a poker game with no money involved is by no means boring, its a fun passtime hobby with friends and few beers. But if you add money to the game, it becomes a whole new animal. The thrill and excitement, fear of losing your coins that you were supposed to go buy babyfood for your newborn son, but got sidetracked, makes the game surpass everything you could experience in a poker game without bets. BUT you should only play with what you can afford to lose, if the bets are too high for your income, say next 6 months salary, it just doesnt work.
Same way, pvp with looting can only work if the bets wont make you lose months of grinding, lost items should be replacable in a relatively short time through grind or better yet crafting/trade.
XP loss is a bad idea because it forces you to grind mobs to regain the lost xp (i hate pve, because AI always sucks), with item loss you have the option of crafting them yourself or buyin from someone.
In my opening post, I may have left out detail about what sort of PVP I'd like to see occur.
I'd love an Arena option, where by two people, even of the same faction / sides can enter and do battle while spectators can... heh spectate, with the option of having looting on or off (up to the players) in this case.
This could also be included for 2 vs 2 or more.
A looting switch doesnt work. The reason is people always choose the safe way. Just shows that most these people are all talk. When given the option they choose no looting. UO has item insurance and full looting. Everyone chooses item insurance (no looting). No matter what they try to say about running around with high risk makes them love the game, you can loot a million corpses in that game and never are you going to find an artifact unless someone forgot to put item insurance on or ran out of money in the bank. People say one thing then practice another.
What they really mean to say is, they want a game where they can gank a bunch of newbs and take all there stuff. They want HIGH REWARDS with NO RISK. They dont want risk, they just like to pretend they do. If they really wanted risk, they would run around without armor or item insurance with an awesome artifact. Im sure they would get alot of attention, that would really get thier heart pumping. You wont ever see them do it thou.
Let's get something out of the way right away; I really enjoy PVP in most games, including MMORPG's.
I feel the PVP in games where there is nothing to be gained but bragging rights is like playing poker with mates, but not putting real money at stake. Why would you care about going 'all in' when you have nothing to loose really, and everything to gain. Not to say this form of PVP is a complete waste of time, but I do feel when there is something at stake (equipment, money, xp etc), the element and entire conflict is heightened to a new level. The tension is that much higher, the anticipation, everything... because no one wants to loose the shirt of their backs...
I understand that not everyone likes the idea of having all their nice things looted off their lifeless corpse, that's why I propose each game contain a "Hardcore" PVP server (much like Rappelz, but unfortunately its broken at the moment). Once you create your character, and select said Hardcore server, a message appears, something like: Warning, you are entering a Hardcore Player vs. Player Server, where other players can kill you willingly and loot your items / gold / money etc. You cannot transfer characters to this server or from this server.
I for one would probably play 2 characters, my PVP Hardcore character, centred around making other PC's dead while my normal server character would be catered to grouping, Xping, adventuring and exploring.
Thanks for reading,
That's a really great way to put it ginetti, and I wholeheartedly agree. PVP can be fun no matter what of course, but for a lot of folks the thrill and adrenaline rush comes when more is on the line and the risk is much greater. I play my fair share of online poker and I always stick with no limit hold em. As much as it sucks to drop all of your chips, it's an exciting experience knowing that you can win it all and lose it all with any single hand.
And your suggestion is one that so many people have brought up, yet here we are and so few games seem to be willing to utilize it. The hardcore PVP'ers want that high-risk experience so why not give it to them on their own server? All the while you're giving the so-called carebears what they want by having other servers with much stricter PVP rules and less risk involved. Not to mention that if you give choices (people love choices) you'll avoid a lot of the war of words that goes on because everybody is getting what they want.
I think most PVP'ers just want to get something for PVP'ing, Like better items or control over a castle. But some of us(i don't think we are many sadly) wants losses, not just gains. In an MMO without losses the PvP becomes more like an FPS, a battle of skill. The problem with that is that no MMO to date requires any skill, just press the buttons in the correct order. In a MMO with losses the diplomacy and strategy plays a bigger part, you have to get allies to survive against stronger clans etc.
And i just won't believe you people saying that you get the same rush with or without losses. Sure it's still the honor, but the honor and your items gotta sting a bit more right?
I however don't think full loot is the only solution, there is probably many ideas that would work perfectly fine... The important thing is that you gotta feel it when you die, not like in WoW when you just *sigh* and runs back to your corpse.
In Poker it's all vs all. Everyone ante's up the same. Seems noone else has caught this. I don't know of any poker game where you get your hand, and then the rest of your buddies all combine for a hand.
In an open pvp game it isnt. It's usually 5 guys ganking one. What risk is there for the 5? The solo dude ante'd up everything.
Who would play poker if you got your hand then 5 other guys combined cards to make the best hand they could?
Most people don't care about losing something if its a fair fight. But games as you suggest are just gank fests, in which one side risks NOTHING.
Figure out a way to stop gankfests, so it's actuallly fair both ways, both people are risking the same, or it won't ever fly. Sad, but true.
EDIT: And people already cry that XP loss on death in PVE is just a time-waste, yet losing items / money in PVP would be EXACTLY the same. Just a time waste to get back to where you were.
In a way lineage 2 has both options. If you play chaos you might drop something when you get killed, when your purple you dont loose a thing besides xp. Both parties happy, the only thing that sucks is that bots now are in candyland since they cant drop a thing.
Let's get something out of the way right away; I really enjoy PVP in most games, including MMORPG's.
I feel the PVP in games where there is nothing to be gained but bragging rights is like playing poker with mates, but not putting real money at stake. Why would you care about going 'all in' when you have nothing to loose really, and everything to gain. Not to say this form of PVP is a complete waste of time, but I do feel when there is something at stake (equipment, money, xp etc), the element and entire conflict is heightened to a new level. The tension is that much higher, the anticipation, everything... because no one wants to loose the shirt of their backs...
I understand that not everyone likes the idea of having all their nice things looted off their lifeless corpse, that's why I propose each game contain a "Hardcore" PVP server (much like Rappelz, but unfortunately its broken at the moment). Once you create your character, and select said Hardcore server, a message appears, something like: Warning, you are entering a Hardcore Player vs. Player Server, where other players can kill you willingly and loot your items / gold / money etc. You cannot transfer characters to this server or from this server.
I for one would probably play 2 characters, my PVP Hardcore character, centred around making other PC's dead while my normal server character would be catered to grouping, Xping, adventuring and exploring.
Thanks for reading,
i can see your point, but without one server dediacted to that type of PVP ... it wouldnt work ... i come from star wars galaxies .. where there was pretty intense PVP ... and the cost of PVP'ing ruined the game .... the cost being the loss of xp from jedi on the grind .... i played as a bounty hunter and was harassed constantly for enjoying PVP ... bad mouthed in the forums as a cheater for being GOOD at PVP ... and all around watched as sony trasnformed the game mainly because of JEDI. bounty hunters, and PVP'ing .. into a total piece of crappolla ...
so unless one or more servers are dedicated towards " hardcore pvp", it wouldnt work imho ... and still might not ... when you dedicate an entire server to lawless and penalty ridden PVP ... people arent so interested ...or not as interested as you might think ...
first off many people like to devote their time to one character and one server ... if they had to choose between the two they'd take the server they KNEW they could grow with and enjoy the game .... second ... this isnt the MMO generation of the late 90's early 2000's ... this is a new generation ... mostly populated by younger timid gamers, or older players who dont want the drama .. ... in a game where PVP is standard in all servers they will in fact join in on the fun .. especially if there is no penalty ... but in a game where PVP offers more mature and detrimental consequences ... i expect these kids to shy away from it
In a game of Poker with no money, when you lose the deck will be reshuffled. In a MMO PvP game, you simply respawn. If (no money) poker were like a MMO, then everyone would have an ACE in their hand, and their hand would grow by one ACE and everyone would be calling eachother and nobody would fold, and nobody would ever win or lose.
In a game of Poker with no money, when you lose the deck will be reshuffled. In a MMO PvP game, you simply respawn. If (no money) poker were like a MMO, then everyone would have an ACE in their hand, and their hand would grow by one ACE and everyone would be calling eachother and nobody would fold, and nobody would ever win or lose.
leveling is stupid and higher levels being able to destroy lower levels would make full loot pvp crappy
class specific items and pretty much class based games arent designed for full loot
taking months to obtain items is stupid
a game designed for full loot pvp would need to be skill based where everyone has a closer to equal chance at winning, no pre-set classes, no levels, some relatively safe towns, and pvp that doesnt last 3-4 seconds (such as wow pvp) before someone dies. gear should also be easy to get and most of the gear in the game should be craftable
mmos that are currently out just arent designed for full loot pvp and people dont understand why it would be fun. games like UO put the fun in fighting each other instead of grinding your gear and levels (which imo isnt fun).
In a game of Poker with no money, when you lose the deck will be reshuffled. In a MMO PvP game, you simply respawn. If (no money) poker were like a MMO, then everyone would have an ACE in their hand, and their hand would grow by one ACE and everyone would be calling eachother and nobody would fold, and nobody would ever win or lose.
what the fuck?? Oh you want me to elaborate.
If Poker were an MMO, then everyone would start out with 5 aces, and everytime around each player's hand would grow by an additional ace until the deck ran out of aces, then another deck would be brought in. An hour later, every player would be holding 500 aces. Nobody would ever win, nobody would ever lose, just spawn more aces.
In a game of Poker with no money, when you lose the deck will be reshuffled. In a MMO PvP game, you simply respawn. If (no money) poker were like a MMO, then everyone would have an ACE in their hand, and their hand would grow by one ACE and everyone would be calling eachother and nobody would fold, and nobody would ever win or lose.
what the fuck?? Oh you want me to elaborate.
If Poker were an MMO, then everyone would start out with 5 aces, and everytime around each player's hand would grow by an additional ace until the deck ran out of aces, then another deck would be brought in. An hour later, every player would be holding 500 aces. Nobody would ever win, nobody would ever lose, just spawn more aces. yea, i still have no clue what the heck are you talking about, but somehow i get the feeling that either you didnt quite grasp the whole poker-pvp thing or youre just fooling around, which is fine.
In general, I do not like PvP in MMORPGs. I feel that if you want to kill other player controlled characters you should go play an FPS. It causes too many problems for people who play the game for the sake of the game, to experience its richness, complete the quests, kill epic monsters, and so on and so forth.
Take Lineage 2's siege system. That is very cool. However, the ability to gank a level 1 inside the noobie zone because you are bored just seems unnecessary. The ability to prey on lower level players and steal their items is no better than being a Thug irl - because thats exactly what you're doing. Do I think MMOs should cater to people who want to be virtual Thugs without the consequence of jail time? Of course not.
That being said, I think the idea of risk is an important one - but it should be on both sides. A level 50 can kill a level 1 with no risk - essentially thats like coming to the poker table every time with a straight flush when the other person hasn't even got a pair- you dont' have much chance of losing ;P Makes the person who draws the crap hand every time wonder why they even play and eventually, they will stop playing.
PvP has its place. A voluntary system, requiring you to 'flag up' or be in 'certain zones' or even on a 'certain server' - is fine. All parties agree to come and sit at that poker table and battle it out. The problem I have is when people who don't want to sit at that table are dragged off of the couch, handed some cards and told to sink or swim. No one likes to be forced to do anything against their will, and more and more games these days are putting weaker, perhaps more Role Playing oriented players ( in an RPG, imagine that!) into situations where they can be griefed, and this is what I find to be unacceptable.
In WoW, you're basically safe unless you go looking for trouble on the 'normal' server. Thats fine. In Eq2, you're safe unless you play on a PvP server. In AC, you were safe unless you went red at the altar, which is fine, voluntary choice. However there are many games that do not give you this choice, where by installing the game you are agreeing to PvP. Yes, there's a thrill of danger, but how long are you going to keep playing a game where you find yourself constantly killed by higher lvl players against whom you had absolutely no chance to defend yourself while trying to do your noobie quests? Or trying to level up? It ceases to be a thrill of danger and becomes something different entirely - an annoyance.
Imagine if you will that every time you went out to kill a mob or do a quest, your game crashed, rendering you unable to continue. You'd log back on to lost xp or items or whatever that game's penalty is. And there was nothing you could do about it. How long would you keep playing? Its the same thing with being ganked/griefed. The exact same thing. Being beaten by something against which you had no chance isn't fun.
All that aside, I think PvP among equals or semi-equals, where both sides have risk and both sides have the same or near same chance of victory is a pleasurable experience.
Gaming? That's not gaming! That's just people sat 'round in costumes drinking...
In a game of Poker with no money, when you lose the deck will be reshuffled. In a MMO PvP game, you simply respawn. If (no money) poker were like a MMO, then everyone would have an ACE in their hand, and their hand would grow by one ACE and everyone would be calling eachother and nobody would fold, and nobody would ever win or lose.
what the fuck?? Oh you want me to elaborate.
If Poker were an MMO, then everyone would start out with 5 aces, and everytime around each player's hand would grow by an additional ace until the deck ran out of aces, then another deck would be brought in. An hour later, every player would be holding 500 aces. Nobody would ever win, nobody would ever lose, just spawn more aces. yea, i still have no clue what the heck are you talking about, but somehow i get the feeling that either you didnt quite grasp the whole poker-pvp thing or youre just fooling around, which is fine.
Did you hear the parable of the monkey?
A monkey played a MMO once, he gained lots of items and gold. All the monkey needed was determination and allot of button pushing. The monkey was a chimpanzee. One day this Chimpanzee was pushing the same button over and over again and the button broke. The Chimpanzee didn't know how to buy a new keyboard, or bind another key to the action. At about this time when the keyboard broke, the monkey was just about to loot an epic piece of armor, but didn't really know it because epics drop randomly and only the server knows when an epic will drop. This is the parable of the monkey, and there is no point, sorry if you read all this.
Yes, there's a thrill of danger, but how long are you going to keep playing a game where you find yourself constantly killed by higher lvl players against whom you had absolutely no chance to defend yourself while trying to do your noobie quests? Or trying to level up? It ceases to be a thrill of danger and becomes something different entirely - an annoyance. Imagine if you will that every time you went out to kill a mob or do a quest, your game crashed, rendering you unable to continue. You'd log back on to lost xp or items or whatever that game's penalty is. And there was nothing you could do about it. How long would you keep playing? Its the same thing with being ganked/griefed. The exact same thing. Being beaten by something against which you had no chance isn't fun.
thats why level based games arent good for pvp. games with full loot pvp should have easily attainable items, i know in UO i had several backup sets of armor banked in case i died.
a good reputation system would also be a good idea, where PKs have a rougher time and good people that kill PKs are rewarded. i really think the only problem is theres no games designed for good pvp, everythings basically an EQ clone with new skins and a couple different features. if you imagine full loot open pvp in most current games (like youre doing in your post) it makes makes pvp sound retarded. adding hardcore pvp servers to current games is probably a bad idea, because they arent designed for it and will be horrible and turn people away from pvp.
The poker thing is a reasonable analogy. However one thing you cannot do in poker is view the other persons hand but in MMORPG's you can virtually always view an enemies stats to ensure that you have a better than average chance of beating them thereby enabling the player to always pick on targets that are weaker than him/herself. Of course you could use this very same facilty to ensure that you have a comparible challenge to your own characters ability but sadly that seldom seems to happen.
In my opinion these types of games would be much better if you actually could not know the capabilities of your enemy and thus be able to pick and choose weaker targets. I would suggest removing the 'con' system between players and preventing players from inspecting other players capabilities and statistics, not even allowing them to know what areas of specialisation they have.
That coupled with a skill based game which would also allow the chance of multiple 'newbie' characters taking down more experienced characters would both allow the newer characters to have at least a chance of defending themselves from anyone and also give a some sense of the unknown and peril thereof as you would not be in a position to assess exactly what the characters around you are capable off and could quite easilly 'pick off more than you can chew.'
"At the very least, doing the wet towel snap should disconnect the nerves of the spinal column, causing total paralysis, thus enabling you to skin the bastard alive."
Also if you make full loot pvp, then items and money would have to be easy to acquire, which then makes players not care about losing them, which defeats the the whole point to "making the death sting".
Also if you make full loot pvp, then items and money would have to be easy to acquire, which then makes players not care about losing them, which defeats the the whole point to "making the death sting".
I said that earlier in the post and it got ignored.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Originally posted by nynniva In general, I do not like PvP in MMORPGs. I feel that if you want to kill other player controlled characters you should go play an FPS. It causes too many problems for people who play the game for the sake of the game, to experience its richness, complete the quests, kill epic monsters, and so on and so forth.
Take Lineage 2's siege system. That is very cool. However, the ability to gank a level 1 inside the noobie zone because you are bored just seems unnecessary. The ability to prey on lower level players and steal their items is no better than being a Thug irl - because thats exactly what you're doing. Do I think MMOs should cater to people who want to be virtual Thugs without the consequence of jail time? Of course not. That being said, I think the idea of risk is an important one - but it should be on both sides. A level 50 can kill a level 1 with no risk - essentially thats like coming to the poker table every time with a straight flush when the other person hasn't even got a pair- you dont' have much chance of losing ;P Makes the person who draws the crap hand every time wonder why they even play and eventually, they will stop playing. PvP has its place. A voluntary system, requiring you to 'flag up' or be in 'certain zones' or even on a 'certain server' - is fine. All parties agree to come and sit at that poker table and battle it out. The problem I have is when people who don't want to sit at that table are dragged off of the couch, handed some cards and told to sink or swim. No one likes to be forced to do anything against their will, and more and more games these days are putting weaker, perhaps more Role Playing oriented players ( in an RPG, imagine that!) into situations where they can be griefed, and this is what I find to be unacceptable. In WoW, you're basically safe unless you go looking for trouble on the 'normal' server. Thats fine. In Eq2, you're safe unless you play on a PvP server. In AC, you were safe unless you went red at the altar, which is fine, voluntary choice. However there are many games that do not give you this choice, where by installing the game you are agreeing to PvP. Yes, there's a thrill of danger, but how long are you going to keep playing a game where you find yourself constantly killed by higher lvl players against whom you had absolutely no chance to defend yourself while trying to do your noobie quests? Or trying to level up? It ceases to be a thrill of danger and becomes something different entirely - an annoyance. Imagine if you will that every time you went out to kill a mob or do a quest, your game crashed, rendering you unable to continue. You'd log back on to lost xp or items or whatever that game's penalty is. And there was nothing you could do about it. How long would you keep playing? Its the same thing with being ganked/griefed. The exact same thing. Being beaten by something against which you had no chance isn't fun. All that aside, I think PvP among equals or semi-equals, where both sides have risk and both sides have the same or near same chance of victory is a pleasurable experience.
There already is loads of game where you can experiance quests peacefully and you mention some of them. Why do all games have to cater for you?
In your Lineage 2 example. What if that low level guy made contacts later and got revenge on that guy? this is what separates a game with losses from a game without it. In WoW sure you get items from PvP'ing, but that quickly becomes another grind. However in a game with losses you want payback, and that for me is the best reason to PvP. This also brings up the importance of risk as you yourself says, that high level guys risk isn't immediate but later on he might regret what he did to that poor low level guy,
I'm not saying all games should be like this, but at the moment it's the other way around it's we who wants these kind of games who are "dragged of the couch" to play the "carebear" games cause that's what sells at the moment.
Also if you make full loot pvp, then items and money would have to be easy to acquire, which then makes players not care about losing them, which defeats the the whole point to "making the death sting".
The answer to this problem isn't easy. To me personally it doesn't have to be full loot, something that hurts is enough. But i do think it would be very hard to balance.
Example: You have 4 aces and a King and $20 of real money.
I have a pair 2s, a 7 a jack and a queen and $200 of real money.
You bid $10
I raise you $100 and call you.
You Loose.
Thats the problem with PVP, the ones that cry about RVR mean No risk for them and all reward for them. Those that cry about needing to be a penalty actualy mean they want to ruin other peoples fun. They forget that they are playing a game with other people and that the game should be fun for all not just them.
Poker with out money is a heck of a lot more fun than playing for real money where the other guy can just buy the pot. But then again a lvl60 attacking a lvl20 is like playing poker that way. The lvl60 just buys the pot with no Risk.
When DEVS concentrate to much of a game on so called PVP with penilities all they end up doing is ruining what that game could have become because the PKers will never fight unless they can win the pot by outclassing their victims or blobing them.
Also if you make full loot pvp, then items and money would have to be easy to acquire, which then makes players not care about losing them, which defeats the the whole point to "making the death sting".
I said that earlier in the post and it got ignored.
And I’m going to say it again
The problem with “hardcore” PvP is that it’s incompatible with the risk reward curve in an item based game. For an item to be valuable it must be both useful and difficult to obtain.
In a full looting PvP game nothing is difficult to obtain, all you need to do is get one lucky kill. Getting a useful item by killing another player is trivially easy in comparison to getting that item from the environment. This devalues the PvE game so it becomes pointless, so the PvE players all go elsewhere. Once this happens the source of easy items dries up for the “PvPers” and they loose interest and leave as well.
The only way a full loot PvP game can work and hang onto its subscriber base is if there is no easy risk/reward path via PvP, but this requires all items to be commonplace and relatively easily replaced. The OP’s premise, however is that you need to loose something of value when you die in PvP, if everything is common and relatively easily replaced there is nothing of real value you can loose.
IMO this is why any game that would ever appeal to the so called “hard core” PvPer is ultimately doomed to fail. What they are really looking for is an easy way to get the things someone else put a lot of work, skill and planning to obtaining.
There are certainly games like EVE that have a more practical form of open PvP, but this never seems to satisfy the people whining for “hardcore” games most likely because it doesn’t offer them what they really want, an easy way to obtain the items that took someone else far more skill, planning and work to obtain.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Same way, pvp with looting can only work if the bets wont make you lose months of grinding, lost items should be replacable in a relatively short time through grind or better yet crafting/trade.
XP loss is a bad idea because it forces you to grind mobs to regain the lost xp (i hate pve, because AI always sucks), with item loss you have the option of crafting them yourself or buyin from someone.
A looting switch doesnt work. The reason is people always choose the safe way. Just shows that most these people are all talk. When given the option they choose no looting. UO has item insurance and full looting. Everyone chooses item insurance (no looting). No matter what they try to say about running around with high risk makes them love the game, you can loot a million corpses in that game and never are you going to find an artifact unless someone forgot to put item insurance on or ran out of money in the bank. People say one thing then practice another.
What they really mean to say is, they want a game where they can gank a bunch of newbs and take all there stuff. They want HIGH REWARDS with NO RISK. They dont want risk, they just like to pretend they do. If they really wanted risk, they would run around without armor or item insurance with an awesome artifact. Im sure they would get alot of attention, that would really get thier heart pumping. You wont ever see them do it thou.
And your suggestion is one that so many people have brought up, yet here we are and so few games seem to be willing to utilize it. The hardcore PVP'ers want that high-risk experience so why not give it to them on their own server? All the while you're giving the so-called carebears what they want by having other servers with much stricter PVP rules and less risk involved. Not to mention that if you give choices (people love choices) you'll avoid a lot of the war of words that goes on because everybody is getting what they want.
And i just won't believe you people saying that you get the same rush with or without losses. Sure it's still the honor, but the honor and your items gotta sting a bit more right?
I however don't think full loot is the only solution, there is probably many ideas that would work perfectly fine... The important thing is that you gotta feel it when you die, not like in WoW when you just *sigh* and runs back to your corpse.
In Poker it's all vs all. Everyone ante's up the same. Seems noone else has caught this. I don't know of any poker game where you get your hand, and then the rest of your buddies all combine for a hand.
In an open pvp game it isnt. It's usually 5 guys ganking one. What risk is there for the 5? The solo dude ante'd up everything.
Who would play poker if you got your hand then 5 other guys combined cards to make the best hand they could?
Most people don't care about losing something if its a fair fight. But games as you suggest are just gank fests, in which one side risks NOTHING.
Figure out a way to stop gankfests, so it's actuallly fair both ways, both people are risking the same, or it won't ever fly. Sad, but true.
EDIT: And people already cry that XP loss on death in PVE is just a time-waste, yet losing items / money in PVP would be EXACTLY the same. Just a time waste to get back to where you were.
i can see your point, but without one server dediacted to that type of PVP ... it wouldnt work ... i come from star wars galaxies .. where there was pretty intense PVP ... and the cost of PVP'ing ruined the game .... the cost being the loss of xp from jedi on the grind .... i played as a bounty hunter and was harassed constantly for enjoying PVP ... bad mouthed in the forums as a cheater for being GOOD at PVP ... and all around watched as sony trasnformed the game mainly because of JEDI. bounty hunters, and PVP'ing .. into a total piece of crappolla ...
so unless one or more servers are dedicated towards " hardcore pvp", it wouldnt work imho ... and still might not ... when you dedicate an entire server to lawless and penalty ridden PVP ... people arent so interested ...or not as interested as you might think ...
first off many people like to devote their time to one character and one server ... if they had to choose between the two they'd take the server they KNEW they could grow with and enjoy the game .... second ... this isnt the MMO generation of the late 90's early 2000's ... this is a new generation ... mostly populated by younger timid gamers, or older players who dont want the drama .. ... in a game where PVP is standard in all servers they will in fact join in on the fun .. especially if there is no penalty ... but in a game where PVP offers more mature and detrimental consequences ... i expect these kids to shy away from it
In a game of Poker with no money, when you lose the deck will be reshuffled. In a MMO PvP game, you simply respawn. If (no money) poker were like a MMO, then everyone would have an ACE in their hand, and their hand would grow by one ACE and everyone would be calling eachother and nobody would fold, and nobody would ever win or lose.
most mmos arent designed for full loot pvp
leveling is stupid and higher levels being able to destroy lower levels would make full loot pvp crappy
class specific items and pretty much class based games arent designed for full loot
taking months to obtain items is stupid
a game designed for full loot pvp would need to be skill based where everyone has a closer to equal chance at winning, no pre-set classes, no levels, some relatively safe towns, and pvp that doesnt last 3-4 seconds (such as wow pvp) before someone dies. gear should also be easy to get and most of the gear in the game should be craftable
mmos that are currently out just arent designed for full loot pvp and people dont understand why it would be fun. games like UO put the fun in fighting each other instead of grinding your gear and levels (which imo isnt fun).
If Poker were an MMO, then everyone would start out with 5 aces, and everytime around each player's hand would grow by an additional ace until the deck ran out of aces, then another deck would be brought in. An hour later, every player would be holding 500 aces. Nobody would ever win, nobody would ever lose, just spawn more aces.
If Poker were an MMO, then everyone would start out with 5 aces, and everytime around each player's hand would grow by an additional ace until the deck ran out of aces, then another deck would be brought in. An hour later, every player would be holding 500 aces. Nobody would ever win, nobody would ever lose, just spawn more aces. yea, i still have no clue what the heck are you talking about, but somehow i get the feeling that either you didnt quite grasp the whole poker-pvp thing or youre just fooling around, which is fine.
In general, I do not like PvP in MMORPGs. I feel that if you want to kill other player controlled characters you should go play an FPS. It causes too many problems for people who play the game for the sake of the game, to experience its richness, complete the quests, kill epic monsters, and so on and so forth.
Take Lineage 2's siege system. That is very cool. However, the ability to gank a level 1 inside the noobie zone because you are bored just seems unnecessary. The ability to prey on lower level players and steal their items is no better than being a Thug irl - because thats exactly what you're doing. Do I think MMOs should cater to people who want to be virtual Thugs without the consequence of jail time? Of course not.
That being said, I think the idea of risk is an important one - but it should be on both sides. A level 50 can kill a level 1 with no risk - essentially thats like coming to the poker table every time with a straight flush when the other person hasn't even got a pair- you dont' have much chance of losing ;P Makes the person who draws the crap hand every time wonder why they even play and eventually, they will stop playing.
PvP has its place. A voluntary system, requiring you to 'flag up' or be in 'certain zones' or even on a 'certain server' - is fine. All parties agree to come and sit at that poker table and battle it out. The problem I have is when people who don't want to sit at that table are dragged off of the couch, handed some cards and told to sink or swim. No one likes to be forced to do anything against their will, and more and more games these days are putting weaker, perhaps more Role Playing oriented players ( in an RPG, imagine that!) into situations where they can be griefed, and this is what I find to be unacceptable.
In WoW, you're basically safe unless you go looking for trouble on the 'normal' server. Thats fine. In Eq2, you're safe unless you play on a PvP server. In AC, you were safe unless you went red at the altar, which is fine, voluntary choice. However there are many games that do not give you this choice, where by installing the game you are agreeing to PvP. Yes, there's a thrill of danger, but how long are you going to keep playing a game where you find yourself constantly killed by higher lvl players against whom you had absolutely no chance to defend yourself while trying to do your noobie quests? Or trying to level up? It ceases to be a thrill of danger and becomes something different entirely - an annoyance.
Imagine if you will that every time you went out to kill a mob or do a quest, your game crashed, rendering you unable to continue. You'd log back on to lost xp or items or whatever that game's penalty is. And there was nothing you could do about it. How long would you keep playing? Its the same thing with being ganked/griefed. The exact same thing. Being beaten by something against which you had no chance isn't fun.
All that aside, I think PvP among equals or semi-equals, where both sides have risk and both sides have the same or near same chance of victory is a pleasurable experience.
Gaming? That's not gaming!
That's just people sat 'round in costumes drinking...
If Poker were an MMO, then everyone would start out with 5 aces, and everytime around each player's hand would grow by an additional ace until the deck ran out of aces, then another deck would be brought in. An hour later, every player would be holding 500 aces. Nobody would ever win, nobody would ever lose, just spawn more aces. yea, i still have no clue what the heck are you talking about, but somehow i get the feeling that either you didnt quite grasp the whole poker-pvp thing or youre just fooling around, which is fine.
Did you hear the parable of the monkey?
A monkey played a MMO once, he gained lots of items and gold. All the monkey needed was determination and allot of button pushing. The monkey was a chimpanzee. One day this Chimpanzee was pushing the same button over and over again and the button broke. The Chimpanzee didn't know how to buy a new keyboard, or bind another key to the action. At about this time when the keyboard broke, the monkey was just about to loot an epic piece of armor, but didn't really know it because epics drop randomly and only the server knows when an epic will drop. This is the parable of the monkey, and there is no point, sorry if you read all this.
thats why level based games arent good for pvp. games with full loot pvp should have easily attainable items, i know in UO i had several backup sets of armor banked in case i died.
a good reputation system would also be a good idea, where PKs have a rougher time and good people that kill PKs are rewarded. i really think the only problem is theres no games designed for good pvp, everythings basically an EQ clone with new skins and a couple different features. if you imagine full loot open pvp in most current games (like youre doing in your post) it makes makes pvp sound retarded. adding hardcore pvp servers to current games is probably a bad idea, because they arent designed for it and will be horrible and turn people away from pvp.
The poker thing is a reasonable analogy. However one thing you cannot do in poker is view the other persons hand but in MMORPG's you can virtually always view an enemies stats to ensure that you have a better than average chance of beating them thereby enabling the player to always pick on targets that are weaker than him/herself. Of course you could use this very same facilty to ensure that you have a comparible challenge to your own characters ability but sadly that seldom seems to happen.
In my opinion these types of games would be much better if you actually could not know the capabilities of your enemy and thus be able to pick and choose weaker targets. I would suggest removing the 'con' system between players and preventing players from inspecting other players capabilities and statistics, not even allowing them to know what areas of specialisation they have.
That coupled with a skill based game which would also allow the chance of multiple 'newbie' characters taking down more experienced characters would both allow the newer characters to have at least a chance of defending themselves from anyone and also give a some sense of the unknown and peril thereof as you would not be in a position to assess exactly what the characters around you are capable off and could quite easilly 'pick off more than you can chew.'
"At the very least, doing the wet towel snap should disconnect the nerves of the spinal column, causing total paralysis, thus enabling you to skin the bastard alive."
Also if you make full loot pvp, then items and money would have to be easy to acquire, which then makes players not care about losing them, which defeats the the whole point to "making the death sting".
Have you ever played tibia?
okay...worst graphics out there.
BUT... awesome gameplay.
you should play it.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Ok first to the OP, You do not understand poker.
Example: You have 4 aces and a King and $20 of real money.
I have a pair 2s, a 7 a jack and a queen and $200 of real money.
You bid $10
I raise you $100 and call you.
You Loose.
Thats the problem with PVP, the ones that cry about RVR mean No risk for them and all reward for them. Those that cry about needing to be a penalty actualy mean they want to ruin other peoples fun. They forget that they are playing a game with other people and that the game should be fun for all not just them.
Poker with out money is a heck of a lot more fun than playing for real money where the other guy can just buy the pot. But then again a lvl60 attacking a lvl20 is like playing poker that way. The lvl60 just buys the pot with no Risk.
When DEVS concentrate to much of a game on so called PVP with penilities all they end up doing is ruining what that game could have become because the PKers will never fight unless they can win the pot by outclassing their victims or blobing them.
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
And I’m going to say it again