I LOL for real just a little bit any time I see someone talking about "skill" in an mmo. Its a game, even if you're elite, you don't have a skill. You're just good at a game. People take this stuff waaaay too seriously. I love games but man I have never had an actual meaningful moment, or a moment that required true skill..........because.....it...is......a.....game that fat kids living in their mother's basement are probably the best in the world at.
So now you are arguing that "games" don't take skill?
Huh. Cool.
I know right. I have right around 30 keybinds in my current mmo but I guess thats just easy peasy. (Rolls eyes)
IT IS, that you don't get that is mind boggling to me, binds by definition are to make the game easier.
Again, if you can be good at something competitive while being 5ft2 300 lbs and living in your mother's basement it doesn't take skill.
Get over that stereotype. The best gamers in the world are skinny teenagers usually. Esports champions that make MONEY just like any other sport. And even if one were 5 ft (not sure what height has to do with it.) and 300 lbs AND lived in there mothers basement that would have absolutely no correlation AT ALL to the current discussion. Stop trolling the forums and get off if you aren't going to have a relevant discussion. And its harder to learn 30 different keybinds than click 30 different skills anyday. Notice I said harder to learn not more efficient.
I am not trolling. As I said, its a laughable premise and people that take themselves this seriously amuse me. And yes, I am sure someone who spends 6 hours a day in front of a computer is the very model of fitness. Again, binds make games easier, not harder or I wouldn't use them. More efficient is easier than having to do more for the same result, it is the definition of easy. And did you just equate esport champions to "any other sport" .............................................................mind boggling
I'm sorry, Let me call webster's dictionary editor and tell them they got the definition of skilled wrong.
SKILL-The ability to do something well; expertise. Keep trying to come up with your own definitions kid.
You are really invested in this. It really matters to you. I will stop now. I didn't mean to draw such an emotional response.
No, your just outgunned and there is not much you can say when you are trying to change the meaning of a word COMPLETELY and someone else calls you out on it.
I wonder what other areas of life somehow have no skill involved? Is it only eSport? How about cooking? How about programming? How about gardening? How about physics? How about basketball? How about public speaking?
Fact is, everything in life takes skill including gaming. To pretend otherwise is just, in my opinion, trying to soothe ones own ego. If you aren't good at PVP gaming don't get all butt hurt about it. Be a great gardener instead. One of my tomato plants just died a couple days ago but am I going to pretend I had nothing to do with it? Maybe I'm a fail gardener I can deal with it. They need water I guess right LOL?
I am actually pretty good at pvp games so that isn't my problem. And yes, I use keybinds and mouse turn, but that just doesn't feel like a skill to me. A skill to me is something worth aquiring. Being good at a video game is just something I do for fun. People that get so wrapped up in these games must not be very good at much else and thus substitute for real life. I guess its because when you say/type the word skill my mind conjures images of things that are of value to be good at. The fact that the term "esport" exist is some sort of nerd bizzaro world take over to me.
The definition says NOTHING about skill being something worth acquiring. You could have the ability to urinate faster than any other man on the planet and, while that has no use in society to my knowledge, according to the definition of the word skill, you are the most skilled person at urinating quickly. Your in over your head and you are letting your emotions dictate the meanings of words. The dictionary won't be rewritten for you friend. Sorry.
You're projecting, I am not the least bit emotional about this. For me games are strictly unimportant entertainment. If anyone is emotional here its you and I think I know why.
And why would that be if I may ask. I hope you don't say anything about my place in society because I have done rather well for myself on that front. Also, even if I had more "emotion" vested in this discussion, the point I just made had nothing to do with the emotional effect on the discussion as a whole, but the emotional effect on the meaning of a word. Which you seem to do frequently and I have not done once.
No, I was never arguing that you couldn't clinically call anything a skill. Your pissing up a rope argument re that was valid. But when I think of the term SKILL I think of things worth knowing. By your definition sitting on a couch is a skill. I guess technically there is a "skill" to it, but is it really? Same thing with mmorps. Anyways, I am well and truly done, feel free to continue basing waaaay too much of your self image on video games. I was just trying to provide some perspective.
But when you think of the term skill you think of things worth knowing...........that's just it, it doesn't matter what you think but what the definition of the term actually means. I can call a slice of pizza a taco all I want but at the end of the day I guarantee you it will still be a slice of pizza. And I would have made the exact same arguments with you had this been a post about any other "skill" just to put you in your proper place. We have enough trolls on these boards already and don't need more.
lol@put you in your proper place. The only thing you've confirmed is how out of proportion you view games. You think this stuff is actually meaningful and important. Sitting on a couch cross legged is a skill according to your definition. That may be the case in the broadest definition of the term, fine you win. But there is skill and then there is SKILL, that you think mmorpgs require the uppercase skill is laughable and so out of proportion as to be concerning.
Please quote where I ever said that gaming was meaningful or important. Not one single person on this forum has agreed with you yet. And just because you say that theyre is skill and then an imaginary term known as SKILL that are both distinguishable from one another doesn't make it true. Yet again, refer to a dictionary. Try google. I'm sure that will help. Whats laughable is a grown man that can't admit when he is wrong.
isnt it kinda wrong to say playing a game only needs you to move a mouse and push some buttons ? there is a lot of stuff you have to do at the same time, with the right timing, while seeing whats going on on the screen. Sure its all just on the screen and doesnt need any physical excerise whatsoever, but if its so easy why isnt everyone good at it, like sitting on a couch. I think your problem is, that it doesnt have any real use and it can be done by fat kids (oh noes). But why do skills have to be useful ? Sport skills arent really useful either, yeah i know they need physical fitness. Don't take it the wrong way KingGator but you sound like some grumpy old man who cant accept/understand new things coming with the newer generations. Or maybe you are simply intolerant to everything nerd related
Nah, I am something of a nerd myself, but I hadn't realized the degrees possible until I started reading this forum. Physical skills have real world application. Someone who maintains their physical fitness can outrun you or outfight you, someone who uses key binds in an mmo can heal you while still managing to stuff cheetos in his gob at the same time. One example is more useful than the other. I think my real problem is the elitism. First, the elitist make the game out to be more important than it is, then they seek a way to segregate and denegrate those they wish to portray as unequal in some way. Skill offends my sense of proportion I guess since skill is something earned, useful, and to be venerated, nothing in an mmorpg is all of that. I mouse turn and use keybinds myself, that doesn't make me better than someone who doesn't, really it makes me lazier.
I am old, and I might be grumpy, but I've always looked at the world this way so it isn't fair for me to use the age crutch.
No one man can determine what is important and non important to different people as everyone's interpretation of what is important to them greatly differs hence your logic is flawed old grumpy man.
No, what's laughable is what is obstensibly a grown man that is so emotional about this issue. According to your definition ANYTHING is a skill, and that's true I guess, but some skills matter and some don't, your l33tness in an mmorpg isn't one of those that matter. And I am not some sheep that needs acceptance from the herd, that is your M.O. judging by how many times you've brought that up.
isnt it kinda wrong to say playing a game only needs you to move a mouse and push some buttons ? there is a lot of stuff you have to do at the same time, with the right timing, while seeing whats going on on the screen. Sure its all just on the screen and doesnt need any physical excerise whatsoever, but if its so easy why isnt everyone good at it, like sitting on a couch. I think your problem is, that it doesnt have any real use and it can be done by fat kids (oh noes). But why do skills have to be useful ? Sport skills arent really useful either, yeah i know they need physical fitness. Don't take it the wrong way KingGator but you sound like some grumpy old man who cant accept/understand new things coming with the newer generations. Or maybe you are simply intolerant to everything nerd related
Nah, I am something of a nerd myself, but I hadn't realized the degrees possible until I started reading this forum. Physical skills have real world application. Someone who maintains their physical fitness can outrun you or outfight you, someone who uses key binds in an mmo can heal you while still managing to stuff cheetos in his gob at the same time. One example is more useful than the other. I think my real problem is the elitism. First, the elitist make the game out to be more important than it is, then they seek a way to segregate and denegrate those they wish to portray as unequal in some way. Skill offends my sense of proportion I guess since skill is something earned, useful, and to be venerated, nothing in an mmorpg is all of that. I mouse turn and use keybinds myself, that doesn't make me better than someone who doesn't, really it makes me lazier.
I am old, and I might be grumpy, but I've always looked at the world this way so it isn't fair for me to use the age crutch.
No one man can determine what is important and non important to different people as everyone's interpretation of what is important to them greatly differs hence your logic is flawed old grumpy man.
The real world called and said don't put your mmorpg l33tness on your next resume, it won't end well.
isnt it kinda wrong to say playing a game only needs you to move a mouse and push some buttons ? there is a lot of stuff you have to do at the same time, with the right timing, while seeing whats going on on the screen. Sure its all just on the screen and doesnt need any physical excerise whatsoever, but if its so easy why isnt everyone good at it, like sitting on a couch. I think your problem is, that it doesnt have any real use and it can be done by fat kids (oh noes). But why do skills have to be useful ? Sport skills arent really useful either, yeah i know they need physical fitness. Don't take it the wrong way KingGator but you sound like some grumpy old man who cant accept/understand new things coming with the newer generations. Or maybe you are simply intolerant to everything nerd related
Nah, I am something of a nerd myself, but I hadn't realized the degrees possible until I started reading this forum. Physical skills have real world application. Someone who maintains their physical fitness can outrun you or outfight you, someone who uses key binds in an mmo can heal you while still managing to stuff cheetos in his gob at the same time. One example is more useful than the other. I think my real problem is the elitism. First, the elitist make the game out to be more important than it is, then they seek a way to segregate and denegrate those they wish to portray as unequal in some way. Skill offends my sense of proportion I guess since skill is something earned, useful, and to be venerated, nothing in an mmorpg is all of that. I mouse turn and use keybinds myself, that doesn't make me better than someone who doesn't, really it makes me lazier.
I am old, and I might be grumpy, but I've always looked at the world this way so it isn't fair for me to use the age crutch.
No one man can determine what is important and non important to different people as everyone's interpretation of what is important to them greatly differs hence your logic is flawed old grumpy man.
The real world called and said don't put your mmorpg l33tness on your next resume, it won't end well.
Depending on the job, you could cite quick reaction times, situational awareness, the ability to judge and make decisions under fire, and a knack for statistical analysis. All of which could be considered skills a really top-end gamer might have. You just don't mention that you got them from Battlefield 3
I can't help but feel like this is elitist sentiment couched in sympathetic posting. Just for the record, if you're good at an mmorpg, which I am almost always good at whatever game I am playing, you don't have a skill. You're not better than anyone, you're good at a game which is absoluitely meaningless and totally for recreation.
I would just like some posters, not specifically you, to know and understand this.
Hey, absolutely useless things can be skills too.
Something doesn't have to be pertinent or useful in any other way to be a skill.
It's perfectly legitimate to say somebody has skill at something that is otherwise pretty useless. That doesn't mean the person has some sort of uber life skills, it just means that in this particular circumstance, they have skills appropriate to that occasion.
In this case, playing GW2 would be the skill, consisting of various video game skills like hand eye coordination, mouse control, ability to spot game tells, and so on.
It's like how you can have skill in rock paper scissors (Largely psychology) or thumb wrestling (Manual dexterity), but not skill in say... rolling dice (Random luck).
Being better in one thing doesn't make somebody a better person overall, but it CAN mean that in that particular circumstance, you are indeed, better. I would consider somebody who can beat me 100 out of 100 games straight in a fighting game to have superior skills at that game, though I don't have to think they're better in any other way. (Yes. I have gone through that specific circumstance. This is what happens when you play against a tournament level player who plays against people who are in thinks like Evolution, when you have the skills of a complete scrub and noob at that game)
Please quote where I ever said that gaming was meaningful or important. Not one single person on this forum has agreed with you yet. And just because you say that theyre is skill and then an imaginary term known as SKILL that are both distinguishable from one another doesn't make it true. Yet again, refer to a dictionary. Try google. I'm sure that will help. Whats laughable is a grown man that can't admit when he is wrong.
Actually, go back and re read, quite a few people saw what I was getting at, don't blame me because my point was too nuanced for you to grasp.
I was thinking to myself at one point how great it would be to finally play with my GF. The level scaling in this game makes it that much more apealing. and she can play at her own pace. After 2 BWE, I realize she would die instantly, she is no gamer and she tries, but the game will just frustrate her to no end. I know she is just happy about playing her games on her itouch, I'm ok with that.
I can't help but feel like this is elitist sentiment couched in sympathetic posting. Just for the record, if you're good at an mmorpg, which I am almost always good at whatever game I am playing, you don't have a skill. You're not better than anyone, you're good at a game which is absoluitely meaningless and totally for recreation.
I would just like some posters, not specifically you, to know and understand this.
Hey, absolutely useless things can be skills too.
Something doesn't have to be pertinent or useful in any other way to be a skill.
It's perfectly legitimate to say somebody has skill at something that is otherwise pretty useless. That doesn't mean the person has some sort of uber life skills, it just means that in this particular circumstance, they have skills appropriate to that occasion.
In this case, playing GW2 would be the skill, consisting of various video game skills like hand eye coordination, mouse control, ability to spot game tells, and so on.
It's like how you can have skill in rock paper scissors (Largely psychology) or thumb wrestling (Manual dexterity), but not skill in say... rolling dice (Random luck).
Being better in one thing doesn't make somebody a better person overall, but it CAN mean that in that particular circumstance, you are indeed, better. I would consider somebody who can beat me 100 out of 100 games straight in a fighting game to have superior skills at that game, though I don't have to think they're better in any other way. (Yes. I have gone through that specific circumstance. This is what happens when you play against a tournament level player who plays against people who are in thinks like Evolution, when you have the skills of a complete scrub and noob at that game)
No, what's laughable is what is obstensibly a grown man that is so emotional about this issue. According to your definition ANYTHING is a skill, and that's true I guess, but some skills matter and some don't, your l33tness in an mmorpg isn't one of those that matter. And I am not some sheep that needs acceptance from the herd, that is your M.O. judging by how many times you've brought that up.
Skills mattering is an opinion. I would say it took alot of skill to seperate from the British and create America, a whole array of different people with different skills, but does that matter? It depends. Matter to what or whom? Define useful. able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways. Well then one has to go on to define practical doesn't he? Likely to succeed or be effective in real circumstances; feasible. Now you have to define the word REAL. Actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed. The internet actually exist. MMO's actually exist. They aren't pretend or make believe. Real information is being sent back and forth between a network. This whole thing means that your argument is still flawed as the very terms you are using to back your argument are out of context yet again as something that "matters" as you say is more grounded or based, if your prefer, in opinion and what someones interpretation of what matters to them personally happens to be.
isnt it kinda wrong to say playing a game only needs you to move a mouse and push some buttons ? there is a lot of stuff you have to do at the same time, with the right timing, while seeing whats going on on the screen. Sure its all just on the screen and doesnt need any physical excerise whatsoever, but if its so easy why isnt everyone good at it, like sitting on a couch. I think your problem is, that it doesnt have any real use and it can be done by fat kids (oh noes). But why do skills have to be useful ? Sport skills arent really useful either, yeah i know they need physical fitness. Don't take it the wrong way KingGator but you sound like some grumpy old man who cant accept/understand new things coming with the newer generations. Or maybe you are simply intolerant to everything nerd related
Nah, I am something of a nerd myself, but I hadn't realized the degrees possible until I started reading this forum. Physical skills have real world application. Someone who maintains their physical fitness can outrun you or outfight you, someone who uses key binds in an mmo can heal you while still managing to stuff cheetos in his gob at the same time. One example is more useful than the other. I think my real problem is the elitism. First, the elitist make the game out to be more important than it is, then they seek a way to segregate and denegrate those they wish to portray as unequal in some way. Skill offends my sense of proportion I guess since skill is something earned, useful, and to be venerated, nothing in an mmorpg is all of that. I mouse turn and use keybinds myself, that doesn't make me better than someone who doesn't, really it makes me lazier.
I am old, and I might be grumpy, but I've always looked at the world this way so it isn't fair for me to use the age crutch.
No one man can determine what is important and non important to different people as everyone's interpretation of what is important to them greatly differs hence your logic is flawed old grumpy man.
The real world called and said don't put your mmorpg l33tness on your next resume, it won't end well.
Depending on the job, you could cite quick reaction times, situational awareness, the ability to judge and make decisions under fire, and a knack for statistical analysis. All of which could be considered skills a really top-end gamer might have. You just don't mention that you got them from Battlefield 3
isnt it kinda wrong to say playing a game only needs you to move a mouse and push some buttons ? there is a lot of stuff you have to do at the same time, with the right timing, while seeing whats going on on the screen. Sure its all just on the screen and doesnt need any physical excerise whatsoever, but if its so easy why isnt everyone good at it, like sitting on a couch. I think your problem is, that it doesnt have any real use and it can be done by fat kids (oh noes). But why do skills have to be useful ? Sport skills arent really useful either, yeah i know they need physical fitness. Don't take it the wrong way KingGator but you sound like some grumpy old man who cant accept/understand new things coming with the newer generations. Or maybe you are simply intolerant to everything nerd related
Nah, I am something of a nerd myself, but I hadn't realized the degrees possible until I started reading this forum. Physical skills have real world application. Someone who maintains their physical fitness can outrun you or outfight you, someone who uses key binds in an mmo can heal you while still managing to stuff cheetos in his gob at the same time. One example is more useful than the other. I think my real problem is the elitism. First, the elitist make the game out to be more important than it is, then they seek a way to segregate and denegrate those they wish to portray as unequal in some way. Skill offends my sense of proportion I guess since skill is something earned, useful, and to be venerated, nothing in an mmorpg is all of that. I mouse turn and use keybinds myself, that doesn't make me better than someone who doesn't, really it makes me lazier.
I am old, and I might be grumpy, but I've always looked at the world this way so it isn't fair for me to use the age crutch.
No one man can determine what is important and non important to different people as everyone's interpretation of what is important to them greatly differs hence your logic is flawed old grumpy man.
The real world called and said don't put your mmorpg l33tness on your next resume, it won't end well.
Depending on the job, you could cite quick reaction times, situational awareness, the ability to judge and make decisions under fire, and a knack for statistical analysis. All of which could be considered skills a really top-end gamer might have. You just don't mention that you got them from Battlefield 3
isnt it kinda wrong to say playing a game only needs you to move a mouse and push some buttons ? there is a lot of stuff you have to do at the same time, with the right timing, while seeing whats going on on the screen. Sure its all just on the screen and doesnt need any physical excerise whatsoever, but if its so easy why isnt everyone good at it, like sitting on a couch. I think your problem is, that it doesnt have any real use and it can be done by fat kids (oh noes). But why do skills have to be useful ? Sport skills arent really useful either, yeah i know they need physical fitness. Don't take it the wrong way KingGator but you sound like some grumpy old man who cant accept/understand new things coming with the newer generations. Or maybe you are simply intolerant to everything nerd related
Nah, I am something of a nerd myself, but I hadn't realized the degrees possible until I started reading this forum. Physical skills have real world application. Someone who maintains their physical fitness can outrun you or outfight you, someone who uses key binds in an mmo can heal you while still managing to stuff cheetos in his gob at the same time. One example is more useful than the other. I think my real problem is the elitism. First, the elitist make the game out to be more important than it is, then they seek a way to segregate and denegrate those they wish to portray as unequal in some way. Skill offends my sense of proportion I guess since skill is something earned, useful, and to be venerated, nothing in an mmorpg is all of that. I mouse turn and use keybinds myself, that doesn't make me better than someone who doesn't, really it makes me lazier.
I am old, and I might be grumpy, but I've always looked at the world this way so it isn't fair for me to use the age crutch.
No one man can determine what is important and non important to different people as everyone's interpretation of what is important to them greatly differs hence your logic is flawed old grumpy man.
The real world called and said don't put your mmorpg l33tness on your next resume, it won't end well.
Depending on the job, you could cite quick reaction times, situational awareness, the ability to judge and make decisions under fire, and a knack for statistical analysis. All of which could be considered skills a really top-end gamer might have. You just don't mention that you got them from Battlefield 3
lol excellent!
Explain to me why flight simulators are used to train pilots in early stages if not to better tone the skills needed to fly an aircraft.
So are you ready to admit that gaming takes skill yet?
I think I bring up a legit point when I say that the military uses several programs that could be defined as videogames to hone the skills of the troops do i not?
Depending on the job, you could cite quick reaction times, situational awareness, the ability to judge and make decisions under fire, and a knack for statistical analysis. All of which could be considered skills a really top-end gamer might have. You just don't mention that you got them from Battlefield 3
Philosophy was never your best class was it.
Yes I got the sarcasm in your post, and no I was not entirely serious. But there are skiills that a truly good gamer develops that can have practical use in the outside world. Mostly, I was being a devil's advocate just to be difficult But I hate how there's a certain stigma that nothing good can come of playing video games, and the stereotype that all gamers are creepy obsessive fat kids with poor hygeine habits that live in their mother's basement and never get a date. I wouldn't say gaming contains a full set of marketable life skills either; but you can get something good out of it if you know how.
EDIT: reading some of your posts since then, I think we're actually on the same side of the discussion and I did not initially realize that.
Depending on the job, you could cite quick reaction times, situational awareness, the ability to judge and make decisions under fire, and a knack for statistical analysis. All of which could be considered skills a really top-end gamer might have. You just don't mention that you got them from Battlefield 3
Philosophy was never your best class was it.
Yes I got the sarcasm in your post, and no I was not entirely serious. But there are skiills that a truly good gamer develops that can have practical use in the outside world. Mostly, I was being a devil's advocate just to be difficult But I hate how there's a certain stigma that nothing good can come of playing video games, and the stereotype that all gamers are creepy obsessive fat kids with poor hygeine habits that live in their mother's basement and never get a date. I wouldn't say gaming contains a full set of marketable life skills either; but you can get something good out of it if you know how.
sorry, that statement was actually directed to the post you were replying too
Let me start off by saying im looking forward to a skill based game. No more hearing "you suck baddie, your geared out". But I was wondering how the unskilled population (probably 35%) would take the game.
Now everyone has been in a guild where you got a few unskilled players (downright horrible) in the guild at pvp. Of course you would never say that to them or hurt there feelings but you still think it. Well alot of them can still be commited to the game and work hard to get gear because they really want to be better but unfortunatly you can only learn so much "skill" the rest is pretty much flat out talent for games. I feel like it does hurt those players alot because they are kinda stuck in that no mans land. At least if they got gear they could become almost average and contribute to a team and feel like they arn't as bad as they are (kinda a false sense of acheivement) but its going to be hard for them if they have no way getting better.
Whats everyone's thoughts on this? Will it force the "unskilled" players out of the game?
Haha, wow...
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~
Whelp it looks like all those gear grinding elitist nobs finally have to learn, or not play. Either way sounds good to me
Originally posted by Arskaaa
"when players learned tacticks in dungeon/raids, its bread".
LOL Gamejoke TV
Please quote where I ever said that gaming was meaningful or important. Not one single person on this forum has agreed with you yet. And just because you say that theyre is skill and then an imaginary term known as SKILL that are both distinguishable from one another doesn't make it true. Yet again, refer to a dictionary. Try google. I'm sure that will help. Whats laughable is a grown man that can't admit when he is wrong.
No one man can determine what is important and non important to different people as everyone's interpretation of what is important to them greatly differs hence your logic is flawed old grumpy man.
Yeah this thread shouldn't exist we already have a similar one
And that vid is enough, although I don't agree with their concerns on the system, I find them invalid
Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums
No, what's laughable is what is obstensibly a grown man that is so emotional about this issue. According to your definition ANYTHING is a skill, and that's true I guess, but some skills matter and some don't, your l33tness in an mmorpg isn't one of those that matter. And I am not some sheep that needs acceptance from the herd, that is your M.O. judging by how many times you've brought that up.
The real world called and said don't put your mmorpg l33tness on your next resume, it won't end well.
Depending on the job, you could cite quick reaction times, situational awareness, the ability to judge and make decisions under fire, and a knack for statistical analysis. All of which could be considered skills a really top-end gamer might have. You just don't mention that you got them from Battlefield 3
Hey, absolutely useless things can be skills too.
Something doesn't have to be pertinent or useful in any other way to be a skill.
It's perfectly legitimate to say somebody has skill at something that is otherwise pretty useless. That doesn't mean the person has some sort of uber life skills, it just means that in this particular circumstance, they have skills appropriate to that occasion.
In this case, playing GW2 would be the skill, consisting of various video game skills like hand eye coordination, mouse control, ability to spot game tells, and so on.
It's like how you can have skill in rock paper scissors (Largely psychology) or thumb wrestling (Manual dexterity), but not skill in say... rolling dice (Random luck).
Being better in one thing doesn't make somebody a better person overall, but it CAN mean that in that particular circumstance, you are indeed, better. I would consider somebody who can beat me 100 out of 100 games straight in a fighting game to have superior skills at that game, though I don't have to think they're better in any other way. (Yes. I have gone through that specific circumstance. This is what happens when you play against a tournament level player who plays against people who are in thinks like Evolution, when you have the skills of a complete scrub and noob at that game)
Actually, go back and re read, quite a few people saw what I was getting at, don't blame me because my point was too nuanced for you to grasp.
I was thinking to myself at one point how great it would be to finally play with my GF. The level scaling in this game makes it that much more apealing. and she can play at her own pace. After 2 BWE, I realize she would die instantly, she is no gamer and she tries, but the game will just frustrate her to no end. I know she is just happy about playing her games on her itouch, I'm ok with that.
Fair enough
Skills mattering is an opinion. I would say it took alot of skill to seperate from the British and create America, a whole array of different people with different skills, but does that matter? It depends. Matter to what or whom? Define useful. able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways. Well then one has to go on to define practical doesn't he? Likely to succeed or be effective in real circumstances; feasible. Now you have to define the word REAL. Actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed. The internet actually exist. MMO's actually exist. They aren't pretend or make believe. Real information is being sent back and forth between a network. This whole thing means that your argument is still flawed as the very terms you are using to back your argument are out of context yet again as something that "matters" as you say is more grounded or based, if your prefer, in opinion and what someones interpretation of what matters to them personally happens to be.
lol excellent!
Philosophy was never your best class was it.
Explain to me why flight simulators are used to train pilots in early stages if not to better tone the skills needed to fly an aircraft.
How is that decided, exactly?
So are you ready to admit that gaming takes skill yet?
I think I bring up a legit point when I say that the military uses several programs that could be defined as videogames to hone the skills of the troops do i not?
In the same way that sitting on a couch takes skill, yes.
Yes I got the sarcasm in your post, and no I was not entirely serious. But there are skiills that a truly good gamer develops that can have practical use in the outside world. Mostly, I was being a devil's advocate just to be difficult But I hate how there's a certain stigma that nothing good can come of playing video games, and the stereotype that all gamers are creepy obsessive fat kids with poor hygeine habits that live in their mother's basement and never get a date. I wouldn't say gaming contains a full set of marketable life skills either; but you can get something good out of it if you know how.
EDIT: reading some of your posts since then, I think we're actually on the same side of the discussion and I did not initially realize that.
sorry, that statement was actually directed to the post you were replying too
Haha, wow...
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!