Not really, people that have never heard of DS now know him, and know him to be a bad dev that produces pure crap for his entire career. So while some people say "Any publicity is good publicity" its just not true in the gaming industry.
He may want the attention, But I am sure he didnt want an entire new generation of gamers to see his entire career of failures and his blatant childish behavior. Not that the man had any chance of becoming big anyway with his obvious lack of skill to produce games, but now he has no hope of ever recovering from this in his lifetime.
DS ended his own career with this flame war and the industry is better off for it.
Something tells me that DS really doesn't care what most people think of him especially if it's someone on the net.
Thats the same as saying he doesnt care about his career. Though honestly with the sheer amount of crap games this guy has put out you may be right.
Either way, he isnt going to get anything out of RSI. Roberts is an industry vet and knows better than to embezzle and misuse funds as DS claims.
My point remains the same, DS has destroyed what pitiful little shred of his credibility he has left with this obvious slanderous harassment and will never be able to make a dime in it ever again. If he does try, I am sure there are countless people just waiting to troll him legally the same way he is trolling RSI.
He will never get crowd funding, publishers wont touch him and investors will laugh in his sad little face.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Before this whole thing, he would have never gotten crowd funding, publishes wouldn't touch him, and only stupid investors that didn't know who he was wouldn't laugh in his face.
Derek Smart should return that company he stole. Where is he getting the money for all this supposed legal action? It's obviously misappropriated funds from these other games he has botched. It takes some kind of gall to commit these acts and then accuse other people of what he himself is doing.
Lesson is if you want to keep your game intact and the company you founded in your own hands, never, ever let Derek Smart near you.
PS Don't worry about hurting this personality disordered individual's feelings; people with Derek Smart's issues do not have any real feelings to speak of. They are just ravenous appetites hiding behind false blustery egos. They should be expelled from any organization they weasel into, because they are parasites who talk a lot to hide what they are doing while siphoning off all the resources to attack their next target. They can't help when they are, they were born that way.
Here's the funny thing about Alganon: it's the most popular game he currently controls. Despite being a poor man's WoW-clone it's still the best game in his lineup. And, the cherry-on-top, is that he didn't even make it, but had to weasel his way in to take it from David Allen.
I read a few years back from someone, I cannot remember who, who said they had a bit more knowledge of the situation and had something interesting to say. Basically, they believed that Derek Smart was struggling to get a MMO version of his Galactic Command/Line of Defense ideas going so his goal was to get the tech & team behind Alganon.
This could explain why LOD has been delayed for who knows how long, but at least 4+ years now. If he tried to convert the Alganon tech to his 'vision' then ran into it being impossible then it could explain delays. This could also explain his obsession with the idea that Star Citizen cannot be made with Crytek since he's the greatest developer ever and couldn't turn Alganon into his vision.
This has it all: Troll Supreme vs Meth addict, including pictures of trophy wife and accusations of harrasment and blocked phone numbers.
Have fun
Yeah that should be great fun ,indeed.
Whats your take on derek Smart talking about the firings, walk outs and supposed closing of the santa Monica office in October along with the fact that once the burn rate is considered CIG will be out of $$$ in q1 of 2016? Or about the letter from a supposed ex employee outlining the insanity of CR and why they quit? Chris Roberts 'trophy wife' was apparently calling people "fuckers" in front of the entire office for leaking that letter about CR's handling of things. Man- At least DS keeps his trophy wife away from the business and not in charge of such a major endeavor as the largest crowd funded project in history.
Ohhhhhhh- the rumor mill is a turning , Erillion. And im hearing alot ,my friend- not just from Smart.
really starting to look like where there is smoke- there is fire.
But lets point to the drama between Hamburger Harper and DS- LOOK, over there!!!!! pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Hmmmm, I wonder when the viral marketing/PR is going to start taking a hit? I guess that all depends onthe upcoming $450 ship sale, huh Erillion? looks like moneys starting to get a bit tight and things are going to be scaled back a bit.
I love the disconnection from reality the Star Citizen Defence Force suffers from. On the forums they complain about DS posting his stuff all over the subreddit whereas in reality it's SC fans posting it all over reddit.. They all complain about him being an attention whore while missing the fact that they are the ones giving him more attention than he could ever have hoped for.
@Jacxolope I also have heard the rumours. So far only from DS. Please link your sources if you have additional information.
That some employees leave and new ones come every month in a company of 250ish people does not surprise me. In every company I have been so far it was the same.
Yes, I read Glassdoor too. And the opinions about CIG from former employees are mixed .. you find anything from management criticism to high praise. Nothing new there.
I do not believe in "Where there is smoke there is fire". Especially not if there are trolls like DS with smoke grenades and a fan. Especially not when they never even downloaded and played the game they are excoriating.
I love the disconnection from reality the Star Citizen Defence Force suffers from. On the forums they complain about DS posting his stuff all over the subreddit whereas in reality it's SC fans posting it all over reddit.. They all complain about him being an attention whore while missing the fact that they are the ones giving him more attention than he could ever have hoped for.
I don't see the disconnection from reality you're talking about. I don't think there's any delusion about the fact that Derek Smart is getting publicity, and I don't think that there is any delusion as to who is giving the majority of that post to him. I do like how you "matter of fact" around like this shit happens every day, though, and people should just let it go, yet he pulls shit like this (including the QOL bullshit) and just gets away with it. It really would be nice if there were repercussions at some point.
I also find it amusing that you're just discovering now that fans of things post stuff on this "reddit" over some sort of medium called the "Internet". Congrats on your discovery, I really hope it serves you well in the future.
@Jacxolope I also have heard the rumours. So far only from DS. Please link your sources if you have additional information.
That some employees leave and new ones come every month in a company of 250ish people does not surprise me. In every company I have been so far it was the same.
Yes, I read Glassdoor too. And the opinions about CIG from former employees are mixed .. you find anything from management criticism to high praise. Nothing new there.
I do not believe in "Where there is smoke there is fire". Especially not if there are trolls like DS with smoke grenades and a fan. Especially not when they never even downloaded and played the game they are excoriating.
Have fun
Erillion, "Some employees leave..." Wow...
Thing is , we arent speaking about "SOME mere EMPLOYEES" but rather 3 very public individuals with major roles suddenly leaving with no notice after CR's wife allegedly came in the office mad as hell about a letter leaked sent by David Jennison explaining why he was quitting (and it looked really bad on roberts and the entire project) and started calling people "fuckers" in front of the entire office (temper..temper...) and then (again with no notice) 3 of the most visible people are gone- POOF-
This makes what, 3 or 4 community managers they've went through?
Lisa Ohanian- 2 weeks notice put in yesterday over this debacle Paul Forgy walked out without giving notice James Pugh also walked away without notice
Big players , public faces are gone.
9 more (as of yet unnamed) persons have been told their Jobs will be eliminated in a few weeks (Austin office)
then theres darth Alyssa who said she was 'thrown a curveball" by CIG and no longer works there even when shes been instrumental in setting up Star Citizen events.
All this within hours of those 'rumors" about what went down at the Santa Monica office- Weird, huh?
No my friend-= it really looks like where there is smoke- theres fire.
Dont be disingenuous and try to play off "poeople leave all the time" this all happened within hours of DS putting out the info about CRs wife having a hissy about the letter regarding the horrible handling of this project from ANOTHER employee who quit - leaking to the public.
-And these arent just run of the mill, faceless people-
Or its all a huge coincidence....
OH,and FYI- The rumors ive been hearing that I mentioned werent about the firings and I have no link to give you.
But hey, time to start pimping that $450 ship, huh? Time to start selling the dream-
PS: As your post above is basically a copy of the DS twitter and blog posts and he seems to be your (only ?) information source, you might as well just quote him directly.
@Jacxolope I also have heard the rumours. So far only from DS. Please link your sources if you have additional information.
That some employees leave and new ones come every month in a company of 250ish people does not surprise me. In every company I have been so far it was the same.
Yes, I read Glassdoor too. And the opinions about CIG from former employees are mixed .. you find anything from management criticism to high praise. Nothing new there.
I do not believe in "Where there is smoke there is fire". Especially not if there are trolls like DS with smoke grenades and a fan. Especially not when they never even downloaded and played the game they are excoriating.
Have fun
Erillion, "Some employees leave..." Wow...
Thing is , we arent speaking about "SOME mere EMPLOYEES" but rather 3 very public individuals with major roles suddenly leaving with no notice after CR's wife allegedly came in the office mad as hell about a letter leaked sent by David Jennison explaining why he was quitting (and it looked really bad on roberts and the entire project) and started calling people "fuckers" in front of the entire office (temper..temper...) and then (again with no notice) 3 of the most visible people are gone- POOF-
This makes what, 3 or 4 community managers they've went through?
Lisa Ohanian- 2 weeks notice put in yesterday over this debacle Paul Forgy walked out without giving notice James Pugh also walked away without notice
Big players , public faces are gone.
9 more (as of yet unnamed) persons have been told their Jobs will be eliminated in a few weeks (Austin office)
then theres darth Alyssa who said she was 'thrown a curveball" by CIG and no longer works there even when shes been instrumental in setting up Star Citizen events.
All this within hours of those 'rumors" about what went down at the Santa Monica office- Weird, huh?
No my friend-= it really looks like where there is smoke- theres fire.
Dont be disingenuous and try to play off "poeople leave all the time" this all happened within hours of DS putting out the info about CRs wife having a hissy about the letter regarding the horrible handling of this project from ANOTHER employee who quit - leaking to the public.
-And these arent just run of the mill, faceless people-
Or its all a huge coincidence....
OH,and FYI- The rumors ive been hearing that I mentioned werent about the firings and I have no link to give you.
But hey, time to start pimping that $450 ship, huh? Time to start selling the dream-
-Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DUDE!!! You do realize that as of yesterday, Derek Smart removed the letter from his site, right? Because David Jennison "David reached out to me through back channels to let me know that his letter (not company property btw) was never intended to be made public. So I have removed it"
Let me translate this for you. David never actually wrote the letter. I'm sorry, but if I spent a considerable amount of time writing a letter, like this, then I would want the world to know. In reality, it's entirely likely that the letter is NOT authentic and was written by Derek Smart to support his bullshit rants.
If you've got something from the mouth David Jennison himself, I'll believe it. I'm not claiming that CR is great to work for. Just saying that the letter, as written, sounds more like bullshit than fact.
PS: As your post above is basically a copy of the DS twitter and blog posts and he seems to be your (only ?) information source, you might as well just quote him directly.
Sure, just like your little redirection post about hamburger Harper was pretty much straight from twitter.
I never gave any "new information" but when you started spewing things about DS's trophy wife I had to comment about what CR's "trophy Wife" was doing (and what business does she even have working there is actually a relevant question) since earlier in the day information broke about CRs trophy wife calling staff 'fuckers' (staff who evidently really no longer works there)- What did DS's wife have to do with anything , again?
regarding david jensons letter- I realize we dont have confirmation but again (smoke and fire) the information coming out of Santa Monica was about CR's wife calling people fuckers over that letter leaking and then suddenly it appears the walk outs were real- So MAYBE its all a coincidence- MAYBE there were two walkouts at the same office we were told CR's wife called people "fuckers" about leaking the letter but it had to do with other reasons ? maybe.... Will be a hell of weird coincidence if at least a good portion of what we heard isnt based on fact- or DS is a Fortune teller and just knew there would be 2 walk outs and made up a reason before they were public?
Also note- there has been no denial about writing the letter- Just 'no comment"-
And your post fails to address any of this- hell, if CR farts you write a 10 page blog about it - You seem...oddly informed about everything and make sure its "news" for discussion- I would think you would want a dialogue about this major issue of the walk outs... Im sure we will see millions of posts about that awesome $450 ship but this is actually "news worthy" discussion more than some overpriced pixels that dont exist- Do you not agree?
I also understand there are some really, really hardcore fans - But I suspectnot a;ll fans are what they first appear, amirite?
I'm sure more information is coming. And I hope that down the road if/when Star citizen actually doesnt produce and/or falls apart- You guys dont just disappear from the web .
- You seem...oddly informed about everything and make sure its "news" for discussion- ... You guys dont just disappear from the web .
"Oddly informed" ... You mean .. i can **gasp** READ ... like ... the official Star Citizen homepage ?
Or gaming websites like "GameStar", "PCGamer" and others?
Or ... 8-O ... be able to type and use Google ?!!1!!
About the "disappearing" from the web thing ... you MIGHT want to check out that "Ancient" tag on this account and reflect on the possibility of me vanishing from the web due to the success or failure of one game.
- You seem...oddly informed about everything and make sure its "news" for discussion- ... You guys dont just disappear from the web .
"Oddly informed" ... You mean .. i can **gasp** READ ... like ... the official Star Citizen homepage ?
Or gaming websites like "GameStar", "PCGamer" and others?
Or ... 8-O ... be able to type and use Google ?!!1!!
About the "disappearing" from the web thing ... you MIGHT want to check out that "Ancient" tag on this account and reflect on the possibility of me vanishing from the web due to the success or failure of one game.
Have fun
You must be googling 24/7-
Look at your post history. How many SC threads have you started and bumped hundreds of times (bumping your own threads)?
Yes, I can *gasp* read- can also put 2 and 2 together and make a pretty informed assumption that someone of your obvious intellect isnt just copy/pasting everything from SC here and making new threads about SC every single time they do...Anything (except bad stuff...) for no reason other than 'fan-hood"
-But of course, I could be wrong. have been before...Once... =P
I'm self employed and an internet addict and my entire intenet posting comprimise a fraction of your posts, on this site, about one game. So you have waaaaaaaay more free time than I , I suppose- or... idk....
Oh,not theres anything wrong with hyping the hell out of a game you love.
I have checked the "ancient" tag and also understand how things worked- How active were you before wor-Talking about SC? Saw another ancient tag on another game that turned out to be the dev using a sockpuppet (during the GM debaucle- This is confirmed) so these things happen- Would look weird using a brand new account and all.
Not that I am certain about anything here. this whole thing hjas been smoke and mirrors from the start.
have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT- Still not addressing any of the facts about the walk outs- Whats your opinion? I'd rather play the ball and not the man. Too easy to get posts edited/deleted and for the conversation to get redirected. I think my opinion is pretty clear- right or wrong.
--> you mean the first 2200 odd posts not related to Star Citizen ?
I'm self employed and an internet addict
--> I am neither.
and my entire intenet posting comprimise a fraction of your posts, on this site, about one game. So you have waaaaaaaay more free time than I , I suppose-
--> I clock about 10 hours of work a day at a full time job. What i do have is a smartphone ;-) This is not the digital stone-age anymore.
or... idk....
Oh,not theres anything wrong with hyping the hell out of a game you love.
I have checked the "ancient" tag and also understand how things worked- How active were you
--> it varied. Pretty active in the Star Wars Galaxies section ***sigh*** RIP
before wor-Talking about SC? Saw another ancient tag on another game that turned out to be the dev using a sockpuppet (during the GM debaucle) so these things happen- Would look weird using a brand new account and all.
Not that I am certain about anything here. this whole thing hjas been smoke and mirrors from the start.
Boy, we could go on and on about this- We both know how these things work.
I could pretty well go over your post history and show that you are posting at all hours and very quickly after anything hits the CIG forum- I could show alot of things and explain alot of things as well (real accounts are used) but lets not go there... You know, I know (as far as i'm concerned) and the rest is all speculation. But what a circumstantial case I could put forth if I wanted to and didnt think it would be deleted. Not 'without a reasonable doubt' or anything- but pretty close.
But the walk outs? Any opinion?
EDIT- So we're clear here (since theres alot to discuss even in the realm of speculation using logic)
Star Citizen loses at least six more staff to departures and firings
Smart’s ‘TwitLonger’ post from 24 September draws a direct link between the leaking of that letter and today’s (now confirmed) spate of departures and possible firings. How accurate some of those background circumstances are can’t be confirmed, but it’s worth noting that he listed a number of company departures before they were public knowledge.
I think its newsworthy that derek smart is either a psychic or seems to have some valid information. this also (IMHO) gives alot of credence to the letter especially since the supposed author has not come forward to deny something attributed to him.
Boy, we could go on and on about this- We both know how these things work.
I could pretty well go over your post history and show that you are posting at all hours and very quickly after anything hits the CIG forum- I could show alot of things and explain alot of things as well (real accounts are used) but lets not go there... You know, I know (as far as i'm concerned) and the rest is all speculation. But what a circumstantial case I could put forth if I wanted to and didnt think it would be deleted. Not 'without a reasonable doubt' or anything- but pretty close.
But the walk outs? Any opinion?
Go ahead .... show me and all the others that i am posting "at all hours".
Go ahead ... show that there are not week long breaks in the recent posting history and daily sleeping breaks.
Go ahead ... show that the posting history does not simply reflect an European poster with a smartphone and an open browser tag for
Cause ...ya'know ... ***drumroll*** .... "you know" ....
*** Leans back and grabs some popcorn ***
W.r.t. the walk-outs .... unconfirmed rumours so far, from an (IMHO) unreliable source (=DS), with the main person in this "drama" not commenting on the truthfulness of the "leaked" letter. A certain turn-around is normal for a company of 250ish people, especially in the gaming industry (or ANY industry).
Jacx... Eri... Seeing how neither of you actually have anything to back up your little lovers quarrel of who is the best internet sleuth... Take it private and spare the rest of us. =P
As for who between DC and CR will be right in the end... My bet is CR, just based of momentum. Either way i do not think SC will come close to the castle in the clouds that it have been built up as. But otoh i still think it will be a great game. As long as they get optimization in properly, because the top 1% of gaming computers will not bring in enough bank. No matter how big ships they buy.
Boy, we could go on and on about this- We both know how these things work.
I could pretty well go over your post history and show that you are posting at all hours and very quickly after anything hits the CIG forum- I could show alot of things and explain alot of things as well (real accounts are used) but lets not go there... You know, I know (as far as i'm concerned) and the rest is all speculation. But what a circumstantial case I could put forth if I wanted to and didnt think it would be deleted. Not 'without a reasonable doubt' or anything- but pretty close.
But the walk outs? Any opinion?
Go ahead .... show me and all the others that i am posting "at all hours".
Go ahead ... show that there are not week long breaks in the recent posting history and daily sleeping breaks.
Go ahead ... show that the posting history does not simply reflect an European poster with a smartphone and an open browser tag for
Cause ...ya'know ... ***drumroll*** .... "you know" ....
*** Leans back and grabs some popcorn ***
W.r.t. the walk-outs .... unconfirmed rumours so far, from an (IMHO) unreliable source (=DS), with the main person in this "drama" not commenting on the truthfulness of the "leaked" letter. A certain turn-around is normal for a company of 250ish people, especially in the gaming industry (or ANY industry).
Have fun
I think ill grab some popcorn as well since its getting entertaining.
I updated my post btw- Didnt want to bump my own post to keep it on the recent posting list.
Back to the topic...
Star Citizen loses at least six more staff to departures and firings
Smart’s ‘TwitLonger’ post from 24 September draws a direct link between the leaking of that letter and today’s (now confirmed) spate of departures and possible firings. How accurate some of those background circumstances are can’t be confirmed, but it’s worth noting that he listed a number of company departures before they were public knowledge.
I think its newsworthy that derek smart is either a psychic or seems to have some valid information. this also (IMHO) gives alot of credence to the letter especially since the supposed author has not come forward to deny something attributed to him.
Smoke and fire? Coincidence?
Worth discussing. So whats the spin erillion?
-Thats the edited part of my other post for clarity.
As long as they get optimization in properly, because the top 1% of gaming computers will not bring in enough bank.
I got the impression that the project was planned with several years advancement in computer performance in mind. In the past people were regularily buying new computers whenever a new Wing Commander game was launched ;-) Those games always pushed out the boundaries.
So .... in 2012 this game would have run properly only on the top 1 % of gaming computers. But 4-5 years later (the typical development time of an AAA game) the majority of computers should have the necessary computing power, given todays high-speed progress in PC technology.
But of course, after a feature complete Alpha (which does not exist yet for SC) there should follow an optimization phase (according to Wikipedia on game development).
A certain turn-around is normal for a company of 250ish people, especially in the gaming industry (or ANY industry).
Have fun
Yeah but its interesting the public face and timing of THESE departures- Isnt it? These arent 'no names' but were active in the community and held pretty top tier positions in a sense.
This isnt the guy making coffee.
And the TIMING. Is DS a fortune teller? Was it a coincidence?
Your explanation would make sense if these were nobodies- In one case it was the person responsible for their public hype shows (which have been immaculate btw) and a Community manager suddenly fired.
Dont try to downplay this as 'another day at the office"- Key figures are gone overnight as predicted b y DS over a letter outlining horrible management by another ex employee who hasnt denied writing the letter. Sources say CR's wife was calling staff fuckers for leaking the letter. Next day departures are confirmed from the same office DS said this went down at. And pretty major departures.
Lots of dots being connected and starting to form a picture.
THIS is worth discussing more than a $450 ship that doesnt exist- yet you have very little to say except 'all companies have turnaround"? LOL c'mon man...
now onto bump one of your hype threads? maybe make a thread about what a great deal this new $450 ship is? Sell some dreams?
okay man- But we're just getting started I think.
EDIT- he even got the names correct- In fact, at the writing of the above article I posted there was still 1 name that had yet to be confirmed which has now been confirmed even AFTER that article was written.
Things are happening and leaks are springing by the week... Yet DS is having his character attacked (rightly or wrongly) while the information is being brushed away as 'no big deal"...Well, its starting to be. Smoke is getting out of control and you firefighters are getting overwhelmed.
Smoke and mirrors baby- But the end is neigh. Digital Anvil again? maybe- time will tell but time grows short.
As long as they get optimization in properly, because the top 1% of gaming computers will not bring in enough bank.
I got the impression that the project was planned with several years advancement in computer performance in mind. In the past people were regularily buying new computers whenever a new Wing Commander game was launched ;-) Those games always pushed out the boundaries.
So .... in 2012 this game would have run properly only on the top 1 % of gaming computers. But 4-5 years later (the typical development time of an AAA game) the majority of computers should have the necessary computing power, given todays high-speed progress in PC technology.
But of course, after a feature complete Alpha (which does not exist yet for SC) there should follow an optimization phase (according to Wikipedia on game development).
Have fun
Actually... Going by the sort of potato-spec that even people here show off... I am not all that sure.
Heck right now i just barely launch the game... Doing anything is simply impossible.... And that is if i pull the settings down to "slightly above cave paintings" and i have a decent lowend gaming rig. It used to have decent parts at one point. And i have seen A LOT of people who run a potato compared to mine.
Now i know that at this point they don´t really care per se. But it is worth keeping an eye on seeing how the average customer is usually 2-3 generations behind at best. That combined with the fact that the 1% will be pretty much milked dry by release... Well.. It would cause me some sleepless nights at least.
Not to mention the backlash once they reveal that it will not take three generations to achive ships in-game and that the EA whales have dropped tons of money for.. well.. nothing but the joy of the game released... .. . It will be glorious.
Very interesting letter, I think David needs to come out and say if he did write it or not. It is out there now and needs to be verified or not. If he didn't write it then DS is going to be in a lot of trouble.
Lot of money is riding on this game and things are going to hit the fan if it doesn't release as a AAA game. Also if the money is all gone then all the backers have a right to know where the money all went.
Heck they have a right to know where the money is at right now and how much has been spent with itemized details of it.
I read a few years back from someone, I cannot remember who, who said they had a bit more knowledge of the situation and had something interesting to say. Basically, they believed that Derek Smart was struggling to get a MMO version of his Galactic Command/Line of Defense ideas going so his goal was to get the tech & team behind Alganon.
This could explain why LOD has been delayed for who knows how long, but at least 4+ years now. If he tried to convert the Alganon tech to his 'vision' then ran into it being impossible then it could explain delays. This could also explain his obsession with the idea that Star Citizen cannot be made with Crytek since he's the greatest developer ever and couldn't turn Alganon into his vision.
This has it all: Troll Supreme vs Meth addict, including pictures of trophy wife and accusations of harrasment and blocked phone numbers.
Have fun
Yeah that should be great fun ,indeed.
Whats your take on derek Smart talking about the firings, walk outs and supposed closing of the santa Monica office in October along with the fact that once the burn rate is considered CIG will be out of $$$ in q1 of 2016? Or about the letter from a supposed ex employee outlining the insanity of CR and why they quit? Chris Roberts 'trophy wife' was apparently calling people "fuckers" in front of the entire office for leaking that letter about CR's handling of things. Man- At least DS keeps his trophy wife away from the business and not in charge of such a major endeavor as the largest crowd funded project in history.
Ohhhhhhh- the rumor mill is a turning , Erillion. And im hearing alot ,my friend- not just from Smart.
really starting to look like where there is smoke- there is fire.
But lets point to the drama between Hamburger Harper and DS- LOOK, over there!!!!! pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Hmmmm, I wonder when the viral marketing/PR is going to start taking a hit? I guess that all depends onthe upcoming $450 ship sale, huh Erillion? looks like moneys starting to get a bit tight and things are going to be scaled back a bit.
-Have fun!!!!
I also have heard the rumours. So far only from DS. Please link your sources if you have additional information.
That some employees leave and new ones come every month in a company of 250ish people does not surprise me. In every company I have been so far it was the same.
Yes, I read Glassdoor too. And the opinions about CIG from former employees are mixed .. you find anything from management criticism to high praise. Nothing new there.
I do not believe in "Where there is smoke there is fire". Especially not if there are trolls like DS with smoke grenades and a fan. Especially not when they never even downloaded and played the game they are excoriating.
Have fun
I don't see the disconnection from reality you're talking about. I don't think there's any delusion about the fact that Derek Smart is getting publicity, and I don't think that there is any delusion as to who is giving the majority of that post to him. I do like how you "matter of fact" around like this shit happens every day, though, and people should just let it go, yet he pulls shit like this (including the QOL bullshit) and just gets away with it. It really would be nice if there were repercussions at some point.
I also find it amusing that you're just discovering now that fans of things post stuff on this "reddit" over some sort of medium called the "Internet". Congrats on your discovery, I really hope it serves you well in the future.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
"Some employees leave..." Wow...
Thing is , we arent speaking about "SOME mere EMPLOYEES" but rather 3 very public individuals with major roles suddenly leaving with no notice after CR's wife allegedly came in the office mad as hell about a letter leaked sent by David Jennison explaining why he was quitting (and it looked really bad on roberts and the entire project) and started calling people "fuckers" in front of the entire office (temper..temper...) and then (again with no notice) 3 of the most visible people are gone- POOF-
This makes what, 3 or 4 community managers they've went through?
Lisa Ohanian- 2 weeks notice put in yesterday over this debacle
Paul Forgy walked out without giving notice
James Pugh also walked away without notice
Big players , public faces are gone.
9 more (as of yet unnamed) persons have been told their Jobs will be eliminated in a few weeks (Austin office)
then theres darth Alyssa who said she was 'thrown a curveball" by CIG and no longer works there even when shes been instrumental in setting up Star Citizen events.
All this within hours of those 'rumors" about what went down at the Santa Monica office- Weird, huh?
No my friend-= it really looks like where there is smoke- theres fire.
Dont be disingenuous and try to play off "poeople leave all the time" this all happened within hours of DS putting out the info about CRs wife having a hissy about the letter regarding the horrible handling of this project from ANOTHER employee who quit - leaking to the public.
-And these arent just run of the mill, faceless people-
Or its all a huge coincidence....
OH,and FYI- The rumors ive been hearing that I mentioned werent about the firings and I have no link to give you.
But hey, time to start pimping that $450 ship, huh? Time to start selling the dream-
-Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have fun
As your post above is basically a copy of the DS twitter and blog posts and he seems to be your (only ?) information source, you might as well just quote him directly.
DUDE!!! You do realize that as of yesterday, Derek Smart removed the letter from his site, right? Because David Jennison "David reached out to me through back channels to let me know that his letter (not company property btw) was never intended to be made public. So I have removed it"
Let me translate this for you. David never actually wrote the letter. I'm sorry, but if I spent a considerable amount of time writing a letter, like this, then I would want the world to know. In reality, it's entirely likely that the letter is NOT authentic and was written by Derek Smart to support his bullshit rants.
If you've got something from the mouth David Jennison himself, I'll believe it. I'm not claiming that CR is great to work for. Just saying that the letter, as written, sounds more like bullshit than fact.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
I never gave any "new information" but when you started spewing things about DS's trophy wife I had to comment about what CR's "trophy Wife" was doing (and what business does she even have working there is actually a relevant question) since earlier in the day information broke about CRs trophy wife calling staff 'fuckers' (staff who evidently really no longer works there)- What did DS's wife have to do with anything , again?
regarding david jensons letter- I realize we dont have confirmation but again (smoke and fire) the information coming out of Santa Monica was about CR's wife calling people fuckers over that letter leaking and then suddenly it appears the walk outs were real- So MAYBE its all a coincidence- MAYBE there were two walkouts at the same office we were told CR's wife called people "fuckers" about leaking the letter but it had to do with other reasons ? maybe.... Will be a hell of weird coincidence if at least a good portion of what we heard isnt based on fact- or DS is a Fortune teller and just knew there would be 2 walk outs and made up a reason before they were public?
Also note- there has been no denial about writing the letter- Just 'no comment"-
And your post fails to address any of this- hell, if CR farts you write a 10 page blog about it - You seem...oddly informed about everything and make sure its "news" for discussion- I would think you would want a dialogue about this major issue of the walk outs... Im sure we will see millions of posts about that awesome $450 ship but this is actually "news worthy" discussion more than some overpriced pixels that dont exist- Do you not agree?
I also understand there are some really, really hardcore fans - But I suspectnot a;ll fans are what they first appear, amirite?
I'm sure more information is coming. And I hope that down the road if/when Star citizen actually doesnt produce and/or falls apart- You guys dont just disappear from the web .
Or gaming websites like "GameStar", "PCGamer" and others?
Or ... 8-O ... be able to type and use Google ?!!1!!
About the "disappearing" from the web thing ... you MIGHT want to check out that "Ancient" tag on this account and reflect on the possibility of me vanishing from the web due to the success or failure of one game.
Have fun
You must be googling 24/7-
Look at your post history. How many SC threads have you started and bumped hundreds of times (bumping your own threads)?
Yes, I can *gasp* read- can also put 2 and 2 together and make a pretty informed assumption that someone of your obvious intellect isnt just copy/pasting everything from SC here and making new threads about SC every single time they do...Anything (except bad stuff...) for no reason other than 'fan-hood"
-But of course, I could be wrong. have been before...Once... =P
I'm self employed and an internet addict and my entire intenet posting comprimise a fraction of your posts, on this site, about one game. So you have waaaaaaaay more free time than I , I suppose- or... idk....
Oh,not theres anything wrong with hyping the hell out of a game you love.
I have checked the "ancient" tag and also understand how things worked- How active were you before wor-Talking about SC? Saw another ancient tag on another game that turned out to be the dev using a sockpuppet (during the GM debaucle- This is confirmed) so these things happen- Would look weird using a brand new account and all.
Not that I am certain about anything here. this whole thing hjas been smoke and mirrors from the start.
have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT- Still not addressing any of the facts about the walk outs- Whats your opinion? I'd rather play the ball and not the man. Too easy to get posts edited/deleted and for the conversation to get redirected. I think my opinion is pretty clear- right or wrong.
I could pretty well go over your post history and show that you are posting at all hours and very quickly after anything hits the CIG forum- I could show alot of things and explain alot of things as well (real accounts are used) but lets not go there... You know, I know (as far as i'm concerned) and the rest is all speculation. But what a circumstantial case I could put forth if I wanted to and didnt think it would be deleted. Not 'without a reasonable doubt' or anything- but pretty close.
But the walk outs? Any opinion?
EDIT- So we're clear here (since theres alot to discuss even in the realm of speculation using logic)
Star Citizen loses at least six more staff to departures and firings
Smart’s ‘TwitLonger’ post from 24 September draws a direct link between the leaking of that letter and today’s (now confirmed) spate of departures and possible firings. How accurate some of those background circumstances are can’t be confirmed, but it’s worth noting that he listed a number of company departures before they were public knowledge.
I think its newsworthy that derek smart is either a psychic or seems to have some valid information. this also (IMHO) gives alot of credence to the letter especially since the supposed author has not come forward to deny something attributed to him.
Smoke and fire? Coincidence?
Worth discussing. So whats the spin erillion?
Go ahead ... show that there are not week long breaks in the recent posting history and daily sleeping breaks.
Go ahead ... show that the posting history does not simply reflect an European poster with a smartphone and an open browser tag for
Cause ...ya'know ... ***drumroll*** .... "you know" ....
*** Leans back and grabs some popcorn ***
W.r.t. the walk-outs .... unconfirmed rumours so far, from an (IMHO) unreliable source (=DS), with the main person in this "drama" not commenting on the truthfulness of the "leaked" letter. A certain turn-around is normal for a company of 250ish people, especially in the gaming industry (or ANY industry).
Have fun
As for who between DC and CR will be right in the end... My bet is CR, just based of momentum. Either way i do not think SC will come close to the castle in the clouds that it have been built up as. But otoh i still think it will be a great game. As long as they get optimization in properly, because the top 1% of gaming computers will not bring in enough bank. No matter how big ships they buy.
This have been a good conversation
I updated my post btw- Didnt want to bump my own post to keep it on the recent posting list.
Back to the topic...
Star Citizen loses at least six more staff to departures and firings
Smart’s ‘TwitLonger’ post from 24 September draws a direct link between the leaking of that letter and today’s (now confirmed) spate of departures and possible firings. How accurate some of those background circumstances are can’t be confirmed, but it’s worth noting that he listed a number of company departures before they were public knowledge.
I think its newsworthy that derek smart is either a psychic or seems to have some valid information. this also (IMHO) gives alot of credence to the letter especially since the supposed author has not come forward to deny something attributed to him.
Smoke and fire? Coincidence?
Worth discussing. So whats the spin erillion?
-Thats the edited part of my other post for clarity.
A certain turn-around is normal for a company of 250ish people, especially in the gaming industry (or ANY industry).
Have fun
Thank you for the PC-Invasion link.
So .... in 2012 this game would have run properly only on the top 1 % of gaming computers. But 4-5 years later (the typical development time of an AAA game) the majority of computers should have the necessary computing power, given todays high-speed progress in PC technology.
But of course, after a feature complete Alpha (which does not exist yet for SC) there should follow an optimization phase (according to Wikipedia on game development).
Have fun
This isnt the guy making coffee.
And the TIMING. Is DS a fortune teller? Was it a coincidence?
Your explanation would make sense if these were nobodies- In one case it was the person responsible for their public hype shows (which have been immaculate btw) and a Community manager suddenly fired.
Dont try to downplay this as 'another day at the office"- Key figures are gone overnight as predicted b y DS over a letter outlining horrible management by another ex employee who hasnt denied writing the letter. Sources say CR's wife was calling staff fuckers for leaking the letter. Next day departures are confirmed from the same office DS said this went down at. And pretty major departures.
Lots of dots being connected and starting to form a picture.
THIS is worth discussing more than a $450 ship that doesnt exist- yet you have very little to say except 'all companies have turnaround"? LOL c'mon man...
Have fun
okay man- But we're just getting started I think.
EDIT- he even got the names correct- In fact, at the writing of the above article I posted there was still 1 name that had yet to be confirmed which has now been confirmed even AFTER that article was written.
Things are happening and leaks are springing by the week... Yet DS is having his character attacked (rightly or wrongly) while the information is being brushed away as 'no big deal"...Well, its starting to be. Smoke is getting out of control and you firefighters are getting overwhelmed.
Smoke and mirrors baby- But the end is neigh. Digital Anvil again? maybe- time will tell but time grows short.
Heck right now i just barely launch the game... Doing anything is simply impossible.... And that is if i pull the settings down to "slightly above cave paintings" and i have a decent lowend gaming rig. It used to have decent parts at one point. And i have seen A LOT of people who run a potato compared to mine.
Now i know that at this point they don´t really care per se. But it is worth keeping an eye on seeing how the average customer is usually 2-3 generations behind at best. That combined with the fact that the 1% will be pretty much milked dry by release... Well.. It would cause me some sleepless nights at least.
Not to mention the backlash once they reveal that it will not take three generations to achive ships in-game and that the EA whales have dropped tons of money for.. well.. nothing but the joy of the game released... .. . It will be glorious.
This have been a good conversation
Lot of money is riding on this game and things are going to hit the fan if it doesn't release as a AAA game. Also if the money is all gone then all the backers have a right to know where the money all went.
Heck they have a right to know where the money is at right now and how much has been spent with itemized details of it.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!