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Star Wars Galaxies: Our Combat Upgrade Q&A



  • tmr255tmr255 Member Posts: 3

    SOE Forum poll that was up when CU was on the test servers.

    On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being Exceptionally fun and 1 being Not fun, rate how much fun you had playing Combat Upgrade during your last play session.
    748 Vote(s) 1 - Not fun at all (75%)
    86 Vote(s) 5 - Exceptionally Fun (9%)
    59 Vote(s) 2 (6%)
    52 Vote(s) 3 (5%)
    51 Vote(s) 4 (5%)
    Total Votes: 996

    April 23rd 03:00 PST - April 24th 06:00 PST
    3 days before the CU went live on April 27th.
    The numbers speak for them selfs.

    R.I.P SWG April 27th 2005

  • DlekDlek Member Posts: 9

    Originally posted by Erillion
    So many people posting about SWG recently .... it does not matter if its pro or con .. but its obviously a universe you love ...
    You love SWG .... or you love to hate SWG .... but its hard to be indifferent. Which means ... even if you love to hate it ... its because you WOULD like to love it, but something soured the experience for you. But you are still passionate about it .. enough to post here.
    Have fun

    You're absolutely right. I do LOVE the SWG universe, I love what it was, and I love the alternate life I have created within it. I love the fact that I have made many different friends from all over the world that I interact with on a daily basis. And I have hope for it's future, which is why I have not cancelled any accounts. And when something of this magnitude threatens it, I do get passionate.

    Almost like patriotism. I love my country, but if the government one day decided to totally change the way we live, telling us we can no longer be self employed, but instead we have to start partering up in order to make a living, you'd be darned right I'd be the first to protest on the white house lawn!!!

  • azhrarnazhrarn Member Posts: 817

    This is a fundamental change to the combat system and therefore to the way people have been playing Galaxies for almost two years. Any change this dramatic is going to elicit passionate responses, especially from some of our more accomplished players.

    It’s important to realize that no one would ever undertake a publish this ambitious, knowing full well that there is risk of alienating many current subscribers unless we really honestly believed that it will greatly benefit the game overall.

    The entire development team is encouraging our players to give the new combat system a thorough try by utilizing the skill migration (Respec) over the course of the next couple of weeks. We are confident that once people find their ideal skills and play through some of the new content, they’ll very much enjoy our new way of playing Star Wars Galaxies.


    Okay, I don't know who this guy thinks he is, but omnipotence and omniscience do not number among his abilities.  Not all of us who play SWG number among the Year Plus Vets.  Some, like me, have only been playing for a little over a month or less time.  I ADORED the game when I picked it up in late March.  It was challenging, deep, flexible, immersive and amazingly fun.  Truely, it was everything it was advertised to be.  It was MY adventure, in the Star Wars galaxy.

    The key word here is WAS.

    Julio here would have you believe that the new game wrapped very thinly in the Star Wars skin is more engaging and better enables players to "live the adventure".  That couldn't be further from the truth. 

    *The very authentic Star Wars sounds are gone, replaced by cheezy generic sci-fi sound effects. 

    *The very intuitive, easy-to-learn icons have been replaced with these bouncy, fantasy-themed mystery-icons that confuse most people, both veteran and novice alike...and which give some of us flashing halo migraines if we play for more than a few minutes at a time. 

    *The cool, believable effects have been replaced with flashy, sparkly, fantasy console game effects that remove any actual immersiveness into any Star-Wars-esque universe.

    *The living the adventure has been replaced by surviving the boring, repetetive and frustrating job.  I can do that driving to work in the morning, thank you very much.  If I want to work at something unrewarding, unenjoyable and frustrating, I'll take a paycheck along with it.

    This guy touts the skills respec and the week of double (or in my server's case quad) xp as some sort of big gift or bonus to we, the players that we should be happy with.  That's unmitigated bullcrap.  The xp has not been working as advertised and 2 or 4 times nothing equals nothing.  Respeccing to anything but one of two or three combinations leaves you as borked as you were before trying on something new.  They've only replaced 5 flavours of the month with two or three -- which happen to be the only ones who can cert to wear semi-decent armor.

    Casual players are left utterly in the lurch.  Those of us who have real lives and work cannot hope to make ANY progress in the game any longer under this new system, and have been bereft of the ability to play any meaningful role in any team our more uber friends might create.  And speaking of teams...

    They say the new system "encourages" team play.  It might be a more accurate statement that it FORCES team play, yet at the same time severely restricts who you can team -- unlike the old system, where anyone could team anyone regardless of level or profession and still perform a useful, rewarding role in the team, this new system makes it pointless for more advanced, experienced players to team with novices or noobs to help them get started and to teach them how things work.

    So you're stuck in a vicious catch-22 of being forced to team to make any progress or do anything in the game, yet cannot team your friends to enjoy the experience.  Instead, you are forced into pickup groups which do not share your goals, your playstyle or your playschedules.  The game has become impersonal and unpalatable.

    Crafting... well for a COMBAT upgrade, this new step forward is a running leap backwards for crafting and entertainment players.  In two days, the CU has devastated the economy of more than one server of this game.  A lot of this has to do with the one-shot-kill occurance among crafters and entertainers.  Yes, that's right, anything can kill a crafter or entertainer in one shot now.  We are trapped in our houses, unable to get the resources we need or to take our crafted items to market.  But you won't hear Julio talk about that. 

    "Unrest"?  I don't know how YOU define unrest, but for the last two or three days, I've watched the three servers I play on go from burgeoning, robust communities of active players to ghost towns that might have 25 live players on each.  The community has made a very large and NOTICABLE exodus from Bloodfin, Ahazi and Briea.  That's not unrest, that's decimation.

    Another thing that Julio will not tell you is that SoE has been practicing the worst customer service I have EVER seen in ANY MMO I have EVER played.  IF you can get a CS rep to respond to your problems, they will either give you a canned "so sorry, sux to be you" response or will ban you if you demand some sort of satisfaction.  I played Anarchy Online at its release and I have to tell you, as bad as THAT was, SoE makes FunCom's fledgeling and bungling first-month support look like a shining paragon of CS excellence.  At least ARK was NICE and POLITE when they told you to STFU and suffer.

    I'm no whiney kid who expects instant gratification.  I'm a mature, 40 year old woman who likes to game in my free time.  They turned me from being a HUGE fangirl for SWG into a bitter, disillusioned and ANGRY ex-customer with the way they've pushed this buggy, unbalanced and utterly unplayable new game down my throat after I invested in the game and its expansions.  I don't just want my money back.  I want my TIME back for this last week of involuntarily testing their live alpha.  And I want an apology for the lies they've fed me and my fellow players along with their crappy new game.

    If I'd wanted to play EQ, I would have BOUGHT it.

    Kote lo'shebs'ul narit

  • kozan713kozan713 Member Posts: 1

    ok i know this guy didnt more or less say they know whats better for us then us did he??

    first off he said professions have been balanced? where might i ask? pistoleer,combat medic and bounty hunter are the new owners of this game.. put 8 pistoleers against 8 jedi and the 8 pistoleers will win hands down.. this combat upgrade did not bring balance to this game it has brought a horrible unbalance.. not to mention the new bugs we get.. my question for that guy is.. wth are you making us pay to be beta testers? this thing is 6 months off atleast, you dont buy a brand new mustang from the dealer and have the sales rep say "we need to know everything thats wrong with this car and give us only constructive feedback, oh and by the way you still have to pay the sticker price."

    but why should we expect anything decent from LA to begin with? wasnt the last good game they gave us xwing?

    melee guys like myself are screwed, i actually tried the CU for a total of 20 hours (time i wish i could get back).. oh yah and where is the “seat of your pants combat” its more like "get off your seat go mow your yard, get ready to file your taxes for next year, take a nap, look to see how long your back hair has grown since you started combat".  the combat that was in the original was fun and fast pace.. Yes it needed balancing out but it wasnt like every other RPG game it was unique.. Now? its just like every other rpg and i hate rpg games. but i did love the original game.

    for the 4x the xp, in the original game i could grind out about 250k of XP for jedi in 3 hours, with the 4x xp i grinded out half that in 3 hours. if that is 4x the ammount ima hate to see what it looks like when they take the 4x away.. well actually i wont be seeing it, as i have cancelled 12 accounts that me and my dad shared.

    how does the 4x ammount of xp help me with my crafting that i did on that monday and tuesday that i spent a total of 9 hours doing? everything that i made pre-cu is trashed and not worth a thing, i had probably a combined 50 hours worth of components made before the conversion totally trashed everything.. they had said that the best weapons pre-cu would still be the best weapons, but the exact opposite happened the best weapons are now the worst weapons.

    ATTENTION ppl thinking about buying this game, if they did treated us veterans like this how do you think they are gonna treat you?

    never will i be buying a LA or SOE game as long as i am gaming. i got 20 local friends into this game and they are all po'd that everything they did/worked for a year is now trash, these guys are hard core FPS gamers and switched overnight once they got SWG. I've tried to get them to get to wow with me or city of heros but they arent gonna budge, they say "why, so i can have another game i get into a year and have it totally changed? no thx bro but ima stick to FPS where i wont loose things i worked for."

    what ever happen to the old saying "The Customers always right" guess that gets thrown out of the window according to George Lucas. oh well i wont be going to see the new movie after reading this interview..

    kozan formerly of bloodfin

  • jervonicsjervonics Member Posts: 9

    LMAO! just take a look at all of our beautiful comments! these morons have no clue what they have done! 90% of these comments are completely destroying julio's sorry excuses. we all obviously LOVED our beloved SWG. then these crackheads pulled the biggest idiot move in the history of online gaming. the only thing that tempers my sorrow, is the fact that after reading all the posts over the last few days, I KNOW PEOPLE WILL BE LOSING THEIR JOBS! haha, you jerks deserve it!



  • poizenviperpoizenviper Member Posts: 67

    well i see they still have there heads up ( your choice here )


    I'm one of the crafters that got destroyed. Some of you know my toon poizen ( poizen meds on ahazi ) I've been called one of the uber crafters, with a meds shop that sold at the peak 10 mil a day in sales. But i was always stocked and had  high end meds.

    I never wanted a jedi, plus i was not into pvp or combat that much. so crafting was what i liked.

    what they did to me was unreal. here is why and in no way can they say that crafting is still good.

    1.  why do you need meds when doctors have magic healing ?

    2. level system,  this is the real killer all combat is now based on levels. so when and if ( they balance combat ) you just have to match levels to win. Very simple.

    3. took crafting away from docs and turned them into clerics ( like all other games ) what about combat medic and medics ? what good are they when doc's are just heal bots.

    4. resources. they are  worth 1/10 what they where. two years!!! i spent an ungodly amount of time hunting,  harvesting, and paying for resources. all gone no one really wants the new meds, why ? because with the level system they really are not needed that much.

    5. combat to gather resources is torture when hunting  alone. YES I HUNT ALONE, i used to be able to kill harvest and move on allot faster for my resources. the C ( PU ) destroyed that.

    i don't know. i put up a fight on the forums got 20 posts deleted, not one post was a total rant, i never got out of hand but yet they deleted them. funny thing people who liked the cu could blast away at the people who dislike it and never get deleted, nice soe!

    I tested the cu from the day it hit beta.  I was stunned and tried to work it out.. I could not find anything i liked about it other than PVP, ( great something i don't care to do ).

    my 3 account are now gone. I can not support a company that just lies and does not care about their customers.

    I can say this much. I run a small business if i treated my customers like LA and soe i would be looking for a job today.  I guess big buiss does not have to worry as much about keeping customers happy. 


    good gaming all... Will ....... 



  • RUSSR_CzarRUSSR_Czar Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by GrimlyTrick

    The "accomplished players" have tried it.... thoroughly... the vote is nearly unanimous; we hate it.  The "new way of playing Star Wars Galaxies" is orders of magnitude less fun then playing SWG with the same old content.  Ask people that have played both extensively.  We are not opposed to change, but this just sucks.  40+ hours in the new combat upgrade system and I purchased my first copy of WoW.  It sucks as well, but at least I don't know how great it could have been.
    I believe that accomplished players would pay DOUBLE to continue playing with the old combat system given a choice.  I believe that they would choose the old combat system over any imaginable upgrade or new content.  Every player I know agrees.
    SOE and Lucas should consider legacy "version 1.0" servers... or get used to the idea of loosing the experienced players permanently.

    Amen to that, I would pay TRIPLE to have the old combat system back. Combat Upgrade, ha, this is a combat downgrade! I absolutely have the new combat system, it should be sent back into the mind that spawned it, I want to be able to use my laser rifle, my Tusken rifle, and every other weapon that the SWG staff stole from me. I want to walk out of Anchorhead, wearing my Mabari armor, carrying my Tusken rifle on my way to hunt Imperials NPCs once again (no offense to you Imperial guys, I love TIE Fighters). I look forward to the day that every member of SWG gets an e-mail with an apology from every member of the Star Wars Galaxies staff.
  • KatanOmegaKatanOmega Member Posts: 51
    OMFG...did she really just say that the CU caught the feel of the "fly by the seat of your pants combat that we love in star wars".  Lmao it star wars combat is meant to travel at the speed of smell and bore people to tears then this statement is correct.  Otherwise it's just another classic SOE smokescreen to hide the fact that they blundered again and are not very good programmers!  I mean lets look at the facts, SWG for all intents and purposes has been a 2 year beta that we have been paying to test!  Now this would have been fine, for me at least because I love Star Wars, if they would have stuck with the exsisting system that they had in place and fixed it!  once again theough SOE is not known for it's programing skills!  So instead SOE rerights an old code from one of it's more popular mmorpg's (EQ2) and tries to overlay it on a completely different code which still has many bugs to be worked out in it's own right.  Does anyone else see disaster waiting in the near future, this would be a monumental task for the best programmers to pull off which we all know none of which are employed by SOE!  So in conclusion if you got fed up like me and refuse to test a beta for another 2 years /salute, and if your sticking with SWG then /salute as well you can obviously stomach being force fed manure much better than I.  I will leave you with a warning though, the first few days of the CU have benn bugged aplenty but we haven't seen the worst yet by a long shot.

    By katanomega at 2009-03-11[/sigpic][/url]

  • iceman00iceman00 Member Posts: 1,363

    Well I'm pretty much like everyone else, but figured I would share my story.

    I was a 12 pt combat medic and a very prominent miner on Eclipse.  I represented the most prominent Imperial guild on eclipse, stockpiling massive resources for our guild crafters.  The CU made 90% of them absolutely worthless.  the CU does not encourage grouping across the board.  It encourages grouping FOR COMBAT, not for guilds.  Our guild was famous for having a 12 pt crafter of every profession, and we all helped our guildies out, whether it be an uber poison, stim, t21, whatever have you.  That part is now gone.  The idea that with one fell swoop people who spent hundreds of millions of credits and months of playtime should be no more stronger than the person who just joined is flat out assinine.  This part absoluetly destroys the market, which is a free market economics system, or was.  Barring any miraclous change, Eclipse's economy will be destroyed within 3 months.  There were 5 or 6 major combat medics, and from what i know maybe 1 remains.  I can only guess how much the other professions have hurt.


    Sure grouping in combat in the CU was actaully fun, but this assumes several things.  Most importantly it assumes there will be a strong player community.  I logged in last night for my final farewell, to have only 6 people online in my friends list.  Normally there were 20-30.


    Yet things are saveable.  We can't "turn back the clock" but things can still be worked out.  In order for that to happen:

    1.) Baghdad Tiggs loses her head. Her arrogance that "only 50 people oppose the CU' on the forums will probably follow her in every job she goes to.  I know everyone will say she is just a puppet, but she has screwed up bigtime.  If everyone remembers, her handling of the infamous Lowca FRS fight club incident caused a massive backlash (which once again Garva jumped in to save Tiggs from getting every ounce of rightly deserved criticism) and then there is her arrogance about only "50 people opposing the CU on the forums."  50 people per page!  To make such a statement proves you either could care less about the legitimate concerns of the player community you are chosen to represent and lead, or it proves you are so deaf and incompetent you gotta go.  Either way line her up for the guillotione.

    2.)Garva needs to lose his head on the forum side as well.  Deleting posts and banning users simply because they were not favorable to the CU does not bode well for community relations.   Other devs and powers that be might have to go eventually, but these two need to go.

    3.) They won't do a rollback, but they should give all players free time until they get everything fixed right.  That way, SWG will lose money for their incompetence, and the urge to get it fixed will be greater, and they will think twice before doing something this half-assed again.

    4.) Hold a massive conference time with the devs and the powers that be at SOE with the playerbase. Allow unrestricted access to them so they may hear the complaints.

    5.) make the leaders of the dev community and the like accountable. Failure to stem it or show progress will result in immediate termination.

    6.) A public mea cupla to all the people who left SOE, and give them incentives to return.

    I hope we see some of this (others i'm wishing on), but i'm not terribly optimistic.  Hence I cancelled both my accounts.  The entire former council of my guild has jumped ship, all of us hardcore veterans.  Since we are a huge guild, there are still players around, but to see an entire council leave, I would not be surprised that within 6 months time the strongest imp guild on eclipse is but a shell of it's former self.  It's sad, it truly is, but SOE wrekced the idea of a gaming community.  Now you are forced into certain aspects of gaming, directly contrary to the depth of the old system.


  • the_thanatosthe_thanatos Member Posts: 3

    I agree with almost all of the negative statements. Customer service is pathetic or more appropriately apathetic. Their official statements (when they exist) are apocryphal or at worst outright lies. The people that are supposed to relate to and belong to the community can't and don't or won't. I have no options as the company has a no refund policy that they stick to with apparently no exceptions whatever. I am dissatisfied with the customer service mostly but the combat upgrade really is the final straw for me.

  • KatanOmegaKatanOmega Member Posts: 51 thing i forgot!!  If you think this "upgrade" was to balance proffesions or any of the other lame excuses SOE gave for it your dead wrong.  The only reason they implemented the upgrade was to be able bring SWG to the platform gamers hence the dumbing down of every single aspect of the game, the removal of the combat que, generic attacks and animations across proffesions, the level system, the new ui, etc.....don't bieleve me check it out for yourself!

    By katanomega at 2009-03-11[/sigpic][/url]

  • RUSSR_CzarRUSSR_Czar Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by RUSSR_Czar

    Originally posted by GrimlyTrick

    The "accomplished players" have tried it.... thoroughly... the vote is nearly unanimous; we hate it.  The "new way of playing Star Wars Galaxies" is orders of magnitude less fun then playing SWG with the same old content.  Ask people that have played both extensively.  We are not opposed to change, but this just sucks.  40+ hours in the new combat upgrade system and I purchased my first copy of WoW.  It sucks as well, but at least I don't know how great it could have been.
    I believe that accomplished players would pay DOUBLE to continue playing with the old combat system given a choice.  I believe that they would choose the old combat system over any imaginable upgrade or new content.  Every player I know agrees.
    SOE and Lucas should consider legacy "version 1.0" servers... or get used to the idea of loosing the experienced players permanently.

    Amen to that, I would pay TRIPLE to have the old combat system back. Combat Upgrade, ha, this is a combat downgrade! I absolutely hate the new combat system, it should be sent back into the mind that spawned it, I want to be able to use my laser rifle, my Tusken rifle, and every other weapon that the SWG staff stole from me. I want to walk out of Anchorhead, wearing my Mabari armor, carrying my Tusken rifle on my way to hunt Imperials NPCs once again (no offense to you Imperial guys, I love TIE Fighters). I look forward to the day that every member of SWG gets an e-mail with an apology from every member of the Star Wars Galaxies staff.

  • RUSSR_CzarRUSSR_Czar Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by RUSSR_Czar

    Originally posted by GrimlyTrick

    The "accomplished players" have tried it.... thoroughly... the vote is nearly unanimous; we hate it.  The "new way of playing Star Wars Galaxies" is orders of magnitude less fun then playing SWG with the same old content.  Ask people that have played both extensively.  We are not opposed to change, but this just sucks.  40+ hours in the new combat upgrade system and I purchased my first copy of WoW.  It sucks as well, but at least I don't know how great it could have been.
    I believe that accomplished players would pay DOUBLE to continue playing with the old combat system given a choice.  I believe that they would choose the old combat system over any imaginable upgrade or new content.  Every player I know agrees.
    SOE and Lucas should consider legacy "version 1.0" servers... or get used to the idea of loosing the experienced players permanently.

    Amen to that, I would pay TRIPLE to have the old combat system back. Combat Upgrade, ha, this is a combat downgrade! I absolutely hate the new combat system, it should be sent back into the mind that spawned it, I want to be able to use my laser rifle, my Tusken rifle, and every other weapon that the SWG staff stole from me. I want to walk out of Anchorhead, wearing my Mabari armor, carrying my Tusken rifle on my way to hunt Imperials NPCs once again (no offense to you Imperial guys, I love TIE Fighters). I look forward to the day that every member of SWG gets an e-mail with an apology from every member of the Star Wars Galaxies staff.

    Sorry, typo, 3rd sentence, have is supposed to be hate. But this typo does not lessen the significance of this comment!
  • rvndmnmtrvndmnmt Member Posts: 1

    So I guess 18% (based on number of signatures on petitionx 3 [one main two alt average]/estimated number of accounts [250000]) of their subscription base is acceptable. Of course that is a very fuzzy figure however I might be wrong. Not everyone that signed the petition has alt's and/or quit. And not everyone that quit signed that petition. But based on that figure the SOE/Lucas Arts conglamerate is going to lose roughly $700,000 monthly and possibly $8,398,620 annually. Of course things could change and subscriptions might pick up. Somehow I doubt that. SWG has had a bad reputation for the past couple of years. Someone else quoted this exodus as the third largest in MMOG history (don't know the accuracy of that one, I don't have accurate figures to go off of). But even if it isn't the backlash from this is going to be felt for a long time.

    So thank you developers/SOE/Lucas Arts/whoever. Other MMOG's are probably studying this as I type. I wouldn't be supprised if another MMOG came out based on the old system of SWG. There are after all two years (live) of mistakes to go off of. Another company could make the necessary improvements needed and make a better MMOG than SWG could ever attain. And I expect customer service in other existing MMOG's to improve drastically. And I feel that there will be a major push to retain veteran players as they are the ones that make the largest overall contribution in the life of an MMOG.

  • poizenviperpoizenviper Member Posts: 67

    hey guys... 1 Q for all of you.. is there a good NON LEVEL based game out there with player based economy, crafting, merchants ect  ?  I hate level based games unless they are on paper.  thanks for any ideas...WD....


  • the_thanatosthe_thanatos Member Posts: 3

    Originally posted by poizenviper
    hey guys... 1 Q for all of you.. is there a good NON LEVEL based game out there with player based economy, crafting, merchants ect  ?  I hate level based games unless they are on paper.  thanks for any ideas...WD....

    only one I know of is eve online but it isnt for everyone. thats what soe chased me to.

  • X-avierX-avier Member Posts: 1


    Let me give you some history on the character I portray in SWG.  X-avier Runningwolf  was found on the planet of Talus in September 2003 in the Tempest server.  X-avier ran missions paralope solo with only the CDEF rifle that was initially given him.  X walked across the surface of Talus (no mounts, no speeders, no Force run).  Finally, X made enough credits to pack up his bone armor (yes bone armor) and travel to Coronet, Corellia, where he met more interesting and diverse characters.   Deciding to be a Bounty Hunter as his first profession, X-avier joined groups to hunt on Corellia, Talus, Dathomir...etc...Purchasing new padded armor along the way.  As the time progressed, SWG provided mounts, better composite armor, eventually speeder & swoops for faster travels....All good ideas.

    Well, X-avier was invited to join a guild (xINCx).  This guild was full of some of the best PvP'ers in the server.  Now, the X-avier (Bounty Hunter) tried his hand at Pvp.  Well, X never became a super UBER pvp'er, but X did kill his share of Imperial Player.  (sacrificing himself many times  in the process)

    Then, the journey to become a Jedi.  The holo system provided X-avier with his first profession required to become a jedi.  What a coincidence, Bounty hunter came up first..Next was creature handler.  Well, there was no way X was dropping BH to become CH.. So X forgot about Jedi and went back to PvP.

    The new FS system brought a new opportunity for X-avier to become a Jedi.  So this time I resigned myself to the grind no matter what.  Finally, after running the quests, grinding the FS (at a trade in of 30:1), and defeating the required dark sith.  X-avier Runningwolf laid aside his pistols, carbines, Vk's, LVA's and took up the ancient weapon of the mysterious Jedi, the Light Saber.  Now, a Jedi Padawan, X-avier had a new mission, Jedi Knight, to fight against the Empire in Pvp.

    X was able to get in some Jedi experience and Jedi skills before the "Combat Update"...Moving right along...X was able to hold his own in a fight now with his newly aquired Jedi skills...

    Then, the "Combat Update" struck with a vengence more powerful than any weapon ever devised in SWG.

    As X-avier Runningwolf, I was able to do solo Janta, and Mokk missions on a pikeman, X could solo Nightsisters Rangers, Outcasts, Spell Weavers, Stalkers, Protectors (a favorite grind of mine) ....X could tank NS Elders for groups to kill....X was able to tank the famous Krayt dragons even at their pre "Combat Update" levels.  X has slaughtered Imperial Stormtroopers throughout the galaxy...Pretty much killed or tanked every thing available in the galaxy....Oh...and had fun doing it!

    Now after the "Combat Update", the Jedi X-avier Runningwolf cannot take his light saber and solo a single quenker on the same combat level as himself without being incapped before the health level of the quenker was half gone..... What? It cannot be I said.

    Something is highly wrong with this!  The "Combat Update" has effectively reduced this character back to the X-avier who got capped by paralopes over 1 1/2 years ago.  This has also destroyed our guild, many of the Pvp'ers I knew, and untold number of players who were grinding toward Jedi.

    No matter the "spin" you put on this....Gentlemen you have made a tremendous mistake with this "Combat Update".

    I enjoyed playing SWG up until a little over a week ago...  This"Combat Update" has killed the character I developed for the last 1 1/2 years. 

    To my friends who I have ground xp, earned credits, looted UBER stuff, and most of all to my buds who I have Pvp'ed with and against.  I will miss you all. 

    Thanks for the good times!

    X-avier Runningwolf (xINCx)

    Colonel, Rebel Alliance

    Killed in Action by the "Combat Update" (Sept '03 - May '05)

    X-avier Runningwolf
    (Colonel) Rebel Alliance

  • WordaenWordaen Member Posts: 203

    This is typical of SOE. They refuse to listen to anything that could be construed as negative and hammer down on anyone who doesn't put on the same pair of rose colored glasses they use. I have trie and tried this "new and improved" combat system and it sucks, to be blunt. I am a veteran player as well and once my subscription runs out, I am done. Which oughtta be this month.

    I have beta tested 12 different games and I dont agree with making paying customers beta test something the developers couldnt test themselves. And, if they are intent on pushing it on people like they have, they should have at least listened to the bug reports and input. In every other game I have beta tested, they did not require a monthly charge and they actually listened to the players. One of them I have bought and will play now instead of SWG.

    What I find hard to understand is that, with the old system, the combat was very similar to a real life type, where you could mix and match combos, change angles of attack, that kind of thing. Now, as a TKM or a master swordsman, I can only do one attack at a time. I cannot use several different styles merged into one, something a master combatant should be able to do. And healing has become a joke. Only able to use one heal per minute on fights that take average 5 to 10 minutes means a LOT more trips to the cloner for me. Hmmm, yeah, 15 bucks a month for the aggravation seems about right....

    So, I am one of the many upset and burned players who will be walking away from SWG. I have had it with SOE and their complete lack of understanding of the games they dump out and their complete lack of consideration or concern at what they do to the people who pay their salaries every month. I will take my money elsewhere and play a game where the developers and spin doctors actually give a damn about the players.

    Far as I am concerned, I hope SOE falls right off the face of the planet and I really don't care if they read this and "ban" my account for being so "negative". Like they would care if they lost another long time player anyways.

    To those that remain, I wish you all the best and I will miss some of the folks I have interacted with. See ya in Guild Wars or DAoC...

  • jakendaljakendal Member Posts: 1

    Well, my two accounts have been cancelled also. I think I'm going to agree with the fella that posted in detail as to why the "level" system was the core problem. I'm also one of those that does not like the new ui at all. I'm gonna give one that I haven't seen yet. It, by far, isn't the single gripe that I have with the new system.

    I can't stand the fact that I can't tell which of the 50 MOB's is aggroed on me until he is on top of me. (pre-cu their HAM would pop up if they were aggroed on you whether you had them targeted or not)

  • SWGImpSWGImp Member Posts: 1
    as grimlytrick's poll turned out with 83% of 100 players wanting  the old system back...i want to know from SoE.....WHEN ARE U GUNNA REVERT IT BACK!!!?!??!?!?!?imageimageimage
  • Lestat0193Lestat0193 Member Posts: 2

    Unfortunately, there was an error during a portion of the conversion process for those two servers that could not be safely fixed. The most secure way to do the CU conversion correctly for those two servers was to roll them back and re-convert. This was the only option left to us to ensure that the conversion process succeeded.

    We are giving those players 4x XP for a week, so that they can more easily recover any progression they lost due to the rollback. Certain skill gains that were erased can also be recovered by our Customer Service team.

    Curretnly I have submitted 2 tickets in game to this issue when i lost Lightsaber tech 2 this is a long and hard grind for Jedi and after the rollback on the bloodfin server I noticed that box and over 200k XP missing. To date both of my ticets were answered in form letter format with "sorry can't help you." Now I debate the honesty of Mr. Torres's post due to this. I have submitted 3rd ticket noting this Q&A session. I will keep you posted on the results and see if this man was being honest. 

    Lucidious Envy

    Jedi Padawan on Bloodfin Server

  • JdarkmoreJdarkmore Member Posts: 1

    Its really sad that these ppl think everything is fine with the game and the problem is the players wehn its its the players that make the game what it is. If the players think the system sucks and the devs do nothing about it that proves to me that they dont really care about the players. Add in the fact that the game is going to the ps2 and really all your questions are answered. They dont care about the longtime player anymore its all about the new money and the people they will bring in on ps2. Old time players your time has pasted and your option doesnt matter.

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