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I saw this interesting thread on Reddit.
The OP in that thread saw these numbers on the Chinese website.
Copies Sold: 3 Million Copies Sold.
Weekly Active Users: 2.5 Million Active Users per week.
Rating by Game Authority IGN (luls): 9/10
Average total hours played per day: 508,428 total hours per day.
Daily Page Views of Official US GW2 Website: 3 Million Page Views/Day.
About 3.5 Million hours played per week between 2.5 million active users per week... GW2 is played about an 84 minutes/1 hr 24 min per week for the average user, or about 12 minutes per day. Talk about the epitome of casual.
I am sure if it were actually true, ArenaNet would be announcing it themselves. I saw this on a chinese website doesn't quite cut it for factual information.......
Note that it also doesn't say when this data was taken..........
James T. Kirk: All she's got isn't good enough! What else ya got?
Little forum boys with their polished cyber toys: whine whine, boo-hoo, talk talk.
I was referring to were the 2.5 million a week at launch or now? There is nothing to indicate that it is current and certainly no official data from ArenaNet.
James T. Kirk: All she's got isn't good enough! What else ya got?
Talking about yourself i suppose...
I´ve been playing since Beta & stills holds my interest.
I play everyday.
It lacking the ability to keep players intrested over a long periods of time, does not mean that there are no players that will stick with it.
Personally I have stuck with quite a few mmos way past theyr natural lifespan simply because the guilds/communities I were a part of were intresting enough to keep me going.
Also if you manage to get fixated on the cash grind for legendary items, I imagine that is also a way of keeping busy.
This said, what guild wars 2 does well is that it manages attract new players almost as quickly as it loses its old ones, however I very much doubt this is nearly enough to push guildwars 2 anywhere near 2.5m unique users per week.
Who cares what you doubt? It's your opinion (count how many times you use the word "I") that it doesn't keep people's attention, and it's shared by others, but it's not shared by everyone. You're going nowhere with this, you just don't like the game. That's cool, but unless you have statistics that say it loses the majority of its new players after they've played a certain amount of time, I don't know what you're arguing about.
From the same link:
About 3.5 Million hours played per week between 2.5 million active users per week... GW2 is played about an 84 minutes/1 hr 24 min per week for the average user, or about 12 minutes per day.
I would like to know active users per day. You cannot really divide it by 7 because I'm sure more people log in during the weekend than the weekdays. Still though, 12 minutes per about unmotivated players...
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Man I love all you saying GW2 is dead or not gonna survive or even the ones who say the game does not have enough players on. Every where I go no matter the server I am on I always see players in all parts on the world and at times overflows to alot of areas where major events are happening. To me that says the game has players playing and I also to this day have not once had a problem finding groups for well anything. Those who say it's failing or does not have players ethier do not play it now or ever have and those that say there servers dead must only be in one area where no one is. As for the game has no one using chat I shut off my chat cause I get tired of not being able to read it for its going by so fast and yes thats in any area most of the time.
I also try to play daily on it as well as another so called failure game but I do not always have time. But I do always find groups for anything even leveling in game as well as huge grps in ethier PvP or WvW so please keep saying its dead and not growing in player base cause I am sorry go play the game and tell me other wise please. And if you need proof I can post pics cause I take alot of them.
Sherman's Gaming
Youtube Content creator for The Elder Scrolls Online
You won't be able to hang out with the cool kids if you keep up this line of thought .....also use a lot more catch words if you want to impress trying mixing in words like hardcore ,old school , theme park , sandbox and the second coming
PS Also make vague references using the words casual , cashshops and easy mode
Honestly, many weeks I only get 3 hours total, and usually only between 1 or 2 days.
Im sorry I fail to meet you definition of motivated. I do not intend to do the wow-burnout style of gaming that I have done in the past. Actually, I don't think it ha anything to do with motivation at all. But I digress.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Don't worry you seem to fall under the weekend warrior category. Nothing wrong with that. I'm not referring to you though. I'm referring to the idea that the average playing time seems to be under 15 minutes per day. You have to wonder what are all these players logging in to do? Look around and log off? I can maybe get 1 quest done in 12 minutes so correct me if I'm missing something. I know GW2 is suppose to be ultra casual and all but a average of 30-45 minutes a day would seem more reasonable for such a new mmorpg. At least at that average you can figure in a couple of dungeon runs or a few PvP matches.
But 12 minutes per day, per user? That's unexpectedly low for daily playing time. Or if you only count weekends it averages 42 minutes for Saturday and Sunday. That's seems reasonable, but it would make for some very low populations during the week.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Gotta say, that's pretty impressive if it's true. Good for Arena Net. Good folks over there.
I admit I certainly don't log in every day, but I probably pop in a few times a month to say hi to friends and do some dynamic events.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
The key word here is "active". How should we measure active time for an MMO? It could be less than a minute or 8+ hours a day. Either way, the only proper measurement to really get an accurate number, is if Arena-net published the active numbers of players concurrently online throughout the day. It's still pretty impressive though, that it's holding strong with 2.5 million active, if it's to be believed.
edit: Oh, and to the people wondering... there are many people that log in all the time just to check out the newest Living Story chapters. I know i do.
Really? Where is this a fact?
I don't think the word means what you think it means. Let me illustrate with an ACTUAL fact: people who say it's a fact that GW2 has lost a huge amount of players really mean "People who agree with my viewpoint have stated the same thing, thus I agree".
Now that's a fact about GW2 and a lot of other MMO's and pretty much the summation of internet arguments in general. It's not statistical evidence because you hope it is. Now I'm not saying I believe the numbers produced by the OP, but I sure as hell stopped believing the haters a long time ago when I would log in and see an active, healthy game that didn't resemble the ghost town it is on QQ forum threads. In fact, I still see the same thing when I log in. Now you see how I used an observation to support my viewpoint instead of calling it a fact when I have nothing to prove it? Try it sometime.
There is something wonky with those numbers. So out of 3 million boxes sold 83 percent of the people still play? Out of the 10 or so people I know that bought the game zero are still playing.
So I find that statistic hard to believe.
So because a random selection from the total player numbers that you happen to know quit, everyone quit? "My friends stopped playing" is a statistic that is as useful as "I don't know any sea creatures that play GW2".
In that light, everyone I know that was in the beta is still playing, including my goldfish.
Blizz posts sub numbers under pain of law and with exact definitions: Literally hundreds of threads and thousands of posts about how it's all a lie.
Random person posts third hand translation of GW2 stats of dubious origin: Obviously true and anyone who says otherwise is a troll.
Yep, just another day on
I doubt everything, but nothing quite as much as the dubious arguments presented by forumers as to why GW2 cannot possibly have been a success, including the last two people I responded to. I wouldn't go so far as to call it trolling at all. It's... something else.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
i love this game, i love the fluid combat, the animations, the world design, the amasing terrain clipping, i love alot of things.
but i dont play it anymore, it just feels...messy? pointless? to me atleast, after i reached lvl 80, with more than 1 character.
i cant put my finger on it, to me atleast.