CIG can't make a good tutorial, or they don't care to fix the one they've started, at this time."No disagreement here! Backers looking out for our best interests is one of the thing that makes this process great.
I'm happy to report that we talked about this in today's sync, and
the tutorial will be removed from the menu before the next Free Fly. (I
also don't want to take credit the change; QA brought it up first!)"
How tough is it, really, to make a tutorial? Discuss.
In other news, Art Directors at CIG aren't very thorough. CIG hierarchy to blame? Probably not, but if they couldn't tell Gardiner's neck isn't
that long, maybe they need eye exams. How hard would it have been to just take a new pic of her? Isn't she on the payroll, for some strange reason?
and more .. I'd like to include a shout-out to Gameinformer for taking CIG to task for what was an obvious lie in 2015 development timeline."Developer Cloud Imperium Games has said that the game, with its various components,
will come out by the end of this year.
However, this schedule from early 2015 is already off-track given that
the first episode of the single-player campaign, Squadron 42, definitely
isn't out as planned."
People sometimes buy things on the relative immediacy of availability. Telling people something will be available much sooner than the reality is a dirty trick. They had to have known such a schedule wasn't possible in 2015, but they lied to make sales. Hey, just make excuses later, like that people don't know what they're talking about, right? It makes CIG look like they don't know what they're talking about.
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
The cake is a lie.
Was some "reward" artwork that used to feature on
W.r.t. to the art issue. I concur that CIG should more carefully check on the work submitted by freelance artists. It seems those freelancers took some shortcuts and sold the outcome as their own work to CIG. CIG had no reason so far to assume that this is not genuine artwork made by those freelancers themselves. Now they have reason.
W.r.t. timeline - yes, things take longer than expected. CIG was optimistic in some of their estimates and backers have talked about this unrealistic optimism in the official forums since 2012.
Do I personally think these were deliberate LIES ? No.
Have fun
As for art usage with no permission, yes it is definitely bad practice and an issue. CIG should look into this ASAP before it snowballs into something bigger.
I will give you a friendly advise about being extra careful who you quote and link to.
You see this guy was caught using entire blocks of a press release from Bioware, and by using i mean copy - pasted, in order to promote Alganon back in 2010. Of course he shifted the blame to a subordinate and went on doing his stuff. And of course being the individual he is he has the nerve to point fingers and lecture others. Luckily not all people have the memory capacity of a goldfish as he presumes.
It's better to be hated than ignored. All you guys are doing with your unending hatred of the game is feeding it, getting it more and more widespread advertising and making its defenders love it all the more (And throw more money at it in the process to spite you). If you think you are hurting the game you're deluded.
Derek whats his face is another matter, he is a nobody developer with multiple failures under his belt that is getting some fame from hating on a game that is popular. Him I understand since this is the only way he will ever accomplish anything ever in his god awful "career". Hating this is his one chance in life.
As an example, you know that new ghostbusters film that everyone hates and has millions of dislikes? The dislikes are working in its favor, it got more advertising from being crap than it ever would otherwise. The film will make billions based on just how well known it is and how curious people are. It will also get feminists and sjw plebs to get see it who never would of otherwise.
They continue to attack, harass, deflect, post unfounded allegations, lies, take unflattering threads off-topic in order to get them locked, which then ends the unflattering discussion.
Just do it. It's only two clicks.
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living.
If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead
...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
I wrote that using art without permission is bad practice and an issue. I wrote that CIG must resolve this issue fast before it evolves into something that can harm SC.
However, since the OP regularly uses DS as a source of info and provides links to his blog & tweets i decided to give you people some insight about how big of an hypocrite, among other things, this individual is.
The privateer concept image created by Rob Mckinnon for CIG is of actor Ian Somerhalder.
An image which CIG then plastered a copyright notice (see lower right corner of screen) on
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living.
If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead
...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
Instead of discussing solely on the topic at hand you went on a rant on a guy that didn't even needed to be mentioned.
Unfounded. I can cite half a dozen threads off the top of my head, started by me, which hit this site before DS dissemination. That was a lame attempt to dismiss my contribution. I consider it a compliment from you, though, so, thanks.
- i portrayed my thoughts considering the unauthorized art usage by CIG. I believe i was quite clear about the matter. It is bad business and thus must be corrected fast.
- i did not mention said guy. The OP did by providing links to his tweets as his source of info. I merely pointed out the hypocrite said guy is.
So I beg to differ.
(Btw I don't give a rat's ass about both of them so I'm not defending anyone but the point of these threads going off topic on purpose so they get locked)
As for the E.L.E... i hope DS is not paying his lawyers by the hour.
At least you provide with content (though it is quite predictable).
Some peoples brains aren't wired to see middle ground and cant understand someone who can.
Then you tell someone to be careful what they link to, while trying to shut them down and not providing any proof of link of anything you've stated. And you have nothing to link to because it's false.
Anytime someone points out something about CIG or Star Citizen, you guys yell "Derek Smart". It's getting old now. STICK TO THE TOPIC!!
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living.
If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead
...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
This plagiarism issue is rampant. Once is a coincidence, THREE times is not.
And as I type this, there are others being looked into.
If this were another publisher or dev, they would all be jumping up and down, ready to attack them over it. But since it's CIG and Star Citizen, instead, they attack the people who caught it.
Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a living.
If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct, then go ahead
...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
He has his own agenda, whatever that may be. These threads, and DS himself, are bringing a lot of attention to Star Citizen. From the videos I've seen of Line of Defense, there is a lot more playable in SC than there is in his game, which has been in development since 2009 or 2010. If he spent as much time working on his game as he does bashing CIG and SC, his game would have been out long ago.