There is a reason they are doing the cash shop produces more money. Pay money or get out. It forces you to pay pretty much. Anyone who doesnt believe it is ignorant. You may not see it yet but in a few months you will.
[mod edit]
All games are doing this now, wether it be gold buying or actual in game items....and if you don't ever have to buy this stuff to compete and gain an advantage why would anyone ever buy it?
Making a negative comment doesn't get you shot down. Making a trollish comment gets you shot down.
Anyways, there is nothing in guild wars 2 cash shop that screams NEED, but there you might want and that is the whole purpose of a cash shop to have things that might make you want to spend money. Realistically, you either have a cash shop OR you have a sub fee, the third option is not invest the amount of money to make an MMO. I personally prefer a reasonable cash shop over a sub fee because I get to choose how I spend the money.
Back on topic, there is nothing in the cash shop that is REQUIRED to enjoy the game.
Assaulted with flawed logic....every person has the same requirements to enjoy the game? Okay...some people don't enjoy being rolled over by people that spent excess amounts of rl money to get an advantage on the pvp field. So that statment is again..."flawed logic".
Cash shops are the bane of mmo's. Anything that creates an uneven playing field is a bad idea and will be the demise of this game, along with it's clunky, uninspired gameplay.
It has nothing to do with the game itself. While it's not everything that I expected based on what the developers have talked about, it is certainly worth the box price.
however, i would be kinda bummed if i can only do transmutations by buying gems. do transmutations ever "drop" in the world?
My definition of PtW? I played Dungeon Runners for a little while, until it became apparent that you had to pay x$ just to open gates within the game to gain content, pay x$ to access drops that you had in your backpack, could buy armor/weapons/jewelry that was more powerful than anything you could get in game, etc. etc.
Aren't the mystic keys the same thing?
Mystic keys drop in game. The drop rate is the same rate as Mystic chests from what I've seen. I'm sure youll find more Mystic keys to buy on AH too once the game comes out and there starts to be an abundance of sellers.
Yes but if they are selling them in the store then they are rare enough to be worth buying yes? The prices of the keys will have a high price due to the inherent rarity and people will have loot they can't open due to not having the mystic keys. You also need to remember most likely as with most betas drop rates and xp gain is increased to be decreased on release.
Making a negative comment doesn't get you shot down. Making a trollish comment gets you shot down.
Anyways, there is nothing in guild wars 2 cash shop that screams NEED, but there you might want and that is the whole purpose of a cash shop to have things that might make you want to spend money. Realistically, you either have a cash shop OR you have a sub fee, the third option is not invest the amount of money to make an MMO. I personally prefer a reasonable cash shop over a sub fee because I get to choose how I spend the money.
Back on topic, there is nothing in the cash shop that is REQUIRED to enjoy the game.
If you enjoy getting stomped you arent required to pay anything! Look at it like this..
Fastward 1 year. Lets say the game isnt doing too well..You paid your 60 bucks for the game in august the year before.. since then you havnt paid a dime. Anet is going to say..well we need some money..and the cash shop isnt doing so hot..lets add a +5 rifle gem for 5 bucks to help right the ship. You dont see this happening?
You havnt given them a dime. Why do they even care if you stay playing the game?
It has nothing to do with the game itself. While it's not everything that I expected based on what the developers have talked about, it is certainly worth the box price.
however, i would be kinda bummed if i can only do transmutations by buying gems. do transmutations ever "drop" in the world?
My definition of PtW? I played Dungeon Runners for a little while, until it became apparent that you had to pay x$ just to open gates within the game to gain content, pay x$ to access drops that you had in your backpack, could buy armor/weapons/jewelry that was more powerful than anything you could get in game, etc. etc.
Aren't the mystic keys the same thing?
Mystic keys drop in game. The drop rate is the same rate as Mystic chests from what I've seen. I'm sure youll find more Mystic keys to buy on AH too once the game comes out and there starts to be an abundance of sellers.
Yes but if they are selling them in the store then they are rare enough to be worth buying yes? The prices of the keys will have a high price due to the inherent rarity and people will have loot they can't open due to not having the mystic keys. You also need to remember most likely as with most betas drop rates and xp gain is increased to be decreased on release.
A good point, if don't think that after the game is launched they won't raise the prices and add new items that are seriously game changing you are not paying attention.
So, your post is basically about how surprised you are that people are buying gems already? And that ArenaNet is greedy for doing it?
It has more to do with the fact that GW2 has been praised up and down for being a triple A MMORPG without a subscription fee. Other games with subscriptions have been called greedy and put down for having subscriptions. However, GW2's cash shop will draw more money out of people in a shorter time frame than a subscription game could ever do. It's like $25 sparkle pony all jumped up on meth.
I do acknowledge that it is extremely cleverly implemented and that it blurs the line between cash transactions so well that a large percentage of people will never fully understand how it works. I'm pretty sure that's by design and while slightly slimey, the people that can't be arsed to figure it out probably do deserve to have their money sucked out of them. There will be a ton of people paying way more than a sub fee for a game that is "free after you buy the box".
I can afford both subscribtions and cash shops. The only reason I won't be using the GW2 cash shop is because I don't agree with them touting themselves as being this amazing entrance fee only game and completely on the players side, while every other sub game out there is greedy. Players gave ArenaNet TONS of goodwill over this and it's now being abused in an insidiously (and extremely cleverly) implemented cash shop. If they stuck to supplemental income in the cash shop, being only cosmetic and prices that aren't absurd ($9 for a costume that can be infinitely duplicated, ie. unlimited supply). That's got $25 sparkle pony written all over it in my book.
So, I guess my post is really just pointing out that ArenaNet is NOT the golden child everyone makes them out to be. It may be the unpopular opinion, but I am just point out that they are just as much "in it for the money" as Blizzard or Nexon. That being said, I still am excited for the release of GW2 and will definitely be playing it. I am not bashing the game itself here.
The game is good, better than most of the crap that's been released lately.
But i was mad, very mad, and i still am, about the "8 classes - 5 character slots".
Not for the fact per se, they have the right to give their product the charasteristics they want. Freedom and all that...
I'm mad about the same shit as ever: they lie to us.
Not telling everything IS lying. I woulnd't have bothered with this game if i knew that detail from the beggining. But they wouldn't tell us about that, of course.
Fucking money hungry whores. I hope they step barefoot on a Lego.
To those that have seen the studies, GS from what I have read produce more then 15$ a month and several reports I have read that it is 44$ per person a month. I do not personally dislike a GS except when there are unlockable chests, expanded inventory options that I view as too much stick to drive people to the GS carrot.
So, your post is basically about how surprised you are that people are buying gems already? And that ArenaNet is greedy for doing it?
It has more to do with the fact that GW2 has been praised up and down for being a triple A MMORPG without a subscription fee. Other games with subscriptions have been called greedy and put down for having subscriptions. However, GW2's cash shop will draw more money out of people in a shorter time frame than a subscription game could ever do. It's like $25 sparkle pony all jumped up on meth.
I do acknowledge that it is extremely cleverly implemented and that it blurs the line between cash transactions so well that a large percentage of people will never fully understand how it works. I'm pretty sure that's by design and while slightly slimey, the people that can't be arsed to figure it out probably do deserve to have their money sucked out of them. There will be a ton of people paying way more than a sub fee for a game that is "free after you buy the box".
I can afford both subscribtions and cash shops. The only reason I won't be using the GW2 cash shop is because I don't agree with them touting themselves as being this amazing entrance fee only game and completely on the players side, while every other sub game out there is greedy. Players gave ArenaNet TONS of goodwill over this and it's now being abused in an insidiously (and extremely cleverly) implemented cash shop. If they stuck to supplemental income in the cash shop, being only cosmetic and prices that aren't absurd ($9 for a costume that can be infinitely duplicated, ie. unlimited supply). That's got $25 sparkle pony written all over it in my book.
So, I guess my post is really just pointing out that ArenaNet is NOT the golden child everyone makes them out to be. It may be the unpopular opinion, but I am just point out that they are just as much "in it for the money" as Blizzard or Nexon. That being said, I still am excited for the release of GW2 and will definitely be playing it. I am not bashing the game itself here.
You said it yourself, some will be paying way more than a sub fee. Its in the players hand how much. Its the same debate as guns, its not the guns that kill but the people who use them.
They have used this model since the beggining(GW1), its part of the company philosophy. Even before f2p was super famous they were doing this, not because they are "greedy" but because its another business model were the people who can pay more have the ability to do so and those who can't can just play the game for the entrance fee that we are used to since the beggining of gaming.
TBH sub games are in a horrible spot because they are charging above the market price for games currently. When there are so many f2p games out there asking for a sub has to be an expectional case and VERY few sub games are the expection.
Now I have nothing against people being compensated for thier work. The developers should definitely be rewarded for creating a game that's definitely cooler than most that have come out in years. However, here's the real kicker. ArenaNet is owned by NCSoft. NCSoft is a publicly traded company. This means that people that are getting compensated for the developers work are the shareholders, not the developers. People that contributed nothing to the creative development of the game are the ones that are collecting the money you spend in the Gem Store. Buying gems does not support ArenaNet directly, it lines the pockets of investors. In that aspect, ArenaNet is no less greedy than Blizzard or Nexon. That last sentence does make me a bit sad, as I had really hoped for better from ArenaNet. All of the developer videos and comments over the years seemed to paint a different picture.
This part cracks me up. It's hilarious that people seem so appalled that companies are in business to make money. Like it's so evil. What are you hoping for, the company that says "i want to make the best game ever and also just break even." I'm sorry your image of ArenaNet is tarnished.
It has nothing to do with the game itself. While it's not everything that I expected based on what the developers have talked about, it is certainly worth the box price.
however, i would be kinda bummed if i can only do transmutations by buying gems. do transmutations ever "drop" in the world?
My definition of PtW? I played Dungeon Runners for a little while, until it became apparent that you had to pay x$ just to open gates within the game to gain content, pay x$ to access drops that you had in your backpack, could buy armor/weapons/jewelry that was more powerful than anything you could get in game, etc. etc.
Aren't the mystic keys the same thing?
Mystic keys drop in game. The drop rate is the same rate as Mystic chests from what I've seen. I'm sure youll find more Mystic keys to buy on AH too once the game comes out and there starts to be an abundance of sellers.
Yes but if they are selling them in the store then they are rare enough to be worth buying yes? The prices of the keys will have a high price due to the inherent rarity and people will have loot they can't open due to not having the mystic keys. You also need to remember most likely as with most betas drop rates and xp gain is increased to be decreased on release.
Just because they are being sold on cash shop doesn't mean they are worth more. It means that Anet sees potential for making a little more money buy selling them on cash shop, too. This isn't going to be like TF2 where keys drop once every 10 or so hours of gameplay or less :P And yes, they might drop the drop rates of the keys...but I doubt they will drop it much, and even 2 chests: 1 key drop is more than fair. (I personally found 14 chests and 14 keys in this past BWE, some others have said it seems to be more like 4:3 or 2:1) And as others have said, nothing in the chest really helps you all that much (xp boosts PVE enemy kills), they are basically cosmetic items and little extras.
The game is good, better than most of the crap that's been released lately.
But i was mad, very mad, and i still am, about the "8 classes - 5 character slots".
Not for the fact per se, they have the right to give their product the charasteristics they want. Freedom and all that...
I'm mad about the same shit as ever: they lie to us.
Not telling everything IS lying. I woulnd't have bothered with this game if i knew that detail from the beggining. But they wouldn't tell us about that, of course.
Fucking money hungry whores. I hope they step barefoot on a Lego.
when did they lie to us it has been know for a long time there was only 5 char slots.
alos lets go back a few years to GW1 6 profession and only 4 slots and each additional campaign added 2 more slots and 2 more profession for a toal of 8 slots and 10 profession.
Now I have nothing against people being compensated for thier work. The developers should definitely be rewarded for creating a game that's definitely cooler than most that have come out in years. However, here's the real kicker. ArenaNet is owned by NCSoft. NCSoft is a publicly traded company. This means that people that are getting compensated for the developers work are the shareholders, not the developers. People that contributed nothing to the creative development of the game are the ones that are collecting the money you spend in the Gem Store. Buying gems does not support ArenaNet directly, it lines the pockets of investors. In that aspect, ArenaNet is no less greedy than Blizzard or Nexon. That last sentence does make me a bit sad, as I had really hoped for better from ArenaNet. All of the developer videos and comments over the years seemed to paint a different picture.
This part cracks me up. It's hilarious that people seem so appalled that companies are in business to make money. Like it's so evil. What are you hoping for, the company that says "i want to make the best game ever and also just break even." I'm sorry your image of ArenaNet is tarnished.
Don't so much care that they are in it for money. What I care about is the fact that they have indirectly called games with subscriptions greedy while implementing a cash shop in such a way that it will generate far more revenue than a subscription model ever could. They are playing off the good will people gave them for "breaking away from the subscription model", but ended up using a more aggressive cash shop than F2P games on top of a box cost. From a profit perspective, it's brilliant. I acknowledge that and have to respect the cleverness that went into designing such a system. The gem system is so well blended into the game that anyone playing the game is feeding it. Just selling rare items found in game on the AH is driving the demand for gold, which drives the demand for gems to easily obtain gold.
I don't like that they misrepresented what they were doing from the start. Stating that games don't need subscriptions at all, then later saying a bit of supplemental income from a cosmetic only cash shop would be necessary, then actually seeing that the entire game is designed around driving demand for gems. If you don't see it yet, you may never. As I previously mentioned, it is very well integrated into the game. Also, all decisions surrounding the cash shop have not been in the best interest of the player, which goes against ArenaNet's manifesto of being the "champion of the players". Anyways, it's not that big a deal to me, just something that was bothering me a little about the whole system. I'm pleased that you were able to glean some entertainment from it. Hopefully my OP made your life just a little bit better.
It has nothing to do with the game itself. While it's not everything that I expected based on what the developers have talked about, it is certainly worth the box price.
however, i would be kinda bummed if i can only do transmutations by buying gems. do transmutations ever "drop" in the world?
My definition of PtW? I played Dungeon Runners for a little while, until it became apparent that you had to pay x$ just to open gates within the game to gain content, pay x$ to access drops that you had in your backpack, could buy armor/weapons/jewelry that was more powerful than anything you could get in game, etc. etc.
Aren't the mystic keys the same thing?
Mystic keys drop in game. The drop rate is the same rate as Mystic chests from what I've seen. I'm sure youll find more Mystic keys to buy on AH too once the game comes out and there starts to be an abundance of sellers.
Yes but if they are selling them in the store then they are rare enough to be worth buying yes? The prices of the keys will have a high price due to the inherent rarity and people will have loot they can't open due to not having the mystic keys. You also need to remember most likely as with most betas drop rates and xp gain is increased to be decreased on release.
Just because they are being sold on cash shop doesn't mean they are worth more. It means that Anet sees potential for making a little more money buy selling them on cash shop, too. This isn't going to be like TF2 where keys drop once every 10 or so hours of gameplay or less :P And yes, they might drop the drop rates of the keys...but I doubt they will drop it much, and even 2 chests: 1 key drop is more than fair. (I personally found 14 chests and 14 keys in this past BWE, some others have said it seems to be more like 4:3 or 2:1) And as others have said, nothing in the chest really helps you all that much (xp boosts PVE enemy kills), they are basically cosmetic items and little extras.
If you ignore logic then I guess sure but in the end say we have a +3 sword that you get from normal questing. Would you A) buy it or wait to finish the quest? Mystic keys are an issue due to the fact that whats inside the chests can change and they give stat boosts. Again noone is going to try to sell a useless item as there will be no demand. Now I wouldn't care but GW 2 has taken the position of saying other companies are greedy for charging subs. They are just banking on people overindulging since there is no sub. Look at how much people pay for LoL and that is more forgiving system then GW2 will turn out to be.
Also for the guy saying 15 is too much ... sever technology costs money and includes monthly maintenance as well as techs to keep it running efficently. In acutality 15 is not really that much to recoup those costs.
If you ignore logic then I guess sure but in the end say we have a +3 sword that you get from normal questing. Would you A) buy it or wait to finish the quest? Mystic keys are an issue due to the fact that whats inside the chests can change and they give stat boosts. Again noone is going to try to sell a useless item as there will be no demand. Now I wouldn't care but GW 2 has taken the position of saying other companies are greedy for charging subs. They are just banking on people overindulging since there is no sub. Look at how much people pay for LoL and that is more forgiving system then GW2 will turn out to be.
Mystic boxes never contain anything with a stat boost. So your facts aren't straight.
If you ignore logic then I guess sure but in the end say we have a +3 sword that you get from normal questing. Would you A) buy it or wait to finish the quest? Mystic keys are an issue due to the fact that whats inside the chests can change and they give stat boosts. Again noone is going to try to sell a useless item as there will be no demand. Now I wouldn't care but GW 2 has taken the position of saying other companies are greedy for charging subs. They are just banking on people overindulging since there is no sub. Look at how much people pay for LoL and that is more forgiving system then GW2 will turn out to be.
Mystic boxes never contain anything with a stat boost. So your facts aren't straight.
there is a stat booss for rejuvenation, and 3 other main stats they last for an hour.
Nice read OP. I agree that AN needs to shut their mouths about other companies charging a sub fee. However, I really couldn't care less what they sell in the cash shop as I will be spending nothing in it.
This game is already about uber casuals who feel they got burnt by other MMO's(financially or sad because they were left out of a raid)...and they supposedly don't care about character building or really anything other than fairness. If I were AN I wouldn't count on these people to spend a lot of money on anything.
I love how some call this Pay to Win. Win what? They've marketed this game as fair and cheap.
Don't need anything from the cash shop, people can claim it gives some magical advantage but in the end it really doesn't.
If people paying for some cosmetic stuff, boosters, etc that most can be aquired by just playing the game then fine by me. Money goes to ArenaNet so they can make more content, add more features, and overall improve the game then fine by me.
If you ignore logic then I guess sure but in the end say we have a +3 sword that you get from normal questing. Would you A) buy it or wait to finish the quest? Mystic keys are an issue due to the fact that whats inside the chests can change and they give stat boosts. Again noone is going to try to sell a useless item as there will be no demand. Now I wouldn't care but GW 2 has taken the position of saying other companies are greedy for charging subs. They are just banking on people overindulging since there is no sub. Look at how much people pay for LoL and that is more forgiving system then GW2 will turn out to be.
Mystic boxes never contain anything with a stat boost. So your facts aren't straight.
there is a stat booss for rejuvenation, and 3 other main stats they last for an hour.
Sorry, you are mistaken. Here is a link to what they have so far:
Don't need anything from the cash shop, people can claim it gives some magical advantage but in the end it really doesn't.
If people paying for some cosmetic stuff, boosters, etc that most can be aquired by just playing the game then fine by me. Money goes to ArenaNet so they can make more content, add more features, and overall improve the game then fine by me.
It goes to NCsoft and some trickles down to AN but only a certain percentage.
Don't need anything from the cash shop, people can claim it gives some magical advantage but in the end it really doesn't.
If people paying for some cosmetic stuff, boosters, etc that most can be aquired by just playing the game then fine by me. Money goes to ArenaNet so they can make more content, add more features, and overall improve the game then fine by me.
It goes to NCsoft and some trickles down to AN but only a certain percentage.
Are you pretending to know the ratio of income distribution to help support your argument or do you actually know how much ArenaNet will get?
Don't need anything from the cash shop, people can claim it gives some magical advantage but in the end it really doesn't.
If people paying for some cosmetic stuff, boosters, etc that most can be aquired by just playing the game then fine by me. Money goes to ArenaNet so they can make more content, add more features, and overall improve the game then fine by me.
It goes to NCsoft and some trickles down to AN but only a certain percentage.
Are you pretending to know the ratio of income distribution to help support your argument or do you actually know how much ArenaNet will get?
no I just know how it works. The publishers take a large percentage out for supporting their game. I don't need a link take a few business classes and learn how publishing works.
Don't need anything from the cash shop, people can claim it gives some magical advantage but in the end it really doesn't.
If people paying for some cosmetic stuff, boosters, etc that most can be aquired by just playing the game then fine by me. Money goes to ArenaNet so they can make more content, add more features, and overall improve the game then fine by me.
It goes to NCsoft and some trickles down to AN but only a certain percentage.
Are you pretending to know the ratio of income distribution to help support your argument or do you actually know how much ArenaNet will get?
i do not know about the gem shop but there was a post here about how $44.00 of the $60 cost of the game goes to NCsoft
Assaulted with flawed logic....every person has the same requirements to enjoy the game? Okay...some people don't enjoy being rolled over by people that spent excess amounts of rl money to get an advantage on the pvp field. So that statment is again..."flawed logic".
Cash shops are the bane of mmo's. Anything that creates an uneven playing field is a bad idea and will be the demise of this game, along with it's clunky, uninspired gameplay.
Yes but if they are selling them in the store then they are rare enough to be worth buying yes? The prices of the keys will have a high price due to the inherent rarity and people will have loot they can't open due to not having the mystic keys. You also need to remember most likely as with most betas drop rates and xp gain is increased to be decreased on release.
this one is easy all i have to say in GW1
A good point, if don't think that after the game is launched they won't raise the prices and add new items that are seriously game changing you are not paying attention.
It has more to do with the fact that GW2 has been praised up and down for being a triple A MMORPG without a subscription fee. Other games with subscriptions have been called greedy and put down for having subscriptions. However, GW2's cash shop will draw more money out of people in a shorter time frame than a subscription game could ever do. It's like $25 sparkle pony all jumped up on meth.
I do acknowledge that it is extremely cleverly implemented and that it blurs the line between cash transactions so well that a large percentage of people will never fully understand how it works. I'm pretty sure that's by design and while slightly slimey, the people that can't be arsed to figure it out probably do deserve to have their money sucked out of them. There will be a ton of people paying way more than a sub fee for a game that is "free after you buy the box".
I can afford both subscribtions and cash shops. The only reason I won't be using the GW2 cash shop is because I don't agree with them touting themselves as being this amazing entrance fee only game and completely on the players side, while every other sub game out there is greedy. Players gave ArenaNet TONS of goodwill over this and it's now being abused in an insidiously (and extremely cleverly) implemented cash shop. If they stuck to supplemental income in the cash shop, being only cosmetic and prices that aren't absurd ($9 for a costume that can be infinitely duplicated, ie. unlimited supply). That's got $25 sparkle pony written all over it in my book.
So, I guess my post is really just pointing out that ArenaNet is NOT the golden child everyone makes them out to be. It may be the unpopular opinion, but I am just point out that they are just as much "in it for the money" as Blizzard or Nexon. That being said, I still am excited for the release of GW2 and will definitely be playing it. I am not bashing the game itself here.
The game is good, better than most of the crap that's been released lately.
But i was mad, very mad, and i still am, about the "8 classes - 5 character slots".
Not for the fact per se, they have the right to give their product the charasteristics they want. Freedom and all that...
I'm mad about the same shit as ever: they lie to us.
Not telling everything IS lying. I woulnd't have bothered with this game if i knew that detail from the beggining. But they wouldn't tell us about that, of course.
Fucking money hungry whores. I hope they step barefoot on a Lego.
Good post op.
To those that have seen the studies, GS from what I have read produce more then 15$ a month and several reports I have read that it is 44$ per person a month. I do not personally dislike a GS except when there are unlockable chests, expanded inventory options that I view as too much stick to drive people to the GS carrot.
Whoa slow down, we dont want anyone to get hurt.....................
The truth about Guild Wars 2
You said it yourself, some will be paying way more than a sub fee. Its in the players hand how much. Its the same debate as guns, its not the guns that kill but the people who use them.
They have used this model since the beggining(GW1), its part of the company philosophy. Even before f2p was super famous they were doing this, not because they are "greedy" but because its another business model were the people who can pay more have the ability to do so and those who can't can just play the game for the entrance fee that we are used to since the beggining of gaming.
TBH sub games are in a horrible spot because they are charging above the market price for games currently. When there are so many f2p games out there asking for a sub has to be an expectional case and VERY few sub games are the expection.
This part cracks me up. It's hilarious that people seem so appalled that companies are in business to make money. Like it's so evil. What are you hoping for, the company that says "i want to make the best game ever and also just break even." I'm sorry your image of ArenaNet is tarnished.
Just because they are being sold on cash shop doesn't mean they are worth more. It means that Anet sees potential for making a little more money buy selling them on cash shop, too. This isn't going to be like TF2 where keys drop once every 10 or so hours of gameplay or less :P And yes, they might drop the drop rates of the keys...but I doubt they will drop it much, and even 2 chests: 1 key drop is more than fair. (I personally found 14 chests and 14 keys in this past BWE, some others have said it seems to be more like 4:3 or 2:1) And as others have said, nothing in the chest really helps you all that much (xp boosts PVE enemy kills), they are basically cosmetic items and little extras.
when did they lie to us it has been know for a long time there was only 5 char slots.
alos lets go back a few years to GW1 6 profession and only 4 slots and each additional campaign added 2 more slots and 2 more profession for a toal of 8 slots and 10 profession.
Don't so much care that they are in it for money. What I care about is the fact that they have indirectly called games with subscriptions greedy while implementing a cash shop in such a way that it will generate far more revenue than a subscription model ever could. They are playing off the good will people gave them for "breaking away from the subscription model", but ended up using a more aggressive cash shop than F2P games on top of a box cost. From a profit perspective, it's brilliant. I acknowledge that and have to respect the cleverness that went into designing such a system. The gem system is so well blended into the game that anyone playing the game is feeding it. Just selling rare items found in game on the AH is driving the demand for gold, which drives the demand for gems to easily obtain gold.
I don't like that they misrepresented what they were doing from the start. Stating that games don't need subscriptions at all, then later saying a bit of supplemental income from a cosmetic only cash shop would be necessary, then actually seeing that the entire game is designed around driving demand for gems. If you don't see it yet, you may never. As I previously mentioned, it is very well integrated into the game. Also, all decisions surrounding the cash shop have not been in the best interest of the player, which goes against ArenaNet's manifesto of being the "champion of the players". Anyways, it's not that big a deal to me, just something that was bothering me a little about the whole system. I'm pleased that you were able to glean some entertainment from it. Hopefully my OP made your life just a little bit better.
If you ignore logic then I guess sure but in the end say we have a +3 sword that you get from normal questing. Would you A) buy it or wait to finish the quest? Mystic keys are an issue due to the fact that whats inside the chests can change and they give stat boosts. Again noone is going to try to sell a useless item as there will be no demand. Now I wouldn't care but GW 2 has taken the position of saying other companies are greedy for charging subs. They are just banking on people overindulging since there is no sub. Look at how much people pay for LoL and that is more forgiving system then GW2 will turn out to be.
Also for the guy saying 15 is too much ... sever technology costs money and includes monthly maintenance as well as techs to keep it running efficently. In acutality 15 is not really that much to recoup those costs.
Mystic boxes never contain anything with a stat boost. So your facts aren't straight.
there is a stat booss for rejuvenation, and 3 other main stats they last for an hour.
Nice read OP. I agree that AN needs to shut their mouths about other companies charging a sub fee. However, I really couldn't care less what they sell in the cash shop as I will be spending nothing in it.
This game is already about uber casuals who feel they got burnt by other MMO's(financially or sad because they were left out of a raid)...and they supposedly don't care about character building or really anything other than fairness. If I were AN I wouldn't count on these people to spend a lot of money on anything.
I love how some call this Pay to Win. Win what? They've marketed this game as fair and cheap.
Don't need anything from the cash shop, people can claim it gives some magical advantage but in the end it really doesn't.
If people paying for some cosmetic stuff, boosters, etc that most can be aquired by just playing the game then fine by me. Money goes to ArenaNet so they can make more content, add more features, and overall improve the game then fine by me.
Sorry, you are mistaken. Here is a link to what they have so far:
So your premise is a bit wonky at best.
It goes to NCsoft and some trickles down to AN but only a certain percentage.
Are you pretending to know the ratio of income distribution to help support your argument or do you actually know how much ArenaNet will get?
link to the right article... are you really that dense? It says one boost under boost theres 4 boosts:
those are included in mystic chests. Your answer was right infront of your face... next time do your own homework.
no I just know how it works. The publishers take a large percentage out for supporting their game. I don't need a link take a few business classes and learn how publishing works.
i do not know about the gem shop but there was a post here about how $44.00 of the $60 cost of the game goes to NCsoft