playing: WoW and a bit of guild wars faction on the side.
played: flyff, diablo2, maplestory, dungeon runners, eudemons online, conquer online, runescape, decide online, perfect world, and atlantica.
Originally posted by AkaJetson
WoW and MapleStory and a few others have bad communities.
WoW's community really isnt all bad, theres 12 million players and about half are bad so you'll meet alot of bad and good people.
The community i…
Originally posted by Jalice888
Kusheng2 i'm sorry to upset you, it's that all those games you listed at the bottom would suggest almost a 24/7 game player. If you want that removed just say so!
you smelled my name wrong!!
Originally posted by demolishIX
Originally posted by ghogiel
Where as Classic WoW required some CCing, good healers, and tanks,,,this one any mouthbreathing faceroller can step up and master classes in a day.
Whilst cc and tanking are tri…
Originally posted by Zorndorf
Originally posted by Quizzical
WoW serves a critical role for the MMORPG industry. It brings in people who never played an MMORPG before, due to Blizzard's effective marketing of the game outside of gaming circles…
Originally posted by Lydon
It's so dead...I mean not a person in sight! Look at that sad excuse at a number of districts /sarcasm off
Go elementalists!!
Originally posted by Zorndorf
Its mainstream now. I's like disliking Madonna or Bruce Springsteen, you only make a fool out of yourself if you dislike WoW.
I don't like madonna... and wth is Bruce Springsteen
I haven't played too many grindfest games, mainly cause i don't like them. But i suggest flyff, maplestory, eudemonsonline, and lineage2.
Lineage2 takes more than a year to get to max lvl and once you get to max lvl you can join in on all the pvp …
Every class has there own skils in the game to become burst resistant.
Like pallys they got bubble.
Mages they got ice block.
Hunters got feign death, people might not think this works, but if your getting teamed by alot of people it'll work t…