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I read this article "World of Warcraft: Two Casual Years Later" and am really disapointed in it.
For the most part, when there's an editiorial from this site, it's balanced with insights on the pros and cons of a game. This editorial, however, made me wanna puke.
WoW is a good game don't get me wrong, but it's really freakin repeatative. The redundancy of running the same few instances, at end game, over and over, ad nauseum, is insane. Not to mention the whole itemization, versus player experience and skill.
I'm an oldschool gamer.
Back in the day, it was skill that set you apart from fellow gamers. It was skill that challenged and fueled tournaments and endless gaming sessions.
Granted, it does take a minimal amount of skill to be a good WoW player, BUT that being said...
The game falls flat with it's dependency on itemization. The game rewards people for mindlessly repeating the same instances over and over and over and over. Not to mention the basic startegy for almost every single instance is the same. Yeah, there are some nuances and variations, but basically the same.
I played WoW in beta for a really long time before it went live so maybe I just burned out before most others.
All in all, I'm just not that impressed by WoW anymore. I do remeber playing that game everyday, and I log in every once in a while for ten mintues tops. I can't seem to get into it, and I certainly don't enjoy sitting infront of my damn computer for 3-5 hours to go through an instance.
I understand that the expansion will bring a change in the way honor and PvP works, new battlegrounds, higher lvl cap, 2 new races, and a new profession. When all that goes live then maybe my interest in that game will be sparked once more...
but as of right now, WoW is not as great as the author of this editorial paints it out to be, at least not to me.
Why is this guy on the staff?
"As a casual player I should have long since gotten bored and moved on. It only took 6 months with EverQuest, six months with Asheron's Call, three days with Ultima Online, three months with World War II Online and Planetside and about a year with Star Wars Galaxies."
He has played 1 real MMO for a decent amount of time and his "expertise" in the MMO market is extremely limited. If he was a real critic, then he would have at least 20 different games on that list. I can name 20 different games I've played longer than a month.
Critics are also avid gamers, not "casual players".
A Work in Progress.
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He could be someone's friend..who knows.
I can actually write pretty good reviews. I have been working on a game review site of my own for a little while, but I don't know PHP and it kinda overwhelmed me. Just because I think that WoW is pretty bad and EVE is awsome, doesn't mean I can't be critical about both.
Hopefully, I can finish it soon. I have a friend who's learning PHP and he's been programming in C++ for 9yrs, so he should pick it up pretty quick.
A Work in Progress.
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Cool. Add a link to your site here when you get it up and running.
I'd love to read your reviews.
I'd love to write reviews as well, if you're ever in need of an article to fill some space.
What greater tribute to free will than the power to question the highest of authority? What greater display of loyalty than blind faith? What greater gift than free will? What greater love than loyalty?
Ugh, i've played mmorpgs for longer than the dude that wrote the editorial and i'm 15.
Oh and Kryogenic I think you did a better job reviewing WoW then the author of that editorial.
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A site for pro and recreational gaming.
The author of that editorial shouldn't be working for, because he isn't experienced with that time of game..
He shouldn't have been hired in the first place, imho.
I understand where you're coming from.
It just sucks when I read stuff like that on a gaming site. It's just midless hype without the why.
I mean it's great to give an optimistic view on something, but when you don't back it up with anything other than "many people play it", it rubs me a like a dude with calluses... and I'm married with a 9 year old daughter and a soon be boy or girl... which means I don't like to be rubbed by dudes... even dudes with soft skin... well maybe if the dude had tits and really soft skin... wait that's just gross.
All jokes aside, I just think that if you're going to write an editorial for a gaming site that you have a responsibility to the readers that frequent the site to write something of substance. Empty praise is not substance.
Me thinking differently about the game than he does, has nothing to do with whether or not I think he should be doing reviews, or editorials. He has limited experience in MMOs and he even classifies himself as a "casual gamer". I can see the good points in WoW, but I can see the faults as well. I dont' like to admitt the good points because I'm so against the game as a whole, but they are there.
This guy just doens't have the experience to be posting anything about any game on a site that people come to and read articles seriously. I don't read articles seriously, because I am an avid gamer and have probably played the game. But, there are alot of casual players out there who don't love MMOs as much as me......... this "editor" being one.
A Work in Progress.
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The author of that editorial shouldn't be working for, because he isn't experienced with that time of game..
He shouldn't have been hired in the first place, imho.
WoW and your 15 right?
Imho you should really just S T F U
Puberty first...then maybe you can decide the fate of grown mens careers.
Heres to you dumbass
So if an opinion differs from your own, that person is wrong? Im not defending the game, just a guys right to feel the way he likes about something. Even when other people dont agree. One thing about these editorials, they are about games. Not all people like the same games. And with games its ALL about opinion. In closing that makes your opinion on games just as viable, but that still reserves the right of a website to pick its own employees. If you dont agree, fill out an application, maybe you can post your own opinion.
Till then, play what you have fun playing. Who cares what this guy likes or doesnt? How does his opinion really affect you?
"The touch is cold
I tore a path screaming through wind and blood
I will it all
Burning deep in my skull"
-Mastodon "Crystal Skull"
Here's to a bigger dumbass
His age has absolutely nothing to do with ANYTHING. You know why? Because he's absolutely right.
So, here's to another for the dumbass bashing on someone for nothing more than his age!
You're in the same boat as the editor in question, he's praising a game for numbers, and you're bashing someone for the number of years he's been alive.
A Work in Progress.
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How are you going to develop a professional opinion if you have limited knowledge of the thing you're giving an opinion for?
This guy writing this review, editorial, or w/e. Would be the same as me critiquing Gov. X's current policy on whatever for CNN. I have no experience in the feild and I know nothing about the policy or the Governor, but I think I'm going to critique it anyway.
A Work in Progress.
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Wow, guys...
Call me Jonnie Storm.
"Flame ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Just remeber Star Wars.
"Stay on target... STAY on target"
"They came... from... behind"
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
My point is simple, this editorial is not intended for people like us(I've played over 20 MMO's for over a month as well) its meant for those that the game caters to which is the newb so to speak of the MMO world. For those people I feel he did his job and a side note if he played SWG for a year he probably is fully qualified to review a MMO imo.
Might consider that he has been reviewing other types of games or he has been a writer for an extended period of time. Experience in the field and with games in general can be just as valuable when reviewing any game. An editorial is opinion so disagree with the opinion but don't tear someone down simply because you feel you could do it better because frankly your not a reviewer here so we really don't know the quality of your writing in general.
Experience only goes so far, the ability to write in a cohesive and professional manner comes into play when reviewing the writing of an author. Just my two cents....
I can actually write pretty good reviews. I have been working on a game review site of my own for a little while, but I don't know PHP and it kinda overwhelmed me. Just because I think that WoW is pretty bad and EVE is awsome, doesn't mean I can't be critical about both.
Hopefully, I can finish it soon. I have a friend who's learning PHP and he's been programming in C++ for 9yrs, so he should pick it up pretty quick.
Dont take this the wrong way, but I dont think you can write good reviews. I dont think you're capable of writing anything of interest to anyone ever at any point in the entire existance of the universe. I base this on the posts I've seen you write in these forums. I suppose its entirely possible that youre actually the reincarnation of L Ron Hubbard, only Xenu is possessing your body and forcing you to write lengthy, pointless drivel.
I can actually write pretty good reviews. I have been working on a game review site of my own for a little while, but I don't know PHP and it kinda overwhelmed me. Just because I think that WoW is pretty bad and EVE is awsome, doesn't mean I can't be critical about both.
Hopefully, I can finish it soon. I have a friend who's learning PHP and he's been programming in C++ for 9yrs, so he should pick it up pretty quick.
Dont take this the wrong way, but I dont think you can write good reviews. I dont think you're capable of writing anything of interest to anyone ever at any point in the entire existance of the universe. I base this on the posts I've seen you write in these forums. I suppose its entirely possible that youre actually the reincarnation of L Ron Hubbard, only Xenu is possessing your body and forcing you to write lengthy, pointless drivel.
A Work in Progress.
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A.) He, and almost everyone else in this thread has had much more experience in the MMORPG field than the author of that editorial
B.) I at least, and I suspect its the same for many others, would still criticize WOW for its serious shortcomings if it had 50K subs, the topic would simply not come up as stupidly often.
Right, because SWG so obviously represents the entire MMORPG market that experience in the rest of the field is not needed.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
It's nonsense to say that a casual gamer should not b e reviewing games. What that does is skew the reviewing expectations and criteria towards non-casual games and designs that cater to non-casual gamers. It's fine if you have those criteria, but not everyone does, and to be honest, a casual gamer's criteria is just as valid as a non-casual gamer's criteria, particularly when it comes to a game like WoW which, for the levelling part of the game at least, caters to the casual gamer.
I mean I've played WoW on and off for the past two years, and I've played EVE for most of the past 2.5 years. If the main point is "EVE is great and WoW sux", honestly that's just a very simpleminded way of looking at things. EVE and WoW are apples and oranges, aimed at completely different markets and with completely different degrees of success. The reality is that they are both great games for the market of players for which they were designed, and they both suffer from significant flaws (WoW's being the horrific EQ-like endgame of raids which is completely at odds with the game design in general and EVE's being the relative paucity of developer-driven content together with th horrificly steep learning curve and barriers to entry for all but the most intrepid new players). Both games have loyal fanbases, but WoW appeals to far more gamers than EVE does because it was intended to appeal to a mass market of gamers, whereas EVE wasn't. Bashing WoW because you like EVE is an exercise in public stupidity, in my opinion, having played both games extensively over the past few years.
And one final note: being an elite, experienced gamer does not give you the right to call for the silencing of the voices of the casual gamers. There are more of them than there are of the elite gamers, and for that reason alone, theirs is an important voice to be heard.
First of all, you obviously didn't read any of my posts, and if you did you missed the point.
I don't care how many games the guy played or how much experience he has.
The article is just empty fluff with no substance.
It can be summed up by saying that that guy likes WoW and that alot of people play it.
My point is that he could have just posted that in the WoW forums on the site. It just doesn't make for a good editorial.
Your post above has more substance than that guy's editorial because you site specific examples to back up your opinion which shows that you have insight insofar as those games are concerned.
Finally, pleae don't label me and/or group me in with what you call "hardcore" gamers. I like games that challenge and require skill. I don't like games that require you to play them 24/7. I like the gaming community and the games that were developed alot more back before all these "hardcore" gamers flooded into the scene.