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Like the topic says I play a girl toon in the mmo's I play,and , i;m a guy. I know i;m not the only one that does this, but the level I take it to makes me wonder if I need to have my head examined.
You see not only do I present the persona of a female player in cyberspace but I make my companions believe that im also a chick in the "real" world. I have stories that begin with my childhood all the way to the present; complete with fake parents, schools, jobs ect. I even email photos of women I find online to make things even more believable. "None of those model photos for me, those aren't believable at all...I take them from other folks family galleries.
Now you might ask...why. would you do such a thing? The simple answer, is greed. I hook lonely men into falling in love with me online so that they will buy me great items in game. Heck I even let them use my account to level me while im at work. I just do the fun things while im grinding for "boyfriends" do it for me.
So I guess im wondering if i'm alone in these twisted endeavors; and is it really all that unethical that I do this? These guys think they are talking to a cute girl and derive great pleasure from doing so. Heck I even throw in a little dirty talk every once in a while.
You're the reason for:
MMORPG = Many Men Online Roleplaying Girls.
I guess if you'd go THAT far for free items and no work, nothing is unethical. Real girls manipulate and control us guys too much as it is, now guys are doing it to other guys through MMOs? What has the world come to !
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
If you get too deep into this you might actually start perfering men over women.
It might not be ethical, but it occurs to me that if a person is weak-minded enough to fall for it (and you, like a leg-humping puppy) and do all that for you just because they think you're female, perhaps they deserve it.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
I done that once I played a girl ALT in SWG back in the day because if guys think you're a girl they give you free stuff and discounts of goods, I got quite alot of stuff and used a voice changer program on TS so they actually believed me with some pictures of some model.
Only game I ever done it in though.
Oh yeh Female Twi'lek Dancer in the Cantina of Bestine on Bria
Talking about SWG much?
wow that is quite the confession. everyone to their own way I guess. Just don't be the news report of some guy killing you after they found out some how.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
I did the same a couple times (and by couple times, i mean a couple hours in a toon, then stopping).
It is quite sad the 'level' to wich men fall when they think they are hiting on a girl.
Nop, never even stated ever i was girl, never lied, if anyone asked i clearly said i was men, still, some guys, just assume i am girl, and, most stupid, they assume i WANT something with them.
Not only that, but sometimes i saw those "naked elf ladies dancing" (or any race, any game) and people drooling over them. Even when others saying they are men, they said so themselfs, they assume they are men, the droolers keep drooling over the pixels, paying gold/items for the "show"...
I pity the fools.
Senhores da Guerra
I believe it can be argued that you do this because it fulfills a private fantasy.
Umm...yes most people play female chars but that's just for teh boobies.'re taking alot more serious then for teh boobies. This is...strange then other people I know who played female toons...I think if I were to do such a thing it would be to impress my fact that most humans IMO are....well stupid. But you're doing this, prolly not due to greed but mainly because you like to put no effort in things? took this too far lmao, what would you think they'd do if they find out?...Couldn't they see your RL Name in your account? It's alittle more strange than unethical...maybe alot of both...But I'm sure you're not the only one...which is ver very you encouraged me to just stay 'cyber-friends' with people...I thank you for that but now...shiver
If the people are falling for it, does that not speak volumes about what kind of person they are? Perhaps you're fulfilling a needed role for those people?
I've had alts that were female and I've had people hit on me assuming that I was a chick but I just tell them that I have a crank and they quickly go about their way. Then again if you can get away with duping those people into giving you items then go for it. It mirrors the real world where there are conartists and cheaters and liars that are doing what they do because of greed, and I'd think this was no different in a game world. I've never given anybody anything simply because I thought they were a girl or even if I knew they were one. I've given things to lowbies that I no longer use and think they'd get more benifit out of then selling them to npc's but that's about as far as it goes.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
It is unethical, just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Head examined? Probly not but you should go ahead and come out of the closet because at the LEAST your bi-sexual anyone that would dirty talk with another guy is at the least half gay you can sit and claim its just for the items and money and easy lvling but truth is you like to control men and it gets you off its for your own lil gay fantasy my advice is come on out of the closet rather than keep pretending your not gay.
Everything you describe sounds like it makes perfect sense, and constitutes normal and healthy online behavior. I wonder why I have not done the same myself.
Everything you describe sounds like it makes perfect sense, and constitutes normal and healthy online behavior. I wonder why I have not done the same myself.
I know why I havent, theres a little thing out there called Karma, even when you think youve gotten away with something underhanded, you really havent.
My question is, obviously you know taking advantage of other people is wrong, everyone knows that, why post about it here? Are you proud of it? Im confused.
Yeah ive played female toons in many mmo's.
But i dont act like a chick. I would just rather stare at a woman than a man...
That's not really that unethical...
...It's just disgusting. You're taking it to a level that can seed out into your real life if you continue to pursue this so emphatically.
I love this topic... it seems to pop up every 3-4 months or so.
Those that are with the OP see these games as role playing and absolute pretending, while those that are repulsed by the OP's position see their game characters as extensions of themselves and that virtual world as a moral place with the same good-and-evil that they see in the real world. Then there are many who can see and participate in both at the same time, or flip-flop between them...
imo, there is no really right or wrong way to play a fantasy game. Lieing, manipulating, stealing, backstabbing, ninja looting, harassing, etc are all things that make up this sort of evil side of an mmo community (people pretending on a server). Unlike many, i think these things need to be encouraged. Then all the good side behaviors will exist and have meaning as well, (loyalty, friending, charity, respect, etc).
Then we get to see all these motifs play themselves out in some virtual space. Pretty cool and educational imo. And nobody goes to jail. Instead of these artificial definitions of good and evil (horde or alliance) that are nothing but some choice at character creation time, I think the better MMOs are the ones that let people naturally form into clicks of ninja-looters, con-artists, defenders-of-the-weak, helpers-of -the-poor... and that people's actions determine good side or bad side... not many games have gone that direction imo, and that's a little sad...
just my 2 cents..
The thing is, I see myself as a normal person in RL. I never really thought about how weird living out another life online was to the extent that I was doing it until recently. So I was hoping some of you guys did this too, which would make me feel a bit more "normal".
I noticed that someone said something about my behavior possibly being a projection of a suppressed homosexual desire; but I im not gay as far as I know. I would know right ?
Sometimes you don't know until you wake up with a sore ***
i think i have said enough here xD
move along
but seriously, if you do it to that extent, you may just be "exploring" in a way. And atleast over the internet it won't change your real life, like it would if you experimented in person.
ok well first of all, IMO, most people are in some degree "bi-sexual".
But... that aside:
Even if you do have homosexual fantasies that does not make you gay. Having a "gay encounter" doesn't even make you gay. You're gay if you love men and only men and do not feel turned on by women. If you feel turned on by women than you are not gay, you are either straight or bisexual.
Stop stressing man we're all the same!
I think you're unethical, but I also can't help but think you're clever for exploiting those lonely MMO suckers and getting all those free items. The thing is, it gives real female players are bad rep. I know you wouldn't give a crap, but people like me have to suffer for it. I remember some guy in an MMO suddenly got all defensive and suspicious when I just had a chat with him once and revealed my gender, thinking I was out to manipulate him and weed him of items and gold, who knows he was probably one of your victims.
Heh, I learned valueble lesson about the gender ocnfusion way back in Phantasy Star Online. I made a female, with a long dress called Darth Celice. The character and outfit so fit Star Wars I just had to do it. she was a melee character that used daggers, double saber, and a large scythe.
Suddenly some Obiwan clone comes along and befriends me. then he starts taking the RP a little far by asking me to join the Jedi and literally remake my character to start form level one. I rejected. After a few weeks we were trading armor and items and playing together once in a while. One day I disclose to him that I was male. He then leaves in a hurry, swears that I told him I was female, and then tells me to "seek help." I never heard from him or saw him online since then.
A couple of other incidents later in other games (like being called fag for being male, or being hit on when I state female) has led me a to a few rules. I never disclose my gender to ANYONE. Especially not my RP characters. I never lead anyone to think I am a certain gender either. and for the love of God, I never ever, do anything outside the scope of the games features. Therefore I do not participate in ingame weddings. I do not go out for picnics. I adventure, and kill fools.
My roleplay character I make in every game is Valixta. A stuttering servantgirl with low self esteem. I never break her personality, and many people actually begin thinking I'm a girl. I simply state to them to treat me as what they see on the screen and keep our focus on the task at hand.
Many players state with confidance that I am female. Other state I am male. It doesn't matter ot me as long as were killin' fools and gettin' loot.
I remember on person said: "You are definantly male. No female gamer has ever stuck to her RP that well EVER. Plus you don't RP the stereotypical female gamer's character." somehow he was right and I noticed his observation was pretty much well on the dot.
Haha, thats why I never ever tell anyone my true gender is in game. I RP so well everyone thinks I am female and give me free stuff.
Games I RP: PSO, EQ2, PSU, WOW, COX....prob more cant remember off my head.
Oh, and no I never ask for anything for free EVER. They just hand me stuff after stuff, offer free exp farms. RL friends had said that is unethical but I dont see why it is unethical. I rather RP a diff gender in an online GAME and stare at a female char than a male char, and if they offer me free stuff, money or exp, then thats their problem, I usually say I will trade or paid them back, but they always say no ha.
p.s. The voice change in PSOX is just totally awesome for RPing as a girl btw....but i never try using voice changers in vent for PC.
OF COURSE the OP's behaviour is unethical! I'm surprised and in no small part disgusted by so many even encouraging such behaviours in others.
He is lying, cheating and manipulating other people for his own personal greed (of virtual items none the less, way to go). Many of those he manipulates are even under-age, if he would be doing that in real life and get caught, he would end up in jail.
More than the problem of the "guy playing girl", I think the more important part is the GREED, that seems to be the real reason of why the OP play a girl, not because he is a closet homsexual, as it has been implied, but because that is the way to get stuff. I'm sure that if the world would be other way around and there would be loads of horny girls playing MMos, he would play a male character no problem.
OP: why are you greedy of game items? What exactly makes you go to such low abuses to get your hands on some pixelated graphics with a texture on it? Are those mounts/armor/stuff really worthy your raping of your conscience and higher morals? Can you be sure these behaviours won't spill out in your real life too? You know, cheat and lie enough and it becomes an habit and you will start doing it with your RL friends as well to get.... dunno, maybe RL money.
I would advise to seriously have a session of insight either by your own or with someone you can trust and understand you. Try to find out if the greed is the main cause of this and look back to when you started this behaviour and see if there has been any changes in your real life's self, you might need a friend for that as it is really really hard to notice changes in ourselves.
It is possible it won't spill out because of fear. Of course, there are no or little consequences in doing it in a MMO, but DO realize the harm you are doing to other people, most of them teenagers and not fully mature adults. More than fear for consequences, the realization you ARE hurting real people should at least refrain you from such behaviour.
Yes, they might not be very bright, but then again emotions are powerful things and they can obfuscate your judgement and logic. Plus, as others have stated, you are making things harder for female players that do prefer to play as female characters.
In the end the choice is of course yours to make. Good luck.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Its not your problem that we (men) are retards.
If i get fooled by dancing female entertainer in a MMO.....and know this: we all know its guys there from the beginning, that means we want to be fooled.
So its not unethical. Its just for fun in a MMO.