It's IP blocked because the dev works out deals with publishers who only operate in certain areas. The NA/EU version can't operate in some areas simply because those areas might already have licensing deals with other publishers and Pearl Abyss would be in breach of contract if they allowed those regions to be open to the NA/EU version.
''Aye, it's sadly always the same story each release... A bunch of people who obviously haven't played the game spamming misinformation. ''
''There is just so much misinformation about this game it is astounding. Sadly a lot of the bad information seems to be spread intentionally by people with some agenda and then those words are taken up as facts by other people who have not even played the game. In this case here is a thread from the BDO forum that shows you a little of what it can be like to actually play the game:
misinformation? I think BDO did amazing job with marketing,..hype, much about ''misinformation.'' I have no agenda to sabotage a video game, maybe you take all this to serious? Such videos ( ) are genuinely trying to explain how exceptionally funny is to fish in BDO. How exceptionally funny is the crafting system,.. I understand that people who like a specific product will praise it,...but otherwise there is no need for self-proclaimed video game experts, which will explain to other ''noobs'' what is funny,... and what is not. This game was hyped above the lvl of Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls Online,...thus suitable are expectations. Yeah, the game has good graphics, but in my opinion is the game by everything else on the lvl of an average f2p game. If you like this game, great, have fun with it,... and yes I had try out BDO,
Secondly if I am '' rude'', I also tried other ''upcoming next gen mmo'' which are coming to the west, BDO is the weakest of them even in graphics.
I don't think you are rude or have any agenda, there are other people doing that. But you have heard some misinformation and repeated it as if it is true.
Regarding marketing and hype it has mainly been driven by gamers; ESO had far more advertising than BDO, and at any rate marketing and hype is very different from information/misinformation.
The video about end game you posted was not trying to convince people that BDO is fun, it is showing people what types of activities you can do in BDO. I very much appreciate people taking the time to make such videos, especially in a game as massively complex and deep as BDO.
BTW when you say things like: "How exceptionally funny is the crafting system": You should use "fun" not "funny".
For example "How exceptionally fun the crafting system is", "which will explain to other ''noobs'' what is fun and what is not".
I noticed you made the same mistake in other posts, its a common error if you don't speak English as a first language. (I am not trying to pick on you, your English otherwise is pretty good).
OP is right up to a point. Eastern games are not as easymode and casual as Western ones, so people will quit when they realise their hand is not being held to top level.
I think they should have a chosen tag only PvP system and some battlegrounds, best of both worlds.
Sorry but... your opinion has little weight if you judge a game that you have never played.
"This movie sucks!" "Have you seen it?" "No." *walks away thinking something not very nice about the other person.
I have read enough and seen enough streams. do I HAVE to play it? NO because its an MMO and from what I have seen read and heard it isnt any different than any other hundreds of MMOs out there or one of the dozens I have played.
A more apt comparison would be "Its a Roles Royce I havent driven one" but I have driven a car before. The fact that its a RR doesnt make it any different than a Honda Civic other than the price tag and the bells and whistles. Other than the 'thrill' of driving an expensive car what else can a RR do for me that a Honda or Buick or Ford cant? In terms of what ANY automobile can do functionally.
The RR helps you show off your wealth/power to the world in hopes of generating interest from the opposite sex. Not sure how that translates in your MMO analogy... I'm quite sure my babe catching potential will be the same whether I play BDO or Super Mario.
I won't be playing it because it's a third-person game.
Third-person games don't have the immersion and suspension of disbelief that first-person games have.
My favourite at the moment is Elite: Dangerous - it has all the main things I want in a game.
same here and its rare to hear people say it.
3rd person is not a deal breaker but its weighs a heavy negitive me
It's an MMO"RPG." How many MMO"RPGs" have you played that are not third-person view? Most MMORPGs are third-person. And although some may offer the option to play in first-person, there very few, if any, that offer a first-person view only as the only alternative.
This is a perfect example of FPS-centric players trying to play an MMORPG as if it were an FPS-shooter platform game.
I won't be playing it because it's a third-person game.
Third-person games don't have the immersion and suspension of disbelief that first-person games have.
My favourite at the moment is Elite: Dangerous - it has all the main things I want in a game.
same here and its rare to hear people say it.
3rd person is not a deal breaker but its weighs a heavy negitive me
It's an MMO"RPG." How many MMO"RPGs" have you played that are not third-person view? Most MMORPGs are third-person. And although some may offer the option to play in first-person, there very few, if any, that offer a first-person view only as the only alternative.
This is a perfect example of FPS-centric players trying to play an MMORPG as if it were an FPS-shooter platform game.
1. I havent played an FPS since around 2002 so ease up there. 2. You are mostly correct but its still a huge negative for me which does greatly limit my gaming options I completely agree. For the past 7 years my MMO life has been Darkfall, Eve and Wurm Online, prior to that I tolerated but didnt like EQ2. I did like Fallen Earth a lot even though that was in 3rd person but its still a huge turn off.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Sorry but... your opinion has little weight if you judge a game that you have never played.
"This movie sucks!" "Have you seen it?" "No." *walks away thinking something not very nice about the other person.
I have read enough and seen enough streams. do I HAVE to play it? NO because its an MMO and from what I have seen read and heard it isnt any different than any other hundreds of MMOs out there or one of the dozens I have played.
A more apt comparison would be "Its a Roles Royce I havent driven one" but I have driven a car before. The fact that its a RR doesnt make it any different than a Honda Civic other than the price tag and the bells and whistles. Other than the 'thrill' of driving an expensive car what else can a RR do for me that a Honda or Buick or Ford cant? In terms of what ANY automobile can do functionally.
If you really believe that driving a civic and a RR is the same I don't know what to tell you other than you have no idea what you are talking about.
Only speculation but generally would say the quest for PvP enabling was removed and the level lowered to prevent conflict between high level PvP flagged players and the players that could not attack or be attacked.
Seems the developers were having trouble in KR and RU with people flagging up for PvP, killing someone then flag down. There were very few fights in OW and they want to encourage conflict so they removed the protection from karma killing and made the victim lose experience if they had the PvP flag disabled.
If the flag is on then you are not going to lose any experience or damage any equipment if killed but if you kept the flag off run the risk of dying and losing experience and damaging equipment. to compensate the player if un-flagged could use the new bounty system to pay rewards for killing the attacker which is karma.
this is going to be interesting to follow in the next couple weeks on how well the server is affected by this (IMHO stupid move)
Why would you even want it to fail? Do you usually look for the negative in everything? BDO has been up front with its focus on PvP from the start; if you are a carebear and don't enjoy it, that's not the games problem, that's your problem for not doing research. Even if you don't like wpvp, there are hefty penalties in place to discourage griefing, so its unlikely this will happen. If anything is going to kill BDO, its people who hate it for no reason. But there are more people that love it than hate it, so it doesn't really matter.
Why would you even want it to fail? Do you usually look for the negative in everything? BDO has been up front with its focus on PvP from the start; if you are a carebear and don't enjoy it, that's not the games problem, that's your problem for not doing research. Even if you don't like wpvp, there are hefty penalties in place to discourage griefing, so its unlikely this will happen. If anything is going to kill BDO, its people who hate it for no reason. But there are more people that love it than hate it, so it doesn't really matter.
Did I say I was hating? I was asking what others though about the system they have implemented which is just strange beings it about forcing PvP.
I bought the game but concerned with it tanking. the hype is strong but the truth is short about what the game really is.
Come on, Man. What a joke. Some video of a dude trying to be annoying to people doing a world boss represents endgame to you? Even more ridiculous if you're insinuating that the person fought 50 people- they are mostly just ignoring the ranger. When they turn on the ranger in numbers his health drops fast and he runs away.
Other than that, it shows some fun happening. I like that people can mess with other people at world bosses. You can do that in B&S too (although you can have much more success in B&S if your goal is to actually kill people- a destroyer dropping red spin in the middle of the Blackwyrm fight can wipe out like 10 people before he dies).
Seems the developers were having trouble in KR and RU with people flagging up for PvP, killing someone then flag down. There were very few fights in OW and they want to encourage conflict so they removed the protection from karma killing and made the victim lose experience if they had the PvP flag disabled.
If the flag is on then you are not going to lose any experience or damage any equipment if killed but if you kept the flag off run the risk of dying and losing experience and damaging equipment. to compensate the player if un-flagged could use the new bounty system to pay rewards for killing the attacker which is karma.
this is going to be interesting to follow in the next couple weeks on how well the server is affected by this (IMHO stupid move)
You are spreading misinformation. The changes to the PvP system for the NA/EU version had been spearheaded by the community managers localization team, not by the developers.
What you describe above is what the Western localization team thought (ie the Western localization/community reps want more OW conflict) and the system they came up with. They then took those suggestions to the developers in Korea and asked to implement it in the NA version.
Basically, the Korean system harshly punishes OWPVP and the changes you are talking about are meant to cater to a Western audience who supposedly want to have more ganking style pvp.
Possibly one of the "problems" with this game is that the Western fans that initially played it in Korea seem to love ganking style OWPVP and have cried loudly that we must have more OWPVP with less penalties for the ganker and more penalties for the person being ganked because the Western playerbase really wants that.
But the good news is that they also pushed hard for a non-p2w cash shop game, and thankfully the devs/publishers complied.
Seems the developers were having trouble in KR and RU with people flagging up for PvP, killing someone then flag down. There were very few fights in OW and they want to encourage conflict so they removed the protection from karma killing and made the victim lose experience if they had the PvP flag disabled.
If the flag is on then you are not going to lose any experience or damage any equipment if killed but if you kept the flag off run the risk of dying and losing experience and damaging equipment. to compensate the player if un-flagged could use the new bounty system to pay rewards for killing the attacker which is karma.
this is going to be interesting to follow in the next couple weeks on how well the server is affected by this (IMHO stupid move)
You are spreading misinformation. The changes to the PvP system for the NA/EU version had been spearheaded by the community managers localization team, not by the developers.
What you describe above is what the Western localization team thought (ie the Western localization/community reps want more OW conflict) and the system they came up with. They then took those suggestions to the developers in Korea and asked to implement it in the NA version.
Basically, the Korean system harshly punishes OWPVP and the changes you are talking about are meant to cater to a Western audience who supposedly want to have more ganking style pvp.
Possibly one of the "problems" with this game is that the Western fans that initially played it in Korea seem to love ganking style OWPVP and have cried loudly that we must have more OWPVP with less penalties for the ganker and more penalties for the person being ganked because the Western playerbase really wants that.
But the good news is that they also pushed hard for a non-p2w cash shop game, and thankfully the devs/publishers complied.
I am not spreading false information I am saying the implemented says flag for PvP and war or stay un-flagged and both of you get punished
Seems the developers were having trouble in KR and RU with people flagging up for PvP, killing someone then flag down. There were very few fights in OW and they want to encourage conflict so they removed the protection from karma killing and made the victim lose experience if they had the PvP flag disabled.
If the flag is on then you are not going to lose any experience or damage any equipment if killed but if you kept the flag off run the risk of dying and losing experience and damaging equipment. to compensate the player if un-flagged could use the new bounty system to pay rewards for killing the attacker which is karma.
this is going to be interesting to follow in the next couple weeks on how well the server is affected by this (IMHO stupid move)
You are spreading misinformation. The changes to the PvP system for the NA/EU version had been spearheaded by the community managers localization team, not by the developers.
What you describe above is what the Western localization team thought (ie the Western localization/community reps want more OW conflict) and the system they came up with. They then took those suggestions to the developers in Korea and asked to implement it in the NA version.
Basically, the Korean system harshly punishes OWPVP and the changes you are talking about are meant to cater to a Western audience who supposedly want to have more ganking style pvp.
Possibly one of the "problems" with this game is that the Western fans that initially played it in Korea seem to love ganking style OWPVP and have cried loudly that we must have more OWPVP with less penalties for the ganker and more penalties for the person being ganked because the Western playerbase really wants that.
But the good news is that they also pushed hard for a non-p2w cash shop game, and thankfully the devs/publishers complied.
I am not spreading false information I am saying the implemented says flag for PvP and war or stay un-flagged and both of you get punished
You basically don't know what you are talking about and are making these statements like they are facts.
You basically don't know what you are talking about and are making these statements like they are facts.
Go try it and prove it wrong then come back here and tell me I will remove all the misinformation
Why even have a flagging system when not flagging for PvP results in an even heavier punishment than flagging for PvP? That doesn't even sound right lol
What this is in essence saying is that any player who does not want to PvP and does not flag for it to avoid PvP can be attacked anyway and incur an XP loss, but when they do flag for it, even though they don't want to PvP, they can still get attacked and be inconvenienced, but not lose XP.
That's like a loose-loose proposition for any player wanting to avoid PvP.
Please tell me I have that all wrong because if the above is correct, that is about the most asinine PvP mechanic I have ever heard implemented in a game.
You basically don't know what you are talking about and are making these statements like they are facts.
Go try it and prove it wrong then come back here and tell me I will remove all the misinformation
Why even have a flagging system when not flagging for PvP results in an even heavier punishment than flagging for PvP? That doesn't even sound right lol
What this is in essence saying is that any player who does not want to PvP and does not flag for it to avoid PvP can be attacked anyway and incur an XP loss, but when they do flag for it, even though they don't want to PvP, they can still get attacked and be inconvenienced, but not lose XP.
That's like a loose-loose proposition for any player wanting to avoid PvP.
Please tell me I have that all wrong because if the above is correct, that is about the most asinine PvP mechanic I have ever heard implemented in a game.
Well that is how I am taking all this information as per charts, others and anyone else.
NOW. here is the best answer.
Someone, anyone willing to prove it or disprove it.
Go in game.
Both parties flag up. One kill the other. neither should gain or lose experience or karma.
One party flag up the other doesn't the attacker is flagged and kills the one not flagged. The flagged will get karma loss and the other will get experience loss.
One party flag up the other not. the flagged attack the one not flagged and let the one not flagged kill them. The un-flagged should not get karma loss but the attacker should get experience loss and damage to equipment.
Prove it or disprove it so we have the CORRECT data.
You basically don't know what you are talking about and are making these statements like they are facts.
Go try it and prove it wrong then come back here and tell me I will remove all the misinformation
Why even have a flagging system when not flagging for PvP results in an even heavier punishment than flagging for PvP? That doesn't even sound right lol
What this is in essence saying is that any player who does not want to PvP and does not flag for it to avoid PvP can be attacked anyway and incur an XP loss, but when they do flag for it, even though they don't want to PvP, they can still get attacked and be inconvenienced, but not lose XP.
That's like a loose-loose proposition for any player wanting to avoid PvP.
Please tell me I have that all wrong because if the above is correct, that is about the most asinine PvP mechanic I have ever heard implemented in a game.
I don't think you are rude or have any agenda, there are other people doing that. But you have heard some misinformation and repeated it as if it is true.
Regarding marketing and hype it has mainly been driven by gamers; ESO had far more advertising than BDO, and at any rate marketing and hype is very different from information/misinformation.
The video about end game you posted was not trying to convince people that BDO is fun, it is showing people what types of activities you can do in BDO. I very much appreciate people taking the time to make such videos, especially in a game as massively complex and deep as BDO.
BTW when you say things like: "How exceptionally funny is the crafting system": You should use "fun" not "funny".
For example "How exceptionally fun the crafting system is", "which will explain to other ''noobs'' what is fun and what is not".
I noticed you made the same mistake in other posts, its a common error if you don't speak English as a first language. (I am not trying to pick on you, your English otherwise is pretty good).
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
OP is right up to a point. Eastern games are not as easymode and casual as Western ones, so people will quit when they realise their hand is not being held to top level.
I think they should have a chosen tag only PvP system and some battlegrounds, best of both worlds.
Not sure how that translates in your MMO analogy... I'm quite sure my babe catching potential will be the same whether I play BDO or Super Mario.
Third-person games don't have the immersion and suspension of disbelief that first-person games have.
My favourite at the moment is Elite: Dangerous - it has all the main things I want in a game.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
same here and its rare to hear people say it.
3rd person is not a deal breaker but its weighs a heavy negitive me
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
It's an MMO"RPG." How many MMO"RPGs" have you played that are not third-person view? Most MMORPGs are third-person. And although some may offer the option to play in first-person, there very few, if any, that offer a first-person view only as the only alternative.
This is a perfect example of FPS-centric players trying to play an MMORPG as if it were an FPS-shooter platform game.
2. You are mostly correct but its still a huge negative for me which does greatly limit my gaming options I completely agree. For the past 7 years my MMO life has been Darkfall, Eve and Wurm Online, prior to that I tolerated but didnt like EQ2. I did like Fallen Earth a lot even though that was in 3rd person but its still a huge turn off.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Only speculation but generally would say the quest for PvP enabling was removed and the level lowered to prevent conflict between high level PvP flagged players and the players that could not attack or be attacked.
Seems the developers were having trouble in KR and RU with people flagging up for PvP, killing someone then flag down. There were very few fights in OW and they want to encourage conflict so they removed the protection from karma killing and made the victim lose experience if they had the PvP flag disabled.
If the flag is on then you are not going to lose any experience or damage any equipment if killed but if you kept the flag off run the risk of dying and losing experience and damaging equipment.
to compensate the player if un-flagged could use the new bounty system to pay rewards for killing the attacker which is karma.
this is going to be interesting to follow in the next couple weeks on how well the server is affected by this (IMHO stupid move)
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
Did I say I was hating? I was asking what others though about the system they have implemented which is just strange beings it about forcing PvP.
I bought the game but concerned with it tanking. the hype is strong but the truth is short about what the game really is.
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
Other than that, it shows some fun happening. I like that people can mess with other people at world bosses. You can do that in B&S too (although you can have much more success in B&S if your goal is to actually kill people- a destroyer dropping red spin in the middle of the Blackwyrm fight can wipe out like 10 people before he dies).
If they let the game get overrun with cheaters and botters which is my main concern.
Also if the game goes Pay To Win in the future.
Thats the only way I see it because the game it self is really good.
What you describe above is what the Western localization team thought (ie the Western localization/community reps want more OW conflict) and the system they came up with. They then took those suggestions to the developers in Korea and asked to implement it in the NA version.
Basically, the Korean system harshly punishes OWPVP and the changes you are talking about are meant to cater to a Western audience who supposedly want to have more ganking style pvp.
Possibly one of the "problems" with this game is that the Western fans that initially played it in Korea seem to love ganking style OWPVP and have cried loudly that we must have more OWPVP with less penalties for the ganker and more penalties for the person being ganked because the Western playerbase really wants that.
But the good news is that they also pushed hard for a non-p2w cash shop game, and thankfully the devs/publishers complied.
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
Why even have a flagging system when not flagging for PvP results in an even heavier punishment than flagging for PvP? That doesn't even sound right lol
What this is in essence saying is that any player who does not want to PvP and does not flag for it to avoid PvP can be attacked anyway and incur an XP loss, but when they do flag for it, even though they don't want to PvP, they can still get attacked and be inconvenienced, but not lose XP.
That's like a loose-loose proposition for any player wanting to avoid PvP.
Please tell me I have that all wrong because if the above is correct, that is about the most asinine PvP mechanic I have ever heard implemented in a game.
NOW. here is the best answer.
Someone, anyone willing to prove it or disprove it.
Go in game.
Both parties flag up. One kill the other. neither should gain or lose experience or karma.
One party flag up the other doesn't the attacker is flagged and kills the one not flagged. The flagged will get karma loss and the other will get experience loss.
One party flag up the other not. the flagged attack the one not flagged and let the one not flagged kill them. The un-flagged should not get karma loss but the attacker should get experience loss and damage to equipment.
Prove it or disprove it so we have the CORRECT data.
Also: If you do this , please use junk equipment
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
Fundamentally, there is nothing new with this game.
It is an assumption based on this:
It's only a matter of days before we'll know the answer via gameplay.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee