That's my point though, if you actually took the time to listen to the items on the list there is a great deal of items that they "want" to do, or "would like" to do or "would be cool" to do, and less items which "we WILL" do.
The accuracy is based on the references, not the actual validity or context of the reference. I actually reviewed a sample of items NOT already mentioned in the feature set and less than a third actually said they would implement it.
So, yeah, they probably play a little bit loose with the word "promise". I'm glad you don't take the list seriously, though. For those that do I can only imagine that they have the comprehension level of a 6 year-old, because that's right around the time that they understand that "we'll see" doesn't mean "I promise". Unless my kids are geniuses, but based on their grades that's not likely. So 6 years old might be generous.
EDIT: Just FYI, my problem with these list is not wrt SC in particular, but the precedent that it sets for future projects. People say they want developers to be more open, but show zero ability to actually handle it when someone IS open, as evidenced from this list, since the vast majority of references come from stuff like CR answering user questions. So that's kind of sad. We see the same thing with these Ashes of Creation threads too, though, which only seems to support that people aren't mature enough or intelligent enough to handle transparency.
Most people can handle open development if the developer is actually open about it. With CIG we get a Frankenstein monster of some truths, mixed with half truths, outright lies and then voids that would be radio silence. They can't claim to be an open dev when they fail to update backers on what's going on with the game they helped fund or that they mention the good things 95% of the time and throw in a little tidbit of what's going wrong that doesn't really tell you anything.
Not true, take a look at CU. They've delayed multiple times yet haven't provided any information on why. SC is just the red-headed step child.
I think that SC is about as open as any other game. If there is someone doing it better, please let me know. I haven't seen one myself.
Yes, and a quote from these articles ( from a year ago) says the delay will be "Certainly not 8 months. Right now, we are looking at weeks, in terms of the core ability code. "
1 year (actually 13 months to the day) later and.... *crickets*
That's the point, though. Again, SC is just the red-headed step child. Regardless what they do, they'll always take the beating while the others get passes.
That's my point though, if you actually took the time to listen to the items on the list there is a great deal of items that they "want" to do, or "would like" to do or "would be cool" to do, and less items which "we WILL" do.
The accuracy is based on the references, not the actual validity or context of the reference. I actually reviewed a sample of items NOT already mentioned in the feature set and less than a third actually said they would implement it.
So, yeah, they probably play a little bit loose with the word "promise". I'm glad you don't take the list seriously, though. For those that do I can only imagine that they have the comprehension level of a 6 year-old, because that's right around the time that they understand that "we'll see" doesn't mean "I promise". Unless my kids are geniuses, but based on their grades that's not likely. So 6 years old might be generous.
EDIT: Just FYI, my problem with these list is not wrt SC in particular, but the precedent that it sets for future projects. People say they want developers to be more open, but show zero ability to actually handle it when someone IS open, as evidenced from this list, since the vast majority of references come from stuff like CR answering user questions. So that's kind of sad. We see the same thing with these Ashes of Creation threads too, though, which only seems to support that people aren't mature enough or intelligent enough to handle transparency.
Most people can handle open development if the developer is actually open about it. With CIG we get a Frankenstein monster of some truths, mixed with half truths, outright lies and then voids that would be radio silence. They can't claim to be an open dev when they fail to update backers on what's going on with the game they helped fund or that they mention the good things 95% of the time and throw in a little tidbit of what's going wrong that doesn't really tell you anything.
Not true, take a look at CU. They've delayed multiple times yet haven't provided any information on why. SC is just the red-headed step child.
I think that SC is about as open as any other game. If there is someone doing it better, please let me know. I haven't seen one myself.
CU isnt selling Jpegs or taking monthly subs for whatever it is they are taking subs for. Big difference. SC is a clear money generating entity. It is a definite scam on some level because they have had more than enough time to deliver more than they have with the money and manpower they have had over at least the past 12 months. Longer than that in reality but to make it a 'safe' time window for people who want to claim they didnt have all that money up front and they go through hiring and firing spurts. But for the past year they have been over the 100 million mark and had at least 300 employees worldwide. MORE than enough of both to start ramping up delivery of something recognizable as a video game. Especially with the previous 4 or more years of foundation work along with the influx of Amazon and whatever they have supplied to this endeavor.
If you are so sure of your arguments, then shut up and sue CIG.
Show us that you are correct.
Provide the evidence to the authorities.
Bring down the culprits.
You have an airtight case.
Should be easy, neh?
Have fun
always the strawman of 'sue'. I have no standing because I knew better than to send money to these guys.
Also scam is a broad term. To think that they are not, in the very least milking this for all its worth is as naive as it gets. Well they might not be out and out committing fraud theyre certainly not killing themselves to finish the project because they know once they actually release something that stops the money train they will have to do things to actually 'earn' money or come up with another 'scam' to keep getting lemmings to send them money for something NOT a video game.
If you are so sure of your arguments, then shut up and sue CIG.
Show us that you are correct.
Provide the evidence to the authorities.
Bring down the culprits.
You have an airtight case.
Should be easy, neh?
Have fun
always the strawman of 'sue'. I have no standing because I knew better than to send money to these guys.
Also scam is a broad term. To think that they are not, in the very least milking this for all its worth is as naive as it gets. Well they might not be out and out committing fraud theyre certainly not killing themselves to finish the project because they know once they actually release something that stops the money train they will have to do things to actually 'earn' money or come up with another 'scam' to keep getting lemmings to send them money for something NOT a video game.
Ah yes,
a) you have no evidence
b) no standing in this case (as you never pledged for this project)
c) backpedal at the first sign of being called out to actually show something more solid than libel
d) and no clue that one can earn much more from a successful new IP than keeping that IP locked in an endless development circle
Some love to put it as that on these forum discussions so it can fuel flame wars and drama surrounding the game, always the usual suspects of course.
This tirelessly beating of dead horses, contentless rants, speculation, schematics, selective perception, trolling and plain hate against the game and/or the company... is what keeps this forum alive for now.
Yes, and a quote from these articles ( from a year ago) says the delay will be "Certainly not 8 months. Right now, we are looking at weeks, in terms of the core ability code. "
1 year (actually 13 months to the day) later and.... *crickets*
That's the point, though. Again, SC is just the red-headed step child. Regardless what they do, they'll always take the beating while the others get passes.
And then a more recent one (as in 5 days ago) says
I think that as Improbable just showed,
being ambitious but being smart is not a bad thing. My #1 mistake, which
I’ve admitted before, was underestimating the difficulty of getting
engineers to move to Virginia. As Seattle is proving, it was the
location, not the nature of the game that scared people off. We could
easily double the size of the Seattle team within a few months if I
wanted to do that (I don’t), We now have about the right number of
people, with the right talent we need to make this game. And as the last
few months have shown, we’re making rapid progress. This weekend we’re
testing the full crafting loop and the new/improved VFX engine.
Fortunately for us, we kept the scope of this game within reasonable
limits (no crazy pre-launch Stretch Goals). Once we get into Beta 1, we
are actually closer to launch than most people think simply because we
solved/solving the technical problems first, and not just rushing a game
into “Buy Me” Betas/Cash Shops/Cash Grabs/Early Access stuff. We’re
taking our time opening Beta 1 but that doesn’t mean we’re taking our
time making the game, they are two very different things.
This is something I've heard Jacobs talk about quite a few times. (For the record I'm not a CU backer).
The thing with Star Citizen is they have painted a target on themselves, all the bragging about the money, the fidelity, the number of backers, the never seen before development, the BDSSE and so on. People get fed up with braggarts and start saying prove it or they start pointing out the contradictions in the claims etc.
Yes, and a quote from these articles ( from a year ago) says the delay will be "Certainly not 8 months. Right now, we are looking at weeks, in terms of the core ability code. "
1 year (actually 13 months to the day) later and.... *crickets*
That's the point, though. Again, SC is just the red-headed step child. Regardless what they do, they'll always take the beating while the others get passes.
And then a more recent one (as in 5 days ago) says
I think that as Improbable just showed,
being ambitious but being smart is not a bad thing. My #1 mistake, which
I’ve admitted before, was underestimating the difficulty of getting
engineers to move to Virginia. As Seattle is proving, it was the
location, not the nature of the game that scared people off. We could
easily double the size of the Seattle team within a few months if I
wanted to do that (I don’t), We now have about the right number of
people, with the right talent we need to make this game. And as the last
few months have shown, we’re making rapid progress. This weekend we’re
testing the full crafting loop and the new/improved VFX engine.
Fortunately for us, we kept the scope of this game within reasonable
limits (no crazy pre-launch Stretch Goals). Once we get into Beta 1, we
are actually closer to launch than most people think simply because we
solved/solving the technical problems first, and not just rushing a game
into “Buy Me” Betas/Cash Shops/Cash Grabs/Early Access stuff. We’re
taking our time opening Beta 1 but that doesn’t mean we’re taking our
time making the game, they are two very different things.
This is something I've heard Jacobs talk about quite a few times. (For the record I'm not a CU backer).
The thing with Star Citizen is they have painted a target on themselves, all the bragging about the money, the fidelity, the number of backers, the never seen before development, the BDSSE and so on. People get fed up with braggarts and start saying prove it or they start pointing out the contradictions in the claims etc.
I can't disagree with you there. Maybe you're right, too. Maybe it's the arrogance that makes them the focus of such hate. I will say that CR is not a humble man.
Still, at the moment, SC is probably one of the most transparent games out there. Would the reception be different if CR was likable? I have no idea. Unfortunately the reception of Ashes only adds fuel to the fire that you should only tell people exactly what they need to know and nothing more.
CrazKanuk said: Would the reception be different if CR was likable? I have no idea.
The likeability of CR is not what drives much of the hate. The difference between SC and pretty much every other in-dev games within some extent of open development...
Is SC's popularity, the bigger and/or successful you are, the more hate and criticism you drive (this is a fact), it's something that impacts all the big games, we saw it how it plays out in games like the last Mass Effect release.
The popularity plays such a big role on this, that when popular titles got delayed by the dev, there were extreme reactions such as death threats.
Games like CU that are more locked to their own community niche with less public exposure and popularity, the impact of controversy is contained.
Scam is a harsh word, and an accusation easily shot down by the cult members.
There's too many layers to Star Citizen/CIG to just use a simple term to explain it. There are real people doing real work all over the globe. The problem is what they're working on is a small piece of a humongous (and as it stands never ending) ever changing thing. It's grandiose in scale with minuscule accountability to actually launch. It's a thing that is in perpetual motion powered by it's own incompletion.
With the amount of unfinished/incomplete magic bean selling that's happening on Kickstarter from people who have met their monetary goals, not being a skeptic at this point is naive or worse.
F#%& faith. Prove the skepticism wrong.
"As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*"
Kickstarter was, is and will continue being an investment of risk, requiring hope / faith / trust / whatever that what you backed for will be delivered.
If you can't deal with the risk, then go buy finished games instead. Or go to Steam Early Access where the unfinished game is the finished product.
Scam is a harsh word, and an accusation easily shot down by the cult members.
There's too many layers to Star Citizen/CIG to just use a simple term to explain it. There are real people doing real work all over the globe. The problem is what they're working on is a small piece of a humongous (and as it stands never ending) ever changing thing. It's grandiose in scale with minuscule accountability to actually launch. It's a thing that is in perpetual motion powered by it's own incompletion.
With the amount of unfinished/incomplete magic bean selling that's happening on Kickstarter from people who have met their monetary goals, not being a skeptic at this point is naive or worse.
F#%& faith. Prove the skepticism wrong.
scheme is probably a more accurate term
Yes there are people working on stuff obviously. But what they are working on isnt really known and the compartmentalization of all this gives everyone plausible deniability once it puts out something that people are going to bury.
At this point they HAVE to put out something, what that is is anyones guess but its not in any way shape or form going to be some genre defining game and more than likely wont be anything anyone will want to play more than a few hours and it will become like every other game created over the past decade and a half. Except it will be the one that 'regular' people donated the most money to or spent money on is osme other way.
The tell tale sign that its a scheme is that despite having things from 3 or 4 years ago not ready or even on the radar theyre still promoting new 'features'. So rather than releasing something, anything remotely identifiable as the SC these guys have been pitching and making money from over the past few years they keep adding stuff they have no hope of doing either.
So its self generated hype and rather than sitting back and thinking 'why are they introducing MORE stuff when they havent finished the stuff they promised in the KS from 5 years ago?" The fans and backers get excited by the new shiny and throw even more money at them.
Its a classic scam. But for political purposes we will call it a scheme. But even scams, the best ones actually do deliver some sort of pay off to heplp build interest and income. So just because theyre working on things and putting out a little bit of test bed and concept mods doesnt make it a game by any stretch. But theyre not even doing that now, theyre showing made up movies and video trailers of stuff not in the game but 'theyre working on', and they make a list of stuff in the next big update that was made to contradict a list of 'haters' yet their official list is basically the same and everything they have put on a schedule has been delayed, or at least 80% of it.
At this point even releasing a game or even minimal viable product isnt even the biggest hurdle 3.0 is. Or should be. But I am sure once that comes out and totally fails to 'prove' anything or even advance the project to pre alpha status and beyond test bed status the usual suspects will all be here saying...but wait til 3.5 or 4.0 or whatever other random version SC will invent to try and show that theyre really trying hard. And that some day soon SC will be released in all its glory.
Kickstarter was, is and will continue being an investment of risk, requiring hope / faith / trust / whatever that what you backed for will be delivered.
If you can't deal with the risk, then go buy finished games instead. Or go to Steam Early Access where the unfinished game is the finished product.
That would be all well and good had they taken that 4 or 5 million or whatever i t was and delivered what they claimed. But fast forward 4 or 5 years and another 140+ million what have you gotten? LESS (at least DELIVERED no promised) 'stuff' than the KS said it would deliver for that tiny bit of money.
Kickstarter was, is and will continue being an investment of risk, requiring hope / faith / trust / whatever that what you backed for will be delivered.
If you can't deal with the risk, then go buy finished games instead. Or go to Steam Early Access where the unfinished game is the finished product.
That would be all well and good had they taken that 4 or 5 million or whatever i t was and delivered what they claimed. But fast forward 4 or 5 years and another 140+ million what have you gotten? LESS (at least DELIVERED no promised) 'stuff' than the KS said it would deliver for that tiny bit of money.
So you're saying they never should have told people how much they're actually making. I totally agree. The world isn't ready for transparency.
That would be all well and good had they taken that 4 or 5 million or whatever i t was and delivered what they claimed. But fast forward 4 or 5 years and another 140+ million what have you gotten? LESS (at least DELIVERED no promised) 'stuff' than the KS said it would deliver for that tiny bit of money.
The tell tale sign that its a scheme is that
despite having things from 3 or 4 years ago not ready or even on the
radar theyre still promoting new 'features'. So rather than releasing
something, anything remotely identifiable as the SC these guys have been
pitching and making money from over the past few years they keep adding
stuff they have no hope of doing either.
Go ahead. Name the new FEATURES they are adding. Let say ... the new features they added in the last 12 months.
Have fun
PS: I give you some hints ...
if you plan to name procedural generation of planetary surfaces .. that was a 41 M$ stretch goal
if you plan to name ships ... ships are not features ... ships you may call "new" may be ships that are used in the Squadron 42 solo game and therefore need to be produced anyway. You personally just did not know it.
The last feature added to the list was the 65 M$ stretch goal "enhanced ship modularity". And that is not a "new" feature. No more features on the list after that. The backers voted to have MORE and ADDITIONAL features after that (which was the second time they voted for that) ... but CIG drew the line there.
The tell tale sign that its a scheme is that
despite having things from 3 or 4 years ago not ready or even on the
radar theyre still promoting new 'features'. So rather than releasing
something, anything remotely identifiable as the SC these guys have been
pitching and making money from over the past few years they keep adding
stuff they have no hope of doing either.
Go ahead. Name the new FEATURES they are adding. Let say ... the new features they added in the last 12 months.
Have fun
PS: I give you some hints ...
if you plan to name procedural generation of planetary surfaces .. that was a 41 M$ stretch goal
if you plan to name ships ... ships are not features ... ships you may call "new" may be ships that are used in the Squadron 42 solo game and therefore need to be produced anyway. You personally just did not know it.
The last feature added to the list was the 65 M$ stretch goal "enhanced ship modularity". And that is not a "new" feature. No more features on the list after that. The backers voted to have MORE and ADDITIONAL features after that (which was the second time they voted for that) ... but CIG drew the line there.
Youre right they havent ADDED anything, theyre just adding to their dream list of things they claim theyre going to add. So glad you corroborate what I said.
As for stuff they have added that they say they are going to do...giant sand worms is the one that sticks out the most. there are dozens of others I just dont want to start listing them because I might get one wrong and people will freak out and claim I am lying. I am sure others that follow it closely can start dissecting all the latest videos where they show all the stuff they have come up with to add to this extravaganza.
SC will never release in the vision many were tricked into believing it would. Vapor ware imo. By the time it releases it will be outdated and much better will be here.
"The King and the Pawn return to the same box at the end of the game"
SC will never release in the vision many were tricked into believing it would. Vapor ware imo. By the time it releases it will be outdated and much better will be here.
I said that a year ago. I suspect the stall tactics are in play so they can come out and claim they want to do a VR format (which of course will require exponentially more money) but they will take a vote from 'backers' to see if its what people want. Then when the 30 people left who even care about this project vote 16-14 FOR VR they will claim its what the masses wanted....
Not true, take a look at CU. They've delayed multiple times yet haven't provided any information on why. SC is just the red-headed step child.
I think that SC is about as open as any other game. If there is someone doing it better, please let me know. I haven't seen one myself.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
1 year (actually 13 months to the day) later and.... *crickets*
That's the point, though. Again, SC is just the red-headed step child. Regardless what they do, they'll always take the beating while the others get passes.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
If you are so sure of your arguments, then shut up and sue CIG.
Show us that you are correct.
Provide the evidence to the authorities.
Bring down the culprits.
You have an airtight case.
Should be easy, neh?
Have fun
Also scam is a broad term. To think that they are not, in the very least milking this for all its worth is as naive as it gets. Well they might not be out and out committing fraud theyre certainly not killing themselves to finish the project because they know once they actually release something that stops the money train they will have to do things to actually 'earn' money or come up with another 'scam' to keep getting lemmings to send them money for something NOT a video game.
Ah yes,
a) you have no evidence
b) no standing in this case (as you never pledged for this project)
c) backpedal at the first sign of being called out to actually show something more solid than libel
d) and no clue that one can earn much more from a successful new IP than keeping that IP locked in an endless development circle
Got it.
Have a nice day
Have fun
Some love to put it as that on these forum discussions so it can fuel flame wars and drama surrounding the game, always the usual suspects of course.
This tirelessly beating of dead horses, contentless rants, speculation, schematics, selective perception, trolling and plain hate against the game and/or the company... is what keeps this forum alive for now.
And then a more recent one (as in 5 days ago) says
I think that as Improbable just showed, being ambitious but being smart is not a bad thing. My #1 mistake, which I’ve admitted before, was underestimating the difficulty of getting engineers to move to Virginia. As Seattle is proving, it was the location, not the nature of the game that scared people off. We could easily double the size of the Seattle team within a few months if I wanted to do that (I don’t), We now have about the right number of people, with the right talent we need to make this game. And as the last few months have shown, we’re making rapid progress. This weekend we’re testing the full crafting loop and the new/improved VFX engine.
Fortunately for us, we kept the scope of this game within reasonable limits (no crazy pre-launch Stretch Goals). Once we get into Beta 1, we are actually closer to launch than most people think simply because we solved/solving the technical problems first, and not just rushing a game into “Buy Me” Betas/Cash Shops/Cash Grabs/Early Access stuff. We’re taking our time opening Beta 1 but that doesn’t mean we’re taking our time making the game, they are two very different things.
This is something I've heard Jacobs talk about quite a few times. (For the record I'm not a CU backer).
The thing with Star Citizen is they have painted a target on themselves, all the bragging about the money, the fidelity, the number of backers, the never seen before development, the BDSSE and so on. People get fed up with braggarts and start saying prove it or they start pointing out the contradictions in the claims etc.
Still, at the moment, SC is probably one of the most transparent games out there. Would the reception be different if CR was likable? I have no idea. Unfortunately the reception of Ashes only adds fuel to the fire that you should only tell people exactly what they need to know and nothing more.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Is SC's popularity, the bigger and/or successful you are, the more hate and criticism you drive (this is a fact), it's something that impacts all the big games, we saw it how it plays out in games like the last Mass Effect release.
The popularity plays such a big role on this, that when popular titles got delayed by the dev, there were extreme reactions such as death threats.
Games like CU that are more locked to their own community niche with less public exposure and popularity, the impact of controversy is contained.
There's too many layers to Star Citizen/CIG to just use a simple term to explain it. There are real people doing real work all over the globe. The problem is what they're working on is a small piece of a humongous (and as it stands never ending) ever changing thing. It's grandiose in scale with minuscule accountability to actually launch. It's a thing that is in perpetual motion powered by it's own incompletion.
With the amount of unfinished/incomplete magic bean selling that's happening on Kickstarter from people who have met their monetary goals, not being a skeptic at this point is naive or worse.
F#%& faith. Prove the skepticism wrong.
If you can't deal with the risk, then go buy finished games instead. Or go to Steam Early Access where the unfinished game is the finished product.
Yes there are people working on stuff obviously. But what they are working on isnt really known and the compartmentalization of all this gives everyone plausible deniability once it puts out something that people are going to bury.
At this point they HAVE to put out something, what that is is anyones guess but its not in any way shape or form going to be some genre defining game and more than likely wont be anything anyone will want to play more than a few hours and it will become like every other game created over the past decade and a half. Except it will be the one that 'regular' people donated the most money to or spent money on is osme other way.
The tell tale sign that its a scheme is that despite having things from 3 or 4 years ago not ready or even on the radar theyre still promoting new 'features'. So rather than releasing something, anything remotely identifiable as the SC these guys have been pitching and making money from over the past few years they keep adding stuff they have no hope of doing either.
So its self generated hype and rather than sitting back and thinking 'why are they introducing MORE stuff when they havent finished the stuff they promised in the KS from 5 years ago?" The fans and backers get excited by the new shiny and throw even more money at them.
Its a classic scam. But for political purposes we will call it a scheme. But even scams, the best ones actually do deliver some sort of pay off to heplp build interest and income. So just because theyre working on things and putting out a little bit of test bed and concept mods doesnt make it a game by any stretch. But theyre not even doing that now, theyre showing made up movies and video trailers of stuff not in the game but 'theyre working on', and they make a list of stuff in the next big update that was made to contradict a list of 'haters' yet their official list is basically the same and everything they have put on a schedule has been delayed, or at least 80% of it.
At this point even releasing a game or even minimal viable product isnt even the biggest hurdle 3.0 is. Or should be. But I am sure once that comes out and totally fails to 'prove' anything or even advance the project to pre alpha status and beyond test bed status the usual suspects will all be here saying...but wait til 3.5 or 4.0 or whatever other random version SC will invent to try and show that theyre really trying hard. And that some day soon SC will be released in all its glory.
So you're saying they never should have told people how much they're actually making. I totally agree. The world isn't ready for transparency.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Go ahead. Name the new FEATURES they are adding. Let say ... the new features they added in the last 12 months.
Have fun
I give you some hints ...
if you plan to name procedural generation of planetary surfaces .. that was a 41 M$ stretch goal
if you plan to name ships ... ships are not features ... ships you may call "new" may be ships that are used in the Squadron 42 solo game and therefore need to be produced anyway. You personally just did not know it.
The last feature added to the list was the 65 M$ stretch goal "enhanced ship modularity". And that is not a "new" feature. No more features on the list after that. The backers voted to have MORE and ADDITIONAL features after that (which was the second time they voted for that) ... but CIG drew the line there.
As for stuff they have added that they say they are going to do...giant sand worms is the one that sticks out the most. there are dozens of others I just dont want to start listing them because I might get one wrong and people will freak out and claim I am lying. I am sure others that follow it closely can start dissecting all the latest videos where they show all the stuff they have come up with to add to this extravaganza.
Thank you, Mr. There-was-no-moon-landing
Have fun