target 1-0 style mmorpg. No directional attacks, only certain classes can dodge or block but never both, there is no collision so you just jump through monsters, the world is very uninspired and generic feeling, quests are outright awful, every single one is a generic kill quest, i just stopped reading the mission text after level 3 becaue it was all garbage writing. I really lost interest after 10 levels of killing chipmunks and other woodland creatures though. Just about everything about this game screams f2p and anyone who buys it is just wasting money. Id suggest waiting for free trials, im sure it wont be long after launch before they offer them and/or the price drops.
Shows that you didn't play jack and you're speaking from ignorance.
1. You can't run through monsters or players or NPC. You can't even heal through a monster if your friend is on the other side.
2. There is directional attack, you just didn't uncheck it from default. My Berserker and Priest attacks to the left, right, towards the camera, any direction I want.
3. What quests do you expect from any MMO? Kill, gather, and escort. There's not much else. At least in this game I am HAPPY to kill, and there's party gather (one node that provides copies for everyone in the party).
4, Woodland creatures? You have to pass through a graveyard like area with "real monsters" to exit the beginning island, which is around level 9 or 10. So you didn't even get to the real continent.
Originally posted by dasklavier Originally posted by punchrx Tera should be f2p, if the begining is any type of representation of what the game will be it is terrible. Some how they made the 'action combat' a lot more boring and less unique than your average tab-target 1-0 style mmorpg. No directional attacks, only certain classes can dodge or block but never both, there is no collision so you just jump through monsters, the world is very uninspired and generic feeling, quests are outright awful, every single one is a generic kill quest, i just stopped reading the mission text after level 3 becaue it was all garbage writing. I really lost interest after 10 levels of killing chipmunks and other woodland creatures though. Just about everything about this game screams f2p and anyone who buys it is just wasting money. Id suggest waiting for free trials, im sure it wont be long after launch before they offer them and/or the price drops.
Troll. Shows that you didn't play jack and you're speaking from ignorance. 1. You can't run through monsters or players or NPC. You can't even heal through a monster if your friend is on the other side. 2. There is directional attack, you just didn't uncheck it from default. My Berserker and Priest attacks to the left, right, towards the camera, any direction I want. 3. What quests do you expect from any MMO? Kill, gather, and escort. There's not much else. At least in this game I am HAPPY to kill, and there's party gather (one node that provides copies for everyone in the party). 4, Woodland creatures? You have to pass through a graveyard like area with "real monsters" to exit the beginning island, which is around level 9 or 10. So you didn't even get to the real continent.
Obvious troll he is.
Tab doesn't even target. Should be a combat ability.
I used to play MMOs like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
I don't know how people are saying this game is boring? Compared to what? Rift? SW:TOR? WoW?
I can understand if you are a fan of click based combat, and don't mind games that look like they were made 5 years ago, then Tera would probably not inspire you.
The whole rooting animation is only really a nuisance to the Archer class, and I can see it being annoying. But please don't try to pass if off that playing a Ranger in the click target based MMOs is anymore skillful. clicking on your target and spamming one macro and hitting every arrow perfectly from 30m away is not skill. Tera's combat is fun because the combat requires more skill to play it. But of course the majority of the complainers here didn't bother to play it past the starting Area. Try fighting that level 20 Spider BAM and telling me this game's action combat is boring.
I'm not really concerned about the opinions of players that only invested 4 hours into the game and found it boring, and neither should any of you.
Did everything you said, and yes it s still boring. Combat alone doesn t make a game and , in this game thats all it really has. It gets boring fast. This is of course my opinion, but I find the game completely boring.
if you found Tera boring, i assure you that you will find boring every single MMO period. perhaps the whole Genre is getting too stale for you and that should give you a hint. stick to single player games cause MMO are not for you anymore.
i have played almost every single MMO since EQ1 untill Swtor i too was starting to feel bored playing MMO, they are all exactly the same, and even GW2 TSW, Archage etc etc won't be any different, they all have different features, diferent ways to do things, but deep down they are all exactly the same. stop day dreaming and don't expect to find the miracle of the holy grail in MMO genre to happen anytime soon. every single MMO will get boring at one point or another.
the most revolutionary MMO i've played this year was Swtor, i felt pulled in the story from minute one, but sadly that first impression was nothing but a very deceptive illusion, and shortly after i reached end game content faded away.
yes Tera has many of the Traditional, typical features, found in so many MMO. but it has something else, that many other games fail to do right. and that is to keep you entertained and having fun.
Tera world is huge, so lush and varied. that really encourages exploration, you will be finding new things and places most of the time.
the combat is nice and all. but to me is not all Tera has to offer, it really captures amazingly well the grouping spirit of the old School MMO. every class has a role in the group, and it is really up to you to become a good player or a crappy one.
for instance, my hubby wanted to play as a lancer, and he thought he really was good at tanking. we went to SM instance, and he wasen't able to keep agro off me (the healer) we got wiped at the final boss due to his poor crappy skills as a tank.
after our first instance fiasco, my hubby thought there was something wrong with the class, and was even considering rerolling a different class. he recently found out what went wrong, and why he was failing big time to play the tank role well in this game. in this game you will be a mediocre player or a good one. most of the modern so called Western AA MMO offer very little, when it comes to that. every class, every player just uses the same skills, you can literally go take a nap, while you fight a monster. is this what some people find fun? it certaintly is not to me.
Tera is the kind of game, that you iether gonna Love it, or you gonna Hate it. there is nothing in between. if what you want is a miracle MMO , i'm afraid you gonna be waiting for a very long time, because that won't happen in our lifetime. perhaps your grandchildren will get to play a truly revolutionary MMO,, but not us.
if you find Tera boring, i assure you, you will find boring every single MMO, so stop finding excuses.
That is one long winded opinion. I find many games fun, so no I don t find every MMO boring. Sorry to burst your bubble, but alot of people find Tera boring.
sorry to burst your bouble but alot of people find Tera fun.
it is mostly trolls and haters on this forums, this is the reason i don't even bother reading anything written here by anyone, it lacks any credibility to take them seriously. they are mostly players with very (bias opinions) simply because they happen to hate any game that isen't west made.
Tera's combat is great. But after playing the beta weekends It's just boring.
I'm sure if I progressed even further it'd be good. But combat is the only thing keeping this game from being another generic piece of crap. If the combat were the typical click and wait like aion, I wouldn't even give it another look.
It uses the outdated quest system like WoW and so many other MMOs before it uses.
Character customization sucks
Nothing to do but quest and fight. Theres the politics system, but lets get real here. the only people who are going to do that are the people who run guilds and have no lives. So it's not even worth bring up.
One thing that might get me to buy it though, is that you hunt down giant monsters. I liked monster hunter because you could just team up and hunt down stuff and make better or unique stuff. It didn't try to fluff the game with a story (if I want a story i'll read a book). If I can do that in Tera, i'd likely bother with it. but for now, I could live without ever playing it again
Well hunting BAMs is all you do really passed level 20 as it is the best xp, especially with a good group and if you've got the skills and patience, even solo'ing them can bring you some good rewards both in terms of xp and cash, some however just do it for the personal challenge as well(which is more or less depending on your class). One of my goals each BETA is usually to try and solo each of the BAMs while I am the same level as them, i've got most but some just elude me because I am not attentive enough, Arakia and Tails come to mind...damn AoEs.
Tera should be f2p, if the begining is any type of representation of what the game will be it is terrible. Some how they made the 'action combat' a lot more boring and less unique than your average tab-target 1-0 style mmorpg. No directional attacks, only certain classes can dodge or block but never both, there is no collision so you just jump through monsters, the world is very uninspired and generic feeling, quests are outright awful, every single one is a generic kill quest, i just stopped reading the mission text after level 3 becaue it was all garbage writing. I really lost interest after 10 levels of killing chipmunks and other woodland creatures though. Just about everything about this game screams f2p and anyone who buys it is just wasting money. Id suggest waiting for free trials, im sure it wont be long after launch before they offer them and/or the price drops.
Shows that you didn't play jack and you're speaking from ignorance.
1. You can't run through monsters or players or NPC. You can't even heal through a monster if your friend is on the other side.
2. There is directional attack, you just didn't uncheck it from default. My Berserker and Priest attacks to the left, right, towards the camera, any direction I want.
3. What quests do you expect from any MMO? Kill, gather, and escort. There's not much else. At least in this game I am HAPPY to kill, and there's party gather (one node that provides copies for everyone in the party).
4, Woodland creatures? You have to pass through a graveyard like area with "real monsters" to exit the beginning island, which is around level 9 or 10. So you didn't even get to the real continent.
Just because someone doesn't like something you don't like, it doesn't make them a troll. That word is over used by ignorant people.
1. He was talking dodging. You can't walk through mobs but you CAN leap/dodge through them.
2. He's talking about combos like AoC's directional attacks, not shooting a fireball left or right.
3.The quest system is outdated as hell. Taking a linear path to talk to NPCs to go kill stuff isn't fun. But missions that mean something is. Take a look at CoH's mission system. GW2's system might also prove the next step.
It may be true that these type of posts are opinion based but I always hate when in these posts people fish for responses by making idiotic statements such as "you should not buy this game and anyone buying it is just wasting there money". I don't really like him personally telling me that I am wasting my money as if I am not enjoying the game, and stating others definitely will not based on his experience. Point out the opinionated flaws sure, but leave out the ridiculous statements.
Not to mention if you play the game longer I really don't sense any of that f2p feeling, I mean if you saw the monster designs/lighting in the latest dungeon(36) I think you'd understand lol. Even if you just tweaked with features and settings and took a loot at what's available to you(or just looked at the world), you shouldn't be thinking this is a f2p game even judging by the lower levels, just seems like a generally biased opinion based on their experience/preference, but calling it f2p isn't the way to go about it, also seems to be fishing for responses.
I cringe at such statements or ignore...especially to ones that involve and discuss about "waste of money" or "Don't buy this game" and even the infamous "Wow clone." No credibility what-so-ever...
if you found Tera boring, i assure you that you will find boring every single MMO period. perhaps the whole Genre is getting too stale for you and that should give you a hint. stick to single player games cause MMO are not for you anymore.
i have played almost every single MMO since EQ1 untill Swtor i too was starting to feel bored playing MMO, they are all exactly the same, and even GW2 TSW, Archage etc etc won't be any different, they all have different features, diferent ways to do things, but deep down they are all exactly the same. stop day dreaming and don't expect to find the miracle of the holy grail in MMO genre to happen anytime soon. every single MMO will get boring at one point or another.
the most revolutionary MMO i've played this year was Swtor, i felt pulled in the story from minute one, but sadly that first impression was nothing but a very deceptive illusion, and shortly after i reached end game content faded away.
yes Tera has many of the Traditional, typical features, found in so many MMO. but it has something else, that many other games fail to do right. and that is to keep you entertained and having fun.
Tera world is huge, so lush and varied. that really encourages exploration, you will be finding new things and places most of the time.
the combat is nice and all. but to me is not all Tera has to offer, it really captures amazingly well the grouping spirit of the old School MMO. every class has a role in the group, and it is really up to you to become a good player or a crappy one.
for instance, my hubby wanted to play as a lancer, and he thought he really was good at tanking. we went to SM instance, and he wasen't able to keep agro off me (the healer) we got wiped at the final boss due to his poor crappy skills as a tank.
after our first instance fiasco, my hubby thought there was something wrong with the class, and was even considering rerolling a different class. he recently found out what went wrong, and why he was failing big time to play the tank role well in this game. in this game you will be a mediocre player or a good one. most of the modern so called Western AA MMO offer very little, when it comes to that. every class, every player just uses the same skills, you can literally go take a nap, while you fight a monster. is this what some people find fun? it certaintly is not to me.
Tera is the kind of game, that you iether gonna Love it, or you gonna Hate it. there is nothing in between. if what you want is a miracle MMO , i'm afraid you gonna be waiting for a very long time, because that won't happen in our lifetime. perhaps your grandchildren will get to play a truly revolutionary MMO,, but not us.
if you find Tera boring, i assure you, you will find boring every single MMO, so stop finding excuses.
I completely understand why a lot of people are struggling with Tera, and it has nothing to do with the combat, or the graphics, and definitely not the dungeons or PvP. A lot of people are struggling with the answers to why this game doesn't jump out and bite you, and that's because the game has no hype at all, but they expect people to pay. That's a bad combination. In the west, we are CONDITIONED to only pay for the best products. Tera is a very good game, very polished, a lot of class variety, for an action combat mmo. It's not the greatest game ever made, and nobody claimed it was, and that's the problem.
SW:TOR is obviously the greatest game ever made? Why? Because it makes you stand there for 5mins listening to every single NPC talk to you about how great you are, before it makes you kill ten rats with it's boring WoW combat mechanics? No! Because it's Star Wars dude! Did you not see that Cinema of the Sith crashing their ship into the Jedi's homeland and pwn all those light side chumps! That's what I wanna do (even though I can't)! Take my MONEY NOAW!
Hey guys look! Rift is Revolutionary! Why? Because it only has 4 classes and a tons of arbitrary soul choices, even though only one dps FotM spec is viable every month before Trion nerfs it? No! Because the game is DYNAMIC combat, w000. Look at this awesome Rift! Why is it awesome? Because we payed about $50,000 in advertising telling you it's awesome, that's why.
Did you know that Tera has Rifts too? All you have to do is search through the front page of this forum, but forget that. En Masse needs to shell our thousands of dollars instead to explain it to you that it has Rifts, and pretty much every other feature you could want from a AAA MMO. That's why they are asking people to pay AAA MMO money. Except they forgot to hype Tera as the greatest MMO ever!!!!1! Even though it's not, not a single MMO released in the last 8 years has lived up to the hype, and En Masse is being stupid to assume that people would pay money now for a quality but flawed game, even though that's what we've been doing for almost a decade anyway.
Tera has to be free! Why pay $15 a month for a quality MMO when I can play Aion, GW2, Vindictus, D3 for free? Except that these games are NOT Free, they have cash shops, and Vindictus and D3 aren't even MMOs! So maybe it's free for you, because you're so uber l33t, but a lot of the people that are conned with the illusion of F2P will find out that they are spending as much if not more money on these games then the would have if they just took an honest P2P sub. And did you know you could also play Tera for free? I bet you didn't know that Chrono-scrolls existed in the game, because Tera is boring there's no hype so you didn't bother to search any of the threads on the front page.
Yes En Masse messed up big time. They shouldn't have asked anybody to pay up front to play Tera without spending thousands of dollars in advertising first hyping Tera as the greatest MMO ever, just like every other AAA MMO, right? This is America, where we need to be told why a game is good. Instead of doing any research at all, we'll just judge the game on our vastly uninformed first impressions, and/or make a thread asking if "Anybody played Tera and think it's pants?".
I apologize to those of you were are legitimately interested in Tera, and this post came off as offensive. This post is not directed towards you. For those people that prefer to have informed opinions of the games you buy, feel free to ask any questions here or just look stuff up on the front page.
That is one long winded opinion. I find many games fun, so no I don t find every MMO boring. Sorry to burst your bubble, but alot of people find Tera boring.
You sir just won the internet.
I find TERA boring, and have played many MMOs which I do not find to be boring. The problem is that it is too similar to WoW for my taste, which I also find to be boring, aside from a slightly novel combat targetting system.
In fact, the only thing that piqued my interest in TERA was the Popori race, they are very well done. But the classes are far too generic for my liking.
I think it's pants. When they first announced TERA I was excited. As it took longer and longer and failed in the east, less so. For me, either TERA or GW2 were my last MMO hopes. One of these has been crushed now that I played the beta. My first impression was pretty positive. The opening cutscene showed good voice acting, the character creation is great, the graphics look absolutely stunning and the game runs very smooth. But almost from the second the game actually started, nothing was really all that different. It's "Another one of those" mmos. Pick up quest, kill X things, turn in quest. The quest text was completely uninspired and looked like it had been written by an intern. The combat doesn't do anything for me. Yeah it's more action oriented than a traditional MMO, but when you're attacking, you're rooted in place. No attacking while moving here or quickly dodging out of the way. My main complaint though is that it's just dull. The combination of the poor questwriting, incredibly easy mobs and low number of skils at your disposal creates such a boring experience. They created this beautiful game that just completely sucks ass.
Maybe it gets better in the later levels but I care not. If your game fails to impress in its opening stages, I'm done with it. Most MMOs show the best the game has to offer in its starting areas. If this is the best they can do, then meh. I can see why people like it, but launching in may in between several juggernauts, at full price and with a monthly subscription fee, this game is bound for failure. This thing just has to launch F2P with a cash shop in place. They'll realize it a month or two after launch, but they'll be too late.
Tera should be f2p, if the begining is any type of representation of what the game will be it is terrible. Some how they made the 'action combat' a lot more boring and less unique than your average tab-target 1-0 style mmorpg. No directional attacks, only certain classes can dodge or block but never both, there is no collision so you just jump through monsters, the world is very uninspired and generic feeling, quests are outright awful, every single one is a generic kill quest, i just stopped reading the mission text after level 3 becaue it was all garbage writing. I really lost interest after 10 levels of killing chipmunks and other woodland creatures though. Just about everything about this game screams f2p and anyone who buys it is just wasting money. Id suggest waiting for free trials, im sure it wont be long after launch before they offer them and/or the price drops.
About 5 hours of beta was enough to decide it's not for me.
NEW IDEAS that can refresh the STALE state of MMORPGs
I focus on the center of the action, with my action bar tucked underneath the quest logs (meaning I don't look at it at all).
Gameplay mechanic (after level 15 when mobs start hurting you for real) is like an action console game (DMC, God of War), and requires thinking steps ahead to plan your moves and readjust, maneuver, relocate.
Graphics (given).
It's got brains and beauty.
Shows that you didn't play jack and you're speaking from ignorance.
1. You can't run through monsters or players or NPC. You can't even heal through a monster if your friend is on the other side.
2. There is directional attack, you just didn't uncheck it from default. My Berserker and Priest attacks to the left, right, towards the camera, any direction I want.
3. What quests do you expect from any MMO? Kill, gather, and escort. There's not much else. At least in this game I am HAPPY to kill, and there's party gather (one node that provides copies for everyone in the party).
4, Woodland creatures? You have to pass through a graveyard like area with "real monsters" to exit the beginning island, which is around level 9 or 10. So you didn't even get to the real continent.
Shows that you didn't play jack and you're speaking from ignorance.
1. You can't run through monsters or players or NPC. You can't even heal through a monster if your friend is on the other side.
2. There is directional attack, you just didn't uncheck it from default. My Berserker and Priest attacks to the left, right, towards the camera, any direction I want.
3. What quests do you expect from any MMO? Kill, gather, and escort. There's not much else. At least in this game I am HAPPY to kill, and there's party gather (one node that provides copies for everyone in the party).
4, Woodland creatures? You have to pass through a graveyard like area with "real monsters" to exit the beginning island, which is around level 9 or 10. So you didn't even get to the real continent.
Obvious troll he is.
Tab doesn't even target. Should be a combat ability.
I used to play MMOs like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
sorry to burst your bouble but alot of people find Tera fun.
it is mostly trolls and haters on this forums, this is the reason i don't even bother reading anything written here by anyone, it lacks any credibility to take them seriously. they are mostly players with very (bias opinions) simply because they happen to hate any game that isen't west made.
Tera's combat is great. But after playing the beta weekends It's just boring.
I'm sure if I progressed even further it'd be good. But combat is the only thing keeping this game from being another generic piece of crap. If the combat were the typical click and wait like aion, I wouldn't even give it another look.
It uses the outdated quest system like WoW and so many other MMOs before it uses.
Character customization sucks
Nothing to do but quest and fight. Theres the politics system, but lets get real here. the only people who are going to do that are the people who run guilds and have no lives. So it's not even worth bring up.
One thing that might get me to buy it though, is that you hunt down giant monsters. I liked monster hunter because you could just team up and hunt down stuff and make better or unique stuff. It didn't try to fluff the game with a story (if I want a story i'll read a book). If I can do that in Tera, i'd likely bother with it. but for now, I could live without ever playing it again
Well hunting BAMs is all you do really passed level 20 as it is the best xp, especially with a good group and if you've got the skills and patience, even solo'ing them can bring you some good rewards both in terms of xp and cash, some however just do it for the personal challenge as well(which is more or less depending on your class). One of my goals each BETA is usually to try and solo each of the BAMs while I am the same level as them, i've got most but some just elude me because I am not attentive enough, Arakia and Tails come to mind...damn AoEs.
Just because someone doesn't like something you don't like, it doesn't make them a troll. That word is over used by ignorant people.
1. He was talking dodging. You can't walk through mobs but you CAN leap/dodge through them.
2. He's talking about combos like AoC's directional attacks, not shooting a fireball left or right.
3.The quest system is outdated as hell. Taking a linear path to talk to NPCs to go kill stuff isn't fun. But missions that mean something is. Take a look at CoH's mission system. GW2's system might also prove the next step.
4.Deer, trees, piglets = wooland creatures
It may be true that these type of posts are opinion based but I always hate when in these posts people fish for responses by making idiotic statements such as "you should not buy this game and anyone buying it is just wasting there money". I don't really like him personally telling me that I am wasting my money as if I am not enjoying the game, and stating others definitely will not based on his experience. Point out the opinionated flaws sure, but leave out the ridiculous statements.
Not to mention if you play the game longer I really don't sense any of that f2p feeling, I mean if you saw the monster designs/lighting in the latest dungeon(36) I think you'd understand lol. Even if you just tweaked with features and settings and took a loot at what's available to you(or just looked at the world), you shouldn't be thinking this is a f2p game even judging by the lower levels, just seems like a generally biased opinion based on their experience/preference, but calling it f2p isn't the way to go about it, also seems to be fishing for responses.
I cringe at such statements or ignore...especially to ones that involve and discuss about "waste of money" or "Don't buy this game" and even the infamous "Wow clone." No credibility what-so-ever...
The key word for TERA: Chronoscroll