Originally posted by Vampyr ok whoever made that map had their head so far up their ass that they cant even remember daylight. NEW MEXICO doesnt have a drug problem it certainly would not have escaped my notice, i ahve lived in every area in my state and most major cities, and their is no drug use. our border is the hardest US/mexico border to get drugs across. and our state has the least grown marajuana amoung any of the souther states. we have the best drug police of any state, and we stopped it years ago. This is how we squashed our gangs and they all pretty much disbanded.
Wow. I'm sure the person who made that map was just smoking pot and playing with crayons. There was probably no scientific data gathered whatsoever.
Whereas you, of course, have polled every single person in New Mexico, and know about their personal habits on an intimate level.
By the way, what kind of jerkface doesn't bother to include Alaska and Hawaii?
----------------------------- Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
Originally posted by 9216544 Well it is definately true for where we live at. I dont think any of the borders are doing that great of a job. Still ALOT of illigal immigrants get past every single day, its horrible in Arizona that even some of the citizens that live around there are trying to stop it.
Yea, Ive been watching the "minutemen" or whatever in Arizona lately. They are really doing a great job, I wish CA had something like that.
I don't know if that map is right or not because yeah they did leave out Hawaii and Alaska. But I could see that It could be right. Im not sure if im looking at it right cuz my monitor is missing the color red but I see there is less use in Utah and the surrounding states, Please correct me if im wrong. But I could see why there is less usage in those states bucase the Mormans are the people that pushed for Marijuana being Illegal in the first place.
And I dont konw about Arizona people but I do know that alot of pot is grown there my friends mon used to bring home trash bags full of the stuff she got from her sister that grew it in Arizona. It was some good stuff to. lol.. And about the remark this cant be right the was just probobly high and decided to make stuff up. Thats just stupid. Just because your against it dosn't meen you have to assume it was made by someone high and that they dont know what there talking about.
How do you it was A Pro Marijuana map it could be an Anti-Marijuana map. I got this off of Say No To Drugs.org. and it says Q.How many people regularly smoke pot in America? A. At least 5 MILLION Americans.
That is quite a bit of regular smokers. im not sure what they call a regularly smoker I guess every day perhaps.But then you got people that smoke 2 a week then 1 times a week then, once every 2 weeks then once a month. and so on and that probobly has milliions more to add to that 5 Million. So once again I can see the Validification of the map.Let me make up a work right quick if thats not a real word, Hey If the presidnet can than so can I lol. You should go to the site www.saynotodrugs.org Its not a anti Marijuana site its a Pro Marijuana site.
And those of those who dont go there Ill post a few so you can actually see what im talking about.
ANNUAL AMERICAN DEATHS CAUSED BY DRUGS: TOBACCO ............................. 400,000 ALCOHOL ............................ 100,000 ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS ......... 15,000 CAFFEINE ................................ 2,000 ASPIRIN ..................................... 500 MARIJUANA .................................. 0 Source: United States government... National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Mortality Statistics
Crime - Prison Sentence in months Murder 296 months Kidnapping 180 months Marijuana (10 year min)* 120 months Sexual abuse 67 months Marijuana (5 year min)** 60 months avg: marijuana sentence 42 months Assault 34 months Manslaughter 27 months Fraud 13 months Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1996, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office (1997), p. 476, Table 5.58.
Do you think possession of drugs (besides Tobacco, Liquor and Pharmaceuticals) is a serious crime? More serious than ASSAULTING YOU, RAPING YOU or SLAUGHTERING YOU?
If there are zero deaths caused by marijuana then why do they even bother to have it included? I'm not saying there are; I'm just saying it's sort of wierd.
PS. meh. That statement of mine could be nearsighted, but just something to think about.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
but your telling him he would be more laid back without drugs ?
Absolutely not. This is what I said:
Personally I think that if you can become a better person and a more laid back person without a drug then you genuinely are a better person and your character will show through in tough times.
I admit my last post was a bit messed, but I think you're misunderstanding this one. I'm just saying that if he can become a better person (more at ease) without a drug then obviously that's best and that's what he should aim for, but it's his life of course and he has the God-given right of free will.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
Someone posted as hemp being a good fuel source, i will have to completely agree! it is technicaly a good fuel soure, as long as you have no issues with turning ALL OF AFRICA in to a farm, (It is also one of the few items that actully doesn't cost more energy to make it then it produces.)
Originally posted by cukimunga And those of those who dont go there Ill post a few so you can actually see what im talking about. HOW HARMFUL IS MARIJUANA? ANNUAL AMERICAN DEATHS CAUSED BY DRUGS: TOBACCO ............................. 400,000 ALCOHOL ............................ 100,000 ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS ......... 15,000 CAFFEINE ................................ 2,000 ASPIRIN ..................................... 500 MARIJUANA .................................. 0 Source: United States government... National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Mortality Statistics Crime - Prison Sentence in months Murder 296 months Kidnapping 180 months Marijuana (10 year min)* 120 months Sexual abuse 67 months Marijuana (5 year min)** 60 months avg: marijuana sentence 42 months Assault 34 months Manslaughter 27 months Fraud 13 months Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1996, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office (1997), p. 476, Table 5.58. Do you think possession of drugs (besides Tobacco, Liquor and Pharmaceuticals) is a serious crime? More serious than ASSAULTING YOU, RAPING YOU or SLAUGHTERING YOU?
can we say total and complete bullshit. if your telling me 5milloin people at least smoke weed regularly. then at least 1/100, do something stupid and hurt themselves, at leat 1/4 of those people will kill them selves.
now for those who arent up to date on the laws of probabilty, 1/4 of 1/100. is one out of every 400 pot smokers will kill themselves.
maybe thye wotn die directly to to the drug, but what they do on the drugs.
whoever made that least is probably making propaganda.
at least the propaganda you hear in middle school has research behind it.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
My views on Marijuana is ... Make the damn thing ligeal, I dont do it but a lot of kids in my school do it... I know a lot of them just dont care about school beacuse they want to smoke m.j well if you make it leagle you can tax it and put up an age restriction on it like cigarettes. If things are illeagle kids will want to do it just because they are breaking the law by doing something illeagle.
Edit: If the thing is ligeal you can get it safer for a store and wont worry about someone doing something to your weed to make you sick or die. Also there wont have to be any police deaths for people having there own growth operation, Last month 2 or 4 police officers were killed while rading in on a operation growth.
So your saing that some pot smoker just decided to make all this up? Maybe he did or maybe he didnt. Althogh it does say Source: United States government... National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Mortality Statistics at the bottom of it. So it could be actual Fact and have reseach behind it.
How do you know that the propoganda from middle school is just made up by a whole bunch of pple that never smoked in there life and are making stuff up becuase they are against it. I was never actually given a official government document that was signed by scientist or what not to say that what they were telling me was Fact.
There are alot of people that smoke weed that you wouldnt even think of. You walk into a bank someone that does morages. Do you think they smoke weed?, Most people would say no. But your wrong Just because they dont look like a typical smoker dont mean they dont. Ive met alot of people that have great Jobs and Good lives that smoke pot. So im sure there are 5billion daily smokers
Yes there are going to be people that get high and kill them selfs, and do stupid stuff. But I say if there that dumb let them do it. Whos to say they might have killed them selves anyways sober. But it wasnt the Marijuana that killed them, they killed them self.
Originally posted by cukimunga Yes there are going to be people that get high and kill them selfs, and do stupid stuff. But I say if there that dumb let them do it. Whos to say they might have killed them selves anyways sober. But it wasnt the Marijuana that killed them, they killed them self.
ok im have to say this that has to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard. The drug alters state of mind taking away control of action to varying degrees in each person. some people this is a little bit some its they lose total control. if the drug alters there state of mind in a way that increased the cahnce they are going to do an activity that hurts themselves or others. BOTH THEY AND THE DRUG ARE AT FAULT. this is the long standing DWI rule, and anyone who says the drug is not to blame is merely trying to justify legalizing their addiction.
and besides dumb people can be educated and turned into positive improving members of society that are helpful and responsible. but if they die because of drugs this potential is forever lost.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
OK I see where your comming from but I have never lost control on weed. I still cant see a drug making you do something but it can Influence you do do it. We all have free will we have a choice to do something or not do something. Saying something made you do it means to me that you had no choice.
Alcohol has influence me to do a bunch of stupid things that I would never done sober. Thats why I choose not do drink. Ive always been against drinking and driving and once I got really drunk and drove and from then on out I havent drank since. I could have killed someone or killed my self. So I used my good Jugment the next day, stoned out of my gord might I add. I decided im not responsible when I drink and quit.
You can still do drugs and be in control. If you let the drug control you it only leads to bad things. Thats why I only do Drugs I can actually make the right decicion while im on them.
Originally posted by dekron I think what he meant by marijuana not killing anyone is the actual drug itself, not the effects of the drug.
i know for a fact that the alcholol number had to include DWI's, because only about 200,000 people die from that a year. at least in the US, i cant see the number from liver failure, and acute alcholo poisoning equaling 400,000. so i think it was a carefully edited survery or very falsified. and normal surveys or maps have the name of the company that did them in the corner. this one didnt.
i dont think it is based in fact, and was made to mislead people for some political or social reason.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Originally posted by dekron I think what he meant by marijuana not killing anyone is the actual drug itself, not the effects of the drug.
i know for a fact that the alcholol number had to include DWI's, because only about 200,000 people die from that a year. at least in the US, i cant see the number from liver failure, and acute alcholo poisoning equaling 400,000. so i think it was a carefully edited survery or very falsified. and normal surveys or maps have the name of the company that did them in the corner. this one didnt.
i dont think it is based in fact, and was made to mislead people for some political or social reason.
I am not saying I agreed with it, just pointing out what he was trying to say. Whether you smoke cigarettes or marijuana, you are still inhaling carcinogens, so there must have at least been people who have died from lung cancer.
whoever made that least is probably making propaganda.
Source: United States government...
What I findinteresting is that there is a government office of propoganda (or so I've been told).
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
Originally posted by Adreal whoever made that least is probably making propaganda. Source: United States government... What I findinteresting is that there is a government office of propoganda (or so I've been told).
There is. I forget the exact name of it, but it was created by Roosevelt to sell WWII and create a negative image of germans.
Yeah this forum is getting way off the subject of what it was originaly posted. But about the disscusing of Illegal activites why not. Kiamade if you have ~Currently "45.4" gigs of music taken away from corporate America!~ isnt that Illegal.lol Not saying im against it but it is illegal.
You are pretty slow on my position. I have legal Napster. Don't change the subject to avoid the truth about the morality of you defending something dangerous and illegal for lust, which is another topic you started [although hypocritically started], locked a couple of posts down.
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
Originally posted by cukimunga Yeah this forum is getting way off the subject of what it was originaly posted. But about the disscusing of Illegal activites why not. Kiamade if you have ~Currently "45.4" gigs of music taken away from corporate America!~ isnt that Illegal.lol Not saying im against it but it is illegal.
ya i agree their.
but i think what kiamde meansis stuff that can actually hurt you or others.
you see their is this huge gap between the Law and what you can actually get punished for.pretty much unless you steal Valves source code you wont actually get punished. the one hacker in the world who got caught, except for the 1/100 that hack into government records.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Yeah it may not seem like hurting anyone buy gettin an artists cd off the web. Im not exactly sure if it really does or not. One person downloads a cd then through bit torrent or whatever way you choose to get your music. Then it gets pass on and pretty soon that artist isnt just out of 1 cd sales but thousands maybe more.
It might not effect them to much finantuly cuz thats not how Musicians make money Its by concerts. I think they get like 10% out of each cd they sell. And usually end up owing the record company money even after selling a good amound of cds.Cuz they get money fronted to them.
But this was all a while ago when I saw something on tv about this. So it could have changed. But when metallica sued napster they must have been missing a reasonalble amount of money from ppl downloading stuff. Yeah there big and probobly have tons of money. But being a musican my self I had a cd out and ppl were gettin it for free I would be pissed. I worked hard on it and its how IM gettng paid.
But im getting really off topic so ill shut up now.
Wow. I'm sure the person who made that map was just smoking pot and playing with crayons. There was probably no scientific data gathered whatsoever.
Whereas you, of course, have polled every single person in New Mexico, and know about their personal habits on an intimate level.
By the way, what kind of jerkface doesn't bother to include Alaska and Hawaii?
Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
Yea, Ive been watching the "minutemen" or whatever in Arizona lately. They are really doing a great job, I wish CA had something like that.
I don't know if that map is right or not because yeah they did leave out Hawaii and Alaska. But I could see that It could be right. Im not sure if im looking at it right cuz my monitor is missing the color red but I see there is less use in Utah and the surrounding states, Please correct me if im wrong. But I could see why there is less usage in those states bucase the Mormans are the people that pushed for Marijuana being Illegal in the first place.
And I dont konw about Arizona people but I do know that alot of pot is grown there my friends mon used to bring home trash bags full of the stuff she got from her sister that grew it in Arizona. It was some good stuff to. lol.. And about the remark this cant be right the was just probobly high and decided to make stuff up. Thats just stupid. Just because your against it dosn't meen you have to assume it was made by someone high and that they dont know what there talking about.
How do you it was A Pro Marijuana map it could be an Anti-Marijuana map. I got this off of Say No To Drugs.org. and it says Q. How many people regularly smoke pot in America?
A. At least 5 MILLION Americans.
That is quite a bit of regular smokers. im not sure what they call a regularly smoker I guess every day perhaps.But then you got people that smoke 2 a week then 1 times a week then, once every 2 weeks then once a month. and so on and that probobly has milliions more to add to that 5 Million. So once again I can see the Validification of the map.Let me make up a work right quick if thats not a real word, Hey If the presidnet can than so can I lol. You should go to the site www.saynotodrugs.org Its not a anti Marijuana site its a Pro Marijuana site.
And those of those who dont go there Ill post a few so you can actually see what im talking about.
TOBACCO ............................. 400,000
ALCOHOL ............................ 100,000
ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS ......... 15,000
CAFFEINE ................................ 2,000
ASPIRIN ..................................... 500
MARIJUANA .................................. 0
Source: United States government... National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Mortality Statistics
Crime - Prison Sentence in months
Murder 296 months
Kidnapping 180 months
Marijuana (10 year min)* 120 months
Sexual abuse 67 months
Marijuana (5 year min)** 60 months avg: marijuana sentence 42 months
Assault 34 months
Manslaughter 27 months
Fraud 13 months
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1996, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office (1997), p. 476, Table 5.58.
Do you think possession of drugs (besides Tobacco, Liquor and Pharmaceuticals) is a serious crime?
MARIJUANA .................................. 0
If there are zero deaths caused by marijuana then why do they even bother to have it included? I'm not saying there are; I'm just saying it's sort of wierd.
PS. meh. That statement of mine could be nearsighted, but just something to think about.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
but your telling him he would be more laid back without drugs ?
Absolutely not. This is what I said:
Personally I think that if you can become a better person and a more laid back person without a drug then you genuinely are a better person and your character will show through in tough times.
I admit my last post was a bit messed, but I think you're misunderstanding this one. I'm just saying that if he can become a better person (more at ease) without a drug then obviously that's best and that's what he should aim for, but it's his life of course and he has the God-given right of free will.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
can we say total and complete bullshit. if your telling me 5milloin people at least smoke weed regularly. then at least 1/100, do something stupid and hurt themselves, at leat 1/4 of those people will kill them selves.
now for those who arent up to date on the laws of probabilty, 1/4 of 1/100. is one out of every 400 pot smokers will kill themselves.
maybe thye wotn die directly to to the drug, but what they do on the drugs.
whoever made that least is probably making propaganda.
at least the propaganda you hear in middle school has research behind it.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
My views on Marijuana is ...
Make the damn thing ligeal, I dont do it but a lot of kids in my school do it... I know a lot of them just dont care about school beacuse they want to smoke m.j well if you make it leagle you can tax it and put up an age restriction on it like cigarettes. If things are illeagle kids will want to do it just because they are breaking the law by doing something illeagle.
If the thing is ligeal you can get it safer for a store and wont worry about someone doing something to your weed to make you sick or die. Also there wont have to be any police deaths for people having there own growth operation, Last month 2 or 4 police officers were killed while rading in on a operation growth.
So your saing that some pot smoker just decided to make all this up? Maybe he did or maybe he didnt. Althogh it does say Source: United States government... National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Mortality Statistics at the bottom of it. So it could be actual Fact and have reseach behind it.
How do you know that the propoganda from middle school is just made up by a whole bunch of pple that never smoked in there life and are making stuff up becuase they are against it. I was never actually given a official government document that was signed by scientist or what not to say that what they were telling me was Fact.
There are alot of people that smoke weed that you wouldnt even think of. You walk into a bank someone that does morages. Do you think they smoke weed?, Most people would say no. But your wrong Just because they dont look like a typical smoker dont mean they dont. Ive met alot of people that have great Jobs and Good lives that smoke pot. So im sure there are 5billion daily smokers
Yes there are going to be people that get high and kill them selfs, and do stupid stuff. But I say if there that dumb let them do it. Whos to say they might have killed them selves anyways sober. But it wasnt the Marijuana that killed them, they killed them self.
ok im have to say this that has to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard. The drug alters state of mind taking away control of action to varying degrees in each person. some people this is a little bit some its they lose total control. if the drug alters there state of mind in a way that increased the cahnce they are going to do an activity that hurts themselves or others. BOTH THEY AND THE DRUG ARE AT FAULT. this is the long standing DWI rule, and anyone who says the drug is not to blame is merely trying to justify legalizing their addiction.
and besides dumb people can be educated and turned into positive improving members of society that are helpful and responsible. but if they die because of drugs this potential is forever lost.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
OK I see where your comming from but I have never lost control on weed. I still cant see a drug making you do something but it can Influence you do do it. We all have free will we have a choice to do something or not do something. Saying something made you do it means to me that you had no choice.
Alcohol has influence me to do a bunch of stupid things that I would never done sober. Thats why I choose not do drink. Ive always been against drinking and driving and once I got really drunk and drove and from then on out I havent drank since. I could have killed someone or killed my self. So I used my good Jugment the next day, stoned out of my gord might I add. I decided im not responsible when I drink and quit.
You can still do drugs and be in control. If you let the drug control you it only leads to bad things. Thats why I only do Drugs I can actually make the right decicion while im on them.
i know for a fact that the alcholol number had to include DWI's, because only about 200,000 people die from that a year. at least in the US, i cant see the number from liver failure, and acute alcholo poisoning equaling 400,000. so i think it was a carefully edited survery or very falsified. and normal surveys or maps have the name of the company that did them in the corner. this one didnt.
i dont think it is based in fact, and was made to mislead people for some political or social reason.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
i know for a fact that the alcholol number had to include DWI's, because only about 200,000 people die from that a year. at least in the US, i cant see the number from liver failure, and acute alcholo poisoning equaling 400,000. so i think it was a carefully edited survery or very falsified. and normal surveys or maps have the name of the company that did them in the corner. this one didnt.
i dont think it is based in fact, and was made to mislead people for some political or social reason.
I am not saying I agreed with it, just pointing out what he was trying to say. Whether you smoke cigarettes or marijuana, you are still inhaling carcinogens, so there must have at least been people who have died from lung cancer.
Oh no, I have an extremely small chance of getting cancer. Its better then smoking ciggarettes like many of you do here.
Can we please lock this thread now? Discussing illegal activities- in my honest and American opinion -should require thread canning.
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
Lol a huge % of Americans smoke weed, so I woudnt worry too much. I used to be against it, till I tried it.
whoever made that least is probably making propaganda.
Source: United States government...
What I find interesting is that there is a government office of propoganda (or so I've been told).
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
Yeah this forum is getting way off the subject of what it was originaly posted. But about the disscusing of Illegal activites why not. Kiamade if you have ~Currently "45.4" gigs of music taken away from corporate America!~ isnt that Illegal.lol Not saying im against it but it is illegal.
You are pretty slow on my position. I have legal Napster. Don't change the subject to avoid the truth about the morality of you defending something dangerous and illegal for lust, which is another topic you started [although hypocritically started], locked a couple of posts down.
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
ya i agree their.
but i think what kiamde meansis stuff that can actually hurt you or others.
you see their is this huge gap between the Law and what you can actually get punished for.pretty much unless you steal Valves source code you wont actually get punished. the one hacker in the world who got caught, except for the 1/100 that hack into government records.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Yeah it may not seem like hurting anyone buy gettin an artists cd off the web. Im not exactly sure if it really does or not. One person downloads a cd then through bit torrent or whatever way you choose to get your music. Then it gets pass on and pretty soon that artist isnt just out of 1 cd sales but thousands maybe more.
It might not effect them to much finantuly cuz thats not how Musicians make money Its by concerts. I think they get like 10% out of each cd they sell. And usually end up owing the record company money even after selling a good amound of cds.Cuz they get money fronted to them.
But this was all a while ago when I saw something on tv about this. So it could have changed. But when metallica sued napster they must have been missing a reasonalble amount of money from ppl downloading stuff. Yeah there big and probobly have tons of money. But being a musican my self I had a cd out and ppl were gettin it for free I would be pissed. I worked hard on it and its how IM gettng paid.
But im getting really off topic so ill shut up now.