Soon we will know if they are allowing more people or it is BS. I guess the leakers will undersand this very easy and will let us know. So be patient for about 4 days when the first waves of the testers will start playing.
Originally posted by Gyrus
Originally posted by admriker4
Ive worked in public relations and journalism all my life. I know bullshit when i see it. Tasos is full of shit and covering up something
Didn't he get a grant from the Greek Gove…
Originally posted by crysent
Holy crap man,
find a hobby, don't sit around counting the day, hours, minutes until a game comes out. Don't let your life revolve around a game. Find some hobbies or get a girlfriend or something and then when the …
I'm going to try DFO, since I didn't like WAR plus I think it will be a great game for people like me who love exploring. To be honest I would like to see all these people, who speculate and they are generally negative towards DFO, about PR, custume…
Well every player around the world will have a disadavange compared to German player's ping. The difference of 40-50 ms the most European players will have compared German players is not a big deal, but I guess the 200+ ms from NA or Australia is so…
Well, If you want to play a game won't you visit a forum and read what other people think about that game? Of course you must play the game to decide wether you like it or not. Anyway I would like to read in a forum the disadvantages of a game since…