PVE is limited PVP in certain zones. (BattleKeep zones)
PVP is FFA PVP with respawn, zone-in camping..the works. Anyone can attack anyone, even your guildmembers (except in siege battle or in group).
RP-PVP is the same FFA PVP but with certain v…
I believe it's 4 PM EST since they added 5 more hours for the new patch. I won't go into doom and gloom but I do hope they learned their lesson from AO and things work out well for AOC.
Originally posted by Fadeus
Originally posted by Dis_Ordur
Originally posted by Jodokai
"Untrue about Star Wars not being Star Wars without jedi. Everyone who bought this game or preordered at launch bought it knowing we'd never become a jedi…
I don't understand this. They are basically charging people for more contents that should have been free?? Is this another way to milk the people of more money??
I know MMO games change and evolve but to charge people for adding little of co…