Oh, and on the topic of FPS/RPGs, games have been able to mix them successfully for years. System Shock II comes to mind as one of the earlier ones, and that was back in the 90s. Mixing these two types of games is hardly breaking new ground. But then again, the influence of consoles on PC development has never been more invasive than it is today. It's not the intricacies of designing a working system for different genres that's tricky, but doing it for different platforms. Sadly, it's usually the PC that gets the short end of stick. Sorry, I just won't raise a glass of purple kool-aid to that. You're welcome to, though.
Bioshock use a pure fps control and Ui setting, you just need to bind weapons in Bioshock, they are pretty much no skills, potions, spells, scrolls involved as an rpg like Skyrim need to have. Its clear you don't understand what i'm saying, and don't even try to understand.
Walking around in an area that's teeming with those darned bears and perilously close to a dragon's soaring grounds, I guess the last thing you expect to see is a trio of hunters in their underwear / bikinis, lying or standing in the steaming waters of a lake, taking some time off and just, well, chilling.
skyrim MMO please. Best single player game of the last few years!
Some games should remain single player. Once you make an MMO out of it, everyone then becomes "The Hero" and the moments and powers you get that make you special... are all to commonplace.
People need to shut up and be happy that we even get games on PC.
With all the pirating thats going on I feel fortunate that we get console ports at this point.
why do you think they don't pirating consoles? today everything is possible
Honestly not to the extent that of PC games. Its much easier to pirate PC games since its free to do so.
To pirate Console stuff you need to modify your console then go through the process of DLing and burning games to disc.
Look at games like Crysis, Torchlight and Witcher. millions of illegal downloads. If you were a developer would you bother making a game for PC that will see 200-400k sales and 5 million copies stolen?
Like I said we should feel fortunate that we have games on PC at all.
No, the only people who are really lucky are the software companies who can take the easy way out by developing the game for the console, making a half assed port for PC, yet still sell it to PC gamers at full retail price, and have seemingly uneducated people like yourself slavishly buy the game and be grateful about it even when they treat you more like a burden and less like a paying customer.
Personally I detest the pirating of intellectual property. The less people that can make a good living off creating things for us, the less stuff there eventually is for us to have. In the world of gaming it makes companies add draconian and at the same time worthless DRM meassures to games that are only a headache for we people who actually pay for the bloody things. Take a quick gander around any torrent site and you will quickly see there are just as many if not more console games (since so many games are console only these days) being shared as there ones for the PC.
While at the moment people still have to physically mod their consoles (or pay someone a small fee to do it for them, a burgeoning underground industry) they only have to do it once. Then on all they do is download and burn. And your idea that having to pay a small sum per game for writable media is some how enough of a prohibitive expense that people would rather just pay full retail price, is f**king hilarious. For the price of about two console games (actually probably less these days) they can play any game that strikes their fancy without ever needing to spend one penny more.
And to make matters worse, now that dongle cracking, homebrew console OS's and jailbreaking are becoming more hobbiest cracker level rather than bleeding edge technology, very soon physically mod chipping a console will be obsolete. And that means any bright little monkey with an internet connection will be able to pirate console games at their leisure. And due to their less felxable nature, console companies will be slower to find ways to combat this free gaming ramapage. And since the two biggest console companies are still selling their console units at a loss, or just a level above breaking even, these companies rely heavily on game revinue to turn a profit. This is not a good thing for the profitable future of consoles or gaming.
And I'll add one more thing, gaming companies seem to still be blind to the idea that they garner the most loyal consumers by selling a well made product at a reasonable price. We keep hearing game makers yammer on and on about how much easier it is to create games for the consoles as opposed to the PC. Funny though how that ease of access never seems to be reflected in the price their products. And in fact the price of these so called easier to make games keeps rising. What this means to me is that these companies are using this consolization method to maximize profits. They create a lower quality product, sell it for more each year, and those of us who haven't given up on games all together, or even worse decided to just stop paying for them, get the shaft. And in cases of consumers like yourself, actually get showered with praise for treating gamers on both platforms in this backhanded manner.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
What the original post missed in his spoiler is that there is actually a choice in the opening sequence to go with the imperial guard (as he did) or follow a rebel into the building. Gives a slightly different flavour to the underground escape and a different starting quest.
Enjoying the game immensly and hate that I have to go to work and stop playing. Then again I can read forum posts about Skyrim.
I support Belgiums efforts to get noticed ... at all.
Tardcore I tend to overlook the flaws of a game if it's very good, c'mon man, we are talking about the best RPG ever created, it's certainly not without its flaws but I'd skip every game if I were stuck to the parts I don't like and for once I think a singleplayer game deserves my full money and it's gonna keep me occupied for a long time.
Tardcore I tend to overlook the flaws of a game if it's very good, c'mon man, we are talking about the best RPG ever created, it's certainly not without its flaws but I'd skip every game if I were stuck to the parts I don't like and for once I think a singleplayer game deserves my full money and it's gonna keep me occupied for a long time.
And in the case of this particular game I don't find that outlook unreasonable. As I stated earlier in the thread even I am willing to over look this issue if/when a fan made better UI mod is made.
However, look at it from my perspective for a minute. If this company has the talent to create such a great game, why didn't they take care of what I admit are really just niggling little details? Seeing issues that seem so easy to have avoided at all in such a great game, for me, only exacerbates my annoyances with them. If this game was made by a small indie company such as Taleworlds who do not have a massive budget or tech team, or made by a large company with a history of making totally sh*t, or at least lesser quality games (take your pick, there are tons of them), I actually wouldn't be as pissed off.
Seeing a company who have proven in both the past, and with this game, that they can do better, but for some reason mysteriously decided not to, combined with very negetive comments made by memebers of the company about the PC side of their creation process, makes me feel like they don't value those of us on the PC side of things as important customers. And frankly that hurts considering that I have been a fan, supporter and player of their games since the days of Daggerfall. If this company is going to try to continue to make a profit off my ass, and every other fan who is a PC gamer, then they should be willing to go the entire distance, and not just "good enough" to get the job done.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
No, the only people who are really lucky are the software companies who can take the easy way out by developing the game for the console, making a half assed port for PC, yet still sell it to PC gamers at full retail price, and have seemingly uneducated people like yourself slavishly buy the game and be grateful about it even when they treat you more like a burden and less like a paying customer.
What exactly are you saying here in reference to Skyrim? What makes it a "halfassed port" that should cost less for the PC version? The UI? Which IMO has been blown way out of proportion regarding how "bad" it is. This is one of the deepest games to release in years, yet somehow we're still being screwed?
Do you realize how much work it takes to create a game like this, and why things like UI's are an after thought? Do you understand how hard it is to make a game like this that runs well, while meeting deadlines and making sure things don't break due the dynamic nature of the world? Do you really think a PC specific UI is more important than all of that?
We're a burden as PC customers yet they happily put in the extra work to create modding tools, free of charge that allow the manipulation of the entire engine? They offer anyone who wants it the ability to create their own game, yet they aren't catering to the PC crowd?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Where's the manual!? I like a manual so I don't have to google every question I have. Would have been nice if they had included a pdf file, or maybe they have. It wasn't in the usual Steam drop down menu when I rightclicked the game.
The manual is in the game. Hit escape and look for "Help" in the menus.
While the UI has some peculiarities, once you get the hang of it it is pretty decent. Actually I love the skill-galaxy thingy and the journal works like a charm as well. The only issues that stand out for me:
- Navigating between conversation topics with the mouse frequently activates the wrong topics; visual feedback is inaccurate. With keyboard only this works fine.
- Contents of containers can't be filtered.
- Map feels a bit sluggish. I want to be able to drag it with the mouse, rather than move it by mousing over to the edges / using wasd.
- I want to be able to directly keybind items / skills, not having to go through the favorites menu. (Which is a fine addition though, because of it allowing quick access to more than the 8 items binded by your number keys).
All these things can, and probably will be patched / modded eventually but they are pretty minor once you got the keyboard layout hard wired.
I haven't screwed around with remapping keys though.
The whole game feels more responsive, stable and optimized for PC compared with Oblivion. I only had a single ctd so far, after maybe 35 hours or so. It just runs like a charm. In that sense they already made a huge leap forward for PC users. Encountered very few bugs as well.
And considering what a game it is, the sheer amount of work put in and setting yourself a strict deadline, a year before launch ... I can only praise Bethesda, my friend. Too bad they didn't get to perfect that UI but it's a temporary and minor annoyance at best.
Saw 2 different Aurora Borealis scenes in the last few days. First time, they were typical green. I went further south to Riften and saw blue/purple ones. Just beautiful. Now to figure out how to post screenies here from my Steam screenshots.
Saw 2 different Aurora Borealis scenes in the last few days. First time, they were typical green. I went further south to Riften and saw blue/purple ones. Just beautiful. Now to figure out how to post screenies here from my Steam screenshots.
I am playing on the XBOX, I saw them too! Just amazing
LOTRO by the way has them too, in Forochel! Turbine did them a bit better as in LOTRO it's actually animated, while in Skyrim so far it seems to be a still.
No, the only people who are really lucky are the software companies who can take the easy way out by developing the game for the console, making a half assed port for PC, yet still sell it to PC gamers at full retail price, and have seemingly uneducated people like yourself slavishly buy the game and be grateful about it even when they treat you more like a burden and less like a paying customer.
What exactly are you saying here in reference to Skyrim? What makes it a "halfassed port" that should cost less for the PC version? The UI? Which IMO has been blown way out of proportion regarding how "bad" it is. This is one of the deepest games to release in years, yet somehow we're still being screwed?
Do you realize how much work it takes to create a game like this, and why things like UI's are an after thought? Do you understand how hard it is to make a game like this that runs well, while meeting deadlines and making sure things don't break due the dynamic nature of the world? Do you really think a PC specific UI is more important than all of that?
We're a burden as PC customers yet they happily put in the extra work to create modding tools, free of charge that allow the manipulation of the entire engine? They offer anyone who wants it the ability to create their own game, yet they aren't catering to the PC crowd?
Thanks for cherry picking my comments and completely ignoring the rest of my argument. The half assed port comment was about the console gaming industry as a whole, not just one company. It also was in rebuttle to that posters stance that consoles were the better choice due to security and game quality, and that we paying PC customers should be happy with what we get. Which, as I think I clearly pointed out, is a rubbish argument. And I also think I was very clear on my reasons for thinking so. But you seem to have chosen to ignore all that. And please quit focusing on just my comments about the UI. While the wonky UI is the biggest fun detractor for me, my continuing discussion about this title goes far deeper than just one issue.
Also, please point out anywhere in these forums where I've stated that Skyrim was anything but an excellent game.
As to the rest of your argument, I really don't know where to start. This company makes games, this company sells games, they sell them on two seperate platforms (three if you want to be pedantic). They sell them for full retail price and make a f**King mint off both groups of customers. Yet becuase building a PC game takes them more effort, we paying PC customers are treated like red-headed step children. Well sorry but a company that wants my money is going to have to prove to me they deserve and want my business before I give it to them. Expecting me to be happy that a company wants me to pay the same price for a game that was tailored with another group of customers in mind, and even going so far as to publicly complain that making games for we PC peasents is "Oh so hard on we poor, very rich, soon to be richer, souls" is patently ridiculous.
As a matter of fact I actually do know the kind of effort that goes into making these kinds of games, other kinds of software as well. What does that have to do with the price of fish? This (and all the other dual platform companies) make games for a living. That's what they do. More importantly they then sell these games for a living. If one demogrpahic (in this case PC gammers) of their consumers allows them to turn a profit (which they still do, and which is quite a large one) then they most certainly aren't a burden. If they don't consider that group worth treating like cherished, or at least wanted customers then they really should stop asking them for their money and support. If they ask an equitable price, then I demand equitable treatment. I'm a bit baffled why some of you feel this is such a crime.
As for the construction kit being offered, yeah that is great. Its also a great thing for Bethesda as it allows a work force they don't actually pay to extend the life of their game (and therefor the sales of said game) far beyond its normal life span. Try doing that on a console. Also I think the misconception that it would take too much effort to create a PC friendly interface will get shot down by the speed with which a hobbiest modder creates their own once the contruction kit is out.
People like yourself, my previously quoted poster and Pony (always remember rule one Pony), may be willing to settle for being treated like an unwelcome and uninvited guest by these companies, but I'm not.
Also last time I checked, sales numbers for Skyrim were running at over 3.4 million units. 59% on the Xbox, 27% on the PS3 and only 14% on PC. However these sales numbers are hard copy units only, they don't include digital sales at all, which is the prefered purchase method of many PC gamers these days. Once more numbers are in I think we will see that the PC will easily beat the PS3 numbers and be not too far behind the Xbox in sales. Plus from the past performance of both Morrowind and Oblivion, I'm willing to bet that full retail price sales of Skyrim for the PC will continue at a much higher volume, for far longer than on either console. Sadly though we will have to wait and see. And even more sadly if my predictions turn out to be correct, I'm still wiling to be these companies will still whinge on about what resource draining dicks we PC gamers are.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Yes, I am one of the few that is still experiencing bugs with my char getting stuck at the end of the 2nd(?) cutscene.
*Bad word* that CAVE! -_-;;;
Yes it is on PC.
Oh well, I guess I'll shelve it for a good 6 months. Got other stuff to play anyway, like NFS:The Run.
Ouch, that sucks mate.
From the time I played the game and from the time I spent watching my friend play, I have to say that Skyrim is amazingly short on bugs. With the exception of getting stuck under the fireplace mantal in the keep you first escape from and later sliding down a mountain and getting stuck between two boulders, I've seen zero errors. Sorry to hear your experiance wasn't the same.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Yes, I am one of the few that is still experiencing bugs with my char getting stuck at the end of the 2nd(?) cutscene.
*Bad word* that CAVE! -_-;;;
Yes it is on PC.
Oh well, I guess I'll shelve it for a good 6 months. Got other stuff to play anyway, like NFS:The Run.
That sucks. At least you have NFS though, I put it on my Christmas list, wife is gonna grab it for me. Demo I played was very fun and I love a good NFS game. Skyrim has me hooked for now though.
While the UI has some peculiarities, once you get the hang of it it is pretty decent. Actually I love the skill-galaxy thingy and the journal works like a charm as well. The only issues that stand out for me:
- Navigating between conversation topics with the mouse frequently activates the wrong topics; visual feedback is inaccurate. With keyboard only this works fine.
- Contents of containers can't be filtered.
- Map feels a bit sluggish. I want to be able to drag it with the mouse, rather than move it by mousing over to the edges / using wasd.
- I want to be able to directly keybind items / skills, not having to go through the favorites menu. (Which is a fine addition though, because of it allowing quick access to more than the 8 items binded by your number keys).
All these things can, and probably will be patched / modded eventually but they are pretty minor once you got the keyboard layout hard wired.
I haven't screwed around with remapping keys though.
The whole game feels more responsive, stable and optimized for PC compared with Oblivion. I only had a single ctd so far, after maybe 35 hours or so. It just runs like a charm. In that sense they already made a huge leap forward for PC users. Encountered very few bugs as well.
And considering what a game it is, the sheer amount of work put in and setting yourself a strict deadline, a year before launch ... I can only praise Bethesda, my friend. Too bad they didn't get to perfect that UI but it's a temporary and minor annoyance at best.
Once I find it again I'll post it, there's a ini tweak for the mouse lag, which turns off mouse smoothing, it helps a lot in the dialogue department. As well as with navigating the UI.
I agree Skyrim runs far better than Oblivion ever did on my PC which is aged at this point, and at a higher resolution with more bells & whistles. None of that awful hitching Oblivion always had. I was highly surprised by the smoothness of game-play on my end, glad I went with the modable PC version as I was thinking about getting the PS3 version due to my aged PC.
Fix mouse lag by disabling vsync in Skyrim.ini
- Add iPresentInterval=0 under the [Display] section
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Thank you Bethesda for bring back dungeon crawling!!!!!
So many different dungeons not like Oblivion that looked all the same and yes its awesome crawling down dungeons ive done couple of dozen dungeons now and all are totally different looking enviroments i love it.
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77 CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now)) MEMORY:Corsair PLAT.DDR3 1866MHZ 16GB PSU:Corsair AX1200i OS:Windows 10 64bit
The game isin't bad, but it has alot of glaring issues, the controls quite frankly are horrible, and having to unequip my offhand item to cast a spell is extremly aggravating, It'd not be so bad if I could block with my sword while having a spell redied but for some reason you can't. Bethesda also has cut alot of corners with the game, especally in the alchemy sections, Remember how morrowind and oblivion had some neat looking alch plants pretty much anywhere you go? well in Skyrim they are fairly non-existant, I've been over a med sized part of the map and all i ever see is the exact same plants and never anything new. Other than the controls and the flora its a damn fine game, land is a little bit boring though its sort of bland on the world map. But the dungeons and such are nice.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Once I find it again I'll post it, there's a ini tweak for the mouse lag, which turns off mouse smoothing, it helps a lot in the dialogue department. As well as with navigating the UI.
I agree Skyrim runs far better than Oblivion ever did on my PC which is aged at this point, and at a higher resolution with more bells & whistles. None of that awful hitching Oblivion always had. I was highly surprised by the smoothness of game-play on my end, glad I went with the modable PC version as I was thinking about getting the PS3 version due to my aged PC.
Fix mouse lag by disabling vsync in Skyrim.ini
- Add iPresentInterval=0 under the [Display] section
Thanks for the tip, Disp. Will try tonight.
Another point: I read in some tweakers guide that anti-isotropic filtering is very low on resources so many people that are playing at the game's suggested settings can crank it up to 16 without issues. Will try that too.
The game isin't bad, but it has alot of glaring issues, the controls quite frankly are horrible, and having to unequip my offhand item to cast a spell is extremly aggravating, It'd not be so bad if I could block with my sword while having a spell redied but for some reason you can't. Bethesda also has cut alot of corners with the game, especally in the alchemy sections, Remember how morrowind and oblivion had some neat looking alch plants pretty much anywhere you go? well in Skyrim they are fairly non-existant, I've been over a med sized part of the map and all i ever see is the exact same plants and never anything new. Other than the controls and the flora its a damn fine game, land is a little bit boring though its sort of bland on the world map. But the dungeons and such are nice.
First off, having to equip a spell in your hand and therefore unequip your weapon or shield is a feature., not an issue. Frankly Oblivion was just plain dumb with how you could cast a fireball from the same hand you were holding a sword in. The way they have done it in Skyrim has many benefits, such as being able to equip 2 spells, combine spells for greater effects and, probably the big one, it makes a full blown mage viable at last! Pissed me off in Oblivion how my "mage" still had to run around with a weapon and shield. Now in Skyrim you can have flames in one hand and a ward in the other and attack/block just using magic. You should just hotkey your spells and shield next to each other and swap mid fight - I do that on my spellsword-type character and it works fine.
Secondly, I suggest you travel around the landscape a bit more. I have had no trouble collecting a vast variety of plants, but they do grow in different environments. I'm not sure how you can say it is bland either - one minute you're on the glacial lake near Winterhold, next the open plains of Whiterun, the geysers near Riften and the foggy marshes of Morthal. Oblivion didn't have such variety.
Bioshock use a pure fps control and Ui setting, you just need to bind weapons in Bioshock, they are pretty much no skills, potions, spells, scrolls involved as an rpg like Skyrim need to have. Its clear you don't understand what i'm saying, and don't even try to understand.
Walking around in an area that's teeming with those darned bears and perilously close to a dragon's soaring grounds, I guess the last thing you expect to see is a trio of hunters in their underwear / bikinis, lying or standing in the steaming waters of a lake, taking some time off and just, well, chilling.
But that is exactly what I've seen.
Some games should remain single player. Once you make an MMO out of it, everyone then becomes "The Hero" and the moments and powers you get that make you special... are all to commonplace.
No, the only people who are really lucky are the software companies who can take the easy way out by developing the game for the console, making a half assed port for PC, yet still sell it to PC gamers at full retail price, and have seemingly uneducated people like yourself slavishly buy the game and be grateful about it even when they treat you more like a burden and less like a paying customer.
Personally I detest the pirating of intellectual property. The less people that can make a good living off creating things for us, the less stuff there eventually is for us to have. In the world of gaming it makes companies add draconian and at the same time worthless DRM meassures to games that are only a headache for we people who actually pay for the bloody things. Take a quick gander around any torrent site and you will quickly see there are just as many if not more console games (since so many games are console only these days) being shared as there ones for the PC.
While at the moment people still have to physically mod their consoles (or pay someone a small fee to do it for them, a burgeoning underground industry) they only have to do it once. Then on all they do is download and burn. And your idea that having to pay a small sum per game for writable media is some how enough of a prohibitive expense that people would rather just pay full retail price, is f**king hilarious. For the price of about two console games (actually probably less these days) they can play any game that strikes their fancy without ever needing to spend one penny more.
And to make matters worse, now that dongle cracking, homebrew console OS's and jailbreaking are becoming more hobbiest cracker level rather than bleeding edge technology, very soon physically mod chipping a console will be obsolete. And that means any bright little monkey with an internet connection will be able to pirate console games at their leisure. And due to their less felxable nature, console companies will be slower to find ways to combat this free gaming ramapage. And since the two biggest console companies are still selling their console units at a loss, or just a level above breaking even, these companies rely heavily on game revinue to turn a profit. This is not a good thing for the profitable future of consoles or gaming.
And I'll add one more thing, gaming companies seem to still be blind to the idea that they garner the most loyal consumers by selling a well made product at a reasonable price. We keep hearing game makers yammer on and on about how much easier it is to create games for the consoles as opposed to the PC. Funny though how that ease of access never seems to be reflected in the price their products. And in fact the price of these so called easier to make games keeps rising. What this means to me is that these companies are using this consolization method to maximize profits. They create a lower quality product, sell it for more each year, and those of us who haven't given up on games all together, or even worse decided to just stop paying for them, get the shaft. And in cases of consumers like yourself, actually get showered with praise for treating gamers on both platforms in this backhanded manner.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
What the original post missed in his spoiler is that there is actually a choice in the opening sequence to go with the imperial guard (as he did) or follow a rebel into the building. Gives a slightly different flavour to the underground escape and a different starting quest.
Enjoying the game immensly and hate that I have to go to work and stop playing. Then again I can read forum posts about Skyrim.
I support Belgiums efforts to get noticed ... at all.
Tardcore I tend to overlook the flaws of a game if it's very good, c'mon man, we are talking about the best RPG ever created, it's certainly not without its flaws but I'd skip every game if I were stuck to the parts I don't like and for once I think a singleplayer game deserves my full money and it's gonna keep me occupied for a long time.
And in the case of this particular game I don't find that outlook unreasonable. As I stated earlier in the thread even I am willing to over look this issue if/when a fan made better UI mod is made.
However, look at it from my perspective for a minute. If this company has the talent to create such a great game, why didn't they take care of what I admit are really just niggling little details? Seeing issues that seem so easy to have avoided at all in such a great game, for me, only exacerbates my annoyances with them. If this game was made by a small indie company such as Taleworlds who do not have a massive budget or tech team, or made by a large company with a history of making totally sh*t, or at least lesser quality games (take your pick, there are tons of them), I actually wouldn't be as pissed off.
Seeing a company who have proven in both the past, and with this game, that they can do better, but for some reason mysteriously decided not to, combined with very negetive comments made by memebers of the company about the PC side of their creation process, makes me feel like they don't value those of us on the PC side of things as important customers. And frankly that hurts considering that I have been a fan, supporter and player of their games since the days of Daggerfall. If this company is going to try to continue to make a profit off my ass, and every other fan who is a PC gamer, then they should be willing to go the entire distance, and not just "good enough" to get the job done.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
i bought Skyrim during the Midnight release,
sadly i havent have time to play it as i haven't finished my Deus Ex and Uncharted 3
bought too many games recently, and even i just got the AC Revelations 2 hours ago,
so Skyrim being the games that will last the most, i will probably keep it for the last
damnn these release dates!!!
So What Now?
first Why i love Enlder scroll (played since Obl) coz when you go do some main quest you Never know what you will face
in the way there is always surprize on every ench in the game
for Skyrim i spend all 1st day thinking which race i should pick it was tough day , dont get me worng i enjoyed that annoying day lol
anyway when i pick the race and start playing the game first its Amazing 3D and carfully details
with good start story to put you into action from the first min
Obviously they make strange decisions in 020, they seem to have as much understanding of games as they have of soccer...
Now go and start playing Skyrim....
Just take some good advice from people that can now....
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
What exactly are you saying here in reference to Skyrim? What makes it a "halfassed port" that should cost less for the PC version? The UI? Which IMO has been blown way out of proportion regarding how "bad" it is. This is one of the deepest games to release in years, yet somehow we're still being screwed?
Do you realize how much work it takes to create a game like this, and why things like UI's are an after thought? Do you understand how hard it is to make a game like this that runs well, while meeting deadlines and making sure things don't break due the dynamic nature of the world? Do you really think a PC specific UI is more important than all of that?
We're a burden as PC customers yet they happily put in the extra work to create modding tools, free of charge that allow the manipulation of the entire engine? They offer anyone who wants it the ability to create their own game, yet they aren't catering to the PC crowd?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
The manual is in the game. Hit escape and look for "Help" in the menus.
I have to agree with Dist0rpiah, TC.
While the UI has some peculiarities, once you get the hang of it it is pretty decent. Actually I love the skill-galaxy thingy and the journal works like a charm as well. The only issues that stand out for me:
- Navigating between conversation topics with the mouse frequently activates the wrong topics; visual feedback is inaccurate. With keyboard only this works fine.
- Contents of containers can't be filtered.
- Map feels a bit sluggish. I want to be able to drag it with the mouse, rather than move it by mousing over to the edges / using wasd.
- I want to be able to directly keybind items / skills, not having to go through the favorites menu. (Which is a fine addition though, because of it allowing quick access to more than the 8 items binded by your number keys).
All these things can, and probably will be patched / modded eventually but they are pretty minor once you got the keyboard layout hard wired.
I haven't screwed around with remapping keys though.
The whole game feels more responsive, stable and optimized for PC compared with Oblivion. I only had a single ctd so far, after maybe 35 hours or so. It just runs like a charm. In that sense they already made a huge leap forward for PC users. Encountered very few bugs as well.
And considering what a game it is, the sheer amount of work put in and setting yourself a strict deadline, a year before launch ... I can only praise Bethesda, my friend. Too bad they didn't get to perfect that UI but it's a temporary and minor annoyance at best.
My brand new bloggity blog.
Thank you Bethesda for bring back dungeon crawling!!!!!
Saw 2 different Aurora Borealis scenes in the last few days. First time, they were typical green. I went further south to Riften and saw blue/purple ones. Just beautiful. Now to figure out how to post screenies here from my Steam screenshots.
I am playing on the XBOX, I saw them too! Just amazing
LOTRO by the way has them too, in Forochel! Turbine did them a bit better as in LOTRO it's actually animated, while in Skyrim so far it seems to be a still.
Thanks for cherry picking my comments and completely ignoring the rest of my argument. The half assed port comment was about the console gaming industry as a whole, not just one company. It also was in rebuttle to that posters stance that consoles were the better choice due to security and game quality, and that we paying PC customers should be happy with what we get. Which, as I think I clearly pointed out, is a rubbish argument. And I also think I was very clear on my reasons for thinking so. But you seem to have chosen to ignore all that. And please quit focusing on just my comments about the UI. While the wonky UI is the biggest fun detractor for me, my continuing discussion about this title goes far deeper than just one issue.
Also, please point out anywhere in these forums where I've stated that Skyrim was anything but an excellent game.
As to the rest of your argument, I really don't know where to start. This company makes games, this company sells games, they sell them on two seperate platforms (three if you want to be pedantic). They sell them for full retail price and make a f**King mint off both groups of customers. Yet becuase building a PC game takes them more effort, we paying PC customers are treated like red-headed step children. Well sorry but a company that wants my money is going to have to prove to me they deserve and want my business before I give it to them. Expecting me to be happy that a company wants me to pay the same price for a game that was tailored with another group of customers in mind, and even going so far as to publicly complain that making games for we PC peasents is "Oh so hard on we poor, very rich, soon to be richer, souls" is patently ridiculous.
As a matter of fact I actually do know the kind of effort that goes into making these kinds of games, other kinds of software as well. What does that have to do with the price of fish? This (and all the other dual platform companies) make games for a living. That's what they do. More importantly they then sell these games for a living. If one demogrpahic (in this case PC gammers) of their consumers allows them to turn a profit (which they still do, and which is quite a large one) then they most certainly aren't a burden. If they don't consider that group worth treating like cherished, or at least wanted customers then they really should stop asking them for their money and support. If they ask an equitable price, then I demand equitable treatment. I'm a bit baffled why some of you feel this is such a crime.
As for the construction kit being offered, yeah that is great. Its also a great thing for Bethesda as it allows a work force they don't actually pay to extend the life of their game (and therefor the sales of said game) far beyond its normal life span. Try doing that on a console. Also I think the misconception that it would take too much effort to create a PC friendly interface will get shot down by the speed with which a hobbiest modder creates their own once the contruction kit is out.
People like yourself, my previously quoted poster and Pony (always remember rule one Pony), may be willing to settle for being treated like an unwelcome and uninvited guest by these companies, but I'm not.
Also last time I checked, sales numbers for Skyrim were running at over 3.4 million units. 59% on the Xbox, 27% on the PS3 and only 14% on PC. However these sales numbers are hard copy units only, they don't include digital sales at all, which is the prefered purchase method of many PC gamers these days. Once more numbers are in I think we will see that the PC will easily beat the PS3 numbers and be not too far behind the Xbox in sales. Plus from the past performance of both Morrowind and Oblivion, I'm willing to bet that full retail price sales of Skyrim for the PC will continue at a much higher volume, for far longer than on either console. Sadly though we will have to wait and see. And even more sadly if my predictions turn out to be correct, I'm still wiling to be these companies will still whinge on about what resource draining dicks we PC gamers are.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
I HATE Skyrim at the moment.
Yes, I am one of the few that is still experiencing bugs with my char getting stuck at the end of the 2nd(?) cutscene.
*Bad word* that CAVE! -_-;;;
Yes it is on PC.
Oh well, I guess I'll shelve it for a good 6 months. Got other stuff to play anyway, like NFS:The Run.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
Ouch, that sucks mate.
From the time I played the game and from the time I spent watching my friend play, I have to say that Skyrim is amazingly short on bugs. With the exception of getting stuck under the fireplace mantal in the keep you first escape from and later sliding down a mountain and getting stuck between two boulders, I've seen zero errors. Sorry to hear your experiance wasn't the same.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
That sucks. At least you have NFS though, I put it on my Christmas list, wife is gonna grab it for me. Demo I played was very fun and I love a good NFS game. Skyrim has me hooked for now though.
Once I find it again I'll post it, there's a ini tweak for the mouse lag, which turns off mouse smoothing, it helps a lot in the dialogue department. As well as with navigating the UI.
I agree Skyrim runs far better than Oblivion ever did on my PC which is aged at this point, and at a higher resolution with more bells & whistles. None of that awful hitching Oblivion always had. I was highly surprised by the smoothness of game-play on my end, glad I went with the modable PC version as I was thinking about getting the PS3 version due to my aged PC.
Fix mouse lag by disabling vsync in Skyrim.ini
- Add iPresentInterval=0 under the [Display] section
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
So many different dungeons not like Oblivion that looked all the same and yes its awesome crawling down dungeons ive done couple of dozen dungeons now and all are totally different looking enviroments i love it.
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
The game isin't bad, but it has alot of glaring issues, the controls quite frankly are horrible, and having to unequip my offhand item to cast a spell is extremly aggravating, It'd not be so bad if I could block with my sword while having a spell redied but for some reason you can't. Bethesda also has cut alot of corners with the game, especally in the alchemy sections, Remember how morrowind and oblivion had some neat looking alch plants pretty much anywhere you go? well in Skyrim they are fairly non-existant, I've been over a med sized part of the map and all i ever see is the exact same plants and never anything new. Other than the controls and the flora its a damn fine game, land is a little bit boring though its sort of bland on the world map. But the dungeons and such are nice.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
Thanks for the tip, Disp. Will try tonight.
Another point: I read in some tweakers guide that anti-isotropic filtering is very low on resources so many people that are playing at the game's suggested settings can crank it up to 16 without issues. Will try that too.
My brand new bloggity blog.
First off, having to equip a spell in your hand and therefore unequip your weapon or shield is a feature., not an issue. Frankly Oblivion was just plain dumb with how you could cast a fireball from the same hand you were holding a sword in. The way they have done it in Skyrim has many benefits, such as being able to equip 2 spells, combine spells for greater effects and, probably the big one, it makes a full blown mage viable at last! Pissed me off in Oblivion how my "mage" still had to run around with a weapon and shield. Now in Skyrim you can have flames in one hand and a ward in the other and attack/block just using magic. You should just hotkey your spells and shield next to each other and swap mid fight - I do that on my spellsword-type character and it works fine.
Secondly, I suggest you travel around the landscape a bit more. I have had no trouble collecting a vast variety of plants, but they do grow in different environments. I'm not sure how you can say it is bland either - one minute you're on the glacial lake near Winterhold, next the open plains of Whiterun, the geysers near Riften and the foggy marshes of Morthal. Oblivion didn't have such variety.