So when someone goes around with a fly swatter killing flies and you have your house exterminated, is that considered hunting. You are killing innocent creatures, the may be pests but there innocent they have no idea what there doin.
I guess killing flys could be considered hunting. Just as long as no one takes a picture of themselves over a fly carcass (did I spell that right?) with a grin on their face, I'm cool with it.
Again.... killing "pests" in your house has a level of acceptability because you want to get them out for reasons of hygeine, disease reduction, comfort etc. There is a purpose!
The big bear that was shot that someone else put up was apparently kiling people... so again there was a purpose.
I have no drama with any of that. If you had read all my posts youd already know that.
There may even have been a purpose to the picture I put up to start this thread. But since it came from a dedicated trophy hunting website... I think its pretty clear what that purpose is and basically... your looking at it..
I guess my main point if I havnt managed to make it clear by now is this...
The guy could have gotten a picture of the bear with a good camera with a good zoom lense and even made it look that close up. Its my opinion (for what its worth) that the life of the bear was more important than his bizarre and pathetic desire to have a photo taken next to its corpse. The act of killing it is almost incidental to the end result of showing off to himself and his brainless beer buddies how hes brave enough to kill something from several hundred yards away with a high powered rifle.
I doubt strongly hes going to eat it, in fact the website that it came from (which I provided a link to) makes no mention of eating or otherwise using the bear. I could even live with it easier if they were going to give the body to like local Indians (native Americans or whatever...sorry Im Australian dont know what the PC term is). At least then there would have been some tiny justification for such a senseless act of stupidity.
I could have included pictures of mountain goats, or elk or deer or whatever from the same site, but I didnt because its obvious that all of those animals can be eaten, so thats fine by me.
I have 10 acres in rural South Australia 200 miles from the nearest city. I have 2 horses and some chickens, geese, ducks etc. In the last 2 years I have shot dead 4 dogs and countless foxes who have chased, attacked or otherwise threatened my livestock. 2 of those dogs belonged to people on neighbouring properties, they were pets. The owners were warned REPEATEDLY about keeping control of their dogs for WEEKS beofre I finally shot them. It tore me up to have to do it but why should my chickens and ducks get slaughtered and my horses chased to the point they almost collapse because someone else cant take adult responsibility for their animals.
So you see Im not some total non violent, non hunting, no idea city slicker with no conception of what Im saying. I can condone the killing of anything including people if the purpose is clear. Even war has its place when the reasons are right. I doubt any of you right wing personal freedom pushing types are likely to argue with that, without being complete hipocrites.
When there is no reason however, or when the reason for the act is so weak, so pathetic, so selfish and introverted that it scarcely deserves mention in the context of the argument, then I will speak out.
If that makes me "immature", "whiney" a "cry baby" or whatever else I have been called then cool, bring it on.
If I have to senslessly kill things and pose next to them to somehow earn manhood and maturity then Ill stay a kid thanks. If I have to silently condone the base acts of people who, if questioned could not even provide a sensible explanation for their own actions beyond, "fuck you I can do what I want its a free country" to be a man... Then Ill stay a boy with a big mouth.
At least my opinion is not depriving anyone of their right to enjoy whats left of the worlds native animals and habitats. Ill leave that job to others.
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
When you mow the grass, are you killing your lawn? Seems to me un-mowed lawns become overgrown with weeds, parasites, diseases and do poorly in comparison to lawns which are tended.
Same principle works with convervation. Without controlled hunting, predation and starvation keep animal populations in line. Anyone who has ever lived in a rural area may testify how deer populations can increase in numbers out of control, and how the animals walk into town or block streets at the worst moment. I have fed Wyoming caribou by hand, next to a building in town, and I can tell you that animals can and will overpopulate until their food supply runs thin. At which point they starve!
There is sort of a "rubber band" effect in letting Nature run its course. Animals overpopulate until their food supply runs thin, then large numbers die off, then the food supply regrows in the presence of the smaller herd, which in turn grows again, overpopulates and depletes the food supply, more starvation, etc...
Wolves in Alaska can overpopulate and sometimes are thinned out by state workers riding in helicopters and using scoped rifles. Now that's not sporting. Mountain lions in California have had a moratorium on hunting for some time now, and you know this because every now and then a helpless child is dragged away from a campground while his family watches on helplessly and in horror. When predators become overpopulated, they don't starve, they just add new things to the menu.
Controlled and well-managed hunting solves all of the above problems. Hunters pay their own private funds to manage game population levels for the rest of us. Animal populations are maintained at high sustainable levels, hunters get their sport in, and everyone wins.
And anyone who has told you that hunting was easy, likely hasn't hunted much. One in six deer hunters fills his tag every year, and nearly all of them use scoped bolt action rifles. Hunting can run from "medium" to "difficult" to "dangerous" (i.e., Alaska, Africa).
Story: A vegetarian and a hunter friend were in line at a deli. They both ordered burgers and sat down with their meals at a table. The vegetarian removed the meat from the bun and began eating the rest, just bread, lettuce and tomato. The hunter asked the vegetarian why she was doing that.
"I cannot eat something that was taken against its will and had little chance to get away."
The hunter removed the lettuce and tomato from his bun and began eating the rest. The vegetarian asked the hunter why he was doing that.
"I cannot eat something that has no chance to get away."
You know, I find this whole debate funny. People are whining and bitching about running around and killing things in the wilderness at a web site about a genre of video games where a staple feature is running around and killing things in the wilderness.
If you don't like to eat meat, go eat a banana and leave us omnivores alone.
The whole idea of this topic was to flame the people who hunt for "fun". Idiots like that kill everyone else aswell, not only animals. If we kill and pollute everything we see, we die ourselves aswell. Just some reatards dont understand this. Hunting for food is one thing, hunting for fun is another.
Funny how some people get outraged that someone killed an animal but dont even blink when they hear that thousands are starving to death in SOmalia, does everyone here that is agaisnt kiling wildlife ever donated a single penny to Aid your fellow human beings in dire need?
I am agaisnt hunting for sport, i dont buy furr for my gf as presents, i dont wear leather, im a vegetarian myself, but i save my outrage for the way ppl are dying all over the world of hunger when our own farmers destroy their crops because the goverment pays them to.
If u think about we as humans have hunted animals for thousands a years. Some times people need to research I mean, THINK about it before u start an argument. People have hunted to survive, and if u want its a sport, its kinda like fishing if u know what I mean. I just want to know what is bad about hunting animals if u eat them. I can understand the problem of sport hunting but If u eat it, ur using wild life correctly. I have never hunted in my life but, this argument is pointless. The ones on the other side that say it bad, are mostly vegitarian whats funny is I have friends that are vegitarian and they understand why people do it..
Originally posted by Anofalye Hunting need to be made illegal. Until it is made so, you will have this type of images and disgust from the society at large(disgust for hunting is going to be increasing steadily, it will prolly have open outroar in 30 years or less). Of course Native Indians would have to retain the right to hunt, this is another topic that have to be address in it own time, when the Indians persons want to resolve it(would prolly take at least a hundred years). Of course if the Native Indians would take the lead and make it illegal to hunt for anyone, including themselves, our governments would have to follow.
Until laws changes, this is going to keep happening. (and yes, the bloodthirsty murdering of animals is unacceptable IMO) Most farmers dont even kill cows anymore, it is about time we review those laws about hunting.
Make sure we handcuff any meat eating animals that break that law also. Damn lions, tigers, bears and other similiar creatures for killing other animals to eat. Yes lets make hunting completely illegal so that we can interrupt the cycle of life and have an over population of animals which will then cause a lack of plant life that used for fued and making those animals die of natural causes or should I say starvation.
I am so tired of the PETA mind set of ignorance. People like you and Shojin think you are so enlightened and so civilized because you refuse to kill and eat meat. We are an omnivore and eating meat is a part of our life. Shojin's point of we only ate meat in ancient times because we didn't have enough plant life(agriculture) is totally off. There is enough proof now that there was agriculture even before 10,000 B.C. and there was even rice production at least around 14,000 B.C. in ancient Japan.
Whether you like it or not, eating meat is a part of being human. You don't want to be human then fine go be a deer but please stop with your self-righteous ignorant preaching somewhere else since we get enough of that crap from other pulputs.
You do notice I did not refer to you, razorback. I agree that if people only hunt for sport, that is a problem. Most hunters are taught that what you kill you eat. That is Ted Nugent's religion. People do eat bear. The reason people take those pictures of their kills because hunting is a lot harder than people realize. Personally I would never have my picture taken if I ever go hunting again. Also some people have the picture taken so they can show how big some of these animals can get.
Thanks for the insults. I still believe hunting need to be made illegal however. Killing for food is acceptable. Hunting is not killing for food. You have disctincts ideas, which is why I support the Native Indians as a distinct issue. I am not referring to 3rd world countries, but to Canada & USA only. Hunting is outdated and should be simply made illegal in our countries, even farmers dont kill cows anymore.
I eat meet EVERY day, and I never hunt in my whole life and never will. I see no reason why the governments should allow us to hunt anymore. Again the Native Indians are a separated case and they indeed have some rights and only Native Indians governments can rule those rights differently.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Originally posted by Kem0sabe Funny how some people get outraged that someone killed an animal but dont even blink when they hear that thousands are starving to death in SOmalia, does everyone here that is agaisnt kiling wildlife ever donated a single penny to Aid your fellow human beings in dire need? I am agaisnt hunting for sport, i dont buy furr for my gf as presents, i dont wear leather, im a vegetarian myself, but i save my outrage for the way ppl are dying all over the world of hunger when our own farmers destroy their crops because the goverment pays them to.
Not to go off topic, but I find it kind of funny that you mention donating to organizations to help people overseas like in Africa, parts of Asia, and other parts of the world where poverty is ever present. However, till this very day I would not and will not donate a single penny to any organization that supposedly "helps" people in poverty because many of those organizations have money hungry pigs that take the money and use it for their own selfish ways while those in need still have no releaf what so ever. You wonder how they get that nice Corvette sitting in their driveway or that nice half a million dollar house sitting on hundreds of acres....
If I'm going to donate money, supplies, or food I will do it in person to the actual people and/or animals and not go through any supposed "donating" organization. I'm not labeling all of them with this problem because yes, there are trueful donating organizations out there, but you just never REALLY know where that dollar really goes nor do they have to tell you where it goes.
Anyways, back to the topic. I remember I few instances of some very mind disturbing cases where one dude in Alaska I guess thought it was fun or funny to sit up in a helicopter and snipe wolves (he was not with animal control or anything nor was it legal at the time). There was also another case where a few Marines went out in the wilderness with assault rifles and killed numerious wild Mustangs because they were drunk and got a kick out of it. Thankfully they were later on arrested and prosecuted for their actions.
Hunting in my opinion can have it's usefulness in a number of ways, but I think in this day and age it has really grown uncontrolled from earlier times when it was done mainly for food or for human survival. Now it seems people just go out to kill animals for their ego (deer racks) or just to get kicks out of killing animals. When a centain law is passed to down size a certain animal population, people mistake that and end up killing almost or all of that species to the point of making it an endangered species or extinct. There's just no control now days....
Thanks for the insults. I still believe hunting need to be made illegal however. Killing for food is acceptable. Hunting is not killing for food. You have disctincts ideas, which is why I support the Native Indians as a distinct issue. I am not referring to 3rd world countries, but to Canada & USA only. Hunting is outdated and should be simply made illegal in our countries, even farmers dont kill cows anymore.
I eat meet EVERY day, and I never hunt in my whole life and never will. I see no reason why the governments should allow us to hunt anymore. Again the Native Indians are a separated case and they indeed have some rights and only Native Indians governments can rule those rights differently.
I'm sorry, but if you eat meat every day and you are against hunting, then you are nothing but a hypocrite and an immoral one at that, EVERYONE who eats meat should kill their own at least once in their life so that they can appreciate where it comes from, if the only meat you see is all wrapped up at the supermarket then you can not have an appreciation for the animals that die to make it possible. I eat meat, and while i don't hunt as often as i'd like, i have killed my own meat in the past. if your not willing to kill, then stop eating meat.
Originally posted by byronic1975 Thanks for the insults. I still believe hunting need to be made illegal however. Killing for food is acceptable. Hunting is not killing for food. You have disctincts ideas, which is why I support the Native Indians as a distinct issue. I am not referring to 3rd world countries, but to Canada & USA only. Hunting is outdated and should be simply made illegal in our countries, even farmers dont kill cows anymore.I eat meet EVERY day, and I never hunt in my whole life and never will. I see no reason why the governments should allow us to hunt anymore. Again the Native Indians are a separated case and they indeed have some rights and only Native Indians governments can rule those rights differently.
I'm sorry, but if you eat meat every day and you are against hunting, then you are nothing but a hypocrite and an immoral one at that, EVERYONE who eats meat should kill their own at least once in their life so that they can appreciate where it comes from, if the only meat you see is all wrapped up at the supermarket then you can not have an appreciation for the animals that die to make it possible. I eat meat, and while i don't hunt as often as i'd like, i have killed my own meat in the past. if your not willing to kill, then stop eating meat.
Well, most of the meat people eat is chicken, beef and pork. None of these animals are hunted; they are bred on farms and butchered in factories. I would find it rather humourous to see someone hunt a cow.
Thanks for the insults. I still believe hunting need to be made illegal however. Killing for food is acceptable. Hunting is not killing for food. You have disctincts ideas, which is why I support the Native Indians as a distinct issue. I am not referring to 3rd world countries, but to Canada & USA only. Hunting is outdated and should be simply made illegal in our countries, even farmers dont kill cows anymore.
I eat meet EVERY day, and I never hunt in my whole life and never will. I see no reason why the governments should allow us to hunt anymore. Again the Native Indians are a separated case and they indeed have some rights and only Native Indians governments can rule those rights differently.
I'm sorry, but if you eat meat every day and you are against hunting, then you are nothing but a hypocrite and an immoral one at that, EVERYONE who eats meat should kill their own at least once in their life so that they can appreciate where it comes from, if the only meat you see is all wrapped up at the supermarket then you can not have an appreciation for the animals that die to make it possible. I eat meat, and while i don't hunt as often as i'd like, i have killed my own meat in the past. if your not willing to kill, then stop eating meat.
I try to not eat meat at 3 times in my life, and after a week or 2, I have to resume eating meat for health issues. On those 3 times I try to, I always got a cold, I was having headaches non-stop, my mood was down, and I was lacking energy.
*shrug* Call me an hypocrit if you want, I will eat meat as long as vegetables dont meet the requirements my body is asking. However, I will not kill an animal myself, not even a mice. The good part of the human story is that we dont need much meat, but we still need some. All folks I know that are pure vegetarians(no fish either) are suffering many side effect that all endanger their overall health, their choice, but they cannot expect me to make such a nasty choice when my health is in dire need.
Eating meat and hunting are 2 very differents topics and should be address separately. Hunting should be illegal in the USA and Canada, however I doubt it will be illegal in Canada before at least 10 years after it is in the USA, humans want to make profits.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Originally posted by Bitey Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it. ~ Mark Twain
Originally posted by Bitey Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it. ~ Mark Twain
Except for cats, dolphins, primates, dogs and.... Lol yeah Mark Twain was good at writting things that sound good he wasnt an animal expert.
Yeah i may be a vegetarian but thats MY choice im not about to preach to anyone on why my Sh#t doesnt stink.(truth be told it probably stinks more than a nonvegetarians:) )
this is unlikely as it is meat that produces most of the stink.
I try not to kill anything as long as it doesn't need to be killed. En1Gma made a good point about eating meat and saving money. I mean, if you're as poor as some of the people I've known in my life up north here, then hunting would be a good option - just like that garden they have out back. Anofalye also made a good point about getting weak or at least sick when not consuming meat; I still don't know much of that would apply to anyone else or how much of it is true (so far I tend to trust her).
As for killing creatures when you don't need to (the big kind - deer, elk, bears, etc.): just whip out a pistol and some body armor, my friend. If you still want to hunt down that bear when you don't need to, then I'd have to say you're welcomed to it since you're man enough to even the odds a bit. We usually have intelligence on our side, but a life is a life. If you don't want to be eating processed cow flesh for the rest of your life, then move up north with me. We've got plenty of animals and plenty of free land if you've got the money and the will for it. I'm sure there will be (for many years to come) at least some harsher locations in the world where fewer people will enjoy to live; the only question is how many years.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
Originally posted by Sporn Originally posted by Hifructose Originally posted by Bitey Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it. ~ Mark TwainExcept for cats, dolphins, primates, dogs and....Lol yeah Mark Twain was good at writting things that sound good he wasnt an animal expert.
Hows that? Animals only hunt for what they need, and kill for what they need. It's part of the cycle of life. Humans(Murders and crazy hunters in general) kill for just for the joy of inflicting pain and kill just for the sake of doing it. They don't need the meal, they just like the feeling of the killing.
Well, most of the meat people eat is chicken, beef and pork. None of these animals are hunted; they are bred on farms and butchered in factories.
Wild hogs are hunted quite often. domesticated pigs when put in the wild will undergo a dramatic transformation and become wild boar or ferral (sp?) pigs. They behavior will also change dramatically and they will grow tusks and can be very dangerous.
wild hogs are populating northern america like crazy in the past few decades they have spread to 85 percent of North America and I think they used to only be around like 15 percent. Many of these wild hogs are escaped domesticated pigs. Oh yeah, and if a domesticated pig who goes wild has babies, its offspring will naturally be wild hogs.
ROFL. That sentence defines irony.
Ha! I missed that sentence somehow. Gotta love how people bring religion into a hunting argument.
I guess killing flys could be considered hunting. Just as long as no one takes a picture of themselves over a fly carcass (did I spell that right?) with a grin on their face, I'm cool with it.
Again.... killing "pests" in your house has a level of acceptability because you want to get them out for reasons of hygeine, disease reduction, comfort etc. There is a purpose!
The big bear that was shot that someone else put up was apparently kiling people... so again there was a purpose.
I have no drama with any of that. If you had read all my posts youd already know that.
There may even have been a purpose to the picture I put up to start this thread. But since it came from a dedicated trophy hunting website... I think its pretty clear what that purpose is and basically... your looking at it..
I guess my main point if I havnt managed to make it clear by now is this...
The guy could have gotten a picture of the bear with a good camera with a good zoom lense and even made it look that close up. Its my opinion (for what its worth) that the life of the bear was more important than his bizarre and pathetic desire to have a photo taken next to its corpse. The act of killing it is almost incidental to the end result of showing off to himself and his brainless beer buddies how hes brave enough to kill something from several hundred yards away with a high powered rifle.
I doubt strongly hes going to eat it, in fact the website that it came from (which I provided a link to) makes no mention of eating or otherwise using the bear. I could even live with it easier if they were going to give the body to like local Indians (native Americans or whatever...sorry Im Australian dont know what the PC term is). At least then there would have been some tiny justification for such a senseless act of stupidity.
I could have included pictures of mountain goats, or elk or deer or whatever from the same site, but I didnt because its obvious that all of those animals can be eaten, so thats fine by me.
I have 10 acres in rural South Australia 200 miles from the nearest city. I have 2 horses and some chickens, geese, ducks etc. In the last 2 years I have shot dead 4 dogs and countless foxes who have chased, attacked or otherwise threatened my livestock. 2 of those dogs belonged to people on neighbouring properties, they were pets. The owners were warned REPEATEDLY about keeping control of their dogs for WEEKS beofre I finally shot them. It tore me up to have to do it but why should my chickens and ducks get slaughtered and my horses chased to the point they almost collapse because someone else cant take adult responsibility for their animals.
So you see Im not some total non violent, non hunting, no idea city slicker with no conception of what Im saying. I can condone the killing of anything including people if the purpose is clear. Even war has its place when the reasons are right. I doubt any of you right wing personal freedom pushing types are likely to argue with that, without being complete hipocrites.
When there is no reason however, or when the reason for the act is so weak, so pathetic, so selfish and introverted that it scarcely deserves mention in the context of the argument, then I will speak out.
If that makes me "immature", "whiney" a "cry baby" or whatever else I have been called then cool, bring it on.
If I have to senslessly kill things and pose next to them to somehow earn manhood and maturity then Ill stay a kid thanks. If I have to silently condone the base acts of people who, if questioned could not even provide a sensible explanation for their own actions beyond, "fuck you I can do what I want its a free country" to be a man... Then Ill stay a boy with a big mouth.
At least my opinion is not depriving anyone of their right to enjoy whats left of the worlds native animals and habitats. Ill leave that job to others.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I really fancy killing someone.
Luckily there's a handicapped bloke down the road that god made me better than.
I'll go get my gun, BRB.
When you mow the grass, are you killing your lawn? Seems to me un-mowed lawns become overgrown with weeds, parasites, diseases and do poorly in comparison to lawns which are tended.
Same principle works with convervation. Without controlled hunting, predation and starvation keep animal populations in line. Anyone who has ever lived in a rural area may testify how deer populations can increase in numbers out of control, and how the animals walk into town or block streets at the worst moment. I have fed Wyoming caribou by hand, next to a building in town, and I can tell you that animals can and will overpopulate until their food supply runs thin. At which point they starve!
There is sort of a "rubber band" effect in letting Nature run its course. Animals overpopulate until their food supply runs thin, then large numbers die off, then the food supply regrows in the presence of the smaller herd, which in turn grows again, overpopulates and depletes the food supply, more starvation, etc...
Wolves in Alaska can overpopulate and sometimes are thinned out by state workers riding in helicopters and using scoped rifles. Now that's not sporting. Mountain lions in California have had a moratorium on hunting for some time now, and you know this because every now and then a helpless child is dragged away from a campground while his family watches on helplessly and in horror. When predators become overpopulated, they don't starve, they just add new things to the menu.
Controlled and well-managed hunting solves all of the above problems. Hunters pay their own private funds to manage game population levels for the rest of us. Animal populations are maintained at high sustainable levels, hunters get their sport in, and everyone wins.
And anyone who has told you that hunting was easy, likely hasn't hunted much. One in six deer hunters fills his tag every year, and nearly all of them use scoped bolt action rifles. Hunting can run from "medium" to "difficult" to "dangerous" (i.e., Alaska, Africa).
Story: A vegetarian and a hunter friend were in line at a deli. They both ordered burgers and sat down with their meals at a table. The vegetarian removed the meat from the bun and began eating the rest, just bread, lettuce and tomato. The hunter asked the vegetarian why she was doing that.
"I cannot eat something that was taken against its will and had little chance to get away."
The hunter removed the lettuce and tomato from his bun and began eating the rest. The vegetarian asked the hunter why he was doing that.
"I cannot eat something that has no chance to get away."
You know, I find this whole debate funny. People are whining and bitching about running around and killing things in the wilderness at a web site about a genre of video games where a staple feature is running around and killing things in the wilderness.
If you don't like to eat meat, go eat a banana and leave us omnivores alone.
Guild Wars is still an MMO.
The whole idea of this topic was to flame the people who hunt for "fun".
Idiots like that kill everyone else aswell, not only animals. If we kill and pollute everything we see, we die ourselves aswell. Just some reatards dont understand this.
Hunting for food is one thing, hunting for fun is another.
Funny how some people get outraged that someone killed an animal but dont even blink when they hear that thousands are starving to death in SOmalia, does everyone here that is agaisnt kiling wildlife ever donated a single penny to Aid your fellow human beings in dire need?
I am agaisnt hunting for sport, i dont buy furr for my gf as presents, i dont wear leather, im a vegetarian myself, but i save my outrage for the way ppl are dying all over the world of hunger when our own farmers destroy their crops because the goverment pays them to.
All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.
Damn people these days lol
If u think about we as humans have hunted animals for thousands a years. Some times people need to research I mean, THINK about it before u start an argument. People have hunted to survive, and if u want its a sport, its kinda like fishing if u know what I mean. I just want to know what is bad about hunting animals if u eat them. I can understand the problem of sport hunting but If u eat it, ur using wild life correctly. I have never hunted in my life but, this argument is pointless. The ones on the other side that say it bad, are mostly vegitarian whats funny is I have friends that are vegitarian and they understand why people do it..
Funny argument is my opinoin
Make sure we handcuff any meat eating animals that break that law also. Damn lions, tigers, bears and other similiar creatures for killing other animals to eat. Yes lets make hunting completely illegal so that we can interrupt the cycle of life and have an over population of animals which will then cause a lack of plant life that used for fued and making those animals die of natural causes or should I say starvation.
I am so tired of the PETA mind set of ignorance. People like you and Shojin think you are so enlightened and so civilized because you refuse to kill and eat meat. We are an omnivore and eating meat is a part of our life. Shojin's point of we only ate meat in ancient times because we didn't have enough plant life(agriculture) is totally off. There is enough proof now that there was agriculture even before 10,000 B.C. and there was even rice production at least around 14,000 B.C. in ancient Japan.
Whether you like it or not, eating meat is a part of being human. You don't want to be human then fine go be a deer but please stop with your self-righteous ignorant preaching somewhere else since we get enough of that crap from other pulputs.
You do notice I did not refer to you, razorback. I agree that if people only hunt for sport, that is a problem. Most hunters are taught that what you kill you eat. That is Ted Nugent's religion. People do eat bear. The reason people take those pictures of their kills because hunting is a lot harder than people realize. Personally I would never have my picture taken if I ever go hunting again. Also some people have the picture taken so they can show how big some of these animals can get.
Thanks for the insults. I still believe hunting need to be made illegal however. Killing for food is acceptable. Hunting is not killing for food. You have disctincts ideas, which is why I support the Native Indians as a distinct issue. I am not referring to 3rd world countries, but to Canada & USA only. Hunting is outdated and should be simply made illegal in our countries, even farmers dont kill cows anymore.
I eat meet EVERY day, and I never hunt in my whole life and never will. I see no reason why the governments should allow us to hunt anymore. Again the Native Indians are a separated case and they indeed have some rights and only Native Indians governments can rule those rights differently.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Not to go off topic, but I find it kind of funny that you mention donating to organizations to help people overseas like in Africa, parts of Asia, and other parts of the world where poverty is ever present. However, till this very day I would not and will not donate a single penny to any organization that supposedly "helps" people in poverty because many of those organizations have money hungry pigs that take the money and use it for their own selfish ways while those in need still have no releaf what so ever. You wonder how they get that nice Corvette sitting in their driveway or that nice half a million dollar house sitting on hundreds of acres....
If I'm going to donate money, supplies, or food I will do it in person to the actual people and/or animals and not go through any supposed "donating" organization. I'm not labeling all of them with this problem because yes, there are trueful donating organizations out there, but you just never REALLY know where that dollar really goes nor do they have to tell you where it goes.
Anyways, back to the topic. I remember I few instances of some very mind disturbing cases where one dude in Alaska I guess thought it was fun or funny to sit up in a helicopter and snipe wolves (he was not with animal control or anything nor was it legal at the time). There was also another case where a few Marines went out in the wilderness with assault rifles and killed numerious wild Mustangs because they were drunk and got a kick out of it. Thankfully they were later on arrested and prosecuted for their actions.
Hunting in my opinion can have it's usefulness in a number of ways, but I think in this day and age it has really grown uncontrolled from earlier times when it was done mainly for food or for human survival. Now it seems people just go out to kill animals for their ego (deer racks) or just to get kicks out of killing animals. When a centain law is passed to down size a certain animal population, people mistake that and end up killing almost or all of that species to the point of making it an endangered species or extinct. There's just no control now days....
I'm sorry, but if you eat meat every day and you are against hunting, then you are nothing but a hypocrite and an immoral one at that, EVERYONE who eats meat should kill their own at least once in their life so that they can appreciate where it comes from, if the only meat you see is all wrapped up at the supermarket then you can not have an appreciation for the animals that die to make it possible. I eat meat, and while i don't hunt as often as i'd like, i have killed my own meat in the past. if your not willing to kill, then stop eating meat.
I'm sorry, but if you eat meat every day and you are against hunting, then you are nothing but a hypocrite and an immoral one at that, EVERYONE who eats meat should kill their own at least once in their life so that they can appreciate where it comes from, if the only meat you see is all wrapped up at the supermarket then you can not have an appreciation for the animals that die to make it possible. I eat meat, and while i don't hunt as often as i'd like, i have killed my own meat in the past. if your not willing to kill, then stop eating meat.
Well, most of the meat people eat is chicken, beef and pork. None of these animals are hunted; they are bred on farms and butchered in factories. I would find it rather humourous to see someone hunt a cow.
rock on dekron!
I'm now logging off to go hunt, stalk, and kill a McChicken with large fry and coke.
I hear you can attract a rather large coke by placing crisp dollar bills on certain open-air counters at during county festival season.
For those of you who don't understand my post, don't worry... it wasn't supposed to make sense.
My name is...
I'm sorry, but if you eat meat every day and you are against hunting, then you are nothing but a hypocrite and an immoral one at that, EVERYONE who eats meat should kill their own at least once in their life so that they can appreciate where it comes from, if the only meat you see is all wrapped up at the supermarket then you can not have an appreciation for the animals that die to make it possible. I eat meat, and while i don't hunt as often as i'd like, i have killed my own meat in the past. if your not willing to kill, then stop eating meat.
I try to not eat meat at 3 times in my life, and after a week or 2, I have to resume eating meat for health issues. On those 3 times I try to, I always got a cold, I was having headaches non-stop, my mood was down, and I was lacking energy.
*shrug* Call me an hypocrit if you want, I will eat meat as long as vegetables dont meet the requirements my body is asking. However, I will not kill an animal myself, not even a mice. The good part of the human story is that we dont need much meat, but we still need some. All folks I know that are pure vegetarians(no fish either) are suffering many side effect that all endanger their overall health, their choice, but they cannot expect me to make such a nasty choice when my health is in dire need.
Eating meat and hunting are 2 very differents topics and should be address separately. Hunting should be illegal in the USA and Canada, however I doubt it will be illegal in Canada before at least 10 years after it is in the USA, humans want to make profits.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Lol yeah Mark Twain was good at writting things that sound good he wasnt an animal expert.
I try not to kill anything as long as it doesn't need to be killed. En1Gma made a good point about eating meat and saving money. I mean, if you're as poor as some of the people I've known in my life up north here, then hunting would be a good option - just like that garden they have out back. Anofalye also made a good point about getting weak or at least sick when not consuming meat; I still don't know much of that would apply to anyone else or how much of it is true (so far I tend to trust her).
As for killing creatures when you don't need to (the big kind - deer, elk, bears, etc.): just whip out a pistol and some body armor, my friend. If you still want to hunt down that bear when you don't need to, then I'd have to say you're welcomed to it since you're man enough to even the odds a bit. We usually have intelligence on our side, but a life is a life. If you don't want to be eating processed cow flesh for the rest of your life, then move up north with me. We've got plenty of animals and plenty of free land if you've got the money and the will for it. I'm sure there will be (for many years to come) at least some harsher locations in the world where fewer people will enjoy to live; the only question is how many years.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
Hows that? Animals only hunt for what they need, and kill for what they need. It's part of the cycle of life. Humans(Murders and crazy hunters in general) kill for just for the joy of inflicting pain and kill just for the sake of doing it. They don't need the meal, they just like the feeling of the killing.
Well, most of the meat people eat is chicken, beef and pork. None of these animals are hunted; they are bred on farms and butchered in factories.
Wild hogs are hunted quite often. domesticated pigs when put in the wild will undergo a dramatic transformation and become wild boar or ferral (sp?) pigs. They behavior will also change dramatically and they will grow tusks and can be very dangerous.
wild hogs are populating northern america like crazy in the past few decades they have spread to 85 percent of North America and I think they used to only be around like 15 percent. Many of these wild hogs are escaped domesticated pigs. Oh yeah, and if a domesticated pig who goes wild has babies, its offspring will naturally be wild hogs.