PlayStation VR Sold Out Until After Christmas On Amazon UK
If you’re looking to buy a PlayStation VR headset for the Christmas holidays and are a regular Amazon customer, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Amazon UK says that it’s out of stock until after the holidays. The listing on Amazon UK’s site states:
“We have sold through our allocation of PSVR and will not have any more stock before Christmas. Orders will be fulfilled in the order they are placed as soon as we receive further stock. This is likely to be early 2017.”
That isn't saying much as Amazon UK gets a lot less sets than most others.
That being said, them stating that sales are on track means they are supposedly "on track" for the 2 Million sales they expect by 2017.
Unfortunately that will destroy any hope of comparison to PC sets... the support will flock to what sells the most, and RIft sets are already failing miserably.
PS peripherals always do okay, even if they aren't long term successes. the PS Eye for example.
Well a company coming out a saying "on track" isn't the best term to use. Again I agree I think the psvr will sell great and do well I'm just calling out this fanboi who claims "strong sales" without any numbers to back it up. He has tried using reports like Wwe outsold psvr and the psvr outsold a console nobody is buying now. I mean if he is so desperate to try and prove "strong sales" you would think he would find some articles to help his crusade.
When their estimated sales numbers are 200-300k in its launch window, and more than 2 million estimated by SuperData, "On Track" is a correct, conservative statement especially with no competition in the console VR market.
"Strong Sales" can mean that the demand is increasing, and that its selling well. it doesn't have to mean its steroid, or Hulk strong.
He knows this already but just does not want to accept it.
No I know and have proven you don't have a clue what you are talking about. But continue to spam about psvr and get a whopping one reply on your thread...but to you I'm sure that's "on track".
Well at least I understand why you need to lie and make stuff up since nobody post on your threads on the subject.
It really depends on how developers create their games. If they make them non-intuitive for VR, then it's going to give very bad first impressions. The major consoles already have a lineup of games, and it's only a matter of time before the movie industry catches up.
Also, it's much more easier to sell VR with established consoles such as Playstation, Nintendo, and Xbox, since parents are more likely to buy them for Christmas anyway.
PlayStation VR Sold Out Until After Christmas On Amazon UK
If you’re looking to buy a PlayStation VR headset for the Christmas holidays and are a regular Amazon customer, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Amazon UK says that it’s out of stock until after the holidays. The listing on Amazon UK’s site states:
“We have sold through our allocation of PSVR and will not have any more stock before Christmas. Orders will be fulfilled in the order they are placed as soon as we receive further stock. This is likely to be early 2017.”
That isn't saying much as Amazon UK gets a lot less sets than most others.
That being said, them stating that sales are on track means they are supposedly "on track" for the 2 Million sales they expect by 2017.
Unfortunately that will destroy any hope of comparison to PC sets... the support will flock to what sells the most, and RIft sets are already failing miserably.
PS peripherals always do okay, even if they aren't long term successes. the PS Eye for example.
Well a company coming out a saying "on track" isn't the best term to use. Again I agree I think the psvr will sell great and do well I'm just calling out this fanboi who claims "strong sales" without any numbers to back it up. He has tried using reports like Wwe outsold psvr and the psvr outsold a console nobody is buying now. I mean if he is so desperate to try and prove "strong sales" you would think he would find some articles to help his crusade.
When their estimated sales numbers are 200-300k in its launch window, and more than 2 million estimated by SuperData, "On Track" is a correct, conservative statement especially with no competition in the console VR market.
"Strong Sales" can mean that the demand is increasing, and that its selling well. it doesn't have to mean its steroid, or Hulk strong.
He knows this already but just does not want to accept it.
No I know and have proven you don't have a clue what you are talking about. But continue to spam about psvr and get a whopping one reply on your thread...but to you I'm sure that's "on track".
Well at least I understand why you need to lie and make stuff up since nobody post on your threads on the subject.
Whether or not Sony makes that sales number or not, we're not entirely sure. Sony executives stated plainly at the beginning they weren't sure what the interest is in PSVR.
I think it's hard to gauge honestly, because plenty here will tell you how the rift and vive purportedly "sold out"
But they've been on the market for almost a year.. and we've gotten fairly clear sales data for the Vive at 180K and supposedly the Rift is around half that.
It's hard for Sony to gauge interest, so therefore selling out could point to just low quantities.
But they've also increased the numbers of units that are likely to be on the market for the holidays, or at least we'll see an increase in the next few weeks.
I don't doubt that PSVR will be the best selling tethered VR system on the market until Microsoft releases their set in several months.
But the question is, will this be solid growth? Or are we seeing a large influx of people right now because everyone that was interested in VR will finally have their headset?
Once sets become more widely available, whatever that looks like, we may not see as much drive to pick them up.. probably around february, with another influx of price cuts when Microsoft releases theirs around March.
Personally I feel like Sony should do well in general, and that for everything else, Microsoft will probably prevail. (xbox, windows). I'm afraid that's bad news for the early adopters of HTC and Oculus devices.
PlayStation VR Sold Out Until After Christmas On Amazon UK
If you’re looking to buy a PlayStation VR headset for the Christmas holidays and are a regular Amazon customer, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Amazon UK says that it’s out of stock until after the holidays. The listing on Amazon UK’s site states:
“We have sold through our allocation of PSVR and will not have any more stock before Christmas. Orders will be fulfilled in the order they are placed as soon as we receive further stock. This is likely to be early 2017.”
That isn't saying much as Amazon UK gets a lot less sets than most others.
That being said, them stating that sales are on track means they are supposedly "on track" for the 2 Million sales they expect by 2017.
Unfortunately that will destroy any hope of comparison to PC sets... the support will flock to what sells the most, and RIft sets are already failing miserably.
PS peripherals always do okay, even if they aren't long term successes. the PS Eye for example.
Well a company coming out a saying "on track" isn't the best term to use. Again I agree I think the psvr will sell great and do well I'm just calling out this fanboi who claims "strong sales" without any numbers to back it up. He has tried using reports like Wwe outsold psvr and the psvr outsold a console nobody is buying now. I mean if he is so desperate to try and prove "strong sales" you would think he would find some articles to help his crusade.
When their estimated sales numbers are 200-300k in its launch window, and more than 2 million estimated by SuperData, "On Track" is a correct, conservative statement especially with no competition in the console VR market.
"Strong Sales" can mean that the demand is increasing, and that its selling well. it doesn't have to mean its steroid, or Hulk strong.
He knows this already but just does not want to accept it.
No I know and have proven you don't have a clue what you are talking about. But continue to spam about psvr and get a whopping one reply on your thread...but to you I'm sure that's "on track".
Well at least I understand why you need to lie and make stuff up since nobody post on your threads on the subject.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
BS rift sales aren't on track... vive sales aren't on track and neither are "better than expected" they are both massive failures in their first year. This is closing your eyes and shutting your ears to the facts as usual.
Everyone that was critical of PC VR has been correct, and 12 months ago not a single one knew of console VR, which.. as the title states, is the only way VR is going to hit any sort of mass market.
April analysts stated that by years end Rift and Vive would be in millions of sales, and you believed them, we were all critical. 180K is nowhere near the estimates... not even 1/16th of the estimates, and they've been sliding ever since.
It's easy to make a touchdown if you keep moving the goalposts closer and closer until it's just a couple steps away.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
BS rift sales aren't on track... vive sales aren't on track and neither are "better than expected" t
I am afraid you are incorrect
1. you dont know what the expectations are 2. the quotes are in reference to the expecations of the person saying it 3. they have said its past expectations.
so unless you know the exact number that oculus was expecting and HTC was expecting then you do not know
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
BS rift sales aren't on track... vive sales aren't on track and neither are "better than expected" t
I am afraid you are incorrect
1. you dont know what the expectations are 2. the quotes are in reference to the expecations of the person saying it 3. they have said its past expectations.
so unless you know the exact number that oculus was expecting and HTC was expecting then you do not know
You pretend to know they aren't failures, when we both know that they spent multimillions of dollars in advertising alone, and expected millions in sales. You know how awful rift sales are because they weren't even mentioned at the latest financials meeting.
You know the Vive is failing though not as hard as the rift, as they're taking loss over loss over loss with no end in sight.
Prove me wrong in any single way. Show me how "well" the rift is doing by showing better numbers anywhere near their 100 million estimated sales by mid 2017. Show that... because thats a zuckerburg quote that I've posted dozens of times about his estimates, so show where they are, if you think they're doing so well.
Show some actual data that isn't conjecture. SHOW something.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
BS rift sales aren't on track... vive sales aren't on track and neither are "better than expected" t
I am afraid you are incorrect
1. you dont know what the expectations are 2. the quotes are in reference to the expecations of the person saying it 3. they have said its past expectations.
so unless you know the exact number that oculus was expecting and HTC was expecting then you do not know
You pretend to know they aren't failures,....
here is what I know, you seem to know the numbers and I wish you would share them with me.
1. all VR vendors have stated 'sales on the mark' or 'sales past our expectations'
now you are calling them a liar, I would like you to provide some strong evidence to support that the numbers are not meeting THEIR expectations.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
BS rift sales aren't on track... vive sales aren't on track and neither are "better than expected" t
I am afraid you are incorrect
1. you dont know what the expectations are 2. the quotes are in reference to the expecations of the person saying it 3. they have said its past expectations.
so unless you know the exact number that oculus was expecting and HTC was expecting then you do not know
You pretend to know they aren't failures,....
here is what I know, you seem to know the numbers and I wish you would share them with me.
1. all VR vendors have stated 'sales on the mark' or 'sales past our expectations'
now you are calling them a liar, I would like you to provide some strong evidence to support that the numbers are not meeting THEIR expectations.
Show that they are anywhere near the estimates or go back to ignoring me, because as far as I can tell you have nothing, show nothing and know nothing except what you "believe" is logical.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
BS rift sales aren't on track... vive sales aren't on track and neither are "better than expected" t
I am afraid you are incorrect
1. you dont know what the expectations are 2. the quotes are in reference to the expecations of the person saying it 3. they have said its past expectations.
so unless you know the exact number that oculus was expecting and HTC was expecting then you do not know
You pretend to know they aren't failures,....
here is what I know, you seem to know the numbers and I wish you would share them with me.
1. all VR vendors have stated 'sales on the mark' or 'sales past our expectations'
now you are calling them a liar, I would like you to provide some strong evidence to support that the numbers are not meeting THEIR expectations.
Show that they are anywhere near the estimates or go back to ignoring me, because as far as I can tell you have nothing, show nothing and know nothing except what you "believe" is logical.
I am afraid the burden of proof is on you on this one, not me
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
BS rift sales aren't on track... vive sales aren't on track and neither are "better than expected" t
I am afraid you are incorrect
1. you dont know what the expectations are 2. the quotes are in reference to the expecations of the person saying it 3. they have said its past expectations.
so unless you know the exact number that oculus was expecting and HTC was expecting then you do not know
You pretend to know they aren't failures,....
here is what I know, you seem to know the numbers and I wish you would share them with me.
1. all VR vendors have stated 'sales on the mark' or 'sales past our expectations'
now you are calling them a liar, I would like you to provide some strong evidence to support that the numbers are not meeting THEIR expectations.
Show that they are anywhere near the estimates or go back to ignoring me, because as far as I can tell you have nothing, show nothing and know nothing except what you "believe" is logical.
I am afraid the burden of proof is on you on this one, not me
You say it's never on you... but here's a quote from Zuckerberg himself from the last earnings conference
"At a developers conference earlier this month, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Oculus Rift had “a little bit of a slow start.” However, that remains just a small portion of the company’s business."
Whatever happened to "exceeding expectations" in that sense alone I've already proved you wrong... but I don't have to prove anything, its your failing headset, not mine.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
BS rift sales aren't on track... vive sales aren't on track and neither are "better than expected" t
I am afraid you are incorrect
1. you dont know what the expectations are 2. the quotes are in reference to the expecations of the person saying it 3. they have said its past expectations.
so unless you know the exact number that oculus was expecting and HTC was expecting then you do not know
You pretend to know they aren't failures,....
here is what I know, you seem to know the numbers and I wish you would share them with me.
1. all VR vendors have stated 'sales on the mark' or 'sales past our expectations'
now you are calling them a liar, I would like you to provide some strong evidence to support that the numbers are not meeting THEIR expectations.
Show that they are anywhere near the estimates or go back to ignoring me, because as far as I can tell you have nothing, show nothing and know nothing except what you "believe" is logical.
I am afraid the burden of proof is on you on this one, not me
You say it's never on you... but here's a quote from Zuckerberg himself from the last earnings conference
"At a developers conference earlier this month, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Oculus Rift had “a little bit of a slow start.” However, that remains just a small portion of the company’s business."
Whatever happened to "exceeding expectations" in that sense alone I've already proved you wrong... but I don't have to prove anything, its your failing headset, not mine.
I am afraid that doesnt proove it. It does suggest you might be on to something but we literally have two quotes that need to be coalesce which on the face appear to contract but when you look closely you see how both could actually be true.
would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
VR critics here at MMORPG less than 12 months ago said VR would fail before it even gets started. They listed a long line of reasons like 'too heavy' 'specs are to high like the specs for Quantum Break' and yet here we are having to explain to people that every single VR vendor has said sales are either 'on track' or 'better than expected'. and there are AAA titles as well
BS rift sales aren't on track... vive sales aren't on track and neither are "better than expected" t
I am afraid you are incorrect
1. you dont know what the expectations are 2. the quotes are in reference to the expecations of the person saying it 3. they have said its past expectations.
so unless you know the exact number that oculus was expecting and HTC was expecting then you do not know
You pretend to know they aren't failures,....
here is what I know, you seem to know the numbers and I wish you would share them with me.
1. all VR vendors have stated 'sales on the mark' or 'sales past our expectations'
now you are calling them a liar, I would like you to provide some strong evidence to support that the numbers are not meeting THEIR expectations.
Show that they are anywhere near the estimates or go back to ignoring me, because as far as I can tell you have nothing, show nothing and know nothing except what you "believe" is logical.
I am afraid the burden of proof is on you on this one, not me
You say it's never on you... but here's a quote from Zuckerberg himself from the last earnings conference
"At a developers conference earlier this month, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Oculus Rift had “a little bit of a slow start.” However, that remains just a small portion of the company’s business."
Whatever happened to "exceeding expectations" in that sense alone I've already proved you wrong... but I don't have to prove anything, its your failing headset, not mine.
I am afraid that doesnt proove it. It does suggest you might be on to something but we literally have two quotes that need to be coalesce which on the face appear to contract but when you look closely you see how both could actually be true.
would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
Prove otherwise. Thats what you need to do, not guesstimate, not make up a fantasy world where you get to still be right, prove the opposite.. prove that sales are "exceeding expectations" like you said. Show me where you see that exact quote in the financial report for the Rift. Start there and get back to me.
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
Prove otherwise. Thats what you need to do, not guesstimate, not make up a fantasy world where you get to still be right, prove the opposite.. prove that sales are "exceeding expectations" like you said. Show me where you see that exact quote in the financial report for the Rift. Start there and get back to me.
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
let me ask this one more time: would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Prove otherwise. Thats what you need to do, not guesstimate, not make up a fantasy world where you get to still be right, prove the opposite.. prove that sales are "exceeding expectations" like you said. Show me where you see that exact quote in the financial report for the Rift. Start there and get back to me.
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
let me ask this one more time: would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
Did the report say specifically that they had better than expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes? or No? Answer the question.
Prove otherwise. Thats what you need to do, not guesstimate, not make up a fantasy world where you get to still be right, prove the opposite.. prove that sales are "exceeding expectations" like you said. Show me where you see that exact quote in the financial report for the Rift. Start there and get back to me.
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
let me ask this one more time: would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
Did the report say specifically that they had better than expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes? or No? Answer the question.
you have to answer the question I asked first of which you avoided, so nope not going to answer your question. good bye
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Prove otherwise. Thats what you need to do, not guesstimate, not make up a fantasy world where you get to still be right, prove the opposite.. prove that sales are "exceeding expectations" like you said. Show me where you see that exact quote in the financial report for the Rift. Start there and get back to me.
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
let me ask this one more time: would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
Did the report say specifically that they had better than expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes? or No? Answer the question.
you have to answer the question I asked first of which you avoided, so nope not going to answer your question. good bye
LOL You are requesting I answer a fantasy question. "Can I show you how both statements COULD be true?" is a fictional fantasy built in your own mind that has no basis on anything apart from your imagination. My question was simple and factual. What does this ACTUALLY say? What did the report ACTUALLY read?
Mine - Factual Yours - Fictional. Answer my question.
Prove otherwise. Thats what you need to do, not guesstimate, not make up a fantasy world where you get to still be right, prove the opposite.. prove that sales are "exceeding expectations" like you said. Show me where you see that exact quote in the financial report for the Rift. Start there and get back to me.
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
let me ask this one more time: would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
Did the report say specifically that they had better than expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes? or No? Answer the question.
you have to answer the question I asked first of which you avoided, so nope not going to answer your question. good bye
LOL You are requesting I answer a fantasy question. "Can I show you how both statements COULD be true?" is a fictional fantasy built in your own mind that has no basis on anything apart from your imagination. My question was simple and factual. What does this ACTUALLY say? What did the report ACTUALLY read?
Mine - Factual Yours - Fictional. Answer my question.
sorry but that is still not an answer so not sure I understand what you are saying or why
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Every VR title ranges from garbage to mediocre. Unless this changes fast VR will be the most expensive blunder in gaming history.
So... you've played every single VR title out there? In your esteemed opinion, they are all "garbage to mediocre"? you even own a VR headset?
Vendetta Online VR (my thoughts) Dreadhalls (AJ's review) Land's End Esper 2 Dead Secret Minecraft VR (The Verge review) (by the way, Minecraft happens to be one of the best-selling video games of all time) Eve Gunjack Quake Annie Amber Jump
...all good to excellent VR titles.
...maybe before posting stop and consider that the experience of playing a VR game isn't like what it looks like 'on the outside'. Unless you want to take down each of those examples one by one, you are embarrassing yourself.
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Authored 139 missions in VendettaOnline and 6 tracks in Distance
Prove otherwise. Thats what you need to do, not guesstimate, not make up a fantasy world where you get to still be right, prove the opposite.. prove that sales are "exceeding expectations" like you said. Show me where you see that exact quote in the financial report for the Rift. Start there and get back to me.
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
let me ask this one more time: would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
Did the report say specifically that they had better than expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes? or No? Answer the question.
you have to answer the question I asked first of which you avoided, so nope not going to answer your question. good bye
LOL You are requesting I answer a fantasy question. "Can I show you how both statements COULD be true?" is a fictional fantasy built in your own mind that has no basis on anything apart from your imagination. My question was simple and factual. What does this ACTUALLY say? What did the report ACTUALLY read?
Mine - Factual Yours - Fictional. Answer my question.
sorry but that is still not an answer so not sure I understand what you are saying or why
Here's an idea, how about you make up what I COULD say and then answer the question based on that. That way you can continue with the fantasy and I'll still be based in reality.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Prove otherwise. Thats what you need to do, not guesstimate, not make up a fantasy world where you get to still be right, prove the opposite.. prove that sales are "exceeding expectations" like you said. Show me where you see that exact quote in the financial report for the Rift. Start there and get back to me.
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
let me ask this one more time: would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
Did the report say specifically that they had better than expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes? or No? Answer the question.
you have to answer the question I asked first of which you avoided, so nope not going to answer your question. good bye
LOL You are requesting I answer a fantasy question. "Can I show you how both statements COULD be true?" is a fictional fantasy built in your own mind that has no basis on anything apart from your imagination. My question was simple and factual. What does this ACTUALLY say? What did the report ACTUALLY read?
Mine - Factual Yours - Fictional. Answer my question.
sorry but that is still not an answer so not sure I understand what you are saying or why
Here's an idea, how about you make up what I COULD say and then answer the question based on that. That way you can continue with the fantasy and I'll still be based in reality.
if you are not going to allow me to explain myself, which is clearly the case with your refusal to answer that question, then why would I engage in a conversation with you? I mean think that thru. You refuse to let me explain myself but make assertions without letting me rebut them
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Prove otherwise. Thats what you need to do, not guesstimate, not make up a fantasy world where you get to still be right, prove the opposite.. prove that sales are "exceeding expectations" like you said. Show me where you see that exact quote in the financial report for the Rift. Start there and get back to me.
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
let me ask this one more time: would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
I think you should because it will clearly make you feel better.
I also am curious why Zuckerberg would give us proletarians an early prediction of sunshine and puppy farts then much more recently give a less than stellar result to the bourgeoisie. The Illuminati work in mysterious ways that you must understand.
Remember though, you cannot prove Bigfoot does not exist just because nobody has seen him.
Well at least I understand why you need to lie and make stuff up since nobody post on your threads on the subject.
Also, it's much more easier to sell VR with established consoles such as Playstation, Nintendo, and Xbox, since parents are more likely to buy them for Christmas anyway.
I think it's hard to gauge honestly, because plenty here will tell you how the rift and vive purportedly "sold out"
But they've been on the market for almost a year.. and we've gotten fairly clear sales data for the Vive at 180K and supposedly the Rift is around half that.
It's hard for Sony to gauge interest, so therefore selling out could point to just low quantities.
But they've also increased the numbers of units that are likely to be on the market for the holidays, or at least we'll see an increase in the next few weeks.
I don't doubt that PSVR will be the best selling tethered VR system on the market until Microsoft releases their set in several months.
But the question is, will this be solid growth? Or are we seeing a large influx of people right now because everyone that was interested in VR will finally have their headset?
Once sets become more widely available, whatever that looks like, we may not see as much drive to pick them up.. probably around february, with another influx of price cuts when Microsoft releases theirs around March.
Personally I feel like Sony should do well in general, and that for everything else, Microsoft will probably prevail. (xbox, windows). I'm afraid that's bad news for the early adopters of HTC and Oculus devices.
My work is done here.
Next time just make sure you do research first.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Everyone that was critical of PC VR has been correct, and 12 months ago not a single one knew of console VR, which.. as the title states, is the only way VR is going to hit any sort of mass market.
April analysts stated that by years end Rift and Vive would be in millions of sales, and you believed them, we were all critical. 180K is nowhere near the estimates... not even 1/16th of the estimates, and they've been sliding ever since.
It's easy to make a touchdown if you keep moving the goalposts closer and closer until it's just a couple steps away.
1. you dont know what the expectations are
2. the quotes are in reference to the expecations of the person saying it
3. they have said its past expectations.
so unless you know the exact number that oculus was expecting and HTC was expecting then you do not know
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Please do not respond to me
You know the Vive is failing though not as hard as the rift, as they're taking loss over loss over loss with no end in sight.
Prove me wrong in any single way. Show me how "well" the rift is doing by showing better numbers anywhere near their 100 million estimated sales by mid 2017. Show that... because thats a zuckerburg quote that I've posted dozens of times about his estimates, so show where they are, if you think they're doing so well.
Show some actual data that isn't conjecture. SHOW something.
1. all VR vendors have stated 'sales on the mark' or 'sales past our expectations'
now you are calling them a liar, I would like you to provide some strong evidence to support that the numbers are not meeting THEIR expectations.
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Please do not respond to me
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
"At a developers conference earlier this month, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Oculus Rift had “a little bit of a slow start.” However, that remains just a small portion of the company’s business."
Whatever happened to "exceeding expectations" in that sense alone I've already proved you wrong... but I don't have to prove anything, its your failing headset, not mine.
would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
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Please do not respond to me
Did they report better then expected sales for the Rift SEAN? Yes or no?
would you like me to illustrate how both statements could be true?
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Please do not respond to me
good bye
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Mine - Factual Yours - Fictional. Answer my question.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me you even own a VR headset?
Vendetta Online VR (my thoughts)
Dreadhalls (AJ's review)
Land's End
Esper 2
Dead Secret
Minecraft VR (The Verge review) (by the way, Minecraft happens to be one of the best-selling video games of all time)
Eve Gunjack
Annie Amber
...all good to excellent VR titles.
...maybe before posting stop and consider that the experience of playing a VR game isn't like what it looks like 'on the outside'. Unless you want to take down each of those examples one by one, you are embarrassing yourself.
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
I also am curious why Zuckerberg would give us proletarians an early prediction of sunshine and puppy farts then much more recently give a less than stellar result to the bourgeoisie. The Illuminati work in mysterious ways that you must understand.
Remember though, you cannot prove Bigfoot does not exist just because nobody has seen him.