Originally posted by Agent_X7 I'm curious, where do you see the WoW 'fanbois' in this thread? I see no one extolling the virtues of WoW here, only people givnign the reasons they left. Also, nobody proved anybody wrong. Somethings have changed since some people left, but that doesn't mean what they thought of the game is 'wrong', it just means what they didn't like may have changed.
Very true, but don't be too hard on him. It sucks when people say stuff about the game you're playing when the stuff they say has completely changed. EQ2 isn't the same game it was at launch and is just really a lot of addictive fun now.
Glad you're enjoying playing WoW. I personally would rather remove my own appendix with a warm spoon, but to each their own.
Two reasons why I left it with 2 months left on a 3 month subscription:
1/ after Sony pissed all over Euro players with there poorly implemented movelogs. I was on Runnyeye which became a ghost town after the first movelog and just got worse after the 2nd.
2/ Then the joke of the downtime changes and patches not being put on euro servers, a days if not a week after the US servers. Nice to make us feel like a sub class of the community Sony.
I missed the physical move of the Two Euro servers to Europe and the useless host support as I had quit by that time, but that would have made me quit by then if not earlier.
Originally posted by Darktongue Dont be so patronizing .Youre are refusing to listen to anyones opinion on why they left eq2 and are coming across like a fanboi . Unless this is correct?
I'm on the other side of the fence on this one.
(with an exception of piirg..)
This is a thread to see why people LEFT (past tense) eq2, not why they are leaving, or why did you leave because all this stuff is in now.
Oh, and darktongue, that is not empty servers, and.. Almost all the servers are medium + now. Alot have subs have joined (try doubling the population)
Negative on the all servers being medium. TWO servers show red during USA peak times. TWO.
The rest of the servers are all green and light.
No Euro server goes above light.EVER!
The servers are bare and new players find themselves without anyone else to help them or play with.
But if youre so wrapped up in EQ2 being the best there is thats fine. Your call.
Personally i think most of the main stream MMOS about right now asre just cash ins and dont have the same innovation or originality of the old ones. Some new ones around the corner that might be diffrent but theres only so many dwarves and so many blasted short swords that one person can take. Fantasy burnout i guess.
I joined EQ2 with very high expectations. In July of 2004 I had moved to Eve On-line from EQ1. EQ1 held me for over 4 years. My last EQ1 character was a Sullon Zek wizard, level 56. Sony nerfed him and I left.
I left EQ2 after 3 months of play. The following summarizes my reasons for leaving:
1. Too many limits placed upon player character interactions by the developers (#1 reason).
2. Awkward feel to the game.
3. Graphics engine was beautiful, character images were not.
4. The game felt geared for a younger crowd environmentally, yet required an adult's intellect to understand and play it. Inconsistent approach from the dev team, almost as if there was not a single, coherent vision driving development.
5. Odd spell system, and chests that popped up out of nowhere after a kill. "Where did that chest come from and why?"
6. Play felt too controlled: Can't do this, can't do that, can't do that either.....etc.
7. Too complex for what it offered in return. Suggestion to dev team: look hard at EQ1 (the original version) and see what made it great.
Too Sony's credit, they took a shot at a better economy. Items need to be fixed and they can leave the game I think. So in theory, item devaluation should be controlled somewhat. I just wish they would have revamped the EQ1 economy instead and wacked it with a new graphics engine. Oh well.
Currently back to Eve Online. I don't regret playing EQ2 for a bit. Twas a good lesson for me. I also played WOW for a while. WOW is a good game but does not quite measure up to EQ1 IMHO. Play WOW if you are a newbie to the genre, you will really like it.
Eve is the best game on the market right now I think. Good job CCP.
Played from release till last july, checked combat revamp and DoF and didnt see much difference in the points I left because in the first place.
Reasons why I left were(in no particular order):
1. Lack of different models for armors, robes, weapons, etc.
2. Feeling that SOE was trying to balance players to fit what monsters could do instead of balancing the monsters by what players could do and impose lots stupid limits to achieve this. This lead to imo leaving very little room for give player characters room to grow because they might otherwise be too powerful for their precious monsters.
3. Lack of ways for mage type to improve themselfs. This kinda comes from number 2 but the last straw was seeing the new int "bonus" system for mages that actually punishes you if you arent keeping with the int cap all the time.
4. Just generally losing faith they could fix something without breaking something else.
5. Feeling that SOE is 100% after your money and their employees dont have any passion for the game. I know SOE is a company is ofcourse after your money but companies need good products and I felt they were deliberatly cutting corners everywhere possible to maximaze their profits and it was hurting the game.
Great example of this was DoF: -they had 3 overland zones instead of 5 they told there would be -huge amount of bugged t6 recipies for crafters -no tier6 imbues -just generally the whole tier system. Designed for copy/pasting 10 new levels of skills, spells and recipies when ever they need them. -tier6 armor using exactly the same exactly as t5 -making all old raids impossible because they didnt rebalance them for combat revamp -apperantly no rewards for guild levels 30+ Anyway those are just some of the things missing but they sure made me feel like SOE thinks their customers are just stupid sheeps that will take any scraps they throw at them.
Also anyone else think it was strange they couldnt give us date for combat revamp for months because it was taking longer than they thought all the time but they could say the release date of DoF months before?. Seems pretty obvious to me to plan was release DoF with whatever they could get together.
Anyway there were lots plusses to EQ2 too.
Frequent updates, met lot of nice people, there were some fun quest lines too, also I think combat revamp was good atleast for illusionists, etc. in the end the negatives won over the positives for me though.
I quit a couple of months after release, so I'm not really familiar with all the changes that have taken place in the past few months. Suffice it to say, however, that I just wasn't having fun, and that's really the bottom line, isn't it?
The game had a lot of promise and there were some cool parts to it, but one day I had an epiphany. I was logging on to grind out some exp and realized it was a chore...almost like a job. I was doing it because I felt obligated to punch through the levels in hopes of having a better and more fun gaming experience down the road.
I'm not suggesting that it should be a cakewalk to get to the upper levels nor that the lower levels should be as rich and rewarding as the higher ones, but it should at least be fun, shouldn't it?
I'm not bashing EQ2, I'm just saying that > I < wasn't having fun. I've spoken to others who felt the same way, but I speak only for myself. I got tired of feeling obligated to play so that maybe all that time would pay off. Frankly, I've got better things to do.
The combat revamp saved this game for me Koltrane. I too quit a couple of months after release, just coming back about a month before the revamp and expansion. The game is challenging now, classes are different from one another, tons of new quests were added, arena battles, dueling, more loot...the list goes on.
For anyone that wanted this game to be good at release but just wasn't happy with it in general (i know i wasn't), give it a second look. You won't be sorry you did.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I actullay pre-ordered EQ2 after playing both WoW and EQ2 beta.
I thought that EQ2 offered more in the way of depth of play and character customization, and because EQ2 seemed to be more of an "MMo'ers' game after playinf DAoC and EQ for years.
It hurt badly when I reached 20 in EQ2 and felt like every other shaman on the block. Armor all looked the same, spells all the same - it felt like an FPS pre-rolled toon. I think that was the break point for me. I picked up a copy of WoW - it also lacks in customization, but at least post 20 I could still pick some skills and gear that would let me not be like every single other player who played my class.
Being forced to group for content; a poor, poor guild system and just an overall feel that the 'grind' was settling in already at 20. You still needed xxx healer, xxx tank, and lets fill the rest with whatever we class is around. If you didn't have the crucial two classes in your group you were waiting silently, grinding mobs with no hope of dungeon or raid content.
I was also harshly disappointed that so much was made out the Freeport vs. Qeynos thing - and when all was said and done it really amounted to nothing. Guilds could still hold both types of factions, characters could still group together - it all made no sense. Like the devs had this great vision of what it would be like to have this racial tension/war and then someone said - OH NO - CAN'T HAVE THAT! PEOPLE WILL GET P.O.ED IF THEY CAN'T INCLUDE EVERY CLASS IN THEIR GUILD!
I realize that 'things have changed' - hek I even have gotten a couple of invites to 'come on back' that I have seriously considered if I would have to reinstall and download a MOTHER of a patch I am sure - but no one has really explained WHAT has actually changed, other than a vauge reference to combat upgrades, some content and forthcoming PvP.
I would dearly like someone to tell me that there is more customization of characters, ablities and equipment. That I can adventure with my friends in a dungeon setting with having to spam chat for a healer. That the quests are more involved now than killing xxx number of this mob, or taking yyy stuff to another person.
Originally posted by Blakpyre I would dearly like someone to tell me that there is more customization of characters, ablities and equipment. That I can adventure with my friends in a dungeon setting with having to spam chat for a healer. That the quests are more involved now than killing xxx number of this mob, or taking yyy stuff to another person.
Don't hold your breath bub. Many games seem to be lacking in that area. One, no matter the game yer gonna need healers to do anything serious, most quests fall in that cookie cutter category, though some games hide it better than others. Customization you can always hope for I guess.
lol Negative on the all servers being medium. TWO servers show red during USA peak times. TWO. The rest of the servers are all green and light. No Euro server goes above light.EVER! The servers are bare and new players find themselves without anyone else to help them or play with. But if youre so wrapped up in EQ2 being the best there is thats fine. Your call.
Personally i think most of the main stream MMOS about right now asre just cash ins and dont have the same innovation or originality of the old ones. Some new ones around the corner that might be diffrent but theres only so many dwarves and so many blasted short swords that one person can take. Fantasy burnout i guess.
First off why the heck do you feel the need to press Enter after every sentence? Usually this is someone who is trying to add impact to their statements which wouldn't need impact if they actually had it in the first place.
Secondly, your information is months out of date. 500 thousand subscribers now, that's about twice as many as when you probably played. Some servers have less and some have more, but even when I played on Befallen 5 months ago I never had trouble finding a group. I think some people have the social skills to do so and some just plain don't.
EQ2 is far from a cash in, I have never played a game that was worked on so hard by a group of developers. It was less than stellar at launch, but since then, they have added so much content and tweaked the gameplay and with the addition of the combat revamp, the game truly is Everquest 2 now. It's still not perfect, but if you have a high end system, there is no other fantasy game that even comes close. I say high end system because the game just plays perfectly after a certain point, and just isn't fun if you have a subpar system.
If you haven't played EQ2 since the combat revamp, then you haven't played EQ2 as it should be. It Rawks! If you don't like a challenge, as I have said before, you would be more at home in WoW, in which you can get from level 1 to 60 in roughly 3 weeks if you apply yourself.
I think you should change your sig to "Anarchy Art, EQII cheerleader of doom".
Agent_X7 AKA J Star [/URL] Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of MMORPG.com or its management.
Say there, Fanbois (you know who you are), why are you participating in the "Why did you leave EQ2" thread when you obviously haven't left EQ2? This isn't the "Why you are wrong for not enjoying EQ2 as much as I do" thread. No, I don't need an answer (though I'm sure one will be forthcoming shortly), the question is rhetorical.
Guess what? The game is not fun for everyone, before or after the combat overhaul. Or maybe it was fun beforehand, but isn't now. Let me word this a different way: Not everyone who was playing was having fun doing so. Not sinking in yet? Try this: Some people were logging into the game and not finding their play session rewarding. To many people, spending money on a pasttime which isn't enjoyable on some level is ridiculous.
These people are not wrong. These people are not mistaken in their beliefs or opinions, simply because that opinion isn't the same as yours, so please give it a rest.
"Fanboys" are participating in this thread because it is obviously about EQ2, and "fanboys" of EQ2 obviously will be interested. So, let people speak their minds, particularly those familiar with EQ2.
I would like some backup to the statement that eq2 has 500k players, other then some dated article from the times. Frankly, with the servers being on light constantly, i have a hard time believing that.
And thehavok this thread isnt a discussion about EQ2 mate. Its about why people left eq2. Based on their experiences with the game. Yet some idiots insist on "proving" them wrong. They fail to grasp the fact that some people see EQ2 for what it really is. A pathetic shell of a game.
_____________________ I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
Originally posted by Yanari Say there, Fanbois (you know who you are), why are you participating in the "Why did you leave EQ2" thread when you obviously haven't left EQ2? This isn't the "Why you are wrong for not enjoying EQ2 as much as I do" thread. No, I don't need an answer (though I'm sure one will be forthcoming shortly), the question is rhetorical. Guess what? The game is not fun for everyone, before or after the combat overhaul. Or maybe it was fun beforehand, but isn't now. Let me word this a different way: Not everyone who was playing was having fun doing so. Not sinking in yet? Try this: Some people were logging into the game and not finding their play session rewarding. To many people, spending money on a pasttime which isn't enjoyable on some level is ridiculous. These people are not wrong. These people are not mistaken in their beliefs or opinions, simply because that opinion isn't the same as yours, so please give it a rest.
I like how your trying to "burn" someone in your post... Get better spacing.
I admire/respect your opinion, just like everyone elses that has posted here... Because their entitled to it.. Or something? Right?....
Congratulations buddy, you need to buy it. One, you keep saying this "light server" thing, when I said a few posts ago most of the servers are medium, about 5 are heavy now. So, get that thought out of your head, I'm afraid it's insanely annoying.
Why do you not beleive that article? MMO Companies are required to release their subscriber numbers by law, and moreso if they want stock for their company... Beleive it, these days 500k subscribers is not alot, thanks to WoW.
The reason WoW is so big, is because it brought in the millions of people that played warcraft and starcraft, and never played mmo's before. So the majority of WoW players don't know that their are better games out there... And are lead to beleive every other game sucks due to subscriber numbers, and their fellow WoW idioteers.
nevermind im an idiot, just trying to get my shit up, nevermind it all =p lol dont hate. now please wait as i spam this poopie everywhere, JUST EVEYWHERE, bordum has overcome me and it strikes hard, i dont know what else to say or do but this stuff watch me ramble is any one reading is this game that dead? oh well this is how itgoes and the tail of the pony ate the gnome for the cookies and lived under the bridge by the river at the end of time.
I just dont know what else to type but i need a nice long post to get this stuff done, so that i can destroy the universe by the time DnDo comes online to the end of the time of the beach of the sand and the people and the slaves and the rambling, i love htis rambling, it is the best and it is not the fastest but actually the slowest thing that i could ever see, i dont know what else to say....
Originally posted by Adamska "I ain't buyin it." Congratulations buddy, you need to buy it. One, you keep saying this "light server" thing, when I said a few posts ago most of the servers are medium, about 5 are heavy now. So, get that thought out of your head, I'm afraid it's insanely annoying. Why do you not beleive that article? MMO Companies are required to release their subscriber numbers by law, and moreso if they want stock for their company... Beleive it, these days 500k subscribers is not alot, thanks to WoW. The reason WoW is so big, is because it brought in the millions of people that played warcraft and starcraft, and never played mmo's before. So the majority of WoW players don't know that their are better games out there... And are lead to beleive every other game sucks due to subscriber numbers, and their fellow WoW idioteers.
Where do you get your crazy information? They are most certainly NOT required by law to release their subscription numbers to the public.
Agent_X7 AKA J Star [/URL] Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of MMORPG.com or its management.
Originally posted by pirrg I would like some backup to the statement that eq2 has 500k players, other then some dated article from the times. Frankly, with the servers being on light constantly, i have a hard time believing that. And thehavok this thread isnt a discussion about EQ2 mate. Its about why people left eq2. Based on their experiences with the game. Yet some idiots insist on "proving" them wrong. They fail to grasp the fact that some people see EQ2 for what it really is. A pathetic shell of a game.
Thank you for proving what me and some others already knew: you never had any intention of playing EQ2, you are just a SOE hater killing time between skill changes and jumps in EVE (which I love btw).
You say EQ2 is a pathetic shell of a game after what, playing the trial of the isle? LOL! Try playing it deeper son, and you will see that it's a deep, lush, vibrant world, chock full of mystery, lore and plenty of danger and challenge.
I say this knowing full well you never had nor will have the intention of giving the game an honest go. You are only here to cast dispersions on it, and the sad thing is even before this post you tried to come here under the guise of "trying it out" and "doing research" about it. Gimme a break, I knew what you were up to the whole time, and so did, and does, everyone else.
Don't you get tired of getting constantly called out and pwned in the EQ2 section? Why do you keep coming back to get your butt handed to you? You're laughable. Keep on coming back to just try and diss the game, and I'll keep putting you over my knee and spanking you.
Originally posted by Agent_X7 Where do you get your crazy information? They are most certainly NOT required by law to release their subscription numbers to the public.
Originally posted by anarchyart Originally posted by pirrg I would like some backup to the statement that eq2 has 500k players, other then some dated article from the times. Frankly, with the servers being on light constantly, i have a hard time believing that. And thehavok this thread isnt a discussion about EQ2 mate. Its about why people left eq2. Based on their experiences with the game. Yet some idiots insist on "proving" them wrong. They fail to grasp the fact that some people see EQ2 for what it really is. A pathetic shell of a game. Thank you for proving what me and some others already knew: you never had any intention of playing EQ2, you are just a SOE hater killing time between skill changes and jumps in EVE (which I love btw). You say EQ2 is a pathetic shell of a game after what, playing the trial of the isle? LOL! Try playing it deeper son, and you will see that it's a deep, lush, vibrant world, chock full of mystery, lore and plenty of danger and challenge. I say this knowing full well you never had nor will have the intention of giving the game an honest go. You are only here to cast dispersions on it, and the sad thing is even before this post you tried to come here under the guise of "trying it out" and "doing research" about it. Gimme a break, I knew what you were up to the whole time, and so did, and does, everyone else. Don't you get tired of getting constantly called out and pwned in the EQ2 section? Why do you keep coming back to get your butt handed to you? You're laughable. Keep on coming back to just try and diss the game, and I'll keep putting you over my knee and spanking you.
A base canard! Chronic fanboying has made you delusional anarchyart. Although you refuse to believe it, i did infact conduct research about eq2 before making my decision wether to play or not. What i found was overwhelmingly negative so i know ive made the right decision.
What i find amusing is that you still havent grasped the fact that some people enjoy different things. While im quite vocal about my hate for eq2, i have never tried to deny you of your blind love for it. Unlike you, i dont try to convince people that they are wrong when they express an opinion. I merely express my own opinions and they can work it out from there.
No Anarchyart, you are the true troll here. Showering all manners of vile mentation over anyone whom dares criticize your flavour of the month game. Tis quite sad to behold. And even sadder that you think you can "pawn" someone in a discussion. Grow up.
_____________________ I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
A base canard! Chronic fanboying has made you delusional anarchyart. Although you refuse to believe it, i did infact conduct research about eq2 before making my decision wether to play or not. What i found was overwhelmingly negative so i know ive made the right decision. What i find amusing is that you still havent grasped the fact that some people enjoy different things. While im quite vocal about my hate for eq2, i have never tried to deny you of your blind love for it. Unlike you, i dont try to convince people that they are wrong when they express an opinion. I merely express my own opinions and they can work it out from there. No Anarchyart, you are the true troll here. Showering all manners of vile mentation over anyone whom dares criticize your flavour of the month game. Tis quite sad to behold. And even sadder that you think you can "pawn" someone in a discussion. Grow up.
Hate. Hate. Hate for a game that you never played past the trial. Hate. Hate for a game that not two weeks ago you "claimed" you were thinking of getting.
Conducting research by making a thread about the game world in which two, count them, two people posted negatively about it when at least 8 other people posted positively and you acknowledged one of the two negative posters by replying "That's what I thought."
Conducting research by perusing message boards in which a single negative post by an O.P. wondered about lack of server populations with plethora replies from the civil EQ2 community and the ONE slightly negative post is the one you cited as information in your so called "research"? And then I post screenshots showing that server populations are on the rise and are in fact ALL at medium and heavy during peak hours and you respond by saying "I bet you a nickel sony lowered the bar for server populations." ROFL!
This is your research? And now you "hate" EQ2??? Get a grip on reality man, everyone knows your conclusions were reached long before you started posting in the EQ2 section and you NEVER once acknowledged a SINGLE positive post about the game. If you think you're fooling anyone give your head a shake, it's over. You didn't.
Just go away, you aren't fooling anyone but yourself.
Very true, but don't be too hard on him. It sucks when people say stuff about the game you're playing when the stuff they say has completely changed. EQ2 isn't the same game it was at launch and is just really a lot of addictive fun now.
Glad you're enjoying playing WoW. I personally would rather remove my own appendix with a warm spoon, but to each their own.
Two reasons why I left it with 2 months left on a 3 month subscription:
1/ after Sony pissed all over Euro players with there poorly implemented movelogs. I was on Runnyeye which became a ghost town after the first movelog and just got worse after the 2nd.
2/ Then the joke of the downtime changes and patches not being put on euro servers, a days if not a week after the US servers. Nice to make us feel like a sub class of the community Sony.
I missed the physical move of the Two Euro servers to Europe and the useless host support as I had quit by that time, but that would have made me quit by then if not earlier.
I'm on the other side of the fence on this one.
(with an exception of piirg..)
This is a thread to see why people LEFT (past tense) eq2, not why they are leaving, or why did you leave because all this stuff is in now.
Oh, and darktongue, that is not empty servers, and.. Almost all the servers are medium + now. Alot have subs have joined (try doubling the population)
Negative on the all servers being medium. TWO servers show red during USA peak times. TWO.
The rest of the servers are all green and light.
No Euro server goes above light.EVER!
The servers are bare and new players find themselves without anyone else to help them or play with.
But if youre so wrapped up in EQ2 being the best there is thats fine. Your call.
Personally i think most of the main stream MMOS about right now asre just cash ins and dont have the same innovation or originality of the old ones. Some new ones around the corner that might be diffrent but theres only so many dwarves and so many blasted short swords that one person can take. Fantasy burnout i guess.
I joined EQ2 with very high expectations. In July of 2004 I had moved to Eve On-line from EQ1. EQ1 held me for over 4 years. My last EQ1 character was a Sullon Zek wizard, level 56. Sony nerfed him and I left.
I left EQ2 after 3 months of play. The following summarizes my reasons for leaving:
1. Too many limits placed upon player character interactions by the developers (#1 reason).
2. Awkward feel to the game.
3. Graphics engine was beautiful, character images were not.
4. The game felt geared for a younger crowd environmentally, yet required an adult's intellect to understand and play it. Inconsistent approach from the dev team, almost as if there was not a single, coherent vision driving development.
5. Odd spell system, and chests that popped up out of nowhere after a kill. "Where did that chest come from and why?"
6. Play felt too controlled: Can't do this, can't do that, can't do that either.....etc.
7. Too complex for what it offered in return. Suggestion to dev team: look hard at EQ1 (the original version) and see what made it great.
Too Sony's credit, they took a shot at a better economy. Items need to be fixed and they can leave the game I think. So in theory, item devaluation should be controlled somewhat. I just wish they would have revamped the EQ1 economy instead and wacked it with a new graphics engine. Oh well.
Currently back to Eve Online. I don't regret playing EQ2 for a bit. Twas a good lesson for me. I also played WOW for a while. WOW is a good game but does not quite measure up to EQ1 IMHO. Play WOW if you are a newbie to the genre, you will really like it.
Eve is the best game on the market right now I think. Good job CCP.
Played from release till last july, checked combat revamp and DoF and didnt see much difference in the points I left because in the first place.
Reasons why I left were(in no particular order):
1. Lack of different models for armors, robes, weapons, etc.
2. Feeling that SOE was trying to balance players to fit what monsters could do instead of balancing the monsters by what players could do and impose lots stupid limits to achieve this. This lead to imo leaving very little room for give player characters room to grow because they might otherwise be too powerful for their precious monsters.
3. Lack of ways for mage type to improve themselfs. This kinda comes from number 2 but the last straw was seeing the new int "bonus" system for mages that actually punishes you if you arent keeping with the int cap all the time.
4. Just generally losing faith they could fix something without breaking something else.
5. Feeling that SOE is 100% after your money and their employees dont have any passion for the game. I know SOE is a company is ofcourse after your money but companies need good products and I felt they were deliberatly cutting corners everywhere possible to maximaze their profits and it was hurting the game.
Great example of this was DoF:
-they had 3 overland zones instead of 5 they told there would be
-huge amount of bugged t6 recipies for crafters
-no tier6 imbues
-just generally the whole tier system. Designed for copy/pasting 10 new levels of skills, spells and recipies when ever they need them.
-tier6 armor using exactly the same exactly as t5
-making all old raids impossible because they didnt rebalance them for combat revamp
-apperantly no rewards for guild levels 30+
Anyway those are just some of the things missing but they sure made me feel like SOE thinks their customers are just stupid sheeps that will take any scraps they throw at them.
Also anyone else think it was strange they couldnt give us date for combat revamp for months because it was taking longer than they thought all the time but they could say the release date of DoF months before?. Seems pretty obvious to me to plan was release DoF with whatever they could get together.
Anyway there were lots plusses to EQ2 too.
Frequent updates, met lot of nice people, there were some fun quest lines too, also I think combat revamp was good atleast for illusionists, etc. in the end the negatives won over the positives for me though.
Because the CU was the worst thing I've ever played except for the starwars CU.
There needed to be changes made, but ... *shrugs* They'll probally fix it in six months, i just dont care to pay to play a broken game until they do.
I quit a couple of months after release, so I'm not really familiar with all the changes that have taken place in the past few months. Suffice it to say, however, that I just wasn't having fun, and that's really the bottom line, isn't it?
The game had a lot of promise and there were some cool parts to it, but one day I had an epiphany. I was logging on to grind out some exp and realized it was a chore...almost like a job. I was doing it because I felt obligated to punch through the levels in hopes of having a better and more fun gaming experience down the road.
I'm not suggesting that it should be a cakewalk to get to the upper levels nor that the lower levels should be as rich and rewarding as the higher ones, but it should at least be fun, shouldn't it?
I'm not bashing EQ2, I'm just saying that > I < wasn't having fun. I've spoken to others who felt the same way, but I speak only for myself. I got tired of feeling obligated to play so that maybe all that time would pay off. Frankly, I've got better things to do.
Old timer.
The combat revamp saved this game for me Koltrane. I too quit a couple of months after release, just coming back about a month before the revamp and expansion. The game is challenging now, classes are different from one another, tons of new quests were added, arena battles, dueling, more loot...the list goes on.
For anyone that wanted this game to be good at release but just wasn't happy with it in general (i know i wasn't), give it a second look. You won't be sorry you did.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I actullay pre-ordered EQ2 after playing both WoW and EQ2 beta.
I thought that EQ2 offered more in the way of depth of play and character customization, and because EQ2 seemed to be more of an "MMo'ers' game after playinf DAoC and EQ for years.
It hurt badly when I reached 20 in EQ2 and felt like every other shaman on the block. Armor all looked the same, spells all the same - it felt like an FPS pre-rolled toon. I think that was the break point for me. I picked up a copy of WoW - it also lacks in customization, but at least post 20 I could still pick some skills and gear that would let me not be like every single other player who played my class.
Being forced to group for content; a poor, poor guild system and just an overall feel that the 'grind' was settling in already at 20. You still needed xxx healer, xxx tank, and lets fill the rest with whatever we class is around. If you didn't have the crucial two classes in your group you were waiting silently, grinding mobs with no hope of dungeon or raid content.
I was also harshly disappointed that so much was made out the Freeport vs. Qeynos thing - and when all was said and done it really amounted to nothing. Guilds could still hold both types of factions, characters could still group together - it all made no sense. Like the devs had this great vision of what it would be like to have this racial tension/war and then someone said - OH NO - CAN'T HAVE THAT! PEOPLE WILL GET P.O.ED IF THEY CAN'T INCLUDE EVERY CLASS IN THEIR GUILD!
I realize that 'things have changed' - hek I even have gotten a couple of invites to 'come on back' that I have seriously considered if I would have to reinstall and download a MOTHER of a patch I am sure - but no one has really explained WHAT has actually changed, other than a vauge reference to combat upgrades, some content and forthcoming PvP.
I would dearly like someone to tell me that there is more customization of characters, ablities and equipment. That I can adventure with my friends in a dungeon setting with having to spam chat for a healer. That the quests are more involved now than killing xxx number of this mob, or taking yyy stuff to another person.
Don't hold your breath bub. Many games seem to be lacking in that area. One, no matter the game yer gonna need healers to do anything serious, most quests fall in that cookie cutter category, though some games hide it better than others. Customization you can always hope for I guess.
lol Negative on the all servers being medium. TWO servers show red during USA peak times. TWO. The rest of the servers are all green and light. No Euro server goes above light.EVER! The servers are bare and new players find themselves without anyone else to help them or play with. But if youre so wrapped up in EQ2 being the best there is thats fine. Your call.
Personally i think most of the main stream MMOS about right now asre just cash ins and dont have the same innovation or originality of the old ones. Some new ones around the corner that might be diffrent but theres only so many dwarves and so many blasted short swords that one person can take. Fantasy burnout i guess.
First off why the heck do you feel the need to press Enter after every sentence? Usually this is someone who is trying to add impact to their statements which wouldn't need impact if they actually had it in the first place.
Secondly, your information is months out of date. 500 thousand subscribers now, that's about twice as many as when you probably played. Some servers have less and some have more, but even when I played on Befallen 5 months ago I never had trouble finding a group. I think some people have the social skills to do so and some just plain don't.
EQ2 is far from a cash in, I have never played a game that was worked on so hard by a group of developers. It was less than stellar at launch, but since then, they have added so much content and tweaked the gameplay and with the addition of the combat revamp, the game truly is Everquest 2 now. It's still not perfect, but if you have a high end system, there is no other fantasy game that even comes close. I say high end system because the game just plays perfectly after a certain point, and just isn't fun if you have a subpar system.
If you haven't played EQ2 since the combat revamp, then you haven't played EQ2 as it should be. It Rawks! If you don't like a challenge, as I have said before, you would be more at home in WoW, in which you can get from level 1 to 60 in roughly 3 weeks if you apply yourself.
I think you should change your sig to "Anarchy Art, EQII cheerleader of doom".
Agent_X7 AKA J Star
Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of MMORPG.com or its management.
Say there, Fanbois (you know who you are), why are you participating in the "Why did you leave EQ2" thread when you obviously haven't left EQ2? This isn't the "Why you are wrong for not enjoying EQ2 as much as I do" thread. No, I don't need an answer (though I'm sure one will be forthcoming shortly), the question is rhetorical.
Guess what? The game is not fun for everyone, before or after the combat overhaul. Or maybe it was fun beforehand, but isn't now. Let me word this a different way: Not everyone who was playing was having fun doing so. Not sinking in yet? Try this: Some people were logging into the game and not finding their play session rewarding. To many people, spending money on a pasttime which isn't enjoyable on some level is ridiculous.
These people are not wrong. These people are not mistaken in their beliefs or opinions, simply because that opinion isn't the same as yours, so please give it a rest.
I would like some backup to the statement that eq2 has 500k players, other then some dated article from the times. Frankly, with the servers being on light constantly, i have a hard time believing that.
And thehavok this thread isnt a discussion about EQ2 mate. Its about why people left eq2. Based on their experiences with the game. Yet some idiots insist on "proving" them wrong. They fail to grasp the fact that some people see EQ2 for what it really is. A pathetic shell of a game.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
Dated 2005-09-06
I like how your trying to "burn" someone in your post... Get better spacing.
I admire/respect your opinion, just like everyone elses that has posted here... Because their entitled to it.. Or something? Right?....
Thats the only one is it? I aint buying it.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
"I ain't buyin it."
Congratulations buddy, you need to buy it. One, you keep saying this "light server" thing, when I said a few posts ago most of the servers are medium, about 5 are heavy now. So, get that thought out of your head, I'm afraid it's insanely annoying.
Why do you not beleive that article? MMO Companies are required to release their subscriber numbers by law, and moreso if they want stock for their company... Beleive it, these days 500k subscribers is not alot, thanks to WoW.
The reason WoW is so big, is because it brought in the millions of people that played warcraft and starcraft, and never played mmo's before. So the majority of WoW players don't know that their are better games out there... And are lead to beleive every other game sucks due to subscriber numbers, and their fellow WoW idioteers.
nevermind im an idiot, just trying to get my shit up, nevermind it all =p lol dont hate. now please wait as i spam this poopie everywhere, JUST EVEYWHERE, bordum has overcome me and it strikes hard, i dont know what else to say or do but this stuff watch me ramble is any one reading is this game that dead? oh well this is how itgoes and the tail of the pony ate the gnome for the cookies and lived under the bridge by the river at the end of time.
I just dont know what else to type but i need a nice long post to get this stuff done, so that i can destroy the universe by the time DnDo comes online to the end of the time of the beach of the sand and the people and the slaves and the rambling, i love htis rambling, it is the best and it is not the fastest but actually the slowest thing that i could ever see, i dont know what else to say....
Where do you get your crazy information? They are most certainly NOT required by law to release their subscription numbers to the public.
Agent_X7 AKA J Star
Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of MMORPG.com or its management.
Thank you for proving what me and some others already knew: you never had any intention of playing EQ2, you are just a SOE hater killing time between skill changes and jumps in EVE (which I love btw).
You say EQ2 is a pathetic shell of a game after what, playing the trial of the isle? LOL! Try playing it deeper son, and you will see that it's a deep, lush, vibrant world, chock full of mystery, lore and plenty of danger and challenge.
I say this knowing full well you never had nor will have the intention of giving the game an honest go. You are only here to cast dispersions on it, and the sad thing is even before this post you tried to come here under the guise of "trying it out" and "doing research" about it. Gimme a break, I knew what you were up to the whole time, and so did, and does, everyone else.
Don't you get tired of getting constantly called out and pwned in the EQ2 section? Why do you keep coming back to get your butt handed to you? You're laughable. Keep on coming back to just try and diss the game, and I'll keep putting you over my knee and spanking you.
Did I say to the public?
A base canard! Chronic fanboying has made you delusional anarchyart. Although you refuse to believe it, i did infact conduct research about eq2 before making my decision wether to play or not. What i found was overwhelmingly negative so i know ive made the right decision.
What i find amusing is that you still havent grasped the fact that some people enjoy different things. While im quite vocal about my hate for eq2, i have never tried to deny you of your blind love for it. Unlike you, i dont try to convince people that they are wrong when they express an opinion. I merely express my own opinions and they can work it out from there.
No Anarchyart, you are the true troll here. Showering all manners of vile mentation over anyone whom dares criticize your flavour of the month game. Tis quite sad to behold. And even sadder that you think you can "pawn" someone in a discussion. Grow up.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
Hate. Hate. Hate for a game that you never played past the trial. Hate. Hate for a game that not two weeks ago you "claimed" you were thinking of getting.
Conducting research by making a thread about the game world in which two, count them, two people posted negatively about it when at least 8 other people posted positively and you acknowledged one of the two negative posters by replying "That's what I thought."
Conducting research by perusing message boards in which a single negative post by an O.P. wondered about lack of server populations with plethora replies from the civil EQ2 community and the ONE slightly negative post is the one you cited as information in your so called "research"? And then I post screenshots showing that server populations are on the rise and are in fact ALL at medium and heavy during peak hours and you respond by saying "I bet you a nickel sony lowered the bar for server populations." ROFL!
This is your research? And now you "hate" EQ2??? Get a grip on reality man, everyone knows your conclusions were reached long before you started posting in the EQ2 section and you NEVER once acknowledged a SINGLE positive post about the game. If you think you're fooling anyone give your head a shake, it's over. You didn't.
Just go away, you aren't fooling anyone but yourself.