Originally posted by iaintevenmadbreh Now that they released there PVE content (which is basically clones of NPC's they had just in different spots around the map I offically lost faith in this game.
this has got to be one of the most restrictive …
To quote:
Yeah, they were cheating. But the exploit was fixed earlier this week and thats why the phenomena stopped. Btw, I'm not speculating, because I studied their blog shots and …
Originally posted by Bama1267
Fileplanet did wow's stress test, but you didnt have to be a paying subscriber.
You did have to be a subber for the 1st Stress Test The second one was open to all.
The new mmo is called Fantasy Earth: Zero Armageddon. http://www.fezero.jp/
Its already out too.
Originally posted by Feldron
the ip block is important as to many players conecting from other countries will lag the intire server and cause problems for ever players on the server
You should just ask for a european release. I believe 10T studio…
Originally posted by Drea-mer
Originally posted by Tautology
Originally posted by Amathe
This paid 'I came back and it's better" ad brought to you by SOE. That's the new marketing theme.
And your post reminds me of
"This paid 'I have no li…
Originally posted by deugemiet
Can i have an invitation please....im looking for something completly new and Tabula Rasa fits most in that picture...
Go there and sign up,
Originally posted by Admin
Indeed. It is also important to note that you would have only been exposed if using the Internet Explorer web browser. Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape and Opera users would be safe since the browsers do not allow ActiveX c…