Sorry I am far from clueless. I simply refuse to accept conjecture and supposition as fact.
You seem to be under the assumption (there is that word again eh?) that I blindly believe anything Roberts says simply because I call BS on your "facts". You are wrong.
Yet the thing is, there is more evidence than someone would have on a murder suspect against CR's actions and they end up getting put away. So there is that. Just think what would happen once they open CIG's books. it just may happen one day.
Sorry I am far from clueless. I simply refuse to accept conjecture and supposition as fact.
You seem to be under the assumption (there is that word again eh?) that I blindly believe anything Roberts says simply because I call BS on your "facts". You are wrong.
Why do you put facts in quotations? Use google.
I would of thought it painfully clear but as you need it explained I will. It is because your facts are mostly conjecture and opinion and not actually facts. Hope that clarifies things for you.
Sorry I am far from clueless. I simply refuse to accept conjecture and supposition as fact.
You seem to be under the assumption (there is that word again eh?) that I blindly believe anything Roberts says simply because I call BS on your "facts". You are wrong.
Yet the thing is, there is more evidence than someone would have on a murder suspect against CR's actions and they end up getting put away. So there is that. Just think what would happen once they open CIG's books. it just may happen one day.
So there is that.
No you have supposition you personally are classifying as fact. Again just because you want them to be facts will not magically make them facts.
It's an assumption that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches?
Proof ?
Have fun
Use google. Easy to find the picture of Disco Lando in front of one of them. I didn't even mention the car sandi is driving either, wooooo-eeee. The rabbit hole gets deeper.
It's an assumption that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches?
Proof ?
Have fun
Use google. Easy to find the picture of Disco Lando in front of one of them. I didn't even mention the car sandi is driving either, wooooo-eeee. The rabbit hole gets deeper.
Let us assume for a minute a person owns a car, I don't care what the car is. If you don't know his personal financial situation can you claim with any truthfulness he took the money from his place of business? If not, isn't it more likely he bought said vehicle(s) out of his and his families own savings?
Edit: And of course now we are completely off topic and should perhaps venture back toward it.
It's an assumption that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches?
Proof ?
Have fun
Use google. Easy to find the picture of Disco Lando in front of one of them. I didn't even mention the car sandi is driving either, wooooo-eeee. The rabbit hole gets deeper.
Let us assume for a minute a person owns a car, I don't care what the car is. If you don't know his personal financial situation can you claim with any truthfulness he took the money from his place of business? If not, isn't it more likely he bought said vehicle(s) out of his and his families own savings?
If you can't link that CR was living in an apartment before SC, then moved to a 17 thousand dollar a month mansion (public knowledge) with personal staff when he started bringing in crowdfunder money, then you have more problems to worry about than what you perceive as facts and or opinion. Food for thought.
It's an assumption that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches?
Proof ?
Have fun
Use google. Easy to find the picture of Disco Lando in front of one of them. I didn't even mention the car sandi is driving either, wooooo-eeee. The rabbit hole gets deeper.
I did use Google. And did not find such a picture. I found two other "Chris Roberts" (not the game developer) with Porsches. I found no picture with Disco Lando and a Porsche.
So ... feel free to post the link to the picture(s).
Have fun
PS: I found an article (in German) that Chris Roberts had a wager going on with another game developer about the number of copies of a game sold. Winner got a Porsche. But that was long before Star Citizen.
If you can't link that CR was living in an apartment before SC, then moved to a 17 thousand dollar a month mansion (public knowledge) with personal staff when he started bringing in crowdfunder money, then you have more problems to worry about than what you perceive as facts and or opinion. Food for thought.
It's an assumption that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches?
Proof ?
Have fun
Use google. Easy to find the picture of Disco Lando in front of one of them. I didn't even mention the car sandi is driving either, wooooo-eeee. The rabbit hole gets deeper.
Let us assume for a minute a person owns a car, I don't care what the car is. If you don't know his personal financial situation can you claim with any truthfulness he took the money from his place of business? If not, isn't it more likely he bought said vehicle(s) out of his and his families own savings?
If you can't link that CR was living in an apartment before SC, then moved to a 17 thousand dollar a month mansion (public knowledge) with personal staff when he started bringing in crowdfunder money, then you have more problems to worry about than what you perceive as facts and or opinion. Food for thought.
I'm sorry that you seem to still be having so many issues understanding what a fact is versus supposition. Nothing in your statement is proof of wrong doing. You want to paint wrong doing without providing factual evidence and claim I am the one who has problems. Sorry I see it differently. What you believe in lieu of any evidence is just supposition.
It's an assumption that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches?
Proof ?
Have fun
Use google. Easy to find the picture of Disco Lando in front of one of them. I didn't even mention the car sandi is driving either, wooooo-eeee. The rabbit hole gets deeper.
I did use Google. And did not find such a picture. I found two other "Chris Roberts" (not the game developer) with Porsches. I found no picture with Disco Lando and a Porsche.
So ... feel free to post the link to the picture(s).
Have fun
PS: I found an article (in German) that Chris Roberts had a wager going on with another game developer about the number of copies of a game sold. Winner got a Porsche. But that was long before Star Citizen.
It's an assumption that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches?
Proof ?
Have fun
Use google. Easy to find the picture of Disco Lando in front of one of them. I didn't even mention the car sandi is driving either, wooooo-eeee. The rabbit hole gets deeper.
I did use Google. And did not find such a picture. I found two other "Chris Roberts" (not the game developer) with Porsches. I found no picture with Disco Lando and a Porsche.
So ... feel free to post the link to the picture(s).
Have fun
PS: I found an article (in German) that Chris Roberts had a wager going on with another game developer about the number of copies of a game sold. Winner got a Porsche. But that was long before Star Citizen.
Congratulations! Your picture is foolproof evidence that somewhere someone in a Santa suit was in front of a car that was possibly a porche... and that is all it is proof of.
It's an assumption that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches?
Proof ?
Have fun
Use google. Easy to find the picture of Disco Lando in front of one of them. I didn't even mention the car sandi is driving either, wooooo-eeee. The rabbit hole gets deeper.
I did use Google. And did not find such a picture. I found two other "Chris Roberts" (not the game developer) with Porsches. I found no picture with Disco Lando and a Porsche.
So ... feel free to post the link to the picture(s).
Have fun
PS: I found an article (in German) that Chris Roberts had a wager going on with another game developer about the number of copies of a game sold. Winner got a Porsche. But that was long before Star Citizen.
Congratulations! Your picture is foolproof evidence that somewhere someone in a Santa suit was in front of a car that was possibly a porche... and that is all it is proof of.
I love the fact that, even though in your mind your rebuttals make sense, to everyone else in this forum besides you and Ben/DiscoLando/Sandi/CR who pose as other forum goers, they can clearly see what I'm proving hahaha. It's so great. Like, you think I'm trying to prove something to you, but in reality I'm showing those on the fence about this what a giant cluster**** this whole thing is and how poorly CR is managing the money going into this project. Plz keep replying and wasting your time, I beg you.
Also lol at your shitty attempt to make the picture appear like someone random when it's clearly disco lando, on disco lando's twitter, in front of the CIG offices, talking about the livestream.
Folks, this is how twisted these people are. They'll claim they are staying neutral but they can't control their outbursts of white knightyness, the facade lasts 1-2 posts tops before you actually see their true selves come out.
I love the fact that, even though in your mind your rebuttals make sense, to everyone else in this forum besides you and Ben/DiscoLando/Sandi/CR who pose as other forum goers, they can clearly see what I'm proving hahaha. It's so great. Like, you think I'm trying to prove something to you, but in reality I'm showing those on the fence about this what a giant cluster**** this whole thing is and how poorly CR is managing the money going into this project. Plz keep replying and wasting your time, I beg you.
No, in reality you are sharing your opinion that you believe it is "a giant cluster****". Why is it so hard for you to understand it is your opinion and not a fact? No one is telling you you aren't allowed to have an opinion or even that opinion. The world is not and will not ever completely agree with you.
I believe the game will eventually launch and plan to judge it at that time. This is my opinion. I don't expect everyone else to march to my tune. I am aware I could be wrong. I at no point state that it is a fact that the game will launch.
Still waiting for a picture of Chris Roberts (the game designer, not the other ones) with a Porsche.
Still waiting for the proof that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches after the launch of Star Citizen, using backer money.
According to the Spiegel article i found and linked it may be possible that Chris Roberts is the owner of one Porsche for quite some time, long before Star Citizen (depending on who won the wager mentioned in the article).
Still waiting for a picture of Chris Roberts (the game designer, not the other ones) with a Porsche.
Still waiting for the proof that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches.
According to the Spiegel article i found and linked it may be possible that Chris Roberts is the owner of one Porsche for quite some time, long before Star Citizen (depending on who won the wager mentioned in the article).
Have fun
There is no point in continuing a conversation about SC. The last two to three threads have really all come down to people complaining about Star Marine being delayed (which now, somehow, means it's scrapped). You're essentially arguing with someone who is just trolling and, in this very thread, stated that "What we have in the game [FPS wise] is it."
And yet again you misrepresent that number. Star Citizens is just the number of accounts created on the website, as CIG do a lot of free weeks and weekends, of course the number will go up. The Star Citizen number has nothing to do with how many have spent money on the game. Even the UEE fleet number is just the number of ships people have purchased. In fact CIG have not said how many people have actually backed the game.
Please stop misrepresenting data.
Edit: the funny thing is that you know this and have been corrected multiple times, yet you keep spreading this misinformation. Why is that?
Please point me to the post where i claim that "Star Citizens" means "number of people that have spent money in the game".
I will make it easier for you. You will find about half a dozen posts made by me where i give my personal estimate that there are about half a million genuine individuals supporting this project with cash (some people have multiple accounts, some people have more than one ship). Compare that half million with 1,191,542 "Star Citizens" and 906,245 "UEE Fleet". Yes, that is a only personal guestimate.
What misinformation have i spread exactly in my post today in the thread Star Citizen Crowdfunding Milestones Discussion ? I am quoting numbers from official sources. No more, no less. Everyone can read that data:
One can believe it, one can think its fake ... its up to the reader to decide. Me - personally - I do not think the numbers are fake.
You will find posts made by me in the above mentioned thread where i state exactly that "UEE fleet number is the number of ships people have purchased". Starting with the time this has been officially clarified by the CIG community manager (before that date i was under the impression that UEE Fleet represented the number of paying backers ... this was an incorrect assumption and has been corrected since that official statement).
Furthermore you will find no post made by me that states that CIG has said how many people have actually backed the game with money. To my knowledge this number is not known in the general public.
So ... once again ... please point out where i am "misrepresenting data".
Have fun
You implied it, by using that number when talking about people buying the game. Like I said, you misrepresented what that number means.
I just find it odd that you continue to misrepresent that data and then lash back every time someone has to correct you. Perhaps if you actually used that information correctly the first time this would not happen.
You are right you do talk about it correctly but only after someone has to point out how you are misrepresenting it.
"This statement was the common thread that linked all of the sources who reached out together. They truly wanted me to follow the money - a feat not easily accomplished. Multiple sources from within the company stated that the Pacific Palisades mansion that Chris Roberts shares with Sandi Gardiner is being paid for with funds from the company, along with the couple's personal vehicles and personal vacations."
The house CR bought and cars he bought with funded money is really an old story which we all know about. Including all the one's saying there is no proof to it. If it wasn't true then why hasn't CR sued The Escapist? But then we already argued this point and it has been confirmed by employee's ex and current.
You guys are funny the only reason the arguing keeps up is they want this closed so it sinks to the bottom. Little clue guys just don't respond and it will sink on it's own.
The house CR bought and cars he bought with funded money is really an old story which we all know about.
You mean that "totally credible" story based on anonymous sources claiming to be fired ex-employees ?
Anyway ... to bring this post back on topic ... if the two devs that left CIG are as dissatisfied as is claimed, they will surely be sources for the next Escapist article, right ?!
Ah, so you could find no proof, could find no post, could find no link .... therefore it is clear to you that "I implied it" although i did not say it ?!
Anyway ... to bring this post back on topic ... the number of "Star Citizens" may go up this week with the current Free-Fly offer and those extra people can help test elements of the FPS combat module on Security Post Kareah. Good training for later, when the Gold Horizon station map from the "Star Marine" videos becomes available.
escape artist reported that they verified the identity of the ex employee by their pay stubs from the company.
*** deleted *** as this discussion would go in another direction as the thread title and would just be cleaned by the mods like the last thread .... lets necro the Escapist thread if you want to continue this discussion .... not that we would add anything new ....
Ah, so you could find no proof, could find no post, could find no link .... therefore it is clear to you that "I implied it" although i did not say it ?!
Anyway ... to bring this post back on topic ... the number of "Star Citizens" may go up this week with the current Free-Fly offer and those extra people can help test elements of the FPS combat module on Security Post Kareah. Good training for later, when the Gold Horizon station map from the "Star Marine" videos becomes available.
Have fun
My proof is your post. I would have assumed you understood that. LOL, with "implied" you don't have to say it, that is the definition of implied. Well you learned something new today. Like I said, stop misrepresenting that number and people will stop correcting you. It can't be that hard for you to use it correctly.
So there is that.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
It is because your facts are mostly conjecture and opinion and not actually facts.
Hope that clarifies things for you.
Again just because you want them to be facts will not magically make them facts.
If you don't know his personal financial situation can you claim with any truthfulness he took the money from his place of business?
If not, isn't it more likely he bought said vehicle(s) out of his and his families own savings?
Edit: And of course now we are completely off topic and should perhaps venture back toward it.
So ... feel free to post the link to the picture(s).
Have fun
I found an article (in German) that Chris Roberts had a wager going on with another game developer about the number of copies of a game sold. Winner got a Porsche. But that was long before Star Citizen.
Have fun
Nothing in your statement is proof of wrong doing.
You want to paint wrong doing without providing factual evidence and claim I am the one who has problems.
Sorry I see it differently.
What you believe in lieu of any evidence is just supposition.
Short version: Back it up! Give me facts.
Here ya go, enjoy!
Also lol at your shitty attempt to make the picture appear like someone random when it's clearly disco lando, on disco lando's twitter, in front of the CIG offices, talking about the livestream.
Folks, this is how twisted these people are. They'll claim they are staying neutral but they can't control their outbursts of white knightyness, the facade lasts 1-2 posts tops before you actually see their true selves come out.
Why is it so hard for you to understand it is your opinion and not a fact?
No one is telling you you aren't allowed to have an opinion or even that opinion.
The world is not and will not ever completely agree with you.
I believe the game will eventually launch and plan to judge it at that time.
This is my opinion. I don't expect everyone else to march to my tune.
I am aware I could be wrong.
I at no point state that it is a fact that the game will launch.
Still waiting for a picture of Chris Roberts (the game designer, not the other ones) with a Porsche.
Still waiting for the proof that Chris Roberts bought 3 Porsches after the launch of Star Citizen, using backer money.
According to the Spiegel article i found and linked it may be possible that Chris Roberts is the owner of one Porsche for quite some time, long before Star Citizen (depending on who won the wager mentioned in the article).
Have fun
I just find it odd that you continue to misrepresent that data and then lash back every time someone has to correct you. Perhaps if you actually used that information correctly the first time this would not happen.
You are right you do talk about it correctly but only after someone has to point out how you are misrepresenting it.
The house CR bought and cars he bought with funded money is really an old story which we all know about. Including all the one's saying there is no proof to it. If it wasn't true then why hasn't CR sued The Escapist? But then we already argued this point and it has been confirmed by employee's ex and current.
You guys are funny the only reason the arguing keeps up is they want this closed so it sinks to the bottom. Little clue guys just don't respond and it will sink on it's own.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Anyway ... to bring this post back on topic ... if the two devs that left CIG are as dissatisfied as is claimed, they will surely be sources for the next Escapist article, right ?!
Have fun
therefore it is clear to you that "I implied it" although i did not say it ?!
Anyway ... to bring this post back on topic ... the number of "Star Citizens" may go up this week with the current Free-Fly offer and those extra people can help test elements of the FPS combat module on Security Post Kareah. Good training for later, when the Gold Horizon station map from the "Star Marine" videos becomes available.
Have fun
Have fun
Which if true means it verfied their employment status but not any of the claims. They produced unverifiable hearsay and that is all.