MMOs have already become more like shooters. Almost every new release has a targeting reticle of sorts, action combat, and limited skills. You were going to see more games like Destiny and Division regardless. Overwatch won't have much of an influence on that, it's not even in the same genre. Although I'm sure blizzard is already thinking about a pve, loot focused Overwatch spinoff.
Given that Destiny, Division and Overwatch are all big money makers, isn't it logical that dev will look at elements going into these games, and come up with something that "borrows" from all of them?
The key difference between OW and Destiny/Division is that OW has put a lot of work into making many heroes with different skills & mechanics. May be the next pve/loot MMO shooter will take that route instead of what Division has done.
Battlefield was also a huge success but it didn't turned MMOs into FPS combat anyways.
OWs great influence on MMOs if anything might be that the publishers will be even more willing to focus on regular multiplayer games instead of MMOs.
It do seems like FPS games are splitting up with a genre that is slightly more MMO like with games like Destiny and the Division but OW is not one of those games, it is just another TF/UT styled multiplayer FPS game. I doubt any MMOs will be more influenced by OW then any other none MMO game.
I don't think OP would have started the topic if someone else then the maker of Wow would have made the game.
small arena shooters have been out for ever MMOs arnt going that rout, if anything they are going to be more influenced by the survival games that have been recently getting more popular since they actually bring communities and more substance to a would be MMO world.
CC charges are 5% but these only apply to purchases from blizzard. Unless its a debit or bank purchase then idk what the charge is. It is sound to say they make 90% of their online pc purchases and if lucky 40% of the xbox and playstation sales. But we are forgetting the fact that they have an item mall and they are selling rng boxes.
Transaction charges: look at a set of financial results from NCSoft, they actually detail how much transaction charges cost. They are non-trivial. Why some companies (e.g. IKEA) charge you extra if you use a credit cards - debit cards are cheaper. Banks and cc companies ...... are in it to make a profit.
Direct online: when asked by analysts how much Origin might boost EA's profits and whether they could get it above 70% EA said "hard".
For non-direct onlike sales via Steam, GMG, GoG etc. these companies .... are in it to make a profit so it is lower.
Retail: companies sometimes detail / discuss what they make from retail sales e.g. Funcom have stated 20%. And it varies: no-brand game vs. big "known" product with a huge advertising budget behind it. The first sits around on shelves the latter will sell fast - so publlshers will seek more to cover their marketing costs.
For consoles the higher cost of console vs. PC is "nominally" attributed to MS / Sony. So if a $40 tPC title is $60 on console then $16 is nominally for MS and Sony (and $4 extra tax). And that is before the retailer cut and the full tax charge.
And no I am not forgetting they have a mall simply trying to stop people thinking: x sales x Box price = the money the publisher has made.
Blizzard is always late to the party,Unreal 1998 and was a huge success as well in the first world cyber games,yet did not change how devs think..We still have yet to decide what is an actual MMO,i know what it is but most seem to think simply having a login screen makes you a MMO. MOST games that are remotely a MMO are really single player gaming so not many choices to enact a shooter into a MMO.
So how many games actually fall into the MMO scope?1/2/3?If you are running around SOLO linear questing,then you are NOT playing a MMO,that can be done without a login screen. The ONLY business that really cares about OW or any game is Microsoft and it's new policies with Win10 and how they plan to profit from everyone else's software and hard work. Devs will do as they always do,look for new angles and ideas to make their game slightly different,to hit a market that is not yet flooded.The idea as always is to be first,soon after the market is flooded then dies out.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Given that the MMORPG genre has stagnated, both in terms of profitability and creativity, change is inevitable and imminent.
As to Overwatch having an impact on the MMO genre? Lol. Overwatch isn't an MMO, so I doubt it'll have any impact. We might see future MMOs with more shooting in it (Destiny and The Division, whilst not MMOs, are moving in that direction) but it won't be a response to overwatch, it's simply devs trying to make the MMO genre popular again.
Also, @nariusseldon Blizz deciding to scrap Titan in favour of Overwatch is a false statement. Blizzard decided to scrap Titan. They later decided to make Overwatch. They didn't scrap titan because of overwatch, the two are almost unrelated. Titan was scrapped because Blizzard was unable to make the game fun and thus profitable, so they scrapped it. They then decided to make overwatch in an attempt to salvage some of the work they'd already done.
Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr80 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr5X Shaman
Blizzard is always late to the party,Unreal 1998 and was a huge success as well in the first world cyber games,yet did not change how devs think..We still have yet to decide what is an actual MMO,i know what it is but most seem to think simply having a login screen makes you a MMO. MOST games that are remotely a MMO are really single player gaming so not many choices to enact a shooter into a MMO.
So how many games actually fall into the MMO scope?1/2/3?If you are running around SOLO linear questing,then you are NOT playing a MMO,that can be done without a login screen. The ONLY business that really cares about OW or any game is Microsoft and it's new policies with Win10 and how they plan to profit from everyone else's software and hard work. Devs will do as they always do,look for new angles and ideas to make their game slightly different,to hit a market that is not yet flooded.The idea as always is to be first,soon after the market is flooded then dies out.
Yea that is my biggest beef with blizzard. With the resources they have and what they have produced its mind boggling. I guess the slow and steady playing it safe works for them but at the same time they lose countless millions to games like LOL, DOTA2 and mmo's like ESO and GW2. Blizzard should have been first with these innovations instead they wait for years before you see anything from them.
Pttthhhhh yet another stupid shooter. Pass. Why was this even posted here?
Because it is highly successful, covered by many websites, classified as a MMOFPS on this site, fun to many posters here (though not you), made by one of the most visible gaming company, ....
As to Overwatch having an impact on the MMO genre? Lol. Overwatch isn't an MMO, so I doubt it'll have any impact.
a) OW is a MMO by the definition of this site. Between you (a random person on the internet) and the site sys-op, i doubt you are the divine authority. Plus, at best, there is no consensus of its classification, and there is no reason why we cannot entertain the notion that it is a MMO.
b) Other games can have impact on the MMO genre. For example, they can take business away. The 7M who are playing OW now may have some who abandon (or at least taking a hiatus from) MMOs. Plus, MMOs can clearly learn and adopt designs from other genre. Most visible are lobby gaming from shooter, and scripting quests from single player games.
As to Overwatch having an impact on the MMO genre? Lol. Overwatch isn't an MMO, so I doubt it'll have any impact.
a) OW is a MMO by the definition of this site. Between you (a random person on the internet) and the site sys-op, i doubt you are the divine authority. Plus, at best, there is no consensus of its classification, and there is no reason why we cannot entertain the notion that it is a MMO.
b) Other games can have impact on the MMO genre. For example, they can take business away. The 7M who are playing OW now may have some who abandon (or at least taking a hiatus from) MMOs. Plus, MMOs can clearly learn and adopt designs from other genre. Most visible are lobby gaming from shooter, and scripting quests from single player games.
The sys-ops have already stated that the games list on this website is wildly inaccurate and doesn't classify games correctly, however, their need to market games and drive traffic to the site is more important than amending the list.
As to definition of an MMO, we've been over this before, but in brief.
Multiplayer - 2 or more people Massively Multiplayer - significantly higher than average multiplayer
So, average multiplayer games tend to be 2-64 players. So, take the number 64 and then pick a number "massively" bigger than 64. This is a bit of an arbitrary number so will differ from person to person, but given that double isn't massively bigger, nor is triple, you're looking at 200+ people before you start reaching what people would consider "massively multiplayer".
So, overwatch is not an MMO. You can't get 200 people playing together at the same time. Whilst I've not played the game myself, Google is telling me the games are 6v6, total 12 players. Is 12 massively bigger than 64? Lol, obviously not, its less than 64, therefore it is not a massively multiplayer game.
As to having an impact on the genre - 7m people versus the entirety of the MMO playerbase...small fish, especially when out of those 7m, only a small proportion will be playing overwatch instead of MMOs. Some will play both, but I expect the majority of those 7m aren't MMO players to begin with.
Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr80 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr5X Shaman
I would hope not. There is plenty of room for both genre's of game I see no reason why one would replace the other.
I don't know if you notice or not ... western AAA devs, including Blizz, are not making classical mmorpg anymore.
Plus, Overwatch is the literal example of a shooter replacing a classical mmorpg. Remember Blizz scrapped Titan for this?
I don't know if you noticed or not but no one believes your doom a gloom version of the gaming industry. As far what western triple A (or any developer for that matter) is doing, you don't know. Just because something is not announced right now does not mean they are not working on something.
I would hope that the lack of announcement means we are going back to delivering completed games, not 5 year long excuse filled hype trains that deliver less than half of what they promise when they finally do release.
Further more until you can show me something that says Blizzard scrapped project Titan for Over watch it's just more of you doom and gloom BS that I am sick of reading.
TL/DR: until you have some facts, just STFU.
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.
Well i don't think they will change mmorpg's to be more like OW, there is some nice mecanics they can keep adding to them to make them feel more like OW that is for sure and i am sure they will add them.
Now regarding the fact that some calls OW a mmo is a very big joke because everyone knows that to be considered a mmo you need to have lot's of players eg: 50, 100 or even more on the same map and playing the same game at the same time that is why it is called massive multiplayer games and not multiplayer games like fps, arena's or even moba's games .
Hence the fact that lot's of players are on the fence with the one's that calls games that got 10 players playing together a mmo.
fact #1: Blizz scrapped Titan, a classical MMORPG.
fact #2: Blizz made OW, an online shooter, classified as MMOFPS on this site's game list.
fact #3: OW sold 7M+ in its first week, and receives 91 on metacritics.
Are you disputing any of these facts?
So what you're actually saying is Blizz didn't have the chops to make an actual full MMORPG and instead recycled what they could from that project and released an easily marketable shooter.
fact #1: Blizz scrapped Titan, a classical MMORPG.
fact #2: Blizz made OW, an online shooter, classified as MMOFPS on this site's game list.
fact #3: OW sold 7M+ in its first week, and receives 91 on metacritics.
Are you disputing any of these facts?
So what you're actually saying is Blizz didn't have the chops to make an actual full MMORPG and instead recycled what they could from that project and released an easily marketable shooter.
Oh they had the chops, the game just turned out to be utter shit; in a nutshell it wasn't fun. This info is readily available.
And sure, Blizzard had no interest in wasting those assets. Hence Overwatch. The Seldon just likes to attempt to skew these facts for his own strange crusade.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Is it a matter of "chops" to decide not to make something that costs more to make, is more difficult to make, has pickier players, likely won't make as money, and you (meaning the person making it) don't find it fun?
Weird terminology.
Post edited by VengeSunsoar on
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
I understand the justification for going with something more popular, easier to make, with more instant gratification. I just don't like that route as far as MMORPG's go.
I will however stick to my opinion of them no longer having the "chops" to make another great MMORPG.
Given that Destiny, Division and Overwatch are all big money makers, isn't it logical that dev will look at elements going into these games, and come up with something that "borrows" from all of them?
The key difference between OW and Destiny/Division is that OW has put a lot of work into making many heroes with different skills & mechanics. May be the next pve/loot MMO shooter will take that route instead of what Division has done.
OWs great influence on MMOs if anything might be that the publishers will be even more willing to focus on regular multiplayer games instead of MMOs.
It do seems like FPS games are splitting up with a genre that is slightly more MMO like with games like Destiny and the Division but OW is not one of those games, it is just another TF/UT styled multiplayer FPS game. I doubt any MMOs will be more influenced by OW then any other none MMO game.
I don't think OP would have started the topic if someone else then the maker of Wow would have made the game.
Direct online: when asked by analysts how much Origin might boost EA's profits and whether they could get it above 70% EA said "hard".
For non-direct onlike sales via Steam, GMG, GoG etc. these companies .... are in it to make a profit so it is lower.
Retail: companies sometimes detail / discuss what they make from retail sales e.g. Funcom have stated 20%. And it varies: no-brand game vs. big "known" product with a huge advertising budget behind it. The first sits around on shelves the latter will sell fast - so publlshers will seek more to cover their marketing costs.
For consoles the higher cost of console vs. PC is "nominally" attributed to MS / Sony. So if a $40 tPC title is $60 on console then $16 is nominally for MS and Sony (and $4 extra tax). And that is before the retailer cut and the full tax charge.
And no I am not forgetting they have a mall simply trying to stop people thinking: x sales x Box price = the money the publisher has made.
MOST games that are remotely a MMO are really single player gaming so not many choices to enact a shooter into a MMO.
So how many games actually fall into the MMO scope?1/2/3?If you are running around SOLO linear questing,then you are NOT playing a MMO,that can be done without a login screen.
The ONLY business that really cares about OW or any game is Microsoft and it's new policies with Win10 and how they plan to profit from everyone else's software and hard work.
Devs will do as they always do,look for new angles and ideas to make their game slightly different,to hit a market that is not yet flooded.The idea as always is to be first,soon after the market is flooded then dies out.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
As to Overwatch having an impact on the MMO genre? Lol. Overwatch isn't an MMO, so I doubt it'll have any impact. We might see future MMOs with more shooting in it (Destiny and The Division, whilst not MMOs, are moving in that direction) but it won't be a response to overwatch, it's simply devs trying to make the MMO genre popular again.
Also, @nariusseldon Blizz deciding to scrap Titan in favour of Overwatch is a false statement. Blizzard decided to scrap Titan. They later decided to make Overwatch. They didn't scrap titan because of overwatch, the two are almost unrelated. Titan was scrapped because Blizzard was unable to make the game fun and thus profitable, so they scrapped it. They then decided to make overwatch in an attempt to salvage some of the work they'd already done.
Executive Editor (Games)
Are those enough reasons?
b) Other games can have impact on the MMO genre. For example, they can take business away. The 7M who are playing OW now may have some who abandon (or at least taking a hiatus from) MMOs. Plus, MMOs can clearly learn and adopt designs from other genre. Most visible are lobby gaming from shooter, and scripting quests from single player games.
As to definition of an MMO, we've been over this before, but in brief.
Multiplayer - 2 or more people
Massively Multiplayer - significantly higher than average multiplayer
So, average multiplayer games tend to be 2-64 players. So, take the number 64 and then pick a number "massively" bigger than 64. This is a bit of an arbitrary number so will differ from person to person, but given that double isn't massively bigger, nor is triple, you're looking at 200+ people before you start reaching what people would consider "massively multiplayer".
So, overwatch is not an MMO. You can't get 200 people playing together at the same time. Whilst I've not played the game myself, Google is telling me the games are 6v6, total 12 players. Is 12 massively bigger than 64? Lol, obviously not, its less than 64, therefore it is not a massively multiplayer game.
As to having an impact on the genre - 7m people versus the entirety of the MMO playerbase...small fish, especially when out of those 7m, only a small proportion will be playing overwatch instead of MMOs. Some will play both, but I expect the majority of those 7m aren't MMO players to begin with.
I would hope that the lack of announcement means we are going back to delivering completed games, not 5 year long excuse filled hype trains that deliver less than half of what they promise when they finally do release.
Further more until you can show me something that says Blizzard scrapped project Titan for Over watch it's just more of you doom and gloom BS that I am sick of reading.
TL/DR: until you have some facts, just STFU.
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.
Now regarding the fact that some calls OW a mmo is a very big joke because everyone knows that to be considered a mmo you need to have lot's of players eg: 50, 100 or even more on the same map and playing the same game at the same time that is why it is called massive multiplayer games and not multiplayer games like fps, arena's or even moba's games .
Hence the fact that lot's of players are on the fence with the one's that calls games that got 10 players playing together a mmo.
fact #2: Blizz made OW, an online shooter, classified as MMOFPS on this site's game list.
fact #3: OW sold 7M+ in its first week, and receives 91 on metacritics.
Are you disputing any of these facts?
To bad it got canceled :-(
And sure, Blizzard had no interest in wasting those assets. Hence Overwatch. The Seldon just likes to attempt to skew these facts for his own strange crusade.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Weird terminology.
I will however stick to my opinion of them no longer having the "chops" to make another great MMORPG.