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not F2P that ends up costing that no. I mean $50 flat rate but the game is completely and totally fri**in stunning and everything you could ever imagine..kinda game.
This is the cost of a cell phone bill without a data plan.
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Hell does the game come with some VR .hack type crap? If not then no.
My theme song.
Yes, absolutely. I would expect amazing things from the start and I would have no leniance for any shortcomings in the game. To put it as blunt as possible, it would have to be perfect and everchanging to warrant that price. All of the cliche reasons as to why game A and game B is struggling will be thrown out the door.
I would love for a dev to get the courage to do something like this. You best bring your A game though.
I say again, $50 is how much a cell phone bill is without a data plan. Its the cost of dinner for 2 at a nice resturant without ordering wine, its easily the cost of one night at the night club.
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I would pay $30 without hesitation for a MMO oldschool and no cash shop.
I might stretch it to $50 for the perfect MMO (but I am quite demanding so it's not going to happen)
I do agree that the basic baseline would have to be this:
any conversation comparing the game to any other MMO would be a silly conversation.
that would be the sweet spot.
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I take that as a no then. So then my answer is a hell no.
My theme song.
For the perfect MMO yes, I would pay 50 bucks a month.
No, i wouldn't unless it was VR.
I commonly spend close to $50/month in Second Life. I know I don't need that much stuff to enjoy my time in the game, but I like to have it and it's worth it to me. I realize the OP said flat rate and not a cash shop, so I would have to say no, I would not pay $50/month flat rate for a game because that would entitle everyone who plays it to have the same stuff. And I am fine with that. But if everyone got everything in the game for the same $50/rate, then nobody and nothing would be special. You might have access to all the areas and items, but so would everyone else.
What might make a flat rate of $50/month actually worth it was if the developers or GMs actually had services where they played and/or interacted with the players to make things move along or perhaps to seem more realistic in some way, in my opinion.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
No chance.
Playing: Nothing
Played: EQ1, EQ2, VG:SoH, WoW, AoC, LoTRO, Aion, L2, DF, WAR.
Favourites: EQ1, VG:SoH, Original WoW.
Waiting: Pantheon: ROTF
my cost of playing the game of 'real life' was around $800 a month.
my cost of sticking to video games and telling the rest of the world to shove off is about $20 a month
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i would pay 50 € right now for a month in Anarchy Online before cash shops and dailys and all this next-gen god mode crap.
Let's internet
I hear you. Pay more to bring the good stuff back please. some of it could just use a new coat of paint and that is it
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Id pay it if it allowed me to do mad, crazy no sane mmo developer would ever think of doing, like playing a panda bear.
if litteraly stick my di*# in the screen and hump my female avatar whenever i want.....sure.
otherwise no.
My thoughts for sure not unless VR
No. My phone is more important than ANY game! I could spend that kinda of money getting drunk one night
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
exactly! but honestly, at least for me I have more fun with the game.
lucky me I guess
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Sure, I would.
For a good, vibrant living world, with frequent events organised both by players and in-game GMs, without any form of cash shop or item mall, no question, I would happily pay more than the "standard" $15/month fare.
I've always wondered why no developer ever tried something like "premium" servers.
I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.
Yes if they made a real MMO again I would in a heartbeat. Been saying this for years that they need to step it up to weed out the non-RPG players and allow atleast one good MMORPG to be made. Not that they should stop making the games they make now. Just give those of us that want more the option.
Been there, done that. At one time, I had four accounts on the same game to sustain a large stable of specialized alts and bank space to sustain my pack-rat habbits. I'm fairly confident I won't ever be doing that again.
no game could possibly be this good ..unless is comes with hookers.
AMD Phenum II x4 3.6Ghz 975 black edition
8 gig Ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
i would however pay 20$ a month for my dream mmo (skyrim mmo with battles, and sieges of thousands of people). heck for that i might even pay 30$ if it's absolutely flawless.
No game is worth $600 dollars a year. Comparing a utitly to a game is retarded also.