I will quote CR response: "We are a very public project and rely on the goodwill of gamers to
exist. Having a negative article that includes the views or comments of a
small number of disgruntled ex-employees with their own opinions on
whether things were run well or not, especially when they will be
shielded behind anonymity, could give people an impression of the
project and company that is 100% false, especially if we are not part of
the story. This would be far more damaging to us than a normal
developer or publisher."
I can tell you for sure, without any doubt that the statement above in bold, is a complete utter BS:
CR has achieved a targeted crowdfunding milestone, and still received even more.
Their ability to complete and deliver the game SHOULD NOT be affected by an article or two, bogus or not, about their company. They have received FULL fund on the project at the time the articles were published.
If in fact, the negative articles and claims affected their ability to deliver the game, it would only mean one thing: they need more money to deliver the game.
The game will be released and it will be considered one of the greatest games of all time. And this very forums will be filled with haters who did not spend a dime in the game, claiming RSI and CIG did not provide what they promised and the game sucks ballz. If there is anything i have learned from this forums, people love to see a good game go down.
What I am saying is that you are making assumptions without knowing the entire story. The journalist wrote the story based on information provided by unnamed sources. Irrespective of any information provided on those links, if the incidents mentioned in the story are real, and later proven to be true by unnamed sources, then all of the information provided by so called "sleuths" in those links, though coincidental, would be proven to be totally irrelevant. There is a lot of shady stuff going on, TOS have been changed, information denied or omitted and later proven true (Gardiner being CR's wife) etc. Like I said, you SC/CR supporters can keep defending the indefensible all you want, but this hasn't gone away, it isn't going to go away, and it only gets worse with time. If there was nothing to this, it would just go away. But its not doing that. It just keeps coming back and it will continue to linger because truth always prevails.
Exactly this. The subreddit is saying "All this stuff is untrue and here is irrefutable proof" but it's no real proof at all. It's so ironic that whenever critical articles like this come up people decry the state of journalism while supporting hack rebuttals.
Besides if there's anyone that has reason to be unobjective it's a bunch of hardcore fans who have hundreds, if not thousands invested in their game. You can bet they will defend their investments with whatever means necessary, even if those means turn out to be false.
Meh, I'll go ahead and say exactly NOT this. Essentially what we're saying is that since a journalist, who OBVIOUSLY has nothing to gain by writing a smoking gun article on one of the most hotly-debated topics of the decade, has nothing to gain from writing it. In addition to that, there are unnamed sources used. If these types of things were going on in a workplace, it would be an HR nightmare, there would be court cases, etc. All of which have not materialized.....yet. There are 261 people working there. If the workplace is so toxic and people who are familiar with the industry and the stresses it produces are leaving, then it's LOGICAL to think that the 261 other people are feeling similar. If there are harassing conversations being had, HR would be brought in.
Let's remember, THERE ARE 261 PEOPLE WORKING AT CIG!!! So let some current employees comment on the environment. We already saw the Glassdoor reviews and we saw, until recently, that these were mostly positive. Now, since all the hoopla, SURPRISE!!! Everything new is negative.
With regards to defending the indefensible by @LacedOpium I actually giggle a little. Your proof is bulletproof, any other proof is here say. I forgot that this "journalist" went out and did in-depth research, even visiting CIG. Oh wait!! No! Didn't happen, then information just fell into their lap, over email. Wow, what could possibly be shady by that. The FACT is that these people you call so-called information sleuths ACTUALLY did more fact-finding that the journalist in question. THAT is a fact. I'm sorry if you've got the word fact mixed up, but I've provided a dictionary definition for you below for reference. You'll notice the part about indisputably. The information HAS been disputed so until we get some first-party information from multiple sources, it's not happening. As it stands right now, ZERO CIG employees have come forward to talk about current work environments. All just anonymous people who could be you for all we know.
Fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.
You assume that every employee who has been the victim of workplace "issues" are uniformly of the type that will take their issues to HR. It may interest you to know that there are many a employee who have experienced workplace "issues" who are not so quick to take matters to HR. The most prevalent reason to avoid such action is because if they do so the repercussions of such action may black mail them from the industry without the benefit of knowing exactly how beneficial, or rewarding, the result of such action would be. And this is particularly true in private industry. So this entire HR argument holds no water when taken into consideration that the easier course taken by these ex-employees to relieve themselves of these workplace "issues" was to relieve themselves of that environment and by virtue of doing so alone, lends a whole lot of credibility to their stories because no one leaves a company who is treating them well. And especially not to the tune of almost a dozen people who in various instances corroborate each others story. Regarding the remaining 261 employees, what makes you think all of them are happy and not just interested in preserving their jobs because they have families to provide for and bills to pay? The day is young, my friend, just because only nine of them have summoned up the courage to speak to date, doest not mean that many more will not be forthcoming once the snowball starts to roll.
Again, regarding the article. One can attempt to convolute the matter all they want, which is what you and yours are aptly doing, but if these unnamed sources are later proven to be real, and their stories true, than all of that information is simply water under the bridge regardless of how suspicious the circumstances before it was revealed in the article. It is entirely possible that all of it could be true, but that in and of itself does not entirely negate the possibility that the nine unnamed sources are real, and their stories true. That, my friend, is fact !
meh, to me all matters is a fun game... all of this is noise is a bunch of flim flam
call me when the games launched and ready to play
I doubt we will be in touch
Then a bunch of drama over nothing.
And yes I donated money to this, and yea I am completely fine if nothing ever comes of it, because there are no guarantees. the money i gave was a donation nothing more
Again if we get to see a game - cool We don't - no big deal
this is a *game* after all.... perspective
If it was only your money to flush down the toilet for this *game* then I no one would care. But it's amassed millions and the results from those millions haven't surfaced as would be reasonably expected. So you blew your money and you don't care either way. Great. Happy life to you.
You assume that every employee who has been the victim of workplace "issues" are uniformly of the type that will take their issues to HR. It may interest you to know that there are many a employee who have experienced workplace "issues" who are not so quick to take matters to HR. The most prevalent reason to avoid such action is because if they do so the repercussions of such action may black mail them from the industry without the benefit of knowing exactly how beneficial, or rewarding, the result of such action would be. And this is particularly true in private industry. So this entire HR argument holds no water when taken into consideration that the easier course taken by these ex-employees to relieve themselves of these workplace "issues" was to relieve themselves of that environment and by virtue of doing so alone, lends a whole lot of credibility to their stories because no one leaves a company who is treating them well. And especially not to the tune of almost a dozen people who in various instances corroborate each others story. Regarding the remaining 261 employees, what makes you think all of them are happy and not just interested in preserving their jobs because they have families to provide for and bills to pay? The day is young, my friend, just because only nine of them have summoned up the courage to speak to date, doest not mean that many more will not be forthcoming once the snowball starts to roll.
Again, regarding the article. One can attempt to convolute the matter all they want, which is what you and yours are aptly doing, but if these unnamed sources are later proven to be real, and their stories true, than all of that information is simply water under the bridge regardless of how suspicious the circumstances before it was revealed in the article. It is entirely possible that all of it could be true, but that in and of itself does not entirely negate the possibility that the nine unnamed sources are real, and their stories true. That, my friend, is fact !
First of all, there is no mine. There is me. Similarly, I will assume that your thoughts are that of your own and not a larger collective, which is why I address you directly. See, you lose credibility with me when you use derogatory terms such as "you and yours".
Secondly, if these accusations are true, and this is the norm, then I think it's deplorable and I think that there should be action taken, I've already said that.
Third, you can't say something is possibly true and then state that as fact. There could possibly be life on Mars. That's FACT! It's possible that ghosts are real. That's FACT!! It's possible that I have 3 assholes. That's FACT!! Yes, it's a possibility that the sources and their stories are true. However, it's not FACT until those stories are coming from a named source or until the accused admits to it. Until then it's some pissed off ex-employees venting.
I'm sure that not everyone at CIG is happy, but I also don't think that there is widespread racism, harassment, and poor quality of life. I've checked out the glassdoor reviews. I should also mention that since yesterday 2 reviews have been removed. So that was interesting. Either way, it suffers from metacritic disease. It's a 1 or a 5. We've currently got a territorial pissing match where anonymous people are posting 1s to seem relevant and then, apparently, current employees posting 5s. So there's really nothing credible going on right now. No information is good information at the moment. So stream the office at CIG. Put everyone in the limelight. Again, the only FACT is that there is nothing that's FACT at the moment.
Hope that clears up your who misunderstanding of the word.
Not sure if I buy the alleged mistreatment of employees. Most of the grievances I read on glassdoor sound much more like they were written by an angry 20 something troll. But who knows, maybe Chris Roberts runs around screaming about female genitalia while questioning his employees sexual orientation... sounds legit.
I doubt cig is out to steal your money, they're just overly ambitious. Roberts strikes me as someone with a fairly large ego who is out of touch with the current realities of game development. He's mentioned that they have secured funding in addition to the ~90 million raised through crowdfunding, but unless they've managed to triple that the game is going to be a shell of what has been promised thus far. I guess Freelancer was still a good game even after all it went through...
You assume that every employee who has been the victim of workplace "issues" are uniformly of the type that will take their issues to HR. It may interest you to know that there are many a employee who have experienced workplace "issues" who are not so quick to take matters to HR. The most prevalent reason to avoid such action is because if they do so the repercussions of such action may black mail them from the industry without the benefit of knowing exactly how beneficial, or rewarding, the result of such action would be. And this is particularly true in private industry. So this entire HR argument holds no water when taken into consideration that the easier course taken by these ex-employees to relieve themselves of these workplace "issues" was to relieve themselves of that environment and by virtue of doing so alone, lends a whole lot of credibility to their stories because no one leaves a company who is treating them well. And especially not to the tune of almost a dozen people who in various instances corroborate each others story. Regarding the remaining 261 employees, what makes you think all of them are happy and not just interested in preserving their jobs because they have families to provide for and bills to pay? The day is young, my friend, just because only nine of them have summoned up the courage to speak to date, doest not mean that many more will not be forthcoming once the snowball starts to roll.
Again, regarding the article. One can attempt to convolute the matter all they want, which is what you and yours are aptly doing, but if these unnamed sources are later proven to be real, and their stories true, than all of that information is simply water under the bridge regardless of how suspicious the circumstances before it was revealed in the article. It is entirely possible that all of it could be true, but that in and of itself does not entirely negate the possibility that the nine unnamed sources are real, and their stories true. That, my friend, is fact !
First of all, there is no mine. There is me. Similarly, I will assume that your thoughts are that of your own and not a larger collective, which is why I address you directly. See, you lose credibility with me when you use derogatory terms such as "you and yours".
Secondly, if these accusations are true, and this is the norm, then I think it's deplorable and I think that there should be action taken, I've already said that.
Third, you can't say something is possibly true and then state that as fact. There could possibly be life on Mars. That's FACT! It's possible that ghosts are real. That's FACT!! It's possible that I have 3 assholes. That's FACT!! Yes, it's a possibility that the sources and their stories are true. However, it's not FACT until those stories are coming from a named source or until the accused admits to it. Until then it's some pissed off ex-employees venting.
I'm sure that not everyone at CIG is happy, but I also don't think that there is widespread racism, harassment, and poor quality of life. I've checked out the glassdoor reviews. I should also mention that since yesterday 2 reviews have been removed. So that was interesting. Either way, it suffers from metacritic disease. It's a 1 or a 5. We've currently got a territorial pissing match where anonymous people are posting 1s to seem relevant and then, apparently, current employees posting 5s. So there's really nothing credible going on right now. No information is good information at the moment. So stream the office at CIG. Put everyone in the limelight. Again, the only FACT is that there is nothing that's FACT at the moment.
Hope that clears up your who misunderstanding of the word.
I'm sure you think you added something to the discussion with that post but you left nothing for me to respond to so good on you. Hope it helped you clear up any misunderstand you may have had with the entire matter, not just a ... um ... word.
People have their minds made up one way or the other, which is ridiculous if you ask me. As it's all based on whether they agree with the way they've collected money, Or agree with the vision of the game and belong to the CR fandom. Both sides are behaving like irate fans at a football game. Cherry picking their anecdotal evidence to support their side, while making childishly drawn lines in the sand. "only a so and so believes this, only a so and so believes that".
Here is the only fact here... none of us know wth is going on behind these closed doors.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
First of all, there is no mine. There is me. Similarly, I will assume that your thoughts are that of your own and not a larger collective, which is why I address you directly. See, you lose credibility with me when you use derogatory terms such as "you and yours".
Secondly, if these accusations are true, and this is the norm, then I think it's deplorable and I think that there should be action taken, I've already said that.
Third, you can't say something is possibly true and then state that as fact. There could possibly be life on Mars. That's FACT! It's possible that ghosts are real. That's FACT!! It's possible that I have 3 assholes. That's FACT!! Yes, it's a possibility that the sources and their stories are true. However, it's not FACT until those stories are coming from a named source or until the accused admits to it. Until then it's some pissed off ex-employees venting.
I'm sure that not everyone at CIG is happy, but I also don't think that there is widespread racism, harassment, and poor quality of life. I've checked out the glassdoor reviews. I should also mention that since yesterday 2 reviews have been removed. So that was interesting. Either way, it suffers from metacritic disease. It's a 1 or a 5. We've currently got a territorial pissing match where anonymous people are posting 1s to seem relevant and then, apparently, current employees posting 5s. So there's really nothing credible going on right now. No information is good information at the moment. So stream the office at CIG. Put everyone in the limelight. Again, the only FACT is that there is nothing that's FACT at the moment.
Hope that clears up your who misunderstanding of the word.
I'm sure you think you added something to the discussion with that post but you left nothing for me to respond to so good on you. Hope it helped you clear up any misunderstand you may have had with the entire matter, not just a ... um ... word.
Nope! Nothing's clear, that's the point. That's why there's no fact. Yet you seem to continually laud around like a preacher on a street corner like you're opinion is fact, when the only thing that's factual is the distinct lack of factual evidence.
You have yet to provide any sort of productive argument, so what am I arguing against? I'm arguing with your semantics and how you present yourself. Herding people into these stereotypes like those who might have an opinion other than your own are somehow lesser humans. I'm more than willing to listen to your ideas, if you had any. I'd be willing to see your facts, if you had something. But you don't!
First of all, there is no mine. There is me. Similarly, I will assume that your thoughts are that of your own and not a larger collective, which is why I address you directly. See, you lose credibility with me when you use derogatory terms such as "you and yours".
Secondly, if these accusations are true, and this is the norm, then I think it's deplorable and I think that there should be action taken, I've already said that.
Third, you can't say something is possibly true and then state that as fact. There could possibly be life on Mars. That's FACT! It's possible that ghosts are real. That's FACT!! It's possible that I have 3 assholes. That's FACT!! Yes, it's a possibility that the sources and their stories are true. However, it's not FACT until those stories are coming from a named source or until the accused admits to it. Until then it's some pissed off ex-employees venting.
I'm sure that not everyone at CIG is happy, but I also don't think that there is widespread racism, harassment, and poor quality of life. I've checked out the glassdoor reviews. I should also mention that since yesterday 2 reviews have been removed. So that was interesting. Either way, it suffers from metacritic disease. It's a 1 or a 5. We've currently got a territorial pissing match where anonymous people are posting 1s to seem relevant and then, apparently, current employees posting 5s. So there's really nothing credible going on right now. No information is good information at the moment. So stream the office at CIG. Put everyone in the limelight. Again, the only FACT is that there is nothing that's FACT at the moment.
Hope that clears up your who misunderstanding of the word.
I'm sure you think you added something to the discussion with that post but you left nothing for me to respond to so good on you. Hope it helped you clear up any misunderstand you may have had with the entire matter, not just a ... um ... word.
Nope! Nothing's clear, that's the point. That's why there's no fact. Yet you seem to continually laud around like a preacher on a street corner like you're opinion is fact, when the only thing that's factual is the distinct lack of factual evidence.
I doubt anyone but you is so threatened by my opinion as to actually obsess over it and accept it as an undeniable fact. I suppose I should be honored. Thanks. I will, henceforth, attempt a bit harder to meet your lofty expectations.
First of all, there is no mine. There is me. Similarly, I will assume that your thoughts are that of your own and not a larger collective, which is why I address you directly. See, you lose credibility with me when you use derogatory terms such as "you and yours".
Secondly, if these accusations are true, and this is the norm, then I think it's deplorable and I think that there should be action taken, I've already said that.
Third, you can't say something is possibly true and then state that as fact. There could possibly be life on Mars. That's FACT! It's possible that ghosts are real. That's FACT!! It's possible that I have 3 assholes. That's FACT!! Yes, it's a possibility that the sources and their stories are true. However, it's not FACT until those stories are coming from a named source or until the accused admits to it. Until then it's some pissed off ex-employees venting.
I'm sure that not everyone at CIG is happy, but I also don't think that there is widespread racism, harassment, and poor quality of life. I've checked out the glassdoor reviews. I should also mention that since yesterday 2 reviews have been removed. So that was interesting. Either way, it suffers from metacritic disease. It's a 1 or a 5. We've currently got a territorial pissing match where anonymous people are posting 1s to seem relevant and then, apparently, current employees posting 5s. So there's really nothing credible going on right now. No information is good information at the moment. So stream the office at CIG. Put everyone in the limelight. Again, the only FACT is that there is nothing that's FACT at the moment.
Hope that clears up your who misunderstanding of the word.
I'm sure you think you added something to the discussion with that post but you left nothing for me to respond to so good on you. Hope it helped you clear up any misunderstand you may have had with the entire matter, not just a ... um ... word.
Nope! Nothing's clear, that's the point. That's why there's no fact. Yet you seem to continually laud around like a preacher on a street corner like you're opinion is fact, when the only thing that's factual is the distinct lack of factual evidence.
I doubt anyone but you is so threatened by my opinion as to actually accept it as an undeniable fact. I suppose I should be honored. Thanks. I will, henceforth, attempt a bit harder to meet your lofty expectations.
/rolls eyes
I'm not threatened at all. I'm glad to see that you're not as delusional as your post seems to make you out to be, in that you'd believe what you're preaching to be actual fact. It's actually encouraging.
As for me, I've got LITERALLY 1 billion emails to respond to, so talk to you later.
First of all, there is no mine. There is me. Similarly, I will assume that your thoughts are that of your own and not a larger collective, which is why I address you directly. See, you lose credibility with me when you use derogatory terms such as "you and yours".
Secondly, if these accusations are true, and this is the norm, then I think it's deplorable and I think that there should be action taken, I've already said that.
Third, you can't say something is possibly true and then state that as fact. There could possibly be life on Mars. That's FACT! It's possible that ghosts are real. That's FACT!! It's possible that I have 3 assholes. That's FACT!! Yes, it's a possibility that the sources and their stories are true. However, it's not FACT until those stories are coming from a named source or until the accused admits to it. Until then it's some pissed off ex-employees venting.
I'm sure that not everyone at CIG is happy, but I also don't think that there is widespread racism, harassment, and poor quality of life. I've checked out the glassdoor reviews. I should also mention that since yesterday 2 reviews have been removed. So that was interesting. Either way, it suffers from metacritic disease. It's a 1 or a 5. We've currently got a territorial pissing match where anonymous people are posting 1s to seem relevant and then, apparently, current employees posting 5s. So there's really nothing credible going on right now. No information is good information at the moment. So stream the office at CIG. Put everyone in the limelight. Again, the only FACT is that there is nothing that's FACT at the moment.
Hope that clears up your who misunderstanding of the word.
I'm sure you think you added something to the discussion with that post but you left nothing for me to respond to so good on you. Hope it helped you clear up any misunderstand you may have had with the entire matter, not just a ... um ... word.
Nope! Nothing's clear, that's the point. That's why there's no fact. Yet you seem to continually laud around like a preacher on a street corner like you're opinion is fact, when the only thing that's factual is the distinct lack of factual evidence.
I doubt anyone but you is so threatened by my opinion as to actually accept it as an undeniable fact. I suppose I should be honored. Thanks. I will, henceforth, attempt a bit harder to meet your lofty expectations.
/rolls eyes
I'm not threatened at all. I'm glad to see that you're not as delusional as your post seems to make you out to be, in that you'd believe what you're preaching to be actual fact. It's actually encouraging.
As for me, I've got LITERALLY 1 billion emails to respond to, so talk to you later.
Speaking of delusional, you sir are the very definition of the word.
INB4 Derek Smart sues the crap out of CR and he goes bankrupt, not being able to complete the game and he blames Derek Smart for it. When all along he never was going to finish it in the first place. GG Derek you just supplied him with a scapegoat.
First of all, there is no mine. There is me. Similarly, I will assume that your thoughts are that of your own and not a larger collective, which is why I address you directly. See, you lose credibility with me when you use derogatory terms such as "you and yours".
Secondly, if these accusations are true, and this is the norm, then I think it's deplorable and I think that there should be action taken, I've already said that.
Third, you can't say something is possibly true and then state that as fact. There could possibly be life on Mars. That's FACT! It's possible that ghosts are real. That's FACT!! It's possible that I have 3 assholes. That's FACT!! Yes, it's a possibility that the sources and their stories are true. However, it's not FACT until those stories are coming from a named source or until the accused admits to it. Until then it's some pissed off ex-employees venting.
I'm sure that not everyone at CIG is happy, but I also don't think that there is widespread racism, harassment, and poor quality of life. I've checked out the glassdoor reviews. I should also mention that since yesterday 2 reviews have been removed. So that was interesting. Either way, it suffers from metacritic disease. It's a 1 or a 5. We've currently got a territorial pissing match where anonymous people are posting 1s to seem relevant and then, apparently, current employees posting 5s. So there's really nothing credible going on right now. No information is good information at the moment. So stream the office at CIG. Put everyone in the limelight. Again, the only FACT is that there is nothing that's FACT at the moment.
Hope that clears up your who misunderstanding of the word.
I'm sure you think you added something to the discussion with that post but you left nothing for me to respond to so good on you. Hope it helped you clear up any misunderstand you may have had with the entire matter, not just a ... um ... word.
Nope! Nothing's clear, that's the point. That's why there's no fact. Yet you seem to continually laud around like a preacher on a street corner like you're opinion is fact, when the only thing that's factual is the distinct lack of factual evidence.
I doubt anyone but you is so threatened by my opinion as to actually accept it as an undeniable fact. I suppose I should be honored. Thanks. I will, henceforth, attempt a bit harder to meet your lofty expectations.
/rolls eyes
I'm not threatened at all. I'm glad to see that you're not as delusional as your post seems to make you out to be, in that you'd believe what you're preaching to be actual fact. It's actually encouraging.
As for me, I've got LITERALLY 1 billion emails to respond to, so talk to you later.
Speaking of delusional, you sir are the very definition of the word.
Run along, Mr. 1 billion emails.
Yes, keep feeding my argument that you simply don't have any valid argument or point to argue from. Everyone knows that the one last bastion of hope for those without anything valid to say is personal attack.
The game will be released and it will be considered one of the greatest games of all time. And this very forums will be filled with haters who did not spend a dime in the game, claiming RSI and CIG did not provide what they promised and the game sucks ballz. If there is anything i have learned from this forums, people love to see a good game go down.
You can't be serious. This is a very obvious 38 studios example. 278 employees with a nonexistent management system, the game has almost no chance. Nothing to do with your silly word hater, it is just looking at the facts in the case. Face the music, just another game scam that will make Mr Roberts rich and everyone else treading water.
There is a phrase for people who fail to see the writing on the wall it is called "blissfully naive".
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Authored 139 missions in VendettaOnline and 6 tracks in Distance
The game will be released and it will be considered one of the greatest games of all time. And this very forums will be filled with haters who did not spend a dime in the game, claiming RSI and CIG did not provide what they promised and the game sucks ballz. If there is anything i have learned from this forums, people love to see a good game go down.
You can't be serious. This is a very obvious 38 studios example. 278 employees with a nonexistent management system, the game has almost no chance. Nothing to do with your silly word hater, it is just looking at the facts in the case. Face the music, just another game scam that will make Mr Roberts rich and everyone else treading water.
There is a phrase for people who fail to see the writing on the wall it is called "blissfully naive".
Which are you claiming? A 38 studios type disaster that ruins Cr or a scam that enriches him? Cuz it can't be both.
The game will be released and it will be considered one of the greatest games of all time. And this very forums will be filled with haters who did not spend a dime in the game, claiming RSI and CIG did not provide what they promised and the game sucks ballz. If there is anything i have learned from this forums, people love to see a good game go down.
You can't be serious. This is a very obvious 38 studios example. 278 employees with a nonexistent management system, the game has almost no chance. Nothing to do with your silly word hater, it is just looking at the facts in the case. Face the music, just another game scam that will make Mr Roberts rich and everyone else treading water.
There is a phrase for people who fail to see the writing on the wall it is called "blissfully naive".
Which are you claiming? A 38 studios type disaster that ruins Cr or a scam that enriches him? Cuz it can't be both.
Whichever sounds the worst for 100.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Authored 139 missions in VendettaOnline and 6 tracks in Distance
Sooo... Derek Smart used some connections to influence a writer to produce a "feature" for The Escapist ? And the writer chose not to first ask CR and CIG for comment before publishing the "feature" ?
It's worth a try I guess. Gotta give DS some cred for inventive tactics, lol
"We are a very public project and rely on the goodwill of gamers to exist. Having a negative article that includes the views or comments of a small number of disgruntled ex-employees with their own opinions on whether things were run well or not, especially when they will be shielded behind anonymity, could give people an impression of the project and company that is 100% false, especially if we are not part of the story. This would be far more damaging to us than a normal developer or publisher."
I can tell you for sure, without any doubt that the statement above in bold, is a complete utter BS:
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
You assume that every employee who has been the victim of workplace "issues" are uniformly of the type that will take their issues to HR. It may interest you to know that there are many a employee who have experienced workplace "issues" who are not so quick to take matters to HR. The most prevalent reason to avoid such action is because if they do so the repercussions of such action may black mail them from the industry without the benefit of knowing exactly how beneficial, or rewarding, the result of such action would be. And this is particularly true in private industry. So this entire HR argument holds no water when taken into consideration that the easier course taken by these ex-employees to relieve themselves of these workplace "issues" was to relieve themselves of that environment and by virtue of doing so alone, lends a whole lot of credibility to their stories because no one leaves a company who is treating them well. And especially not to the tune of almost a dozen people who in various instances corroborate each others story. Regarding the remaining 261 employees, what makes you think all of them are happy and not just interested in preserving their jobs because they have families to provide for and bills to pay? The day is young, my friend, just because only nine of them have summoned up the courage to speak to date, doest not mean that many more will not be forthcoming once the snowball starts to roll.
Again, regarding the article. One can attempt to convolute the matter all they want, which is what you and yours are aptly doing, but if these unnamed sources are later proven to be real, and their stories true, than all of that information is simply water under the bridge regardless of how suspicious the circumstances before it was revealed in the article. It is entirely possible that all of it could be true, but that in and of itself does not entirely negate the possibility that the nine unnamed sources are real, and their stories true. That, my friend, is fact !
If it was only your money to flush down the toilet for this *game* then I no one would care. But it's amassed millions and the results from those millions haven't surfaced as would be reasonably expected. So you blew your money and you don't care either way. Great. Happy life to you.
Secondly, if these accusations are true, and this is the norm, then I think it's deplorable and I think that there should be action taken, I've already said that.
Third, you can't say something is possibly true and then state that as fact. There could possibly be life on Mars. That's FACT! It's possible that ghosts are real. That's FACT!! It's possible that I have 3 assholes. That's FACT!! Yes, it's a possibility that the sources and their stories are true. However, it's not FACT until those stories are coming from a named source or until the accused admits to it. Until then it's some pissed off ex-employees venting.
I'm sure that not everyone at CIG is happy, but I also don't think that there is widespread racism, harassment, and poor quality of life. I've checked out the glassdoor reviews. I should also mention that since yesterday 2 reviews have been removed. So that was interesting. Either way, it suffers from metacritic disease. It's a 1 or a 5. We've currently got a territorial pissing match where anonymous people are posting 1s to seem relevant and then, apparently, current employees posting 5s. So there's really nothing credible going on right now. No information is good information at the moment. So stream the office at CIG. Put everyone in the limelight. Again, the only FACT is that there is nothing that's FACT at the moment.
Hope that clears up your who misunderstanding of the word.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
I doubt cig is out to steal your money, they're just overly ambitious. Roberts strikes me as someone with a fairly large ego who is out of touch with the current realities of game development. He's mentioned that they have secured funding in addition to the ~90 million raised through crowdfunding, but unless they've managed to triple that the game is going to be a shell of what has been promised thus far. I guess Freelancer was still a good game even after all it went through...
I'm sure you think you added something to the discussion with that post but you left nothing for me to respond to so good on you. Hope it helped you clear up any misunderstand you may have had with the entire matter, not just a ... um ... word.
Here is the only fact here... none of us know wth is going on behind these closed doors.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Nope! Nothing's clear, that's the point. That's why there's no fact. Yet you seem to continually laud around like a preacher on a street corner like you're opinion is fact, when the only thing that's factual is the distinct lack of factual evidence.
You have yet to provide any sort of productive argument, so what am I arguing against? I'm arguing with your semantics and how you present yourself. Herding people into these stereotypes like those who might have an opinion other than your own are somehow lesser humans. I'm more than willing to listen to your ideas, if you had any. I'd be willing to see your facts, if you had something. But you don't!
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
I doubt anyone but you is so threatened by my opinion as to actually obsess over it and accept it as an undeniable fact. I suppose I should be honored. Thanks. I will, henceforth, attempt a bit harder to meet your lofty expectations.
/rolls eyes
I'm not threatened at all. I'm glad to see that you're not as delusional as your post seems to make you out to be, in that you'd believe what you're preaching to be actual fact. It's actually encouraging.
As for me, I've got LITERALLY 1 billion emails to respond to, so talk to you later.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Speaking of delusional, you sir are the very definition of the word.
Run along, Mr. 1 billion emails.
Yes, keep feeding my argument that you simply don't have any valid argument or point to argue from. Everyone knows that the one last bastion of hope for those without anything valid to say is personal attack.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
There is a phrase for people who fail to see the writing on the wall it is called "blissfully naive".
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance