Well, since no Wildstar release this year... for me:
1. Final Fantasy XIV: ARR
2. Neverwinter
3. Age of Wushu
This list is really cringe worthy.
If you enjoy the cringe, keep in mind that Scarlet Blade was also a new release in 2013. :-)
Some tough competition for GOTY this year, yeppers.
Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security. I don't Forum PVP. If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident. When I don't understand, I ask. Such is not intended as criticism.
@OP let it go dude.....you asked, you got your answers, quit trying to change people's minds and challenging their opinions.
Just saying, don't ask a question, if you cant accept the answers.
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
OP reminds me of a capt. of a sinking ship trying to convince the passengers they aren't going to drown as they fall off the ship. You posted a poll that was as straight forward as possible, but do not like the results. Over 200 people voted and it is overwhelmingly unanimous with one answer.
If the game actually played and felt like a D&D game I would still be playing it, but sadly it failed to be that. I do like the combat in the game, but there is little depth to it. No D&D game ever restricts a class/character to one weapon type. The gear no matter your level until maybe max even gives you much choice of different looks and becomes homogenous.
After taking the time to price out all the features I would have to pay for to get the same out of a $14.99 a month game, I would be spending almost a $100.00 a month to get the same in NW. This is why I choose sub. games.
Im guessing the OP spent a ton of money on founder packs and feels like he should push goty so he does not feel dumb for all the money he wasted.
Originally posted by laokoko "if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
The last point I struggle with, cause if you think about pen and paper, that is exactly what your doing. As far as D&D having an open, that is in the imagination of the pen and paper player, and the worlds they create in their mind. I ve said a few times, it will be extremeely hard to capture how everyone imagines D&D to be.
i doubt any pen and paper player would imagine being on an instanced corridor when they can create a whole world in their minds.
Neverwinter is far from being goty, but only 3 things killed that game for me. 1) mages are rooted in place while everyone else has mobility, 2) heavily instanced hub, 3) you need cash shop to be among the best (i play casualy but the fact that the cash shop dependency is there is wrong)
I was sitting here playing... and with all the things people say Neverwinter isn't, why aren't their morepeople play Vanguard, which is everything a lot people want ?
Vanguard SOH, biggest game world since DnL. Many races, many weapon choices, an amazing crafting system.... it baffles me why Vanguard SOH is not the number one mmorpg right now.
If it launched today it would be. Being, not the new thing everyone is playing/talking about means it's something most people wont even consider.
This game suffers from a lack of communication between the devs and the people playing. Their Beta was a joke. What is the point of a Beta if you are not fixing what your client tells you is obviously broke.
I don't know what the game is like now because I left not to long after Beta. Does the crafting still suck? Are you still forced to PvP Arena against your will to get the most auction house spendable money? Does the dungeon creator still crash repeatedly (those were called founder dungeons I think)? Do the boss fites still throw adds at you? Does the main city area still lag beyond reason? Do they still not listen to anyone asking them to fix shiz???
Beta means they are still fixing a good amount of bugs and making corrections and additions/removal of things..when you join a Beta you need to expect that.. that's why it's a beta.
What people think of crafting goes on both ends of the spectrum depending on your opinion. I don't think it sucks it's just different than other MMOs.. like a lot of other games.
You don't have to PVP it's a choice, you get AD from a daily portion of quests. But they have that for pve things as well. It's optional.. (you sure you played the game?)
No it doesn't crash repeatedly and if there is an error they fix it pretty quick.. unlike many other MMOs. It's called the Foundry.
There are ADDs in boss fights.. whats wrong with that? It makes it challenging and if you work with your party it's not hard to win the fight...it will take practice though just like most boss fights do.
I don't lag beyond reason and never have. I guess that all depends on your processor in your PC though.
And actually the devs and the community have a great relationship and they have staff members dedicated to the community.
So as far as these questions go it's pretty apparent you didn't stick around long at all.. and that's fine if you didn't but I was around when the game first launched and honestly the game has come a long way. Some of the question you posted make me wonder if you actually even played the game tbh.
Normally, I look at a new MMORPG by trying out several characters, classes, etc, and picking the one I like the "feel" of the best. The actual powers/tree is secondary. I couldn't find any character that I liked, so didn't play the game. It was all so simplistic.
However, the Foundry is cool. I almost gave them some money just for that. But even that is seriously flawed. You'd think that you could set up a scenario where if the player picked door #1, he would go to quest #1, and door #2 leads to quest #2. The player makes a choice. Not in this game, there is just one exit door, no choice. And no looping. Want to go do something and come back? You can't, there is no "back". All you can do is replicate what you wanted to go back to, and go to the new instance. Complete linearity, and that summed up the game for me.
Love Neverwinter! Great fun, and super casual. Works great for me! Jump in, get something done, log out, and move on with real life. Love it. I'm also an old AD&D 2.5'er.....
Originally posted by Margrave Love Neverwinter! Great fun, and super casual. Works great for me! Jump in, get something done, log out, and move on with real life. Love it. I'm also an old AD&D 2.5'er.....
AD&D 2.5 is new-fangled to me and my friends. Version 1 for the win!! They just got crappier after that.
Originally posted by Xthos Personally, I am going with no, I couldn't log out of it fast enough.
what would be you alternative to MMO : GotY ?
Oh, I don't know...pick any other 2013 launch out of a hat, and chances are it was better. Neverwinter is a disgrace to the Dungeons and Dragons universe.
How ?
Since you bravely want reasons for why Neverwinter Online is subpar i'll happily oblige:
-You can't build a character, sure there's a bunch of WoWish traits but you can't do something as simple as give a Fighter a bow or multi class.
Yes...the system is based off of D&D 4e....which, while I hate, utilizes the same mechanics.
-It's nothing like Neverwinter Nights, other then bits of lore. Which basically means they're using the name as a cash grab(TESO anyone)
Again.....it's a rehash of Neverwinter Nights based off the 4e system.
-The game is a hack and slash diablo/GW2 type game with 0 immersion. AKA a disgrace to the D&D universe like he pointed out.
Ummm...D&D at its' CORE is just a hack and slash system, sadly. If you're not doing a dungeon crawl then most of your "skills" are useless.
-The game encourages solo over grouping. Granted MMO's have sadly devolved into this but the opposite of D&D nonetheless.
Moot and not related at all to this game specifically.
-Very few classes/weapons/builds in a series that prides itself in variety
Again, sadly 4e is just this way and you end up with an MMO that is inheriting a system of poor customization by default. Any class in 4e has a couple good builds, until you start getting into the later books.
-No reason to actually play this game. GW2 combat is more crisp and refined and DDO is much closer to D&D(never thought I'd say that).
Already addressed.
-Sitting in one place as you jump from instance to instance does not D&D make. This is something from DDO they should never have copied and the main reason that game failed. Lack of open world = opposite of D&D by default.
From this point it's fairly clear you haven't ever played D&D....as it mostly boils down to "go to inn....talk to x person....get mission/quest/goal/objective...then go to dungeon/cave/castle and hack through it.". D&D at its' core lacks any real way of rewarding ANYTHING except combat, so if you're playing with anyone that enjoys character development then anything outside of combat is generally a waste to them.
As much as I hate Neverwinter...your points are all invalid and addressed above.
All of my critiques to your post, sadly, are still the things I dislike about Neverwinter the most....it's based off of a shallow system so it was always doomed to failure. The combat, though, is at least good for what it is. I feel like my choices of what to avoid and not to avoid mean a bit more than when I play GW2.
Originally posted by Margrave Love Neverwinter! Great fun, and super casual. Works great for me! Jump in, get something done, log out, and move on with real life. Love it. I'm also an old AD&D 2.5'er.....
AD&D 2.5 is new-fangled to me and my friends. Version 1 for the win!! They just got crappier after that.
So you don't like character development and/or customization other than buying a weapon? I'll pass.
You think AD&D Ed. 1 didn't have that? I can assure you it did. You've obviously never played it, or at least you must have sat at the table with a really crappy DM.
As far as online MMORPGs go, as regards the "feel" of AD&D, I have to say that D&D Online stands head and shoulders over Neverwinter every time. Neverwinter is a cookie-cutter MMORPG with the AD&D label pinned on it. Not bad for what it is, but Game of the Year? Maybe in the early 2000's.
If it's voting year, I abstain. However MMO success isn't decided by voting so i can state my opinion.
Which is fair enough, but a lot of the people voting no are not choosing a game that they think is better, which was released in 2013. This thread is full of:
'No because I hate the game'.
'OK, which game was better.'
'I don't know but I don't like the game so no'.
I mean, its just dumb. We all know the game isn't anything revolutionary, but its only real competitors were Wushu and FFXIV (if you include remakes) and both were terrible.
If you think those games were better that's fine, its all about opinion on here, but most people voting no are missing the point that they need to actually think another MMO released this year was better, no matter how shit they thought Neverwinter was.
I was sitting here playing... and with all the things people say Neverwinter isn't, why aren't their morepeople play Vanguard, which is everything a lot people want ?
Vanguard SOH, biggest game world since DnL. Many races, many weapon choices, an amazing crafting system.... it baffles me why Vanguard SOH is not the number one mmorpg right now.
If it launched today it would be. Being, not the new thing everyone is playing/talking about means it's something most people wont even consider.
I've tried to play it so many times, because it really does sound like the type of MMO I'm looking for. And I know I'm a hypocrite, because I hate it when people use it as an excuse to not play a game, but I absolutely could not get over the graphical representation of Vanguard: the character models, the shiny crisco-covered environments, the UI and the text display. It all bugged the shit out of me every time I tried to play it again, and I wish it hadn't.
As for NW, it was probably one of the more shallow gaming experiences I've had in an MMO. I despise cash shops, I'm not a fan of lobby based dungeon instancing, and the action style combat, while fun for a short while, quickly became old hat for me. If those aren't good enough reasons to vote no, I don't know what would be.
I wouldn't necessarily vote for anything to be the MMO GOTY, but if push came to shove, I'd pick Wushu (although with reservations).
"This is life! We suffer and slave and expire. That's it!" -Bernard Black (Dylan Moran)
This thread reminds me just how bad of a year it was for MMOs.
I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.
I found NW to be a very linear, boring and shallow experience. I have more fun playing Super Mario Brothers Wii with my little 'un.
Due to the most current expansion Im having another crack at PWI which is still better than NW. I have suffered a bit of burnout on GW2 and its become a bit monotonous but it still crapped all over NW.
Having said that the player created content of NW was a gold option and should be incorporated into every new mmo.
If you enjoy the cringe, keep in mind that Scarlet Blade was also a new release in 2013. :-)
Some tough competition for GOTY this year, yeppers.
OP reminds me of a capt. of a sinking ship trying to convince the passengers they aren't going to drown as they fall off the ship. You posted a poll that was as straight forward as possible, but do not like the results. Over 200 people voted and it is overwhelmingly unanimous with one answer.
If the game actually played and felt like a D&D game I would still be playing it, but sadly it failed to be that. I do like the combat in the game, but there is little depth to it. No D&D game ever restricts a class/character to one weapon type. The gear no matter your level until maybe max even gives you much choice of different looks and becomes homogenous.
After taking the time to price out all the features I would have to pay for to get the same out of a $14.99 a month game, I would be spending almost a $100.00 a month to get the same in NW. This is why I choose sub. games.
Originally posted by laokoko
"if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
i doubt any pen and paper player would imagine being on an instanced corridor when they can create a whole world in their minds.
Neverwinter is far from being goty, but only 3 things killed that game for me. 1) mages are rooted in place while everyone else has mobility, 2) heavily instanced hub, 3) you need cash shop to be among the best (i play casualy but the fact that the cash shop dependency is there is wrong)
If it launched today it would be. Being, not the new thing everyone is playing/talking about means it's something most people wont even consider.
Beta means they are still fixing a good amount of bugs and making corrections and additions/removal of things..when you join a Beta you need to expect that.. that's why it's a beta.
What people think of crafting goes on both ends of the spectrum depending on your opinion. I don't think it sucks it's just different than other MMOs.. like a lot of other games.
You don't have to PVP it's a choice, you get AD from a daily portion of quests. But they have that for pve things as well. It's optional.. (you sure you played the game?)
No it doesn't crash repeatedly and if there is an error they fix it pretty quick.. unlike many other MMOs. It's called the Foundry.
There are ADDs in boss fights.. whats wrong with that? It makes it challenging and if you work with your party it's not hard to win the fight...it will take practice though just like most boss fights do.
I don't lag beyond reason and never have. I guess that all depends on your processor in your PC though.
And actually the devs and the community have a great relationship and they have staff members dedicated to the community.
So as far as these questions go it's pretty apparent you didn't stick around long at all.. and that's fine if you didn't but I was around when the game first launched and honestly the game has come a long way. Some of the question you posted make me wonder if you actually even played the game tbh.
Normally, I look at a new MMORPG by trying out several characters, classes, etc, and picking the one I like the "feel" of the best. The actual powers/tree is secondary. I couldn't find any character that I liked, so didn't play the game. It was all so simplistic.
However, the Foundry is cool. I almost gave them some money just for that. But even that is seriously flawed. You'd think that you could set up a scenario where if the player picked door #1, he would go to quest #1, and door #2 leads to quest #2. The player makes a choice. Not in this game, there is just one exit door, no choice. And no looping. Want to go do something and come back? You can't, there is no "back". All you can do is replicate what you wanted to go back to, and go to the new instance. Complete linearity, and that summed up the game for me.
GoTY? no.
2025: 48 years on the Net.
AD&D 2.5 is new-fangled to me and my friends. Version 1 for the win!! They just got crappier after that.
+1 to everything you said.
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
You think AD&D Ed. 1 didn't have that? I can assure you it did. You've obviously never played it, or at least you must have sat at the table with a really crappy DM.
As far as online MMORPGs go, as regards the "feel" of AD&D, I have to say that D&D Online stands head and shoulders over Neverwinter every time. Neverwinter is a cookie-cutter MMORPG with the AD&D label pinned on it. Not bad for what it is, but Game of the Year? Maybe in the early 2000's.
Which is fair enough, but a lot of the people voting no are not choosing a game that they think is better, which was released in 2013. This thread is full of:
'No because I hate the game'.
'OK, which game was better.'
'I don't know but I don't like the game so no'.
I mean, its just dumb. We all know the game isn't anything revolutionary, but its only real competitors were Wushu and FFXIV (if you include remakes) and both were terrible.
If you think those games were better that's fine, its all about opinion on here, but most people voting no are missing the point that they need to actually think another MMO released this year was better, no matter how shit they thought Neverwinter was.
I've tried to play it so many times, because it really does sound like the type of MMO I'm looking for. And I know I'm a hypocrite, because I hate it when people use it as an excuse to not play a game, but I absolutely could not get over the graphical representation of Vanguard: the character models, the shiny crisco-covered environments, the UI and the text display. It all bugged the shit out of me every time I tried to play it again, and I wish it hadn't.
As for NW, it was probably one of the more shallow gaming experiences I've had in an MMO. I despise cash shops, I'm not a fan of lobby based dungeon instancing, and the action style combat, while fun for a short while, quickly became old hat for me. If those aren't good enough reasons to vote no, I don't know what would be.
I wouldn't necessarily vote for anything to be the MMO GOTY, but if push came to shove, I'd pick Wushu (although with reservations).
"This is life! We suffer and slave and expire. That's it!" -Bernard Black (Dylan Moran)
This thread reminds me just how bad of a year it was for MMOs.
I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.
~Albert Einstein
I found NW to be a very linear, boring and shallow experience. I have more fun playing Super Mario Brothers Wii with my little 'un.
Due to the most current expansion Im having another crack at PWI which is still better than NW. I have suffered a bit of burnout on GW2 and its become a bit monotonous but it still crapped all over NW.
Having said that the player created content of NW was a gold option and should be incorporated into every new mmo.