I think your obvious lack of knowledge regarding the current economic crisis to be lol worthy. The last thing banks want to do right now is let you declare yourself insolvent and have to try to liquidate your company.
Please diaf .
Darktide is full of Carebears/WoWbies who are 33% level/skill capped and just fight around the only worthwhile hunt in the game. Turbine would axe the server and start it over if they had any care for a new generation of players.
Darkfall never promised next gen grapics ><. The video shows that they plan to deliver the pvp battles they promised. The jury is out on economy and player community. But they also said that crafting will be a learning process so how could …
I think this thread is a testemant to the fact that darkfall believers arent just fanboi's and carebear cry babies. We do expect a good game. And we are realistic enough to know that darkfall might not deliver. But we have one thing all the other…
That's not how it works "in america" you arrogant prick. It has and will work like that everywhere in the world. Not because we desire/demand mediocrity... but because the richest people in the world will continue to dip their fingers into differe…
"hardcore" "elitist" gamers don't hate WoW because it's popular. We get good at WoW and win just like everything else we're better than you and all your friends at. The problem is that by WoW sucking and being so incredibly successful (by…