Well being that there were only 7 max Jedi testers, I must say as a Jedi Padawan, that the CU so far has hit rock bottom! Not being able to group and being an untested toon in this time has made anything very difficault and there respec finishes, just as they are now addressing some of the Jedi problems!
It would be nice to see the jedi respec extended for 2 more weeks so we can now try differing templates for this system, planets are only today being set to the new LEVEL system and so far I've been unable to do very much in the way of PVE and as for PVP, I can't try it at this time or I'd have a Bounty Hunter chasing me!
I have been a player since day one along with the other players of our guild (whats left of it after CU) well we took the advice tried it on test center you needed more time to fix it there, but to release the new Cu in it's stage was totally beyond us WHY!!
You didn't listen to anyone on the forums in fact the censorship that you implemented was totally disgraceful to delete posts and ban players for voicing their concerns about the CU was unjust! Well as i said we all tried it and the result was a BIG NO! So we did what we all said and left the game and canceled our accounts and i mean that we had a average of 3 accounts per player (you work out the sums)
As i live in Australia I made a lot of good friends in the game, so we all went and got Matrix and now thats where our cash goes
Personally, I feel completely ripped off by LA/SOE. I am very angry that they have completely ruined my toons. I have seven accounts, all of which I am in the process of cancelling. SWG is a service I and every other player paid to subscribe to. We aren't allowed to play the game unless we pay 24/7/365, yet they can shut the server down at will and not even credit our accounts with the down time or service interruption, so basically, I'm of the opinion that they have stolen time from my subscription, which is the same as stealing my money. I eagarly look forward to the class action law suit against LA/SOE. I have toons that can no longer equip any weapons, doc that has/had millions of credits worth of buffs, all of which have been ruined. Chef that is no longer playable as well as entertainer that is useless. I don't want to be "forced" into grouping or "forced" into solely combat role. I can't imagine the Board of Directors or Stockholders sitting still for all these financial losses. It is beyond to late to change things. The only way I would consider staying with this game is if they completely rolled the servers back to pre-CU. Why don't they make two sets of servers, a set for those interested in playing pre-CU and a set for those interested in playing under the CU version. That would solve the problems currently underway. And for LA/SOE to sit there and think they don't have a problem is nothing but laughable. I used to want to see them succeed because I wanted to continue to play the game. Now, I hope they fall flat on their faces. As for me, I will NEVER buy anything again that carries the Sony label. Mostly because I have seen through this game that they have no customer service and could give a flip if a customer is satisfied. Companies with that type of mentality deserve to be put out of business. LA/SOE think they are to big for the public to impact, well I have news flash...it took the public to put you where you are now and it will take the public to bring you back down. I was going to go see the Star Wars movie coming out, not any more. Not going to give you one more penny of my money. Pretty basically, You suck the big one.
Alright, I have a few comments to make which I hope are helpful in one manner or another.
First of all, I question the expertise of your interviewee. No offense meant to Julio, but since when did his title become "SOE Programmer" or "SOE Star Wars Galaxies Head of Community Service?" What I see is that he works for Lucas Arts, which means that I doubt he truly knows everything that is happening in the coding of the game. And in point of fact, I know he doesn't from his answers to some of your queries, because I have faith that people do not outright lie to large communities of people--isn't that right, Julio?
First of all, Julio states that the combat upgrade has increased the speed of combat. That is incorrect. From Teras Kasi Master to Rifleman, this CU has slowed the game's combat down. Not only do attacks take longer to get off, enemies take longer to kill, and the decrease in melee range distance been applied only to characters not to creatures, creating a need to constantly close within range of an opponent (slus slowing combat down further, and icnreasing running-around time), but the manner of gaining experience for all combat-based professions and hibrids (such as Force Sensitive and Jedi) has gone up, as well. Now, I believe that Julio is saying this because he is ignorant of the game-play. I don't expect everyone to have played the game to know the truth, so I don't mind correcting him on this. Julio, ask players, programers, or run time-tests of combat on the old-server backup I'm certain is available, and on the new. Then you will find that your words were in error, and when next you are interviewed, you can be accurate in your statements.
The definition of combat roles is another notion touched upon which is only partially true. While the CU was supposed to define combat roles more clearly into three different segments, it has failed. Enemies attack whomever does the highest damage to them, even disregarding advanced taunts. Thus, the problem arises that "tanks" cannot take the damage and keep an enemy's attention and allow more high-damage ranged players from fighting unaccosted--as was the design. In this manner, their is no separation to define combat roles, only a failed attempt ruined by flawed coding in a hastily assembled system.
As for the time frame of the game drawing out the Galactic Civil War, I'm afraid you're mistaken there as well. Currently not only are places like the Weapons Depot closed, but in adding cybernetic limbs which are nothing like what Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader had, but rather cheap toilet-bowl-scrubber rip-offs of Episode 1 Battle Droid arms, the CU has created an anachronistic throw-back of which one of the largest flaws (forced cybernetic limbs on character who die off of core-planets which are purposefully shoddy) was repealled. By the way, I thought that in your answer to what SOE failed at you might have stated that, as you repealled it days into the CU because it was a complete and utter failure. Instead, you did not mention this error which was publicly repealled at all, and only stated things might have gone more smoothly. It was interesting.
The notion of Respecing solving players' problems is almost laughable. The fact of the matter is that the gameplay has changed so notably that people are having to play characters they do not enjoy (such as the shift form melee to ranged weapons and from combat medics who can no longer heal wounds) and Respecing is neccessary so that their long-standing characters are not destroyed--not to make gameplay more fun, simply barely functional oncemore.
In regards to the UI comments made, I'm afraid Julio is istaken oncemore. You see, where he states that this system allows players to not see "you cannot do this for x seconds," it actually makes some special abilities ahrder to judge, time-wise. Equilibirum may only be used once per hour. Currently that Zabrak ability is bugged and does nothing, however under the old system, if you ahd used it within the hour, you would be informed as you how much time you had left before you could use it again (15:30 minutes, 15 seconds, et cetera). Now, you watch a box which functions under the same strategems as a sun-dial, waiting and estimating the time. Thus, taking away the exact time and reverting to an archaic sun-dial system actually makes characters less aware of how long abilities will take. Peripherally, You get even more vague pop-ups on the screen now, such as with Mask Scent. The Mask Scent ability can be attempted to be used, and instead of an explanation--such as the time, which was stated before under the old system--you are only told "You cannot mask your scent at this time." I do not think elucidation is necessary in expressing how unclear, uninformative, and unhelpful that message is, nor do I need to detail how this goes directly against Julio's claimed perception of the game.
Julio's words regarding crafting changes were notably bound by fallacy. Rather than answer the question, he digressed into speaking in broad terms regarding the place crafters play in the game, rather than the question, which concerned if crafters did have massive new problems which changed how their characters operated. The answer is yes, Julio, yes. It is not "this mildly associated topic's answer is no," the answer to the question asked to you was yes. Do be more direct in interviews, dodging questions draws distrust form an audience, and makes us believe the worst, even if the worst is not true.
I am afraid that "Star Wars relaism," as Julio put it, is rather lost in the new CU. Bounty hunters (such as Boba fet) worked alone. Han Solo had one partner. Jedis fought in groups, and Vader used his Force Powers publicly. Lightsabers lopped off limbs like butter, and one solid torso shot ended omsone'es life from a laser, even through storm trooper armor. Rather than focus on making Jedis more realistic, making weapons mroe movie-realistic, we sacrifice these things for "game-play." In the CU, we see less game-play help (armor being literalyl next-to-useless, for example), and less realism as well. How can an unarmed humanoid using martial arts have a 6 meter attakc range, and a humanoid armed with a polearm or two-handed weapon have the exact same reach? How can a creature strike in a peck-motion and connect from 12 metres away, but the person not strike their head when the creature attacks, because the character is 9 metres away from the creature's body? How can a rifleman be shooting at a pistoleer from 40 metres be fired back upon while running away form the NPC with burstrun (thus increasing the distance between them) and a 35 metre-ranged pistol shoot the rifleman, who is supposed to have greater range? No, Julio; no, MMORPG.com, no, readers: this is not more realistic "exciting" "in your face" Star Wars. This is a less realistic, less game-play oriented, more turn-based (which by its very nature is unrealistic) game than the previous program.
Fighting alone is more difficult, as Julio stated in a round-about, indirect fashion, and he is correct. The game is much easier in groups, and even Jedi are forced to have incredibly difficult times fighting proper level creatures alone--much harder a time than two non-force sensitive carbineers. Soemhow, Julio, that doesn't seem more like Star Wars to me. Jedi--even Padawans) always seemed to be better in a battle than 2 gunners. Maybe I'm not recalling the Corvette, Jabba's Palace, the Endor Bunker, or the entire theme of Episode I properly, though. You could answer that though, Julio. Was a Jedi Padawan at least equal in combat to 2 gunners, or would you rather have two pistol-users at your side than a Jedi Padawan witha light saber? I suppose the accuracy of your previously given answer in the interview hinges on that response.
Finally, we reach a point where I become very disappointed in Julio. Julio, I mentioend rpeviously that dodging questions with Red Herring Falacies was a weakness in argument, and undermined your reliability of character. I am afraid I must call attention to this occuring oncemore. As I noted in the section concerning cybernetics, SOE has made significant errors which they have pulled back. SOE has told some crafters that they must use literal hours pulling stock off of vendors and replacing it to fix a bug SOE put into place. SOE has closed some gameplay areas (such as the Weapons Depot) because they made errors. Pre-orders of Rage of the Wookies and accounts alike have been cancelled. Due to this, I would say that SOE did make errors--and admitted some and fixed some. Thus, how is it you could not be honest, forthright, and up-front with your customers (who in some small indirect way pay for you and your family to eat) and tell us that you made mistakes? Instead, we see a spin-doctored deflection of a direct query posted by MMORPG.com's Dana Massey, and are forced to question whether you are being honest with us--or hiding something to try and save face and lure more players into the game with deception, rather than appropriate product quality and information. In fact, I believe that claiming somethign false about a product, or a repair of a product (such as stating that combat is made faster if it cannot be proven to be so) is in business called a fraudulent claim. I, of course, am not stating that you have made this error, Julio, I am merely hoping to insure you know how seriously your words meant for the public can be taken legally, and by your public.
As a final note, whomever is transcribing this dialogue should use more appropriate grammar. While I am not perfect (especially in typos) I am not an online publishing company, whose professional, or unprofessional, editing and presentation reflects upon the entire wide-spread "blog" or internet news and publishing genre as a whole,"There will however be an emphasis on grouping for the higher level content in the game," for example is grammatically incorrect, and should have a comma before and following the however, as it is a perinthetical statement.
Muahahaha , Thanks for banning me SOE , The CU that I witness ( in GOD MODE no less ,) at Celebration 3 and Muhahaha the SWG breakfast is your undoing and the past 5 months I have been WoW and I just picked up Guild Wars. No /Pizza or Search for Evercrack whores ( and I don't care , My Jestor's banned anyway )
Maybe I should post this in the Rumor Room - but I have round trip tickets to San Diego - no Lie , I going fly. For Fanfest ( Hell I have the t-shirt already)? or perhaps a day in court? ( Hmmmm class action?)
I, like everyone else feel ripped off by SOE/LA. I "had" 5 accounts myself. Between myself and my friend we had 10 accounts. From my guild alone SOE/LA lost 42 accounts. They had an original game and blew it all to hell. Now its a clone of WoW and EQ2.
My guess is they're expecting a large push due to Episode III. From reading the SWG forums and this forum, I would guess that they lost at least half there customer base. I just don't get it. I don't understand what they are thinking. I'm not the most intelligent guy, but wouldn't the serious lose in $$ make them realize that they made a grave error?
I have been reading for the past week about this so-called combat upgrade for SWG. I have not been unable to find ONE person, who likes the upgrade. I have also look at the SWG petition website and figured that SOE and starwars galaxies has lost about 3.5 million dollars in revenue due to "customers" ( which I thought we were the ones was paying for it ) leaving. If this keeps up there will be the end of SWG by next month. I am very saddened by the way all the players are being treated as a whole. I believe the people at SOE need a lesson on how to handle customer relations. I believe this needs to be brought up to the people at sony online entertainment and even George Lucas himself. After this I will never buy or join another SOE game again, because of they way this is being handled. Further more i incourage all players to boycott starwars new movie and all associated products and anything that further coincides with SOE.
Originally posted by sean96 to all SWG people leaving,
I have been reading for the past week about this so-called combat upgrade for SWG. I have not been unable to find ONE person, who likes the upgrade. I have also look at the SWG petition website and figured that SOE and starwars galaxies has lost about 3.5 million dollars in revenue due to "customers" ( which I thought we were the ones was paying for it ) leaving. If this keeps up there will be the end of SWG by next month. I am very saddened by the way all the players are being treated as a whole. I believe the people at SOE need a lesson on how to handle customer relations. I believe this needs to be brought up to the people at sony online entertainment and even George Lucas himself. After this I will never buy or join another SOE game again, because of they way this is being handled. Further more i incourage all players to boycott starwars new movie and all associated products and anything that further coincides with SOE.
Well I think your post has alot of merit but I don't think a month will close their doors, even if your math was flawless. IF its as bad as you say by this point I think Lucas would be doing anything it could to get its players back, I do however beleive a large number of the players are leaving. And I mostly agree with your statement about no players liking it, I will say MOST don't. I feel it has potential but some key things need to go away on it.
As for George Lucas himself, I highly doubt he has any control over it anymore and he has "sold out" just as much as anyone else involved in the Star Wars franchise.
There is something else you must remember. This is an MMO, old people leave, but new come in and right now star wars is at its peak, I am quite sure they are counting on ALOT of new sign ups over the next 4 months.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I think the new simplified HAM system is MUCH better than the old, convoluted 9-bar HAM system. I just thought it was rediculous to try and chase down Doctors who didn't have all of the wound packs to heal me up.
Plus, using the Action bar for, well, actual ACTIONS makes the most sense. So that your health bar can be for, well, HEALTH (or hitpoints).
Another advantage is that you can actually wear armor now. Before, you had to shoot steroids before you could wear a full set of composite, but now you don't need to worry about the Encumbrance factor.
The old HAM system was probably the worst thing I've ever seen in a MMO.
The cobat upgrade is the worse thing ever done to a game. There is a web site that has a petition with well over 15000 signuters www.swgpetition.com . Sony online entertainment has choosen not to listen to their playes and have chosen to respond like this
1. any thing posted on the forums that is anti CU is deleted
2. protesting players are killed by droidekas that magicaly apear
3. e-mails are ignored
4. protesting players are warped to places out in the middle of no where
5. they also ignore the fact that multiple people are canceling there subscribtion like me "my acount ends on may 7th and will not be renwed"
I agree with you Fadeus it won't be a Month. More like 6 to 8 Months before things will start falling apart. Revenge of the Sith will bring in new members who are getting on the Star Wars Hype bandwagon. Those "Hyped fans" will leave in about 3 months when the adrenaline is gone and they realize "I'm paying $15 a month for a Video Game". Remember the "True I'm staying forever" die hard Star Wars / Role Playing members are (or should I say "were") playing Galaxies.
After which Sony will have to consolidate the servers due to lost revenue and lack of people on several servers (which i am seeing now). My personal opinion is that this will happen in 2 to 5 months from now but knowing the DEVS they will wait until the end of the year.
In the 10 to 12 Month time period Sony will send an announcement to all old players (who have quit the game) of the changes that have been made to try to get them back. There will be a special offer if you re-subscribe. Unfortunantly for Sony everyone who left will be playing another MMORPG and remember what Sony did to everyone. They will not re-subscribe.
In 12 to 14 Months will be the end of Star Wars Galaxies. Without a new movie to piggy back revenue from Star Wars Galaxies will fall to the wayside.
Originally posted by Haqo Well being that there were only 7 max Jedi testers, I must say as a Jedi Padawan, that the CU so far has hit rock bottom! Not being able to group and being an untested toon in this time has made anything very difficault and there respec finishes, just as they are now addressing some of the Jedi problems! It would be nice to see the jedi respec extended for 2 more weeks so we can now try differing templates for this system, planets are only today being set to the new LEVEL system and so far I've been unable to do very much in the way of PVE and as for PVP, I can't try it at this time or I'd have a Bounty Hunter chasing me!
I am completely against the cu for alot of reasons. BUT....for you jedi out there, there may be hope..take advantage of the double xp week. If you get in a group of 7 other jedi or even a doc (to rez) or even if you group with other higher level combat professions, take missions in your cl range and all of you hunt together. You each get full xp for each kill even if you only hit it once...and each get full missions payout. My husband played his jedi for 4 hours in a group of eight the other night and got 1.2 mil xp! Sure, he was hunted and killed twice due to vis. But I was there with my doc to rez and rebuff/heal etc. See If you can find a group like this, it will help with the lack of xp problem.
Originally posted by Haqo Well being that there were only 7 max Jedi testers, I must say as a Jedi Padawan, that the CU so far has hit rock bottom! Not being able to group and being an untested toon in this time has made anything very difficault and there respec finishes, just as they are now addressing some of the Jedi problems! It would be nice to see the jedi respec extended for 2 more weeks so we can now try differing templates for this system, planets are only today being set to the new LEVEL system and so far I've been unable to do very much in the way of PVE and as for PVP, I can't try it at this time or I'd have a Bounty Hunter chasing me!
I am completely against the cu for alot of reasons. BUT....for you jedi out there, there may be hope..take advantage of the double xp week. If you get in a group of 7 other jedi or even a doc (to rez) or even if you group with other higher level combat professions, take missions in your cl range and all of you hunt together. You each get full xp for each kill even if you only hit it once...and each get full missions payout. My husband played his jedi for 4 hours in a group of eight the other night and got 1.2 mil xp! Sure, he was hunted and killed twice due to vis. But I was there with my doc to rez and rebuff/heal etc. See If you can find a group like this, it will help with the lack of xp problem.
But I still say /tsk SOE
Sorry I can't bring myself to log in, and wont even consider leaving my Jedi account open. I'm done with SWG unless we get our game back and a commitment from the SWG project team to begin communicating and listening/acting on player feedback. No more trash and mismanagement from SOE, and no New SWG game.
I had a 2044 Sabers, Novice everthing else, and 0203 Enhancer... and more than that, I miss my role as a crafting doctor, a business and role built up over 2 years of hard hard work and passion... destroyed by the SOE machine and ivory tower design.
V. A. Graicunas once said, "There is nothing which rots morale more quickly and more completely than poor communication and indecisiveness -- the feeling that those in authority do not know their own minds. And there is no condition which more quickly produces a sense of indecision among subordinates or more effectively hampers communication than being responsible to a superior who has too wide a span of control."
In this CURB, this is actually where your company has completely failed, sir.
Originally, SOE took basic building blocks and allowed them to grow into communities. The communities were built upon professions that provided both a flavor of involvement and a sense of belonging and worth to the individual playing that character. In a large sense, fighters fought, entertainers entertained, and crafters crafted. The fact that these lines could be blurred without sacrificing a player's ability to explore and participate in the game also provided a bonus which cemented the circle of interdependency. Bluntly put, players appreciated each other and the aspects that others provided to accomplishing their goals.
Toward this, your company has steadily built a campaign of lies as the basis for its communication with its customer base for SWG. I have been a player for two years, establishing and nurturing many of the largest communities on Tempest. I've been a CU Alpha Team member, and I've many family members and close friends that have worked for your company in a myriad of roles. Everything your company has put out in communication to its players has been the most disrespectful, outright lies comprising two years of ineptitude. I've attributed this with the recognition that you seem to have no clear understanding of just what your player base in SWG consisted of in terms of real people. The comments by your development team during the Jedi Revamp on Test Center really pointed out how very little the designers of this game have played the system. It became very obvious at that time, combined with all the statements beforehand from your Community Relations personnel, that you haven't a fundamental understanding what made SWG a success and what were its problems. I even visited a GENCON where your developers stated they had no knowledge of a list of 30 errors with structures; I passed to them, ever existed. All said, that's giving you the benefit of the doubt because the only other choice in this conversation is that you've deliberately driven off the majority of your player base and hope to exchange it for another. If that is true, then, as a company, you've totally failed your customers, your parent company and the stockholders of Sony at large.
No one kills their consumers deliberately unless they are committing an act of suicide.
What you have done is completely invalidated two solid years of effort by thousands of people. You initially set up the bar to reach and completely obliterated the system at a time when a good majority of people had reached or were reaching their goals. Gutting crafting for a multitude of professions, breaking rewards from the village quests and completely invalidating them, and instituting a level based system that does not play by the same rules you place upon the player base. For example, I went out with a Doctor to assist a Jedi friend in leveling last night. He is completely unable to survive the mission levels now, so has thrown safety in visibility out the window in favor of leveling late at night when the majority of the respec'd BH's are in bed. We had a good run hunting level 80ish mobs from a Dantooine mission terminal. But suddenly a spawn of level 55 voritors overcame us and we fought for over an hour straight to survive the (obviously broken) spawn of 60+ voritors. If we had been level 55, the mobs would have instantly killed us. However these level 55 mobs had us barely able to survive because they could hurt us as well as the level 80 mobs did, and there were 60 spawning at once. A death for my friend would have been devastating in the amount of experience lost. Under the current rules we are talking weeks of work gone in one shot because your design team basically cheats with the CL damage system and only applies the rules to the detriment of the players. While a bonding experience for us, it was not fun and the whole 120 experience we gained for a solid hour of fighting to survive was a slap in the face.
As for crafting and the aspects thereof, you've eliminated achievement in crafting. The caps on Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Chef, Doctor, Artisan, Bio-Engineer, and Droid Engineer are just indicative of your company's inexperience at playing their own game. If you have a statement that describes why wiping out two years of resource collection and starting over is fun, I'd really like to see it. That might give me some insight into why you've basically destroyed the player-base economy in favor of complete blandness. But, I honestly don't have faith that you even know the answer to this question. Your quest to make a deadline sacrificed all that was good in crafting. Yet again, you have displayed that you do not understand why people choose crafting professions over fighting professions. I'll tell you the same thing the player base has been screaming since June 2003: achievement. As for further achievement as a crafter, you've now made it impossible to survive the game without dying many multiple times a session as a crafter. This feature of balance has made the game completely not fun for 100% of the crafting community and they have quit in droves. Nothing you can do will rebalance the CL system to overcome this blatant disregard you have displayed for the foundational members of your player base that created the things that kept other players in the game.
My SWG game has always been community development. I immersed myself into growing communities in SWG and providing the support for them to both enjoy the game and attain their goals within a family environment. I've establish multiple crafting communities and entertainer support systems under the pre-CURB era and was very successful in doing so. I am considered a leader in the Tempest community because I cared more about my fellow player instead of my own game achievement. This achievement, for me, was completely obliterated when 90% of my community left the game.
The only idea that I can provide you with is to remove the CL system and put back wither the old system or a new skill-based system that doesn't gate mob selection by levels. You have removed the ability of players to achieve their goals in a reasonable time. It was a poorly thought out implementation, and the inability of the developers to make the spawns work correctly is further alienating what little player base you have remaining. If you want a chance at regaining the accounts of players that paid for two years straight, then that is your only chance of bringing them back. Two-month game card subscriptions from whatever slight increase you perceive during the EP3 "rush" doesn't have a chance of replacing those accounts that were loyal to your company for two years. Do your subscriptions numbers need to completely bottom out before you fundamentally understand that the CL system was the worst choice possible to a player base that stayed for the skill-based system? I sincerely hope not, because if more people like me leave, the cornerstones of communities will be completely gutted and you will have no consistent consumer base left in SWG.
Thirty-three year old producers that sign their statements, "RRORWWRWRWORWRRRWR!!!", do not lend credence to this forty year old consumer that you have the best interest of this game at heart. You don't need "cool things" to entice the player base, you need the promise of consistent rules, and an assuredness that achievement will not be deleted on the whim of the next SWG producer you hire, and that you hold our game achievements sacred. If you want the tide of support to change I'd suggest you stop putting forth elementary press releases and start acting, now. You need to establish fundamental rules that work and give people a reasonable goal to work towards. Your inability to maintain the morale of this player base, no matter what the excuse, is wanting.
I, and many others I know, will completely support a class action suit against SOE and LA for foisting this abomination of what the devs have called an upgrade. Surely, some of you other players out there must have family or friends that are lawyers, or youre one yourself. What can we do, as a user community, to make this legally actionable? I believe the prospective defendants have committed fraud and larceny and should be held financially responsible to their customers.
The CU is an abomination to the crafting professions. As a former crafting doc, ALL of my buff packs and other items, once converted, were rendered useless. To hear LA say this was intentional is a total slap in the face to all the loyal players who play this game...
In California u can Sue anybody for anything almost hahhaah its crazy if theres anywhere it could happen it would be here as the EULA has been broken now and i know a high powered lawyer but he doesnt do these type of cases.
Eriliioun, who like the CU=Downgrade made a not he woulnt dare say here, and thats tthe fact that he has taken up the Carfting Porffession of Master Shipwright or and Master Armorsmith which is the reason being why he just loves attacking ppl hateing CU=Downgrade because he's pofiting off what was our proffessions and makeing millions now, but u dont see him saying that here on thos post as hed get rippied to shreds.
Isntead he's on the General SWG discussion attacking along with Fadeus, ppl that hate CU=Downgrade because every1 doesnt know that there are other forums for us to influence.
So, i think we should go to the other Forums of SWG that Fadeuse isnt so Manly on along with Erillious and a couple other and tell other ppl not to buy this crappy EQ2 spin-off game.
Because this isnt the only Forum for us on SWG, thanx.
Originally posted by Kingshark Eriliioun, who like the CU=Downgrade made a not he woulnt dare say here, and thats tthe fact that he has taken up the Carfting Porffession of Master Shipwright or and Master Armorsmith which is the reason being why he just loves attacking ppl hateing CU=Downgrade because he's pofiting off what was our proffessions and makeing millions now, but u dont see him saying that here on thos post as hed get rippied to shreds. Isntead he's on the General SWG discussion attacking along with Fadeus, ppl that hate CU=Downgrade because every1 doesnt know that there are other forums for us to influence. So, i think we should go to the other Forums of SWG that Fadeuse isnt so Manly on along with Erillious and a couple other and tell other ppl not to buy this crappy EQ2 spin-off game. Because this isnt the only Forum for us on SWG, thanx.
You know when your mouth opens and start working you really do yourself a disservice. Erillion is a well established member here and if you had actually taken about 10 minutes to read something outside of this one single thread you might not your talking completely out of your backside. And ontop if you can't even say it coherently.
No one is getting ripped to shreds here, your just another flaming troll that is gonna run around spewing down with SOE bs for a few days. Erillion has given me most of what I own in SWG, and leaves a standing offer to any new player to come in and he will help them get started. Yet you are gonna sit there and run your mouth about he is greedy? I think you need to grow up Kingshark, and start posting again when you have something intelligent to say.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
This is not intended to flame you, but I just have to say that I find it ammusing that one of the few CU supporters has an EQ2 pic in his sig. No wonder you like it.
Originally posted by Fadeus
Originally posted by Kingshark Eriliioun, who like the CU=Downgrade made a not he woulnt dare say here, and thats tthe fact that he has taken up the Carfting Porffession of Master Shipwright or and Master Armorsmith which is the reason being why he just loves attacking ppl hateing CU=Downgrade because he's pofiting off what was our proffessions and makeing millions now, but u dont see him saying that here on thos post as hed get rippied to shreds. Isntead he's on the General SWG discussion attacking along with Fadeus, ppl that hate CU=Downgrade because every1 doesnt know that there are other forums for us to influence. So, i think we should go to the other Forums of SWG that Fadeuse isnt so Manly on along with Erillious and a couple other and tell other ppl not to buy this crappy EQ2 spin-off game. Because this isnt the only Forum for us on SWG, thanx.
You know when your mouth opens and start working you really do yourself a disservice. Erillion is a well established member here and if you had actually taken about 10 minutes to read something outside of this one single thread you might not your talking completely out of your backside. And ontop if you can't even say it coherently.
No one is getting ripped to shreds here, your just another flaming troll that is gonna run around spewing down with SOE bs for a few days. Erillion has given me most of what I own in SWG, and leaves a standing offer to any new player to come in and he will help them get started. Yet you are gonna sit there and run your mouth about he is greedy? I think you need to grow up Kingshark, and start posting again when you have something intelligent to say.
Originally posted by RaistlinVII This is not intended to flame you, but I just have to say that I find it ammusing that one of the few CU supporters has an EQ2 pic in his sig. No wonder you like it.
I have already stated I beleive it was a mistake and I do not like them expanding the level system as they did so I am not sure how you could come to that conclusion. Considering how many negative things I have had to say about the CU I am not even sure where you get I am a supporter of it.
HOWEVER I will not sit here and mindlessly flame it without laying down any real facts on why I don't like it. I am not just gonna sit here and rant all day "SOE SUX!!111" and "the CU DOWNGRADE IS HORRIBLE". I have argued some peoples posts that honestly I found completely untrue. You can like the CU or you can dislike it, but don't sit there ranting like a mindless drone and expect me to respect your opinion.
BTW, no offense taken.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Well being that there were only 7 max Jedi testers, I must say as a Jedi Padawan, that the CU so far has hit rock bottom! Not being able to group and being an untested toon in this time has made anything very difficault and there respec finishes, just as they are now addressing some of the Jedi problems!
It would be nice to see the jedi respec extended for 2 more weeks so we can now try differing templates for this system, planets are only today being set to the new LEVEL system and so far I've been unable to do very much in the way of PVE and as for PVP, I can't try it at this time or I'd have a Bounty Hunter chasing me!
Come on Julio get your head out of the clouds!!!
I have been a player since day one along with the other players of our guild (whats left of it after CU) well we took the advice tried it on test center you needed more time to fix it there, but to release the new Cu in it's stage was totally beyond us WHY!!
You didn't listen to anyone on the forums in fact the censorship that you implemented was totally disgraceful to delete posts and ban players for voicing their concerns about the CU was unjust!
Well as i said we all tried it and the result was a BIG NO!
So we did what we all said and left the game and canceled our accounts and i mean that we had a average of 3 accounts per player (you work out the sums)
As i live in Australia I made a lot of good friends in the game, so we all went and got Matrix and now thats where our cash goes
Goodbye forever SWG
Gargoyle Naritus server
Personally, I feel completely ripped off by LA/SOE. I am very angry that they have completely ruined my toons. I have seven accounts, all of which I am in the process of cancelling. SWG is a service I and every other player paid to subscribe to. We aren't allowed to play the game unless we pay 24/7/365, yet they can shut the server down at will and not even credit our accounts with the down time or service interruption, so basically, I'm of the opinion that they have stolen time from my subscription, which is the same as stealing my money. I eagarly look forward to the class action law suit against LA/SOE. I have toons that can no longer equip any weapons, doc that has/had millions of credits worth of buffs, all of which have been ruined. Chef that is no longer playable as well as entertainer that is useless. I don't want to be "forced" into grouping or "forced" into solely combat role. I can't imagine the Board of Directors or Stockholders sitting still for all these financial losses. It is beyond to late to change things. The only way I would consider staying with this game is if they completely rolled the servers back to pre-CU. Why don't they make two sets of servers, a set for those interested in playing pre-CU and a set for those interested in playing under the CU version. That would solve the problems currently underway. And for LA/SOE to sit there and think they don't have a problem is nothing but laughable. I used to want to see them succeed because I wanted to continue to play the game. Now, I hope they fall flat on their faces. As for me, I will NEVER buy anything again that carries the Sony label. Mostly because I have seen through this game that they have no customer service and could give a flip if a customer is satisfied. Companies with that type of mentality deserve to be put out of business. LA/SOE think they are to big for the public to impact, well I have news flash...it took the public to put you where you are now and it will take the public to bring you back down. I was going to go see the Star Wars movie coming out, not any more. Not going to give you one more penny of my money. Pretty basically, You suck the big one.
Alright, I have a few comments to make which I hope are helpful in one manner or another.
First of all, I question the expertise of your interviewee. No offense meant to Julio, but since when did his title become "SOE Programmer" or "SOE Star Wars Galaxies Head of Community Service?" What I see is that he works for Lucas Arts, which means that I doubt he truly knows everything that is happening in the coding of the game. And in point of fact, I know he doesn't from his answers to some of your queries, because I have faith that people do not outright lie to large communities of people--isn't that right, Julio?
First of all, Julio states that the combat upgrade has increased the speed of combat. That is incorrect. From Teras Kasi Master to Rifleman, this CU has slowed the game's combat down. Not only do attacks take longer to get off, enemies take longer to kill, and the decrease in melee range distance been applied only to characters not to creatures, creating a need to constantly close within range of an opponent (slus slowing combat down further, and icnreasing running-around time), but the manner of gaining experience for all combat-based professions and hibrids (such as Force Sensitive and Jedi) has gone up, as well. Now, I believe that Julio is saying this because he is ignorant of the game-play. I don't expect everyone to have played the game to know the truth, so I don't mind correcting him on this. Julio, ask players, programers, or run time-tests of combat on the old-server backup I'm certain is available, and on the new. Then you will find that your words were in error, and when next you are interviewed, you can be accurate in your statements.
The definition of combat roles is another notion touched upon which is only partially true. While the CU was supposed to define combat roles more clearly into three different segments, it has failed. Enemies attack whomever does the highest damage to them, even disregarding advanced taunts. Thus, the problem arises that "tanks" cannot take the damage and keep an enemy's attention and allow more high-damage ranged players from fighting unaccosted--as was the design. In this manner, their is no separation to define combat roles, only a failed attempt ruined by flawed coding in a hastily assembled system.
As for the time frame of the game drawing out the Galactic Civil War, I'm afraid you're mistaken there as well. Currently not only are places like the Weapons Depot closed, but in adding cybernetic limbs which are nothing like what Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader had, but rather cheap toilet-bowl-scrubber rip-offs of Episode 1 Battle Droid arms, the CU has created an anachronistic throw-back of which one of the largest flaws (forced cybernetic limbs on character who die off of core-planets which are purposefully shoddy) was repealled. By the way, I thought that in your answer to what SOE failed at you might have stated that, as you repealled it days into the CU because it was a complete and utter failure. Instead, you did not mention this error which was publicly repealled at all, and only stated things might have gone more smoothly. It was interesting.
The notion of Respecing solving players' problems is almost laughable. The fact of the matter is that the gameplay has changed so notably that people are having to play characters they do not enjoy (such as the shift form melee to ranged weapons and from combat medics who can no longer heal wounds) and Respecing is neccessary so that their long-standing characters are not destroyed--not to make gameplay more fun, simply barely functional oncemore.
In regards to the UI comments made, I'm afraid Julio is istaken oncemore. You see, where he states that this system allows players to not see "you cannot do this for x seconds," it actually makes some special abilities ahrder to judge, time-wise. Equilibirum may only be used once per hour. Currently that Zabrak ability is bugged and does nothing, however under the old system, if you ahd used it within the hour, you would be informed as you how much time you had left before you could use it again (15:30 minutes, 15 seconds, et cetera). Now, you watch a box which functions under the same strategems as a sun-dial, waiting and estimating the time. Thus, taking away the exact time and reverting to an archaic sun-dial system actually makes characters less aware of how long abilities will take. Peripherally, You get even more vague pop-ups on the screen now, such as with Mask Scent. The Mask Scent ability can be attempted to be used, and instead of an explanation--such as the time, which was stated before under the old system--you are only told "You cannot mask your scent at this time." I do not think elucidation is necessary in expressing how unclear, uninformative, and unhelpful that message is, nor do I need to detail how this goes directly against Julio's claimed perception of the game.
Julio's words regarding crafting changes were notably bound by fallacy. Rather than answer the question, he digressed into speaking in broad terms regarding the place crafters play in the game, rather than the question, which concerned if crafters did have massive new problems which changed how their characters operated. The answer is yes, Julio, yes. It is not "this mildly associated topic's answer is no," the answer to the question asked to you was yes. Do be more direct in interviews, dodging questions draws distrust form an audience, and makes us believe the worst, even if the worst is not true.
I am afraid that "Star Wars relaism," as Julio put it, is rather lost in the new CU. Bounty hunters (such as Boba fet) worked alone. Han Solo had one partner. Jedis fought in groups, and Vader used his Force Powers publicly. Lightsabers lopped off limbs like butter, and one solid torso shot ended omsone'es life from a laser, even through storm trooper armor. Rather than focus on making Jedis more realistic, making weapons mroe movie-realistic, we sacrifice these things for "game-play." In the CU, we see less game-play help (armor being literalyl next-to-useless, for example), and less realism as well. How can an unarmed humanoid using martial arts have a 6 meter attakc range, and a humanoid armed with a polearm or two-handed weapon have the exact same reach? How can a creature strike in a peck-motion and connect from 12 metres away, but the person not strike their head when the creature attacks, because the character is 9 metres away from the creature's body? How can a rifleman be shooting at a pistoleer from 40 metres be fired back upon while running away form the NPC with burstrun (thus increasing the distance between them) and a 35 metre-ranged pistol shoot the rifleman, who is supposed to have greater range? No, Julio; no, MMORPG.com, no, readers: this is not more realistic "exciting" "in your face" Star Wars. This is a less realistic, less game-play oriented, more turn-based (which by its very nature is unrealistic) game than the previous program.
Fighting alone is more difficult, as Julio stated in a round-about, indirect fashion, and he is correct. The game is much easier in groups, and even Jedi are forced to have incredibly difficult times fighting proper level creatures alone--much harder a time than two non-force sensitive carbineers. Soemhow, Julio, that doesn't seem more like Star Wars to me. Jedi--even Padawans) always seemed to be better in a battle than 2 gunners. Maybe I'm not recalling the Corvette, Jabba's Palace, the Endor Bunker, or the entire theme of Episode I properly, though. You could answer that though, Julio. Was a Jedi Padawan at least equal in combat to 2 gunners, or would you rather have two pistol-users at your side than a Jedi Padawan witha light saber? I suppose the accuracy of your previously given answer in the interview hinges on that response.
Finally, we reach a point where I become very disappointed in Julio. Julio, I mentioend rpeviously that dodging questions with Red Herring Falacies was a weakness in argument, and undermined your reliability of character. I am afraid I must call attention to this occuring oncemore. As I noted in the section concerning cybernetics, SOE has made significant errors which they have pulled back. SOE has told some crafters that they must use literal hours pulling stock off of vendors and replacing it to fix a bug SOE put into place. SOE has closed some gameplay areas (such as the Weapons Depot) because they made errors. Pre-orders of Rage of the Wookies and accounts alike have been cancelled. Due to this, I would say that SOE did make errors--and admitted some and fixed some. Thus, how is it you could not be honest, forthright, and up-front with your customers (who in some small indirect way pay for you and your family to eat) and tell us that you made mistakes? Instead, we see a spin-doctored deflection of a direct query posted by MMORPG.com's Dana Massey, and are forced to question whether you are being honest with us--or hiding something to try and save face and lure more players into the game with deception, rather than appropriate product quality and information. In fact, I believe that claiming somethign false about a product, or a repair of a product (such as stating that combat is made faster if it cannot be proven to be so) is in business called a fraudulent claim. I, of course, am not stating that you have made this error, Julio, I am merely hoping to insure you know how seriously your words meant for the public can be taken legally, and by your public.
As a final note, whomever is transcribing this dialogue should use more appropriate grammar. While I am not perfect (especially in typos) I am not an online publishing company, whose professional, or unprofessional, editing and presentation reflects upon the entire wide-spread "blog" or internet news and publishing genre as a whole,"There will however be an emphasis on grouping for the higher level content in the game," for example is grammatically incorrect, and should have a comma before and following the however, as it is a perinthetical statement.
Most sincerely,
Joshua Holbrook
Aka Brennus Gaillard of the Flurry Server
Muahahaha , Thanks for banning me SOE , The CU that I witness ( in GOD MODE no less ,) at Celebration 3 and Muhahaha the SWG breakfast is your undoing and the past 5 months I have been WoW and I just picked up Guild Wars. No /Pizza or Search for Evercrack whores ( and I don't care , My Jestor's banned anyway )
Maybe I should post this in the Rumor Room - but I have round trip tickets to San Diego - no Lie , I going fly. For Fanfest ( Hell I have the t-shirt already)? or perhaps a day in court? ( Hmmmm class action?)
Love that Jestor - SOE Doesn't!
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog - https://www.facebook.com/GoodOldReliableNathan
I, like everyone else feel ripped off by SOE/LA. I "had" 5 accounts myself. Between myself and my friend we had 10 accounts. From my guild alone SOE/LA lost 42 accounts. They had an original game and blew it all to hell. Now its a clone of WoW and EQ2.
My guess is they're expecting a large push due to Episode III. From reading the SWG forums and this forum, I would guess that they lost at least half there customer base. I just don't get it. I don't understand what they are thinking. I'm not the most intelligent guy, but wouldn't the serious lose in $$ make them realize that they made a grave error?
to all SWG people leaving,
I have been reading for the past week about this so-called combat upgrade for SWG. I have not been unable to find ONE person, who likes the upgrade. I have also look at the SWG petition website and figured that SOE and starwars galaxies has lost about 3.5 million dollars in revenue due to "customers" ( which I thought we were the ones was paying for it ) leaving. If this keeps up there will be the end of SWG by next month. I am very saddened by the way all the players are being treated as a whole. I believe the people at SOE need a lesson on how to handle customer relations. I believe this needs to be brought up to the people at sony online entertainment and even George Lucas himself. After this I will never buy or join another SOE game again, because of they way this is being handled. Further more i incourage all players to boycott starwars new movie and all associated products and anything that further coincides with SOE.
Well I think your post has alot of merit but I don't think a month will close their doors, even if your math was flawless. IF its as bad as you say by this point I think Lucas would be doing anything it could to get its players back, I do however beleive a large number of the players are leaving. And I mostly agree with your statement about no players liking it, I will say MOST don't. I feel it has potential but some key things need to go away on it.
As for George Lucas himself, I highly doubt he has any control over it anymore and he has "sold out" just as much as anyone else involved in the Star Wars franchise.
There is something else you must remember. This is an MMO, old people leave, but new come in and right now star wars is at its peak, I am quite sure they are counting on ALOT of new sign ups over the next 4 months.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I think the new simplified HAM system is MUCH better than the old, convoluted 9-bar HAM system. I just thought it was rediculous to try and chase down Doctors who didn't have all of the wound packs to heal me up.
Plus, using the Action bar for, well, actual ACTIONS makes the most sense. So that your health bar can be for, well, HEALTH (or hitpoints).
Another advantage is that you can actually wear armor now. Before, you had to shoot steroids before you could wear a full set of composite, but now you don't need to worry about the Encumbrance factor.
The old HAM system was probably the worst thing I've ever seen in a MMO.
The cobat upgrade is the worse thing ever done to a game. There is a web site that has a petition with well over 15000 signuters www.swgpetition.com . Sony online entertainment has choosen not to listen to their playes and have chosen to respond like this
1. any thing posted on the forums that is anti CU is deleted
2. protesting players are killed by droidekas that magicaly apear
3. e-mails are ignored
4. protesting players are warped to places out in the middle of no where
5. they also ignore the fact that multiple people are canceling there subscribtion like me "my acount ends on may 7th and will not be renwed"
cu stinks
I agree with you Fadeus it won't be a Month. More like 6 to 8 Months before things will start falling apart. Revenge of the Sith will bring in new members who are getting on the Star Wars Hype bandwagon. Those "Hyped fans" will leave in about 3 months when the adrenaline is gone and they realize "I'm paying $15 a month for a Video Game". Remember the "True I'm staying forever" die hard Star Wars / Role Playing members are (or should I say "were") playing Galaxies.
After which Sony will have to consolidate the servers due to lost revenue and lack of people on several servers (which i am seeing now). My personal opinion is that this will happen in 2 to 5 months from now but knowing the DEVS they will wait until the end of the year.
In the 10 to 12 Month time period Sony will send an announcement to all old players (who have quit the game) of the changes that have been made to try to get them back. There will be a special offer if you re-subscribe. Unfortunantly for Sony everyone who left will be playing another MMORPG and remember what Sony did to everyone. They will not re-subscribe.
In 12 to 14 Months will be the end of Star Wars Galaxies. Without a new movie to piggy back revenue from Star Wars Galaxies will fall to the wayside.
Thanks for an adult post.
See Ya,
I am completely against the cu for alot of reasons. BUT....for you jedi out there, there may be hope..take advantage of the double xp week. If you get in a group of 7 other jedi or even a doc (to rez) or even if you group with other higher level combat professions, take missions in your cl range and all of you hunt together. You each get full xp for each kill even if you only hit it once...and each get full missions payout. My husband played his jedi for 4 hours in a group of eight the other night and got 1.2 mil xp! Sure, he was hunted and killed twice due to vis. But I was there with my doc to rez and rebuff/heal etc. See If you can find a group like this, it will help with the lack of xp problem.
But I still say /tsk SOE
I am completely against the cu for alot of reasons. BUT....for you jedi out there, there may be hope..take advantage of the double xp week. If you get in a group of 7 other jedi or even a doc (to rez) or even if you group with other higher level combat professions, take missions in your cl range and all of you hunt together. You each get full xp for each kill even if you only hit it once...and each get full missions payout. My husband played his jedi for 4 hours in a group of eight the other night and got 1.2 mil xp! Sure, he was hunted and killed twice due to vis. But I was there with my doc to rez and rebuff/heal etc. See If you can find a group like this, it will help with the lack of xp problem.
But I still say /tsk SOE
Sorry I can't bring myself to log in, and wont even consider leaving my Jedi account open. I'm done with SWG unless we get our game back and a commitment from the SWG project team to begin communicating and listening/acting on player feedback. No more trash and mismanagement from SOE, and no New SWG game.
I had a 2044 Sabers, Novice everthing else, and 0203 Enhancer... and more than that, I miss my role as a crafting doctor, a business and role built up over 2 years of hard hard work and passion... destroyed by the SOE machine and ivory tower design.
No one kills their consumers deliberately unless they are committing an act of suicide.
I, and many others I know, will completely support a class action suit against SOE and LA for foisting this abomination of what the devs have called an upgrade. Surely, some of you other players out there must have family or friends that are lawyers, or youre one yourself. What can we do, as a user community, to make this legally actionable? I believe the prospective defendants have committed fraud and larceny and should be held financially responsible to their customers.
The CU is an abomination to the crafting professions. As a former crafting doc, ALL of my buff packs and other items, once converted, were rendered useless. To hear LA say this was intentional is a total slap in the face to all the loyal players who play this game...
Thanks for the shaft SOE and LA!
Eriliioun, who like the CU=Downgrade made a not he woulnt dare say here, and thats tthe fact that he has taken up the Carfting Porffession of Master Shipwright or and Master Armorsmith which is the reason being why he just loves attacking ppl hateing CU=Downgrade because he's pofiting off what was our proffessions and makeing millions now, but u dont see him saying that here on thos post as hed get rippied to shreds.
Isntead he's on the General SWG discussion attacking along with Fadeus, ppl that hate CU=Downgrade because every1 doesnt know that there are other forums for us to influence.
So, i think we should go to the other Forums of SWG that Fadeuse isnt so Manly on along with Erillious and a couple other and tell other ppl not to buy this crappy EQ2 spin-off game.
Because this isnt the only Forum for us on SWG, thanx.
You know when your mouth opens and start working you really do yourself a disservice. Erillion is a well established member here and if you had actually taken about 10 minutes to read something outside of this one single thread you might not your talking completely out of your backside. And ontop if you can't even say it coherently.
No one is getting ripped to shreds here, your just another flaming troll that is gonna run around spewing down with SOE bs for a few days. Erillion has given me most of what I own in SWG, and leaves a standing offer to any new player to come in and he will help them get started. Yet you are gonna sit there and run your mouth about he is greedy? I think you need to grow up Kingshark, and start posting again when you have something intelligent to say.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
You know when your mouth opens and start working you really do yourself a disservice. Erillion is a well established member here and if you had actually taken about 10 minutes to read something outside of this one single thread you might not your talking completely out of your backside. And ontop if you can't even say it coherently.
No one is getting ripped to shreds here, your just another flaming troll that is gonna run around spewing down with SOE bs for a few days. Erillion has given me most of what I own in SWG, and leaves a standing offer to any new player to come in and he will help them get started. Yet you are gonna sit there and run your mouth about he is greedy? I think you need to grow up Kingshark, and start posting again when you have something intelligent to say.
I have already stated I beleive it was a mistake and I do not like them expanding the level system as they did so I am not sure how you could come to that conclusion. Considering how many negative things I have had to say about the CU I am not even sure where you get I am a supporter of it.
HOWEVER I will not sit here and mindlessly flame it without laying down any real facts on why I don't like it. I am not just gonna sit here and rant all day "SOE SUX!!111" and "the CU DOWNGRADE IS HORRIBLE". I have argued some peoples posts that honestly I found completely untrue. You can like the CU or you can dislike it, but don't sit there ranting like a mindless drone and expect me to respect your opinion.
BTW, no offense taken.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World