OP, you have to be kidding me. X Mas time will be all about WAR and WOWLK, AOC will do well then will dip in subs at that time. The amount of people that hate WOW is WAY less then the amount that love it. WAR will be 2-4 times larger then AOC is subs and it won t even get that close to WOW. Bottom line is this game can t run on alot of comps, they made a stupid business move by doing this. 1 Mill beta sign ups isn t going to be close to what WARS will be when it hits or gets close to OB. Anyways i guess you can dream.
I agree. FC made the biggest blunder in going for superb graphics over a more open world evironment and less stress on lower end machines. I will say this till i bleed from the eyes. High tech graphics will only go so far in AOC, then after that i truly think people will start to feel just how small the zones are and how annoying all those. loading screens can be.
I'm not a fan of WAR or WOW and after playing in closed beta became less of a fan of AOC.
Originally posted by D3mis3 I agree here. I found it a great game at first. Once I leveled twice to 70 I found the constant bombardments of "lol u suck" and "rofl, n00b" from the obnoxious 10-year-olds the reason to quit.
Then you'll be quitting AoC for the same reason. Do you honestly think that this game will have no people like that? Especially if you're paying on a PVP server, then get ready for the Chuck Norris on Global Chat and getting one-shotted by a cloaked ranger who sits on your corpse and says "ROFL nub".
There is no way in hell that a PVP game will ever be a "WoW Killer". The good thing about WoW was you could choose when to PVP instead of being ganked by some 12 year old thats hanging around the newbie or lowbie areas with his level 324 warrior.
I think a lot of the interest for Conan is sheer boredom from MMO players. WoW's expansion are too far apart and too little content. TR, EQ2, DDO, and whatever are just not great MMO's. They are just run of the mill average that you get tired of after a few months. Conan is just a stop gap for most players till the next WoW expansion and/or Warhammer.
I have hope for TCOS, but they are a small MMO so i try not to get too excited.
i do find it funny everyone speeks of a wow killer, seems i remember a few years back everyone speeking of a eq killer yet eq survives and grows every year.
there will never be a single game to kill wow just like a single game didint lower eq subs time kills a good game and developers who are throttled by marketers and speculaters.
wow is awsome and always will be for the folks who love it. and the graphics because of being cartoonish will be ageless.
eq will always be considered the all time raiding game but it grows long in the tooth because developers refuse to just redo game with graphics and new quests for all the old zones.
Aoc will have plenty of folks playing it for years to come as will war when it arrives.
lets face it there is always going to be new kids on the block and they will lead the way to the next wow.
Some lead and some follow I prefer to stand beside!
are you kidding me, the acolytes have been promoting this game since who knows how long. conan is a gimmick and nothing more, keep your boobies, i'll keep my gameplay.
There is no way in hell that a PVP game will ever be a "WoW Killer". The good thing about WoW was you could choose when to PVP instead of being ganked by some 12 year old thats hanging around the newbie or lowbie areas with his level 324 warrior.
I think a lot of the interest for Conan is sheer boredom from MMO players. WoW's expansion are too far apart and too little content. TR, EQ2, DDO, and whatever are just not great MMO's. They are just run of the mill average that you get tired of after a few months. Conan is just a stop gap for most players till the next WoW expansion and/or Warhammer.
I have hope for TCOS, but they are a small MMO so i try not to get too excited.
AoC most servers are PVE. Game designed as PVE (border wars / mini games / Sieges)
I disagree with 100% of what u said.
I Agree with Hitec.
I think my opinion is Maddyn exact opposite, I personally thought that the expansions are coming out to close together. Also why you ripping on Everquest? that game was pretty good for its time.
are you kidding me, the acolytes have been promoting this game since who knows how long. conan is a gimmick and nothing more, keep your boobies, i'll keep my gameplay.
Pretty true unfortunately. When I think of Acolytes I think of Avery of course, ProfRed, and now you D3mis3. All of you say great things about it, which doesn't mean you're wrong, but it's not surprising when an Acolyte thinks this is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Also you have to look at the company that the game as come from. Blizzard has made many successful games and also is very well known around the world. Although Funcom has been around longer than Blizzard but only by one year. Also imo Blizzard is more technically advanced in technology over Funcom. Due to the fact that Blizzard has an estimated revenue value of $1.5 Billion.
Also AoC is sort of aiming for the more mature crowed since there ESRB is rated mature. WoW ESRB being teen. So in other words WoW has a bigger age range than AoC does. Which in turn will bring in more players.
I am a liitle out of the loop here, but are the 10 million subs spuked by WOW actual ongoing subs or are they a count of the number of accounts created, I ask this as my first exposure to WOW was through a AUD$2 CD that gave me 14 days of play, lets just say I bought atleast 3 or 4 of these and setup different accounts.
But back to the WOW killer thought., WOW will be just like Counter Strike, better visual games and better game play mmo's will come out, but everybody will stick with what they know, and games like AOC we always be comared to them with the nastalgia of the good old days... without the memories of the bad.....
Hey Guys, I am a liitle out of the loop here, but are the 10 million subs spuked by WOW actual ongoing subs or are they a count of the number of accounts created, I ask this as my first exposure to WOW was through a AUD$2 CD that gave me 14 days of play, lets just say I bought atleast 3 or 4 of these and setup different accounts.
But back to the WOW killer thought., WOW will be just like Counter Strike, better visual games and better game play mmo's will come out, but everybody will stick with what they know, and games like AOC we always be comared to them with the nastalgia of the good old days... without the memories of the bad.....
They don't count trial accounts or accounts that have been inactive for more than 2 weeks, or a month, can't remember which. But they make sure it's actual paying and active subs.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Also you have to look at the company that the game as come from. Blizzard has made many successful games and also is very well known around the world. Although Funcom has been around longer than Blizzard but only by one year. Also imo Blizzard is more technically advanced in technology over Funcom. Due to the fact that Blizzard has an estimated revenue value of $1.5 Billion.
Also AoC is sort of aiming for the more mature crowed since there ESRB is rated mature. WoW ESRB being teen. So in other words WoW has a bigger age range than AoC does. Which in turn will bring in more players.
well for starters, Blizz probably isnt keeping that revenue theyve earned. They are owned by Vivendi so whatever profits they make Im sure is passed up to the corporate owners from Vivendi.
Also, Im sure Blizz revenue isnt 1.5 billion. You cant take their estimated 10 million players and mutiply by $15 because not everyone pays that monthly fee. There are millions and millions of players in Asia who dont pay $15 a month. They go to these Internet cafes, pay $2 or less to play for several hrs.
Second, never underestimate the power of boobage. The forbidden fruit is always attractive. Just because a game is rated M doesnt mean its going to sell less copies (see Grand Theft Auto as a prime example)
There is no way in hell that a PVP game will ever be a "WoW Killer". The good thing about WoW was you could choose when to PVP instead of being ganked by some 12 year old thats hanging around the newbie or lowbie areas with his level 324 warrior.
I think a lot of the interest for Conan is sheer boredom from MMO players. WoW's expansion are too far apart and too little content. TR, EQ2, DDO, and whatever are just not great MMO's. They are just run of the mill average that you get tired of after a few months. Conan is just a stop gap for most players till the next WoW expansion and/or Warhammer.
I have hope for TCOS, but they are a small MMO so i try not to get too excited.
AoC most servers are PVE. Game designed as PVE (border wars / mini games / Sieges)
I disagree with 100% of what u said.
I Agree with Hitec.
I think my opinion is Maddyn exact opposite, I personally thought that the expansions are coming out to close together. Also why you ripping on Everquest? that game was pretty good for its time.
Where did i rip on EQ in my post. I said they were not great. Their subscriber base will reiterate that fact. TR, DDO, EQ, EQ2 and so are more niche games now than anything else.
As as far as PVP and PVE. The irmpression I got and have to this point is that AoC is very PvP centric outside of the newbie starting area. Not having played the game yet, is there areas that you can be attacked with out some sort of flagging mechanism or PvP designed zones?
First of all I know that my English is not perfect, because is not my native tongue, so trolls don't write about it.
Ok. Whats with you people and WoW ? its just a game. I played WoW for 2 years and I must say I enjoyed the game alot, I remember reading this kind of post years ago when guild wars was released, people saying "Guild wars is going to kick wow ass", a few years later when LOTRO came out, samething "LOTRO is going to kick wow ass", same with vanguard or some other games. Now samething is happening with AoC, but honestly who cares ? if WoW lose some players believe me that will not hurt the game at all, Blizzard still going to have more money than Funcom and by having more money that means they can launch a better game.
Besides most of Blizzard games has been succesful not only WoW, you guys need to chill and stop hating WoW only because is the most played MMORPG at the moment, besides a big part of those 10 million Account are chinese farmers, inactive accounts or something. Blizzard have one more chance to improve the game with their next expansion, but they can't do the samething they did with Burning Crusade expansion, now they have to innovate and make a different game so people dont get boring of the samething, maybe steal some ideas from AoC and WAR.
Enough of the WoW subject. I'm happy to hear that AoC have alot of sales, it means we will see alot people around (Except for the instancing thing, but whatever), if funcom get some money out of it, we can also have expansions, new patches, and a more enjoyable game. My point is that right now I hope AoC have a lot of players and that it can be a succesful game, but thats yet to be seen.
Note: Don't talk shit about other people if you have not accomplish anything better than them, you can talk shit when you accomplish more things than that person. In this case, if AoC do not have much players as WoW at this very moment, then don't make this kind of post because you might be wrong.
i do think AOC has a chance to be THE WOW KILLIER (with CAPSLOL),if they fix some bugs and GREATLY improve the performance from what it was in the OB,it can become a amazing game...
Lets just hope that the beta was a stress test =p~ and hope that it doesn't pull a vanguard O_o;
If it does, hello 3/10 XD and just so ya know, this game is only popular not by innovation (except the guild vs guild pvp stuff, thats pretty nice) but because its a new game entirely, and not the same old click grind lv learn new magic repeat process.
I personally hope it does well, we need to see something out there that doesn't suck so bad that it flops in a month
AoC should be way better than WoW, there were some bugs and little things that went wrong in beta... but its beta, what game is perfect a month before it comes out?
AoC is a fun well deigned game but Funcom is making too many mistakes with it's community. Ignoring the RP PVE players, refusing to come clean about the huge blunders with the Pre Order, Billing nightmares etc... They can make a decent game but can't run one worth shit.
I'll give them maybe 200k subs, then they will be struggling to keep the power on like most other MMO's. The only real competiton WoW has is WAR,.
You can't kill WoW, they have the money to add things and are smart enough to keep adding things that people want, a bit at a time. I expect to see things like mounted combat (they already have suitable animations in-game) player housing, and player cities all turning up in WoW ... in time, according to their careful planning.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like WoW that much (I think level-based games lead to thin PvP and boring treadmill play). EVE is much more engaging in the long term. But Blizzard know how to make games that appeal to their customers, and I seriously do not expect that any game will kill WoW - because WoW will simply adapt and evolve to entice people back.
I'm not a fan of WAR or WOW and after playing in closed beta became less of a fan of AOC.
Then you'll be quitting AoC for the same reason. Do you honestly think that this game will have no people like that? Especially if you're paying on a PVP server, then get ready for the Chuck Norris on Global Chat and getting one-shotted by a cloaked ranger who sits on your corpse and says "ROFL nub".
There is no way in hell that a PVP game will ever be a "WoW Killer". The good thing about WoW was you could choose when to PVP instead of being ganked by some 12 year old thats hanging around the newbie or lowbie areas with his level 324 warrior.
I think a lot of the interest for Conan is sheer boredom from MMO players. WoW's expansion are too far apart and too little content. TR, EQ2, DDO, and whatever are just not great MMO's. They are just run of the mill average that you get tired of after a few months. Conan is just a stop gap for most players till the next WoW expansion and/or Warhammer.
I have hope for TCOS, but they are a small MMO so i try not to get too excited.
i do find it funny everyone speeks of a wow killer, seems i remember a few years back everyone speeking of a eq killer yet eq survives and grows every year.
there will never be a single game to kill wow just like a single game didint lower eq subs time kills a good game and developers who are throttled by marketers and speculaters.
wow is awsome and always will be for the folks who love it. and the graphics because of being cartoonish will be ageless.
eq will always be considered the all time raiding game but it grows long in the tooth because developers refuse to just redo game with graphics and new quests for all the old zones.
Aoc will have plenty of folks playing it for years to come as will war when it arrives.
lets face it there is always going to be new kids on the block and they will lead the way to the next wow.
Some lead and some follow I prefer to stand beside!
I always wanted an mmo-boardgame game![](http://images.mmorpg.com/images/emoticons/emt_bow.gif)
are you kidding me, the acolytes have been promoting this game since who knows how long. conan is a gimmick and nothing more, keep your boobies, i'll keep my gameplay.
It certainly killed My WoW account! By Crom! It's almost upon us!![:D :D](
'Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of WARRRRR!!!'
AoC most servers are PVE. Game designed as PVE (border wars / mini games / Sieges)
I disagree with 100% of what u said.
I Agree with Hitec.
I think my opinion is Maddyn exact opposite, I personally thought that the expansions are coming out to close together
. Also why you ripping on Everquest? that game was pretty good for its time
Pretty true unfortunately. When I think of Acolytes I think of Avery of course, ProfRed, and now you D3mis3. All of you say great things about it, which doesn't mean you're wrong, but it's not surprising when an Acolyte thinks this is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Also you have to look at the company that the game as come from. Blizzard has made many successful games and also is very well known around the world. Although Funcom has been around longer than Blizzard but only by one year. Also imo Blizzard is more technically advanced in technology over Funcom. Due to the fact that Blizzard has an estimated revenue value of $1.5 Billion.
Also AoC is sort of aiming for the more mature crowed since there ESRB is rated mature. WoW ESRB being teen. So in other words WoW has a bigger age range than AoC does. Which in turn will bring in more players.
Hey Guys,
I am a liitle out of the loop here, but are the 10 million subs spuked by WOW actual ongoing subs or are they a count of the number of accounts created, I ask this as my first exposure to WOW was through a AUD$2 CD that gave me 14 days of play, lets just say I bought atleast 3 or 4 of these and setup different accounts.
But back to the WOW killer thought., WOW will be just like Counter Strike, better visual games and better game play mmo's will come out, but everybody will stick with what they know, and games like AOC we always be comared to them with the nastalgia of the good old days... without the memories of the bad.....
acolyte ?
They don't count trial accounts or accounts that have been inactive for more than 2 weeks, or a month, can't remember which. But they make sure it's actual paying and active subs.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
well for starters, Blizz probably isnt keeping that revenue theyve earned. They are owned by Vivendi so whatever profits they make Im sure is passed up to the corporate owners from Vivendi.
Also, Im sure Blizz revenue isnt 1.5 billion. You cant take their estimated 10 million players and mutiply by $15 because not everyone pays that monthly fee. There are millions and millions of players in Asia who dont pay $15 a month. They go to these Internet cafes, pay $2 or less to play for several hrs.
Second, never underestimate the power of boobage. The forbidden fruit is always attractive. Just because a game is rated M doesnt mean its going to sell less copies (see Grand Theft Auto as a prime example)
AoC most servers are PVE. Game designed as PVE (border wars / mini games / Sieges)
I disagree with 100% of what u said.
I Agree with Hitec.
I think my opinion is Maddyn exact opposite, I personally thought that the expansions are coming out to close together
. Also why you ripping on Everquest? that game was pretty good for its time
Where did i rip on EQ in my post. I said they were not great. Their subscriber base will reiterate that fact. TR, DDO, EQ, EQ2 and so are more niche games now than anything else.
As as far as PVP and PVE. The irmpression I got and have to this point is that AoC is very PvP centric outside of the newbie starting area. Not having played the game yet, is there areas that you can be attacked with out some sort of flagging mechanism or PvP designed zones?
The only MMO that will kill World of Warcraft will be another Blizzard MMO.
First of all I know that my English is not perfect, because is not my native tongue, so trolls don't write about it.
Ok. Whats with you people and WoW ? its just a game. I played WoW for 2 years and I must say I enjoyed the game alot, I remember reading this kind of post years ago when guild wars was released, people saying "Guild wars is going to kick wow ass", a few years later when LOTRO came out, samething "LOTRO is going to kick wow ass", same with vanguard or some other games. Now samething is happening with AoC, but honestly who cares ? if WoW lose some players believe me that will not hurt the game at all, Blizzard still going to have more money than Funcom and by having more money that means they can launch a better game.
Besides most of Blizzard games has been succesful not only WoW, you guys need to chill and stop hating WoW only because is the most played MMORPG at the moment, besides a big part of those 10 million Account are chinese farmers, inactive accounts or something. Blizzard have one more chance to improve the game with their next expansion, but they can't do the samething they did with Burning Crusade expansion, now they have to innovate and make a different game so people dont get boring of the samething, maybe steal some ideas from AoC and WAR.
Enough of the WoW subject. I'm happy to hear that AoC have alot of sales, it means we will see alot people around (Except for the instancing thing, but whatever), if funcom get some money out of it, we can also have expansions, new patches, and a more enjoyable game. My point is that right now I hope AoC have a lot of players and that it can be a succesful game, but thats yet to be seen.
Note: Don't talk shit about other people if you have not accomplish anything better than them, you can talk shit when you accomplish more things than that person. In this case, if AoC do not have much players as WoW at this very moment, then don't make this kind of post because you might be wrong.
BTW WoW also sold out when it was released.
Boobs and violence + fatigue with other games + established IP + school's almost out = big AoC launch numbers.
AoC is not a WoW killer. People leaving WoW to play AoC are most likely just bored with WoW, and AoC just happens to be the next big thing.
i do think AOC has a chance to be THE WOW KILLIER (with CAPSLOL),if they fix some bugs and GREATLY improve the performance from what it was in the OB,it can become a amazing game...
the 600,000 Early Release number is substantiated by this article
EQ2 fan sites
Lets just hope that the beta was a stress test =p~ and hope that it doesn't pull a vanguard O_o;
If it does, hello 3/10 XD and just so ya know, this game is only popular not by innovation (except the guild vs guild pvp stuff, thats pretty nice) but because its a new game entirely, and not the same old click grind lv learn new magic repeat process.
I personally hope it does well, we need to see something out there that doesn't suck so bad that it flops in a month
AoC should be way better than WoW, there were some bugs and little things that went wrong in beta... but its beta, what game is perfect a month before it comes out?
AoC is a fun well deigned game but Funcom is making too many mistakes with it's community. Ignoring the RP PVE players, refusing to come clean about the huge blunders with the Pre Order, Billing nightmares etc... They can make a decent game but can't run one worth shit.
I'll give them maybe 200k subs, then they will be struggling to keep the power on like most other MMO's. The only real competiton WoW has is WAR,.
You can't kill WoW, they have the money to add things and are smart enough to keep adding things that people want, a bit at a time. I expect to see things like mounted combat (they already have suitable animations in-game) player housing, and player cities all turning up in WoW ... in time, according to their careful planning.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like WoW that much (I think level-based games lead to thin PvP and boring treadmill play). EVE is much more engaging in the long term. But Blizzard know how to make games that appeal to their customers, and I seriously do not expect that any game will kill WoW - because WoW will simply adapt and evolve to entice people back.