Maybe I missed it but how much will insurance cost if you don't have lifetime and run out?
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Maybe I missed it but how much will insurance cost if you don't have lifetime and run out?
The only difference between normal insurance and LTI is that they don't pay the normal fee, that fee as the dev is speaking on isn't anything costly.
The real cost here is how much and how long does it take insurance to pay your ship back. Even if you have LTI it won't save you from paying say... 10% of the price of your ship to get it back, or wait that over time the price decays until the replacement is free (the 10% is not any confirmation btw just the numbers the designers are working with attm).
Remember that the base insurance all ships have is just the HULL; once you want to cover your cargo, modules, or a specific "high-risk insurance", say you are a bounty hunter or even a pirate, that's where they'll put the costs up.
Maybe I missed it but how much will insurance cost if you don't have lifetime and run out?
The only difference between normal insurance and LTI is that they don't pay the normal fee, that fee as the dev is speaking on isn't anything costly.
The real cost here is how much and how long does it take insurance to pay your ship back. Even if you have LTI it won't save you from paying say... 10% of the value of your ship to get it back, or wait that over time the price decays until the replacement is free (the 10% is not any confirmation just the numbers the designers are working with attm).
Remember that the base insurance all ships have is just the HULL; once you want to cover your cargo, modules, or a specific "high-risk insurance", say you are a bounty hunter or even a pirate, that's where they'll put the costs up.
Wanna bet that eventually there is an item in the cash shop that will replace your ship instantly?
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
Wanna bet that eventually there is an item in the cash shop that will replace your ship instantly?
You can already replace your ship instantly on this design, it says pay 10% (not a confirmed number again) of the price of your ship to get it back instantly after destruction.
Pricey ships, pricey costs. That will be up to you if you don't want to wait, spend the UEC you have earned and would prefer to buy some out instead.
Cheaper ships this is more light, the example given is of 24 hours until the replacement is free, and the cost/time would only increase if you make several insurance claims per day.
Also stated the game will consider the fact how a player dies and if they only have one ship in the consequence applied.
That will be up to you if you don't want to wait, spend the UEC you have earned and would prefer to buy some out instead.
I'll probably always wait because I have other ships to use while I wait for a ship to be replaced. That is also why I have more than one of those which I plan to use often. It's a drag to have to abort a long ongoing expedition because your ship was destroyed.
I'll probably always wait because I have other ships to use while I wait for a ship to be replaced. That is also why I have more than one of those which I plan to use often. It's a drag to have to abort a long ongoing expedition because your ship was destroyed.
I think it's a necessary balance, considering how exploitable it would be otherwise.
Mostly because it forces play of consequence and not just a casual respawn and keep on playing, this even motivates people who have many ships because you'll likely have your focused ship where you will put under insurance not only hull but cargo but modules; that will reflect itself in the maintenance costs of said ship so I think players would have a "main ship".
But in the other hand, I think this opens one great potential to motivate players to crew another player's ship, the game just needs systems to actually reward cooperative play, things like shared missions rewards, then Insurance can make gameplay flow over just be that necessary limit.
This system is still in progress, but due to its overall size and some of the other features for 3.0.0 that require Render to Texture, teams are using the system as soon as they are able, which means that Render to Texture is requiring bug fixing support while it’s being developed which results in further delays of the system as a whole. The date below does also take dedicated bug fixing time into account.
ETA is 10th August (was 27th July)
looks to be the biggest issue to me.
Already delayed until 10th Aug, 3.0 release date is 25th Aug, if they find anything else wrong with it as they work on it, and it gets delayed again, could delay that release.
Or since the release date coincides with Gamescom, they might just release anyway, so it does not harm ship sales.
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
Mostly showing off what happens to cargo once the ship explodes, this works with both the spawned and manually placed cargo because the game will generate the cargo boxes on destruction, that already accounts that part of the cargo will be lost in the explosion.
Then it's a matter of picking up the floating cargo around the wreck if you want to loot other player's cargo. gg
@someforumguy - You have many questions. It'll take way to much time and space to answer your questions in full. Most of what you ask is already answered elsewhere too, you just have to look it up. But, of course, how you look at the game will influence your willingness to inform yourself about the specifics. Some of it I answered just a short time ago in another thread here.
If you don't want to lookup information yourself, I recommend you wait and see what the game is about when it's released. Following a game in development is not everybody's cup of tea.
I actually read that, but that is still vague. After realising that with 'skill' you meant player skill, and not some character statistic, I still have questions about how the game is supposed to keep you busy and entertained beyond hauling jobs and dogfights? A reputation system can work, but this can also very shallow, when it just becomes a plain grind, funneling players into repeating the same most efficient activity that gains them the highest reputation.
Your comparison with SWG in that answer also falls short because of that.
someforumguy said: Every SC vid is very impressive and enjoyable to watch, but even though I am not a developer, I do recognise the difference between assets and gameplay improvements/additions. New shiny assets and graphical effects are all very nice to look at, but for now I don't see/hear about more involving gameplay then what upcoming survival games offer.
Incredible graphics only remain enjoyable to me if they belong to a game that I enjoy to play. Which comes down to features and gameplay. But this is still so incredibly vague, so to me this is the strangest alpha I've experienced. I really can't be bothered by the announcement of spaceship nr 34767673 if I can't find a coherent explanation of what the game will be about. And I don't mean vague words like : you will have trade in your sandbox and there is a lot of exploration etc. But specifics.
I really want to know how the PVP works for example. Will it be FFA PVP with no security? Will it be like EVE , space divided in low sec and high sec? Will it be like SWG with the TEF system? To me this could make all the difference between an enjoyable experience or horrible. It would also affect all other mechanics in the game. Surely they already know what to go for?
And how will the economy be? Fully player made? What will you be able to own, besides spaceships obviously? Will there be engaging trader/crafting roles?
Character progression, skills? What does it entail in this game? Is this being tested already?
I am getting the impression that they are very busy making an awesome looking universe, but are not sure what kind of game to slap on it yet.
excuse me, did i miss something? is Star Citizen not still in development? and do you not NEED assets to be in the game before you can showcase gameplay loops, are we also going to act as though there are no gameplay loops currently present in the alpha test that backers can play right now? i mean if you want to close your eyes, then sure, there is nothing to see, but come on man. they are fleshing out and adding more gameplay loops as they continue to develop the game. you do know that update 3.0 is NOT the release of the game, right? smh.
I am just asking what the gameplay will be about? Sure you need assets, just not 100 different starships before you start talking specifics about features. Adding just assets, is not fleshing out a game in alpha. Adding features and mechaics is. Starship nr 20 is not a new game feature.
I didn't see much gameplay beyond some dogfights and some shops. Being able to walk around in your hangar or opening some new type of door is not what makes a game. Seeing some toons walk around on a planet's surface is also quite meaningless beyond showing the game's art.
By now I know that the art will look beautiful, so now I am trying to find out about the specific features, and not in broad terms like any front page in steam (you can trade, you can explore, you can fight and other useless information), but trade what? fight for what reason? explore for what purpose? Actual features that are planned in this alpha that make a game, not more vague imagination from backers.
Learning that there are no actual character skills and levels, there needs to be a lot of other mechanics and features to flesh out this game. Or unless it just becomes a flying around simulator to just own stuff and kill others and making up a story in your head. That will grow stale very fast.
I'll probably always wait because I have other ships to use while I wait for a ship to be replaced. That is also why I have more than one of those which I plan to use often. It's a drag to have to abort a long ongoing expedition because your ship was destroyed.
I think it's a necessary balance, considering how exploitable it would be otherwise.
Mostly because it forces play of consequence and not just a casual respawn and keep on playing, this even motivates people who have many ships because you'll likely have your focused ship where you will put under insurance not only hull but cargo but modules; that will reflect itself in the maintenance costs of said ship so I think players would have a "main ship".
But in the other hand, I think this opens one great potential to motivate players to crew another player's ship, the game just needs systems to actually reward cooperative play, things like shared missions rewards, then Insurance can make gameplay flow over just be that necessary limit.
Yeah, absolutely. Players have to be careful how they handle their ship and cargo (and life). I recon I'll have a "main ship" too after a while, after trying out several occupations first. Or I may have two or three main ships I vary between.
We've just seen the beginning of what crew can do aboard a ship. It'll be very interesting to see how this is fleshed out in the next few patches.
@someforumguy - You have many questions. It'll take way to much time and space to answer your questions in full. Most of what you ask is already answered elsewhere too, you just have to look it up. But, of course, how you look at the game will influence your willingness to inform yourself about the specifics. Some of it I answered just a short time ago in another thread here.
If you don't want to lookup information yourself, I recommend you wait and see what the game is about when it's released. Following a game in development is not everybody's cup of tea.
I actually read that, but that is still vague. After realising that with 'skill' you meant player skill, and not some character statistic, I still have questions about how the game is supposed to keep you busy and entertained beyond hauling jobs and dogfights?
Well, as I said in that post I linked to, there'll be many different occupations, not just hauling jobs and dogfights. I don't know what you're interesting in doing? Most of the details about these occupations will be fleshed out in the next releases - 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 4.0 - so it's obviously difficult to go into details we know little about yet. But some things we have learned.
Regardless of your occupation there'll be player skills involved and money to be earned, where the better skilled player with better reputation will earn more than others. In theory.
If you for instance read about mining, you'll see it involves player skills to master. It's not just pointing your laser to a point and voila, the minerals magically ends up in your cargo hold. You will have to work for it. Similarily, if you want to be a Bounty Hunter or a racer then your flying skills will matter, and so on.
A reputation system can work, but this can also very shallow, when it just becomes a plain grind, funneling players into repeating the same most efficient activity that gains them the highest reputation.
Chris Roberts is not fond of grinding in games so I believe mechanics in the economy will reduce that for those who prefer not to grind. There'll be many opportunities to take economy made missions, when and where needs arise.
Remember that to earn reputation you have to successfully complete missions. If you fail - due to lost cargo, didn't deliver a fugitive, failed to fetch a bounty, didn't manage to traverse a new jump point, or similar, then you may lose reputation and the next time you may not get the good contracts. Here's where player skills also make a deciding factor.
excuse me, did i miss something? is Star Citizen not still in development? and do you not NEED assets to be in the game before you can showcase gameplay loops, are we also going to act as though there are no gameplay loops currently present in the alpha test that backers can play right now? i mean if you want to close your eyes, then sure, there is nothing to see, but come on man. they are fleshing out and adding more gameplay loops as they continue to develop the game. you do know that update 3.0 is NOT the release of the game, right? smh.
I am just asking what the gameplay will be about? Sure you need assets, just not 100 different starships before you start talking specifics about features. Adding just assets, is not fleshing out a game in alpha. Adding features and mechaics is. Starship nr 20 is not a new game feature.
I didn't see much gameplay beyond some dogfights and some shops. Being able to walk around in your hangar or opening some new type of door is not what makes a game. Seeing some toons walk around on a planet's surface is also quite meaningless beyond showing the game's art.
By now I know that the art will look beautiful, so now I am trying to find out about the specific features, and not in broad terms like any front page in steam (you can trade, you can explore, you can fight and other useless information), but trade what? fight for what reason? explore for what purpose? Actual features that are planned in this alpha that make a game, not more vague imagination from backers.
Learning that there are no actual character skills and levels, there needs to be a lot of other mechanics and features to flesh out this game. Or unless it just becomes a flying around simulator to just own stuff and kill others and making up a story in your head. That will grow stale very fast.
they have already talked about the gameplay features they are going to implement, if you bothered to check their website or youtube you would see that they have spoken at length about what gameplay loops they are working on.
wait, are you basing your knowledge of Star Citizen on videos you have seen on YouTube and NOT from personal experience or from the devs themselves? wtf man?!!! there are many gameplay loops in the alpha test right NOW ffs; Arena Commander for REC to rent out new weapons and ships, ICC probe missions and Comm Array missions to gain currency to spend on armor, clothing, weapons, insurance deductibles for ship as well as repair and refueling, as well as an initial law and order system that has a defined gameplay loop. not to mention testing out your skills in Star Marine.
dude EVERYTHING you are asking has already been explained by devs they have literal pages of info and videos on your very questions if you just bothered to look.
haha, that last bit is quite funny, as really shows just how ignorant you are of this project, which i would not have an issue with you being, but you take your ignorance and use it as an argument to state that it's our job to alleviate you of your own self-imposed ignorance of the game. smh. they only have basic linear missions in the current alpha (ICC Probe mission-chain imo, is pretty well done), but they are releasing the first iteration of modular missions with alpha update 3.0 which are based on things like skill, reputation, state of the economy, etc so they will be varied between players. it's funny just how confident you are about the outcome something you have not experienced first-hand and are severely ignorant on. smh again. /sigh
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!" For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
excuse me, did i miss something? is Star Citizen not still in development? and do you not NEED assets to be in the game before you can showcase gameplay loops, are we also going to act as though there are no gameplay loops currently present in the alpha test that backers can play right now? i mean if you want to close your eyes, then sure, there is nothing to see, but come on man. they are fleshing out and adding more gameplay loops as they continue to develop the game. you do know that update 3.0 is NOT the release of the game, right? smh.
I am just asking what the gameplay will be about? Sure you need assets, just not 100 different starships before you start talking specifics about features. Adding just assets, is not fleshing out a game in alpha. Adding features and mechaics is. Starship nr 20 is not a new game feature.
I didn't see much gameplay beyond some dogfights and some shops. Being able to walk around in your hangar or opening some new type of door is not what makes a game. Seeing some toons walk around on a planet's surface is also quite meaningless beyond showing the game's art.
By now I know that the art will look beautiful, so now I am trying to find out about the specific features, and not in broad terms like any front page in steam (you can trade, you can explore, you can fight and other useless information), but trade what? fight for what reason? explore for what purpose? Actual features that are planned in this alpha that make a game, not more vague imagination from backers.
Learning that there are no actual character skills and levels, there needs to be a lot of other mechanics and features to flesh out this game. Or unless it just becomes a flying around simulator to just own stuff and kill others and making up a story in your head. That will grow stale very fast.
they have already talked about the gameplay features they are going to implement, if you bothered to check their website or youtube you would see that they have spoken at length about what gameplay loops they are working on.
wait, are you basing your knowledge of Star Citizen on videos you have seen on YouTube and NOT from personal experience or from the devs themselves? wtf man?!!! there are many gameplay loops in the alpha test right NOW ffs; Arena Commander for REC to rent out new weapons and ships, ICC probe missions and Comm Array missions to gain currency to spend on armor, clothing, weapons, insurance deductibles for ship as well as repair and refueling, as well as an initial law and order system that has a defined gameplay loop. not to mention testing out your skills in Star Marine.
dude EVERYTHING you are asking has already been explained by devs they have literal pages of info and videos on your very questions if you just bothered to look.
haha, that last bit is quite funny, as really shows just how ignorant you are of this project, which i would not have an issue with you being, but you take your ignorance and use it as an argument to state that it's our job to alleviate you of your own self-imposed ignorance of the game. smh. they only have basic linear missions in the current alpha (ICC Probe mission-chain imo, is pretty well done), but they are releasing the first iteration of modular missions with alpha update 3.0 which are based on things like skill, reputation, state of the economy, etc so they will be varied between players. it's funny just how confident you are about the outcome something you have not experienced first-hand and are severely ignorant on. smh again. /sigh
Way to represent the SC community. I actually could've used just a little more toxicity.
Mostly showing off what happens to cargo once the ship explodes, this works with both the spawned and manually placed cargo because the game will generate the cargo boxes on destruction, that already accounts that part of the cargo will be lost in the explosion.
Then it's a matter of picking up the floating cargo around the wreck if you want to loot other player's cargo. gg
That makes me wondering, is it fun?
Games usually try to make looting fast and simple process. Star Citizen seems to be adopting the opposite strategy of making looting complex and time-consuming.
I can see myself having fun picking those crates up for the first two ships. On third ship I'd start wishing for a transporter to beam them up.
Mostly showing off what happens to cargo once the ship explodes, this works with both the spawned and manually placed cargo because the game will generate the cargo boxes on destruction, that already accounts that part of the cargo will be lost in the explosion.
Then it's a matter of picking up the floating cargo around the wreck if you want to loot other player's cargo. gg
That makes me wondering, is it fun?
Games usually try to make looting fast and simple process. Star Citizen seems to be adopting the opposite strategy of making looting complex and time-consuming.
I can see myself having fun picking those crates up for the first two ships. On third ship I'd start wishing for a transporter to beam them up.
I understand that argument but let's turn it around 180 degrees and ask - Is it any fun to just beam the loot magically into your ship?
1. When you walk into a looting area in Star Citizen there are possible gameplay elements in addition to just fetch the loot and carry/transport it back.
For example, there can be hostiles hidden in the area, or even someone hiding inside the containers and they may pop out and kill you when you peek into it or simply wait until you have the crate aboard your ship and take over the ship in mid flight.
There can be several types of interesting things to loot, not just one resource you identified from your ship's scanner, so you will perhaps want to scan indivdual crates and look around to see what else you can find. Maybe the ship's computer is still working and have some interesting data you can download.
None of this would be possible if you just pressed a button or menu item from your ship's cockpit.
2. Realism and immersion is important in Star Citizen, and this is also to make the game more interesting for the player, instead of offering simple repetitive tasks that'll soon feel like grinding.
3. You can always let someone else to do tasks you find boring or repetitive, either a team buddy or pay an NPC. If you pay an NPC there can be additional gameplay elements, since some of them can turn against you and try to steal the goods/loot and take over your ship. NPCs will come in different classes and standards, with different experiences and reliability.
4. As mentioned above, gameplay elements can be combined. Looting + Exploring + FPS in one mission, for instance, or Trade + FPS perhaps, or Trade + Info gathering/Exploring. The thing is you never know what can happen and so the suspense is there in most operations, plus you have many options of gameplay. Just the opposite of boring.
I understand that argument but let's turn it around 180 degrees and ask - Is it any fun to just beam the loot magically into your ship?
1. When you walk into a looting area in Star Citizen there are possible gameplay elements in addition to just fetch the loot and carry/transport it back.
For example, there can be hostiles hidden in the area, or even someone hiding inside the containers and they may pop out and kill you when you peek into it or simply wait until you have the crate aboard your ship and take over the ship in mid flight.
There can be several types of interesting things to loot, not just one resource you identified from your ship's scanner, so you will perhaps want to scan indivdual crates and look around to see what else you can find. Maybe the ship's computer is still working and have some interesting data you can download.
None of this would be possible if you just pressed a button or menu item from your ship's cockpit.
3. You can always let someone else to do tasks you find boring or repetitive, either a team buddy or pay an NPC. If you pay an NPC there can be additional gameplay elements, since some of them can turn against you and try to steal the goods/loot and take over your ship. NPCs will come in different classes and standards, with different experiences and reliability.
Hidden hostiles in the area would also be dangerous if I'd need to drop the shields and decrease the ship's power to give transporter beam more power, a bit like Star Trek.
Hidden hostiles in crates could still infiltrated the ship through unscanned containers even if I'd just beam them up as long as the game makes it so that the crates will end up in a real cargo-hold not just some magical inventory.
Scanning could be implemented by having to either drive really close to the container, or a large ship employing a scanner ship that scans everything before they're beamed abroad.
There could still be different roles for a person flying the ship, a person handling the scanning, a person handling the transporter, and perhaps a friend in another ship guarding the area while the ship beaming things up has her shields down.
I think everything important could be implemented without forcing the players to go out there and carry the containers.
I'm mainly concerned about speed: Lugging containers around manually looks like it's going to be really time-consuming.
Games usually try to make looting fast and simple process. Star Citizen seems to be adopting the opposite strategy of making looting complex and time-consuming.
I can see myself having fun picking those crates up for the first two ships. On third ship I'd start wishing for a transporter to beam them up.
I like this type of approaches. This game has some weight on simulation and realism, for those who like that approach they find it fun. This goes for games like Elite Dangerous as well that take that approach even further.
As the game has tractor beams, the picking up stuff manually is just one of the ways you can go at it, the salvaging mechanics are going to answer that need.
From the Spectrum chat with the systems designer specific to Cargo:
Cargo spawned by a shopping kiosk on a station will not be interactable in 3.0. If the ship blows up, some of the cargo is destroyed, but the cargo that survives will be intractable. Eventually, you will be able to transfer kiosk cargo between ships but not in 3.0.
They are aiming to make kiosk-purchased cargo movable in 3.1.
Cargo placed manually in your ship will show up in the cargo manifest app (and I would assume on the sales kiosk at a station).
You can go directly to a kiosk to purchase and sell cargo, or you can do cargo hauling missions.
Eventually, carrying different levels of contraband will get you different consequences. Narcotics may result in an arrest warrant, whereas slaves may result in a kill order.
Pirates will be able to sell stolen cargo at shady locations (GrimHex).
While the game in 3.0 doesn't support player > player trading, the ability to move the cargo you pick and carry will technically "pass hands" if you place the cargo in another player's ship.
Hidden hostiles in the area would also be dangerous if I'd need to drop the shields and decrease the ship's power to give transporter beam more power, a bit like Star Trek.
Hidden hostiles in crates could still infiltrated the ship through unscanned containers even if I'd just beam them up as long as the game makes it so that the crates will end up in a real cargo-hold not just some magical inventory.
Scanning could be implemented by having to either drive really close to the container, or a large ship employing a scanner ship that scans everything before they're beamed abroad.
There could still be different roles for a person flying the ship, a person handling the scanning, a person handling the transporter, and perhaps a friend in another ship guarding the area while the ship beaming things up has her shields down.
I think everything important could be implemented without forcing the players to go out there and carry the containers.
I'm mainly concerned about speed: Lugging containers around manually looks like it's going to be really time-consuming.
I'm concerned about this as well. Beyond the time-consuming portion.. What sufficiently advanced civilization, one used to collecting cargo in the vacuum of space, would not have developed some kind of technology to retrieve said cargo without forcing the pilot to leave his/her ship?
Even if you didn't wanna go the beam route because it cuts out extra chances for emergent gameplay (which, don't get me wrong, I think creating more opportunities for emergent gameplay is a great idea), simply equipping ships with cargo drones that could be intercepted, hacked, or destroyed seems like a much better alternative.
However, I don't know that much about CR's plans for SC.. Are cargo drones something that's planned?
I'm concerned about this as well. Beyond the time-consuming portion.. What sufficiently advanced civilization, one used to collecting cargo in the vacuum of space, would not have developed some kind of technology to retrieve said cargo without forcing the pilot to leave his/her ship?
However, I don't know that much about CR's plans for SC.. Are cargo drones something that's planned?
Yes, such technology to retrieve cargo, debris and other functions that is what tractor beams are meant for; something that should see around the times they'll focus on salvage mechanics.
And yes drones are planned, the Reclaimer (cargo & salvage) and several other ships have them, not much info on them attm, side of concepts as this.
Way to represent the SC community. I actually could've used just a little more toxicity.
yeah, i'm the toxic person who brings ignorant statements to this forum as a "valid" points of argument, i am the one who speaks in severely hyperbolic terms about things i have ABSOLUTELY no evidence to backup, i am the one who never tries to have an actual conversation about the game but instead insult the CEO, the devs and the backers of the game, i am also the one who goes to the forum of a game i have never played and do not like just to shit on it because if i do not like something then no one else can, right?!
the fucking audacity!
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!" For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
Way to represent the SC community. I actually could've used just a little more toxicity.
yeah, i'm the toxic person who brings ignorant statements to this forum as a "valid" points of argument, i am the one who speaks in severely hyperbolic terms about things i have ABSOLUTELY no evidence to backup, i am the one who never tries to have an actual conversation about the game but instead insult the CEO, the devs and the backers of the game, i am also the one who goes to the forum of a game i have never played and do not like just to shit on it because if i do not like something then no one else can, right?!
Way to represent the SC community. I actually could've used just a little more toxicity.
yeah, i'm the toxic person who brings ignorant statements to this forum as a "valid" points of argument, i am the one who speaks in severely hyperbolic terms about things i have ABSOLUTELY no evidence to backup, i am the one who never tries to have an actual conversation about the game but instead insult the CEO, the devs and the backers of the game, i am also the one who goes to the forum of a game i have never played and do not like just to shit on it because if i do not like something then no one else can, right?!
the fucking audacity!
They don't represent the SC community. You do.
i will treat those posts in kind, because all we end up doing is going around in circles because those people do not want an honest conversation, they want to feel and be right and seek anything to try and get that sense of validation be it Strawman arguments, misinformation, feigning ignorance to try and prove a point, etc. they also use the desire of supporters of the game, who want to educate and quell misinformation, to devolve the conversation into an argument over semantics or to try to make people who support the game appear irrational as they cannot see the scam that is SC for what it truly is.
i tried to be cordial, but i will not let people keep insulting my intelligence and wasting my time with such intellectually dishonest arguments. where we cannot even start a conversation from the same basic set of facts, just because someone does not feel they are real. case in point people will argue that CIG fudge the numbers on their website as a marketing ploy, then in the next argument use those very same numbers to say that the only reason CIG gets any money is because of whales funding the majority of the 150+ million they have amassed.
this shit has to stop, you do not have to like the game, you don't have to pledge to it, or even play it if you do not want to, nothing is mandatory, but you do not then get to spread misinformation about the game just because you do not want to inform yourself, are uninterested, or loathe it or the backers who keep supporting the game with their OWN time and money.
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!" For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
Way to represent the SC community. I actually could've used just a little more toxicity.
yeah, i'm the toxic person who brings ignorant statements to this forum as a "valid" points of argument, i am the one who speaks in severely hyperbolic terms about things i have ABSOLUTELY no evidence to backup, i am the one who never tries to have an actual conversation about the game but instead insult the CEO, the devs and the backers of the game, i am also the one who goes to the forum of a game i have never played and do not like just to shit on it because if i do not like something then no one else can, right?!
the fucking audacity!
They don't represent the SC community. You do.
i will treat those posts in kind, because all we end up doing is going around in circles because those people do not want an honest conversation, they want to feel and be right and seek anything to try and get that sense of validation be it Strawman arguments, misinformation, feigning ignorance to try and prove a point, etc. they also use the desire of supporters of the game, who want to educate and quell misinformation, to devolve the conversation into an argument over semantics or to try to make people who support the game appear irrational as they cannot see the scam that is SC for what it truly is.
i tried to be cordial, but i will not let people keep insulting my intelligence and wasting my time with such intellectually dishonest arguments. where we cannot even start a conversation from the same basic set of facts, just because someone does not feel they are real. case in point people will argue that CIG fudge the numbers on their website as a marketing ploy, then in the next argument use those very same numbers to say that the only reason CIG gets any money is because of whales funding the majority of the 150+ million they have amassed.
this shit has to stop, you do not have to like the game, you don't have to pledge to it, or even play it if you do not want to, nothing is mandatory, but you do not then get to spread misinformation about the game just because you do not want to inform yourself, are uninterested, or loathe it or the backers who keep supporting the game with their OWN time and money.
You're another good example of someone justifying their insults by playing the victim. Move along.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
The real cost here is how much and how long does it take insurance to pay your ship back. Even if you have LTI it won't save you from paying say... 10% of the price of your ship to get it back, or wait that over time the price decays until the replacement is free (the 10% is not any confirmation btw just the numbers the designers are working with attm).
Remember that the base insurance all ships have is just the HULL; once you want to cover your cargo, modules, or a specific "high-risk insurance", say you are a bounty hunter or even a pirate, that's where they'll put the costs up.
Pricey ships, pricey costs. That will be up to you if you don't want to wait, spend the UEC you have earned and would prefer to buy some out instead.
Cheaper ships this is more light, the example given is of 24 hours until the replacement is free, and the cost/time would only increase if you make several insurance claims per day.
Also stated the game will consider the fact how a player dies and if they only have one ship in the consequence applied.
Mostly because it forces play of consequence and not just a casual respawn and keep on playing, this even motivates people who have many ships because you'll likely have your focused ship where you will put under insurance not only hull but cargo but modules; that will reflect itself in the maintenance costs of said ship so I think players would have a "main ship".
But in the other hand, I think this opens one great potential to motivate players to crew another player's ship, the game just needs systems to actually reward cooperative play, things like shared missions rewards, then Insurance can make gameplay flow over just be that necessary limit.
Several delays in there, but this one:
looks to be the biggest issue to me.
Already delayed until 10th Aug, 3.0 release date is 25th Aug, if they find anything else wrong with it as they work on it, and it gets delayed again, could delay that release.
Or since the release date coincides with Gamescom, they might just release anyway, so it does not harm ship sales.
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
Mostly showing off what happens to cargo once the ship explodes, this works with both the spawned and manually placed cargo because the game will generate the cargo boxes on destruction, that already accounts that part of the cargo will be lost in the explosion.
Then it's a matter of picking up the floating cargo around the wreck if you want to loot other player's cargo. gg
A reputation system can work, but this can also very shallow, when it just becomes a plain grind, funneling players into repeating the same most efficient activity that gains them the highest reputation.
Your comparison with SWG in that answer also falls short because of that.
I didn't see much gameplay beyond some dogfights and some shops. Being able to walk around in your hangar or opening some new type of door is not what makes a game. Seeing some toons walk around on a planet's surface is also quite meaningless beyond showing the game's art.
By now I know that the art will look beautiful, so now I am trying to find out about the specific features, and not in broad terms like any front page in steam (you can trade, you can explore, you can fight and other useless information), but trade what? fight for what reason? explore for what purpose? Actual features that are planned in this alpha that make a game, not more vague imagination from backers.
Learning that there are no actual character skills and levels, there needs to be a lot of other mechanics and features to flesh out this game. Or unless it just becomes a flying around simulator to just own stuff and kill others and making up a story in your head. That will grow stale very fast.
We've just seen the beginning of what crew can do aboard a ship. It'll be very interesting to see how this is fleshed out in the next few patches.
Well, as I said in that post I linked to, there'll be many different occupations, not just hauling jobs and dogfights. I don't know what you're interesting in doing? Most of the details about these occupations will be fleshed out in the next releases - 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 4.0 - so it's obviously difficult to go into details we know little about yet. But some things we have learned.
Regardless of your occupation there'll be player skills involved and money to be earned, where the better skilled player with better reputation will earn more than others. In theory.
If you for instance read about mining, you'll see it involves player skills to master. It's not just pointing your laser to a point and voila, the minerals magically ends up in your cargo hold. You will have to work for it. Similarily, if you want to be a Bounty Hunter or a racer then your flying skills will matter, and so on.
Chris Roberts is not fond of grinding in games so I believe mechanics in the economy will reduce that for those who prefer not to grind. There'll be many opportunities to take economy made missions, when and where needs arise.
Remember that to earn reputation you have to successfully complete missions. If you fail - due to lost cargo, didn't deliver a fugitive, failed to fetch a bounty, didn't manage to traverse a new jump point, or similar, then you may lose reputation and the next time you may not get the good contracts. Here's where player skills also make a deciding factor.
Hm? Where did I compare with SWG? Are you sure you mean me?
wait, are you basing your knowledge of Star Citizen on videos you have seen on YouTube and NOT from personal experience or from the devs themselves? wtf man?!!! there are many gameplay loops in the alpha test right NOW ffs; Arena Commander for REC to rent out new weapons and ships, ICC probe missions and Comm Array missions to gain currency to spend on armor, clothing, weapons, insurance deductibles for ship as well as repair and refueling, as well as an initial law and order system that has a defined gameplay loop. not to mention testing out your skills in Star Marine.
dude EVERYTHING you are asking has already been explained by devs they have literal pages of info and videos on your very questions if you just bothered to look.
haha, that last bit is quite funny, as really shows just how ignorant you are of this project, which i would not have an issue with you being, but you take your ignorance and use it as an argument to state that it's our job to alleviate you of your own self-imposed ignorance of the game. smh. they only have basic linear missions in the current alpha (ICC Probe mission-chain imo, is pretty well done), but they are releasing the first iteration of modular missions with alpha update 3.0 which are based on things like skill, reputation, state of the economy, etc so they will be varied between players. it's funny just how confident you are about the outcome something you have not experienced first-hand and are severely ignorant on. smh again. /sigh
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"
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Way to represent the SC community. I actually could've used just a little more toxicity.
Games usually try to make looting fast and simple process. Star Citizen seems to be adopting the opposite strategy of making looting complex and time-consuming.
I can see myself having fun picking those crates up for the first two ships. On third ship I'd start wishing for a transporter to beam them up.
1. When you walk into a looting area in Star Citizen there are possible gameplay elements in addition to just fetch the loot and carry/transport it back.
For example, there can be hostiles hidden in the area, or even someone hiding inside the containers and they may pop out and kill you when you peek into it or simply wait until you have the crate aboard your ship and take over the ship in mid flight.
There can be several types of interesting things to loot, not just one resource you identified from your ship's scanner, so you will perhaps want to scan indivdual crates and look around to see what else you can find. Maybe the ship's computer is still working and have some interesting data you can download.
None of this would be possible if you just pressed a button or menu item from your ship's cockpit.
2. Realism and immersion is important in Star Citizen, and this is also to make the game more interesting for the player, instead of offering simple repetitive tasks that'll soon feel like grinding.
3. You can always let someone else to do tasks you find boring or repetitive, either a team buddy or pay an NPC. If you pay an NPC there can be additional gameplay elements, since some of them can turn against you and try to steal the goods/loot and take over your ship. NPCs will come in different classes and standards, with different experiences and reliability.
4. As mentioned above, gameplay elements can be combined. Looting + Exploring + FPS in one mission, for instance, or Trade + FPS perhaps, or Trade + Info gathering/Exploring. The thing is you never know what can happen and so the suspense is there in most operations, plus you have many options of gameplay. Just the opposite of boring.
Hidden hostiles in the area would also be dangerous if I'd need to drop the shields and decrease the ship's power to give transporter beam more power, a bit like Star Trek.
Hidden hostiles in crates could still infiltrated the ship through unscanned containers even if I'd just beam them up as long as the game makes it so that the crates will end up in a real cargo-hold not just some magical inventory.
Scanning could be implemented by having to either drive really close to the container, or a large ship employing a scanner ship that scans everything before they're beamed abroad.
There could still be different roles for a person flying the ship, a person handling the scanning, a person handling the transporter, and perhaps a friend in another ship guarding the area while the ship beaming things up has her shields down.
I think everything important could be implemented without forcing the players to go out there and carry the containers.
I'm mainly concerned about speed: Lugging containers around manually looks like it's going to be really time-consuming.
As the game has tractor beams, the picking up stuff manually is just one of the ways you can go at it, the salvaging mechanics are going to answer that need.
Even if you didn't wanna go the beam route because it cuts out extra chances for emergent gameplay (which, don't get me wrong, I think creating more opportunities for emergent gameplay is a great idea), simply equipping ships with cargo drones that could be intercepted, hacked, or destroyed seems like a much better alternative.
However, I don't know that much about CR's plans for SC.. Are cargo drones something that's planned?
Yes, such technology to retrieve cargo, debris and other functions that is what tractor beams are meant for; something that should see around the times they'll focus on salvage mechanics.
And yes drones are planned, the Reclaimer (cargo & salvage) and several other ships have them, not much info on them attm, side of concepts as this.
the fucking audacity!
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"
For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
i tried to be cordial, but i will not let people keep insulting my intelligence and wasting my time with such intellectually dishonest arguments. where we cannot even start a conversation from the same basic set of facts, just because someone does not feel they are real. case in point people will argue that CIG fudge the numbers on their website as a marketing ploy, then in the next argument use those very same numbers to say that the only reason CIG gets any money is because of whales funding the majority of the 150+ million they have amassed.
this shit has to stop, you do not have to like the game, you don't have to pledge to it, or even play it if you do not want to, nothing is mandatory, but you do not then get to spread misinformation about the game just because you do not want to inform yourself, are uninterested, or loathe it or the backers who keep supporting the game with their OWN time and money.
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"
For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG