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Evocati Test Flight Closed NDA Testing

ExcessionExcession Member RarePosts: 709

Greetings Citizen!

We are cordially inviting you from to join Evocati Test Flight (ETF), a select group of volunteer testers who have previously demonstrated a knowledge and passion for finding and reporting Star Citizen bugs by actively participating on Issue Council or playing in our Public Test Universe (PTU) phases.

Evocati Test Flight testers will be invited to closed, NDA-controlled playtests held on PTU. Think of these sessions as a pre-PTU phase, comprised of builds with new, raw, and sometimes broken or unfinished content and features that could initially result in a degraded or even completely unplayable user experience.

As such, NO SCREENSHOTS OR LIVESTREAMING will be allowed during the Evocati phases. We’ll make sure to clearly notify everyone when we move out of an ETF phase and into a PTU phase where screenshots and livestreams are again allowed.

Once a build is stabilized and needs more concurrency testing, we’ll roll it out to our standard PTU waves for additional stress testing, and then to Live.

A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.



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