"Multiplayer Online Game - which can also be played solo player / offline " Worries me.
I don't want heals I want prevention!
I need you to cleanse my conditions and give me boons.
I need you to put down a barrier between me and the enemy shielding me and making sure I don't kill my squishy little self.
I need you to rez me when …
You should add in a small mini guide telling people to let the minions tank for them at the start and against towers - what pushing is etc.
A lot of people coming from this site won't know and will play it like and MMO and die.
Players new to …
It just sounds like you suck at the game. Get more practice.
Ymir is a tank, you shouldn't be able to insta burst him.
Artemis has one of the fastest attack speeds in the game and a lot of people consider her OP so you just sucked with her.
Ra is…