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Questions to a Off-Site GM... (that's me)



  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by norriscj
    What will a customer service GM do exactly? Just handle customer complaints?

    Click this to read "some" of what is involved.

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • BrodbaneBrodbane Member Posts: 23

    You may of missed it Royce, but on Page 5 of this thread I put together a list of questions for you, if you are able to answer them.

    Visit the Unofficial Hero's Journey FAQ

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Brodbane

    Royce, I have a couple of questions for you.
    1. What is your GM role? Are you CS, World Builder...
    2. If someone applies to be a GM and does HORRIBLE on a section of the application. ie. Describe an hour of play in HJ, will this hurt their chances of being considered. This leads to my third question.
    3. Should people submit multiple applications, and likewise should we resubmit an application if our knowledge of the game has increased there by improving the quality of our answers?
    Thanks Royce!

    1) I'm a Dev GM that also loves to dabble in the rest of it. All the way from 3d stuff to CS stuff. I've been working for Simutronics since 1999 as a dev GM for Dragonrealms. In late 2002 I stepped over to HJ.

    2) I honestly don't think there is a true "Horrible" way to answer that question. Wait... let me rephrase that. There is no way to answer that "wrong" if you really want to be a GM.

    3) I did when I was hired. I took a step back and waited a few months and thought it out long an hard before I reapplied. In doing so, I gave much more truthful answers that were more to the point instead of just "telling them what you think they want to hear"

    Make sense?

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Brodbane

    You may of missed it Royce, but on Page 5 of this thread I put together a list of questions for you, if you are able to answer them.

    Heh, nope. I make sure to read everything in this topic.

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • BrodbaneBrodbane Member Posts: 23

    Thanks for the answers.

    In regards to your comments on question 3. My only incling towards reapplying was to show a better grasp of the vision of HJ and how I can contribute. The answers I gave, as a whole, were truthful and did not fall into the trap of "what they wanted to hear." That being said, humor spilled into a lot of the sections that I was unable to demonstrate a proficiency.

    So it may be a good time for me to reevaluate my expectations. World Builder GM is attractive, but I must come to accept my lack of 3d art capability and focus where my own strengths are.

    Visit the Unofficial Hero's Journey FAQ

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Brodbane

    Thanks for the answers.
    In regards to your comments on question 3. My only incling towards reapplying was to show a better grasp of the vision of HJ and how I can contribute. The answers I gave, as a whole, were truthful and did not fall into the trap of "what they wanted to hear." That being said, humor spilled into a lot of the sections that I was unable to demonstrate a proficiency.
    So it may be a good time for me to reevaluate my expectations. World Builder GM is attractive, but I must come to accept my lack of 3d art capability and focus where my own strengths are.

    World building has a technique more than a "3D ability". Don't think for one second that because you can't make a 3d model in 3d studio max or other such programs, that you can't world build.

    Nothing is farther from the truth. Keep that in mind. :)

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • BrodbaneBrodbane Member Posts: 23

    I will keep the dream alive then. Until then, there is plenty of work to be done on the Unofficial FAQ.

    Visit the Unofficial Hero's Journey FAQ

  • xDivianaDRxxDivianaDRx Member Posts: 239

    I feel like I'm going to be one of those extreme cases for being hired, in the meantime, I'll go find out silly stuff that they wanted to know, so that I can know it...

    The only problem is I'm impatient! I don't like to wait for stuff. I really want to do this, but I'm not even building the computer until I find out if I need to put as much into it.

    Oh yeah, I hear a lot that AMD is better than Intel, but should I just stick with an Intel p4 3.2 ghz or build with an AMD motherboard/processor?

    anyway, time to go wait it out.

    Hero's Journey GM
    Hero's Journey Official Site
    Hero's Hall

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by xDivianaDRx

    I feel like I'm going to be one of those extreme cases for being hired, in the meantime, I'll go find out silly stuff that they wanted to know, so that I can know it...

    The only problem is I'm impatient! I don't like to wait for stuff. I really want to do this, but I'm not even building the computer until I find out if I need to put as much into it.

    Oh yeah, I hear a lot that AMD is better than Intel, but should I just stick with an Intel p4 3.2 ghz or build with an AMD motherboard/processor?

    anyway, time to go wait it out.


    Part of game design is patience. If it wasn't for that we'de all end up like some other companies that toss out release after release full of bugs and missing animations (and other nasty things). Later we'de have a game full of unhappy players when we try to redo it all again.

    You can rush to do things, but take your time and test them. It's "always" exciting seeing something you created come to life, be it an area, a monster or code. In the end, happy people make it worth the wait.

    And as for AMD, yes. AMD is nice... yet I still refuse to give up my Dell XPS's. 3.2 p4's with ATI 9800 pro video. (both of them)

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • makkahmakkah Member Posts: 72

    <<yet I still refuse to give up my Dell XPS's. 3.2 p4's with ATI 9800 pro video. (both of them)>>

    Just curious if you've checked the 9800 to see if the XT chipset is in it.  A lot were shipped like that and you can FLASH them to the XT capabilities... (did it to mine last year)

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by makkah

    <<yet I still refuse to give up my Dell XPS's. 3.2 p4's with ATI 9800 pro video. (both of them)>>
    Just curious if you've checked the 9800 to see if the XT chipset is in it.  A lot were shipped like that and you can FLASH them to the XT capabilities... (did it to mine last year)

    No, I sure didn't. My wife is running a standard 9800 as well in her Dell.

    Yes, I'm a Dell fan (once you remove the garbage programs they install with them).

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • ArremusArremus Member Posts: 656
    Hello again Mr Royce image

    Ok, so I've been thinking a lot about current/coming MMOs, what sucks and what doesn't etc, and am now at the stage of hitting you with more philosophical questions hehe.

    1. Beyond the 'we have this and that unique feature in our game' replies, what do you honestly feel will be the factor(s) that will have myself and my brethren here playing 5 years after release? Games like EQ2 are quickly stale imo (1 year and over it etc), and WoW, although having a great vibe to it, is also starting to lack that.. something.. after a year.
    So what is it about HJ that will keep us interested, involved, and wanting to move to that next level?

    To expand, I know with EQ2, I have gotten sick of logging in an grinding another level because there is no 'end' point. And that's not really a PvP question either, as WoW has PvP but it's just like a side game. A lot of current MMOs have no real purpose to them beyond getting the oober lootz etc.
    What will be the yin in HJ's yang man.. or whatever? What will be our purpose for continuing to play?

    2. Removed from the HJ thing a bit:
    I've been working on a world (for a set of novels to be written sometime in the future) for about 5 years now; culmination of university studies and extreme personal interest. As the world is becoming more and more specifically fleshed out, it only really occurred to me a couple of days ago about how MMO worlds are created.
    So my question is, how would I, as a writer/creator of worlds, go about trying to get my ideas and visions etc known? Or is it like the music industry (which I bypassed) where you have the 1:1,000,000 of not eating bread for your career? If that is so, feel free to say so cos that's what I'd expect to hear to be honest hehe.

    3. When can we look to have someone, either here or on the website, go deeper into class mechanics please mate? Such as how an Archer's ranged skill will work, will healing be 'press button and heal +250' or will it be 'press heal and channel heals over time' etc etc.
    I know there are a lot of us who are really, really hanging out to get to know the finer details of HJ, due to the fact that there are only one or two other decent looking MMOs on the horizon (and we want in NOOOW!! image)

    Ok, will leave you be now. Thanks mate, totally appreciate you taking the time to talk to us.

    "(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
    Oh. My. God.

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Arremus
    Hello again Mr Royce image

    Ok, so I've been thinking a lot about current/coming MMOs, what sucks and what doesn't etc, and am now at the stage of hitting you with more philosophical questions hehe.

    1. Beyond the 'we have this and that unique feature in our game' replies, what do you honestly feel will be the factor(s) that will have myself and my brethren here playing 5 years after release? Games like EQ2 are quickly stale imo (1 year and over it etc), and WoW, although having a great vibe to it, is also starting to lack that.. something.. after a year.
    So what is it about HJ that will keep us interested, involved, and wanting to move to that next level?

    To expand, I know with EQ2, I have gotten sick of logging in an grinding another level because there is no 'end' point. And that's not really a PvP question either, as WoW has PvP but it's just like a side game. A lot of current MMOs have no real purpose to them beyond getting the oober lootz etc.
    What will be the yin in HJ's yang man.. or whatever? What will be our purpose for continuing to play?

    2. Removed from the HJ thing a bit:
    I've been working on a world (for a set of novels to be written sometime in the future) for about 5 years now; culmination of university studies and extreme personal interest. As the world is becoming more and more specifically fleshed out, it only really occurred to me a couple of days ago about how MMO worlds are created.
    So my question is, how would I, as a writer/creator of worlds, go about trying to get my ideas and visions etc known? Or is it like the music industry (which I bypassed) where you have the 1:1,000,000 of not eating bread for your career? If that is so, feel free to say so cos that's what I'd expect to hear to be honest hehe.

    3. When can we look to have someone, either here or on the website, go deeper into class mechanics please mate? Such as how an Archer's ranged skill will work, will healing be 'press button and heal +250' or will it be 'press heal and channel heals over time' etc etc.
    I know there are a lot of us who are really, really hanging out to get to know the finer details of HJ, due to the fact that there are only one or two other decent looking MMOs on the horizon (and we want in NOOOW!! image)

    Ok, will leave you be now. Thanks mate, totally appreciate you taking the time to talk to us.

    1) Development and LOTS of it is what pops into my head first. I think the phrase "Army of GM's" is now trademarked, and for good reason. I think HJ will see more development and content that any mmopg out there to date. As such, there will ALWAYS be something new to do.

    In doing so, we hope to build a community as well, which is very very important to any game. Without friends, it's just an RPG and we all know that RPG's have an ending.

    This is all because of the gang at the office working on the tools for us GM's. The things we've gotten have already made other dev's drool when they saw them at e3. (And to those of you that did see the tools at e3... they've gotten better). People like Dave and Andy and Jeff and David and Chris and Mike and Eric have done an amazing job trying to make our life easy. And because of that, it will make the game seemingly endless to the community.

    2) The best way that I currently see it? Join HJ as a GM to get your feet wet in the industry. Most core ideas for the mmorpg world come from inhouse people. I'm not sure of any game company that just accepts pitches from outside sources. Although I'm sure there might be a few.

    So, to be brief, a background in the industry is a key for ideas such as yourselves... but you may get lucky anyway just by posting on "this" site somehow.

    Good luck on the book!

    3) As for more details on the classes. That's 100% up to the onsite folks. Keep a eye on the interviews here though for sure.

    The e3 demo gives some small hints :)

    And, your welcome and any time.

    Now, where's my coffee! /forageCoffee

    P.S. Yea! They have me labeled as an HJ GM now. Whew!

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • ArremusArremus Member Posts: 656
    Thankyou very much for all the info Royce!

    And so I charted back to get the link, and it don't worky. Then I try the normal website link for HJ, and it don't worky eithy!

    Doth it mean'eth that perhaps it is time'th? For the new website?
    Or maybe my connection is just buggered atm...

    Either way, I'll check it out when I can :) That's if we can work for Sim all the way in Australia.. image

    "(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
    Oh. My. God.

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Arremus
    Thankyou very much for all the info Royce!

    And so I charted back to get the link, and it don't worky. Then I try the normal website link for HJ, and it don't worky eithy!

    Doth it mean'eth that perhaps it is time'th? For the new website?
    Or maybe my connection is just buggered atm...

    Either way, I'll check it out when I can :) That's if we can work for Sim all the way in Australia.. image

    Ah, yes. Sorry about this. Here's a note from our producer I'll pass along.

    We need to do some emergency maintenance Thursday morning that involves removing the ability to log into the games, website, and forums. We will remove the ability to log in at 7 AM Eastern time. We should be done by 12 Noon Eastern if not earlier.

    If you are logged into the games beforehand, you will be able to continue playing. We will update this notice when we are finished with the maintenance.

    We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    And it's back online now. :)

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • ArremusArremus Member Posts: 656

    hehe yup I saw that, when I tried the site just before.
    Which lead me to the Ten Ton (tonne?) Hammer interview, and this pic:


    Which prompted a new question in ma head.

    1. Will zones like this will be used for both 'open' areas and instances?

    2. If we were to come across that castle in our adventures;
    a. would we be able to enter it and explore it as it appears?
    b. would we zone into an instance when entering the castle? or would we be contesting for bosses etc?

    3. In all honesty, are those visuals a high end computing gamer's normal 30fps game play? Or is that an EQ2 style turn to max settings to look amazing but completely nonfunctional? *grin*

    4. Can we own/claim/contest ownership of through PvP/raid/siege that castle?

    By the way, that looks AMAZING!

    "(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
    Oh. My. God.

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Arremus

    hehe yup I saw that, when I tried the site just before.
    Which lead me to the Ten Ton (tonne?) Hammer interview, and this pic:


    Which prompted a new question in ma head.

    1. Will zones like this will be used for both 'open' areas and instances?

    2. If we were to come across that castle in our adventures;
    a. would we be able to enter it and explore it as it appears?
    b. would we zone into an instance when entering the castle? or would we be contesting for bosses etc?

    3. In all honesty, are those visuals a high end computing gamer's normal 30fps game play? Or is that an EQ2 style turn to max settings to look amazing but completely nonfunctional? *grin*

    4. Can we own/claim/contest ownership of through PvP/raid/siege that castle?

    By the way, that looks AMAZING!

    I can't answer them all.. but here goes.

    1) Can't answer this one yet. :)

    2a) Oh yes. (maybe not that one.. but there are plenty like this)

    2b) Can't answer this one yet either. :)

    3) That screenie right there my Dell can produce all day long (3.2 gig, 1 meg ram) running at a very good FPS. That is not some "turn everything to max and snapshot"

    4) Heh... nice idea and one I can't answer at this time. Don't want to spoil too much now.

    That's a semi early screenshot if I remember right. They've only gotten better.

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • xDivianaDRxxDivianaDRx Member Posts: 239

    Royce, Could you send me an email?

    It's not about secret stuff, more like something personal..

    Hero's Journey GM
    Hero's Journey Official Site
    Hero's Hall

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by xDivianaDRx

    Royce, Could you send me an email?
    It's not about secret stuff, more like something personal..

    You are more than welcome to send me an e-mail at

    I don't respond to emails but I read them all. If anything I will respond here directly or use the inbox for private messages.

    I get emails when people post here, so believe me when I say I check my emails ALOT during the day.

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • BraboBrabo Member Posts: 8

    Hey bro, don't know if you've covered these question elsewhere but here goes..

    1. Any rough estimate when Beta testing will launch?

    2. When beta testing does launch will there be a good amount of slots? Rough ballpark?

    3. What would be the best way other than checking forums/ to get in on that?

    4. Will there be strong support (experience/roleplaying points) for people like myself who would like to be in town offering services? (lockpicking, healing, drinking beers etc. ::Burp::)

    5. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Brabo

    Hey bro, don't know if you've covered these question elsewhere but here goes..

    1. Any rough estimate when Beta testing will launch?
    2. When beta testing does launch will there be a good amount of slots? Rough ballpark?
    3. What would be the best way other than checking forums/ to get in on that?
    4. Will there be strong support (experience/roleplaying points) for people like myself who would like to be in town offering services? (lockpicking, healing, drinking beers etc. ::Burp::)
    5. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Hiya Brab.

    1) As soon as onsite is ready. Believe me, we'll post here and on the forums the second it happens.

    2) No "exact" numbers yet, but low at first as the waters are tested.

    3) Checking Here at MMORPG

    4) There will be social "verbs". What's an MMORPG without ways to socialize and express yourself? :)

    5) Thanks Brab! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • BraboBrabo Member Posts: 8

    Originally posted by HJ-Royce
    Hiya Brab.
    1) As soon as onsite is ready. Believe me, we'll post here and on the forums the second it happens.
    2) No "exact" numbers yet, but low at first as the waters are tested.
    3) Checking Here at MMORPG
    4) There will be social "verbs". What's an MMORPG without ways to socialize and express yourself? :)
    5) Thanks Brab! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.

    Thanks for the info man. Now do you think it will be tough to get into the beta even if you respond pretty quickly? Will it be first come, or lottery?

    Also will there be experience rewards installed additionaly to the verb system when performing "services" to other players? Especially lockpicking, and healing/raising?

  • HJ-RoyceHJ-Royce Hero's Journey GMMember Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Brabo

    Originally posted by HJ-Royce

    Hiya Brab.
    1) As soon as onsite is ready. Believe me, we'll post here and on the forums the second it happens.
    2) No "exact" numbers yet, but low at first as the waters are tested.
    3) Checking Here at MMORPG
    4) There will be social "verbs". What's an MMORPG without ways to socialize and express yourself? :)
    5) Thanks Brab! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.

    Thanks for the info man. Now do you think it will be tough to get into the beta even if you respond pretty quickly? Will it be first come, or lottery?

    Also will there be experience rewards installed additionaly to the verb system when performing "services" to other players? Especially lockpicking, and healing/raising?

    1) Current Simutronics customers are first and foremost. There have been "give aways" of one or two Beta tests at past Simucons as well. After that, I can not say as that info has not yet been released to the public.

    2) That also has not been revealed yet. A key thing to remember is this... in HJ, you're already a Hero. Keep that in mind when you think about verbs and services.

    Simutronics Staff (GM)

  • darquenbladedarquenblade Member Posts: 1,015

    Hi Royce; got a quick one to throw in here:

    When creating quests, can you script certain events and conversations with NPCs in a 'cinematic' sort of way. What I mean by this is instead of just standing there watching something happen or talking to an NPC from the standard 3rd person gameplay view, can you switch to a more cinematic camera angle to better portray the event or conversation?

    And if this is possible, do you know if it is something that is being done quite a bit so far?

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