This is the first time I agree with detractors of the game. This issue is a big deal and Bioware will lose customers over it. The hero engine is flawed. For me personally, it is not that bad.... still loving the game for now.... hope they fix it come expansion time.
Forgive my ignorance, what is bad about the hero engine ? Have any other top MMOs used it ? Curious..
Hey everyone, thanks for bearing with us as we investigated the concerns raised here.
After investigation, it seems that the confusion here is a combination of a UI issue that's been resolved and a feature that's working as intended, but the reason why it's 'working as intended' needs explanation.
First, the UI issue. The preferences menu as it is seen on the Public Test Server for version 1.1 of the game is correct - there are only supposed to be two texture choices, 'Low' and 'High'. This replaces the original three-choice preference of Low/Medium/High because in reality, there was never supposed to be a 'Medium' choice - that was a bug.
Here's where we need to explain. As many of you have noted, your character in the game world is rendered using lower resolution textures than inside of cinematic conversation scenes. This was a deliberate decision by the development team. To understand why this was done, I have to briefly talk about MMOs and their engines.
In comparison to single player games and other genres of multiplayer online games, MMOs have much higher variability in the number of characters that can be potentially rendered on-screen at the same time. In MMOs, even though most of the time you'll see a relatively small number of characters on screen, there are certain situations in which many more characters will be seen. Some examples of these situations include popular gathering places in-game (in our case, the two fleets), Operations with large teams, and Warzones. In those scenarios the client (and your PC) has to work hard to show off a lot of characters on-screen.
During development and testing of The Old Republic, our priorities were to ensure the game looked great and performed well. In testing, we discovered that using our 'maximum resolution' textures on in-game characters during normal gameplay could cause severe performance issues, even on powerful PCs. There were a variety of possible options to help improve performance, but one that was explored and ultimately implemented used what is known as a 'texture atlas'.
To understand that I've got to get technical for a minute. When a character in the game is 'seen' by another character - ie, gets close to your field of view - the client has to 'draw' that character for you to see. As the character is 'drawn' for you there are a number of what are known as 'draw calls' where the client pulls information from the repository it has on your hard disk, including textures, and then renders the character. Every draw call that is made is a demand on your PC, so keeping that number of draw calls low per character is important. With our 'maximum resolution' textures a large number of draw calls are made per character, but that wasn't practical for normal gameplay, especially when a large number of characters were in one place; the number of draw calls made on your client would multiply very quickly. The solution was to 'texture atlas' - essentially to put a number of smaller textures together into one larger texture. This reduces the number of draw calls dramatically and allows the client to render characters quicker, which improves performance dramatically.
When it comes to cinematic scenes, however, characters are rendered using the higher number of draw calls and maximum resolution textures. This is because in those scenes, we have control over exactly how many characters are rendered and can ensure that the game performs well. The transition between 'atlas textured' characters (out of cinematics) and 'maximum resolution' textures (in cinematics) is mostly hidden by the transition between those two states (when the screen goes black), but obviously it's clear if you pay close attention.
In summary; yes, we had a small UI bug that unfortunately caused confusion over how the game is intended to work. The textures you're seeing in the course of normal gameplay are optimized for that mode of play. The textures you're seeing during cinematics are also optimized for that mode of play. They are higher resolution, but that's because we're able to control cinematic scenes to ensure good performance in a way we can't during normal gameplay.
We understand the passion and desire for people to see the same textures you see in our cinematic scenes in the main game. Because of the performance issues that would cause for the client, that's not an immediate and easy fix; we need to ensure we're making choices that the majority of our players will be able to benefit from. Having 'atlassed textures' helps performance overall, and that's a very important goal for us.
With that said, we've heard your feedback here loud and clear. The development team is exploring options to improve the fidelity of the game, particularly for those of you with high-spec PCs. It will be a significant piece of development work and it won't be an overnight change, but we're listening and we're committed to reacting to your feedback.
They are now officialy guilty of blatantly false advertisment!
The game was showcased, hyped and promoted with High Resolution Textures! All screenshots and videos are showing High Resolution Textures!
They made a deliberate and significant design decision that has lowered the overal quality of graphics in the game and didn't communicate this decision with their playerbase, unitl now AFTER release when everyone has PAID for their retail box!
This is going to create such a Back Lash at them like there is no tomorrow! And really... they now rightfully deserve the s-shit storm coming at them!
This is so shady and a low blow underhand decision and hiding it from the playerbase till after release, when people started screaming where the High Resultion Textures were missing!
/utterly disgusted by this!
People on this forum seem to love claiming false advertising delibertaly lying to customers and otherwise nefarious activities. If you really believe this and have the evidence, don't post it hear, take them to court. You should have no trouble in winning a lawsuite. Otherwise, feel free to complain, gripe, and otherwise make you opinion known on these forums, but keep the criminal allegations to a minimum.
They made a deliberate and significant design decision that has lowered the overal quality of graphics in the game and didn't communicate this decision with their playerbase, unitl now AFTER release when everyone has PAID for their retail box!
This is going to create such a Back Lash at them like there is no tomorrow! And really... they now rightfully deserve the s-shit storm coming at them!
This is so shady and a low blow underhand decision and hiding it from the playerbase till after release, when people started screaming where the High Resultion Textures were missing!
/utterly disgusted by this!
People on this forum seem to love claiming false advertising delibertaly lying to customers and otherwise nefarious activities. If you really believe this and have the evidence, don't post it hear, take them to court. You should have no trouble in winning a lawsuite. Otherwise, feel free to complain, gripe, and otherwise make you opinion known on these forums, but keep the criminal allegations to a minimum.
I have to admit, I didn't read the whole thread. But as someone who really enjoys SWTOR and is having a lot of fun going through my character's storyline I just have one thing to say.
I never noticed the transition to high resolution textures in cinematics. Know why? Because I don't care. In or out of cinematics the game looks like something a 10 year old would play on the XBox.
If you're seriously upset about the game's graphics going from looking like crap, to looking less like crap well I don't really know what to say to you.
Now to log in to continue my adventure!
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
"I have to briefly talk about MMOs and their engines."
Nope you just have to talk about TOR and its rubbish choice of engine! SOE FL engine cleans the floor with this engine and certainly doesn't have the restrictions EA are making out for excuses, as do other engines out there who certainly don't fit EA's excuse of " other MMO's and their engines" blame game. No the truth is you picked an engine that had other short comings,but you wanted some of it pros leaving you to make up long BS reasons to explain yourself like this. I have one word for you EA “tessellation” come into the 21 century and use it! You may of not had this issue in the first place, but oh wait they can't do that, they've got console plans for it no doubt!
They made a deliberate and significant design decision that has lowered the overal quality of graphics in the game and didn't communicate this decision with their playerbase, unitl now AFTER release when everyone has PAID for their retail box!
This is going to create such a Back Lash at them like there is no tomorrow! And really... they now rightfully deserve the s-shit storm coming at them!
This is so shady and a low blow underhand decision and hiding it from the playerbase till after release, when people started screaming where the High Resultion Textures were missing!
/utterly disgusted by this!
People on this forum seem to love claiming false advertising delibertaly lying to customers and otherwise nefarious activities. If you really believe this and have the evidence, don't post it hear, take them to court. You should have no trouble in winning a lawsuite. Otherwise, feel free to complain, gripe, and otherwise make you opinion known on these forums, but keep the criminal allegations to a minimum.
I never noticed the transition to high resolution textures in cinematics. Know why? Because I don't care. In or out of cinematics the game looks like something a 10 year old would play on the XBox.
If you're seriously upset about the game's graphics going from looking like crap, to looking less like crap well I don't really know what to say to you.
Now to log in to continue my adventure!
Well thats certainly an unbiased way to look at things isnt it
Clearly deceptive and they should be reported to Better Business Bureau for fraud. It's one thing to say gameplay may change, but it's quite another to advertise a game as looking one way and then after selling it having something completely different. If it was bugged, that was one thing, but it wasn't bugged according to the spokesperson. It was a design decision.
What boggles my mind is LOTRO has hi res textures and as I recall I was getting 80 to 100+ fps. So I'm a little confused when an old game like LOTRO can do something that a $300 million mmo released in December of 2011 can not.
So basically, there is no hi rez.....medium rez was a bug no such thing exists....leaving us with a low rez, instanced, sharded game. Who is responsible for this debacle?!
The consumers.
Time and time again they fall for the same hype machine without checking the facts and actually waiting to see what the game looks like and how it plays when it is released.
Funcom>> Heh heh. Did you see THAT? We teased themn a bit and had a restricted Beta and then pre sold thousands of games based on HYPE and a well known IP and we cleaned up! It was a couple of weeks until they figured out the game wasn't complete with all the features turned on!
Bioware>> Holy Crap. You can't be serious? I want in! Let me! Let me! I gotz Star Wars!
Funcom>> Wait for me! Wait.... I WANT TO GO AGAIN! These guys are n00bz!
Oh noes! We have to play SWTOR with graphics that are still better than the most popular NA game ever? I will actually applaud EA / BioWare for creating a game in mind for all PC users, not just high end FFXIV . As for being lied to and told the game would launch with high res textures, I'm afraid I have to disagree. I'm tired of gaming companies trying to create the ultimate looking MMO and failing miserably because of the performance hit we take during PvP or Raids.
This isn't Skyrim, so let's not harp on SWTOR for making a game that decides to go the route of performance over looks. If you're an expert on such issues, please let us know, so we can make all future MMO's an Elder Scrolls masterpiece.
Some think the graphics are ok, to some they're not, which is okay, to each his own. That is however not the issue. The issue is wether or not they deliberately have been misledaing their customers.
So what I suggest all the high end texture fans should do is write a petition to have them reimplement high res textures into the game with a clause you need to "OK" at game launch that states, if you can't play the game with high res textures, don't come crying to us, than I'm sure you'll get what you want.
You seriously named your character Empress........?
Graphic is the least issue for me, it just lacks in other more important things.
I agree, there are plenty of other reasons I'm not staying past my 30 days, but it's still just 1 more thing about the game that makes it feel low to mediocre quality. There are so many things that add up.
I think people need to take a chill pill. I don't play TOR and I am certainly not a fanboy but I think that getting worked up over graphics is stupid. The game looks okay, it is not top notch graphics but who cares?
The shame of gaming, the worst kind of gamer, and one that gives other gamers a bad name by hating on a game because the graphics aren't realistic enough for them, when instead, they should be looking for smooth controls, varied moves/abilities, smooth gameplay with few bugs, and above all, fun.
No high res textures? After you said it was a bug and being fixed? How can anyone pretend that Bioware knows what they are doing now?
1. No forum search function.
2. No UI customizability.
3. No viable way to consistently play varied builds (No dual spec and uncapped respec costs).
4. No queueing for specific Warzones.
5. No server forums.
6. Phasing still remains throughout the game, while it was said that it was only for the beginning zones and only for a short time after release.
7. No proper LFG feature. Not even a global LFG channel.
8. Many people still have performance issues even with the lowered graphics, especially in 8v8 PvP. 8v8.
9. Unfinished CE shop.
10. No world atmosphere.
11. Tiny draw distance for ground effects.
12. No race variety.
13. No macro or addon support.
14. Ability delay.
15. Simultaneous US and EU maintenance. As if they can't afford two maintenance crews like pretty much every decent MMO on the market right now.
Seriously? Sure, individually these are not gamebreaking but combined they really make you wonder what the budget was spent on.
There seem to be those that believe it is financially possible and physically possible to add every feature from every previous mmo before launch in a polished state in less development time than all previous mmos, although it took some of those games literally over a decade to create and implement these said features.
Gone seem to be the days when an mmo was to 'grow' after its initial release, now we demand a 'complete' ever growing game which already has everything we ever wanted, but magically can still add more of what we want. In short, we are demanding a 'feature', which is unobtainable.
The game is not a month old, could you folks let them spend some time with their families before crying foul and their slow pace of adding features.
If you compare this game's features at release with every other mmo's release features, it may not be at the top of the list, but it is a long way from the bottom. As mmo's go, this game is proving that there is a continuing trend that we as customers are receiving more at release than previously. They made decisions that resulted in a fluid polished, playable game - if they put the lfd tool on the back burner to make that happen, I am happy.
I slogged through EQ with hand drawn maps created while I played - I can certainly be patient for an lfd tool.
true games will grow but rift has almost all those features at launch.. I'd rather them of had most of those at launch and not have to work on them now and concetrate on getting more content out.
Why does everyone always bring up Rift? Look at rift now, its so freaking dead they are giving the game away. Give it a couple of months and it will be F2P.
I also bet, more than half the people complaining on this site about TOR don't even play the game. Oh well, in a couple of months they will all be complaining about GW2.
It's because everything in RIFT is done with really high quality and attention to detail, which is what TOR lacks in so many things. The problem with RIFT, however, is that it's just boring. It's more of a clone than TOR by a long shot. So then the argument could be made, which is a fair argument - is it better to have high quality attention to detail but boring gameplay, or low quality / attention to detail but fun gameplay?
I argue there should be both - which neither TOR or RIFT is.
I think people need to take a chill pill. I don't play TOR and I am certainly not a fanboy but I think that getting worked up over graphics is stupid. The game looks okay, it is not top notch graphics but who cares?
The shame of gaming, the worst kind of gamer, and one that gives other gamers a bad name by hating on a game because the graphics aren't realistic enough for them, when instead, they should be looking for smooth controls, varied moves/abilities, smooth gameplay with few bugs, and above all, fun.
These are different kind of issues with different devs working on it! When it comes to engine technology, each dev has it's own speciality!
SOE in fact hired specifically a developer, specialized in graphics technology to implement Shader 3.0 in EverQuest 2. He was doing a damn good job, but as so often with $OE, he was pulled off the project again and moved to DCUO before he was finished!
He was actually really a nice guy, talking a lot on the forums and working closely with the community on the PTS.
People on this forum seem to love claiming false advertising delibertaly lying to customers and otherwise nefarious activities.
That's because forums like these are driven entirely by drama. Where's the fun if you have to rely on things like facts and reality? It's much easier to be an armchair lawyer and think that you might know more than the actual attorneys that companies like EA have on retainder.
People on this forum seem to love claiming false advertising delibertaly lying to customers and otherwise nefarious activities.
That's because forums like these are driven entirely by drama. Where's the fun if you have to rely on things like facts and reality? It's much easier to be an armchair lawyer and think that you might know more than the actual attorneys that companies like EA have on retainder.
No matter what you think and no matter how you insult the people who are rightfully upset about this!
A large chunk of the SW:TOR community stood up on the official forums and it has helped, as EA/Bioware is now actually going to adress this in patch 1.2 !
Lot's of people did cancel and were prepared to vote with their wallet to show their dissatisfaction with the company!
So you see! Sometimes it actually working standing up together as community and rise up, instead of just keep eating the bullet and bend over and kiss their butts and let them get away with this kind of shady underhand moves and bad decisions!
People on this forum seem to love claiming false advertising delibertaly lying to customers and otherwise nefarious activities.
That's because forums like these are driven entirely by drama. Where's the fun if you have to rely on things like facts and reality? It's much easier to be an armchair lawyer and think that you might know more than the actual attorneys that companies like EA have on retainder.
No matter what you think and no matter how you insult the people who are rightfully upset about this!
A large chunk of the SW:TOR community stood up on the official forums and it has helped, as EA/Bioware is now actually going to adress this in patch 1.2 !
Lot's of people did cancel and were prepared to vote with their wallet to show their dissatisfaction with the company!
So you see! Sometimes it actually working standing up together as community and rise up, instead of just keep eating the bullet and bend over and kiss their butts and let them get away with this kind of shady underhand moves and bad decisions!
Just saying.
WOW yes a major address they are going to enable high textures on your own character is about all I summed up from Stephen Reids post.
Its still garbage that a game pulls a major visual option because SOME may not be able to run it, lets hope not all developers follow suit or we will all be playing games that look quake because little jonnies onboard Intel 945 can't run anything better.
People on this forum seem to love claiming false advertising delibertaly lying to customers and otherwise nefarious activities.
That's because forums like these are driven entirely by drama. Where's the fun if you have to rely on things like facts and reality? It's much easier to be an armchair lawyer and think that you might know more than the actual attorneys that companies like EA have on retainder.
No matter what you think and no matter how you insult the people who are rightfully upset about this!
A large chunk of the SW:TOR community stood up on the official forums and it has helped, as EA/Bioware is now actually going to adress this in patch 1.2 !
Lot's of people did cancel and were prepared to vote with their wallet to show their dissatisfaction with the company!
So you see! Sometimes it actually working standing up together as community and rise up, instead of just keep eating the bullet and bend over and kiss their butts and let them get away with this kind of shady underhand moves and bad decisions!
Just saying.
WOW yes a major address they are going to enable high textures on your own character is about all I summed up from Stephen Reids post.
Its still garbage that a game pulls a major visual option because SOME may not be able to run it, lets hope not all developers follow suit or we will all be playing games that look quake because little jonnies onboard Intel 945 can't run anything better.
It's a start and at least better than the crap we've got now.
Still gonna keep my sub canceled tho (and I am not the only one). After that crap statement full of lies they pulled yesterday, insulting our inteligence (and frankly continueing doing so) I don't believe a single word coming out from EA/Bioware anymore.
I am gonna take a "wait and first see" approach on this one.
When they gonna put these changes on PTS somewhere next month, I will wait till I see some player made screenshots first, before I even consider resubbing again.
One thing is sure, they really tried to rub the community the wrong way yesterday! Thinking we gamers are stupid and take everything they say for truth!
People on this forum seem to love claiming false advertising delibertaly lying to customers and otherwise nefarious activities.
That's because forums like these are driven entirely by drama. Where's the fun if you have to rely on things like facts and reality? It's much easier to be an armchair lawyer and think that you might know more than the actual attorneys that companies like EA have on retainder.
No matter what you think and no matter how you insult the people who are rightfully upset about this!
A large chunk of the SW:TOR community stood up on the official forums and it has helped, as EA/Bioware is now actually going to adress this in patch 1.2 !
Lot's of people did cancel and were prepared to vote with their wallet to show their dissatisfaction with the company!
So you see! Sometimes it actually working standing up together as community and rise up, instead of just keep eating the bullet and bend over and kiss their butts and let them get away with this kind of shady underhand moves and bad decisions!
Just saying.
This is why us so called haters are good for games and fanboys are bad. We make sure improvement and progress are done by highlighting deficiencies, fanboys try to silent any criticism and thus tries to prevent progress and improvement. Ironic, but true.
Whether one finds it acceptable or not it is bait and switch. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt and put it down to incompetance rather than a deliberate bussines decision. There are bigger issues anyway like ability lag and other engine issues. If and when they sort those out I guess the will re-enable the high res textures. It's the landscape textures I find really sh*tty anyway.
It was stated in the beta forums which are now gone that they were removing high-res textures in order to cut down the amount of data the players needed to download for the final weekends of test. After a number of player voiced their concerns over the suddenly lower textures in the game they stated that the final game will look much better and not to worry.
That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.
With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.
I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.
The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.
Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.
I think people need to take a chill pill. I don't play TOR and I am certainly not a fanboy but I think that getting worked up over graphics is stupid. The game looks okay, it is not top notch graphics but who cares?
It's not that they are 'not top notch' it's that they are not up to the standard of all of the advertising for the game. In fact as of yesterday they still had in game footage on there site that you just can not get with the release product.
I just chose your post as it was nearest, loads of other people defending this with the same argument.
It was stated in the beta forums which are now gone that they were removing high-res textures in order to cut down the amount of data the players needed to download for the final weekends of test. After a number of player voiced their concerns over the suddenly lower textures in the game they stated that the final game will look much better and not to worry.
That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.
With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.
I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.
The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.
Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.
That's why I keep my sub canceled! He only replied to that particular post, to keep insulting our inteligence, while other beta testers have posted screenshots of actual gameplay WITH HighRes textures! Because IT WAS available in the old beta client, before the Open Beta test weekends started.
That guy posted that picture, as at that time he took it, there was no difference in quality between cutscenes and gameplay!
I don't believe a single word coming from EA/Bioware anymore. I will wait and see first that they actually come through with these promisses. I have seen them before and seen them unfulfilled.
Stephen Reid is really making a complete fool out of himself, as their OWN website is full of Gameplay screenshots showing the HighRes textures! It's becoming hilarious and sad at the same time really.
I never knew that BIoware promised high resolution textures, or if they ever did. Regardless, I'm happy with how the game looks and plays on the highest setting possible. I don't play a game for its graphics, so no backlash from me either.
I never knew that BIoware promised high resolution textures, or if they ever did. Regardless, I'm happy with how the game looks and plays on the highest setting possible. I don't play a game for its graphics, so no backlash from me either.
The high setting does nothing, you are playing in low, have fun with your game that was designed in 2000.
I think it's pretty clear from even the responses so far that the currently players don't really have an issue. It's the haters who have talked smack on the game for their entire post history that are having issues with this non-issue.
never a truer comment posted.
personally I have no issue at all with the GFX, but some people are obsessed by Shinies and stuff like that, in RL they are called bankers and are as equally despised as Trolls
I am sorry but this is simply not true. I am a current player, and I am now seriously considering whether or not it is time to put the game down.
Because throught development and beta we were told the game would look like this:
And yes, that is a screenshot taken directly from the game, on the current "high" setting.
This is a joke in all honesty, we were promised something which has not been delivered. I don't mind if it takes them a while to fix it, hell I know that games can have bugs and I'm willing to wait on a solution. But to outright call it a "bug" and then just sweep it under the rug and call it nothing; that is a disservice to the customers who payed for a polished product.
That is not what we are getting.
And btw; no, most of the forum goers over on the official forums are far from ok with this choice:
Lmao. What a blatantly false lie. I play the game on high settings and it looks nothing at all like that second screenshot. If you're going to lie, at least make it believable.
Also, LOL @ this whole "debacle", if you can even call it that. I'm too busy waiting 2 hours and 20 mins to hurry and log back in on my last off night before work. So I chose to come read the forums... Big mistake. But very LOL worthy.
Forgive my ignorance, what is bad about the hero engine ? Have any other top MMOs used it ? Curious..
People on this forum seem to love claiming false advertising delibertaly lying to customers and otherwise nefarious activities. If you really believe this and have the evidence, don't post it hear, take them to court. You should have no trouble in winning a lawsuite. Otherwise, feel free to complain, gripe, and otherwise make you opinion known on these forums, but keep the criminal allegations to a minimum.
I self identify as a monkey.
I have a right to claim fake sue as much as the next guy!!!!
I have to admit, I didn't read the whole thread. But as someone who really enjoys SWTOR and is having a lot of fun going through my character's storyline I just have one thing to say.
I never noticed the transition to high resolution textures in cinematics. Know why? Because I don't care. In or out of cinematics the game looks like something a 10 year old would play on the XBox.
If you're seriously upset about the game's graphics going from looking like crap, to looking less like crap well I don't really know what to say to you.
Now to log in to continue my adventure!
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
"I have to briefly talk about MMOs and their engines."
Nope you just have to talk about TOR and its rubbish choice of engine! SOE FL engine cleans the floor with this engine and certainly doesn't have the restrictions EA are making out for excuses, as do other engines out there who certainly don't fit EA's excuse of " other MMO's and their engines" blame game. No the truth is you picked an engine that had other short comings,but you wanted some of it pros leaving you to make up long BS reasons to explain yourself like this. I have one word for you EA “tessellation” come into the 21 century and use it! You may of not had this issue in the first place, but oh wait they can't do that, they've got console plans for it no doubt!
Well thats certainly an unbiased way to look at things isnt it
The consumers.
Time and time again they fall for the same hype machine without checking the facts and actually waiting to see what the game looks like and how it plays when it is released.
Seems I told you so?
Funcom>> Heh heh. Did you see THAT? We teased themn a bit and had a restricted Beta and then pre sold thousands of games based on HYPE and a well known IP and we cleaned up! It was a couple of weeks until they figured out the game wasn't complete with all the features turned on!
Bioware>> Holy Crap. You can't be serious? I want in! Let me! Let me! I gotz Star Wars!
Funcom>> Wait for me! Wait.... I WANT TO GO AGAIN! These guys are n00bz!
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
I've seriously lost count of how many things they are going to "look into" or that are in the "future plans".
You seriously named your character Empress........?
I agree, there are plenty of other reasons I'm not staying past my 30 days, but it's still just 1 more thing about the game that makes it feel low to mediocre quality. There are so many things that add up.
I think people need to take a chill pill. I don't play TOR and I am certainly not a fanboy but I think that getting worked up over graphics is stupid. The game looks okay, it is not top notch graphics but who cares?
The shame of gaming, the worst kind of gamer, and one that gives other gamers a bad name by hating on a game because the graphics aren't realistic enough for them, when instead, they should be looking for smooth controls, varied moves/abilities, smooth gameplay with few bugs, and above all, fun.
Nuff said.
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
It's because everything in RIFT is done with really high quality and attention to detail, which is what TOR lacks in so many things. The problem with RIFT, however, is that it's just boring. It's more of a clone than TOR by a long shot. So then the argument could be made, which is a fair argument - is it better to have high quality attention to detail but boring gameplay, or low quality / attention to detail but fun gameplay?
I argue there should be both - which neither TOR or RIFT is.
These are different kind of issues with different devs working on it! When it comes to engine technology, each dev has it's own speciality!
SOE in fact hired specifically a developer, specialized in graphics technology to implement Shader 3.0 in EverQuest 2. He was doing a damn good job, but as so often with $OE, he was pulled off the project again and moved to DCUO before he was finished!
He was actually really a nice guy, talking a lot on the forums and working closely with the community on the PTS.
That's because forums like these are driven entirely by drama. Where's the fun if you have to rely on things like facts and reality? It's much easier to be an armchair lawyer and think that you might know more than the actual attorneys that companies like EA have on retainder.
No matter what you think and no matter how you insult the people who are rightfully upset about this!
A large chunk of the SW:TOR community stood up on the official forums and it has helped, as EA/Bioware is now actually going to adress this in patch 1.2 !
Lot's of people did cancel and were prepared to vote with their wallet to show their dissatisfaction with the company!
So you see! Sometimes it actually working standing up together as community and rise up, instead of just keep eating the bullet and bend over and kiss their butts and let them get away with this kind of shady underhand moves and bad decisions!
Just saying.
WOW yes a major address they are going to enable high textures on your own character is about all I summed up from Stephen Reids post.
Its still garbage that a game pulls a major visual option because SOME may not be able to run it, lets hope not all developers follow suit or we will all be playing games that look quake because little jonnies onboard Intel 945 can't run anything better.
It's a start and at least better than the crap we've got now.
Still gonna keep my sub canceled tho (and I am not the only one). After that crap statement full of lies they pulled yesterday, insulting our inteligence (and frankly continueing doing so) I don't believe a single word coming out from EA/Bioware anymore.
I am gonna take a "wait and first see" approach on this one.
When they gonna put these changes on PTS somewhere next month, I will wait till I see some player made screenshots first, before I even consider resubbing again.
One thing is sure, they really tried to rub the community the wrong way yesterday! Thinking we gamers are stupid and take everything they say for truth!
This is why us so called haters are good for games and fanboys are bad. We make sure improvement and progress are done by highlighting deficiencies, fanboys try to silent any criticism and thus tries to prevent progress and improvement. Ironic, but true.
My gaming blog
Whether one finds it acceptable or not it is bait and switch. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt and put it down to incompetance rather than a deliberate bussines decision. There are bigger issues anyway like ability lag and other engine issues. If and when they sort those out I guess the will re-enable the high res textures. It's the landscape textures I find really sh*tty anyway.
And this is the official responce:
Originally Posted by Xreasonz
This was how they look during BETA up to the final weekends of testing.
It was stated in the beta forums which are now gone that they were removing high-res textures in order to cut down the amount of data the players needed to download for the final weekends of test. After a number of player voiced their concerns over the suddenly lower textures in the game they stated that the final game will look much better and not to worry.
That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.
With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.
I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.
The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.
Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.
It's not that they are 'not top notch' it's that they are not up to the standard of all of the advertising for the game. In fact as of yesterday they still had in game footage on there site that you just can not get with the release product.
I just chose your post as it was nearest, loads of other people defending this with the same argument.
That's why I keep my sub canceled! He only replied to that particular post, to keep insulting our inteligence, while other beta testers have posted screenshots of actual gameplay WITH HighRes textures! Because IT WAS available in the old beta client, before the Open Beta test weekends started.
That guy posted that picture, as at that time he took it, there was no difference in quality between cutscenes and gameplay!
I don't believe a single word coming from EA/Bioware anymore. I will wait and see first that they actually come through with these promisses. I have seen them before and seen them unfulfilled.
Stephen Reid is really making a complete fool out of himself, as their OWN website is full of Gameplay screenshots showing the HighRes textures! It's becoming hilarious and sad at the same time really.
I never knew that BIoware promised high resolution textures, or if they ever did. Regardless, I'm happy with how the game looks and plays on the highest setting possible. I don't play a game for its graphics, so no backlash from me either.
The high setting does nothing, you are playing in low, have fun with your game that was designed in 2000.
Lmao. What a blatantly false lie. I play the game on high settings and it looks nothing at all like that second screenshot. If you're going to lie, at least make it believable.
Also, LOL @ this whole "debacle", if you can even call it that. I'm too busy waiting 2 hours and 20 mins to hurry and log back in on my last off night before work. So I chose to come read the forums... Big mistake. But very LOL worthy.