This a short list of demands that not only a completely made up statistically unverifyable number of gamers are agreeing with, but some clickbait sites without any relevance appear to be agreeing with it as well.
"...when we are alarmed with imaginary dangers in respect of the public, till the cry grows quite stale and threadbare, how can it be expected we should know when to guard ourselves against real ones?"
Have fun
The rational and intelligent answer would be ... never assume or take anything for granted. This holds particularly true when the imaginary danger has the potential to result in tragic consequences.
Originally posted by TorvalI don't think it's dangerous or a precedent at all. Business I have worked for have, without prior warning to the customer, stopped business with them and refunded their entire payment. Some customers are bad for your business. It's better that they go elsewhere.Derek Smart got what he had coming. As an industry insider (I know that's a stretch) and a public figure his criticism of the company, the message, and the way it was delivered is such that this shouldn't be unexpected.I applaud CIG for both refunding and for sending that message.
But if the customer was released from their business agreement (presumably) because they thought said business was operating in a corrupt fashion, then we're back to the Appearance of Impropriety again.
Whether they intended to or not, in the common man's mind, they have lent some air of credibility to Smart's claims by unexpectedly dropping him as a customer.
The internet is a vial place and filled with hate mongers wanting to talk smack warranted or not. Their actions does not show in any way that he was right, just they got sick of his smack talk and the people that mobs behind him. Often the people banding behind dont even feel the same way but just take up the charge because they want to be part of the hate. People feel free to say things online they would never in RL face to face because they know just how rude they are being. I think KS movement is a mistake thats going to bite gamers in the butt. I still hope for games like SC and Crowfall and even if I dont like the type of game they are making, I will cheer. Gamers and the internet has become something evil and sad to watch. For the people who just spew hate, you know who you are, I wish I could remove your voice from the internet.
I think it's perfectly reasonable that GIG have refunded Derek Smart's pledge. He is no more important than any other backer, and there's no reason why HIS whining should receive any more attention than anybody else's whining. Given his reputation he actually deserves less credibility in this case than the average backer, because it's highly likely that he's using this "cause" primarily as a way to generate publicity for himself.
Apparently, Derek Smart tried to make a similar game, but failed to pull it off. According to him, if HE couldn't do it, nobody else will be able to, therefore if CIG claim they can do it, they must obviously be scamming people. You see, his second name is not "Smart" for nothing, he is the greatest game designer that ever lived. Or will ever live. If he says it can't be done, you better believe it.
Of course, as is standard practice in these matters, all the "haters" will gleefully celebrate this as further "proof" that they are right, and that their concerns are valid. As for Derek, he doesn't give a damn either way, as long as he gets plenty of exposure and limelight in the process. He will milk it for all it's worth, then move on to the next "photo opportunity".
It seems that many posters here favour French law. If you can't prove you're innocent of their allegations (to their satisfaction), then you're obviously guilty on all charges.
It is always amusing to see people attack the messenger because they don't like the message.
Derek Smart asked some questions that a rational backer would want to know. This weird logic that asking 'hey, where's the beef? = hater' just means you outed yourself as a 'fan boy'. ROFL!
The response from CIG is equally hilarious as they just 'took the ball and went home'.
I have not nor do I plan on donating to Star Citizen. Nor do I plan on playing the game after release. I have no interest in it. Having said that, I know exactly who Derek Smart is and that's the only reason why I'm interested in this topic.
First, Derek Smart is creating a competing product. Second, Derek Smart has no concept of a number of things: public relations, user experience, community management. He thinks that ANY criticism leveled at him or his games is trolling. He'll abuse the Steam tools for his game to silence 'real' criticism of his games.
The guy thrives on attention and drama, but when he finds himself in an argument with someone that points out when he's wrong he'll use any means necessary to silence that person. I've seen this numerous times and I've had first-hand experience.
I wouldn't be surprised if all this is him purposely trying to drum up attention for himself and his projects.
So you are just jumping on the band wagon because you have heard of Derek Smart lol. Instead of fueling your dislike of this person why don't you give us a rational reason why those eight questions should not be asked of a company that has taken $85. 0000.000 of donations.
Don't give me another run down on Derek Smart just answer the question. If your answer is they should show where it's all going then wtf has you knowing who Derek Smart got to do with it.
Fact is you have no interest in the game so the only conclusion is you are just jumping on the hate campaign.
What does any of that have to do with the short list of 8 demands that the author has presented CIG with in a good faith effort to simply attain a bit of transparency and accountability for the tens of millions of dollars the public has entrusted with CIG?
This a short list of demands that not only a good majority of gamers are agreeing with, but the media is agreeing with it as well. As a matter of fact, any rational and clear thinking person would and should agree with such demands simply because it is a smart business practice to demand accountability from someone that you have entrusted money with to complete a service or a product. We are not asking for a finished product here. We are just asking for a good faith showing of how that money has been allocated to date.
The fact that there would be people defending CIG in this matter, regardless of who brought forth these 8 demands in light of the fact that this company has been given $85 MILLION dollars with no accountability for that money, reinforces the saying that there is a sucker born every minute. It's like you people have never heard the story of the boy that cried wolf. Just because that boy was BSing about the warning and danger of an approaching wolf all the prior times he cried it did not mean that there was no wolf present that final time. And if people would have listened to him that final time the results would not have been so tragic. Apparently, the story is being repeated here except in this story the wolf is CIG and you, the white knights, won't stop criticizing the boy (DSmart) until the wolf jumps up and bites you in the ass.
yet again, this thread isn't about those demands. It's about CIG cutting ties with him.
That's an odd take on the boy who cried wolf btw... The moral of that story is save the hyperbole for when something real is happening, that way the message has the credibility it needs.
It's sad that this issue has to be used by one such as him, because yes, it is important that CIG be held accountable to delivering what they said they would. It's also sad he has to bring up his games, get personal with CR, etc... Over it because it deflects from the real issue (where the issue is the topic of course), but that is Derek Smart. It's always gotta be about him (even when the thread is not, this one is), he designs his debates that way.
Hence why i said it's best to just cut him away. The issue will still be there, especially considering that more and more backers jump ship as this title struggles on. That many voices can make a lot of noise, that many voices also carries with it far more credibility than DS would ever bring. You don't need Derek Smart as a spokesperson, you need to voice your concerns in the right manner. Arguing with folks you deem the enemy is not the right way. That will just turn into white noise.
What backers want is important, few are denying that, if any at all are...
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
"...when we are alarmed with imaginary dangers in respect of the public, till the cry grows quite stale and threadbare, how can it be expected we should know when to guard ourselves against real ones?"
Have fun
The rational and intelligent answer would be ... never assume or take anything for granted. This holds particularly true when the imaginary danger has the potential to result in tragic consequences.
The danger is the important part hence the sensible answer is don't joke around about dangerous things too much, as when there is real danger it just appears to be another one of those jokes.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I think it's perfectly reasonable that GIG have refunded Derek Smart's pledge. He is no more important than any other backer, and there's no reason why HIS whining should receive any more attention than anybody else's whining. Given his reputation he actually deserves less credibility in this case than the average backer, because it's highly likely that he's using this "cause" primarily as a way to generate publicity for himself.
Apparently, Derek Smart tried to make a similar game, but failed to pull it off. According to him, if HE couldn't do it, nobody else will be able to, therefore if CIG claim they can do it, they must obviously be scamming people. You see, his second name is not "Smart" for nothing, he is the greatest game designer that ever lived. Or will ever live. If he says it can't be done, you better believe it.
Of course, as is standard practice in these matters, all the "haters" will gleefully celebrate this as further "proof" that they are right, and that their concerns are valid. As for Derek, he doesn't give a damn either way, as long as he gets plenty of exposure and limelight in the process. He will milk it for all it's worth, then move on to the next "photo opportunity".
It seems that many posters here favour French law. If you can't prove you're innocent of their allegations (to their satisfaction), then you're obviously guilty on all charges.
It is always amusing to see people attack the messenger because they don't like the message.
Derek Smart asked some questions that a rational backer would want to know. This weird logic that asking 'hey, where's the beef? = hater' just means you outed yourself as a 'fan boy'. ROFL!
The response from CIG is equally hilarious as they just 'took the ball and went home'.
I have not nor do I plan on donating to Star Citizen. Nor do I plan on playing the game after release. I have no interest in it. Having said that, I know exactly who Derek Smart is and that's the only reason why I'm interested in this topic.
First, Derek Smart is creating a competing product. Second, Derek Smart has no concept of a number of things: public relations, user experience, community management. He thinks that ANY criticism leveled at him or his games is trolling. He'll abuse the Steam tools for his game to silence 'real' criticism of his games.
The guy thrives on attention and drama, but when he finds himself in an argument with someone that points out when he's wrong he'll use any means necessary to silence that person. I've seen this numerous times and I've had first-hand experience.
I wouldn't be surprised if all this is him purposely trying to drum up attention for himself and his projects.
What does any of that have to do with the short list of 8 demands that the author has presented CIG with in a good faith effort to simply attain a bit of transparency and accountability for the tens of millions of dollars the public has entrusted with CIG?
This a short list of demands that not only a good majority of gamers are agreeing with, but the media is agreeing with it as well. As a matter of fact, any rational and clear thinking person would and should agree with such demands simply because it is a smart business practice to demand accountability from someone that you have entrusted money with to complete a service or a product. We are not asking for a finished product here. We are just asking for a good faith showing of how that money has been allocated to date.
The fact that there would be people defending CIG in this matter, regardless of who brought forth these 8 demands in light of the fact that this company has been given $85 MILLION dollars with no accountability for that money, reinforces the saying that there is a sucker born every minute. It's like you people have never heard the story of the boy that cried wolf. Just because that boy was BSing about the warning and danger of an approaching wolf all the prior times he cried it did not mean that there was no wolf present that final time. And if people would have listened to him that final time the results would not have been so tragic. Apparently, the story is being repeated here except in this story the wolf is CIG and you, the white knights, won't stop criticizing the boy (DSmart) until the wolf jumps up and bites you in the ass.
Everyone is chasing the next Greed Monger drama to fill up their entertainment. This partial list of accomplishments isn't the same as James Proctor or Jason Appleton:
So what does an article about Call of Duty got to do with Star Citizen lol? Your hate for the game blinds you and you allways end up making a fool of yourself, just like Derek Smartass, what a sad excuse for human beings...
So what does an article about Call of Duty got to do with Star Citizen lol? Your hate for the game blinds you and you allways end up making a fool of yourself, just like Derek Smartass, what a sad excuse for human beings...
So what does an article about Call of Duty got to do with Star Citizen lol? Your hate for the game blinds you and you allways end up making a fool of yourself, just like Derek Smartass, what a sad excuse for human beings...
Don't pay any attention to the obsessive ramblings of a known and tagged "SC Hater". He will use any and all opportunities to run down SC, even totally irrelevant ones...
Originally posted by Carl132pYou know the story of the boy who cried wolf is about teaching people not to falsely cry wolf right? It's not a tale of the tragic consequences of the people not listening to the boy, it's a tale of the boy getting himself killed because he's a little shit that likes to play games with serious issues.
Allow me to repost a message from a different thread:
When the Boy who Cried Wolf says there's a wolf coming, it doesn't necessarily mean there's no wolf.
When an antagonistic self-important industry wannabe/failure/has-been with a personal vendetta, an axe to grind and a directly-competing game of his own to sell says that there's a problem with someone else's game, it doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong.
The thing that amuses me about this whole merry-go-round is that if it were Gabe Newell asking the very same questions, that the torches and pitchforks would already be assembled at the CIG offices.
It's entirely likely that the motives for asking those questions may be suspect (at best) but that doesn't mean that they aren't questions worth asking.
We'll just have to wait and see if there really is a wolf this time...
Originally posted by Carl132pYou know the story of the boy who cried wolf is about teaching people not to falsely cry wolf right? It's not a tale of the tragic consequences of the people not listening to the boy, it's a tale of the boy getting himself killed because he's a little shit that likes to play games with serious issues.
Allow me to repost a message from a different thread:
When the Boy who Cried Wolf says there's a wolf coming, it doesn't necessarily mean there's no wolf.
When an antagonistic self-important industry wannabe/failure/has-been with a personal vendetta, an axe to grind and a directly-competing game of his own to sell says that there's a problem with someone else's game, it doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong.
The thing that amuses me about this whole merry-go-round is that if it were Gabe Newell asking the very same questions, that the torches and pitchforks would already be assembled at the CIG offices.
It's entirely likely that the motives for asking those questions may be suspect (at best) but that doesn't mean that they aren't questions worth asking.
It's not Gabe Newell or any other person with expertise in leading a large team on a high budget AAA project; something Derek Smart has never done, let alone done with a MMO.
Derek Smart is like a nearly blind boy crying wolf when he himself doesn't know what the wolf looks like.
It's not Gabe Newell or any other person with expertise in leading a large team on a high budget AAA project; something Derek Smart has never done, let alone done with a MMO.
Derek Smart is like a nearly blind boy crying wolf when he himself doesn't know what the wolf looks like.
Bah - the true moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf is to tell better lies, so you are believed no matter what you say. (h/t to a Simple Tailor)
In that respect, DSmart fails, because far too many people think he's full of BS and this is just him trolling a game he wishes he was making. Squander your credibility, and you get ridiculed EVEN IF you are on-point.
The SC team takes the PR hit for the go-away instant refund, but de-claws the Troll in the room at the same time. They obviously thought it was worth it, and on them to prove it so.
Originally posted by Carl132pYou know the story of the boy who cried wolf is about teaching people not to falsely cry wolf right? It's not a tale of the tragic consequences of the people not listening to the boy, it's a tale of the boy getting himself killed because he's a little shit that likes to play games with serious issues.
Allow me to repost a message from a different thread:
When the Boy who Cried Wolf says there's a wolf coming, it doesn't necessarily mean there's no wolf.
When an antagonistic self-important industry wannabe/failure/has-been with a personal vendetta, an axe to grind and a directly-competing game of his own to sell says that there's a problem with someone else's game, it doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong.
The thing that amuses me about this whole merry-go-round is that if it were Gabe Newell asking the very same questions, that the torches and pitchforks would already be assembled at the CIG offices.
It's entirely likely that the motives for asking those questions may be suspect (at best) but that doesn't mean that they aren't questions worth asking.
We'll just have to wait and see if there really is a wolf this time...
You're absolutely correct, yet it's also not necessary to embrace Smart along with the message, the message has plenty of leg on it's own. IF there's even a slight possibility that a person is going to exploit your message to serve their own selfish purpose, you don't want that person to be the face of that cause. If his exploiting of that message becomes clear where it matters.., you run a good chance at the whole thing being dropped from the spotlight along with him. It creates plausible deniability.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Yeah. They are popping up all over the place with increasing regularity and gaining steam. DSmart has mentioned that he is getting smothered with requests for interviews. It's just a matter of time before the main stream media picks up on it. Its about time this fiasco got some attention. Its not looking good for CIG at all.
Yeah. They are popping up all over the place with increasing regularity and gaining steam. DSmart has mentioned that he is getting smothered with requests for interviews. It's just a matter of time before the main stream media picks up on it. Its about time this fiasco got some attention. Its not looking good for CIG at all.
Media sources interview people they believe will bring sensationalism to their sites. This is what Derek Smart wants. Congratulations, you're being reeled in - hook, line, and sinker.
Yeah. They are popping up all over the place with increasing regularity and gaining steam. DSmart has mentioned that he is getting smothered with requests for interviews. It's just a matter of time before the main stream media picks up on it. Its about time this fiasco got some attention. Its not looking good for CIG at all.
fixed that for you
The rational and intelligent answer would be ... never assume or take anything for granted. This holds particularly true when the imaginary danger has the potential to result in tragic consequences.
The internet is a vial place and filled with hate mongers wanting to talk smack warranted or not. Their actions does not show in any way that he was right, just they got sick of his smack talk and the people that mobs behind him. Often the people banding behind dont even feel the same way but just take up the charge because they want to be part of the hate. People feel free to say things online they would never in RL face to face because they know just how rude they are being. I think KS movement is a mistake thats going to bite gamers in the butt. I still hope for games like SC and Crowfall and even if I dont like the type of game they are making, I will cheer. Gamers and the internet has become something evil and sad to watch. For the people who just spew hate, you know who you are, I wish I could remove your voice from the internet.
So you are just jumping on the band wagon because you have heard of Derek Smart lol. Instead of fueling your dislike of this person why don't you give us a rational reason why those eight questions should not be asked of a company that has taken $85. 0000.000 of donations.
Don't give me another run down on Derek Smart just answer the question. If your answer is they should show where it's all going then wtf has you knowing who Derek Smart got to do with it.
Fact is you have no interest in the game so the only conclusion is you are just jumping on the hate campaign.
Pretty pathetic.
yet again, this thread isn't about those demands. It's about CIG cutting ties with him.
That's an odd take on the boy who cried wolf btw... The moral of that story is save the hyperbole for when something real is happening, that way the message has the credibility it needs.
It's sad that this issue has to be used by one such as him, because yes, it is important that CIG be held accountable to delivering what they said they would. It's also sad he has to bring up his games, get personal with CR, etc... Over it because it deflects from the real issue (where the issue is the topic of course), but that is Derek Smart. It's always gotta be about him (even when the thread is not, this one is), he designs his debates that way.
Hence why i said it's best to just cut him away. The issue will still be there, especially considering that more and more backers jump ship as this title struggles on. That many voices can make a lot of noise, that many voices also carries with it far more credibility than DS would ever bring. You don't need Derek Smart as a spokesperson, you need to voice your concerns in the right manner. Arguing with folks you deem the enemy is not the right way. That will just turn into white noise.
What backers want is important, few are denying that, if any at all are...
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
The danger is the important part hence the sensible answer is don't joke around about dangerous things too much, as when there is real danger it just appears to be another one of those jokes.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
It seems that is not just DS who thinks that SC may never happen:
Everyone is chasing the next Greed Monger drama to fill up their entertainment. This partial list of accomplishments isn't the same as James Proctor or Jason Appleton:,6555/
So what does an article about Call of Duty got to do with Star Citizen lol? Your hate for the game blinds you and you allways end up making a fool of yourself, just like Derek Smartass, what a sad excuse for human beings...
Don't pay any attention to the obsessive ramblings of a known and tagged "SC Hater". He will use any and all opportunities to run down SC, even totally irrelevant ones...
Allow me to repost a message from a different thread:
When the Boy who Cried Wolf says there's a wolf coming, it doesn't necessarily mean there's no wolf.
When an antagonistic self-important industry wannabe/failure/has-been with a personal vendetta, an axe to grind and a directly-competing game of his own to sell says that there's a problem with someone else's game, it doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong.
The thing that amuses me about this whole merry-go-round is that if it were Gabe Newell asking the very same questions, that the torches and pitchforks would already be assembled at the CIG offices.
It's entirely likely that the motives for asking those questions may be suspect (at best) but that doesn't mean that they aren't questions worth asking.
We'll just have to wait and see if there really is a wolf this time...
It's not Gabe Newell or any other person with expertise in leading a large team on a high budget AAA project; something Derek Smart has never done, let alone done with a MMO.
Derek Smart is like a nearly blind boy crying wolf when he himself doesn't know what the wolf looks like.
Thank you for making my point so eloquently.
Bah - the true moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf is to tell better lies, so you are believed no matter what you say. (h/t to a Simple Tailor)
In that respect, DSmart fails, because far too many people think he's full of BS and this is just him trolling a game he wishes he was making. Squander your credibility, and you get ridiculed EVEN IF you are on-point.
The SC team takes the PR hit for the go-away instant refund, but de-claws the Troll in the room at the same time. They obviously thought it was worth it, and on them to prove it so.
Avatars are people too
You're absolutely correct, yet it's also not necessary to embrace Smart along with the message, the message has plenty of leg on it's own. IF there's even a slight possibility that a person is going to exploit your message to serve their own selfish purpose, you don't want that person to be the face of that cause. If his exploiting of that message becomes clear where it matters.., you run a good chance at the whole thing being dropped from the spotlight along with him. It creates plausible deniability.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Sun Zu would spin in his grave so fast you could run a wire around him and use him as an E-Engine to power a Tesla !
DS used quotes from Sun Zu's "The Art of War" in his latest blog.
Have fun
Well thought out.
<GASP> thousands of people if not millions have used Sun Tzu's quotes, and they even spell his name correctly too.
This is News!
Good read.
Yeah. They are popping up all over the place with increasing regularity and gaining steam. DSmart has mentioned that he is getting smothered with requests for interviews. It's just a matter of time before the main stream media picks up on it. Its about time this fiasco got some attention. Its not looking good for CIG at all.
Media sources interview people they believe will bring sensationalism to their sites. This is what Derek Smart wants. Congratulations, you're being reeled in - hook, line, and sinker.
Did you actually read that article? LOL.